HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ98-0077 B09-0211 LEGALNOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTfE AT ALL TIMES/':--\l(\fYlt -\\zt TWNEVTLV Town of Vail, Community Oevetopmenilffiuth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 O47 9-21 39'f . 97 O.47 5.2452 insoections. 97 O.47 9.21 49 MECHANICAL PERMIT ASFR JobAddress: 2955 BELLFLOWER DR VA|L Location.....: ParcelNo...: 210314307007 Permit #: Project #: Tolal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> TOTAL PERMIT FEE-> Payments------> BALANCE DUE-**> M09-0272 PRJ08-0077 ISSUED 12t15t2009 1?i23//2009 o6n1n010 OWNER PETERS, FMNCINE & ALAN 1211512009 20 FOREST HILL RD TORONTO, ONTARIO M5P2P7 APPLICANT WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, lN i2l15/2009 phone: 668-3760 1685 PAONIA coLo SPRTNGS, CO 80915 PO BOX 670 MINTURN. CO 81645 License: 323-M CONTRACTOR WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, IN 12115/2009 Phone: 668.3760 1685 PAONIA coLo SPR|NGS, CO 80915 PO BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81645 License: 323-M Desciption: INSTALL GAS FIREPLACE (GAS PtPtNG By OTHERS) Valuation: $3.727.00 Mechanical Permit Fee--> Plan Check----------> Investigation-*-.*----> $80,00 wi[ ca _-___> $20.00 Use Tax Fee---> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees*> $4.00 s0.00 $104.00 $104.00 $0.00 $104.00 s104.00 $0.00 APPROVALS Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1211512009 JLE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Condr 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMpLtANCE. Condr 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED AccoRDtNG TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2OO3 |FGC. Cond: CON001 1217 SEPAMTE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GAS PIPING BY OTHERS DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in fullthe information requirod, oompleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all lhe information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with allTown ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. BE MADE TWENW-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0(REQUESTS FOR AM -4 PM. -...-.. Signature of Owner or Contractor Print Name mechcanical_perm it_041 908 p/#7 ** 'lr'r*** * 't 'l 'l' 'l' * tt* tl t'l 'a * l. '|.'| ttt **f,{t 't rt{r't'i***rt* f 'trt * * * f t {.{l* {r 't {r 't 't * {r 't"t 't' TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO stst€ment*** * *{'*'tx' * 'l 't * {' 'l {"}'}*'t * t * * ** * *'t trt* 't * | * * {.* *++titt**{'*t.'aaat*r*r*r*r*****,t,t{,{, t *++ ++t,f t+tttf *i*** Statement Number: R090001904 Amount: 9104.Oo L2/29/2O09t2:13 pM Palment Method: Check fnit: LrC Notatj-on: 2483,/lfEsTEfirr FIREPI,ACE SUPPIJY INC PermiE No: M09-0212 Typer MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No; 2103-143-0700-? SiEC AddrCSS: 2955 BEIJIJFLOWER DR \IATL Location: rhis pal4ren!: g104.00 r"."lTi ffi;:. 3131:13 Balance: 90.00 * * * * * + * * * lt * r* r*,t 't'* * * * * *'l * ** {tlt* * * {' {r**'t*{!** *r!