HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ96-0051 B96-0070 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARIMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ADD/ALT MF BUILD BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL PERMIT Pernit #: 895-0070 Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: 164 GORE CREEK DR LODGE TOWER 594 2L0L-082-24-029 PRJg6-00s1 Stat,us. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED o4/26/Lee6 o4/26/Lee6 L0/23/Les6 TIMES .m t73.25 573.25 accurlt! plot E-fil ptot plrn, subdivi gim APPLICANT ROCKYMOUNTAINWOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374, VATL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN WOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374, VAIL CO 81658OWNER SANDEN HOWARD V 972 RANDALL RD, MUSKEGON YTI 4944I Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Phone: 3038457863 Phone: 3038457853 f EE SUI'lllARY *t*ri*t**t******t*ftfi*ffiffi Occupancy: Rl- Type Construct.ion: f I TIT)e Occupancy: Valuation: Fircpl.6c lnfonnrtion: Rcstrictcd: Bui Lding----> P lan chcck-> lnvcstigat i on> Lli Lt C! l, l.--> Multi-FamiIyFR Type II Fire Resistive 23, 300 #0f Gas Appt i ancca: Add Sq Ft,: fof Grs Logs:#of t,ood/P!t Let: .00 Total Catculatld Fc!s--> 575.2, rffi *****"llllhllli**i;;;;i*-***-i Ile4ri ,g5lq0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:04/26/L996 DAI{ Action: AppRItem:'.05400 PI{ANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: pLANNING Division:04/26/1996 Dpct ecEi-on: AFFn u/a Ifeni',9!F90-!'.IRE DEPARTMENT ', Dept: FrRE Division:04/26/1996 DAN Action: AppR N/AItQm:'.05500 PIIBLIC WORKS Dept.: pUB WORK Division:04/26/1996 DAlt ect,ion: AppR N/A ******ffi See Page 2 of thie Docurnent for any conditions that may apply to this permit. 285.00 Rrstuarant Ptan Rcvicv-)185.25 DRB FaF-------.00 Rccr.ltion trF---_->3.m ctlrn-Up ocposi t-----_1 DECLARATIONS .00 Additionat Fcca--------->.00 Total Pernit Fee-------->1m.00 Prynrnts------- t hercby acknovtedge thlt I havc rcEd this lppticrtion, fiu,cd out in fuu,ptan, and ctrt! that !tI th. infofnatim providcd as required is corrcct.to corpty vith rl,t Tovn ordinancrs and statc [avs, and to build this st code3, dcaiEn rcvicl, rpprovcd, Unifonr BuiLding Code and othec ordinlnces REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELE rcqui rcd, corptgtcd an Pl.y Hith thi"qtfFtion to thc Jcrf s zoliho and Scnd Cl,cln-Up Drposit To: RoCfi llTN AND OIIIER ****************************************************************i**************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0070 as of 0a/26/96 status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permir Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT epplied: 04/.26/,L996 Applicant: ROCKY MOTNTAIN WOODWoRKS Issued: 04/.26/.L996 3038457863 To Expire: LO/23/1996 Job Address: Location: LODGE TOWER 594 Parcel No: 2101-082-24-029 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Conditions: ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEATED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *tt * * * TOWN OF VAIL' CoLORADO statennt i*i***********************************i************************* Statennt Number: REc-012? Anount: 573'25 04/26/9.6 14:16-piyt."t Method: CK Notation: 16199 rnit: JR 896-0070 TlPe: A-MF 2LOL-082-24-029 164 GORE CREEK DR LODGE TOWER 594 Total FeeE: 573.25 573.25 Total ALL, Pnts: 5?3'25 Balance: '00 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CI,EA}IUP DEPOSITS WILI, CALI, INSPECTION FEE ADD/AI,g MF BUILD PER Arnount 285 .00 18s.25 100.00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAII, ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Permit #: 896-0070 Job Addrees L,ocation. . . Parcel No.. Project No. APPI,ICANT ROEXY MOI'NXIAIX II(}oDV{ORK8 P.o Box 4374, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ROCKY UOI'NTAIN WOODWORKS P.o Box 4374, VArL CO 81658 164 GORE CREEK DR LODGE TOVIER 594 2!0!-082-24-029 PRJ9 6-00 51 Status. . epplied. IsEued.. Expires. Phone: 3038457863 Phone: 3038457863 APPROVED 04/26/Lee6 o4/26/tee6 r0 /23 /Lge6 OWNER Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Occupancy: R1 Type Conetruction: II FR Tlpe OccuPancy: SANDEN HOWARD V 972 RANDALL RD, MUSKEGON Mr 49441 Multi-Family Ttpe II Fire Resietive Valuation: Fi reptacc Inforration: R.stri ctrd: 23,300 fof Gas Apptianccr: FEE SUIIIIARY 2E5.m Restuarant Ptan Revieu-->1E5.25 oRB FeF------- Add sq Ft: fot 6as Logs:#c|f g@d/Pat t.t: .oo rota I' ca Lcutrtcd Fe$-> 573 '25.m Additional F.c.----->.m 573.25 .m 575.25 Tota I Per it Fae-----> Bui Ldingtr----> PLln chcck---> lnvestigrtion>Uitt cal. [----> .00 5.m Rccfcation Fcc---------> cl,ean-Up orposit-------> TOTAL FEES-.--- .m 100.00 573.25 BALAI{CE DUE----Ir' T'tL TEEJ_-_ Dept: BUILDING DiviEion: Dept: PLANNING Divieion: Dept: FIRE Divieion: Dept: PUB WORK Divieion: Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTI'{ENT04/2611996 DAN Action: APPR Itb.m:,.