HomeMy WebLinkAboutB99-0025TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 DEPARTII{EIiTT OF COIVIMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MF BUITD PERMIT PETMit 899-0025 APPTICAIiIT cor{TRAqroR OWNER ADD/ALT ilob AdClress: Location. . -: Parcel No. -:Project No.: oLTI{OF HOMES, rNC. 1945 I{ARDER COI'RT, OLTHOF HOMES. INC. 1945 HARDER COT]RI , OLTHOF FR3DRICK 650 LIONSIIEJAD PI, 550 LIONSHEAD PI, 2!01--072 - 01- 017 Status. . (LIONSQUApplied. Issued. . Erqrires - ISSI'ED 03 /t6 /t9e903/L6/t999 09 /L2 /1"e99 SCf,IERERVILLE, SCHERERVILLE, Phone: 46375 Phone: 46375 2L9-322-4567 2L9-322-4567 IN IN DescripEion: II\IrERIOR REMODEL,TRIM CABINETS Occupancy: R1 Multi-Famify T\pe Construction: V-1HR Not in table! Ilape Occupancy: SirepLacc Infoination: Reatrictsed: Y llof eaa *i****i******** FEE SUIO,IAIIY Building----->55.ooRestualantPlanReviev-->.ooTotalcalculat.edPees.--J230.29 PLan Check-- > 42.25 DRB Fee-------- 20'oo AddiEional Fee€---------> 'oo Investig.ation> .oo Recreation Fee----------> .oo Total Perrit Fee------'-> 23O '25 Will eaLl,----> 3.oo Clean-Up DePosi!--------> 100'00 Pal4nents6----------------> 230'25 ToTAL EEES----- 230'2.J BALA!{CE DUE---- '0O Valuation: REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS AHAIL BB 2, 000 BUI I,DTNG DEPARTTT4EMT.]RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PLANNING DEPARIT4ENTJRM ACTiON: APPR N/A FIRE DEPART'IVIEI{T,IRM-- ---AcEion: APPR N/A PI]BLIC WORKS,tRM---- AcEion: APPR N/A Add Sg FE: Appliancee: *of Ga6 LogB:#of wood/Palleg: DepE: BUILDING Division: .TR}T-nepc: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PIIB VIORK Division: *tt******t**a*+ ' * rttt t*t !r ' tt *t I * ** *r ] * i** i r t * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions Lhat, may apply to this perlnit DECLARJtrTIONS r h€r€by acklotrl,€dg. lhac I have read Ehis applicat.ion, filled out in ful1 uhe infornation requited, codttl'eted an accurate plot plan, and 6tate Ehat al1 Lhe information pr.ovided as required is correct. t agi-ee Eo colirltly vith the inforEaEion aDd Prog Pran' to cobply witsh all fo$n ordinrnces and stacc ler.8, and co build tshis gtnrcEure accolding Eo thc Torn't zoning and Eubdivision codes, dcsign tevicw approwcd, unifotlr Building code and obhef ordinances of thc tot n aPPlicable theretso' Item: 05100 03 /L6 /L999Item: 05400 03 /L6 /L999Itbm:' 05500 03 /L6 /L999Item:0550003/L5/1999 Send clean-up DepoEit To: oLTHOF HoMES AT oUR OPFICE FROU S:00 Ali 5:oo Pl'l ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSpermit #: 899-0025 as of 03/26/99 status: ISSIIED **!t***********************************t***************************************** permit, Tlrpe: ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O3/L6/L999 epplic-ant: OTTIIOF IIOMES, INC. Issued: O3/t6/1999 2Lg-322-4567 To Eq)ire: O9/L2/1999 ilob Address:Location: 560 r-,roNsHEAD Pt (LToNSQUARE 2L5) Parcel No: 2101--072-0t-oa7 DescriPtion: II{:TERIOR REMODEL,TRTM CABINETS CondiEions:1. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUTR-ED TO CHECK FoR coDE CoMPLIANCE. 2. All|L PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEITINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED W]TIT A}I APPROVED FIRE I4ATERIAI,. 3. SMOKE DETESTORS ARE REQUIRED rN ALr, BEDRooMS AIID EVERY sToRY As PER SEC.31-0.6.1 0F THE 1997 I'BC. 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANv woRK CAN BE STARTED- llo t OP \rAIL, @I,oRIDO 6tat*ng ttrraartattf a*J*tta***1rt!r*tattaatt'f **tt**ra*J+titt*{Ja**r*tr!rltt gtatflft ftrtrbrr: Rlc-0499 houng I 23o.2a o7/261t9 Oa.3L PayGnc .thod ! cK- Nolaolonr 13t9 Inic: a'll Psr[IU Ho: B99-OO2S '.n/pa r A-nE', rDD/N,r l|P BTIIID pEn Parccl llo: 21ol -072-01-017 gLE. lddrltr: 55O LION6EEID Pl' rrocrcLon 3 560 r,IoNtgtlBlD PIl {IrronaQrnnE 21s) lotrl Fax: Z3O.2S Thie Pa)rnane 230.15 Iosrl ALL P[Er ! 