HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ07-0112 B07-0227 LEGALocT O? 2OO? 1 :25PFl HP LFSERJET SEOO p.1 KllM.o*=uLrANrs, rNG. P.O,Ba4A7e Vail, Colonado El BetE (9701 E'4E|-EIEE 1 FAx 949-1677 Town of Vaif OF FNDT'lrllrl- r Tou/n-of Val I Cofi tmunity Development atEr: JR Mondragon fax: 17*24,52 FIGH IqAfe I IRo.,licr: do, 10nno07 O'M€ara LanGcaplng (19&4A Sunbursl Ddve) JOA|f/,mBER 0704-'16 J uemnatvotEs X nrsrcrse A crtamcaflcrutcHAuoE I I Thls ls to verify orat wei apprGve the consbustion of the footings qf the landscape elcments atthe elevations wc have srown on the apprwed drai,lngs. OOPYTO: RECORD W'l- oLzT fo: J,,*, TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E07-023t4 3or- o1.X-1 Job Address: 1984 SUNBURST DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1984 SLINBURST DR Applied . . : 092t/2007 Parcel No...: 210109103025 Issued . . : 09121/2007 Legal Description: 3?SO -? _O ( ( ( Expires . .: 03119/2008 Project No :OIINER O MEARA, MAURTCE P. O9/2L/2OO7 650 POYDRAS ST STE 2235 DENVER LA 70130 APPLICAI\m MD MOLLER CO O9/2L/2OO7 phone: (970) s69-3913 PO BOX 1508 EDWARDS co 8t632 License: 355-E co^rlfRAcToR MD MOLLER CO o9/2r/2OO7 phone: (970) 569-3913 PO BOX 1508 EDWARDS co 47632 License: 355 -E Desciption: EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL AND HOT TUB ELECTRICALValuation: $0.00 Square feet: 1000 FEE SUMMARY Elecfrical----> Investigilion---> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES--> $s1. ?s 90.00 $4.00 Tolal Calculaled Fc6s-> Additional Fees-----> Toial Permit Fee---_> Paymen6----;' BALAI{CE DUE.__> $55 . ?5 $0 .00 $0.00 Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/2L/2oo7 shahn Action: AP ::.:H--:::::--::::-:::::-:Il|:-,--,-"'i'i'i.l:}**'**|{',il*'t'+:}++||+f+*+t|i*l{+*ff:}t'i|i'++*t+t:ft|tl*+*++**{*t'**i CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 .!l-lii.;1.;--Il::?,,,,fl::":::l:X-.1-T-:-::J,1H:-,,T:--:"T'-:-1..::l-::.?:--:::::l-T:.:.**,********"*****:,**,,*:,*i*,***,.* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accgrding to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, lntemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI.JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI,JR OR AT OUR OFTICB FROM E:00 AI,l - 4 PM. * + i | * * {. * 'i * * 't * * * rt * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * r. rt * * * i! rr ** *** *****t**{.*'rrr******* * * * * * r( {' ,t' 't' * * * * t * * * * * * * * + * * + * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement t i. *** * ** ******** * *'i * * * * * * * * ** ***+ t{r '} * * ** *,rr r' * | * * * {' * *** ****+*++{+ * t't 't 'f 'l 'r{.* '} 'i *'r* * * * * 't * * * *rr,r:r:r * * StatemenE. Number: R0?0001935 Amoune: 955.?5 09/ZL/2OO7L0:44 Alr! Payment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: MD Moller / ck Permit No: EO7-0234 TLpe: EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 2101,-091-0302-5 SltC Address: 1984 SI]NBIJRST DR VAIL IJOCAIION; 19 84 SI]NBI'RST DR Total Fees: $55.75 Total AJ,L Pmts: BaLance: (qq ',q $0.00 This Payment,: **********t+********f**'i*r********tttt't**t ********t****++*************,r,r!***:t,r*,r************** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Accounts Code Descripc ion CurrenE Pmt.s EP 00r-00003111100 wc 001000031-L2800 E],ECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILI, CAJ,I, INSPECTION FEE 51.75 4.00 FROM 09 20 2007 08:01/ST,8:00 CONTRACTOR X 1{ FORMATION P002 75 S. Frcnuge lld, Vailr Slorado 81657 ?5t.1 f coMpt"ETE sQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORI(AI{D VALUATION OF WORK (tabor & Materiao AI-,IOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCIIJRE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ # Parcel #-fr'1wen-a-..alg1loq I D<O.a<' too *ttt'( ''*t{Ka.vc roooo*r' lq8'lt Sun bu6t Lcgal Descrlpdon ll t ot!;16,{, uocr:Hllng: !subdivbion: \h j t Vdllet,rl( ownerslann: ll Aodrus;Phone: Engineer;Address:Phone: iq*-.€,AftJrri q. '_I TI workClass; New() aOauonlTl Remodel( ) Repair( ) femppot,et( ) Otter( ) Work Type: Interlor ( ) Ecerior ff Bour ( )Does an EHU exist at thls locaUon: Ves ( )NoDQ Typao|B|dg.:5ing|c-family(@icommercot()Rcfiunnt()other() No. of Existing Dwelling Unlts in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this luitding: i1] lfu Is his oermit bra hottub: v* Ml uo ( Does a Fire Alarm EdsH Yes ( ) No (Docs a Firc Sprinldcr $6Em 6dsh Yes ( ) No ( *it r**l**** ***ri*t********tf t*r*r.