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT_0'4726/7e90-patr ------As!is4a APFn w/eItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTI:IENT64hit/7e56 ohfr-- ---CtEion; eern n/e It6.m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS 64rue /7666-pl,li----'-ac-tion : APPR N/A See Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that nay apPly to thie pennit' DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknoul,cdge that I hrve read this appLication, f il,Lld.out in tutl, thc inforn tion required, corglated an lccuratc P[ot ptan, and strtc that atf thc inforration prolidcd a" rlquireA is corrcct. .I rgrcc to conpty riith ttrc inforration and ptot ptcn, to corpl,y yith a(t Toun ordinlncrs and stitc lavs, and io buiLd this structurc according to thc Toun's zoning tnd subdivision codes,'disign revicv approvJ, unito.n BuiLding c6dc and othcr ordinances of thc Tom applicabte thereto' REA'ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE TUEI{TY-FOUR HOURS Scnd Ctcrn-Up Dcposit To: RoCKY llTtl IN A0V^]{CE 8Y TELEPH0I{E ^| 47y213E oR AT ouR otFIcE tRo|| Ei00 ^t| 5:00 P[ ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0070 as of 04/26/96 statu6: APPRoVED ******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: Applicant Job AddreEs LocationParcel No LODGE TOVIER 594 2101-082-24-029 ADD/ALT MF BUITD PERMIT ROCKY MOUNTAIN WOODWORKS 3038457863 Applied: o4/26/L996tisued: o4/26/teg6 To Expire. LO/23/1996 Description: KTTCHEN REMODEL ConditionE:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEITINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED VIIEH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI,. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIBJD IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC 4. FIRE DEPARII.{ENT APPROVAL IS PJQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. TOWN OF VAIL 75 s. FRONTAGE'RoAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit *: 896-0065 Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: 164 GORE CREEK DR LODGE TOWER 594 2L0L-082-24-029 PRJ9 6-0 051 Status... : ISSUED Applied. . z 04/26/L996 riiued. ..2 05/08/Lse6 Expires. . : Lt/04/1996 Phone: 3039496455 Phone: 3039496456 APPLICANT SHEARON ELECTRIC P O BOX 43, AVON co 81620 CONTRACTOR SHEARON ELECTRIC P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81620 OWNER SANDEN HOWARD V 972 RANDAIIJ RD' MUSKEGON r'qr 4944L Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Valuation:2, 800.00 tEE SUf4 ARY ****t*t*t*****t* Etectri cr [-> 54.m DRB Fee -> .00tnv.stigatioD .00 tli t t caL l.---> 3.00 TOTAL FEES_> 57.0() Tot.[ Cal,cutrted tcca-> 57'00 Additimlt Fccs-----) '00ioial p4mit Fe.---> 57.00 P!ynentg----iililce oue--- Iten: .06000 ELECTRICAL, pEPARTUI-ENT 04[16/1996 D!.rr Action: APPR DeDt: BUII.,DING DiViSiON: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hcrcby rcknortrdgc th.t I h.ve resd this apptication, fitl,cd out in tutt thc informtion rcquircd, corptrtcd an rccurstc ptot plan, and ltatc thrt all, th. .informtion providrd ar rcqui rcd is corr.ct. I !gr.c to copty riith thc inlorption lnd Ptot pt!n' to conpty vith au, Tovn ordinanccs and stlte [avs, and to'iJiti-trri" "t iuctu re-a ccordi ns !9 aF Toun'3- zoning and subdivision .oai",'ilsign revicv approvJ, UniforD Buitding Codc rnd othrr ordinancca of thr Tol,n app[icabtc thlrrto' RECUESTS 'OR TilSPECTIOT{S SHALL BE NADE TIIENTY-'OUR HOURS III ADVANCE BY *!r************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO r.!.r.4.r.or, Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * !* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0135 Amount: 5?'oo 05/08/96 1-1:14 Payment Method: cfleCf Notation: *2657 Init: LRI) Permit No: 895-0065 TlPe: B-ELEC Parcel No: 2101-082-24-029 Site Address: 164 GORE CREEK DR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Location: LODGE TOWER 594 Iotal Fees:57 .00 57 .00 .00This Payment 57.00 Total AI-,L Pnts: Balance: *******************************************************!t******** Account Code DescriPtion Anount 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 54'OO 01 oo0o 41336 vtrLl, CAI,L TNSPECTTON FEE 3'00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 s. FRONTAGE'ROAI) vArL, co 81657 s70-479-2L38 Etrctri ca [--> DRB tcc ->lnvestigation> i,li l. L Ca t l.--) TOTAL FEES--> Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: 54.m .00 .00 3.00 57.00 164 GORE CREEK DR I,ODGE TOWER 594 2t0l-082-24-029 PRJg 6-0051 Status...: ISSUED ApPlied. . t oa/26/t996- ri-sued...t 05/08fi996 Expires. . : LL/04/L996 Pirone z 3039496456 Phone: 3039495456 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI'{ENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES ELECTRICAI PERMIT Permit #: E95-0065 APPLICANT SHEARON ELECTRIC P o Box 43, AVON co 81620 CONTRACTOR SHEARON ELECTRIC P O BOX 43' AVON CO 81620 OWNER SANDEN HOWARD V 972 RANDAT,L RD' MUSKEGON Vlr 4944L Description: KITCHEN REMODEL FEE SUnTARY ******t****r*rH Totll Celcul'ltcd Fc!3-> Additiomt f ces---) Tota I Pcrrit FcF---> Psy|.nts---_ SALANCE DUE----_ Valuation:2, 800.00 57.00 .m 57.m 57.m -00 Iten:0600004/26/tee6 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTDAN Action: APPR DeDt: BUILD'ING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknontedge that t have rcad this eppticrtion, fittcd out in futt th' infornration raquired' comPtctcd '!n rccurutr Ptot ptan, and 3tate thrt rtl. thc inforoation providcd ., ..quiiJ ii corrcct. t agr'e to coopty riittr tite ilf?l9ti:l lnd ptot pt!n' to compty trith !t,1, rorm orainincis "na-.tlt. [aus, and ii'lritiiiil iiructurc-accordim iothc ToUn'" zoning and subdivision cod.s, design revier approvcd, Uniforr BuiLding Code and oifiir-orainancca of thc Tovn a;pticlbtr thercto' REqUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TUEI{TY-FOUR HOURS IIt ADVAI{CE BY ***************************************************r**t********* TOVIN OF VAILT COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statennt Nunber: REC-0135 Atlpunts s?'OO 05/08/26 f-f1!l Payment Method: iileci--N"tation: *2567 rnit! r-,Rr' Pernit No: EE6-0055 Blrpe: B-EtEc Parcel No: 2101-0.82-24-029 Site AddreEe: 154 @RE CREEK DR Location: LODCE TOIIER 594 Total Fees3 57.00 s7.00 .00 *****************t*******.*!.t*******************t***t*t!l******** Account Code DeacriPtion Amount 01 oo0o 41313 EtECTRiCe! PERUTT FEES s4'00 01 oooo 41336 Ylrtl cAr,L TNSPECTTON FEE 3'00 ELECTRICAI, PESI,IIT This Payment 5?.OO Total ALL Pnte: Balance: TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8165? 