230.25 Balenca! .00 rt*rr..'ttaarir.tr rirat''tr}a.trirtttlltlttt*ta.ft* *ir Iccouqc Cod€ D.scriIlBion llounl BP 0o1oOOO311110O BUI' DTf,G 9IRIIT FES 65'00 DR Oo10ooo3112eoo DEgIet Rlt'rrrf FBS 20-00 pF qo1oooo311230o PtAfl cnEcR rEEa 12'25 eD D2-DEPOS Ctr/EIlfUP DEPOSITS 100'00 llc 0o10o0031i'2800 tlILIr CILL !|aPEcrION B8! 3'oo cnggec Eaglc CounBy Assesgg!3 Of f I'cc . o7o-eug-8640 for Parcel I7-, TOWN OF vAfL CONSIRUC?ION liL-niltitt- olt-o t'otz - pERMr? ApplrcArro* F.RH \ DAtEr*__ JAN- IB-3SI I4 ' 43 FROM. TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. .ega1 DescriPtion: r-,ot-]f rwners Nane: Fredrick A. Olthof ,rchiteci: Ix]'Bui]ding [ ]-Plunbilg .-.t I-Efectri(:aI I i-Mechanibal I i-otherltf -,)'ob Narne: f,igns Souare kLfV- Job Acirlregs; 660-.W.'Lionshead Place 1D.97@4732452 PAGE "./ | 3 'ER.\IIT ,I -- Block- Filing Sueorvtsrot' Address:Ph, APPLICATION MJST BE FILLUD OUT COMP]',ETELY OR IT }dAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ***************r(************* PERHIT INFORI{!-tION !r * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * t Gas Lcgs lloodlPel,Iet * * * * * x,t + * )!t * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * rk >r :r * * * :i * * OTHER: TOT.iL: *tk *'******** ********** tr *,* i * t To;n of vail Reg. No. ll{-L Phone Nuiiber: t4--+- )Iu:-,1bing iddress: F^hf P>.-l-.rF'- r bfl - @'-?for vair Res. lio. thone Nunber: Totn of Vail Reg, NO. Phone Nunber: ?own of VaiI Reg, No- Phone Nunber: OFf'ICE USE *+ ?t x* i** *x* ** ******* !t** i{'* ** t i * IIUIIJDI}iG PL\}i CI{ECK FEs: I'LLIMBING PI.}N CIiECK FEE:}liCiiA}iic}-L PI,AN CHECK FEE: PF(.IPFbTTON FrF . CLEAN*UP DEFOSIT: TOTAL PER}IIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIG}iATUPIE: SiG}IATURE: iechanical Contractor : lddress: ,: * * r* * * i* * i * * * )t :+ * * *,1** * * * i * * * * t * x FOP, )UTLDING PERHTT FEE: )tUI'1BING PEP'}IIT FEE I.|ECii.INICAL PER}4II FEE: ;LECTRICAIJ FEE: )THER "YPE 09 FEE: ):R FF;. )oinruents: Address:1 19 Beverly, Munster, IN1Ph.?19:!f!-0043 ;eneral Descriptionz +datzat L uqLs-zA l**,L., *t' rorl< Class! t J-Ne?'[ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional I I -Repair f y'l -Other Remodel tunber of D'.'eIIing unlts: 1 of .Acconnodation Units: ru:nber end f,ype of Fireplaces: Gas .\PPliances, : * * * * * * t( * * * t( * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * V.A.LU}.TIONS \ iurr,prxc : $ 2.--Q-q-Q-'-q-q )LIJMBTNG: I--I i * * * :z * * * * * * * * )'r; * * * * *'* * * * * 'i * * CONTRj!"CTOR INFO!?IIATION )enaral contractor: o4hc! Ile4eqr rnc. icldress, 1945 narder-Court, sffi75 )Iecirical contractor : '.ddress: -- l{u:r.b e r EI,ECIR.ICAI,: $ llECt{-FNIC}.L: { \,ALUATION CLul* IIP DEP.0SIT REF0}*-D TO: .IAN- I A-99 I <l . <t4 FROM . TOV-C OM-DEV - DEPT . 75 roulh t.on t.g c rgad veil, colorido 81637 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2I39 FOAM. DATE: . SU&TECT: ol f lce ol communlty devclopmeol ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH Ti{E TOWN OF VAIL rO!IN OP VAIL PUBLIC WOR,KS/CO!.A.ruNITY DE\ELOPT,IENT YIARC!{ 16 , l-9 I 6 CONSTRUCTION ?}-R.KI}{G & }IATEF,IAL STO.D}.GE the Town ofyou for your tD.g"t@4"9246?FAU 13 C]/ I J Tn crr?r)ir5r-rr n pi i:4rr i'Lr'r!,rLe,tr/, v..s.rnance No. 6 States that it iS Unlar",ful fof anyperson to li'Lter, track or deposit any soi.I, roci(, sand, debrisor rnaterial , inctuding trash bunpsieri, po"i"Ute ioitets andirorknen vehicles upon any street, si.dewaik, aIley or pub!icp]??u :r any portion thereof . The right-oi-r^,iy bn arl Town ofvarl stsreecs and roads is approxinaiely 5 ii. off pavernent.This ordinance r"'irr be s-'ri.Ltry enforcld by the'io*n of VairPy?ii: works Departhent. persons fouh(i viSLatinq this ordinancewrlr be grven a 24 hcur writien notice to reri.ove-said r,rateriar.fn the event the perso;r so nqtif ied does not con.oly with thenotice q'iihin the z4 hour tir,re specified, tr.,u.puitic rioiksDepartnent wir-1 re'cve said nat.elidt at the exp'ense of personnotif ieci- The provisions of tlris orainance ;ii;iI nqt beapPr"f,caDre to construction, naintenance Qr repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the riEht-a-vay, To review ordinance Nd. E in fu1l, please stop byvail Building Departr,ren-\, to obtain a copy, firanlrcooperatron gn this nratter. and acknowledged. by: Fredrick A. Olthof -b V ortr.i r ,\.