HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ03-0074 B02-0136 LEGALTOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: T}IIS PERMIT MUST BE IOSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Permit #: M04-0026 Gl3co-? l JobAddress: Status...: ISSUED Location.....: rt42 S. FRONTAGE ROAD E., rrQ'r g,tptt Applied . . : 02/24/2004 ParcelNo...: 210108227005 Issued. .: O4/OZ/2004 ProjectNo: ?ff.:i65_oo?cl Expires..: A9/29/2004 owNER OGILBY, T. CHART,ES - NEWTON, A2/24/2OO4 phone: FINZEI-,, KARL - ET AIJ BOX 15635 COIJORJADO SPRINGS co 8093s Iricense: coNrRAcToR ,fERRY SIBL,EY pI,IntBING 02/24/2004 phone: 97O-A27-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MIMTI'RN, CO 8154 s License:152-M APPIJICAIIT .IERRY SIBITEY PIJI'MBING O2/24/2OO4 phone: 970-927-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MII\flTURN, CO 81645 License: 152 -It{ Desciption: REPLACE BOILER & FLUE PIPE Valuation: $55,221.00 Fireplace Ifformation: Restricted: Y Mechanical-> 51,120.00 RestuarantPlanReview-> Plan Check-> S280.OO DRB Fee_> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $1,403-00 so. oo Addidonal Fees.->$0.00 lnvestigation-> willcall->$3.00 Payments-> $1,403.00 BALANCE DUE--->s0. 0o Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEI{fir O3/LO/20O4 JRM Act,ion: DN TT CIIUCK.. REQUIRE MECIIANICAL ENGINEER PI,A SUBMITTAI ON BOII,ER WORK PROPOSED # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGaslogs: 0 #oI $0.00 TOTA! FEES--------> 51,403,00 Total PemdtFee-> $1,403.00 03/30/2004.IRM Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEITr Action: AP CONDITIONOF APPROVALCond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF lTtE L99? TJM;C, oR SECTIoII ?01 OF TIIE 1-997 IMC. Cond: 23 (Br,DG. ) : TNSTATLATToN MUsr colIFoRM To MANUFACTIIRES rNsrRucrroNs AwD To clIRprER 10 oF THE 1997 IJlitC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI.',DG. ) : GAS APPLIA}ICES SIiAI,I, BE VEIiITED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 8 AT.ID SHALIJ IERMTNATE AS SPECIFTED rN SEC.8O5 OF THE t_997 rrMC, OR CHAPTER I OF THE 199? rMC. Cond: 29 (BI-'DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COI{PLY WI.rH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF THE L997 I]MC AND CIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOILERS SIIALI-, BE MOtlill[m ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI'E CONST. ITNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOINflTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG') I PERMIT,PITANS AND CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AI\T INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond:30 (BL,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAIT ROOMS COIITAINING HEATIIIG OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOIIJERS SIIAITIT BE EQUIPPED WfTH A FJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fiIled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plaru and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninE and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTSIOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADETWENTY-FoUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPI1oNEAT.479-2149.o8AI.QI,tr{oFFICE FRoM 8:OO AM -4 PM. SIGNA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI ** * ***+** *+ +:t + ++ + * *** ** * ** * | * ** * * ****+ f +***t I ltf+***+ *+ * +**+******** * ** ** ****** *****+*** *+** TOWNOFVATL, COLORADO sratemerlt ++ * * * ++**** * ***+**'t ** * ******+++***f f+***'|** *** * *'l* * f ****** * *t **ri ** * ***td.*'S ** * * *:)* * * * ** ***** * Statement Number: R04000S5S1 Anount I 91,403 -OO 04/02/2OO4O2:51 pM Pa)zment Method: Check Init: LC Notation; #29723/JerrySibley Plumbing Permit No: M04-0025 Type: MECI{ANICAIJ pER}rIT Parcel No: 27O7O8221OO, Site Address: L,ocation: 442 S. FRONTAGE ROAD E. , I'Cr & nDn Total- Fees: $1.403 .00 This Payment: $1,403.00 Total AIJIJ pmts: 91,403,00 Balance! $0.00**+**t*****+******+*******+*+****f*tt++**{'******'}****'t * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *** * ***** *** * * **** * * * * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts IYP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 1.120.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 280.00 hiC 00100003112800 I,JILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 JSP iNC. TWTTNUN. tE S. Frontage Rd. Fax:970-827-5234 Feb 23 '04 15:19 APPLTAATTOI{ WtLt NoT lE ACCEPTED rF rtrcouPlErE-ojlglslcslD PruJect #: P.02 fi ylot'R EC€I-U ED FWz+ nt+970-479-2149 (lnsPcdonr) ft-leamptowlttrouttf refbllowlng:W7L t- f rk' wLro"rt' Na',,( ) addnion( i htterauon( )- ReparX) otner( ) Does an EHU €Drt- at tltls locaUon: Yes ( ) No Aoiter locaUon: Interlor (ra) ftaetior ( ) OUtGr ( ) Restaurant( ) Oher( )Type of Btdg: Slngle-hmlV ( ) Dtlplo( ( ) MulU-famlV ffo. *mmmoaation UniB in this htlldlngi -.,--No. d Exlsthg Dr,velllng Unlts ln this buiHlng: rl* *:t*:l*tt *tf **:t*:i* !F**:tl:B:; drm.rer',--, tqtib rF******:l*trtl,r**t i.tttltl':lttl **** *** \Wrilrdrir\cdcry\FORMS\PERMITSU4ECHPERM.DOC 07n6/2002 + 3;T ,l 9 3q \x\ il IT t+'k 't fl T \o $ -'l rf G d s\- ('- --$2 s \ ) \- 4..).