*r**|iFOR, OFFICE USE ON LW rr ** {rrr rrr*f**r ** trf ttt*t***rrt*t* l* F:\cdevVOMSWrmiB\Bulld ing\electcaurermiLl t.a32005,DoC Page 1 of 2 ut?j.n0p6 FROM 09 20 2007 P00 3 ,,.m g o n g n Amendment to tlre 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail O.rdinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead seryices are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underyround services shallbe in conduit (PVQ from tE ufiWhansformerto the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electical distribuuon circult breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be rudilly aceslble, andlcr:i|e.d noft to the met€r on the erterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits arc required to be inspeded beforc back-filling the trEnch. In multi-family dwelling unib, no elecilical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unitb another, CommOn walls and spaces are xempL NM Cable (Rome<) an be ud onty in slngle and multl-family dwellings not exeading 3 rtorles 7W tt , annot E ud in any buiping mbd wlth TyF &B.EEnrtI{ &S ompanaE Aluninan conducbrcsmaller than size #8 are not pennitted. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERII,IXT GUIDELINES All installations of o<terlor hot trbs or spat requlre a DRB approval from planning. This application wlll not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form atbched (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an e><terlor hot tub or spa on a new elevated plafform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. if this permit ls for installaUon of an orter'pr hot tub or spa on any o<isting deck or elevated Platform, a struchrral engineer must review the a<isting mndition and verfi that it will support the added concentrated load, Please provide a copy of the struch.rral engineers wet stamped leter or drawing with this applicaHon. If this is a remodel in a multFfamily building with a homeowners a*sociation, a letter of permisslon from the association is required, If thls permit is for a commercial spaoe, two (2) seb of stamped drawings are required. ElecAial on*line and panel schedules ene tqafuil if load is addd or disfiibution E alfurcd. nd the above. airq lor Signature DahSlgned If you have any questlons regarding the above information or havc addltional quesHons, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 970-479-2747. The inspector can be ieadred on Monday thru Friday mornlngs behrrreen thc hourcof 8am and 9am, You may also leave a voice mail and the inspecbrwill call you back. f have read e \cCcvVORl'lswrmits\hriHhg\eledicd-p€rmitjl-23-2005,D0C Perye2 of 2 LLI73l2W5 FR0[l|09 20 2007 08: 01/ST, 8:00 ru.ID. Moller C@ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING p,o. Box1508 Edwards, c0 81652 G7018{5'8059 €701845{029 FA)( COMPAI{Y NAivIE: Town of Vail ATTENTION: CommunitY DeveloPment FAX NUMBERi 970-479-2452 FROM: Deidre DATE: 9/zolo7 COMMBNTS: Electrical Permit Application: 1984 Sunburst:O'Meara. Please call with any questions. M.D. Moller Company P001 Thankyou, -}jd*Sovrtcrr >hdrreROWAY| TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAI) vAlL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NO.IE: I.HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO7-0189 Job Address: 1984 SLINBURST DR VAIL l,ocation.....: 1984 STJNBURST DR ParcelNo...: 210109103025 Legal Description: Project No : OWNER O MEARA, MAURICE P. 550 POYDRAS ST STE 2235 DENVER LA 70130 APPLICANT SKYLINE MECHANICAL P. O. BOX l-258 GYPSUM co 8l-637 License: 121-M CONTRACTOR SKYLINE MECHANICAL oe/os/2007 09/Os/2001 Phone: 970-524-6809 09/Os/2007 Phone: 970-524-5809 Bor - oA4'-l Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 0910512007 Issued..: 0911212007 Expires. .: 03/10/2008 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSUM co 81637 License : l-21-M Desciption: PRovlDE CRAWLSPACE VENTILATION coMBUsiloN AIR To I BotLER Valuation: $2.200.00 Fireplace lnforrnationi Restricted: # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofcas l.ogs: o # of wood pellet: 0 )t **:l * * + * 'r + + * +:| +* r MechanicaF--> 950. 