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Addrese: 183 GORE CREEK DR Location...: SITZMARK Parcel No.. : 2101-082-10-006Project No. : PRJ96-0035 APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER EI.,ECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 OV{NER SITZMARK AT VATL INC THE 183 GORE CREEK DR, VArL CO 81657 Description: SNOI{MELT ENTRY SITZMARK Permit #: TIMES 896-0080 Status...: ISSUED AppIied. . : 05/o? /.L996Issued. . . : 05/07 /.L996Expiree..: LL/O3/L996 Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 303949L403 Valuation: 93.m .@ 93.00 93.(n .m ON JOBSITE AT ALI, 4,500 . 00 *i**t*fttf**Ft8r*t*H***t********t*t*tf,t**f*f****f*t*ff FEE suttllARY tr*t*|.ffi*t*iitt Etcctric.t---> 90.00 DR8 Feetnvestig6tiorD .00 Uitl, Cal.t----) 3.00 T0T L FEES--> 93.00 Totr I catcutatld Fees--> Mditional, Fees------> Totat Perrit FeF-----> PaYnents---- BALAI{CE DUE-------> Dept: BUILDING Division:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT05/07/7996 DAN Action: APPR ***t*****f*****f,**tffil*t*f}l*****f,t**ftrtt*f*t*****ttt*trtf,***ft***i*t***f*ffi*t**f,f,**ft***rt*fir**rrf,**ff,*fr***|lt**t*ti*t CONDITION OF APPROVAL *t*t*tff***ff**t*tt*trirhtnt**lr*tr*lrirtt*f,,trtt**r***fl**ff*******rr*fttrtftt**ir*f***trtt**tt*!t****t****"*|lti*f*f tffiffi*|ti**l**ffi DECI,ARATIONS I hercby acknovtcdgc that t hlvc nead thi3 apptication, fitled out in futt thc infornation requircd, conPlrtcd_sn rccuFatc P[ot pl,an, aird statc that att thc inforaration providcd as requi rcd is correct. I agr"e to coipty uith the inforHtion and ptot p[an, io c;arpty vith att Tovd ordinanccs and state tays, and io buitd this structure according to thc Tovn's zoni ng and subivision codcs, design rcvirs approv€d, Uniforn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Torn appticabtc thercto. I n€q,EsTs FoR INsPEcTIo{s SHALL BE IIADE TTIENTY-FouR HoT,Rs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 4T)-21]/3 OR AT OUB OFFICE FRO.I 8:M,.I 5:OO PI,I 00'€ 00'06 lUnouv SS.T NOI&CSdSNI TTVC TTIU sss.f, ,r,Iywsd Tuclu,l3sTs uoTadTrcaac : acuPTeg : sxlud aTg Texo,I O0's6 : aaad Telo,l XUV!{Z,lIS uG xssuc suo9 E8T 900-0T-280-ToT Z wcruJcsTs JSTS-S :adl(,r' 0800-96S 9E€r' 0000 r0 €r€rt 0000 r0 epoJ aunoccv aueu.f,td sTq'l :uoTaecorl :sEe:ppv elTS :oN TecIEd : oN ?Tlu:red *ri+i+{r*+rF+f+,'+,s.$+.i+.s+t++*+++trtr+,f++|r++.sf++++*.t+*.s.fri**ri*+{*+'rlsir++ 00' 00'E6 00'g6 ,lrrwgd (ruT :1TUI o€:€r s6/Lo/so o0'86 ?uule1E1S O(ITEOTOC ,'IIVA .TO M'TO,I 986ST# :uoTltXoN ySgHJ :poqaell lueultrEd :aunouv ?EIO-JSU :IecnrnN ltruaxexs t!l+lIl+i+i+*lilitrlF+|.||++*l*+lil+ir}|!lilir+,i,i+ji+ililrilr*lrrlr*l,if|.lsi||iIi.i TOV'N OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 OI{NER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES ELECTRICAI., PERMIT Permit #: 896-0080 Job Addrese: 183 GORE CREEK DR Location...: SITZMARK ParceL No.. : 2101-082-10-006Project No. : PRJg6-0035 APPTICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER EI.,ECTRIC P O BOX 1118. AVON CO 81620 SITZI'IARK AT VAIL INC THE 183 GORE CREEK DR, VArL CO 81657 status...: ISSUED Applied. . : os/o? /.L'996Issued...: 0s/07/L996 Expires. . : L1'/O3/L996 Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 Description: SNOWMELT ENTRY SITZMARK Valuation:4 r 500. oo ***r*rttffi**fr******t***ffitt*r*******r*r*******r*r* FEE sutt|'lAny ***t***ff***tftt-t**f*ft*rttf***t*f,t*ft*tr*ft***f**rtff* Etcctricat---> 90.00 DRg Feelnv$tigation> .00 Total, catcul,atrd tees--> 93.00 Additionat Fees-----> .00 Totat Pemit Fee------> 93.00 Payrents--------> 93 . (n BALANCE DUE-_-_---> -00 UitL c8t l--> TOTAL FEES._> 3.00 93.00 Dept: BUILDING Division:Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENTOs/07/L996 DAN Action: APPR *r***tffi*ftH***f**t*fftf,ff***t***tttffirf}ff*t*ttrfift*fffi*f**tf,t*fl*t*t**t***ft*t***t*t*i*ff*it.tt*,tttft*fff,fffi}*t**f*fi CONDITION OF APPROVAL **t***l****ttl*ff***S*t***i**i*i*******t*i**t******t*t*tt*f**trrtltv******i*t*tr***t**ff****|ti*ft**'rtf,****i*lr,'|ltl*ttr***f*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknontedgc that I hlve reld this application, fitL.d out in futl, thc information requi rcd, corpl.t.d an accurat! ptot pLan, aird statc thit al,t tha inforration provided as rcquircd is correct. I .gree to coryty vith the infornation lnd Ptot ptan' io corpty uith !tl, Toun ordinancca and stite tcvs, and to buitd this structurr according to thc Toun's zming and gubdivision codls, dcaign ncvieu approved, Uniforr Bui tding codc and othcr oidinances of the Toun appticabtc thereto. REGIIJESTS Foi r sPEcTIoI{s SHALL BE 'IADE TUEI{TY-FouR IouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROT 8:OO Ail 5:OO P 00'€ 00'06 lunouv SS.{ NOI.IJS'ISNI TTuJ 11II'I sss.{,lrwusd TvJru,lSg'Is uoTxdTrcBaG : acueTBg : sllud rlw TE1o,f, 00's6 : saa.{ Tp1o,tr xuvNz,lrs uc xssuc suo9 €87 900-0T-280-T 0T Z TVCru,rJsTs csTs-g : ed['I' 0800-969 9€€rt 0000 T0 ETsrt 0000 T0 apoc lunoccv xueutrtd 8TI{'tr :uoTxecoT :88erppv elTS :oN Tecrtd : oN lTulfed **+i+l+l*lt*++++lF++f,+++**++*il+***,i+tr+|{r,i.i+.t++'tr+++++**+.$++++|r+++++ 00' 00'€6 00'E6 .II'QISiI (nIT :ATUI 0€:€T s6/LO/sO OO's6 ++{r+++ri.r+rt++.r+ftrif,f*+i!$$ir*{r'ilt's{'i'sstili*f,tft*li++ri*{*T::::*::.:::: xuuexPxs og\nloroD 'arvA JIo Nlttoil 9969I# :uoTlE?oN xcsHc lpoqlan luarur(pd :aunouv ?gIo-3SU :racplnN ?uue1P4s ++t++s+|r|r{+*,|tilrIli.$,fl$'|+++++li+i!tl+j|rilt,iilt{,i.$|lfi.r,ili+li+l**++*}|r*liiIii TOIIIN OF VAII., 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER 183 GORE CREEK DR SITZMARK 2tol-082-10-006 PRJg 6-00 35 StatuB... Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 93.m .m 95.00 .00 93. (xt APPROVED 05/07 /Lee6 05/07 /Lee6LL/03/ree6 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit *: 895-0080 Job Address Location, . . Parcel No.. Project No. APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIE P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P o Box 1118, AVON CO 81620 SITZMARK AT VA]L INC THE 183 GORE CREEK DR, VArL CO 81657 Deecription: SNOWMELT ENTRY SITZMARK FEE Etcctricat---> 90.00 oRB FcelnvestigatiotD .00titt crt l.---> 3.()0 TOTAL FEES---> 93.00 Valuation:4,500.00 SUI ARY Tota I catculated Fe.s---> Additional, Fecs------> Total Pefrit Fee------> Payncnts------ BALANCE DUE_-- *tit*****l*fr*i* Item: O6000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTI',IENTa5/O7/L996 DA\t Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divieion: ** CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, **Rt***ff rffifi *t#ff tt**ff ts'r*t DECI.,ARATIONS I h.reby .cknou tcdgc that I hrve read this appl,icltion, fitl,cd out in futt thc informtion rcquir:d, corptctcd rn lccurltc p[ot pl,an, aird etatc thit el,l, the infornation pnovidcd as requi rcd is corpect. I agree to corpl'y uith thQ inforn tion end pl'ot-ptrn, io cl4ty vith ltt Tol,n ordinanccs and stete [avs, and io build this structurc according to the Tovn's zonia€ rnd 3ubdivi3ion codes,'dilsign revicv approved, Unitofn Suitding Codc lnd othcr ordinrncca of thr Torn appl'icabte thereto- REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE IIADE T}'EIITY-FOIJR HOIJRS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4T)-21fi OR AT OUR OTFICE FROTI 8:q) Ai 5:M Pil ffioR FoR HtltsELf AND oINER 03/06/98 li:13 FAI 970 S49 674S trBITE RIVER ELEC @ oo1 rExlllt fl*Conlect Ergie Countv Ar.orsors 0f-f.i'-1- M it 970-326:S640 for- larcrl t. tol{l{ oF VAIIJ Co}ISIRBCITON ffrrcn -*;-'l/l9l -ob|- - tQ 1di FEBI{rr APETJFATtr_oN loR}f ,r aI$EzElEl9 APPIJICATION UUST EE FIIiED OT'T COTIPIgTELY OR IlT t{AY NOT BE ACCEHIEDt(E*******rr*r*r*rr****r*r*****r pgRrdtf INFonuArroN tar*i+ttt*t*tt+***.**r**i*i**n._2-'[ ]-BuitdinE t l-plunbing [vJ'jElcetricat [ ]-]techanlbal [ ]-otber Job Narn: 5,ra!14!lt trbcr€-ilob lddrrre : t$A (*.ue-fu'BL LrEal Dcrcription; Lot Bloch_: A+ F ''i-+.Ouners Nancl St'h,-ffc.{'-|*lo L t63 her+C:utu.\,' t}r.. +Zt'-Sml Architcct:Ph. Addrcssl Addrcrs:rtlt Gcnrral Descriptiont f,nthll- *r"o*aal*, U4a4- r4 AJrlrrl tr.JA-Lk- Torm of Vql,L Phone Nut!.beEr rown of vail Fbonc Nutobcrl Tspn of ValIphona NrrDhet,t Rcq. Ho. l'fs E i+.r- rg=- R.g. NO. l{oehanical Ccntrastor: Addrcss: Reg. NO. **!t******* atatttt lll**ttt******* FOR OrFICE USE ******!t**tf ******1**i***t* ***** ET'II'IDTNC PER}TII fEE: PI,UMBINC PERIT{II 8EE: MECIiANICAL, PERldl? FlEr ELECTRICAI.I TEE: OIttER TYPE OF llul DRB FEE: IUILDING PIrAt{ CIIECK FEEI PLUT.iBXNG PLAI| clIEcK FEEi T{ECdANTCAI, PI.AN CTIECX 5'DD: RECREATION FEE' CI€jAI{-UP DEPoSIT: SOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: EUIIDINES SICNTTI'NE: ZONINGT 3IGNIT{IRE: {, tfork Class! [']-Nrw tvl--Alteration [ ]-Addltionrl t l-Repelr [ ]-otheq Nunbcr af fiJclllnE Unlts:Nurobcr of Accou:lodation Uniter - lpnber and Type of Fireplaccs: Gaa Appllencas- caB Logs- t{ood/Fcllet-vft** *********** *****r**arlt **t* ***** VAIuATIONS * *t*t *t****t****** *t *t*r ** *******7liurr.orxcr ErJcrRrcAL, t-!3@?- oTHER: - lLtrr,rBrNc' - uEcm.[rcArt l- troEALr -.-I **i******r** tr**t*t**t*r*t* CONInACTOR lllDORUf\tlON ** !r***r******r*itt..tt*..11fleneral Contractor: Town of vail ncg. No.-.!.ddress: *-.,vr-, Dhone Nuabrrl Electrieal contrrctore LA/r+rre.RMcrL-fuIt tp rt -,Irtr-'Addrass: rbF lllB Am Pfunlrlng Contractor: Adtlreeet CIJTlt UP DTOSIT BEI8f,D tO: 0t/06/96 I TO: FHOM: DATE: REt 15:13 FA.X 070 940 6749 qHIIE RIVER ELEC MEMOHAND.UI'i B ooe ALL COHTRACTOig TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPAFTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIf' IS hEOUIRED 1) 2l Pleasc anc*er t lEg ls thls a nsw residence? le dEmolition work bcing per{orrned thal rsquires the ute of-tfre rtgtrt ol way, easernonls or public property? ls any utifity work nrcdcd ? 'lc the driveway belng repaved? b diftarrnt access neEded lo site other lhan exicting driveway? ls any drainage woft being done affectlng tho fight ol way, easements, or public propcrty? ls l'Rrvocablc Fight O Way Fcrrnit' required? A. .ls the dghl of rvay, eaE€ments or public property lo b6 uscd lor staglng, parldng or fcnc{ng? 8, It no to 8A, is a psrking, staglng or fencing plan required by Community Developmant? N9 9'-'- ui g- v.''' v'-ts € s) 4) 5) 6) 7l 8) ll you anewered yos t0 any 0f these questions, a "Public Way Prrmit' mu$ be oilainrd, 'Fubl"lc way Permit' applicatigns ney be obtained at the Pubtia work's ofitce or at Community Developmsnt. lf you have any questons pleese call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Veil Construction lnspeolor, at 479.2158. I have read end enswcred allthe above qusstio S*ur*lr- 6 Contraslor's SigJob Name 05/08/96 15i13 FAX 970 940 6?49 tro: EROM: DATET SUIITECT: lItrIII RIVER ELEC @ oog t5 routh trptrl.gr tsrd urll, oolondo 0'l6llt t!0s) 479-2t38 or 479-2139 dller ol Gonrmunfty alavcaopmanl AlL CoN:InACIORS CIISREIIIII]YIJ REGISIERED lfllts llfiE TOWN OT VAIL TO!|N OF VAIL PUELTC WORXS/COUUI NTTC DEITEIOPI{ENT lttRcH 16, 1988 eoNsIRItqrlON PARKINC t IIATERIAL SToRAGE In sureatT,. ordinanc€ No. 6 rtatas that it ll tutlauful for anypelrorr to llttrr, treek or dopooit any ooil , rock, Esnd, dabrir or natarial , lncluding ttash dunpcters, poEtablc toilets rnd worksen vehlelcs uFon any etrmt, oidewalk, allcy or publicplrce or eny 5lortion thcreof . 