-'4 + SIa -.G .:g F-r- \o !O >..-. 0.:?t R ,;) ;{\t- ? \J 'lNI dsfF9ZS-LZ8-0/6: xPl90'd trU:Str f0, 9Z qel ffiHMH,Hffii PO BoX 8610 . AVoN, CO 81620 . Teledlone 970-845-7910 Fax 970445-7522 . E-mail drade@rddererEifleedng.com 3t29/04 Chuck Talley Jerry SibleyPlumbing & Heating 1040 Main Sheet P.O. Box 340 Mintum, CO 81645 RE: Apollo Park - Buildings C & D Vail, Colorado Boiler Replacement Chuclq We have reviewed the proposed design and take no exceptions. This new system will serve only Buildings C & D, as Building B has been disconnected and is now being served by a separat€ system. The new $fstem will consist offi4ffiSitifti3{633:4Xfl!32:6v.0;gt-agg&gikrs (542 MBH input at sea level). Based on our assumptions and calculations, we feel this new system is appropriately sized to handle the building loads (space heating, domestic hot water heating pool heating and spa heating). However, because many assumptions have been made, we recommend that provisions be taken to allow for the installation of a fifth boiler if needed in the future, although we feel this is unlikely. A new flue will being installed and is appropriately sized at 18" dia. The existing combustion air intake is probably adequate, considering the total boiler input has been cut roughly in halfand the existing boiler has been operating fine for many yeas. The current 2003 MC code requires gf-i5i:6ffOfiii€s,:,onqhi'gflo idnd,one:leiw, eaer,,l;rvilb,542ls+.in:,:of fieeiitela;t The domestic water heating system is remaining as-is and should have adequate capacity due to the fact that Building B is being disconnected and the tanks were recently replaced. Please call with any questions. Sincerely,/h' oFfrlfl:#ffiPvJ. Drew Rader. P.E. 3/29/04 4019-ApolloParkC&D p I of I o (D(t(r' TL ul .D JJ =U)Yz F JJ ; Fo- FoTIFolu oo(,ztrax IU (,ztr Chxlrl F ul J- JooL ozF @ aulFozF UJ (o (L .+ & (o (L c{I(L t ID ('' o ulooo J Iz Iolll = NIGI Ul trJ'rl I alo tr1trullurololtlo tco (\l o oo!.Jo(,2 clJ =!oxE o, o oo.(l<r..oUJFE;<tzii 6Fo<-o () 1(' =!I3 =3 q tu g (t, EE UI EoFo c, zo() APPOLLO PARK BUILDINGS C&D DATE: 3/2/04 BOII,ERS B-3AND B-4 The Buderus boilers specified each have two reparate gas trains. Each gar train will be stagcd separately toprovideetotalofeightstegcsofheetingcapacity. ATekner26Euincilagcboilcrcontrolwillopcretc boilers Bl thm F4 at e control cdculrted supply tcmperaturc besed on the outdoor temperature rnd the programmed characterizcd heating curve for spacc heating. A minimum supply temperature of 140oF (adjustablQ wilhbe programmed to prevent flue gas condensation. The 268 will ignore the outdoor temperature end operate in a sctpoint mode on any eell for hert from the domestic hot water storage tank aquastat, the pool setpoint control or the rpa setpoint control. A supply temperature of 180oF (adjusteble) will be programmed to operate the boiler system in the setpoint mode- The 268 will stage the boilers in the following mannen Stage I will be the left side gas trdn in boilcr B-1; Stage 2 will be the right sidc grs triin in boilcr B-1; Stegc 3 will be thc left side ges train in boilcr B-2; Stage 4 will bc thc right side gas train in boiler B-2; Stagc 5 will be the lcft side gas train in boiler B-3; Stage 6 will be the rigbt side grs train in boiler B-3; Stege 7 will be thc tc.ft side gas train in boilcr B4; and, Stage E will be thc right sidc gas train h boiler B.4. The 26E will rotrte the boilers every 4E hours (adjustable) but not the ges trains; Thc lirst rotetion scqucnce will be stage 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8; The second rotetion ccqucnsc will bc stage 3,416 Trtrl &21 Thc third rotation scquenc€ will beS, 6,7,E,1,2,3 & 4; en4 The fourth rotation sequcncc will be 7 , \ lr 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. PTJMPS P-1. P-2. P.3 AND P-4 Pump P-l will operete whcncver thcre is a cell for heat from boiler B-1. Pump P-2 will operate whenever thcrc is e call for heat fmm boilcr B-2. Pump P-3 will opcrate whcnever thcrc is e call for heat from boiler &3. Pump P-4 will opcrrte whenevcr ttere ig e call for heat from boilcr B-4. PUMPS P-5 AND P{ Pumpr P-5 end P{ will opcntc continuously whcncver thc outdoor tcmpcnturc is bclow the warm weether shutdown setting of 65otr' (edjusteble). PI]MP P-7 Pump P-7 will opcrite whencver there is a call for heat from the existing domegtic hot water tank aquestat PI'MPP{ Pump P-E vill operatc whmcvcr there is e call for heat frsm thc cxisting pool setpoint control PUMPP.9 Pump P-9 will operate whenever thcrc is a cdl for heat from the new spa setpoint controL The new setpoint control will be a Teknrr 150 programmcd to a setpoint tempcrature of 104oF (adjustable). Zone vqlue shatl oPen on q cqtl {-- heoff. ,! Page I of I