0o Restuarant Plan Rcview-> go. oo fotal Calculated liecs*-> g?9. oO Plan Check*-> 915.00 l O]'AL |UES-----*-> $?e.00 Additional Fees-------> go.o0 lnvestigation-> $o . oO l'otal permit fes------> g ?9 . OO Will Call---> 94.00 payments----------------> g?9. oo BAI.ANCE DUE----*> $o. oo ftem: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09 / 05/ 2OO7 cgunion Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEM| CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FrELD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMPLrANcE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AfR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2OO3 IMC ETVN SECTTON 304 OF THE 2OO3 TFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOhIN OF VATI,. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER fNSTALI-TATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTTONS AND CHAPTER ].0 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. ?Rsot -6\(a Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHAIJL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.); ACCESS TO MECHANTCAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST, IINLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EOUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN oR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSTNG OF LIQUID WASTE pER SECTION 1_004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to compiy with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REeutjsrs FoR tNSpECTtoN sHAt.l. BE MADE TwENTy-FouR HoURS nl eove*ce I49 OR AT FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER HIMSELF AND OWNER OF TIIE 2OO3 . *l' * * I + + * * * * * * l. * * * l. * l' * * I i * * + * +'t ** *** * ** * **t**t++*t+** rtt* * * * * '|+ + * * * * 'a I' t' *l' *ft* * *** *|tt**a**'* * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StEtement*{.*{.*i*****'i!.ar.'t {.**** *1.'r* **** i***i.ir rr 't { f, * t * ir t t * * * i! {. { * * ,t ** { + {**t*,t**,*ttt*t**i**t*r{r*|l*t|***,i,t* statement Number: R070001844 Amount: 979.90 09/L2l2OO703:40 pM Payment. Method;. Check 11531 INit: DDG Notation: Skyline Mech Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Liocation: This Payment; M07-0L89 Type: MECHANTCAL, PERMIT 2101-091-0302-5 ]- 984 SI'NBURST DR VATL 19 84 SI'NBI]RST DR $79,00 .*******'i'**{'*******+***+****'r*********+*+********{.t *1***1*******{.i****:}***t****:r*:t *t tt**+****t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current, Pmts Tota] Fees: Total ALL Pnts: Balance: $79.0o $79.00 $0.00 Des cript ion 50.00 15.00 4. O0 MP 00100003111100 PF 00L00003112300 wc 001"00003112800 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILI, CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE Rug 3O 2OO? 8:?lHt'l SkSIine l.lechanicaI INC. APPUCATIOiI WIIL IIOTSE AGCEPTED tF firruwwri 75 S. FHttage Rd. Yall, Coloredo t16s? Frcvide llcdranicat Rmm tarout; lledrrnlcal Room otmeiil-oncc @mbuEdonAlrDuctSheandtr FluG, Vc[tEndGecUneslzeando HedlocsGalcs.o Equtpnrcnt GuVspoc Steets @IIEPLETE VAtUATtOt{ FOR iTBCHANICAL CONTRACTOR IilFORIIA *+!r * tt***:t ++**!t+ !t r*{. *+ :t* /v)o), o tBl l{edtanlcal permEFero,4z;iisiiilJi*Lr--- oR Ut{Flltect #:BuiltiingPermffi 4?1-rr:8(Pr&j b scele b Indudo: s?o-5e4-o?40 p.l 070ilc Permit wiil not Ue aicepeOh'n' FA X +f 4l?q'J'f 5e (fabor & ltatcrtrts) robName: /?-s+,t IJI+ ,f uanbues* D !!t s"ss: Neur ( ) Adgtuon ( ) Atterdtn 0t) neparr ()OUrer ( .)Eolbr Lc0on: Int€iior( J -Erfterior{-l-her ( )eD(Bt atthis locattonr Yes ( ) No ( )Tpeof Bldg: Shgtehmily( I o,rp ( ) ourrl I No. of Exis0ng D,vellhg Unlts In mS UrttAingr No/fipe of Fieplaes Froposed: e@ ( ) WoodEurntng(nOraUOWeOl q4,4 6 n rcvelToncrfoffirrrncdrgerm Yt*+ !t *:f,{.:l *:f zt{. *.f *:f ** {. * 't rf *t *!F* TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO7-0194 kt -ott1 Job Address: 1984 SLTNBURST DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1984 SIJNBURST DR Applied . . : 09t0512007 ParcelNo...: 210109103025 Issued. . : O9lnn}07 Legal Desoiption: .vdry- /,i1 _ (\ 1| 4 Expires . .: 03/09/ZO0B ProjectNo :,-fRSOl-ot(z\ OWNER O MEARA, MAURICE P. O9/O5/2O07 650 POYDRAS ST STE 2235 DENVER tA 7013 0 APPLICANT AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING 09/05/2007 PhONC: (970) 390-5955 4490 S. COIJE WAY MORRISON coL,oRADO 8 046 5 l-,icense z 324-M CONTRACTOR AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEA?ING 09/OS/2007 PhONE: (970) 390-5955 4490 S. COIJE WAY MORRISON' coLoRADO 80465 License:324-M Desciption: ADD 700 FT SNOWMELT. ADD cAS PIPING FOR FIRE ptT Valuation: $9.000.00 ' l"iteplaco Information: Restricted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 . # of Wood Pellet: 0 * '! t t *at +* + +,1* * t * * 'i **:ti+ * a* r * * *,ra,t + Mechanical---> $180.00 Resluarart Plan Review-> go.oo Total Calculared Fees-> lz2g.oo Plan Check--> $45.00 TOTAI FEES------._-> gz29.oo Additional Fees.