HomeMy WebLinkAboutB03-0263 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: T}IIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit #: 803-0263 Job Address: 302 HANSON RANCH RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.......: Mill Creek Court / 302 Hanson Ranch Rd Applied . . : 0910812003 ParcelNo....: 210108240020 Issued...: 0911112003 ProjectNo.: Expires...: 0310912004 owNER RIORDAII, cERjLrrD & MAITREE-iIT O9/O8/2O03 phone: 108 GL,ENMOOR DR ENGT,EWOOD, CO 80100 License: coNrRAcToR RED EAGTTE CONSTRUCTTON O9/O8/2O03 phone: 970-328-3100 P.O. BOX 398 BASAIJT, CO 8L621 L,icense: 553-B APPLICAI{I RED EAGLE CONSTRUCTION 09/08/2OO3 Phone: 970-328-3100 P.O. BOX 398 BASAIJT, CO a]-62t Lricense: 653 -B Desciption: Common Element - Re-roof change to tar & gravel Occupancy: Rl,M Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $60.000.00 Fireplac€ Informltion: Restsicted: Building--> $?13 . ?5 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Ch€ck---> S463 .94 DRB Fee-> Add Sq Fr 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY :rrtrt**:t"r{'*tr*'}'**t***:r*J*'rt't'tr++*'')}r"'r'+r'**'}'*''r'}*"*:l $o .00 Total Calculaled Fees-> 91, 180 .59 S0. 00 Additional Fees---->90. 00 $0. 00 Total Permit Fee---> $1, 180 . 69 90.00 Pal,rnents-_----1 $1, 1S0. 59 # ofGas Appliances: 0 Investigation-> will call-> S0 .00 Rcqeation Fee--_-> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit-----> TOTAL FEES----> S1,180.59 RAr.At\lcE DUE->$0 .00 Approvals: rTEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTITTEIIT O9/LO/2OO3 CDAVIS ACTiON: AP SIIB''ECT TO FIEIJD INSPECTION Item: 05400 PLAIINING DEPARII{EIIT TIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Iten: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS +***|*.t*'|*t|*|+|*||{l**i*t|'t|1l|+||t.*+|+|*|,}t||.|t.*******i*|*i** PAGE 2 **|'tt't:}t't*'t**'}:l*****'|'}t*|'|*:**l!t|'h|*:i'|!t't{'****|****'t*:|t'}**'|t't't'}{t't*'|t**|}|}*|}***+**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 803-0263 asof09-11-2003 Status: ISSUED *'t't{.'|*'|t*{.,}|*****:i'}*,t'|*'}tt*t|!i'|:}:|**'}t.'}*****'|**'t*t't**'tt!t{tt{t,}|:|'***|'t'}************ Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicantr RED EACLE CONSTRUCTION 970-328-3100 Job Address: 302 HANSON RANCH RD VAIL l,ocation: Milt Creek Court / 302 Hanson Ranch Rd ParcelNo: 210t08240020 Description: Common Element - Re-roof change to tar & gravel Conditions: Cond: I @IRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Applied: 09/08/2003 Issued: 09/ll/2003 To Expire: 03/09/2004 See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this pennit. DECLARATTONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. T{JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI *****t*ll**** * +f* + | +*+ t* + ** ttf++******** * + +{'*++ ++ +*+ * +f *'} + + +ir+*t * *f* * * ********'t'l't*** t**+ * +*{r TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOCopy Reprinted on 09-11-2003 et 09:42:08 0911112003 Statsment + + 't + t * l' * * **** +'l 'l 'l * *{t*** *** * * * l' + * * * *** * ** *1* {' ** ***'l + + 'l +ir*** +* t t * ******** l' * + f'} + * + *+ +l +*t + * + ** 'i Statement