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PRJ01-0094 B01-0065 LEGAL
TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELQPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRTCAL PERMIT Pertnit #: E01-0143 Job Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAII, Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 483 GORE CREEK#1 Applied . . : 06/25/2001 Parcel No...: 2101082350]6 Issued . . . 06/25/2001 Legal Description: Expires . .: I 1/27/2001 Project No : APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC 06/25/2001 Phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 190-E CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC 06/25/2001 Phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 190-E OWNER PARKER, FOXHALL A. & HELEN W. 06/25/2001 205 HONEY HOLLOW RD PUND RIDGE NY 10576 Uesciption: new service add e&h fans -bath Valuation: $6,000.00 Square feet: 0 **t#�f4###*kt4tttttt*t444#4�##ttt#t+F*M4t#*#�14�*w#t***t4tttttt##R�#* FEE S UMMARY "*+*+++w*r*+s���+**�+*�r�+*+++++++++s+w+�4+++++++r++w*sr+++++ ElectTical-------> 5108.00 TotalCalculatedFees--> $111.00 lnvestigation----> 50.00 Additional Fees--------> S0.00 Will Call---------> $3.00 Total Permit Fee--------> $111.00 TOTAL FEES--> 5111.00 Payments-----------------> $111.00 BALANCE UUE--------> $0.00 ttttt#4i4tt+k44#tttttt*kf*+M*4#4ttttttt*MMM►��M#*t*t*tt#tftt##tttrt���l##*#tttttt#44Mt+4Tt#tttttt*#**+ffrt}*t#*#*t*ttrt#ttttt##+1�*�+*4#t#t�#tt#irt4M�►+R Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06/25/2001 df Action: AP 4MY+F*4444tttt*t#*4t�*ft##*#ttt#t**fttt#f*�k+k�t#4#t4tttttt#t*4rt**4444ttt#ttt4rt►*�#�ffi#*i#t#*4#Mttt#t#4#?ff#*Mtttt#####/#4M►#t444trt#t###t+t►f�t##t*�1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. #►ttt*rt*#*�ktttttfff►t###�##*ttttt#t+FMi*k#44#tt#t#t+FMk*#�#t#k#i#ttrt#*tttttt##t�*T4t*4#tttt#t###4*+*t#w#ti#t##*fit#��ttt####tt#rt#rt#t#tttttt4MRR+t4#t■ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application, filled out in ful] the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comp(y with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS fN ADVANCE BY TELGPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ��������������������������������������������»»»»»»»����»»»»»»»���»»»»»»���»»»»»»»�»»»»�»»»»» TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 07-22-2013 at 11:06:27 07/22/2013 Statement ��»���»»»�����»»»�»���»���»»»»�»»»»»�»»»»»»»»»»»»���»»»»»»»»»��»»»»»»»»»»��»»»»»������������ Statement Number: R000000986 Amount: 5111.00 06/25/200102:28 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: check 8938 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: E01-0193 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-3501-6 2101-082-7200-2 2101-082-7300-5 2101-082-7300-6 2101-082-7900-8 2101-082-7501-9 2101-082-7501-5 2101-082-7601-0 Site Address: 983 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 983 GORE CREEK #1 Total Fees: $111.00 This Payment: $111.00 Total ALL Pmts: $111.00 Balance: $0.00 *»****»******************»*»*»*»**»»»»»»*»»»»***********»*********»*»*******»»************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ EP 00100003111100 TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS 108 .00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � , �A ,� �c�q — �y5'� ���c��t��."���:�.�'�:i����;��:�������� _ , ^ .... Project#: Buiiding Permit #: —��S � �■ Electrical Permit �: � ��.��..��:��������) ����� TOWIV OF VAIL ELECTRTCAL PERMIT APPL�CATI�N 75 S. Frontage Rd. �-+r� ��'7�� Vail, Colorado $1657 �} � COI�TRACTOR INFQRMATION Electrical Cantractor. Tawn of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #`s: � ic. E"-1 �J @ {-°�'5�' � � Contractar Si ature• c-` ., CQMP�ETE S . FEET FOR NEW BUiLDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL�THERS L.abar& Materials AMDUNT OF SQ FT IiV STRUCIURE: ELECTRICAL VALLdATI�I�: $ °� O `� � � � C���, `�� �'' � �' Cantact Ea �le Caun Assessor�O�ce at 970 3Z8-8640 or visit w�v�.�a !e-caun ,com for Parce!# S ��:�. . .�av:�i:,:::::r::��,\Wi're.}+�' 4:i:;....`��ti0ii\{..v,.•};N••{.;¢Y•�M:•,v,•;•,yv� ���•:?!M:`}iT}kYC�X.� :�.!ii>X:,7.''>., ��..yti.�. }•;{�:^: •�•••v•••:M:n}:.'.}.y �����.�+'�������`�.�?��<������'�,����1:����.�.��7����4�� ]ob �lame: �����5 ]ah Address: � ,�,. r Legal Descriptipn Lot: 68ock: Fiiing: Subdivision: Own� Na e: ��, Address: ��, � � � Pho � �6 Engineer: Address: Phone: [?etailed descriptian �f work: ,4dp Q�r�e,�y �' � 1�•+�3 , � tr� Fr� -� Ttf o Pc , � ��� .�rk�r Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Re�rnodel (r� Repair( ) Temp Povuer( ) (�ther ( ) Work Type: Interior (� Exterior�) �oth ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) 7ype of Bldg.: Singie-family O Dupiex O Muitl-family� Gornmercial O Restaurant O Qther � ) No. t�f Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I�o. of Accornmodation Ur�its in this building; Is this ermi�for � hat tub: Yes No Does a Fire Alarrn �xist: Yes (yt), Nca ( ) Does a Fire Sprir�kler System Exist: Yes ( � No ( ) ,, �.**�***********,�******�****#********�.*FQR OFFICE 115� ONLY****�**********�*�**�***«�**,�*******� , fl��r�r Fe�e ' s D��#�i�e€u� ;i ,.�..��._.� ; € �RB Fees: ,': ,: . . : ,�:'.,, d.,B . , ,: _ _ , Pl�i�a�er;��i�€�°�x :: � � � F:/everyone�forms/el ecp er m i � T�WN aF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF C�MMUNITY DEVEL�PMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE I�OAD VA�L, C� 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: TH�S PERMIT MUST BE FpSTED i�N JQBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Perrr�it #: PO1-0027 1ob Ac�dress: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Localion.....: Texas Townhornes Applied. . : 0�/02/2001 Parcel No...: 210108235016 Issued. . : 05/15/2U01 PrajectNo : ��� 1 --�`��i'� Expires . .: 11/11/2001 OWNER P.ARKER, FOXHALL A. & HELEN WOS/Q2/2001 Phone: 205 HONEY HOLLOW RD PQUND RIDGE NY 10576 License: CONTRACTOR SUNDANCE PLLTH�ING & HEATING 05/a2/2001 Phone: 97f1-74B-8977 P.O. BOX 3684 AVON, CO 81620 L�.cense: 101-P AP�LICAI�TT SUNDANCE PLUMBING & EiEP�TING 05/02/2001 Phone: 974-748-8977 P.O. SOX 36g4 AVON, CO 81520 License: 101-P Desciption: Plumbing for kitchen and bath remodel and addition. Valualion: $1�,000.00 Fireplace Informatian:ftestricted: ?? #of Gas Appliances: ?? #of Gas Logs: ?? #of Wood Pallu�t, ?? *�*�a�*r��s���***�*��mM�*r*s�s�*�:x�ar*�*r**rrrrr*r*rr�rxwrrrt**++�w��� FEE SLi141MARY **m*ssx�srser��*r*rwMr�*s�wwwwwsssassssxmxaxxx*:sss*�wsxarrr:� Plumbing---> $165.00 RestuaraniPlanReview—> $0.00 TotalCalculatulFecs---> $204.25 Plan Cheek--> $41.25 DRS Fee------------------> $�.o o Additional Faes-----------> $o.o0 Investigation-=> $0.00 TOT�3I,FEF,S-------------> $209.25 TotalPemutFce----------� $209.25 WiIlCall-----> $3.00 Payments-------------------1 $209.25 SALANCE DUE---------? $0.00 ikA�b##tY#Yi###44#f###k t##�##+##f+#�##t t�!R*�i�!f d�!#��**X:*+k*X�*m�M m m X�X�M M N�ykiSm:i3 t#itt�Fliti#�k�k�k#�k�k*�k#�**�#M�A�A*!h A*�F*A�*�F M��F**+F**�A*�F�d�*�al:�k�k#�F#�R##�k###/i3#*# Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT QS/p2/2�01 GRG Action: AP item: �5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT COIVDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : F'IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CQDE CC}MPLIANCE. i i i i#i t+h�F k k 8�$i E##b#E###�!