-_--> So.o0 tnvestigation-> $ o . 0o Total permit Fee-----> Sz2g ,OO Will Call-> ${. oo payments"-----> S2zg.oo BAr.AltcE DUE-------> $o. oo ftem: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT 09/05/2007 cgunion Action: Ap I t.em : 05500 FrRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond : l,2 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTfONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2OO3 ]MC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 TFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOUIN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURERTS INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER ].0 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG'): GAS APPIJIANCES SHAIJIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS To MECHANTCAIJ EQUTPME!il| MUsr coMpl.y wrrH cHAprER 3 TMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG'): Borr.,ERS SHALL BE MoIrrrlED oN FrJooRs oF NoNcoMBUsrrBI-,E coNsr. LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMTT,PLANS AND coDE Al.tALYsrs MUST BE posrED rN MECHANTCAIJ TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): BOII-,ER ROOMS SHAI-,IJ BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SEETTON 1004.5. 'r*rJt*!||r+||t'l+'llt*irt:t+*a*|*'ll*tt*.i*****,1+:ttaa*ttatatrtt'trttt+rart +t t+ * t*'|* *,t a'l**'r*'r DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. THE 2OO3 IFGC. OF THE 2OO3 UNI,ESS ROOM PRIOR AND OWNER ,11.{.*:l * {' {t*{' * ***** * * + I' I l' * * * *r*r****r**+***f +f f f ti+* * * r'} | ttrt**ta***'}****r}**t't{'*'t *:ti+t*****i*t*t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statem€nt * '1. * 'l:t * * * {r {r:l * * {r {' {' {' * ** * *+ * * * ******tt**t*tt** t*i t * +t * | {.'f * * ***l***** * * ** ** * * r* * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** statement Number I R070001822 Amoun!: g229,oo og/LL/2oo709:31 AI{ Payment Method: check Init I DDG Notati.on: 5340 American Plumbing & Heating PermiE No: M07-01 94 Type: MECIIANICAL PERMTT Parcel No: 2L01-091-0302-5 SiEe Addresg: 1984 ST,NBI,RST DR VAIIJ Locat,ion: 1994 SITNBURST DR Total Fees: $229.00This Palment: 9229,00 Total ArJIJ pm!s: $229.00 Balance: 90.00**'l*{'****t*fI'l***'ttr*t *,r{r * * ** * ** * +++t **** * t' * {' {' t * t' {' {' { ***********+*++++++++***t*ti*+t******at** ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account, Code Description Current pmtE MP 00L00003111100 PF 00L000031.12300 wc 00100003112800 MECHANXCAL PERMIT FEES PI,AN CIIECK FEES WTLL CAIJiJ INSPECTION FEE 180.00 45.00 4.00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOUPLETE OR UNSIGI{E a? olr?_ Buifding Permit #z EoV-oZ2-?. 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, @lorado 81557 llechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspecdons) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Medranical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:a Mecfranical Room Dimensionso Gombustion Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and locationo HeatLossGalcs.o EquipmentCut/SpecSheets *m I4o?- o/ ?V k*\- TOV Prcject #: CONTRACTORINFOxIuA-TION PLETE VATUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERIIIIT MECfIANIC,AL: $ Conbct Easle CountvAwts Offieat 97&328-8640 orvisit # Parcel # 2l0lO9lo?oO S Job Name: o *rp ia r 6a , P Job ,.dress:r7| 7 X ,,, 1.,, ,, rf . iJ. (/a,/ l€gal DescilpUon ll Loft ll Blod<:Filing:Subdivision Owners Name:Addrcss:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone; *;":'*yt:j**;f,d.4 7Do ?{- Sao" 4q+aJ4. 