** * * * rt * 't * *'t * * * * * * + * * *'t * * * * * * ***********ttt *tf,*ta** ACCOTJNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current tttt E MP 00100003111100 MECTIAITICAIJ PERIT{IT FEES 80.00 PF 00100003112300 pr|Alr cr{EcK FEES 20.00wc 00100003112800 WIIJJ CALL TNSPECrION FEE 4.00 12115/2005 11:49 FAX s108215222 I|lESTER}I FIREPLACE @ 001/oo2 UECHAT{ICAT PER}IIT rqlhr/f,tqn*r,t4loeflonr nqsr narraro MectrEnlol Roorlr Lt}lnvFlan wllr Dlmnelonso Combrdonflr Duct Sbe anrl l-ocatlsno Flr*orVentStreq Gar PhltrgPlln ([rgPtlE$le) o HeotLwGlqJbdondi o quhnentE|JtSh!!tsrlrBolt€r/Funne *|fr rW tu. stnc crg pru br.r furlat t+$ m ffindangq,ugwn* t "' --'! i ' ---- .. i Frolrot Sirrt loon||l it-lg€ _ &euetpweA lgi0{mtq Fbrr$ Fu}btf i.luldlnglconrper .Dtr! HnFbccl!|llh#nr IUSr ftdulrto EqulpmrntOtSMforRrsplcas/l,.g Sets (Mrnufrcbdr hb Crwlrg mrlc, model & appinGl lhtlng) GrilFdDwlpuonofvwd$@ vF^tT---4As rtq€;PLa(E f"{obEL i0uttpcnyAddrua,?o qA4 {?-"e ...-t-iciy +tV,oil _arerJez$_!JJ&_ I ,--lConbdt{,*neltOt. -.. e+fan Boilcr Loc.ton: ProDolty ldoEr.con Prmrr* zIoS - t4S-o1{o-7 Forprrcel vlrlt vrur.eeglroouly.o/.pelb) :.*d,."$ee-..._ ,-,.-- -.----,-i j Complaf Vrludon lbr libdrsnlcrl Pumlt i tir,r.*,*roro, 31L'l I i conuaenanc;-Adl4L?3 -... . Toun ofvsil no;3L3-ln7 T€nent Nrm.: Cr$dcv\f@\t suibUrdldlqi\D*lEddJr@lLl$ltt9 to \ilsrcopv oal'€ O!! ?lp'ng Inol$.d C.r Plplr€ by OhdI3 .c Wbod b Gt. Fllaplact Conwr8ion 'Inbdor &rdor( ) orhrr( ) Number of bFfr n! Flllphc.tl G!! AppllEnwr - Gro Lsgr - wuod/Pcllri -Nunb.r ol P'oDa.d FlIrDlaoB: Gar Anclhnca J* ort trgE - rrl/boC/Pglrt -l}pc of Bulldlng: ) Mul&Femtu( ) commedrl ( ) Prr'pot*: tuungPemit#, ... h.4-0211 Medfanlor Patrnn #'t --M-Ia-' O 21 > Lor f Jb Bbd( * La soaruron, !dJj,*€f.$C!r I erngr-rrmrty!6r Dupu ( lnr*unnt('i otil( ) H;u;r',4; TOrffl.jAt'ilLr&E NOTE: IHIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED Ow JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 4.47 9.2'l 39, f . 97 0.47 9.2452, inpsections 97 O.47 9.2'l 49 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 2955 BELLFLOWER DR VAIL Location......: 2955BELLFLOWERDR|VE ParcelNo....: 210314307002 OWNER PETERS, FMNCINE & ALAN 08/262009 20 FOREST HILL RD TORONTO, ONTARIO M5P2P7 APPLICANT COL CONSTRUCTION, lNC. 08/26/2009 phone: 970-390-4529 PO BOX 4573 VAIL co 81658 License:835-8 CONTMCTOR COL CONSTRUCTION, lNC. 08n6l20lg Phone: 97G,390-4529 PO BOX 4573 VAIL co 81658 License: 835-8 Description: ADDITION AND REMODEL Ocoupancy: R3 Typ€ Gonstruction:VB Single Family Residence FEE SUMMARY Valuafon: Total Sq Ft Added: 809-0211 PRJ08-0077 ISSUED 08t26t2009 12J2U2005 04/03/2010 $81,000.00 262 Building Permil Fee----> Plan Check----- Add'l Plan Check Hours-> Investigation-----------> $800,75 Will Cal Fee------------> $559,49 Use Tax Fee---- $1 10.00 R*tuaranl Plan Review---> S0.00 Recreation Fs€------------t Total calculated Fees__._> $4.00 $1,420.00 90.00 $39.30 $2,993.54 Total Calculated Fges--------> Addiiional Fees------_----> TOTAL PERMIT FEES---._--.> Paymenb----- BALANCE DUE-*------------> s2,993.54 $0.00 $2,993.54 $2,993.54 $0.00 Permit #: Project #: DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that allthe information as required is correct, I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with allTown ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review spproved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town aoolicable thereto. BE MADE TWENW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM tL- )L-,27 bld_alt_construction_permit_04'l 908 . APPROVALS Permit #: 809-021 1 as of 12-22-2OQg Status: ISSUED Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/03/2009 cg Action: CR F:\CDev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\809-021 1 \809-021 1.DOC 09/25/2009 Martin Action: AP 12118/2009 JRM Action: AP APPROVED REVISIONS. to remove chimmney, add fireplace in EHU, add window in dining room. Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0812712009 npeterson Action: AP Approved plans date stamped August24, 2009. 1212112009 Warren Action: AP The changes removing the chimney are approved. ltem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/2812009 mcgee Action: CR Contacted GC and set meeting to discuss Phase 1 and Phase 2 plans. Scale not readable (1:6.67 and varies each page). 09/09/2009 McGee Action: CR Vail Fire & Emergency Services Plan Review: Peters Residence 2955 Bellflower 809-0211 1. Initial review at 1:6.67 scale indicated structure was not within 150 ft to all points of the eliterior of the first floor. Subsequent review of digital plan indicates structure is somewhat accessible; within range but limited pedeshian access. 2. Plans showtwo phases. Phase 1 must be designed to "stand alone" in the event Phase 2 does not occur. 3. Increase of fire and occupant load is indicated. Under IFC 901.4.3, a monitored fire alarm system is required. 4. A wildland urban interface assessment is required. Contact Tom Talbot at 970 477-3509. The addition of square footage in a wlldland interface "red zone" and the exterior finish materials including wood roof and cedar siding, poses a significant risk. Final determination of whether a fire spiinkler system is required will be based at least in part, on the risk assessment and the applicant's proposal to mitigate the risks. Plans do not accurately depict existing conditions with respect to trees and exposure to fire. 5. Existing fireplace may need to be replaced if it is in an unsafe condition beyond repair without replacement of the firebox. bld_alt_constructionJcermit_04 1 908 6. New gas log set is limited to 100,000 BTU capacity. _ End of Review 09/282009 McG€e Aclion: AP Resubmittat22 Sept 09. Monitored fire alarm required due to aditional of fire and occupant load. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/08/2009 cdelles Action: AP Approved plans claied August 19, 2OOg rlhriw*$H*arFsffi arrhr*Hf .rff Hft rs..nr*rnls.*frfr rra*ff r..rirrrrrsff ttrri) $ee the Condi0ons eectlon of thir Document for any that may apply. bld-alt-son$truc,tioriSerm[()41 90S , CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as ot 12-22-2009 Status: ISSUED...:..::::::_i.:"::::.._..r**.***r.**{n*.* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED PER SECTTON R313 0F THE 2003 tRC. Cond: CON0010965 The applicant shall re-roof the entire roof structure with the new material prior to final inspections of Phase I if Phase ll has not had a Building Permit issued and work has oegun. bld_aft_constructionJermit_041 908 {.ttlt*tall:l**'}*+tllt'l'l*!l,ll||ft*:}*'}'}t++'t****{'t***f't't'}l*++**attT*t{aittt****rtt**'t't++a+atl*'}**'t*t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€m€fitrr*r**{t|| 'l't't**f, +f f {rl'l** * 'l | * *:t*'t {'*t tt f *!t *rrtt*tr*rt*taa++ttalatt**ttta**ttttt*|l*+:}ttt tt+*rt{{{t statement Nurnber: R090001,?98 Amount: 1277,75 L2/2212oo9O9:51 All Payment Method: check CONSTRUCTION fnit: ,TtE Notationr 5029 COL Permit No: 809-0211 Type: ADD/ALT sFR BUfIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 - 143 - 0700- ? Site Addrees: 2955 BEIJIJFIOWER DR VAIIJ L,ocation: 2955 BBIJIJFLOIIER DRM Total Feea: ToEal- .ALL Pmt,s; BaIaRce: 1277 -75 #2,993 ,54 12,993 .54 $o. oo This Payment : * * 'l * 'l * l* * * +* +**** * * ** ***'l*'l*+*+***l*attt* r*****+++*t 'l * * | | | * | **** * * * * * * + | t | | | t | * * t a * | * a t f rttr ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 IrT 11000003106000 BUII,DING PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FBESgsE TA:( {t 35.00 132.75 1L0.00 Revision Submittals: TRANSM|TTAL FORM 2T 7( 1 . "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions.2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued.3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: bo?- oLt I (yJ Revisions ( ) Response to Correction Lefter _atlached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal ( ) Other Proiect Street Address: z?s-{ Bn//{/o*t- (Number) (Street) Euilding/Complex Name: (Suite #) Description / List of Changes: ' tl.J.'(I J.,k ,tuo{.-.,, I 4o ,-.rk ..-r{L e*rl4y ' (-^ntc -c o-.- rf 4'.-r/n o- i ..u.. : -. 1.,--- / - Mo l: {;n ) .no€ , (-'-(nr. {o .-/h-f ?d:!./-^rt - 4J) t.^, ,srn ).*. -f nsf 1ro,^ ( g.--,' (:". :oo,lrl:, :n""1', i"T*:,y] Date Received: city:4; /stare:CO 7ip, 8l( f9 Contac{ Name: Contact Phone:4fz co pany,(ol Cntf.uo{tn.^ Z B./ 3la - Valuations (Labor & Material)) Buikfing: $ It'o,e Plumbing: $_ /-_*-=--=- Efectrical: $ .-- Mechanical: $ -- Total: $ 5 5-a <> ld)trGErt=ln\ tit DEc 16 mos !; TOWN OF VAIL l-Sep{g >of 69 ururt( 4 gg*trtrr(€ \"7'/ /',// /; , -tt- i -+4-,L ,i., t' ./'( r"fr, *,,"ir a{ trn F6 Ta? 06 (t€ rit/4{.,. hr& Pwffil LtNe t4?rcP1e't +b$ I2cPg' EAlsTrFl6p9s^,eFl lPr?YtJ{(t tvJ*tl wf 1- ' /Ij TIJ-i--l_!vwcr6 / /// / / :/ / / l- 2L7q2i 'l t l r ,'l I /,,v,w*7 ilfA-/, ,yww\, ffi/IffiYTfiffi {J v '/ 7(r/,t ru$1r/IHat- -/r !!;h.-ffiN / ,l' ,l t\,ll ) ll ( -T_-r17-ry((effi ..-:*-<-7 u IU f !-rr _gNnrOIrlu S-r*s vfre aF(4<0 r W& o( efitlrFtt ,/ v 'iJJo 'rq P EYl9Tl1,.GePGe oF 21ttT 7 9$tew?l rveunl 7;&'ffi\W{*h6€, q zato/ ' LotTtb Itn?,W ?prke h4or8 t---:-:f W'-'-' ffi t* cotd*rce ll-11 l|--4rruLfflds' a SIfiEPLAN ry!-\"vr'" eN Vey*.o vf rt iofoffiftt4*- Hk? l'!tO'-O. N/gnl K"frfl*HW,"rffi',ff1;. )? +Lfr Tspeoa/qgrcy / li/l -------r. 6#*0\14- I1eftrd-f t i.H - tu// Y,( /nPr'/ zgA O'4 o --J o t-'E ED-$?g$. iqst6>tS -,- u$-e] e n $H Hos N-5s 0-o ,€ $: ed-s sfs( J fi,- vs fit! cc"s LoDe? t-arcU LoUEA - Zr,yP4;t Utttf SWToThr lloo \ttw?btev W9,(ttoox.n)--72 ">\ Woro*v @Lur,W r- Lrol^2uf \ IrF-- -r- \ \ Mtrcx \hNe \j1 LOUVS LFi/=-L * Prr.S.t91q.r9 Ne -tu Atfstgc_4 nlft9rt'?q AtNeY. \*n1 avprnotr \ n-" \ \n\ft: 8\' \& 5r" S6w*WvtauA^ g,Al'rlwa vl\u'E fa fa4Ail t4tulr+ */ AI r:-z---r _,il Ceitv wr)ffiml @ -_ltg,wpxae lf--' Y$t=1''9" Wwtbvt9r&sswvttr9 *4 Ve+a*s@we99 6e?hM- ffi9t#utrf,'. 90t|p4|}r6 6tfr ffibtcxure c 8N $ fi 2 ssl $ sntnN6 vluEto &4,|tl.,rt'l tQ0 *20 S\IE- Atb?.h63-MAIN I.EI/EL E:<.tOrn6 O ,+vqloN ,we 4t4Ke TOfFL hlrowhttz ?