Nr-Iriber: R030004545 Amount: $1,180.69 09/09/2OO3O3:06 PM Palment MeEhod: Check Init: DDG Notation: Red Eagle Conatruction 8581 Per.rrit No: 803-0263 Type: ADD,/ALT COMM BUIL,D PERI{T Parcel No: 210108240020 Site AddreEE : 3 02 IiAIiISON R.elICH RD VAIIJ L,ocation: Mill Creek Court / 302 HanEon Ranch Rd Total Fees: $1,190.69 Ihie Payment: $1,180.69 Total AL,L Pmtss: $1,180.59 Balance: $0.00 *t f,*ft* f *******tt*t**{f*f+*t+*t*1+ + **{' a +{r **{' l' '} * * +* * '} * +'t t * f,** | * d' t * t * * + t * * ** * ** **** * * * +* * +'}*,} * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 773.75 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 463.94 |'JC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO P29FAX NO. , 97lA92?3L@ Sep' ElS 2863 1A:1341'l F // (o.b1 r-r APPucArloN wlLL Nor BE ACGEPTED rF rilcotlP|.Ert o* u#,9fflmill4L- -*-t^--ProltctN1171 bD7'O7ra3 '"0??i'$ffi,ii#st'*m-r*rWl**ffiF; ., FROM : rowN oE -v.AltSuttqlNclEBryllr.+PPllcaTl9N . .ffiEffifr irs rsculreoEr ad'-ctrical, ptumulng, mochanical' eE'! 75 S. Flont ge Rd. vill, colorado 81057 Tom lce 97G948€525 v BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $orHER: $ $ 8o,olxl-oo PI-UMBING: $MECFIANICAL: $TOTAL: $ rt Job Ngme: Mtll cre€k condocs Rc-roof Job Addrgas: ilill Greek Gourrtttloz H:rnEon Ranch Roa< L,eg€l Descrlptlon l-ot {Elock: MA Fl[ng:rvA ilr,*-.* *u*leeh counrt cohdo E 6S Bsnington' lL Phonc: AlehltecVDeeignen N/A Address: li,lA Phone: N/A Enginacr: IVA Addre€s: N/A Fhone: N/A ffilndpropertydlcpoeeer*'""IistiRgEPDMmembrane,.lneta||newCo|daPp||ed gravel zurfacr:d built up roof syslem par manulacfurerc speclflcstlons' Work Classr Ner., ( ) Additicn ( ) Rernodel ( ) R"pt,t ( ) D.,no ( ) % Work Typc: tntsrior ( ) Ededor(X) Both ( )- ooas an g,HU eldst at thlt localion: Y€ ( ) hlo ( ) Type of Bldg,: siQgl€-tarY ty( I n*.fumry t ) Mufti'rarnlly ( ) Commefiial ( x ) R.strurtt* ( ) Othtr ( ) No. of Exlstlng Dwelllng Unib in thi3 buildlng:No. ol rdcaommod8tion Unitr in ihls building: No/Type or Flrsptac.s Erbtins: gas Apptiancm ( ) Grc Loos ( ) Wggqfellct ( )€ No/TvDe of Fircplaoes Prcpc€at CaE Appttances ( ) Gss Logs ( ) w d/ Do€saTireA|drmE-st Y€6( ) No(@e(lNo() *'*.r**lr**!r*ll**r*rrtrrir*rtrt**r'ffiF6R OFFICE USE OHLry* WE||\'bIT\CTb\AFORMS\PERMf TSFLDoPERM.OOC 04/tp/20G FROM :1A:14Ft4 t - Projec{ Addrec$ -Mllt Cre€k Court/302 }ianEon Ranch Road------ s 6 e TO}vN Departmrnt ol Gommunity Developme nt Projcct Name: -nnill Creok Gondo'$ Ro'roof 0 0 0 o 0 I 19gf/91f4 Al pag€a of apdlcsllon ls compldo Ha€ DRB rpprgrral obtalned (tf Fqulr.d) Flovida a copy ol approval form ordomlnlum Asociqtion letter d approral attaoh€d if proisa is a lrttltFFamlv complex 6mplete dte plan eJbminad tub[c wsy Brmlt 4pliodion induded it €ppllcablo (fst€f to hrbllc workc cficcldld) gaqlne plan Induded (reter to nrbflo Wofks chec*lid) lilo dump8t.r,PertlD{ot mr|ldrldcllgr alld ii on roadwey? rnd drouldrrs slthout wrlllaL{rntgEl Asbestos t€st and rei{lts srbmltted tf demolltlon b oco,ming tuchitBct atamp and ElgnatuB (All Gommerchl rnd Multifamily) tull floor planr indudlng bulldlng s€ctlms and elelrsilqns(s sts of plans for Multi-Farniu and bmmcrdal B'rildlngs) Wndow and door sohedul€ Rlll strudural planc, lnduding d66ign crlt€rh (l.c.losd*) Strudurat Ftglneer efamp and signaturs on drudural plsns (All Oommerdal .nd tvl'tltl FEmily) Soils tuport mu$ be arbmttt.d prlor to footing inspedion Flr€ raddln€ ascrmbilB tpedtled snd penetration€ indiceted Snoke d€t#orE thorvn on Plans Types and quantlty of fireplgcG Fhdrrn 0 a e 0 I e 0 Appilc.nt'f sr g natwct rr@&ra-4 : FAX I'lU. . 