6-> (,f r^-1 .. r WorkClass: New(/! AdditionK) Alteration( ) Repair( ) other( ) Boiler Location: Interior () Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU o<ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg: Singlefamity( ) Duplo(fr) uutU-famitV( ) Commerciat ( ) Resburant( ) Omer( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildlng:No. of Accommodation Units in this bulldlngl No/Tvoeof Fireolaces.Existinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Woodgurninq( ) Nofrype of Ftreplaces Proposed: Gas Appliane ( ) Gas t-oSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT A|LOWED) ffi buming fireplace to an epl phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) * * rr* ** * {. * * * ** *,r. * ** * * * * * * FoR oFFICE USE ON LY** * * * ** ** F :\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Bjilding\npchanicaUlermit-1 1-23-2005. Doc hI-F.G ffi sEP TOWN [E n \\i7 re non*"**lnl o 4 2fl'i7 li/li oFa4qs - | Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desiqn Criteria o You must obtain Design Reniew Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior w6rk. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow melt systems. Please contact the Development Review Coordinator at479-2L28 for addiuonal ,^,information . \ l'.' -, .., :* o The Town of Vail has adopted the 20O3 Inbrnauonal Mehanical Code and the 2OO3lirteitnbdlonal - ' Fuel Gas Code. o All new construction within the Town of VCilTs co4sidered to be of unusually tlght construction, thus all combustion air is rcquircd b bE drawr* frorlt "outside the structure for mchanical eguipment. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adop@d an oldinance which r€stricts b onstruction and use of open hearth fircplaCes within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinane has undelgone numerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effiectiveness in addressing the air qualitV issue. Therefiore the folbwing criteria has been adopted: o Construction of open hearth wmd buming ftreplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal bounparies. o Dwellino Units - Each neur dwelling unit may contain: One (f ) EPA Phase II certified solid fuel burning derdce and no morc t{ran turo (2) gas appl'r,ances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than hro (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). r Restricted Dwellino Unitg - Each new rcstricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fircplace and not nrore than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. r Accommodatiori Units - Each new ammmodation unit may ontain: One (1) gas log fircplae or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. r If two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined b form one larger unit, the combined unit nlay retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no morc than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, oi may convert up to two existing fircplaces to gas. o If during t{re cource of a rcmodel an existing woodburning fireplae is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all prcvisions of the ordinanoe. That is, the fireplae must be converftd to natural gas or rFplaaed by an EPA Phase II ertified uniL rr12312005 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 816s7 9'.10479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 807-0227 Project # Job Address: 1984 SLINBURST DR VAIL Status , . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1984 SIJNBURST DR Applied . . : 07/2512007 ParcerNo : 4Tfil'j?i,,^ J^'?l,il, :i 3if'2i;i3l owNER O MEARA, MATTRTCE p. o7/2s/20o7 650 POYDRAS ST STE 2235 DENVER I-,A 7Ol-30 CoNTRACIOR ATT,AS CONSTRUCTION 07/2s/20O7 phone: 970-926-L455 ].44 WILDCAT STREET EDWARDS co 8r-632 ' License: 255 -A APPLICANT SHERRY DORWARD, I-,ANDSCAPE tg.ol /zs/zOoz phone: 970-479-oB3o PO BOX 3755 VAIL co 8t-558 Description: New retaining waIIs, spa and paEio Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-B Valuation: $75,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 l:il*tttta*,t *rl *!ta l Building-> $t18.75 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $1,353.94 Plan Check--> $532.19 f,screation Fee--> $0.00 Additional Feos------+ $0.00Inyestigation-> $0.00 TOTAI, FEES----> $1,353.94 Total Pennit F€e-------> $1,353.94 Will Call----> $3.00 Pa]'rnents---.-------.:> $1,353.94 BAIANCE DUE----.