*3�k+k 4#d:+k k#R#+k#i R►R�R*#�R i�t�K R R t��**K►t t k i s t 3 t i t s x i+i i i�F t t t�+R+6 t i#**i**�k t���k*4 4*�########t###t#t##################*t+k+k t�h�'#*# DEGLARATIUNS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the infarmation required,completed an accwate plat plan, and s#ate that all the informalion as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to campl_y with all Town ordinanees anci state laws, and to build this structwe according to tl�e towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ardinances of the Town applicable thereto. , REQliE37`5 FGlR INSPECTION 3HALL SE MADE TWF,NTY-FOUR HOURS I1V ADVANCE BY TELEPHON�A7'479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICB FROM 8:00 AM-5 PM. SIGNA"I'��OF O CONTRACTOl�FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE • ******�*****�*********�**************�*****�*******�**��*****�******�****�*****t**�**�**��** "TOWN OF VA1L, COLORAI]OCop�°Reprinted on 05-15-2QQ1 at 13:48:16 Q5/15/2U(11 Stat�incnt ***�*****�**�***�*�***�x****�******�***+************�x�***���***:��***��****�****�**��****�**�� Statement Number: R000000759 Amvunt: $209.25 05/15/200101:47 PM Payment Methad: Check Init• DF Notation: CHE4KC #1751 Permit No: PO1-0027 'I�pe: �LUMBING PERMIT Parcel No; 2141082350i6 3ite Address: 483 GORE CREBK DR VAIL Location: Texas TownhomeB Total Feea: $209.25 This Payment: $209.25 Total ALL Pmts: $209.25 Balance: $0.00 *�k********�***�k******�k********�k****#*�*:k*************�k*�**#�k�k***�*�k*********�c**##********�k** ACCOU�fT ITEM LIST; Ac�aunt Code Description Current Pmts PF OO100Q031123Q� PLAN CHECK FEES 41.25 PP OO1000a31112QD PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 155.QD WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL ZNSPECTION FEE 3.D0 � ��� � �� �� .��� � � APPLICATION WILL NUT BE ACCEPT€D IF INCOMP TE OR UN, NED q,� J - Project #• �..r � r`�T� Building Permit #: ao G�`� Piumbing Permit #: � � � 970-4"79-2149 (Tnsp 'vns) TY1�'I�OFT�A�, TOWN OF 1JAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S. Fcantage Rd. � Vail, Coloradn 8165�' r �� C[)NTRAC70Ft INFORMATION Plum#�ing Contractnr. � Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s: � r � � -� Contrar�ar Signat�re: ��MPLETE VALUATIQN FflR PLUMBING PERMI7 (La6or & Materials) PLUMBIfVG: $ � � Contact Fa /e [oun Assessors O�ce at 97U-328-8640 or visit wwr�v.ea le-coun ,com for Parce/# Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided ahove) Job Name: Job Address:��� �����=�= �ti�' Legai Description Lot: Q�vck: Filing: Subdivisivn: :� ers e: Address: Phone: '� Engineer: Address: Pho�e: � Detailed descriptian of work: � > ' ;'E � � Work Class: New ( ) Addition {�' AEteration („� Repair( ) Qther( ) � Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex (� Multi-family( ) Cammercial ( } Restau�'ant( ) Other( ) � � Na. of�xisting Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accora�modation l��its in this buildir�g: j Is this a conversion from a waod burning �replace to an EPA Pt�ase II device? Yes O No �✓j j k*�F9Fkx�F�k#�kk�r�&irde�c*:k*:F�k:k�'ra4ae�k�:kie9:iei:kxatxkkdeFOR OFFICE USE UNLY*�****�Xack�r�cklc��e�;k'x�t:k�e9e'x$�ex'4ck:F4t:F*;k#�"ex I Other Fees: '� Date R�ceived: DRB Fees: I Acce ted B : ' Planner 5� n-off: M+ �':;:K 4 -� . '.. . `' .- +7 S W F t "t AA��--t�.':�. '+t--Z� _. Y�t��.gh�F,y �, ' ". ,�.� - •� q } � �, _: -. `°���"7t�3���¢4 .,?.` '�F.'���r��,.i' �4\HF {�.'. _ : . — !i,� . .f' ' � '',v '.'c ...�..�'J�c i. - � �.�. '�"V H . R�C'D M AY 0 1 �0�� F/everyone/forms/pl mhperm a ,�4,.,, W t���,,� .� ;, t a'�3�` �t��. _�_ _ -:::�a_a3��.� . .,_ � ��-�."�'� ° v.. . , �".- . TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTh�1ENT OF COMNiUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRON'I�AGE ROAD VAIL,CO 8165? 470-47�-2 I 3$ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MTJST BE P�STED ON JOBSCTE AT ALL TIMES MECHAI�TIGAL PERMIT Permit #: MO1-0047 Job Address: 483 GOIt�CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Texas Townhames Applied. . : �5l��/2001 Pazcei No...: 210108235016 Issued. . : OS/15/2001 Pra' o ���,� Expires , .: l 1/11/2001 OWNER PARKER, FOXHALL , & HELEN W05/�2/2001 Fh ' e: 205 HaNEY HflLLqW RD , POUND RIDGE NY �� •1D576 � _.___ - License: - CONTRACTOR SUNDANCE PLUMBING & HEATING 05/02f2001 Phone: 970-748-8977 P.O. HOX 3684 AVQN, CO 8162Q License: lnl-P Desciption: Relocate baseboard heater. Valuation: $1,000.00 Fireplace Inforrsaaiion:ResUicted: #of Gas Appiiances: D #of Gas I.ogs: 0 �'of 1�Jood Pellet: Q ****a*�****��s��aw«�+wwwKw**ar*w**�w*�rwr�w*r�r**»*�wr�r*rw��nw.�*exe�* FEE SUMh'IAR�' sxsxs�xx�atr��w*r�rs�**��:***�x�esere*r�:�:r*sa�x*�a*********s Mechanical---> $2 0.0 0 Res[uarant Plan Review--> $0.0 fl Total Calculated Fees---> $�e.0 0 Plan Check---> $5.00 DR13 Fee--�--> $0.AO tldditional I��es�--------> $0.00 Im•estigation-> $o.o o ToTfU.FEES------------> $2 e.o o Total Permit Fee-------> $2 8.6 4 Will Call-----7 $3.00 Pay[nents-------------------> $28.00 BALANCE DUF.---------> $o.o 0 •M M 0 t i R#�1#t�k�t�tiYtt�Rt+R E t#�F##iiitiEitii�tt�Rl3i�Y�Fif ttKMt�KE*K�RR#f*i*�t�k�ttrt y M t 3 R R tx###t�Ri�Rii�F#�Flt#i##3#�ki##/Ri�R�t�R�k#�R�k�F#M�k�M�k�k#�t#########tt�Rt##�k�kY��#**t9��F Item: 05100 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT 05/Q2/2001 GRG Action: AF CDNDTTiON O�' APPROVAL Cand: 12 (BLDG. } : FIELD �NSPECTIONS ARE REQ'CTTR�T7 TQ CHECI� FOR CODE COI�PLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 7�1 QF' THE 1997 IMC. Cand: 23 (BLD�. ) : INSTALLATION MUS� CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND T� CHAPTEI� 10 OF' THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 1Q OF �HE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SIiA,LL SE VENTED ACCQRDIN� TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINAT� A$ SPECIFIEI? IN SEC.806 QF THE 1997 UMC, QR CHAPT�R B OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. } : ACC�S� TO HEATI].+TG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 ANI] SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC ,AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE �.997 IMC. Cand: 3]. REQUESTS FOR[�VSPECT]ON SHALL BE MADC TW ENTY-FOUR HOlJR3 IN ADVr'1NCE B5'TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OL3Ft OFFICE FROM 8:60 AM-5 PM. � SIGNATURE F(]WNF1I�9�CONT�tA�OR FOR HIMSELF A.NA OWNE � ##��#*****##�###��*##*�*#**##*#�*****�*#***#*###*�**#�*##*##��*#####**##*##*######*#*#####�* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADl7Copy Reprinted on 05-15-2001 at 13s51:25 05l15l2001 Statement *******�*�********�********��*********************�*****�*********��****��:*******�****�***�� Statement Number: R0�0000761 Amount: $28.d0 Q5/15/200101:51 PM Payment Method: � Check �nit: DF NOtation: CHECK 1751 Permit No: MO1-0047 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Pareel No: 210108235016 Site Addrese: 483 GQR6 CREEIt DR VAIL Location; Texas Townhomes Total Fees: $28.00 This Payment: $28.OD 'T'otal AF,L Pmtg: $28.00 Balance: $0.�0 *�**�**t*�k***�:*:k#*�k****�k***�k�***�k*�k***�k**�***�k**:k*�k********�*�k*********�k*************�k****** ACCOUNT ITEM I,IST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ----------------------------- ------------ MP 00100003111300 M�CHANICAL PERMIT FEES Z0.00 PF OOlOq003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 5.00 WC O�1D0003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . - �-��'�-����l,�1. C`� �`� �L�G'vl,�v� � �`�� ��C� �v • APPLICAT�ON WILL NQT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR llNS ,�� Praject#: ���� � v � �j�-Y— ����"f �.