*tAQ6'r- .25 lloo b?5 )w--E 6F{A Ex(S'n}16 O 6frA /.P9rflod uqrnl{rg4'h(* splg Spapf,-v: NoarcAW- IWY-Itott \J J Ff IT) s A.rS 6?rfr HfiN Tofi\L 1"62"+ 2t56t F.Y, AEC,vdev fftFrrsffiLt^ U ilE fTl wvs sqrrAFE Venae -& a(r5rtil6 4??owseD Lrrl+N ffi'W *'iriiaiw oootveffi'*q'. (o) Dilt|.r9tolle s$oull AFaToArSVe o(ffirlu6- A(1*kK lw)J nvio to 6'R'Eh.p* Yt wftso" frv*'flnrc. AL whLL V?4h)D titTtlHc I,JA|IS ukuBroww6)w e ?N(e vr\{^E ^g^tL K*i F1$?FS*3rg H q$$ $;$. f p$$ Hr cRfi r-SA_s \ \ %rcv. \q I I \ \I t 9\9eute l--,*wskx I L^Pe r- xt1tN"g ,a{kFL wt*6e a+ cxtgTr'lr.. ' u?Tevvdw 6WA?Afrltl6 $ $ {7 s $ \ \ L- 6(?h rof\L' ua0?- ilatnt upreF 6(+AfcrA'L AJLLotAqVt?- (tBlvrfrFv t glto) uttogw 6,?-fi,,\ 5t" vbt- 6b9 _@_! {{o? b 6?fh ToTkL v7?99 st 6b9h ):F ts )7?37 LEVE L - X. A.4atltot$ l€+ to fite { rttttu /7r=l''d' 0F R/r5h gF et$ud.A4 9',^dlo*sEfi zt E$ ?NX EH Iz&J, ss t' ff' J' J.3 >Itl 4td'da ,. lJl \d rArFN -3 zo EAA U7 H fr'ill A6 ost rll FW w,a.67tfl(. r,\^94|Fv ft34vJ2- % 61FLY4,'Wif^t|b$F -t*Wyl Ogyilk Atd,L laoo S Ef, i{A|ht Chl44o'lz Y ffi 2Bd;A3 z'9EqZ9og#2 Es! t f-1 u'X tvE $d \ln\S U\rFN _3 z o eAA rl.l V frA6 UJv V} oc IJJg F m]Itll A4 tx51lN4 fa f€trfil.r zof, f ER *A;t?f!" Hq$$ uiHi ffi*ff Bst t?qsnrr6 Pe6e an@ W'/.ote. ,fn9 ?€,PkcE E(l5Tbl6 'lilft+e wafit 6rftlgtK1l4?r*;ut.lE,40\". (roo+ to,) A6Plr^ut-9*fFl6r5/' c4nF.1'ffiSg!fiD 2x12. &f- F*sa.A-ra Hif,alt Ex\tfth(, e11x.*t09 tFtM ArrP tA<rfc.tt ul@ S|Pl'"|6 Ta ilrnr-tt g(lttrhlo TYnc.tL uoo7 cAswta*r/aY:str' LrrlrtoH9 To HATLI}prrsn16 $)LL'ttv3 aw#: gtvtr!6 _ 6t-jvgetJ6o;oex loaee tPirt- dLtWeN49.^e Wttt*. 9& (OwF tlr$Pces #wzq.47 ro s I $z ctr.f s 5 3 $ urr s{tij F -=o s k 1o% vtt*, $ElAl arRtA6w @ee. IAEST='IE.U^.TTOFJ A5 'h'--rLou 6e? EAH Bas Hg$i r{fi . FEs E).l6nhrGqr(3ailP{ trPe?u#'Pw FAnotq )--ir' t ri rLl,+--J # *eu*t +;'kffi,,w6 Vfffiil*,r. EXTERh*. fFtM 'FJP. vt*TrcrJ, Ao@ StDrv-'T" lt?rrt ar(r6TlFr6 H, ErrlFYra SEnnt UrG$o& Ll6*r Vtl, Lnt jVfri W l4lFo06ttf lPriJAAUNA rw- Ll{rFl6 A@lTtoFl owlvvv loWWw.> rrr?i*'''enrreL?(zLeAI V*ybl@ NaRTH VIE h6 <*ila^1 .T\\*A))JZ 4o1e-, Lra *5o-) l6?rnur 9j+1lr<4Ezow*'. ott$Ya@o 2}YLCffi{*9AAT4 t4|rrzll 9AstD16 Exfr*JoF TFr.r 'ilP{E*7t44. U@ ZAIJ(, Ta HATe{t EatsT|r{6 UForrq+r lAoN FAtutr€ c-Ic! $ $a s iiW ffi Ir rLlrl---l ItrH -tF_J Faitl s!LUsT ELE\ATIAN A7 P+g8st$\zt{$ESoist' E$$,-q$ $S -r- [.qs*s ^-b\l t$ !$ 2o tr 5 'A $z H fr u \n b4 tllfih- lb'=l''o" ' Jatf bvo ?4r )€ ?-tuvrP€'9w 2r.tz yafir$ ld/ R-4l lNeuwnoil dqr" ?vluao udleirvat w4tqL*C coWW.ta F^rtrztt ExltnNG 6lb,' ?Llyeg I-lorsrvtr g^eM.A lrlt'fr1L trl?€ftt,l$rwkrf ar+lieves' -z $7Tei tge sIfturrvQ-ftL DPauh$s foe- klL yl!-r{€ek St&S ld'Jf)g?fictN69, D91?il|,3 frila, losoctPoeo &N{e/--f|o}Jg t t*(l5 4*6 stne a/ Ffzl lNs0(.nrnoN Yc'vu<umwtwtw aP+( ?h?vA uJo@ rtvtr(t fo r{prT()t v*v1.txG q/A"-rl?b x ??Y}/,4'tL tvffi* r.ifrr+ t4otsilAe A$teg- tLttt?- )ortri al r+zt hrl, l^ril, 719 ttd ?vYut'ao ,vg FtoP' Yy'' ?uwm loe(n vntwNG w+? ?hft.F Eo7o 9t>tlr6 tr.@*g I,Jltlh.lg N0 fuFS nv ll-t+ To *t{E 6rA+lN6 0F DW- n-H\tFcl tro,d6o ae 9q-11",R IS*fIo 1O 4H z{Ef 3rF E$$ _, s ,.Q 3t' .- '.r-3 +yu,\rifs .. lnrc ln bsJ z9 aAA U frD6 M u IUF $J A- hb LA ?Lqu u^,r}-ft|r....-ffi 'toyl -ri4i1 6nvg\ Futrt ?m 4totr tZLOtr y lotlWz2'*rffiaY)l Ax\l brl--==- o)oosl E uJEoFOot'(D o[Ja lIJ E, ( funl(o?te*dtxLdr*lo" CDutl?