'llhc right-of-way on all town ofVlil otrcetc and roads ir approxiaatcly 5 tt. off gavcnont. Thie ordinenct vill be strictly enforced by the Town of VaLlPultlic tforkl D.portb.rrt, P.rrorrr found violatinE thir ordinancewlll be givrn e 24 hour wrlttcn notlce to rruove eeid uatorial.ln tbc avent thl person so notif,iad does not corrply viLI: the notice nithin thr 24 hour tinr specified, the pubtic l{orkr DoFaEtment will retrrove raid slatrsLal at ttrr expcrrse of Frrronnotified. Thr prov!.sions of thLr ordinance shell not beapplicablc to conrtructionr naintenance or rcprir projecte of' any street or alley or Fny utillties in the tight-a-way. To revlew ordinance No. 6 ln lulIr'trllease stop by.!he Tovrn ctVail Buildl.ng D*p*tnent to obtain a cepy. tbanJ< you for your cooperation on this natt,er. F-Lo*+cu-t- 64a-alt-- ositibnTFclaf;Ionsbilj to PEoJ:ct (i. e. aontraetor I o$nBr) _lt al b llv',+ ou.ro:1tu- 15:1$ FAx s70 e4e 67{e luwn WEITE RIT'ER ELEC @ ool ctflcf ct eomnunfy drrrloprnrnt ?l rculh |t9ntrgc rEa! rrll, 9e13669 65gt(rol, 479-2138 or 479-2139 BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSIJANCE TIIiIE FRAIIE If this Fnll.t feCuilgl_f Town of Vai't Ftrr Departnent Approvat,Eng'ineep's. (pgbl ic tJorks) review and apbiouai,'i pi'iiiii'ii'blp.run.ntrcvJew or Health Departmint^reviaw. .ni'a-review uy ltrc Euiilinguepartmcnt, the estinrateo timi for'r-tot r ;ivil_-;,ai"Lil'.ii ,lons as three weel(s.. All corrrnerc-tal Oarse or smalr) and ail nulfi-frrnily pcrmits wiilhave to_fol'low fhe ibov_e menti6niJ-'niii"um requrreflEnts. Residentiarand small projects shourd trr" J-i"rtlr'-irnount of tin€. However, rfresJdentirl on smaller.projccts impaci the various above mentioneddeptftnents with. rpoard to nrcescrr"y r"evi.*, these prroJects trltyalso take thr three-lreek prriod. Evrry rttcmpt will be Tllr by this departncnt to expedite thispermlt as soon as possiblr, - :ares'LE H'(- ' I:-!!. undersignrd, understand thc plnn check procedure and ttm!?ramc _ V S,rz-'-,APl- IJ6GLF ?te Cotrmunity Devel o om-ont Depa rtnept. TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE.ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 Job Address...: Location......: Parcel No. ....: Project Number: ilechani cat--) ?0.00 Plan Chcck---> 5.00 Invcstig.tion> Ui tt catt-->.m 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAI., PERMIT 164 GOR3 CREEK DR LODGE TOWER 594 2L0l-082-24-O29 PRJ9 6-0 051 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL' I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ETECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 OWNER SANDEN HOWARD V 9?2 RANDALT RD, MUSKEGON Mr 49441 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL ON JOBSITE AT ALL BIMES Permit #: M96-0039 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .. 05/to/L996 riiued. ... 05/to/Leg6 Expires. . : tl/06/L996 Phone: 3039 49L7 47 Phonez 3039491747 Vafuation: fof Gss Logs: s00.00 fOf ltood/Pa L tet:fircptacc Inlormation: Restrict.d:fof G8s App Li rnces: FEE SU}iI.IARY ffi Rrstuanant Ptan Rcviey--> .00 Total caLcu|'rted F!cs--> 28- 0O DRB FeF----- TOTAL FEES------ Addi t ionrt F.cs-_--_--> Totat P.rmit FeF----> Plysmts_---------__> eri-AHce oue-------> .00 28.00 .00 28.00 28.00 .00 *****t********t****f***r*****************f,t***i*t****t**************f****t********* IIem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/10/1996 DAN Action; APPR DeDT: BUILDING DiViSiON: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***********************************************************************:l******** DECLARATIONS t hcreby acknovl,edg. that I havc read this apptication, fiLtcd out in futt the inforDation rcquired, conpteted.an 8ccurltc Ptot ptan, and stEte th.t au. thc infornation provided as required. i.s corrcct. .I agrc. to conPty tiith th. inforDation and Ptot ptan' to corpty rrith att Toyn ordinances and statc taws, and io buitd thiq st ructurc- accordi ng iothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign reviev approved, Unifo.r Buitding code and othcr ordiriances ot the Toun appticable thereto' REOUESTS FOR I SPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS SIGNATUIE OF OllNER OR CONTMCTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI',NER 8:00 Ah 5:d) Pfl ****************************************************!************ TOWN OF VAII, COLORADO Statemnt i i *i * i * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * *** * * ** ** ** * * * !r** * * * * * * * * ** * * * statemnt Nunber: REc-0137 Anount: 28'00 o5/Lo/9.6 r,s,-re ..r'r,drr rt^+r+ir.nr IOORRIO Init: tRDpayment Method: CHECK Notation: #008810 rnrf : tJttl' M96-0039 TlPe: B-MECH 2r0L-082-24-029 164 GORE CREEK DR LODGE TOWER 594 MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: 28.00 Total ALIJ Pnts: Balance: **************************************************************** Pernit No: Parcel No: Site Addrese: Locati-on: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description !4ECIIANICAI., PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK TEES WILI CALI INSPECTION FEE 28.00 28.00 .00 Anount 20 .00 5.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE.ROAD vArr,, co 8t657 970-479-2L38 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT 164 GORE CREEK DR LODGE TOWER 594 2L0l-082-24-029 PRJ9 6-0051 APPL,ICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080' AVON co 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P o Box 5080, AVON CO 81620 OWNER SANDEN HOWARD V 972 RANDALT RD' MUSKEGON Mr 49441 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0039 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .r 05/Lo/1996 r-s-sued. ., z os-/Lo/L996 Expires. . : LL/06/L996 Phone: 3039 49L7 47 Phone : 3039491? 4'l Valuation:500. 00 fof tlood/Pat tct:ti reptacc Informtion: R.stri cted:#of Gas Apptilnces:fof Gas Logs: FEE SUITI.IARY Totat cal,cutated f .cs--> zE.ml{echani cat-) Plan Check--) tnvesti gat ion> tti l. L Cat L--> 20.00 5.00 .m 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviey--> .00 DRB Fe!-------- TOTAL FEES---_. Additional Fecs-------) Total Pcrnit FrF-=-> Paynents---------> BALANCE DUE--.