- �� Building Permi# #: c �'Lr ' �,� �--/� Mechanical Permit #: � � ,�,1 �� � r ��� � 97fl-479-2149 (Inspectior��) TOT�IVQF PAIL TQ�N OF VAIt MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLIC14TION 75 S. Frontage Rd. Permit will not be accepted without the following: y Vail, Colorado 81657 �rovide Mechanical Roam Layout drawn tv scale to include: � ❑ Mechanical Room Dimensions �. ❑ Combustion Air Duct Size and Location ❑ Flue,Vent ar�d Gas Line Size and Location a Heat Loss Calcs. d ❑ Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR 1NFORMATIQN Mechanical Contractar: � Town of Vail Reg. IVo.: Contact and Phone #'s; " � �—�.`7 L"� — Cy � -.` '� CDf1�CaCtQC SlgRatUfE: `1. COMPLE7E VALUATION FQR MECHAN3CAL P�RMIT Labor & Nlateria�s MECHANICAL: $ �p�� � �;t,, r - d Conta�t Ea !e�'vun Assessors O�ce at 970-32'8-86�0 or visit www,ea /e-caun ,com for Parce/# Pareel # (Required if na bidg. permit # is prorrided above} ` � � Job Name: ]ob Addr2s5: ���=� �.�c�- '�-�-�--��� , - �"'' �- - - � � Lega! Descriptian Lot: Block: Filing: 5ubdivision: �ers m : Addr�; Phone: Engineer: Address: Phone: s - Detailed description of work: . � ; - `; Work C1ass: New ( ) Addition ( ) AiteraCion (�] Repair ( } Other ( ) Boiler Location: Tnterior (� Exterior ( ) Other ( ) �oes an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( Y T e af Bld S"sn !�-famil (�j Y( ) ( ) { ) ( ) yp g: g y( ) Dupkex Multi-famil Commercial Restaurant Other No, af �xisting Dwelling Units in this building: hla. of Accommodatian Units Fn this b�iiding: No/T e of Fire 9aces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/�ell�et Wood Burnin �y �la/Type of Fireplaces �ropased: Gas Applian�es O Gas Logs � � Woo�JPellet O Woc�d surni�ng (NOT ALLOWEa) _ Is this a conversion fram a woQd burning fire,place ta an EPA Phase II device� Yes ( ) No ( *****��******�***�******FUR C)FF�CE USE O(N�Y****�*�***************��***�* Ott�er FeES; Pla�ner Si n-aff: Acce ted B . ORB Fees: Date Received. , ���� : F:/everyone/farmsJrr�echperm TOWN OF VAIL D�PARTMENT�F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONT'AGE R�AD VAIL,C[� 8�657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B01-OQ65 Job Ad�ress.: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: T�xas Townhomes Applied...: 04/10/2001 Parcel No....: 21Q7,08235016 Issued ...: 04/17/2001 Project Na...: ����,� ��w���,,� Expires...: �0/14/2001 OWNER PARKER, FQXHALL A. & HELEN WQ4/IO/�QO1 Phone: �05 HOI�TEY H�LLOW RD PfJUND RIDGE NY 1D576 Lieense: CONTRACTUR RUSTY WO�D C�NSTRUCTIQN, IPTC�4/10/2001 Phone: P � BOX 1147 VAIL CO 81658 License: 169-8 AFPLICANT RUSTY WOOD CONSTRUCTI�N, INC04/1fl/2001 Phone: 970-949-017"7 F p �OX 1147 VAIL CO 81558 License: Desciptipn; Kitchen remodel,Master bath remodel,add new small bath,repla��30 winc€ows same for same Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Constructian. V lOT Type V Non-Rat�r� Type C�ccupancy: ?? Valuation: $74,500.00 Add Sq Ft: (? Fireplace InforrnaHon: Restricteci: Y #of Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gas i.ogs: 0 #af WOOC�Pellet: Or��`xsi.-.Fxw*,e,rxrfn�x,ri;xa,ewrtxwrr�vrtwsrr.rrt+rrnrexrrr,x+�,kx�er��-x�ws+,r�w�xx,rxrzxzx F-'EE SU'r4��T'�.}zY �w*.t:r�t*r,r:ar*#:t*:rt+:r+.r,to-:t,�-�+:k��x�,ra*:r+,ra+x�-r,rxx,rxex�arxwa�exs,r Building----> $615.Oo Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.00 Total Calculateci Fees—> S1,917.75 PlanCheck--> $399.75 DRBFee-----------------� $0.00 AddikionalFees------> $0.00 Investi�ation-� $4.ofl Recreation Fee----------> So.oo Total Permit Fee--------> $1,�17.75 Will Call—> $3.00 Clean-up Dep�sit-----> $0.00 Paymenks---------� $1,017.75 TOTAL FEES----------> $1,017.75 BALANCE DUE > $o.o0 <xra,tx�wrxr:trr:rk,rxwxz r+wxw rx�wkrrx:�xww+:rwr�t��ax�wr,o-�-,t�rx,t is,�+���,nr:r��:xx,r�,t,rk+a�tr,e:twv,x+r�w.x++r,t+-x.t+:�,rxxsx u:�xwx�txr�r�+v:x��x�rxx�s�wr:�eww+exxxxx�t*x*:t�td�t Approvals: Item: 0510a BUILDING DEPARTMENT Q4/I7/2001 CDAVIS Act�on: AP Item: Q5400 PLANNING IDEPARTM��T'.� 04/11/2001 ao ACtion: AP It�m: 05600 FIRE D�PARTMENT Item: OS500 FUBLIC WORKS }rt:FIF*wfFlF4xktrYr:F krftk**+tkx!#:Fk+F{+%.tt###k•t**#k*xvrxRfr%kwlkx%.e�lr:4r###ir!###*t:Fk***:F*fFeestrsk*:Y YYt r1�F�tX�x%trW krY�F%k4fFwrt+t.tsttt r#k####k#*#:FkfRf:1*ik�'R'R%�w#* See page 2 of this Document for any condi�ions that may apply ta this permit. DECLARATY�NS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this ap�lication, filled out in fu�l the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that a�l the informatioai as rec�uired is correct. I agree to comply with the infarmation and plot plan, to camply witla all Town ordinances and state Iaws,and to�Suild thi,s structure according to�Yae tv�vns zdnirt€ and subdivision codes, design review appraved, UniFarm$uilding Code and other ordinances of the Tvwn applicab�e fhereto. [ZEQUFS'I'S FOR INSPEC'TIOf�1 SHALi.BE MADE TLNENTY-FOUR H�U IN ADVANCE BY TELEPH E AT 479-2138 OR AT�UR�FFICE FROM$:QO AM-5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A �"� ; y�� �, �- SI� ATURE OF OWNER R CON�'RACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PA�E 2 **�,�**�*�*�*****�******��*���*�***��,�:�,�*:�*�*�*��:�*,��:�*:�:��*****�*�*,��****:�**�**�***************�*�**** CONDITI�NS�F APPROVAL Permit#: BO1-0065 as of Q4-17-2001 S�atus: ISSUED �**�**�:����:�:�*�*�*�:*��*:�*�***#*�****:��:��*�**,�********���*:�*�*�***�*����������:��:��*:��:�*�* Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BLJILD PERMIT Applied: 04/1(1/2001 Applicant: RUSTY W�pD C�NSTRUCTiON,INC. Issued: 04/17/2(?01 97Ci-949-01�7 To �xpixe: 10/14/2001 Job Address: 483 GORE CI�EEK DR VAIL Loeation: Texas Townhomes Parcel Na: 210108235016 Description: Kitchen remodel,Mastex�iath remodel,add new small b�th,replace 10 windaws same for same Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TQ CHECK FOR CODE C�MPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS T� BE SEALE�WITH AP�T APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cand: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31Q.b.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE}: FIRE DEPARTMEI�IT`APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BBFGRE ANY W�RK CAN BE STARTED. �*#*#*#*#�****�**###**�#***###*##*##*###****#�#*#*#�#**##�***#�#�**##****#**�#*#**###*###### TOWN OF VAIL, C�LORADO Statement ****���******:�****��****��*���*�*�**�***�***�*��*�*�*�**�:*�**�:��**�:��***�*****�***�***��:**�� Statement I�'umbe�: R000000609 Amount: $1, 017.75 04/17/2001T2:21 PM Payment Method: Check Init: L� Notation: #7535/Rusty Wood Construction Inc. ---------°------------------------------------------------------------------- Pertnit Na: BQ1-bb65 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 210108235016 Site Address: 483 GQR� CREEK DR VAIL Loeation: Texas Townhames Tatal Fees: $1,017.75 This Payment: $1, 017.75 Total ALL Pmts: $1,417_75 Balance: $0_00 **�*******��***�x�**:�*�**�x�x�**�*****�****��x�**********�****�***��*�:***�********�x�****�******* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code aescr�ption Current �mts ------------------- --------------------------- --------- BP D01d0003111100 BUILOING PE�MIT FEES 615.D0 PF 001�000311230D P�A€J CHECK FFFS 399.75 WC 001000031I2800 I�ILL GALL IP�SPECTION FEE 3.d0 �' P� l--z�o�� ����� TOWN OF VAIL CONS RUCTION .�, PERMIT APPL�C�' N F�RM s�'� ��`'� DATE: =�';" � �1 APPLICATION MUST BE �'YLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED �.1c�1 0�'� �..5 I� ******���r*����t���r�r���r***��F*�*** PERMIT ZNFORMATION *�r�r**���******�t���*******��t�� [°'f�-Suilding [ -Plumbing [ ]-Electr�.cal [ ]-Mechanic��. [ ]-�Other Job Name: � Job Add�'ess: �,?j �'�r'� �1ia -7 `' Legal D�seription: Lot � Bl.ock L� Filing�/!,<�' ..