HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ98-0278 LEGALDec,22. 2005 7:21PMl N0 0133 P. 1 ft[ ra22/05 l'own ol' Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81557 Ph 97 0 -47 9 -21 47 Fax 97 0.47 6 -21 7 2 ATIN: Stan H.ahn, Town of Vail Eleotric.al Inspector RD: Vail International Gallcry Dear Stan, We put an amp probc on thc fccders ol'the Intenational Gallcry today, after we had energizcd the unit. The following is what was read. Phass A- 15A B -9A. C_7A The actual length of nack installcd is 230', which is calc'ulated at 17,25O waats- There is a rcceptacle and show window load of approximately 6000 watts. Feeder calculation is 23,250 walts,3Q IZOV/208Y, and 54.5 amps. Our service equipmerrt installed on this project is as follows, l00n 3 pote disconnect, 1/0 Aluminum conductr:rs, the panel is rated 200,4 MLO. We feel tlat or:r original calculations are incorreot, and this reflects, and actual load, with some spacc for futr.re expansion" i.c. increase of track heads, or othcr additional larnps. Davc Peterson, President ,'o 7l I EDWARDS. CO t1632tT970,9?6.4140'F970.926-46261LIC#50OJ'sdh@davcpclclsooclcctriEirc.u)m Jan. 5, 2006 4:36PVl ?fry$r 01t04/o6 Town of Vail Conmuniry Dcvclopmcnr 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Ph 970479-2147 Fu< 97 0 -47 6-2172 ATTN: Stan llaha, Town of Vail Electrical Inspcclor RE: Vail Intemational Gallery We have removed end replaccd an cxisting 3@ | 5OA 206Y/l2OV Federal Pacific pancl board with a 3@ 700A 208Y /t20V Omler Hammcr load ccntcr at thc vail lntcrnational Gallcry. Load center is main lug only and has an over current protectioo dcvic€ with a raring of 100 ampercs (1004 fused disconaect, firscd with I 00A FRN fuses). AII new brcakers installcd have an available iotcmrpting curr€trt rating of 10K to mstch cxisting. Please find herein a detailcd calculation fior the vail tntemstiondl Gallcry on Mcadow Drive in Vail, Colorado. Bnrnch Circuit Crlculetions pcr NEC ZDo Part lI General Lighting krad (NEC 220.12) 3,000VA SigD LiEbting (NDC 220.14(F)) l,200vA Receptacies (NEC 220.14(I)) 5,400VA L.uminaries (Lighting Fi:roues) (NEC 220.16(8)) 3,620VA Show Windows (NEC 220.14(G)) 3,500VA Toral Branch Circuit Voh.tunperm (Watts) 16,720V A Total Branch Circuit Amneres (3O 20EY/120V) 464 Fcedcr end Scrvlce Calculetions ps3 l\tf,,Q 220 PartlII General Ugbting Load CNEC 220.42) 3,000VA Rcccptacles (NEC 220.44) 5,400VA Show Windows (NF.C 220.43(A)) 3.500VA Track Lighing (NEC 220.43(8)) 15.900vl\ Total Feeder Volt-Ampercs (Waus) 27,tDv A Total Feeder Amoeres (3@ 20tY/120v) 77A Feeder Size #l/O ALXIII{N Ampacity (90) (NEC 310.16) 1354 Ampacity ancr Adjustment Factor (807.) l0EA Amnacitv after Correction Factor {2 | .QP5"C) | | 2L Please call me ai lhe ad&ess below if you have any qucstions or rcqrrirc addftional information. A[ached is a panel schedule, a[d one-linc diagram ofthe projecl Setb Petcrson P.M. Dave Peterson Electric PO 7il Edwards. CO E1632 N0,0335 P, l RECEIVED JAN L' { zcob TOV-COll.DW. Dn ? I I FD\r/Anfts CO r l6?2.TOtn 0)6 at4o.Fo?rr Q?/i 4d?