97692?3IAA Sep. @5 2@3 Glredions? Qllthe Rrlldlng Tem at 479'2325 Detc of submlttaf; Rocrivrd By: \\\rstMclsrE{cvuoRME\PmMFS\BL9OPERM. OOc o,ietffi FROT4 :FAX h[]. i 97a92?3LA@ *e. 6 M3 L6r t 4Pfl Fu,r,!-pr NG pERrUlT I SSUANCEITTE-EBAME If this peflnit requirs a Torn of Vail Fire Ddpartment Approrat, Enginoer'3 (Riblic WoII(F) rer/ie$/ and appro\ral, a HEnnlng Department re\ri€r,y or Fbalth Department rwiilt, ald a rwlal' by th€ Building Depertment, the €stimat€d time fq a total reriew will take a$ long asthrtr (3) weeks. Al corrmerdal (lsge or srnall) and all multFfamily p€mits will have lo follow the ebow mentioned madmum requiranenls. Hdentld and sfnall prdods *lould teb a losser emount of time. However, if rqidentlal or gttdter prdeds im@ ths varloua above mention€d depertments with rogard to neoEssary l6ri6rr, fhes proleda may also lake three (3) wed€ to re\4s , and €pprove. Evgry eiltempt will bs made by thie department to expedite thas p€mll as soori aE po€dble. l, the underCgned, und*stand the ptan dreck plooBdure and tirne freme. I also underdand that if the permlt le not plck€d up by the o<piratlon dde th€i I must still pay the plan check fee snd thd if I fail to do Eo it may dfed tutur6 pormits thd I apply for" Agre€d to by: ,tu zt{ =H/i--'Egndure Dete: -09/O4/OE Flint namg \WailHstat6d€y\FORMS\PERMlT SnEIDGPERM.OOC ofi@r2000 FAX t{U. | 91W?13L@@ Sep. @5 2BB3 16:154H r-lFROr'l : WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERiIIT" 18 REQUIRED PTEASE RFAD AI'ID CHECK O:F BICH OF THE FOIOT'VING OTJE$T|oIE REGARDIITG TI-E NEED FOR A "PLJBLIC WAY FERlvlrT" : o lt lhis a new reddence?\Es- No-x- o Do€r demolltbn work bdng P€rtorm€d requine the u$e of the Rlgtrl'of-way' ednfipnb or publlc proprtYrl YES--- t'lO*X- o 15 any utility work neoded? YES-*.' NO-J(- 0 Ar9 there any improvenrenos beirg donc to thc drivcwoy ? YB- hlo-x- o ls a dlfhrent ecffi n|€ftd to lho s'rte other lhan the exieting dtiva,varl Y€S-x- NO- o lg any dHinsgc wofk belng done that affi thc Rlght-of-wey, effirnent8, or public prcperM YES- NO-x- o le a "Rovocahte Right of-way Femit" rcqulrrtfl YES- NO-X- 0 |e tho Right.of-wry, eas€'nenF ol pub|ic pop€fty lo be rced |tor stag|ng, park|ng or ftrdqg? YES_X*_ NO- lf anur ,.r ir No, lr a pa*ing, etaging or fenclng plen Gquircd by PlJblio works? YES-- lf you ar*wered YEg to any of th€se quecdons, a 'Pl6lic \wfy Partnlt' muft tp obtalned' .Public watt Fermit" apdicatons mgy be obtEined at the PuHic work'6 ffic. Of tt communlty Danlopment (a sarnple is attacfnd). lf )ou lEve ffy queF{ions pl€aEe aall L.s|ard sandovrl In Publlc worlcs at 47$2108. I HAVE READ AIID AhISIA'EFED AJ. THE A8O\E AIJESNOhIS' -!r.L-- Fq E'ea/' b zc,/ Contraclor slgnaturc vcompany Narne Job or Pojsct trlamt: -Mill ctl'ek condo's R+root---_ Oat6 Sign€cl:__o9/o4/o:1.