� �� � - ,(.� � owners Name: I Ge�_Addz��s:�. � �"� Ph:j'sy��,3 �kS� Archit�ct: �,�� �,� Address: Z. t�-,� .���1 r�c.t Ph�7� ��1 � f� General Descrigtion: f�����- y� �it'� � dL J+- f �G-dt9" • . �;. Wp�rk Class: [ ]-N�w � -�lteration [ ]--Additional [ �-Repair [ ]-�c3ther Number of Dwelling Units: Number of Accommodation Units: N mber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas App�.a.ances Gas Logs Wood/Pe�.1et **�r**�*�****��**���**��r*****��*** VALUAT��NS �t***�*���t��t**��***�***��*�***�*** BUILDING: 6�, � �LECTRZCA�L: �j :5-�. r3� OTHER:������^ � �LUMBTNG: /%�J MECHANTCAL: ��-�J� �' TOTAL: .� �. ******************* **�*-*** Ct7 TRA TOR INFORMATION ************************��* en�ral Co tractox:���/t� ����� 'Fnwn o� Vail Re . Na.�G y-.� Add�ess: �� y�' �, � ,. B v Phane Num}�er. �� �' 41�7 J �- � El�ctzica3 Cantractor: Town of Vai1 R g. ND,� � h� � Addre�s: �L/Z-- �! !i3 Z Phon� Number: �`7�� 9 7�� F1.umbing Ca tractor: ���� Town �f Vaa.� Reg. NO. Address: �� � y�, � 6c 2� Phane Number: ��� �1�7 Mechana.cal Contractor: /��ir,r�,�_c�^ d Town o� vail Rey, N0. Address: Phone Number: *******�*�*******�����*�r*****��� �'OR OFFICE T1SE **������t**�******��r�**�r��****�* BUILDING PERMIT FEEs BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: R�CREATTON FEE: OTHER TYFE OF FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: URB FEE: T�TAL PERMTT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VA,LUATYON BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING; SZGNATURE: Comments: CLF.APT IIP DEP�OSIT REFiTND TO: � � ��1y�� ����a��la��������,v���, � t � � .,. .� 1 1 1 . i 1 1 � ,�f,c �,�,fi ��7+��.';��a ru���v�.�4 ,��r �y ��,,�J�r dav�'a 4�,x�� � '. _� PU � ax 3340 • b'ail , Coiarada 81 �i58 • Ph �ne : � 7Q•� 7E�-2;� U1 • Fax ; J70-t176-7491 �!`�T� ������ ���or��. ��w������ T�� ��v��� �1��,�0� �j(�udF.CowtSt!�C..'lio�_'�.�I.��-.�1-� ._.,..��.._._...� .._...W...,..o.�..�...� _ �, �; ,�.��, ', . I�'��_.._ �F �� �� �, ���� ��� � �� �i � �� � �O S /�.""����I.fr"9,�,/l.i ��'�,,:Y�"�n �:.t;:'�"li'�*'` �-� ,t�;s h."�(I i ! /j�M-,- l ` ryl� .���_�+�.,� } '�,�•'��°�°"f;�i'��`'�1e y.. .- . . 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S'�lA)jj�'�t'I.Li ' �' ����•�;�� A,IA'!N�?O� a;�t�`� �• • li�,,,�s • � �.:� • i ':`S'�,�Jlf p,l. .��fl Aj�•�..�•' I1►��� � �'G�r�i+'� FG�`t�r�� U¢r�� , ��� ��c�C'�.�- C�2iv� ,6 �Itr 2GZ�t hE4 '�} VI�1 L����+Qo '� �j� ' ��,����' . t"�'�t �r�. w s++ � r �� �� r�� � 2yuc��f �bG3���,c�2 l � �- ,��' �o���o� �� +�' �` s�i,�, ��.�Y>s � ��o� I ��� x� �� � ! � _! ����f�� ����► . _ _ . _ � ,�. . � . , E I �j� � � � 1 � �� ��. �t• �i��i71�1 ��� .�,,� � ��� �, ���� ,4, I �,N � � --...�. � � (!/ � 9� •� �•� c�.i I�� �f�t I ,� � ��` x � l �".—I �1 � N I - `� "� • � . .--�_.. v 3-�G,�2 � '�•Z�l�i d2 � � Zxr2A2 ZXi2 d2 ��,uL�'•1'¢X�' �trGl�r'c�,�c f/ " � ��.. r� � � ��� � � . � � J . �E ' . . . ��' �s � • W* 1Y�' • ��� •� �'• • � � • �,�`�%�a� ''•"�' I�� ��r�•�r �r/� �7�"`/���/�(� �ar'Y'Ir t/�rr��O�� GT1r1`"�iE"� ,�•TJGq�.����• � ��r/ti I� � � �� � �� �� V'l�l�.j �'�2/3 : � 1) ]111 �uml7er shall be Doug-F71r �2 845 or bettex, all wolmanized lumber shali ba Hem-Fir �2 S4S or better (aIl lumber within 18" oE finish grade must be wolmanizedJ. Provide solid blocking at e+-0" on center in all diaphragms, A�.J. columns to be continuous bearing to foundation. 2) Glulam matierials, manufaature and quality control ehall ennform with AITC Product Standard PS 56-73� STRUCTUFtT+L GLUCD I�TMIN111'L'Cl TIINBER and IJ�MTNATING SkECI�'IC�TSONS, hITC 117-RA DrSIGN. &tmple span 6eams ehall be Cambination Sym4o1 2�F-V4 with no eamber. cnntinuous or cantilevered beams shall be combi.nation Symbol 24F-VS wi.kh no camber. Adhesit�es shall conform with the retju�r.ements �or wet conditions of service. 3) AL1 TruboJt Wedqe Anchors and Ramsets to be installed according to manufaatuz-ers epecifications. A) Mierolams (2_OE) are as manufactured by Tf2v55 .70IST MacNiIl.[.1sN CQRPCIRA7�'ION, see shop drawinga and manufaoturers standard details. All built-np Microlam beams must 6e qlued with Pi�400 and nafled with 2 rowe of 16d spfkes @ 9" oc. All alternat�s to be areviewed by englneer. 5) Sheath floozs with 3/h" T and G plyWnod with minimum span rating oE 40/20 or better and glue with PL4o0. Nail plywoocl with 14d @ 6�� oc to all joiats, Field coordinate screw option. O Shestt� roofs with 5/B" plywood witlt minimum span rakinq oC 40/20 or better. Nail plywood with Bd @ 6" oc at panel edqes and 12" oc.at �ntermediate member�. 7) Sheath all exterior walle with 1/2" plywood with mfnimum span ratinq of 24/0 or hetter. Nail with Bd @ 6" oc at panel Pdqes and 1�" oc at intermediate studs. B) Live loads used far desiqn- -Roof-$0 psf snow. -Floor-�10 psf residential. -oeck-1DO psf. -Wind-25 ps£. -Earthqvake-Zone 1 UBC. 9) A11 constz'uction must comply with the 1997 Uniform Auildinq Code as adopted by the Tawn of Vail Duils�ing Uepartment and tl�e "General Conditions of the Contract for. ConstructJ.on" (ATA bocument 1�201j. All construct9on must be completed within the toleranoes described in the "Residential Construction I�erformance Guidelines" as prepared by the NA'rIONAL 11550CIAT.�oN OF HOME EUILOCRS_ 1D) Construct walls as #ollows- -ExterioY-2x4 @ lfi^ oc. -Interior-2x4 @ 16" oc., unless noted oth�rwise. il) AI1 heams, joists and ra£ters are to bear upon walls or beams OR be hung with SIMPSON Strong-Tle hangers or approved egu�ls. All conneotion hardWare as manufactured by SIMPSbN Strong-Tie or agproved eguals. 1z) All etructural members are shown in their final positivns properly braced and eupportied, durinq conatructian it may be necessary to shora portioa�s of the atrucYure while other poztions are being construcYed. Contact the structural enqineer for oansultation as required. 13) Contractor is responeible for all non-speciEied connectior�s, c4ntaC� structural enginaer for cl�tail� as reguired. Enqineer to approve all structural substitutions. 14) Cantraetor is to coordina�e all dtaphragm penetrati_ons (ie, chimneys, plumbing sewers, etc.) through fioors, roofs and faundation wa11s with appropriate su6-cvntractors. General Contraator is responaible Eor means, methods, techni.ques, sequences, proceduree, workmanship and job-site safety associated with thie project. General Contractor to verif �J• ��� dimensiona and eXevatioas with architectural drawings. ' ������� engin�er oP all conflicts oz omissions between various e � � k�'* f*��� of the work9nq drawings and the existing conditians o+ �� .� commencing with that poxtion of the project. Gen�ra � 6� Contractar to insgect remodel projects and verify pr s W� proper disposaJ of exiBting materials (i.e. asbesto t� �fj�r required by code. Ident�ty crf all existing hidden s � � elements based upon plans by VIC'roR Nf�AK DONALOSON l�x 7 Cy� dated 26 June 1981. • 15) All materials exposed to exterior and/o� moisture con ' �� ����� ��� shall be treated for these condi.tfons (ie, cflemical. trea •��� ����• staining, paintinq, r3ampr.00fing, membranes, fl�shing, etc. flr�rA�'� ;requir.ed by code. All mateziale ta be treated for fire Vr kY . reaiskance as required by cade. -�v �rc��r�s �'�2�� ��r�� �o�l, 6 �� 20o E �3 �� C�2�P�i � t-��3 v,�►�,�ot,��o . --. �W••���anap�c1ns f�ra�° i•tect �,'"�.����-r ������f�� } .. p. � � .�� ��� 1�'e;,"�..���Y � � 1 � . � • ���a��l�.;�, ��r � PO Box 3340 � Vail, Caloradc, �316�� • a ��`" �,' ' ��,"y`' I I�onc�: 97Q-a7B-2201 • fax: �7U-4 �' 6• 74�� � �_��X�k�`✓ -�'p�.I���M�� �` � �-�� ,� �t��o ���f�l . , _ w _....__�-. ��.._�.