-----:---%' -eositionlR-@i-1i.e. contractc!, owner) 2-8-99 Date _ \taN- I B-9El 14,4<l FROM. TOv -COM-DEVTDEPT. 75 soulh lrontagG to.d vall, colcrudo Cl557 (303) 479-213S or 479-2I39 A. Olthof -.Lions (uni-t 217) 2-8-99 tD.97@4732432 of f lcc of community developmetrt PAGE S,/ !3 BUiLOING PERI.iIT ISSUANCT TII'IE FRANS If this pernit requjres a Tovrn of Vail [ire Department Approval! Enginee;''s. (.Ptrblic l.lorks) reyiew and approya'l ,'a planninb'Deparirnent review or Health Departrnent reviewr and a revjew by the Suilllngoepartment, the estlrnated time for a tota'l revjew inay tak'e as 'long as three weekr. All conmercial ('large or saa1 'l ) and a'l I rnulti-family peunits wiil have to fol lo',+ the above rnentioned rnaximum recuirern-enls. Resldentia'l and.srnd] I projects should take a'lesser amount of tirne. However, ifresidential or snral'l er projects inpact the various above nentioned departmcnts wi.th regard to necessary revie,*r, these projects neyalso take the three week period Every attcnpt vii'l 'l be mac'e by this <lepartnrent to expedite thispermi.'t.eS sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and time frame - F Square Conmun j ty Deveiopnrnt Depari:rneni. \tAN- 1A-33 14 . 4 5 TO: FROM: DATEI RE: FROM , TOV- COM-DEV-DEPT. MEr/roRANpW 't o,97@4732452 PAGE L @,/ 1.3 ALL CONTRA.CTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBL|C WAY DEPA,RTtvIENT IS REOUIRED WORKS PERMIT" 1\ 2) Job Name: r,r9-! squ11e rlnit 217 Date: ' - 2-8-99 need for a'Public WaY Permit": yEs NO- xx Please answer ihe follorving queslionnaire regariJing the ls {his a nevr residence? ls oemolition work being pedormed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propeqty? ls any utility v/ork neecied? ls the ciriveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site oiher than existing drivervay? ls any drainage wo/x being done afiecting the righi o{ way, easemenls, or public propeily? Is a "Revocable Righi Of Way Permit' required? A. ls the right of rvay, easerngnis or public property to be useci lor staging, pad(ing or {encing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? l{ you ansrvei'eci yes to any o{ these quesiions, a 'Public V/ay Permit- must be obiained. 'Pubiic Way Permii" applications may be obiained at the Public Wofx's office or a'( Comrnuniiy Deveiopmeni. li you have any questigns please cail Charlie Davis,lhe Town ol Vail Construction lnspector, at.479-2158 I have read and answered altthe above QUesiions. Lions uale 3) l\ XX 6) 7) 8) 'xx xx XX XX XX xx Job Name uare Unit Contracior's Signature Date Receiver MAR 1e rc99 March 18, 1999 Town ofVail Commtnity Development - Building Deparhnent Attention: J.R. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Permit for OlthoflLion Square Lodge Unit #215_6 Dear J.R,, Per our telephone conversati-onlhis morning, please accept this letter granting permission to Mr. Fritz olthof, owner oflion square Iodge unit *itsta,to comilete some remodeling in his condominium this spring. we are aware that Mr. olthof will be acting as his own General contractor on this project. His plans for work in his unit are in accordance with The Lion square Lodge Rules & Regulations and will not affectthe exterior ofhis unit. Please feel free to contact mrc should you have any questions and/or sho'ld you need to request additional inforrnation. I will assume that Mr. olthof will have no problem obtaining a pennit from you for this spring project. Thank you for your assistance. bqq'oofiSincerelv.,-- ;n'6tr\tw.- Bill Anderson General Manager Cc; Mr. Fritz Olthof WRA/kal