-. \VlllEebtod€rr\FoRM6\PERMlt$\gLDOPIRM'OOC E r.wryc'rcrlolrhsi ubtcttw+ 04rmn0B FROt"l :FAX F{o. ': 9?W273IAA Sep. 65 2AA3 1A:154M P34 r--, I ,-mPRJ #:- -AIrlLIcAllION FOR TOWN OF VATL PW #: Parcel #: PUBLIC WAY Bldg.#:E A{ (If stthown coll .fl9:?lPEcrrt-0) I tob Nrmc Steet Ad&r8s z. tt/,/A EirEeatiDg CbDfff'kF Ns@ Mail Adihas TOV Cogbru,to( Licatrtc Nsmb€r - REQUIRP.D Fbsrc #ziPcav Start Drto 4. wodlr b fd (eir€lo olto) Co[Itpfcdm Ddc Wrtq Srwcr G||t EfrcFic Tclqrhonc CllTV L0t&84irg (Pcmit F-,:tpiration lloe) Ttr F flr. A.ct$ Trtrnh-wtdth Lctrrdh Dcpth (min- 4') Bond Allount S T.'td SP S 6, Td.I LF Psrail Fce $-- totd Psrmit lt€e t ALJL MATER|A,T. EQutpMENT, AND TRJ|FFIC cgt{TRoL DEvrcEs MUST FE Ol{ THE JOBSITE BEK'RE TnE JOB Ig STABTED. Rubbcr out-rig:grrr arc n4ulrcd on ecavsting cqui@crt wtsD wurting o rrl,balf A,q,h$ st|rf$€t rlodcrrcildt ttG bNm&c' tod lugr stflI be pr'0rccr6d st atr dD38. A ilgnihrc bctrv indiclres e rcvicw of thc sqr sn<t utll&y locrtlors rnd afrpnovst ODoc all utiHty oo'ryarry sig!d[c| l|l ob@lcd I p."iior 1". opUon iJ ruu{ng rp,plirrfiD! tinugh thl PdbUG Wa1r .ffi51 lO Ohtdn t!3 !6c.53rry TOtn of Vdl 'igeturrr PleaE dlbw rE to ona wsd( to Dn cc&r E rcel EEarCy / Publio SswicG Ooupaly (l-E0G922-l9Bn -.,..Erltl Esctgy High Prc*rurc (l€00-922.1987) Qucst (1.80G922-19E7) -.... , AT&T Cable Brodbard (l -800-922-t987) rtgto RivrFwrtE & saairado Dietsic (970476:t4t0,e ll4, -,'.' Hoty OtoBs El€skic collp y(l-E0&t2z-t9tn lo$n ofvEit Elcc{tidms (970-0?9-2158) --- . Town of V{il lniartioo (9?0{7}2 I 5E) .. . THERti WILL BE No TOTA1, STREIIT cLosURES! A csn*wlir.ra trallic co[tlot plrl ttrurt be arhnlttcd and +frfl'ed by tha Puuic wott! Dspafiosrt prior io irruulcc of lftc pemrit. 9. AII cr(ca/adoD mutt bs dffi6 by hsld wittrJn l8' ofutiliticr - (Scot& Bill l?2). r0, p€@jlegqEt-r*toF!'t the.B&lirJvrt&s..1)clprrncnt.at a?6'2198 24-ho$w pri(,r ro <p$o.ucbg-eflvjri(- FaihItG b Nodry dre Tom wlll lcrolt ln lffi"Fudll dooov' s"rt"atr"a i"+octioar nrd aro qor n*rty oaor ncor in dt" totrll dtzrgt!8 thc otrbs',' 4 reiocp€ctio fsc' ll, I carr'fr rher t hsw rcad all dregbrs of Tlttc 8- Pubtic Wryr .nd PloFary. of6€ Vril l6rEi.:iPrl Cods and aU sdliry tupdy arytsta' sig$dtry Ec, {l!d will 8]idc by tho sdnE &d udliti$ hgvc bccd rr reorin:il i $iattrlt.Ec of Agltlma$Print rEtni: cEgrly ofsigntrc ATTACH PLAN OF WOAK, nCCLUOIiIG COXSIRUGTIOI{ TR EFIC C(DlTtrlOl. PLA|{ whitr- PuEic woih sblr* rtsrar wittr nqn€, buildilgt, ao.f hc*don of autr. IJEE DA$ll LINES FOR CUT. \Wsndatgbdev\FORMg\PERMTTS\BLOOPERM'DqQ Ycuov ' Coffi|{tor 04/@/200$ 1@:16Al"l [;lFROIY'I : FAX tfu. | 9ru9273LA4 P"UFLiG-I|IcLBKASND Tl{E PUBLIC wAY PER How it retatec to Bullding Permttr: Sep. 95 2E163 - fl'!H',il3:Sffi1"T.1 5g";-'l;"#:lf yes was an$ivetE a ro aIrY rI $Ie \,ruer.