HomeMy WebLinkAboutF02-0056 AND M03-0178 LEGALTO\^AIOFVAIL- 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Perudt #: M0$0128 ]ob Address: 500 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUEDLocation.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR #A AppUed . . : W/24/nBparcel No...: 210108110001 Iiiued. . : W1z+,1ZOOSProjectNo ' f\1j- Expires. .: 0g:/n/2004 OWNER PrNOS DEL NORTE APARTAI.{ENrO OI/24/2OO3 PhONE:I TOM NOONAN PO BOX 69 VAIIJ CO 81658 Lricense: co$rRAcroR swEDEtS META! FAB 09/24/2003 phone: 970_33L_3336P.O. BOX 801 MIMTURN, CO 8164 5 License: 239-M Appr,rcANr swEDE'S METAL FA3 09/24/2003 phone: 9?0_331-3335P.O. BOX 801 MINft'RN, CO 81645 L,icense:299-M Desciption: REPLACE HUMIDIFICATION SYSTEMValuation: $5,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restrkt€d: y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # ofWood Pellet 0**************r***rntdtl**,'*a**t*t{r****i*rr**ft}ff**€***f** FEE SUMMARy {,*.******f**.H*r'.-*.*****it'ri*.*..f*.:.**off**Mechanical-> sloo-oo Reatuarant Plan Re\/iew-> 90.00 Total calculated Fees-> slag,ooPlan Check-> $2s . oo DRB Fee-*--> g0 . o0 Additi,orul Fees--> $o , ooInvestigation-> $0. oo rorAl FEES-- > s12s . oo Total perEdt Fee.-> $ta8 . o0Will Call-> 93 , 00 palry1glts--.-_--> SL2B . 0o BALA]VCE DUE--._>r****rtlria****h,r*l*.rfl*a*H*j!a*n{h*ettr!r****ffitr**l#*ffiR *ffi+.r*r****rr**a4titrffi**ffi****tItem: 051O0 BUTIJDING DEPARTMENT 09/24/2oO3 DFIIem: 05600 FTRE DEPART}{ENT $0. o0 Action: AP Cond: ( BIJDG . Cond: (BIJDG. 701 0F cond: (BI,DG. i-0 0F L2 22 CONDITION OF APPROVAL FTEIJD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To crIEcK FoR coDE coMprJrAr{cE. ): coMBUSTToN ArR rs REQUTRED pER sEc. ?01 oF THE r.992 rrMc, oR sEcrroNTHE L997 rMc. 23 ) : IT.ISTAIILATION MUST CONII}RM TO UANUFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS ASID TO CI{APTERTHE 199? UMC, CI{APTER 10 OF THE LggT TMe. Cond: 29 (Br,DG. ) : GIAS APPrlrAr{cEs gllAlrrr BE vEI'ttrED AccoRDrNc ro cHAprER I TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE LggT VMC, OR CHAPTER Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEITT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER TIIE 199? UMC AIID CHAPTER 3 OF TITE 199? IMC. Cond:31 (BIOG.): BOILERS SHAIJL, BE UOI'MIED OlI FIOORS OF IIONCOMBUSTfBL,,E CONST. ITNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI.,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): FERMIT,PLAIIS A}ID CODE ATiIAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO Al.r INSPECTTON REQLEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DR,,AINAGE OF MECIIAT{ICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATI}TG OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOIIJERS SHAIJI BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF TI{E 199? I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF TIIE 199? IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforsntion required, complered an accurate plot plan, and state that atl the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structue according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codeg, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. 'BEsT -COPY T AVAILABIE r ATID SHAIJIJ 8 OF THE 1.997 IMC. 3 AI.ID S8C.1017 OF 49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIVfSELF AND OWNET t*****tf{t*'t**'l*+*+t*'***ltl+*+++'}***'t***++f***+****:rt+****'}********i*f+***'tr*i********t+*****'r* TowN oF VAIL, coloRADocopyRrprhnalm ilFl&'2lllll rt lrl:4*13 to/03t2w3 Staternent * +f{t | * * ** * *+*tl * ***'} *{.** * t *** * * ** * + * * * * * * * *** * ** + +* *** * i * f******* *tta****'}r}'}* !t* * ****,t+*+**** Statement Number: R030OO47S8 Arnount: 9129.00 09/24/2OO3O1 :13 pll Payment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: Permit No: M03 - 01?8 ll4re : MECHAII"ICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101081100 O 1 Sit,e Addrese: 600 \IArL \TAILEY DR VAIIJ IJOCATiON: 5OO VAIIJ \IAIJI.'EY DR *A Total Fees: $128.00Ttris Payment: g12g.O0 Total AJ,IJ pmts: $129,00 Balance: $0.00 '1.