- .00 28.m 28.00 .00 Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/l-0/1996 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CoMPLIANCE. ********************************************************************!r:r********** DECLARATIONS I hercby acknoHtcdgc thrt I havc read this apptication, fittcd out in futl, thc informtion requircd, conPtctcd -!n accurate ptot plan, and statc that 81,1, the i nforrnat i on provided as required. i.s cotncct. .l agrec to conPl'y Hith thc infonmtion lnd Ptot pl'an' to conpty yith rtt Town ordinancas ino "tlt. [avs, and io buitd this structurc rccording iothe Toun's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign reviev approvcd, Uniforra Buitding Code and othac ordin8nces of the ToHn appticabte thrreto' REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS STGNATURE OF OI,'NER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HII{SELF AND OIINER 8:00 Alt 5 :00 P]{ **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADO Statemnt *************t************************************************** sratemnt Number3 REC-0137 Anount z 28'OO 05/10/7A ry1e-p.Vt "tt Method: CieCX Notation: #008810 Init: LRD Permit No: Parcel No: site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 M95-0039 TyPe: B-MECH 2l0L-082-24-029 164 GORE CREEK DR I,ODGE TOWER 594 MECHANICAL PERMIT Total FeeB: 28.00 Tolal AtL Pntsi Balance: Description MECHANICAI., PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 28.00 28.00 .00 !r*************i*************************!t**************t}********Amount 20.00 5.00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArt, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address... ! Location......:Parcel No.....: Project Nurnber: 164 GORE CREEK DR LODGE TOWER 594 zLOL-082-24-029 PRJ9 6-0 051 APPROVED 05/Lo/Lee6 05/L0 /Lee6LL/06/Lee6 Statua. . . Applied.. Issued' . . Expires. ' Valuation: fof 6as Logs: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AL'L TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Pennit #: M95-0039 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRIEAT I P O BOX 5080, AVoN co 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVoN co 81620 OWNER SANDEN HOWARD V 9?2 R,ANDALL RD, MUSKEGON MI 4944L Description: KITCHEN REMODEL fof Gas App[ ianccs: Restuarant Pl,an Rrviev--> .0o Totat CatcuLated Fees--> 26-00 Additionat Fces------> .00 Total, Perrit Fee----> 2E.00 Phonez 3039491747 Phonez 303949L747 s00.00 #0f good/Pal, tct:Fireptace Infornation: Restricted: ******r**i*r********************t*l***********t**t********* FEE Sullll RY llcchani ca [--> Ptan Check--> InvcstigltiorD Ui l. I Clt t---> 20.00 5.00 .00 5.00 TOTAL .00 2E.00 Payments----- BALANCE OUE._- .00 26.m Dept: BUILDING Divieion:Iten: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT05,n0/1995 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hlraby acknoetcdge thlt I havc rcltrd this appticrtion, fiLtld out in ful,l, thr intornation rcquired, corPLrtcd !n accurlte plot ptrn, lnd state thrt at,t thc inforration pro;dcd as requircd. i.s corr.ct. .I agPce to conPLy iith thc inforflEtiotr and ptot P[!n, to cotpLy yith ru, Torrn ordinances and stite [avs, and io buiLd this structurc according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign revieu approved, Uniforr Bui tding Code rnd other ordinances of the Toin appl'icrbte thereto' REouEsTs FoR IIisPEcTIoT{s SHALL BE I{ADE TIIENw-FouR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEP}IONE AI 479-21# OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO|I 8:OO A]I 5:M Pi SIGNATURE OF OI.IIIER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI'ISELF AND OTNER LIrY-i0-95 rRl Ii:06 r!1 Jr&cEr i;Z\d-ryP*rcu -pniluii lpeitiriiqir ronr.tt DAEE:5[g l5g t,2 ACldressi Addresst ceneral Descript ^ APPIJICATTON MUST BE TIIJI.'ED OUT GOMPI,ETELY OR I'r T{AY NOT DE ACCEHIED t lrr r*rt***** ** ****rt I trr t**t *** pERltIT fN1O3UATION ******.*A******************** tl -tA *--r..:-r^-t f 1-6fhpi-I J-EutlclinE t J-Pfuttrblng I J-Electrlcal [$-uecnant-cat [ ]-otlter ilob NanE: M rJob Adtlrct",zJlg=@ IJeEal Descrlptlon: Lot'Eroak- Fulng sugDlvtsrotl!- owners Nane: $ctrrlcY -Ph. Architect:Ph. ion: k{*et'rt,r rcrnoCc{'',t\=-rF- rtr verrlirr Nunber of D$relllng Unlte:Nurnber of Accornnodatlon Unltst Nlnrber and Type of FtrePlaccE: Gas AppllancEE- Gas loge- llood,/Pe11et- D********************************* VALTUATIONS *************tf *******************rliutloruc: Er.ECtRrcAL: I OIHER: I RLnr'tBrNG! f- . MEcHAltrcAr,r f.EEl TorAL: f.--\t. J***********************rr** CONTnACTOR INFORUATION *******t****t********t*t***rEeneral Contractor: -.-- .. Town of ValI Reg. No.- Addregs:Phone Nunbert Electrical contractor! Addreee: Toun of ValJ. Reg. No,#__ Phone Nurnbcr: f,own of Vall Reg. No. Phonr Nurnbor: Mechani cal llown ot Vell Phone Nunber:Address: *******************!r******t**i** BUTI,DTNC DER,ilIlr FEEI IaR OFAICE USE ********** ******************** * work class: [ ]-New $l-Arteratlon I J-Additional t J-Repalr 1 ]-other PlunblhE Contractor: Addresg ! PI,WEING PERilIT FEE: UECHT}IICAL PERMIN FEE t EIJECTRICAL FEEI OTHER TYPE OF FEEI DRB FEE: reetor 9 kr\di. lrdf BUTLDING FIAN CIIDCK FEE: PD['MBINC PIAN CHECK FEEI HECIIT}IICAI, PIfiI CHECK FED: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAII-UP DEPOSIT| ToTAL PERI{IT FEES: BUIITDfNGS SIGNA?]T'RE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: BEST I _'COPY 'AVATLABLE i CLEAX TIP I}EFOSIT BEFUIID TO: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE'ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLI'MBING PERMIT ON JOBSIIE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P96-0040 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Proiect No. 164 GORE CREEK DR LODGE TOWER 594 2L0l-082-24-029 PRJg 6-0051 .00 40.50 status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/26/L996 riiued... : 05./Lo/Lee6 Expires. . : tl/06/!996 Phone: 3039 4917 47 Phonez 3039491747 APPLICANT VAI,LEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VAI,IJEY SIIDE MECH' & ELECTRTCAT I P O BOX.5080, AVON CO 81620 OWNER SANDEN HOWARD V 9?2 RANDALL RD, MUSKEGON MT 4944I Descri-ption: KITCHEN REMODEL valuation:2, 000.00 TEE SUITITARY Pturnbing---) 50.00 Ptan chack--> 7 .5Otnvestigrtion> .