�__...`�..���.u'_...w.�,�..��.r..��.,".._I"a��t��l� . �� �.__ .. ._�.__.._._. � � �� �---.,..�.��.__.�.�._._.__..�.._Ww._ �� _. _ ..-- =_-,�-.._�-T--� -...._._e_........ n�;�`�,«.�.�.:.�__� �,w:::".��tiv � ���� � -- — __ � � � �.� � —�.:� ��� � �� .� _�-' :�-µ �� � � I�� �1 j�l _ _�.._.�.._ �:�_... #� �� �� �_�. _..n.- i _ ---.-�.�. �,..�. �� � � � �. ! ' .��. �-�� f�'� �--- __.�,; .�� �.. � �. � �l� � -. ^6 .-_..� .,.....r_.w...__ ... �� � �' � �,�- ;� � �-��` � _ � `� � �: � -�..�.__,a_ .. �.:�..M ' � � ; � � � — _ � :� � .� �� .,a�W � : �. - - —_.- -�-, � �..;���� .....,.q` � .._��� _, .. ...., �,=�. �.�. _._�,i ";� � ��` ��. ' �!i � ____...�...�:.._�_� �� � .—_ � ��. - - —__ -.�;-�i , ��� �� � ���� —� �� � � i __ _���� - � � � . � � , � , .,;�:..�� ..� �.�.. _,y:-._:-:.M_�-�::.:._ �_ .�..,....�.����1�I. .�.._w_�._.� � . _ . . ._ _. , ._..� . ........_._ _ ___.�_ � � � , --_ f � .� �..:��� :� ^::�- -�- - ..__�� --- ..�.____� � - �_._..�.� ...--- y�- _ �..�_ -_T�_ - � �__..�.._ -._ � _�___ �.� �� �� . . ._�- � - _.�_- � ,--�.r � �:.: �---�- ---. ' - --.�__ � � ��-;:--�� ._ - _ -.�.��. � ��� .�.w— �=-� �� ___w.�.�.....�_ _--��.. ��..ri...,r. ....�...��...�.a�.__ ...�.�.�_���...__,.�__._.� � Jun 14 OZ 05: 28p Snowdon&Hopkin� Hrchi�tect �, � r . �Desi�n Rev�iew �oard - �►GTIC�I� FURM !U Y9� v� �L �rtrnent of Community De�e�oprr�ent 75 Sout� �rontage Ro��d,vail, Cabrado 81b57 tel:97d.479.2139 Fax: 970,479,24�2 web: wwH,ci.vail.cr�,us l - ��� Pro�ect Name: Parker Residence ��� DR�Number; DRBQifl146 Proj�t DescrEption: char�ge bay window to Z ddubie hung wind�xvs Participants: OVIINER Foxhall And Helen Parker Q6/06/2001 �hone: 2�5 Kaney Hollow Rd. Pound Ridge, NY 10576 License; ARPLICANT Snowdonand Hopkins (!6/(3GJ�fl�i I�hone; P4 Box 334U Vail, C� 83.658 �.ieense: Project Addr�ss, 483 GpRE CREEK DR VAT� Locatian: Legei Desc�iptian: Lot: 7 �Icx�c: Subdivision; VAIL VIItAGE FILING 4 P�rr�l Number: 21�108235011 Comments: BOARDJSTAFf ACT�tG1N Mot�on �y: ActFOn; STAFFAPR Seca�rtd By; Vate; Date of Approv�al: OG/Of�/2001 Canditions. Cond: 8 (pLAN}; No changes ica these pfans rnay t�e n�ade withdut the written consent of Tawn oF Vail staff ar�dJar th� D�sign Review Baard. Cond: 0 (PlAN): �1R8 appraval'does not constitute� permit f4r building. Please cvn�ulf with Town c�f Vail Building p�rsannel prior ta can:�truction ac�ivitie5, Planner; Allison C}chs URB Fee Paid: �20,00 TOWN aF VA�L DEPARTMENT �F CONIMUNITY DEVELOP'MENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97Q-479-2�38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT Mi75T BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMBS MECHAN2CAL PERMIT Fex�mi.t # : M00-0097 Jab Ad�.ress . . . ; 483 GORE CREEK DR Status . . . : ISSUED Lacat�on, . . . . . : TEXAS TOWNH�MES LTNIT 1 Applied. . : OS/28/2000 Paarce� �o. . _ . . : 2101-Q82,35-01� Issued. . . : 0$/29/2000 Project Number: PRJ00 -0031 E�ires. . : {�2/25/2001 APPLTCANrP SUND.ANCE PLUMBING & HEATING Phone: 9'70-904-5516 P,O. BOX 3684, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACI'OI� SUNDANCE PLUMBING & HEATTNG Phone: 970-904-5516 P.Q_ BOX 3684, AVON, CO $1620 OWNER PARICER HELEN FQX HALL 2Q5 HONEY HOLLOW, POUND RIDGE,NY. , _ 1Q576 Descrip�ian: ValuatsDn: 75q . 00 relocate base�oard heat lines Firaplace InYvrmaYion: Reatricted: Y #Of Qae Appliancee: #DE L3aa Logs: #Of Waod/Pellet: ♦e�rwa��+a*+wtw+�.+++r+srrrr�rrwwwrvr�rwer*x�xw��rtrt*xa+t+e+r�tw FEE SUMMAI2Y xw�rwrrrw�rwwwea**wrxs+k�+r�r*,rx+-+rr�rerrs�r+�ra+ayr�.trs+-rrwvxr MechaniCal---> 20.00 Restuarant Plan Reviea--n .00 Total Calcu3ated Feea--� 28•4�� Plan Check---> 5.0❑ DRH fiee—-------------n .0� AddiLional Faea--°------? .00 Znveetigation� .0� Tp'I'AL FESS--------------> 28.00 Total Permit Pee------- > 28.00 Wi11 Call----> 3.0� Pa7rmente-----------'-> 28.00 BAIyANC� DC7E-------------� _00 4�ki*!*ii*�t+bt*iiYlr#aii.FfrYi`fati�i'wf>'Y�1'�Yfr�F+Mar�e+�Y�k#R+t*iti+w**+riYiraa+++4Yfat+a*i�WwWY1�Ytf+�t�k�r++*Qti�+�+s��k++a+i+i'�kwfrvri!litiM1t*ab�k*t'P+45`t It m: 05I00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept : BU�LDZNG Division: 08�/28/2000 CHARLIE Action: APP� CHARLIE DAVIS Item: 05b00 FIRE bTPARTMENT Dept: �'IRE Division: 08/28/2000 CHAI2LIF Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . F�ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR C�DE COMPLIANCE. �r***�����,�***********,�****�+************�*�********�*�************,�*�*****���*�* DFCL�RAT�ONS I hereby aeknowladga that I have read thie applicwtion, filled out in full the infesrmation required, aompleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infoxmation provided ae required is mrzect. i agree to comply wi.th the information an3 plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to 6uild thie etrsscture according to the Town'e zoning and auhdiviaion codee, deeign xeview a�proved, uniform guilding Code and othes ordinances of the 7'own applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BB MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLFRS IN ADi.rANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 6R AT OUR OFFICE FROM e:On AM 5:0� PM SIGI�iTUR� OF OW�VER �R CONTTZACPOR F�R HIM9ELP AND 04�I�R *��******�����****�w�+t��*+#*++i*f****+*+t*+***t*�*+***+****f*tt TOV7N OF VAIL, CdL�RADO Statemnt #v4�e*ii**�+k**,F#*i�le*#*�h***�,ir**#fi.++ti#*i.*,Y,t,F*+�Yr}tfrrt#i�*ir4w+##*#,Mw+�k� State�[uit Nu�aer; REC-0671 Amount. 28.Oo o8/29/DO 21:50 Payment Met�aod_ 1669 �totation: SUNDANCE PLUNBI3G Init: JN Permit No: MOD-0�97 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-o82-35-016 Site Addrese: 483 GDiZE CR�EK DR Location: TEXAS TOWNH4MES UNTT 1 Total Fees: 28.00 This Fayment 2B.Ofl Total ALE, Pmts: 28.00 Balance: ,40 iF*it^k*Yr*******'�`*i**#3't't'f'1e'1ri�'4'Y*�!***ir*Ye*#*�1"t##+t#***t�li�l�r#*�t*#�!**** Account Code Description Amount MP 001DQD03111100 MECi3ANICAL PEI�IIT FSES 20_aD PF 001000031123aD PLAN Cfi�CIC FE�S 5.a0 WC OQ1QDaQ3�32800 WILL CALL IN9YECTION7 FSE 3.Q0 APP�.�CAT�ON}NILL N4T B£ACCEPT�D IF INCQMPLETE QIZ UI�IS ED Project #: ���C� -� OC�� Building Permit #.��-,r� �-c�-���, Plumbing Permit #• �� ;� 470-479-2�.49 {Inspections) ����Y� TaWN QF VAIL PERMIT APRLr ������ � CATIO N 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colarado �X657 ���� r� � �, / � ;� Contact Ea /e Cvun Assessors G��ce at 97 �- 28-864�'or visit r�vv�v�v�!ea le-coun ,cvm for Parce/# Parce� # (Required if no bldg, permit # is provided above) Job �tame; ]ab Address: I � l Legal Descriptivn Lot: �lock: FiCing: Subdivision: Owners Name: Address: .Phone: Fngineer: Address: Phone: Detailed descriptian of work; i � 'Work Class: I�ew ( ) Ac�dition ( ) AEteratian � Repair ( ) c7ther ( ) � Type of Bldg.: Singl2-Family( ) Duplex( ) Mudti-family`� Commerciaf ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) hiQ. of Existing Dwelling Units i� this building: No. of Atcommodation Units in this building: tl is this a can�rer5ion fram a wopd b�arning fireplace to an EPA Phase II de�ice? Yes ( ) No COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials} PLUMBING: $ �--r� II ; CONTRACTOR INF�RMATION Plumbing Contractor: Towr� of Vail Reg. No.: Cr,ntact and Pl�one #`s: c� �.��. -- =� Contractar Signature: *:��:�:��:�,�:�*x*�*:���*�.�*�x���,����*:�K*�*:��*FOR OFFZC� USE ONLM�*��,��*x����:*xxx:���::���:��*z�:��:�:*t,::�:��r — _ _ i Other Fees; i D�te Received: t D1�B Fees: Accepted�6Y: ' Planner Sign•of�: , F/eueryone/fprms/pl mbperm _ i r,.-tk �kk� .� t; .�•;� �,� � �,. - 7�'+--� �oY3-. ._ _ m�.� . � ."'