-*' ?+(s c)ehat uN O(\l E, IJJ----.t- El \=u ozc(\l UJE Ir---.- 16 ^_ 6!-1" ------=- r4 \ o)oosl E uJo =UJFo-ul U' (\6l 114" = 1'- 0" FOUNDATION PLAN @ N/FI}+ S1 oFs c- Fgd5(t t-o o Ese'F TEsi+ =o -l\stroflN6 ?^0?\ rgt-qr rlo'l wt'4-+5 Vf+ttr1t !rA, o cD ura()zzf_ EI=UJYr -l=--s - L.r< 3.a=9q n iE|+r,l *EdqYle nd ffiuHsFquJd o-6; gryffi #,1.q$,*.,hs ? L'tv lt[*llY+ gx tL og DaifiFo 'l5lox q-L x DF. *I --- F#3e + FJtoo8. a-L\tL l'.4xny+ o)oosl E|IIa =UJ ozo$t IrJE ooosl E, UJo =uJFo-ul U) 'slsl 6WL bl F-4oo l1rn $Hv Al2 Poa9 dF 164 Q lut qdy714L o i.t S2 oFs d.g dtt o =tu = t.F o a, HEp' tt R€x9 .cto g.E' ?Y.2-2xC;i:ffi' Wlttt,o? flF6 a)(\o lotlTg h**'"-.?ii o6 uraozzf,- H3g8Hr)>rd' (/r=Y!E: -_a?ii I JIJJtr=I *igqv'doJ frxHsFquJd o-6;.F 9 MAIN LEVEL FRAMING 114" =' 1'- 0" I,Jl"rL vE<1eND W+5\trr(2 UPrtJ"s 12 frSakD.t '''Tsn$O MA9FPYYo g.F'llrtil UPaJSr? Ve VtuorW s$Edf'(, o E5Ebe'F RTx:o t85sd eftY * 1,o1r199 (M ffi 1:.1 oofllJ(/)()2zf .-| | latL.^l-l.|.E rr r1-,:-r=Atlx<= 6=9E UJffi5IEEdE Qoil; ffiuHsFquJ6 O-16 I ct)ooslc LrJ6 =IJJ ozo(! i.lJE (Doo(\l Eul!o =uiFo- IJJ U) '(\(\| -i \/)/ ,ff J*26!-* * t& To RAt{AtFl LOWER ROOF & UPPER LEVEL FRAMING - 114" - 1'z 0" "yl--- ,, let!'H I Sg oFs gFE d5t o e-Ebe'F TEo g8ssd 1'"a Nrou 4-tsd,frW 1(t6L rAq+ ?h"re#- z-?a./l'fiffi Wef,ot'pdtat-t L{2-?A}'A i4'9"ru?.[ w,'tu, dFt*, @tor+ b6o Woz,. At??1l,A*tL l@.8 9.,,PtF{6 $L Wt4 L{L t7/+ x 1lz S4 oFs o)ooSI E IIJE =UJ ozo$l UIE ooo(\l E IJJo =TJJFo- tU ,tpf, F-\ eXrLo? SoorQ--2 * lla I zl-z x t2- 9lg* 16Y, (t "d { o, (o D o5-z FzoU 6L ?-t',l 16" o,c, -s' q c{ tv 7sl wwffin>t {--+ I {-- --+ ffiHffi fu-"S;i Hf;-$R:ii oof LU(r)O4z#_I I Irl--rLLI -r1t t\J tl=<=:\J<q-:i(Jdvr=;)7r. r L" $- \'1IIIUJJ:d :=HO9lci,n-t ffiufrsFquJd(Lci 'F I LJALL IE<4-j"JD UPPER ROOF FRAMING 114"= 1'- 0" gFE d5e o o3-EFe FX?- 6l i:E xoo 88€sE : I A t) rounoation design u*"o iipoo ;qi" noj'" b;J;"iff'EiffiAiffi -r"'-*q' * Investigatiou of an Addition" as pr€pared by LKP ENGINEERING, INC., Projcct \.12)Live loads used for design- . -Roof-100 psfsnow (pikhes up lo 4: l2). # 09060 dated Ociob€t l?,2009. lnstallation ofpcrimctcr drairs ard sitc 19)A.ll nraterials exposed to exlerior and or moisture couditions shall be trcatcd for these conditions (i.c,, chcmical treatment stainin& paintilg, damprcofilg, mcmbranes, flashing, elc.) as rsquired by codc. All materials to be trqated for fire resistance as reauired bv code. F 2', 4" +' Y4' tttbfre( u/ L-+5 ?hFe @tt(, q-*i ?r,(+ eN'+l LtN -89 psf (pitchcs greatcr thm 4:12). -Floor-50 psf residential. -Deck-100 psf. -Wind-go mph (3 second gust), Exposure B- -Eadhquake-Zone C-18C. l3) All constmction must comply with the 2003 International Building Code as' edoptcd by the Town of Vail Building Dcpartmenl lrd the "General Conditions of the Contracl for Co$truction" (AlA Document A20l). All construction must be completed within the tolerances de$cribed in the "Rcsidential Construction Performance Guidctines" as prepared by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME IUILDERS. 