**'l+a*:t*{t*++**********+t+*********t*+++*{r****'}*****t++***'}**'t*i*****+****++++t'}****'}l****** ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cur.rent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PEMIT FEES 1OO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 25.00 I,IC OO1OOOO3112BOO I.JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TVWi0Fytn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Prcject #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (I nspections) Spec CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanicallpntractor: ."S'di""fr.I*( Col" Town of Vail Reg, No.: &<9 -rfl Contact and Phone #'s: 74.{oc' S} t390-)l 7C E-Mail Addtiess: COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Patel # Parcel # p lOlok I t ooo / rob Name: .AzC FpCfi?A Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: ^l>erur,aar., ll Address: lU 6"y 6, opi I ll Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: t zz/acr 14-rnr,.Q.,l),e*ll,L .sy SrtEr* WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration[4) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-familyJ.lf) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tyoeof FireolacesExistinq: GasAooliances( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) **********,r.*******rr****FoR oFFIcE UsE oNLy*********************f\**x*lv'h f)/,. i DRB Fees: I DaE Received: | ' i *k" qSpK' Fees: paEe Keceryeo: \F ae .H \Waif\daIa\CdeV\FORMSWERMITS\MECHPERM.DOC 07/26DQ02 ., V\\/ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKIERPERMIT Permit #: F02-0056 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR N.WOODS BLDG A .A,pplied . . : 09/06/2002 ParcelNo...: 210108113015 Issued. .: 09D4D002ProjectNo: Expires..: 0312312003 owNER PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAMEIflTO 09/06/2002 phone: ? TOM NOONAI{ PO BOX 59 VAIL CO 81558 License: COMTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTEC1IIOg / o,l2002 phone: 3o3-792-OO22 7025 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGIJEWOOD, CO I0l-12 License:338-S APPT,TCArvf WESTERN STATES I'IRE PRO?ECTI09/O6/2OO2 phone: 3O3-792-OO22 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGIJEWOOD, CO 8 01L2 License: 338-S o$rlTER NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIITM ASSOCO9/2,/2OOL phone: PO BOX 1231 VAIL CO 815s8 Desciption: INSTALL NEW l3R FIRE SPRINKLER SUSTEM TO EXISTING BLDG Valuation: S74.000.00 il:t+:i:tt +:i i 'l *,***:lia +'rtt* 'l*+,i+t,t+ * ** Mechanical--> $1, 480. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> So. o0 Total Calculated Fe€s--> $1, 853 .00 Plan Check---> $3?0. oo DRB Fee----------> go . o0 Additional Fees---> $0. 00 Investigation-> $o.oo TOTAL FEES--------> 91,853.00 TotalPermit Fee-----> $1,853.00 Will Call-___> 53.00 pavments__-_> gt , 953 . oO BALANCE DUE-------> $0. oo Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARII{EqI 09/20/2002 DF Action: Ap It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARIIt{Elgt 09/20/2002 mvaughan Act,ion: AP changes may be required pending field inspections CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,LjANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that alt the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigtr review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MAI'E TWENTY-FOTJR EOURS IN ADVAI\CN BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM- 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * * * ** * **+ * * + ** ** ******** +*** *** tt**** * ******++ + +*+ *****t **** *** * ** ***+**+ + * | +++******** * * * *** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t *,t * * * + * * ** ** * * + * ** * +* + + + * {.'