. ��-� � 'rR�'� �,��g�. lt . � �- ' ���n'� �`f�--' tiS: - ,� � � � F � ... i� . tr i r�'� �' d,f'_'' ,* f: �' . .. -� , .� .. �-u, . . . . . .�r,.��' . -'K�.v,.� ,�7C�..,�. .e�.���� .,.<.., a?_! TOWN OF V�IL DEPAR2'MENT OF CONIMUNITY DEVELOPI�ENT 75 S. FRONTAGE RO.AD VAIL, CO 8T657 970-�79-2138 NQTE: THIS P�RMIT MUST HF POSTED QN JQBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/.A.LT MF HUILD PERMIT Perm.it ## ; B00-0028 Job Add�ess : �83 GORE CREEK DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : 483 GORE CREEK DR (TX TH)Applie�d.. . : 03/17/2Q0� Parcel No. . : 2101-062-35-011 Issued. . . : �3f21/20Ofl Project No. : PRJ00-Op31 Expires . . : 09/17/20{�fl P�PPLICAN'I' RUSTY WOaD CONSTRUCTION, INC. Phone: 970-949-Q177 P O HOX 1147, VASL CO 8T658 CONTRAC"�'OR RUSTY WOOD CONSTRCTCT�ON, INC. Phone: 9 7 0--94 9-017 7 P O BOX I147, VAIL C0� 81558 OWNER PARKER HELEN FOX I3A���, 205 HONEY HOLLQW� P�UND RIDGE,NY. , . 10576 �escription: REPLACE DECK ADD DORMER �ecupancy: R1 Multi-Fam�ly TXpe Construction: V 1-HR Type �T �-Hou� Type Occupancy: �Taluatian: 42, 500 Add Sq F�: Firaplacn Tnformation: Restricted: Y #o� Gas Appiiances: #Of Gas Logs: #Of wood/PaZlet: etr��rrr�rerr�xrtrrt�.tiW+�rerrs�r�wrrtwwwverwww�wt+�r-.r,wit+,�++y [r�E SLIPIMARY i'k****+++*t+*w+kaar+rr++a-,r�*yyw�k�++.ai.irr+t�r�,�++++t�r�rt+t++ Suilding----n 441_00 Reatuarant Plan Review--> . ,OG Total Calculated Fees---> 1,030.65 Plan Check---> 2H6.65 DRH Fee----------------n 50.04 Additional Feea--------� .40 Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 1,030.65 Will Ca11---> 3.nU Clean-Up pepoait--°-----� 250.00 Payments-- °--� 1,03p.65 TOTAL EEES--------------� 1,036.65 Hi�I�ANCE �UE-------'--"-� .�o ++xf��irrYrt*dtti*.4#*itYe4�r�F+rx�Frrftrtrr�kererrrrf�Vwrww�YlwrW�kW W4w�YwrrYx�>W#frY�r#�y!#t+i+rtt+i++a++r+,r�rtwwswrri:ri�+�ir+�Yir�ri��YxwWrwvrfvw��k�kww Item- 05100 BUILDZNG DEFARTMENT Dept : H'UTLD2NG Division; Q3/21/20�00 JRM Actian- APPR approved j�tn It em: 0 54 0 0 PL�ING DE�AR'I'MMFsN'I' Dept : �LANNING I�ivi s ion: 03/21f2d00 JRM Actiion- APFR appr ger brent item: Q5600 FIR� DEPAR'�MENT Dept_ FIR.E Division: 03/21/2000 JRM Action: APpR n/a Item: 05500 PUBLZC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division: 03/21/2000 JRM Action: APPR n/a :rxv,�,rwr�r�tr+rr++:++rrrw*Ktwa�r+�,raxr��+r+r�rar�r�terv�,rrr�,r�e,rr��r*r*x�wr:trrrw#r+ri+r+wvrrwvr�rw�rr�rr+�rrrwa,rw+w�,r��evr*�r*�rtrt+s�t+�sr*t See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions th�t may apply �o th�.s permit. D£CLARATSO1V59 I hereby acknowledge that i hava read this apglicat�.on, fillad out in full the infosmation recluired, campJ.ated an accuraCe plot plan, and atate that all tlie ic�forivation provide3 as required is carrecC. I agree to comply with Che information and plot plan, to comply with all Tvwn ordinancee and etate laws, and to build this atructure according to the 'Fown's zoning and eubdivision codea, design ravi.ew approved, Vniform 0uilding Code an3 other ardinances of the 'rdwn applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR IN6PECTIDN3 SHALL BE TlADE TWENTY-�ovR HOi1R5 IN AoVANCE HY TELE P7E A'i' 4T9-2136 OH AT O oFN'ICE FROM Q:�6 AM S:dO PM .d:f '/ ' ,�? / Send Clean-Up Depoeit To; RUSTY W06D CONST `.�S B OF O�G#NER OR CO R FOR HI F R ************�****�*�*�***�************�**********��****�**�*��*****�******�***** CQNpITIONS Permit #: 800-0028 as of 06/Q5f00 Status : ISSUED *�***�*�**�**�******�***�*�*�*****�**�********�***�*�r*�***�**************�****** Permit Type : ADD/ALT MF BUZLD PERMTT Applied: 03/1.7/2040 Applicant : RIISTY WOOD COI�TSTRUCTION, INC. Issued: 03/2�/2000 970-g49-0177 To Expire� 09/I7/20fl0 Job Address : Location: 483 GORE CREEK DR (TX THy Parce�. No : 2101--082-3�-p11 Description: REPLACE DECK ADD DORMEI� Condi�ions: 1. FIEL�} I�TSPECTIONS ARE REQjTIRED TO CI�ECK FOR CQDE COMPLIANCE . 2 . ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CETLTNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALSD WITH AN APPROVED FIRE M.A,TE�TAL. 3 . SMOKE DETECTOR� ARE REQ�JIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S�C. 31� . 6 . 1 C1F THE Z997 UBC. 4 _ FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROV.AL IS RSQUIRED SEFQRE ANY WQRK CAN BE STARTED. *#***�***i****+fti++++�}��#******�i*i*�#*#t#f#***t******#**#*+#i+ TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO '6tatemnC **,t**t**+f****,r**w***:rw*,r*****,tt*tt***+++,r***,t���*#*+,�*t�r�**�r�x** Statemnt Number: REC-pfi36 Amaunt: 1,O1Q,65 46/D5/OO 13:34 Pdyment Method: CK Notation: 6829 Init: JAIt �ermit No: B00-OQ28 'PyFse: ,A-N1F ADD/ALT MF BIIILD PER Parcel No: 2101-082-35-�11 Site Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR Location: 483 GORE CRBEIC DR (�X TH) Total F�es: I,D30.65 This Payment I, p1,a,65 'I'atal ALL Pmts: I,030.65 Balance: .40 .,****,�*,�*��**,r**+.**ff***+*******w***,�**+**��****r******�r*+f*ft+* Aecount Code Description Amaunt BP Q014�a037.1I3.00 BUILDING PEFtMIT FEES 441.OQ DR Op1000�3112200 DESSGA7 REVIEWi F�ES 30.00 �F aQ10000311230Q PLAN CHECK �EES 286.55 AD D2-DEPOS CLEANiTP DEPOSITS 25D.D0 V7C Od1000031�28�0 WILL CA�,I., TNSPECTI4N FEE 3.04 ------------------------------------------------------- t*Conta�t Eagle Cou�ty Assessors Dffice �`at 970-328-864Q for Par�el �f. TOWN OF VA�L CONSTRUCTI�AT PERI�lIT f� PAI2CEL 4�: .f�/' L`3/� G�2 �,�S.� �/� PERMIT I�PPLICp. ION �'QRM DATE: w � APPLICAT:CON MUST BE FILLED DUT COMPLETELY C3R ZT MAY Nc7T HE ACCEPTED ****#*******�t***************** PERMIT IPTFORMATIOIJ *******�*��t**�ie'*��*�**,t*��* [ -Build ' g [ ]-Piumbinq -Electrical -Mecha 'c - [ J [ ] ni al [ � Other Job M�me: /� / /� " sob Address: �� �.L�,�L��1�. �Ud��— � �� '' Legal D�scription: Lot Bloc&� Filinc� st�B�zv SZON: • :. awners N�me: l D��L_ Address• ��,`,�h��� , - � �r��s� Architect: S Addr�ss: ��� �'�Y��,,�`�. �A��- Ph��G�v'�-�� General, Description: �,ti �- > �` Work C�.ass: � ]--New [ -Alteration [ ]-Additional [ J-Repair [ ]-Other Number of Dwelling Units: Number of Accommodation Unsts: N mber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Woed/Pellet *******���r�r�*�*******�*****�**��� VALUATIONS **��r,�**�t*******�*** �r���t*�*��r�**� ': HUILDING: � � � ELECTFLZCAL: � OTHER: � ', PLUMBING: � MEC I�AL: � TOTAL: '� � ,r�r*�***��*�******** ��* * O T�T�R 'ION *�r**�****�****�*�:*�*��*��*� '�� eneral Co tractc��; Town of Vail Reg. YJO. � ^ Address: Phon� Number: t E�ectrical C tracto��y� ��C-G�- Town of Vail. Re . 1+T�. Address: � PhQne Number: ' Plumba�ng Can�ractor. wn af Vai� Reg. N0. Addre�s: � one Number: Mechanica� Contractor: Town o� Vail Reg. NO. Address: Phone Nu�nber: *******����t*�*********��*******�t FOR OFFICE dJSE ****,t*��****,t�**�����t**�r****�t** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING pI,1�N CHEC�C ,�E£: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PLAl+i CH�CK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATION FEE: � aTHER TYPE OF FEE: CLEA,N-UP ��:�ecerv� DRB FEE: TOTAL PERM S; TYPE GR�UP SQ.FT. VALUA,TI�N BUILDING: ' MAR 1 � �QO _ STGNATURE: � ZQNING: Gomments• SIGNATURE: GLEAN P DFP.OSIT REF[TND TQ Ln�c� r �� � / � ��-�`� .