|v' P "'-" -loprrarrt, rd:eiea Et 75 south Fpntag€H;l"t-"p *'ipprrcatron it elther cornmunity D€vt ilioiaiirr" works, locabd et 1309 Elkhom Ddw' -Notkesign-offBforutilitycompani-s$.ALl..utiliti*mrretfie|dveriff(locate)reepectiveutilitied pfior to signing afpica'on. Some utllty "it-p."f* rcqulre up to 48 hours nodce to schedule a locets. -, A @nstructlon trafflc control/staglng phJ| El:t be pFpar€d o-n a -ea9le shset of pepcr' An approwd stte pran #i;b.i;-d"d: rnu ia-n-wtishstr locations of alt trefiic cqrtrol devioec (sbns, cones, etrc') and.the *g".P":'"iito'ot**ttction"steging' etc')' Thb plan wilt expire on no,'",iU"t 1et and wtll neej; Ue rcsubmitted for consilleration ior epprovst through tnti"f-ni"'' gt-awans tnar 61 6[-noon for wlnter mav be denled dlpending on tile locetion of comtruc'tion' -sketchofwortbeingperiormedmtl3tbesubmtttedindhatingd|meneb'€(|ength.w|dthand depth of worft). iri-J,iily be ar.,,,,n on tn. #"in. *ni-f pfin or a sit€ plan for the iob' .-rs,rbmitcomp|etedapplicEtiontothePrD|icwbrl(bolficeforrwBw'lfrequircd.locqteow|l| be s.hedured ror ue iil,r-# vliiJr*itr"r"ro "iJ i"ld"uon crBw. Tho locates take dacP In ifre momlng. but may rcqulre up to 48 hours to perform' .- The Public workb oorl3lruction lnsp€c'tor will revierrrr the application- and approve or deny rhe pernrit. v* -iri"[l'Jii"a;- o to ur" -J;n " rno '"hv rsqulrerrents that mav be needed. fvfoet panntts-; rei€6sed within 48 trours ot beir' ;€ceiv€d, but please allottr up to one (1) week to Prccqrs' -Aggooneslhepcm|tlsapprowd,theBulld|ngDepartmantwr!!ban.oJitled'auo,/inglfie.Buitding pennit' to L*,"fjIJa. 'pfo* Oo nit-oiifuse the ?ublio Wav Fgnnlt' u'ith a 'Building PE mif- - NOTE: The above prccsrc lr for work in a public -w-s-y O!{LY' Public Way permits aro verid onry untir Noyomb.r {sfi.'i i.i-i"lrr" ufay Permlt lr ruqulrcd each ysar lf work i"'i.t *r"prctc. Re-eppircetion rach Novrmber lSth 6sr6s not mean-an automrtlc rencwal' t have reaat and understand the above- o i: I __09/0ttr0t_Drtc Glgnod-.4M-' slgnrtulc *vmaearfu nroRuS\PERMlf s\gLDcP ERM'ooc {xr(Ea009 FAX NU. | 9-?A9n3L@ Sep' 85 2683 1g: t?AM ilFRON : Plenre read End Gheck offcsch oftlo ltcr[r below: ThE Tovrrn of vait &Jlldlng Department has dev€loped the folloiving proceduree to ensuro that n€M/ @nsit'ruction site6 ha,e adequatety estab$shed proper drainagB frorn bui|ding sfte a|ong and adja€nt to Town of Vall roade or streets' The Toatn of Vail rubllc \llcrks DePartment wlll be required to in$pect and approv€ drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streds and ths Inetalldion of t€mporary or permanent culverts d acoesspo|ntsfromtherqadorstreetontotheconstrudioneite.g.l€fiapprova|mu3tbeobta|nod priortoanyrequ€slsforlnspedlonbytheTollnofVeilBtli|dingDepartmgltforfootings, temporarydectricatoranyotheringection.F|easeca||leonardsgndove|gt47s'?198torgqugct an inspedion from the Pr'rblicWorks DePartment' Alor a minimum of 24 hour notice' Aso,theTorrnofVailRrblicWorksDepartmentwi|lbeappforinga|tfina|drainagearrdcttlvgrt installdisr with resLllting road pstctling ss ncsary' $ch approval must be obtaln€d prlor to any Flnal Osrtlflcate of Occupancry is$ancs' Asreerf toby: ffi#?!E-ffi Date Sgned: -09/04/03- wsitsrrldd.