@ tritt catt--> 5.m Restuarant Ptsn Revieu--> TOTAL FEES--__ Totat cstcuhtcd fers-> Additionat tces----> Totlt Pernit Fcc-----_-> Payments---- BAL NCE DUE--------> 40.50 .00 40.50 40.50 .m t**t****t*i*lt***t******************t*l*t****** *********t*****t***********ffi*ffitt************t**t*************t(***'t*t***l ITem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/26/t996 Dllr Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: ********|tt**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ***t*tt*t****l** DECLARATIONS t hereby acknovl,edge that I have rlad this appLication, fiLl,ed out in futt the infornation requircd, corPlcted -an accurrtr ptot pten, aird state thit au. ths infornat.ion providea as rcquired is corr.ct. I agrec to.coDpty_:it! tlt? ilI:rnation and ptot pt!n' io cimpty nlth att ToHn opdinance! and stirtc [rts, and ti Uuita this structure according io'the Tovn's zoning and suHivision codcsr'dtsign rcvieu approved, tlniform Buitding code and othcr ordinrnccs of the Toun apPticabtc thcneto- REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }iADE TIIENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ************************************************************it*** Tol{N oF vArL, cor,oRADo r r...Lar!rr.L.'.. statennt **************************************************************** sraremnr Nunber: REc-0137 Anount: 40'50 05/10/9.9 L1:!7 ^rr6t'.t rralrlian. InnRROq .Init: LRI)p"yt"nt Method: CEECK Notation: *008809 Perurit No: P96-0040 TyPe: B-PL!ts PIj'IIBING Parce1 No: 2101-082-24-029 Site AddreEs: 154 GOR'E CREEK DR . Location: LODGE TOVTER 594 Total trees! Thia Payment 40'50 Total AIJIJ Pmt83' Balance: ********************************i**t*******t**t*****.*********** PER}IIT 40.50 40 .50 .00 Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Deecription PIJ'I.IBING PERUIT FEES PI"AN CHECK FEES WII,t CALL INSPECTION FEE Arnount 30.00 7 .50 3.00 rOWN OF VA]I, 75 S. FRONTAGE'ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P96-0040 Job Address Location. . . Parce1 No.. Project No. 164 GORE CREEK DR LODGE TOWER 594 2L0t-082-24-029 PRJ9 5-0 051 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/26/L996 riiued... : o5'/L0/tee6 Expires..: LL/06/L996 Phonez 3039491747 Phonez 303949L747 APPI-,ICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON co 81520 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX.5080, AVON CO 81620 OWNER SANDEN HOWARD V 972 RANDALL RD, MUSKEGON v[l 4944L oescription: KITCHEN REMODEL Valuation:2,000.00 FEE SUI'IIIARY .@ 40.50 Total cal,cutatcd Fces--> 40.50Pl,unbing----> Ptan Check-_> Invcst i g!tion> llitt catt---> 50.00 7.50 .m 3.00 R.stuarant Ptan Ravi!t,--> TOTAL FEES---Additionat Fcrs-----> total Pcrmit teF--->P.Ynents-----------> BALANCE DUE--..- .00 40.50 40.50 .00 **1ffi**r *******r****ffi****ffi*ffirt*#*l*ffiffi Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/26/1996 DAN Actions APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL *** DECLARATIONS REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE I,IAOE IIIENTY-IOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY rccuratc ptot rnd plot pl,!n, subdivi sion E:00 Af 5:m I I hcreby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, filted out in futt the informtion requircd, cooPteted.ln pt"n, "'na state thit !tl, thc infornrtion provided !s required i3 corr.ct. I agree to comPty with th! information i;;"!6ay yith att rorn oroinincis'ino stite tavs, and io buiLd this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and codes,'dtsign revlcv approvcd, Unifor! Bui tding Code and othen oPdinances of thc Toun applicabte thcreto' ********************************************;******************* TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO r!r&&&., Statennt ****************************ttl*:l********************tl********** statemnt Nunber: REC-0137 iUnounts 40'50 o5/L0/9.6 1::1? ^a,'i.ae r?^+.+ian. lofiRf,o9 Init: LRDe"V*""t l,f"tftoA, CHECK Notation: 1008809 Perrnit No: P96-0040 li1rPe: B-PIfiB Parcel No: 2101-082-24-029 Site addreea: 154 GORE CREEK DR Location: LODGE TOI|ER 594 Total FeeE: PLITUBING PERI'IIT Thie PaYment 40.50 Total AL,!, PmtE:' Balance: 40.50 40.50 .00 ***********************************t**************************** Account Code DeecriPtion Anount 01 OOOO 4131I PI,U}IBING PERI'IIT FEES 3O'OO 01 oooo 4t332 PLAN CHECK FEES ?'50 01 OO0O 41336 WITIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'00 OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t34 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Deecription: P turbing----> PLan Chcck---> InvestigctiorD l,i Lt Cat l,---> DR Statu8... APPlied.. Iseued. . . ExPires. . APPROVED o4/26/tee6 o4/26/Lee6 L0 /23/Lee6 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLI'JMBING PERMIT PCTTNit AT #: AI,L TIMES P96-0040 Job Addreee: 164 GORE CREEK Location...: LODGE TOWER 594 Parcel No.. : 2L0L-082-24-029 Project No. : PRJ96-0051 VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81520 VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 SANDEN HOWARD V 972 RANDAI,L RD, MUSKEGON MI 49447 KITCHEN REMODEL 5O.m R.sturrlnt Ptan Rrvieu--> .00 7.50 TOTAL FEES_--- .m 3.m Phonez 3039491747 Phone: 3O3949L7 47 2,000.00Valuation: FEE SUIIIIARY Totlt crLcutrtcd Fees--> 40.50 Mditionat Feca---__> Totrt Pcrrit Fce----) Payrcnts----- BALAI{CE DUE__ .m 4{r.50 .o0 40.50 Dept: BUILDING Division:Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTa4/26/L996 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAI, t*******t****t**t**********r*t*t*****t*t*ff******t*t****t*tt***t*t*t**i****l***t**l*t****t***ttil****it*ttttt****tttt******t**l*** DECLARATIONS I hcr.by acknovtcdge thlt t have rcad this lppl,ication, fittcd out in futt thc inlgrmtion rcquired, co||pl'ctcd an accurate ptot ptin, "'no gtttc thlt ru. thc inforration pfo;idcd as requircd. i.s @rrect. _l aglcc tg. "ot?!y-:lt!