{irr raJ{otllr!.rhtt.l$vrnrlcrsnnr.le/Jrir:inr rnrr LI)l 0 LII CI 0 t LI 0 lrl td I EI E !Iii' Eia: iiii, d e at ?(., el I zr J z q 2-I {q F EI Eg:iEd Easil 9p a) a oc 6z c G lrri 6- t r.l Ect F E |ll =-dg>12 :Eg *.3 EIs EEst\. EPP e z I: > EI o E 3 .a gslilfuign#/ 900rdLE, VEtt0 TOI'IN OF VA]L 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L557 97 0 -479 -2L38 Occupancy:T)pe Const.ruct.i-on: Type Occupancy: Va]uation: Building- Plan Check---> InvesEigation>wiII Cal1 DEPARTMEIiN OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEMI rtt /s* -0L:18Wf t' |, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT APPLICAI\IT IIOMESTAKE BUILDERS CORP P O BOX 752, EDWA.RDS 81532, CONTRAETOR HOMESTAKE BUILDERS CORP P O BOX 762, EDWARDS 81632,OWNER NICO VAIL INC T SLIFER MANAGEME}TT, 143 E Description: REMODEL/REPAIR TENNAI!:T SPACE OR 890 RED OR B9O RED Permit. #: E}98-0334 ilob Address: l-00 E MEADOW DR St,atus..Locarion...: 100 E MEADOW DR SUrTE 23 Applied.Parcel No..: 2L01"-OBZ-5G-023 Issued..ProjecL No. r Expires. ISST'ED LO/29/L998 LO /29 /Lee8 04/27 /L999 Phone:- 970-476-tL25 SANDSTONE CIRCLE, VAIL CO' Phone:. 970-476-LL25 SANDSTONE CIRCLE, VAIL CO MEADOW DR STE 360, VAIIJ CO 81657 B2II FR B2 Type II Fire Resistive l_0, 000 Restricted: Add Sq Ft: #Of Gas Appliances:Fireplace Information : * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******************** ******* * ***** * * ******* *** * FEE SITMMARY * * * * * * * * Restuarant Plan Review- - > DRB Fee-- Recreation Fee- - - Clean-Up Deposit- TO{TAL FEES_.----******************************************************************************** ITCMI O5].OO BUII,DING DEPARTMEIiI'T DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: LO/29/L998 CHARIJIE AcEion: AppR CITARLIE DAVISItem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTtIENT DepL: PLANNING Division:LO/29/L998 CHARLIE AcEion: AppR N,iA rTEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'IENI DEPt,: FIIIE DiViSiON: L0/29/L998 CIIARI_,IE AcLion: AppR SEE CONDITIONSIt,em: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Depts: ptB WORK Division: L0/29/L998 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A *i******r****r* See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions that may apply tso tshis permit. DECLARATIONS I her.by ackno!.ledge that I hawe tead thi6 application, filLed out in full bhe infornation required, comlrleted an accurate p1ots 145.00 94 -25 .00 3.00 .00 .00 -00 100.00 342.25 plan, and ecale that all th6 infonnaLion provided as required is correct, I agree to cottlply with tshe informacion Eo conply t{ith all Tolrn or:dinances and state lards, and to build tshiB structure according Co the Torln,E zoning and codee, design review approved/ Unifortrl Bui]ding code and other ordinanceg of che Town applicable th€lcto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENfY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2T39 OR AT OT'R OFFICE FROH and ploC plan, Bubdiwision 8:0 0 Alt 5:00 PM Send CIean-Up Depo6it To: HOMESTAKE BUILDERS ******************************************:l************************************* ********************************************************************************Permit #: 898-0334 CONDITIONS as of L0/29/98 Permj_t T14pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUIL,D PERMTApplicant: HOMESTAKE BUILDERS CORP 970-475-LL25 ilob Address: Location: 1_00 E MEADOW DR SUITE 23 (wI) P- 082 -56 - 02 3 Descripti-on: REMODEL/REPAIR TENNANT SPACE Condit,ions:1. FIRE DEPARTMEIfT APPROVAT IS REQU]RED BEFORE STARTED.2. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR Status: ISSIIED Applied: LO/29/L998 rssued: Lo/29/L998 To E>cpire : O /27 /'1,999 A}IY WORK CAN BE CODE COMPLIANCE aoncacc Ea8lc CounCy Asscssors Offlce FER.\IIT ' APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR If MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED r*************** ************** PERMTT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr rr * * * * *\ 4rr r rrav'f4\ I .Llrl\ - - - x r x x x r x r r x r:r x t i * * * L )4-Buirdins I J-Plumbing [ ]-Erectricar [ ]-Mechani'car. [ ]-other. lwners Nane: \rch itec!: P,,4Jl/o U:36 Address: leneral Description: .rork Class: [ ]-New fl1-eftera tion [ ]-Additionuf tX-Repair [ ]-other lumber of DwelLing Units:Number of Accommodation Units: lrnber and Type of Fireplaces:cas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/PeIlet t**t<* *rtt(*Jr****ty\v* * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) ,t"F ,^ ]UILDING: ?LUHBING:I ri: i 11I.:i::1i il i 1i ."ni:. 1.,1iieneral contrac,tpr: rddreiss: ilectrical Contractor: iddress: ET,ECTRICAL: MECHANTCAL: $ $ OTHER: $TOTAL:+@ )Iumbing Contractor: iddress: Phone Nuhber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. No. fechanicaL Contractor: \ddress:Reg. No. r * * :tr * :l* * :t rt* **** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** *FOR OFFICE USE :t * * * * * rt * rt * * * * ** * * * * :t :t * * * * * ik * * * * IUTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: |LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: \D N Fr'F . )omrnents: BUITDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PLAN CHECK -FEE!MECHANICAL PL,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERIIIT#EES,:r n (\# '5Y &'?-JBUILDfNG: "' SfGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: | ,r rrT cLEAx 'p pEposrr REFrrNp roi hr*sf 'Jll'\l 75 south lronlage road vail. colo.ado 8165z (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FDhlll . DATE: SUBJECT: Y ead and acknowledged by: olf lce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CUFRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI$.I OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL puBLIc woRKs/cor,rMuNrTy DE\rELOpltENT IIARCH 1.5, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & }IATERTAL STORAGEIn sunuoary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track "r a"p"irt.any soi', rock, sand, debris;:rilfi:;.i:ii"i::r"ains tiasr,-Iiip.t..!, poiiuui" toir"ts and tiiF"::":i!'ifi.i3l".itI"tii'"11=_ ii;ilti} *lir:";i,l;ili:-", Thl: . ;;; i ;;;":";i !!