> $O.OO Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT O8/L5/2OO7 caunion Actsion: Ap Item; 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08/15/2007 P'LI' Actionr AP Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 08/03/2007 gc Action: AP No staging in the Right of Way. See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infonnation required, completed an scaurate plot plan, and state that all the information'as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to oomply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure aocording to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SITALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,IRS IN ADV OIfFICE trRoM Es00 AM . 4 PM, SICNATI,JRE FORHIMSELF AND OWNER tk*'l*'t*********,1.**'***'F*,t *{.***'}'it+*'i4(****t**!t +* * +*****!N**'t **'t'**********+:*******'t '}*'}*'t*'t't *'t** + *+ *+*,}+****+ * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0227 as of 08-20-2007 Status: ISSUED '}*d.,}****'}'t,t*:{t*'|.*********'tt++;i***t******+**********'t*i****l.{.**+:|.*,*|t**:|.'t****.**:*****:*'*:|.{.l'*****,}:t*.:t.******+!** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07/25/2007 Applicant SHERRY DORWARD, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Issued: 08/2012007970-479-0830 ToExpire: 02/t612008 Job Address: 1984 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: 1984 SLINBURST DR ParcelNo: 210109103025 Description: New retaining walls, spa and patio ** * ****'t****,*******'***x.*!**{.**!i*:t**'}'}*'t *,t *:8*******'t COnditiOnS *:t*:t *************{"***'t {'**!t*t*,t***:r.:r******'t *{. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. Cond: CON0009225 LISTED, LOCKING SAFETY COVER REQUIRED FOR SPA PER IRC AG105.5. SPA SHALL ALSO COMPLY WITH IRC AG1O6 ';****'r*****'t * 't ******{'*'t't:t **+++++*****llf+++++*ltaf+t * f,t + + ** * + i * * * * * * * * ***++* +'t 't *rtrt***** * |l * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement '* 't{ {{ * * {' rt:l 'l'l:l'lrt ** * 't:tt'l:l {l * {r'tt'l * ** '1.* * 'l' 'l' 'l' 'l' {' * {' * * * * + * {' 't {'* * * * * ** * * * + * * * * * * t{r * * l' * t * * * * t t' * { t' *t' * * * * * * statement Nunber: R070001589 Amount: 91,353.94 08/20/200711:35 All Palment Method: Check Init: DDG - Notation: AtsLas 4944 Permit No; BO7-O227 fype I ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 0 91- 0302 - 5 site Address: 1984 SUTiIBI'RST DR VAIL Location: 1984 SUTiIBIIRST DR Total Fees: 91,353. 94 Thls Pa)'nent ! $1,353,94 Tota1 ALL Pnts: 91,353,94 Ba1ances S0.00 ** * *'a 'r.,r {. *** **t*'r,r * ** ********* ****+*'i*'}** * ******t***+** ******++*t** * *****rr*t**rrttrrlartrrt{rf ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code Deacription Current pmLs BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003r.r2800 EUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CI{ECK FEES TIItt CATL INSPECTTOI{I F'EE 818.75 532.L9 3 .00 k4 APPLICATION wlLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEq.{^A^\ Project#: 1rr^A EY-olL7 #ffi.ttffmrFrtrn|.7tuilfiurvilLv f ' ilu/ 75 S. Frontage Rd. li^l !r Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate are required for e GONTRAGTOR INFORMATION bing, JUt" e 3 2001 w": Fax #: GOMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & BUILDING:E .tM ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$ )t)AW MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:5W"ffi @oo For Parcel# Contact Assessors Office at 97G32&8640 orvisit JobName: C\'u,-v-qrfu Job Address: ,Zig.4 1rq {(?qot> | 17A l'h-X30 t4to 411 la(- ,/rlu*l a'(". WorkClass: New() Addition( ) nemodel[) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior g/) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family (\1|) Muhlfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumino (NOT ALLOWED r**ffi***HFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*ilr#e*crr******rkrru*****ils***r**********t***mMt t,;;;:i4 htF ://www.vailgov.com/docs/dlforms/buildingJrrmiL4-17-2007. DOC Page I of 7 vlLil2N7 ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TESTAND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION o I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applicant signature OR o I certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of buiHing material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (This will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) o The building was constructed after October 12,1988. The date of construction was original construction date applicanl