-.tl?^iilgittiol lnd.ptot.Pt!n, 'to c6rpty yith .tt Toyn ordinances and stltc tavs, and io buiLd this structure-rccording to tf9 foyn's zoning rnd subdivision codes,'disign rcvicv approved, Uniforr Buitding Code and othrr ofdinanccs of the ToUn aPpticabtc thcrcto. REcuEsrs FoR rlspEcrrols SHALL BE r DE TuENTy-ForJR HouRs ril ADVANCE BY TELEPHoI{E AT 4?9-213E oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRoll E:m A 5:00 Pn 0ffice TOIIN OF PERIIIT iI PERMIT VATL CONSTRUCTION APPLTCATION FORM DATEI 4 - )4 -q b l- l-10 & I\ ***** Contr-actor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FoRBUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: I,IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ET.ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COI.|PLETELY oR IT DIAY NoT BE AccEpTED I************************!r***** PERUIT fNFORI{ATfON **************************i** t tr-xt-Buitding [ ]-plumbing I J-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Nane: t Job Addresss +5q4 4oAa==-l;,p=R Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing susprvrsloN, Owners Nane:m? (6 16)Address:@ eLPh.h-L_)6sB Architect:Address:Ph.4)6 4)56 ceneral Description: f,.1.\ work class: [ ]-New f1-altetation [ ]-Additional l-Repalr [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accomnodation Units: 2 Pletrow, of VaiI neg. No.1|;l-&.ffOPhone Number: 4>r - ril4- Req. NO. t>\-2n4\ -uisT Req. No. to; - Fiqq i\ET- nlmler and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas {*.****** ** * ************** ******** * Appliances Gas Logs_ ltood/pellet_-X_- VAI;UATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * EIJCTRICALI | 2.9m. eo MECIIAITIcAL: $T-OTHER: I -.-- TOTAL: IJZ=oe_-c- INFORMATTON *** * ** *********** ****** **** !$i3iil8: w Reg. NO. oFFICE USE ******************************* EUILDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE! -ot{orn of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Contractor: sr.E4ry uP LEPOSTT tEFUltD T0:R rn.w. 75 roulh |ronleg. rold wll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2t39 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlcc ol communlly devclopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII TTIETOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/CO!,1MIrNrTY DEqELOPMENT !,IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any "oifr-r".t, sand, debrisor: naterial , incJ.uding trash &unpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles.upon any streetl "ie;;"fi;;ii;y or publicplace or anv porri6n tha;e;i:- iie rignt-of-way on arr Town ofVail streets ina.:gag= is alproxinately 5 ft. off pavemenr.This ordinance w1r] be. ;ar_i;ilt--lnforced by the Tolrn of vairPublic tforks DeDart'ent. persins found .,rihiring thi_s ordinancewitl be given a 24 hour *'riti.n"""ii".-tJ-;;;;'="id nareriar..In the event the person so notified.does not -o.piy with thenotice within the-24 rroui-tiie-=p."iiiil,"$.;ffiric r{orksDepartment wirl remove said nateii"t -"t the expense of personnotified' The provisions-or-trri! orainance sharl not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,iint"rrarrce or repair projects ofany street or alley oi any utiiiires in the right-a-way. To.review ordinance No. G in ful1,Vail BuiLding Deparcment to obtaintion on this natter. ed by: please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your r hwn 75 louth ,ronllge ro.d utll, colondo 81657 lso3, 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc ot connunlty dcuclopmcnt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this peryt_lt reguires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval ,Ensineer's (pubric ll*rl review ana ipp"ouai,'i ii.]iiini'brpart entreview or Health Deoartn6nt review, .nl'.-review by the BuildingDepartment, the estinatea time tJr'u-totut review may take as longas three weeRs. A'll commercial frarge or smarl ) and a]r mu]t.i-famiry permits wiilhave to follow the Sbove rentioneJ-raiimum requirements. Residentia.land.lmali projects shou'rd take t-ies;lr"amount of time. However, ifresidential or sma|rer.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard to-necessi.y-""uie*, these projects mayalso take the three'week perioj. Every.attempt wilr be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermi't as spon as possible. - vv L^revr !\' Lt' i:_!1" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. *sql-=- \oqr:=L Corrnuni ty Devel ooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: )bsrd_=r-t Date: 4* >l+- ab Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit': YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easemenls or public property? NO x 4 X X 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affeaing the right of way, easements, or pubfic property? ls a'Revocable Bight CI Way Permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and X l x !f19u- algwered yes to any of these questions, a 'Pubtic Way Permit' must be obtained.'Pubfic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at C.o.ry1u1ity Development. lf you have-any questions please caltCharlie Davis, the Townof Vaif Construction Inspector, at 479-215g, Job Name Contraclo/s Signature '- ->{ -9,6