14) Constmct walls as follow6- -Exterior-2x6 @ 16" oc. -lnterior-2x4 @ 16" oc, unlcss notcd othcrwise. I5) All beams, joists, and rafteG are to bear upon walls or beams, or be hung with SMPSON Strong-Tie hangers or approvc equals. i6) All structural mcmbers are showo in lheir final positions properly braced and , supported; during construction it may bc necessaq,, to tcmporarily shore portions ofthe structurc while othcr portions are being constructed, Contact the engineer for consultation as required. l7) General Contractor is responsible for all non-specificd connecliom, contact cngincer for dctails as required. The enginerr is to approve all sfuctural substih ions. l8) General Contractor is to coordinale all diaphragnr penctrations (i.e., chimncys, plumbing, scwers, €tc.) through floon, walls, roofs and foundation walls with apprcpriate sub-€ontractors. G€neral Contlactor is responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequcnccs, procedures, wor*manship, scasonal scheduliDg and job-sit€ safety associated with this project. The General Contractor is to verify all dinensions and eleysdons with lhe architectu|al drawings. Notify engineer ofall conllicts and omissions between various elements of the working drawings and the existing conditions prior to commencing with that portion of the project. General Contractor is to impect remodel projeck and verify prior usc and proper disposal ofexisting materials (i.c., asbestos, ctc.) as rcquircd by code. Id€nlity ofall Existing hidden slructur€ based upo[ plans by SC dated May 15, 1978. # 0qJ60 dated Ociob€t lZ, 2(N9 . lnstatlaUon ol psrun€tcr drarrs and sltc : iEigatiotr to conform with soils report, field test drains bcforc backlilling, All .,' footings are to bear upon natural undishnbcd soil or compacted structurd filI as I 2) approved by the soils cngincer. Soils engineer to insp€ct basement 8rea! for radon gas. Install radon gas systeirr benealh concrete Elab6 whcn requircd by the '.*']' "ry-T:': _!: itgqv rgw9ar"j4.sj9q. .'. ::-^ ---lJ-\, --, All new tounclltrol,I around penn]eler oI slruclure snall naYe mrnrmum lrosl protection of48" to bottom af footing. All foundation walls and columns tq be centercd on concrete footings unless shown othcrwisg on plans. All cast in place concrcte must be made with Portlard cement and attain minimum compressive strength of3000 psi after 28 days (minimum compressive strength of4000 psi ailer 28 days for concrele used in slabs). Design bascd upon BUILDINC CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE (ACI 3 I 8), I 999. Concrcic placement to confomt with "Constnrction Requiremcnts" as deftned in ACI 3 I E, All concretc slabs on grade must bc provided contlol (scored or cut) in accordance with soils rcport. All exposed edges olconcr€te shall have %" clramfer. Concrclc work shall not havc any horizontal coldjoints u4less authorizcd by the cngineer. Field coordinate all vertical coldjoints with structural €ngineer, usc continuous vertical wate. stop at all coldjoints. Reinforcing steel is ASTM Gradc 40. All welded wire fabric must conform to ASTM A185. Reinforcement placement shall conform lo MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE, 2001 as prepared by CRSI. All lap splices to bc minimum 36 bar diameters, all horizontal r€inforcement to be continuous around comers and at wall i ersections, Minimum reinforcement protection- o)oo(\l E uJ trloFOo a IUE o)oo6l E uJ6 =lJJFo- IIJ @ (\(\l -co[crete pour€d against earih -concrete poured in foms -cotrcr€te slabs tr*texg doL\r!'