�'��v ! '� ��� �� ��►�j� Des�gn Reviev�v Action Form ����a�Y�� �� TOV'VN O�F VAIL Proj�ct Name: Parker Resfdence Proje�t Description: Darm�r,windaw and deck addition Owner, Address and Phone: Fax Hall & Helen Parker, 245 Honey Hollow Road, Pound Ridge, NY 10576 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Pam Hopkins !5nowdon & Hopkins Architects, 201 Goce Creek Drive, Vail, CO 81657 Prvject Street Address: �t83 E. �pre Creek Drive Legat Description: Texas Tawnhouses, Lot 1 tA&B) Vail Village 4`h Filing Parcel l'dumber: 2141-082-35-0�.6 B�ilding Name: � Comments� Colars and r�ater�ials to match egisting. Pro j ect#: PRJ00-0031 FLEASE C�N�ULT THE T.Q.V. BUILDING DEPARTMEI�'T REGARI)ING POTT�I�i'�'IAL A5BESTQS A,�BATEMENT ISSUES - 479-2325**** Board / Staff Action Motian by: Actian: staff appraved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: n/a Town Planner: �rer�t'Wilson Date: 317/OU DRB Fee Pre-Paid: �2Q (added to bldg permit} F:�EVERYONEIDRBIAPPROVAL19711 DRBAPPR.FRM ,�—'v�—�uici�i �:'r7Gt�P 1 I-i aUf�l :�i'�JJ�LjUP3 Ai'•aL� �it.if-'f�L i`+i'_s `�i ei+:i!b/4;�1 . 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C��v P�`�'4L � � I , � � :. ::, , I _. 3�, ,.�*,.�..�,�i: � , I. 1 � .= . . � I �c tr�� �� oG � . . �. , . . 1 I � � � � M �� � M ��'G�!G d.�. �� �� � � r��, � � M �71 �" r �� ! � ���� ,�.��c� . . , � �, ����:�.� " � �� ° .�� � . ` ''� s''q � �� � � �' �rr� `� ' 2 G�R��' � � � �� � � o �'�A�� i � �'�' � � ��� �i� �2►.c -�� � �f�r �' �'�, � � �" -� • � � I ��i �►"�d.�. � � �!'�- X �� �YP �, � � li�l� 6 •O.C. • �/1(1�V wOiG.. �1 � ' � � � � ' � � � f � � `� �"0�,�I t�.� � � �. Mv� � ,......, � �+� �� � �� r�� r� r� i��� �� �* ��r���«� ��r "'V . �;9 �� �AIfG�� �� �. . � �: �o� �r�c' � • � �'�aM����'� NtN�- �I�P � N�W � �a �',�I �� 'f�f' �i�••.,.�i� � � � �cr�Trr�c� �vc�• ;:� — ���a�L�- �u,�s A�cr� s4toP t�lw►NG pRac�. ��� ��c�1� t�c�(C� ����sa►+� t� ��I�u+� 3 �� 2avo �c.,��r.��aa � � � 1) All lumber ehall ba Pnug-Pfr �2 8A6 or better,. all wolmaniaed lumber ehall b� Hem-Fir �2 8�6 or better (ail lumber within 18" • of finish qrade muat ha wol�enizad). Provide solid blocking at 8�-O° an center in all diaphragms. A11 columne to be ' continuoue besring to foundation. 2) Glule■material�, ioanufactura and guelity contro2 shall contar� Nith AITC Product 8tanderd PS 56-77, 3TRUCTURAL GLUSD LANINI�TBO TIMBER snd I.AMIINATING SPSCIFICATIONS, aITC 11T-B4 U85IGN. Simple e�an beam� shall Le combi�ation Symbol 24P-va srith no aamt�mr. continuous or cantilevered beame ahall be Combination 8ymhol a4F-V8 with no oamber. Adhaslvee ehall aontorm with the requirementa for wet coitditians oC serviee. 3) structural eteel ahall be ASTM A76 or better exaept pipe columne which ehall conform to ABTM 1153 and tube sections which must conform to A.STM A500, Grnde 8, anchor bolta and �iolta ehall ba A307. All structural steel is to he detailed, fabriceted and ermcted in accordance vith 71ISC SPSCIPICATIOH9, 1992 end CODB OP STAli�ARD PRACTZCB. A�11 veldinq to be perfnr�ed by a aestifled velder nnd eontorm with �ISC nnd J�WB 3Ti2UCTi3�RAL NEIi]�ING CDIlE, 20D0, a11 electrodee to he 5E-70X%. Grout beneath aIl basa platee and boem bearing plates ahall be aon-ehrink epoxy vitri minimum 2a day compreseive etrength of b000 pai. i�ll Trubolt Wedge Mchoru nnd xamsete ko be installed according to manuPacturere speciPications. 4) V�realame [2.0£) are ae manutlfcturad 6y BOISE CASCADB CoR2olznTION, see shop drawinga and menuPacturere standard details. All �uiit-up Vorsalem beame must bs qlued with PLaaO and nailed with 2 rowe of 16d apikes ! 9" oc• all altarnates to be reviewed by engineer. 5) cover decke with 2x6 Redwowd with 2 sccews per hearing point. G) 8heath raafa with 5/8" plywood with minimum span rating of 40/20 or better. Nall plywood with 8d @ 6" oa at �anal edgsa anci 12^ oc at intermadiate membere. 7� 8h�ath all exterior �alle with 1/2" p2ywood or oriented �trend board vith minimum span raking of 46/0 or better. Nnil with 8d 2 6" oa at panel edgea nnd 32^ oa at intermediate studs. S} Live loadai uaed for deeign- -Raof-80 psf snow. -Floor-40 pef residenLial. -Deck-30a �sE. -wind-z5 psf. °Earthquak�-Zone 1 USC. 9) All wnstructian must comply with the 1947 Uni#orm Buildinq Code ee adopted hy the Town ot Vail 8ullding �epartment and the "General Conditions oi the Contract iar Construction'" (AIA Dooumant A201�. All conetruat,ion muAt be completed withia the toYarance�s deearibed in the '"Reeidential Constructlon Perfocmance Gufdelines° as prepared by the NATIONAL A950CI71TION OP HOME BUILDER6. 10) ConBtruct walls as iollowa- _ -Sxterior-ax6 @ 16" oc.� -Intarior-2x4 @ 16• oc., unla�e noted otherwioe. 11) All boems, joieta and rafters nre to 6enr upun vall• oc beems OR de hung wibh SIHPSON Skrong^'tie hangece or approved equsla. All conneotion hardvnrs a� banufaatured 6y SZMPS�N 6trong-Ti• or spproved equnle. 14) All strnctural me�bare are •hovn in their iinal poeition� praperly bracec3 and supported, dvriag construction it may ba necessnry ta ehore portions aC the etructure whlls other partione ere beinq coaetructed. Cantect the BYructural enginaer for coneultation as r�qaitad. , . 13) Cant�rector is respanaibla ior sll nop-specii#ed coiu�.ectionR, contact etructural engineex Yor detaile as required. Enginaar to approve all gtruotural auhatitutione. 14) Cantractor is to aoordinate all diaphraqw penetrationa (ia, chimneya, pl�binq sewexs, •tc.) thraugh iloars, rovfe nnd louadakion aalla with npp[opriata aub-contractors. Gan�rei Contractor ia reaponaibis ior meena, methods, techniques, sequencee, procedures, aorkm�.nahip end job-sita eatqty 'L �, M� eseociated with thia pxoject. General Contractor ta varity alI �?.r�! •• �1 dimensions end alevationa vith erchitactural dravings. Notlfy ���• ����� enqineer of all canPllcte or oaiseions betveen variova alam�nta �`s��� �����(�� ot the working drawings and the exieting conditions 6ePOre � � cem�encinq vith that portion o! the prajeot. �eneral ♦ �� Cantractor ko inapect remodei projects and verify prior use and � W� proper disposal of exiating mat.�r�sla (i.e. asbeatos, etc.) ars,� � required 6y ande. Identity oi ell existinq hidden etructurql �i, �f elemente Gased upon plann bp VICTOR MARX oONALD3QN ARCHiTEC'N�.F� �� *"�� dated 2G J�ne 1481. �'�• `��� 15) All materla2e expaead ko extarior and/or moistur' conditione ehall ba treated tor theee eonditione (ie, chemical treatmant, �� �A�1►`�i� eCaining, painting, dnmpraofinq, mmmbranes, flnshing, ato.) as :� V �'� �• raguired hy aode. All matarial. ta 6e tr�ated for firs et}f������!,� r�sietance as required by coa�. `� � 16) Furnish ons set ai ehop and eraction drawings !or structurai ateel to the atructural angineer for reviaw and approval prior to labrication by the eubcontreotor. � ��.. [���' ,�- _ ����.� �,���� y� c��c��� �� ���/� . v�A�I�,C,r�c�or�cr� .�—�io—c6�}`r.itT :�:icJufti•E F h'iiP•1 :.if'vUSPv'ivU6�.F .�-ll'�dF.J !'-[UI-�i�l f`J:i '�i lJti i u i�1::;; h'.fi: r � f.s"'�,i.���'„� � i��-- - , �y } " J. . �e?� ='°e"k��� �",.��� ���`etlG.'�'��` � :"���'.-��t��i�' aC3B,_,.-,:M_.�.,�.....��F'_ Yf=�a �� �•� _ �a � _-° -_ � ' ��F- - �7'.,�.y >�/fi .s ,(:�. 1{�{ . . �ti,l.-a�'.►A«'� ir 4r-,�'��� ! �! 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'Wto�N jr,( Q� x ��...�� WAGI, fin ( ( �� i ��'�. ��y 1 r � N�jW f�(�dt. � � � � � �F�'�... � � - � ! � � „ � � � � �� � ; r t�x� 2xit�► � �G1 O.c, � � � i �e� I � � 1 1 I �F � ��� L�� �. `, � —r �ti �� �� �r �. �� � � j11��' �XID��'�1 �(�'� �i 'r� �R`7�i�CA�1"��� ��1�„ �Co�INA�f6G�. l�WA��oNS R'l�iu�G SI�u,P' t7�'1�11�1►�1C� ��. a y �� � ��q�NC�, �IDD��• �i "�j1O" C�� q�u� � ,�t�,tG'� L Coca�► PA��4�' 1��?'�h' � . � .. �. ,�:.��, W'S�,'.;�� L,T;�;�,f� ,� � . ._ . ra Zxto � IG+ �� . ���`r'XIST A►!a , P��'�t, � '�'�z- 'U"5�o+� �rAnG��1MP � � , � �� ��� � � f� ���� � � � Q►- l./E�� ' = �, • �� � �- '� � �•-• ��� � � �� �S �� � �s � �. rrrr r+ ���� � .�+�. � �. 'y� � ������ �� w � �� ��� a � � '� �'w6 wJ�s� I',�trn��lP�IC. � N ' �► �y��c��Gvr�,,,�`'T. , �� lu� �Q �6 vt, .