_'S:, : ;.i:ii;":#:::I;';t.i;i'i:*il:$l:i, "' Public Horks oeoartmentl'-p.i=ln= rou.J-.riirJling this ordinancewirr be given a'za houi *.iil;;"notice to r.rb.r" said materiar.fn the event the person so notified.does not comp).y with thenotice within the 24 rrour time lpecified, the putric worksDepartment vilr remove said rnateii"i-i!-ir,J"!*iun=e of personnotified' The orovision=-"r"'itti. ordinance srr'arr not beapplicable to cbnstruction, -*iiit.r,un"" or-"!!Ji, p.o3ects ofany street or aLlev ", i"v'"ti-iiti". in the right_a_way.. To review ordinance No- e in fu'', please stop by the Town of:::i"::il3i"g"":f,i:'*lt"::""iiii" a copv. rf,u.,k you ror your contractor, owner) TO: FHOM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a "pubtic Way permit': YES NO ls ihis a new residence? ls. demolition work being performed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public properlty? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls differenl access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, Date 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) or public property? 7l ls a "Flevocable Right CI Way permit" required? B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, . parking or fencing? B. lf no fo 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community :Development? . :. lf you answered yes 1o any ol these questions, a "Pubtic Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Commulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town ol Vail Construction lnspeclor, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Contracto/s SignatureJob Name ********************************!k******************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ************************************!r*************!tit************ SEaeennt Number: REC-0470 .Nnount: 342.25 LO/29/98 13:32 Palment Method: cHEeK Notation: cK#2495 Inits: cD Permj-E No: 898-0334 Tfpe: A-COMM ADD/AL,T COMM BUILD PParcel No: 2101-082-55-023 S1LC AddrESS; 1OO E MEADOW DRLocat,ion: 100 E MEADO!{ DR SUITE 23 (WI) This Payment, Total Fees:342.25 Totsal ALrL PmEs: Ealance: 342.25 342.25 .00 Amountr 145 .00 94.25 100.00 3 .00 *******************************!t******************************** Accoung Code Description BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERIIIT FEES PF 00100003112300 pr,A!{ CHECK FEES AD Dz-DEPO8 CTEANIIP DEPOSITS wc 00100003112800 WrLr, CArJL' INSPEqTION FEE iieqi*s'.*i l:r.i*i l Dnat. ll:5$JacLoJr Ai rg.liie -1*Jre-s, f fidai" necembiif e3, 2005 iti :CO E IdEADOW DR VAIL VlLii{SE INN PLAZA, UNIT'f 7 s':: .r.la,':l ; ;if c' -il'l niiCit A;liuity: C,.,,,:.: ?rtp€. l../i.rs;. , t-.i l I IEr i:- E05'C233 cfif\iri\;. * -*r- tii:; vAiL il;:3.F.5I,ECTR!C Phon€: 97S92S41.O D.P. ELECTRIC Phone: 970-92&41lo ELECTRICAL FOR VAIL ITJTERI'IATIOI'IAL GALLERY TENANT FIMSHeF*ticiiElncurrC{ltuuldrb lii'F:L:. niGuesreb ELEcatcAL o}JE LINE DaGRAM FRoM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. . sI.IF.HNpER LicHn'NG ordictrEn, Anr o-lilcny '.tGH'nr,l€ rE EXEMFT FRoM lEcc 8os REQUIREMENTS 3HAIJIJ ACOM Status: ISSUED lnsP fuea: SH ili.qu- i liC itisrectisn(si n*qoLFtT,, l$f*RKlfliltl'.tu nequestedffi: lldffi '3i,,rii'iic,iis. ASSUMII*.3 fl|l|Al; Jljst SAil ELE; ;l,i;FA,,$.r"; i;. sftAilli - - Enlered By: LcAMPBELL K ,\cUon. Tim€ Eit/. Cornrrent IRHVED-OFSITE. caI.ITRAcTORSOFFICFDELAYED CALL lN CAhlCELLATl9N,- - - - -- , ^.ioiiiii*nr: Corurnncion Sinreo r'pr nrnoy Fon r'rgpecioN-NEw FEEDER FoR PAI€L BoARD Musr BE COITPLETE FOR RI,IAI.' il;;;i i- * 1ou:' :h v" -:JI*-onY:,;;*f{;, ",)- --:74n -r c rt/c- L#-,o^t il't.h,crtL O/ue - Lti* 1r [Va.e9nu1 /tvFartrtfff"* '{'fr 't a-! tA,,W tf Dfi-79 o& F,i*- [/o-ofut)- !:':;1-':i3; lll::ri'. < L lt n :rem. 'i1o ELEc-r€ftF.Powe. >t'1+') ' ltz*' iiui::1:cELE,?Rqusn,n",*"..,.,|'1F;l;,=cALiiol,.ccNDAPfBavJai?Jfdf l;o,',irrerii. itRbL",DE suFftn; FoR Exls1|Ficccia{ourrSelto EXtSrNc eoxEs sugtl^g^cqNDulrs locAreb ericvE i,irW switisgs l-r'165uF'i'cnrEiiSaruo Box Loc'trED ABo!€ PANEL TO RIGIIT.peottioe ,RepetR supF:RT cr t- : t' EMT FRoM J-Box iwlrHllt PRoJEcr AREA;- Cl :: /^ -F -..,.r.,;, ELEC-Misc. ELEC Final'!?jAt'OS lnsp€ctor: SFIAHN Action: hfR I'|OTREADY EOR lf'lS-ELCIoNcommani col.nnncron sinrso uor Renov Fon tNsPEcnoN. NEW FEEDER FOR PANEL BOARD MUSTBE COTIPTE* FOR FINAL. il.2?.:OS Insp€l:tct. SI-IAHN Action: PA PARTIAL APPRO,V.AL- -.--.c,Ini'-*ii niqh'iVEij ori sni:. cor.rrnncrcn5 oF'ilce'oit"AVEo caiilu c-ancELl?noN' lleutfra iic ii,. It€rn. Itein.'19S REPT]31 1 At'/D lntormatlon Acthrftv: Const Typ6: Ownot: Appllcant: Cohlractor: D€scriptlon: Comment: Commenl: Inspecdon Htstgrv Item: 110 ELE(Itom: 120 ELE( Requested Inspect Date: Insp€c0on Area: Slte Address: E0$O293 , Type: B-ELEC Occupah'cy: NICO VAIL INC D.P. ELECTRIC FrldaY. December 23. 2005sH -' 1OO E MEADOWDR VAIL VILI.AGE INN PI.AZA, UNIT 17 & 16 Strtus: lnsp Ar€a: rssuEo SH Phon€: 970-92S414t) D.P. ELECIR|C Phone: 97$'92&41,{} ELECTRICAL FOR VAIL INTERI'I,AIIONAL GALLERY TENANT RNISH BRANCH CIRCUIT CALCUI.ATIONS IN RLE. REOUESTED ELECTRICAL ONE LINE DIAGMM FROM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. - SF|iqHN PER LIGHTING DESIGI.IER, ART GALLERY LIGHTING IS EXEMPT FROM IECC 805 REOUIREMENTS . SHAHN Reouested Inspection(sl Item: 190 ELEC-Flnal Requested Tlmei lf :00 AM Requ€stor: WARREN, J.L. VIELE ' Ptrne: 688-0AG Commenls: ASSUMII'IG FI}.IAL: JUST SAID ELEC INSP Assilned_To: SI-IAHN _ Entsred By: LCAMFAELL KAction: Tlme Exo: Com'n8nt TRHIgEI'OFSNE. CS.ITRACT6RSOFFTFDELAYED CALL IN CANICELIATION.frMMENt COMTRACTOR STATED l.lC)T REAOY FOR INSPECTION. NEW FEEDER FOR PANEL qOARD MUST F4 -- /5 f PROVIDE/REPAIR SUPPORT OF 2.1,/T EMT FROM J.BOX (WTFIIN PROJECTAREA). ELEC-CondultttEm:'130 Item: 140 Itom: 19O ELEC-Misc. ELEC'Final t?/?1/05 Comment: 12in!e5 Comment 8E COMPLEIE FOR FINAL. flapnouro }orn, - lL,u' I La u'rlu'lTeutf *a il*/Z,r"tu zfue _ Ltin fVeceya*y lruFert-r*fi'1i A'fr -' a'-] t",tL; t f DftF7 o& firl* //",okD. SUCH AS CONOUITS frh)[2 LOCAIEDABOVE NEW TO RIGFIT. BOX LOCA1EDABOVE PANEL lnsp€clor: Sl-l,AHN Acilon: NR NOT READY FOR INSPECTION CONTRACTOR STATED NOT READY FOR INSPECIION. NEWFEEDER FOR PANEL BOARD MUSTBE COMPLETE FOR FIl.l,AL.lnsp€ctor: SHAHN Actlon: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL ARRMED ON SITE. CONTRACTORS OFFICE DELAYED CALL IN CANCELLANON. Yr+r,t Cft/c- Laf-,o-t REPT131 Run Id: 4057