signature dab http://www.vailgov.com/docs/dl_formvbuildi ngjermit_4-f 7-2007. DOC dale Page 5 of 7 M|LTpnT Fp a *m BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST SINGLE FAMILY/DUPLEX CH ECKLIST This checklist is to be used with any single family/duplex permit (new construction , addition, or remodel application.)E Town of Vail Design Review Board approval must first be obtained (may not apply to interior remodels)! Plan Gheck Fee must be paid at the time of application for projects over $100,000 valuation (see attached schedule) The following information must be shown on all 4 sets of plans: Architectural Plans d Site Plans. Provide all site plan information as required for the Design Review Application for your project. Refer to the DRB application checklist for complete details. Gonstruction staging plans. Provide construction staging and materials storage site plans. Floor plans. Complete floor plans provided for each level. Complete dimensions, drawing scale noted, use of each room shown on the plans. Location of mechanical equipment clearly shown Building Elevations N,W,S,E elevations. Show all proposed exterior finish materials, guardrails, windows, doors, and finish grades. B Window sizes and operation types. Specified on the floor plans or elevations.E Stainvays, guatds, and handrails Show all stairway details with rise/run, handrail and guard detailsF Roof plan. Show all roof covering materials (Class A covering required) and underlayment, roof pitchE Building cross sections. Show roof, wall, floor construction assemblies and insulation R values. Show roof and crawl space ventilation. Show ceiling heights in rooms and crawl spaces.E Rescheck compliance certificaG and inspection checklist (new construction and additions only). Provide a complete signed compliance certificate and inspection checklist. Verify all exterior building is detailed on the building plans as required on the Rescheck compliance report. (www.energycodes.gov)E Fireplaces. All fireplace types shown on the floor plans. Specify gas log set, or gas appliance at each fireplace. Structural Plansq Soils Report. Include 2 copies of the soils report for your lot. € All sheets of the structural plans stamped and signed by a Golorado State Licensed Englneer.q Design specifications sheet. Roof live load, Deck live load, Floor live load, Wind Speed/Exposure, Soils report number and soil bearing capacity referenced per the soils report.E Foundation plan. Provide a complete foundation plan with all footing/foundation section detailskl Framing plans. Provide complete framing plans for floors, decks, roofs. All beams, joists, rafters or trusses clearly shown. Include framing construction details and connection schedules. Other items F Asbestos form completed. Asbestos test and report provided if any existing construction is proposed to be disturbed. See Town of Vail asbestos testing requirement form.E Plan check fees. Plan check fees must be paid with your application. The building permit and recreation fees will be paid upon issuance of a building permit. nderstand the requirements of this checklist. lf any required information is missing from the not be accepted. 2 Applicant's htQ ://www.vai lgov. com/docs/dl_forms/buildi rEJermit_4- 17-2007, DOC Page 2 of 7 M17il2007 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': ls this a new residence? YES o Does demolition work being performed require the usg of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES-- NO--,4( ls any utility work needed? YES NOK NOX Are there any improvements being done to the driveway? YES ls a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES. Nol- No__x- ls any drainage workbeing {ne that affects the Rightof-Way, easements, or public property? o o ls a'Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? lf answer it NO, is a parking,ptaging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ NO '( lf you have answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Works office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 970479-2198. Signature *^ ., \'kb*r, R <. oatestsnea: 1 f?f1 XNOYES ls the Right-of-Way, easemqpts or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO A Company Name Job or Project http://www.vailgov.com/docs/d l_formgbuildingJermit_4- 17-2007, DOC Page 5 of 7 041ril2007