$FoRM$\PERMITS\BLOGPERM'DOC I t t I o*rvtffi FRON :FFfX NO. | 9?49273LE,@ Sep. @5 2BB3 1A:1?RN ua -RIAL SToRAGE At'lD CONSTRUGT,Ip}I]PARK Pl6esc rcsd ind chgsk off erctr of ths ltcma bclow. (Copree of complete terxt arc av.ll.blc uFn trqur6t) GODE 5-2-10: DEPC|SITS oil PUBLIC WAY9 PROHIBITED e Unlawful deposlts: S{rbjcct b suffion C th€r€ot, it b unlawful for eny person to litter, tr:ack or de@lt, or oa(rge to bc litbrud, trud<crl or dcpcitsd, sand. gravd, rodts. mud. dirt, snow. le, or any other debris or meterial upon any Etreet, slJ€$rall( alley or puHic plae, or any portion thercof. e Not'ne; Abatement: Thc Direc{or qf Public Workg rnay notify snd requie any pc|$on who ylolaltlr or caL6€€ drolher tro violate the prwbion of suhec{ion A hcrcof. or who hes In lhe Dlrcctol's omploymoni a person who viototeq or c6us€s anoth€r to vlolate th€ same, top removg Buoh sand, gtravcl, rocfG. mud' dirt, rnow, ice or any other debris or malerlel within twarrty four (24) hourr aftcr rucelpt of sald notlce by the Director of Publlc Wtrks, In the 6/ent the penon so rEtlfied dos not cotndy wiih tho notka wlthln th. pedod of timc hcrdn spcified, th6 Elil9ctor qf Publb tt{orks, or oll19r aulhorized {grtt, may cruso eny er|(h eend, grevd, rocb, mud. dirt, srow, lcs, ct6HE or any othat mattrbl to bt retno\,ed from any street or alby at the expense of the notifted. o Summons and Pcnalty: As en altemative b the notlor for rumovgl provlded in sub€€ctlon B above, gny ptrsod who violaice or carra€a another b violate the same, msy bg lsucd I sJmmon3 b eppar before the Munkripal Court of the Tourn for rald violationa and upon belng found guilty of a vloltlbn hereunder be punbhed ar povidrd in Saction 1-+1 df ihb code. 0 l{otlce rnd Ponrlty: lt lB unla'vful for any po|Eon to fail or rufi.rEs to cornply wilh the notlce of the Dlrector of Fubllc Worl(. aa provlded ln eubsctlon B hereot and any $rE i peGon shall, in addltion to paynrent of the expense of removal lncurred by lhe Di|ector ol Public Wort(t, s prorid€d In Euboecuon B hereo( upon being found guilty of a vlolation hereunder, ba ptrni$habh # ptovided in Section l-4-l of thi8Cod6. (1997Code: Ordinance€ (1070). OODES 7-sA-l AND 7-8A-3: PARKIil€ OBSTRUCI ING TRAFFIC & IilPOUNDIIENTAUTHORIZED o No pc€on shstl park any vehich upon a etr€et or at any oth.r plffi wlthin thls tfuniclpellty In strdt a m6nn6r or undrr ruch condltlors aB lo lnterfors wlth the lrae movenrcnt of v6hiculnr tfiaffic or ptEpor str€st or hlEhway meinlarrancc. (Ord, 2(1968) $ 1) 0 Whcmver eny polb€ ollloer finds a vehlo{e atbnded or urEttandcd. thnding upon any portion d a strct or upon any placa within fih Muniipelity in eucl, a mgon€r ae to mnstitute a viofatlon of arry sedlon ol thiE Articla, or hft unattended for a period of twenry four (24) houe or more End prsS{lmed to be abandoned under tho aonditiong prdcfib€d by Oolorado &r/is€d Statutes ss-tion 42-4'{ 1@. s srnended. he officcr ElEll r€quirt th3 nhldr to bs remov€d or calFe lt lo be romowd and phocd lh EiorEEo In lhe n€€rrgt ganrga or oth€r place of safety d$lEnated ot tnaintlinod by this Munidpality, rnd lhe chrro€ fior towing and stor€gl€ of such vehide chall bc drarged io thc owncr of thr whlde ln addtion to a ten dollar ($1O) impoundmcnt cfitrge. (Ord. 2(1969) $ 3: Otd. 28(r98r) S r) I bavr road and will cwnply Mth tG ebovo codo pmvilsifis : 'Tfuaa-s /nz- Position or Rehdomhlp to Ptojectl @.Eoc F :/evcryo!#t6udbldDirn? ol|'rataB