} 't ** * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * ***+ + *** + + * * * * * * * * *** * * * Statement Nurnber: R000003139 Amount: g1,g53.OO 09/24/2OO2L2z2L ptf Pa),'ment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: WeBtern Statea 2054 Permit No: F02-0056 Tlpe: SPRITIKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 210108113 015 Site Address: 500 VAIL VAIJIJEY DR VAIL Location: 600 VAIL VAIITEY DR N.WOODS BIJDG A TotaL Fee6: $1,853.00This Payment: $1-,853.00 Total ALIJ pmts: $1,853.00 Balance: 90.00******f********** *****+i*********** **************+******+S****************,t ,t **:t :t***:****'lt**'t* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts r4P 00100003111300 I',IECHANICAL ptRt4tT FEES 1,480.00 PF 00100003i12300 PLAN CHECK FEES 370.00 I,IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO APPLICATION WILL Fire Sprinkler must include ;'t5 PLEE OR BuiLin 9 7O - 4 7 9 - 2 7 3 5 fi nsoection s ) P q TVWNOFVATI 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado without th Rd. 81657 shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and the following. Permit application will not be accepted of ma s. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor. Fire Sprinkler Contractor: V.l et,-r ax\ 6r*T€e tric€ Town of Vail Reg. No.: t&rr- 338'3 Contact and Phone #'s: 6ltA> t€r.s 'S 3os-fi?'ooaL E-Maif Address: *AD.L€rr:r< @ dS Fp. ht \ Contractor Sionature:F 'rr--'rl;;---> COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler: s 1+,6A0.as= ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy**r.****rr******r!**r.**r.*,!***ti*****tr**** Other Fees:Date Received: Public Way Permit Fee Occupancy Group:Kttr U Contact Assessors Office at g7O-328-864O or visit '.com for Parcel # Parcel #,zLbt - 06l - lo- bl Job Name:NocTHrJ R B.rrtbrrr G Job Address:--- b@ VAru vALL€-v iMv6- Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Enqineer:,-- Yet*Y tMA1,llb^t^:9 Address:'non*&z-4zq- zqrL Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) AFWt,qU- r-rEru 13 a- F tpZ 6po\.\y1,^e 6tt9rep- 'To 6y,\t/w6r B'\D{+ Detailed description of work: l. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (r')n Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family(-)--Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No 19.- lfOoes a fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (t J \Wail\data\cde\\FORN4S\PER\4lTS\SPRK PERM.DOC o'7 t26t2002 EP - 5 2002 6l NSt) NTNOTYAILIY HOW DtD 'JVE RATE TVTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Deparbnent Russell Fonest Director,(970)479-2139 I Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnen(s) did you conhcf? Building Environmental_ Housing Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact wilh our stafiimrnediate_ dow -or :. : i :::.. : no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wai[ how long was it before you were helped? ' 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? 5. Was ttris your first time to fle a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ t,l/A 6. Ptease rate fte performanci otfre stafiperson who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knowledgq responsiveness, availability) 7. 0verall efiectiveness of fre Front Service CounH. 5 4 3 2 1 8. Whaiis he bestlime of day for you b use the Front Service Counter? 9- Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you narttime? Thank you fortaking the lime h complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. il (a'\ KJ\di,g<F. d* @w t'/orfl wool5 [3 ld'A - ]oo1 scAtE I I _l A-lf1I. , tJNillrrl t___-_l q1 11latr fiD IT.E UNIT 5I3 DESIGN MBDIFICATINNS ,rorcn NORTHV00DS BUILDING A -S3ccIt9.' = L'-0, I.'E Sf,fw . rIE tlDlEElOl . trG {tf,rt"\/I ;;f.o'L lFll rH. - Gta Sr'd{!.a c ref, v7t- 3_f e f frc '060n'q*r,-i l+, opcn lo holor uNn' 5r5 -l norfh wools Bld,A LooA @ r{ltln lo hp.lor rJNrT 515 I l7st72 @ 7 lttlou - -rP H'1l I L:::_i "it -- -l ;l; i I, or lre UNIT 515 DESIA1.f f"fOnfFiCaf tOnS tr*r 0rar 9/t9foe, mlcr NURTHL/0ODS BUILIIING A - Aoo L tG[l/8' = l'-0' #\ rxsttrY . rGrrEL:rDr . rtlx -d-: FD }OD REOTTST t-ai ia. SKFP-021n -m rJsh F rtx. o-rb Er s/ro.B Fqri rr 0e-D3r7