�fi W�ku� �k���R� . 'h I�- �if� uv�oRvj�uAt� �tG�t.. Gortw�avS �,,�Q s''��*�� _ DUQaI�(� S�OiP �1ti•f�rl1G �/�OIC�SS. ! �' ;9 _. . . . . , . . • . �, . . i ��;QN A'��.�,�F 0 � � �� � ��� t�0�i�� �"'�.- Y "�1=a+ c� a2�v� ��►� � � .r,�a,o�v P��� � � , . �� _ a ':: . ' ^W 4 �'::���'�,'e'���.��*� �`�+,�+�-�'�'p�'d3e+i.r�:. �. . . � �`���.:;y�,������ , . . , � � . - �* fiINC� �:. ' �l � G � , . �. . . � � � � ? � � �� E � 2�G��G d�. � _ _1,� !N!� � l�''' � AI�, � � M v�r � � r �� � ' '��(r �i•2,�G . , � / � �I KhQ�., ,� � r �M,� �* . � �� �."�� � � � 2 � �� _ �• � �, � �' W�,�D � � � ��AI�1 z � �,� • �, ��� �jZ r�a�.c 'I�P�- � �,�C � �i, � � �.. � � , x �, � '�i�i � � � �y i W,fit,�. � I .�.YP x � � � Z�I� � 'o.c. ' ?,r�2� "d.t.�.i � � � � ` � ' � � � �� � � � �Ib o�.1� �. � �::�►�F �+. � "' — �--—� •i.�� 'j1 T",�•�'�{S� � .�..�+ � � �� � • �� • • � � '� i �•s f�J�/�'�1�I4W ��r�wr`'r'�� •� � . r,� ��+ " -—� ��� �i GK7�i l� ���I t'• �. . �;';a���.•'� Ntrr�. '�P� A�.w � � �aN w f T�` �•...��� . � —_' ,1� �1,c[s�rNt� �'oo�• � ��.0 C,�f�INA'1��. �rA�K A�4� S4iaP q�Aw�A1C� ��C6�. I+�E� f��lL �I acNC� ��L 3 �A�f�r2c�o � ��� p� ��, v�n , ~ 1) All lumbar ehall be Doug-Pir #2 848 or bett�=, ell aolmanized � lunber ahnll be Hem-Fir /2 349 or better (all lumber within 1B" aP finieh grade mu�t be volmnnized). Provide eolid blocking � et 8�-0" on centoi ia All diaphragme. All coluwne to ha continuoue 6earing to foundntlon. 2) �lalao matarials, Wanufacture nnd q¢elity contral shall canform w�ttl AIPC PYOdIlCC BtaIIdaid PS 56-77� &TRIICT[7RAG CLUED I.ANINAT6O TIl1H�ER end LAMZNATING SPECIPICATIONS, AITC 117-BA [IESIGN. Sfople epan beams shali bs Cort4netion 9ymbol 24F-R4 with no cnmber. Contfnuoua or aent].lavered bgame shall be Combl.nation 8ymhol afF-Ve with no aamher. Adhesivea ehall contorm with the raquiramente for wet conditions o! �arvic�. 9} structnrai eteel shnll ba ]45?'M A35 or better axcapt pipe columns Nh1ch ehall coniorm to X6TM AS3 and tnbe eectione vhich must conform to A8T1S A5ao, Grade B, anchor bolts and bolts shall 6e 71707. All atructural steel ls ta be detailed, fahricntg8 end eFected in accordenc� with AISC SPECIFZCATION9, 1992 nnd CODE OF' BTANDAAA PRACTICS. All Velding ta be perfor�ed by a certlYied welder and aontorm with AISC and AWS STRUCTURAL WELDING COD�, 2000, all electrodes to 1oe EE-7oXX. Gxout beneath a12 basa pletes nnd beam bearing Qlmtes ahall ba non-shrink epoxy w1tYs minimum 28 dey cowpreseiva etrenqth of 5060 pei. All Truholt Wedgn Nnchare and Rameets ko ba lnstalled aecording to manutacturees specificationa. 4j Verealnms (2.oE) are as �anufantured hy BOIS6 �A6CAL7B COItPORATION, eee ahop dravinga and nanutacturers etandard. details. 7111 Luilt-up Ve='atclam beams aust he glued with PL40m nnd nailed with 2 rows or ifid epikas @ 9" oc, All alternetes to be reviewad by enqinaer. 5) Cover decke with 2x6 Redwoo8 vith 2 ecrevs par nearing point. 6) Sheath roofe with 5Js� plywood with minimum apan rating oi do/2o or better. Nai] plyvood with ed 4 6" oc nt panel odqas end ia�� oc at intermediate membere. 7) Sheath all exterior walle vith 1�2" plywood ar oriented streod ponrd t+ith minimum span ratinq of a4/a or better. Nail vith 8d @ 6° ac at panel edges and 12" oc at intermediate etuda. 8) Live loads ueed !or deeigri- -RooP-84 psf snow. -Flaor-4o peP reaidential. -Deck-100 psP. -Wind-25 psf. -Easthquake-Zone 1 IIBC. 9) All construction m�st aomply mith the 1997 Uniform Building Cade ae adopted fiy tha Town ot Vail Building Depastment and the "Genernl Conditiona of the Contract for Construction" {AIA Dacument A201�. All aonetruction �uat be completed within tha talerancas deaeribad in the ��xesidentisl conetruction Perforoance Guidalines^ ae prepnred by the NATIONAL 1►SSOCI7ITION OF HOME Bl7ILDEAB. ]Oy Cangtruct wells a■ lolioas�__ -6xterior-2x6 @ R6" oc. -snterior-2xa @ 16" oc., unless noted otherwisa. 11y ]111 beams, jniat� and raltsre nre to bear �pnn walla ar banms oR be hunq with 3IMPSON Strong-Tio hangers or approved equalc. A21 conneation hardvara as manuYncturad by SIxP&ON Strang-Tie ar appraved equals. 12) A11 atruatural members are rhoxn in their linel poaitiona praperly braced and aupportad, dvring eonstruation it may be necessary ta ahore p�ortiona ot the structure vhile other portiona are being constructed. Contact the structurel enqineer Por coneu2tation as required. F3) contractor is rosponslDle for nll non-sp�ciEi�d connsetiona, oontaot etructurnl engineer [or dateils aa requirsd. 6nqinaer ta sppravs all structuraZ eubetitvtions. 14} Contractcr ie to coordinata ell rliaphrega penetratfoae (ie, ohieneya, plu�loinq severa, etc.) through ilvars, rooPs and foundation walla with eppxopriato �ub-contsactora. Gensrnl Cantractor is reeponsibla Por meane, mathoda, tecAniquee, oequences, pcocedures, vorl�anehip and job-ai�e salety neeocieted xith thie praject. cenersi contractor to verify all dimaneiona and elevations xfth arohiteetural drawfnga. Notify enqineer ai all contlicts or omiosions 6etwsen varioua�2emants oT the workinq dravinga and the exietinq conditiona before cummencinq wlth that portian of the projact. Generel �3, ��� Cbntractor to inspact romodel projacta ana vexify prlor vae and � f praper dieposel o[ eYiating natar�ala (i.e. asbeatoa, etc.) as �`.��� � ���.� required by code. Identity ot all sxleting hidden etructural �� '` • alements baaed upOn plena hy VICTOR NARN UONAL�BON ARCHITBCTS � �;�'� dated 26 June 19&1. f i5} All vaterials exposed to exterior and/or moisture conditione � shall be treated for thaee conditions (ie, ohemical treatment, ' � iLle �taining, peintinq, dnmprooPing, memt�ranee, Plaehing, atc.) n ��r� requlced hy aade. All materiels to be treeted for 11.re ° ?y^�-�i resietao�ce as raquired by code. ���� 16� Furnish one eet o[ ei3op and erectlon dras+inge for structural �s �i stesl to tha e}ructurai enginear for raview and npproval prioc ��lr��ya,�� +�� to Pabriaation by the aubcontractor. • �R� -� ,��'�.�4L�- �i� ����� �/��-K�.�I��117GN� �'Jk,�l��Gl� t�, G����i�- r�►v� ��/� ������� �T . �liC i W a�S/�iM �Z��j L �1!�! Y`TV . (' �� l`i / G `� A � 11-2�1-20t�D Insn�ction I���guest Re ��tina �� ~ Pac��: '1:.3 k t��(�fl �rr� ' �/ai .r _C'• � - '� +r,. � ; k Rec�uested Inspect f�ate: 'fuesday, t�ovember;t�, 'lOt1U ' i�es��ctiuRi,fiti e�: Ci� . .��t$�kQdP�s�: 483 Gfll:�C�d��6: DR YA�ii. TF?�'!S T�?�t?�HOM!ES Uh!!71 AfP,PD fr�focrnafl�n - rr.i;eiviiy: Pv9G0-4097 TyFi�: 8-MEi.H �uu Ty�c: �AP� 1 S2atu� 1S�%:�G C�r.:,tTj�F;: Q�c;�^u^c��: t;JV• yFiJ�i'VN4. �v� An�ii���t• ��rn��a[vrE Pi r,+M��Nr_,�.�fE.�'�IhlG l�hnr�p: ��rn.and_����, Cantcactor: �Ur�DA^��� �LUMB4r��8� H�A'�ING �hGr��: 97a5�4-551� �er; P{�RKEP. HE�E1�; FG?C NALL s uescTip�E�� relo�ate b�set�c)artl heai Ilnes v„ --.:,..-..., �, RaL��,3°_g�a�i!?SpiP�r�irtnt��-s-,..- � ite • 34Q MEGl�-ldifsc. � Requested Tlme: 08:dD A°�i Ke UQ_ f: �llfVllHNt;t YLIJl�V4EitNC�tk�C�T{'�C� Nh�ne' �fll-yU4a�53Ei -dr- y114-17Ub � �,ur�i:"� te�s. 1�u"s��G,=«.L . :"u�i�,r�' To: Ca;1`�!° E,'��r��Ey, t;�,'1`�dS !: �a�_`ko � T�m?�.xn. • .i - i � ��j�[��c{eutl3�i�ic�rr lk?r'd!: �(Nl t�AFI�'!�_Rna� f1 ((�itrl'I(j�1A�� a����rnu�tre �8,`3�ID�� In ectar: �ff��l Action: AW�'R A��f�OV��s � ltesr�: 2�G PLM��as P�ping �Optio��al3 Itern• 3ic; i�F�ri t�eei�ng � t�prionai) lL iSl. 3�L IYICL"t�Cxl�ltllJ9l}'?�3�J�� (v;:reiv'tr6i�j -� ft ZMh a���U �N.� i'n �.��: „ r.,v „ ,,�oy;lir t�p,E,.�u�� �t�m� 3�� �A�CH-�i�r, {t7ntin��l) I¢em: 39fl MECH-f=inal (Required) ; �� . �� - � � � ;y .. 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