{Pw wxrt 6uurugn'^'Rerg cP$1. P nfufiqA t+tsz' S" FtrN, J 2" 5) All lunrber shall be Doug-Fir #2 S4S or better, all wolmanizcd lumber shall be Hem-Fir #2 S4S or bcttcr (all lumber within 18" of finish gradc must be wolmanized). Provide solid blocking at 8'-0" on ccntcr in all diapkagms. All columns to be continuous b€aring to foundatiou. Window columns specified on plars are tdmmers, providc onc king stud for openings to 6'-0" and 2 king studs for openings over 6'-0", 6) Glulam nlat€rials, maoufacture snd quality control shall conform to STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL GLUED LAMINATED TIMBER OF SOFTWOOD SPECIES, AITC 117-2004 and TiMBER CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (5'i cdition) as prefaral by AITC . Simplc span beams shall be Combinatiol Symbol 24F-V4 with no camber. Continuous or cantilcvered beams shall bc Combinatiou syrnbol 24F-V8 with trc carnbcr. Clulam columns shall bc Combination S),mbol 3. Adhesiv€s shall confom to the requirements for wet conditions ofservice 7) Structural steel shall be ASTM A36 or b€tter cxc€pt Wide llanges shalt bc A992 . or bettcr, pipe columns (noted on plars as pipe, in manual as HSS round) which strall conform to ASTM A50O Gradp B (Ff-42 ksi) or bcttcr, tubc rtccl columns (noted on plaru as TS, in m.anusl ss HSS tectsngular or squqr€) which sbdl br A50O Gradc B (}f-46 ksi) or bcttd, anchor bolts and bolts shall be A307 or better, All skuctural gteel is to be delailed' fabricated, Paintcd and eracied ifl accordance with AlSc STEEL CONSTRUCfiON MANUAI. 2005 snd coDE OF STANDARD PRACTICE. Atl wclding to br pcrformcd by a ccriified welder and conform to AISC and AWS STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE, 2000' all electodcs to bc EE-7OXX . Grout beneath all brse plates and beam bearing platcs shall be non-shrink epory with minimum 28 day compr$sivo rtrcngth of. !O00 psi. All Trubolt Wcdgc Anchors to bc installed eccording to manufschr€i's specifi carioru and dctails. 8) BCI'S and versalams (2.0E) arc as manufactured by BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION; scc shop drawings and manufacturcrs siandard dctails All built-up Versalam beams musl be glued with PL400 urd nsiled wiih 2 mws of l6d spikcs @ I' od. Versalams deeper than 1l 7/8'or morc than 3 mcrnbcrs built-Lp rnuit be boltcd together with 2 rows of 5/8" diemctcr bolts 6p'ccd @ 36'' oc staggered. Mctal X-brdcing required at 8'-0" oc in gll diaptuagmg. All alt€malcs to b€ reviqwcd and aPproved by thc enginecr. 9) Sheath floors with r/i' T and G plywood with miuimum spu rating of40/20 or better and gtue with PI-40O. Nail pl]$'ood with 1 0d @ 6" oc to all joists' field coordinate screw option' Cover decks with 2x6 Redwood with 2 Ecrews per -..- bearing point. l0) Shealh roofs with 5/8" plywood with minimum span rating of 4(V20 or Mter' Nail plywood with 8d @ 6" oc at Panel €d8€s and l?' oc at int€rmediste membErs. I l) Sheath all cxt€rior walls u'ith /," plywood with minimum span rating of2410 or better. Nail with 8d @ 6" oo to dl studs. @:f lJlct)()zzf_I r | '.t ll4\LLI.EIIIL'r r=iE= fi=FE :=Ho^YldoJ ffuHsFquJ6 O-qt 9 *sld,t. MAdrr$e 4'-L'!v \il+rqYz ' YER FlAilt'grrl6gp JrrtrTED" +ilr+*$ n l.l DETAIL B 4at=lrO\ SECTION A