HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB080136r਍ഀ Design Review Board਍ഀ ACTION FORM਍ഀ Projed Name: VANOYAN PATIO DRB Number: DR1M136਍ഀ Project Description:਍ഀ ADDITION OF PATIO BELOW EKISTING DECK ON NORTH SIDI਍ഀ Participants:਍ഀ rowxaeVK਍ഀ Deparbaent of Community► Dev਍ഀ 75 South rrontag* PAW, Vail, Colorado 91657਍ഀ te1:970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ web: www.valigov.com਍ഀ 05/01/2006਍ഀ OWNER ALISE VANOYAN਍ഀ 422 COOK STREET਍ഀ DENVER਍ഀ CO 80206਍ഀ APPLICANT ATLAS CONSTRUCTION਍ഀ 144 WILDCAT STREET਍ഀ EDWARDS਍ഀ CO 81632਍ഀ Lioense: 255-A਍ഀ Project Address: 433 GORE CREEK DR VAIL਍ഀ VAIL TRAILS EAST *108਍ഀ 05/01/2006 Phonic 970-926-1455਍ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 10 Block: 4 Subdivision: VAILVILLAGE FILING 1਍ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-082-3401-5਍ഀ C '7਍ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTION਍ഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP਍ഀ Second By:਍ഀ Vote:' Date of Approval: 05/01/2006਍ഀ CondHionin਍ഀ Cond: 8਍ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wr ben oorwt of Town of਍ഀ Val staff and/or the appropriate review cornrnittee(s).਍ഀ Cond: 0਍ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not coradft a permit for building. Please oonsuit with਍ഀ Town of Val Building personnel prior to comtrudion activities.਍ഀ Cond: 201਍ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not beoome valid Thor 20 days following the data of਍ഀ approval, pursuant to the VaH Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.਍ഀ Cond: 202਍ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year Mowing਍ഀ the data of final approval, unless a tuft powilt Is issued and construction is਍ഀ OOmI exed and is diligently pursued toward completion.਍ഀ t਍ഀ Phuwwr: RACHEL FRIEDE DRO Fit Fold! $23OAO਍ഀ s#!tt*!t!#s##*!*!#!!t!lslss!!*#t*!!t!!#sss*!s!!ss!**!t*tassss!!s*~s!!*#lssss*!!!s!w!!#s*s!w਍ഀ TOWN OF VAH,, COLORADO Suteniemt਍ഀ !!#t###*!###!!**#*!!***##!#!##*w*t!##tit*!!*#*tt!!!!i!#!#!*#t!!!!!##*!#*!t!i!N!#!*#!!N!!t!਍ഀ Statement Number: 8080000595 Amount: $250.00 05/01/200512:06 PM਍ഀ Payment Method: Check Snit: RL7਍ഀ Notation: 5724 ATLAS਍ഀ CONSTRUCTION਍ഀ ਍ഀ Permit No: DRB080136 Type: DRB-Minor Alt,Cocn/Hulti਍ഀ Parcel No: 2101-062-3401-5਍ഀ Site Address: 433 GM CRYM DR VAIL਍ഀ Location: VAIL TRAILS BBST S10B਍ഀ Total Fees: $250.00਍ഀ This Payment: $250.00 Total ALL Plats: $230.00਍ഀ Balance: $0.00਍ഀ *!#****ttltwls##*#t*tt#t##*sw***w#*w#*s!#*!*!*ttt!!t#!!s*t!s*s!*sllsss*!!!#sw!*!t!!**!#s*!*!਍ഀ ACCOUNT TTEM LIST:਍ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmts਍ഀ ਍ഀ DR 00100003112200 DBSIQN RBVIZW FEES 250.00਍ഀ