HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ01-0119 B01-0301 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B0l-0301 Job Address.: 2773 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Status.....: APPROVED Location......: UNIT D- Applied...: 09126/2001 Parcel No....: 210314306015 [ssued...: ProjectNo...: /BlO f Ot tQ ExPires...: OWNER ROSSMAII, iIACKIE K. - EASTOM,OL/26/2OO| Phone: 27?3 KINNICKINITICK 4D VAIL CO 8L657 License: coNTRACToR RossMAN, iIAcK 09/26/200L Phone: 970-476-64L7 2773 KINNIKINNICK D4 VAII', CO 81657 L,icense: 189-I-, Appr,reel{r RossMAN, ,rAcKrE K. - EASTOM,O9/26/2OOL Phone: 27?3 KINNICKINNICK 4D VAIL CO 81657 License: Desciption: EXTEND LOFT ADDITION 3'OVERLIVING/DINING RM ADD4O'FT Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: V -lHR Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $3.000.00 AddSqFt: 40 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofca! ApPlianc€s: O # ofGas I-ogs: 0 # of Wiod Pellet: 0 *t'******talllalaalaalaar*ttt***r.:t+** Building--> S?5 . oo Restuarunt Plan Review-> So . 00 Tolal Calculated Fees-> S138 . ?5 Plan Check--> S48 , ?5 DRB F6e------._-------> So . oo Addilional Fees--> S50 . 00 Invcstigalion-> SO . OO Recrealion Fee------> S12 . OO Tolal Permit Fee--> 9188 .75 Will Chll-> 53 . oo Clean-up Depnsit-**> So . oo Paymenls--> S0 . 00 TOTAL FEES-> 5138 . 7s BALANCE DtlE-> $188 .7s :lt**ii**taaatt*laa ADprovals:Iiem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/03/2001 iIR"!I Action: AP APPR PER imDY Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPI'RTMEhII IEem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT IEem: 05500 PIIBL,,IC WORKS *J*t'til'iltlalalaa't*aaataaataaa*:ta**l See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tbat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS Il)R INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY 138 OR AT OUR oFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SGnd Clcrn-up D€pogil To: N/A OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEII AND OWNE PAGE 2 *****'** * ******** * * ***'t,t** * * * ** * * * ** ** ***** ** +* **** ** * * t *** *** * +* * * **** * 't **** * * * ** * * * ** *:1.** *** ** ** ** * * * *:f CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0301 as of 10-03-2001 Status: APPROVED *++**'i***t*+t*!t*******************************+******t ****************'lr****+**************{''l**l'*****'1.'i** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant: RossMAN, JACKIE K. - EASTOM, LYNNE A. Job Address: 2773 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Location: UNIT D- ParcelNo: 210314306015 Description: EXTEND LOFT ADDITION 3'OVER LIVING/DINING RM ADD4O'FT Conditions: Cond: 18 (BLDG.): HANDMILS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SEC.1003.3.3.6 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLnRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.I OF THE I997 UBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDRAILS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SEC.509.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Applied: 0912612001 Issued: To Expire: *** * * ** * tt tll.* * * t * ** * * * *'l*** *** * ** {t**:* *,1'l 'l * *:f * '| **f *'f * * t* * * * t*,1** * 't,i {t * * {t:i'*:t *** + * *'i * * *** * * * * ** * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ,t,** *'i'|t* t'|t*'l * * 'l 'tt **'lr*f +'f *tf * *!**** ** * * * ,*:* * * *** *** * * * **+ ***{r* *'t'1. ** *:} *** *+ + * + statement Number : R00000 1492 Amount: $98. 0010/03/2001 03:27 PM Pa)ment l{ethod: Check Init: DF Notation: PermiE, No:B01-0301 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PER!,!IT Parcel No: 210314305015 Site Ad&eee r 2773 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIIJ LocaEion: T'NIT D- Total Fee6: s98.00 Ttria Payment: $98.00Total ALL Rnts: $98.00 Balance: s0.00 * * *** **'*{.* * *{.* *'f *{r* *'}*'* ** * * ** ***** ** * * * ** * 't't't* f * * * *'f 'lr'|l* *'i*!if + *'f ** +**** ** * * *{r* *'l't't* 'l * {' * *'t't'f f * ACCOIINT ITEIvI LIST: Account Code Descri pti on BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES cL 00100003123000 coNTRAcr0R LICENSES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREAT]ON FEES t^IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 20. 00 50. 00 13. 00 t2.00 3.00 APR-O3-6t t4. 3l FPOU.TOV-CO]|-DEV-OEPT. rumv0pu Protdfl f furvl 1,'rt , AunOhgFcrn*t*rn 6r "ya- 970-479-2149 (InrPectbm) OOIPTETE VAIUA'IOIG; FOR N'II.DIIIG PERil.rr (bbor e iraEfbls) @||rR^croRrilFoRll ifloil I D . 9'?O4792452 PAGE E/ IO 75 S. FroutegcRd. Val, €olorado 81657 -d * d to3l ***3rtJob Narcl , /trtltt-tcr ka Cxf[rtvirctl ze lltnnrktnqt iJ,o.,"/ 3' oye,---lv WbrkClass: uEwt ) Addibn( ) Rerpdel Repalr( ) D€llq][) Ottter( ) %: Yes() No() Do€s an EHU e(Et at thE bcalffiilnr rtneri.trf Bcenor( ) Bodt( ) Tff of ddg.: Sftel?]filAy () Tno"fnrnav ( I t't$+atttr (ffiffit I nesraliltt( ) od'"( ) ffi ksrrtt"oattm UniB in $is buiHing: nn. e e,csU"s D{rce|g UniB in tnls htlditg: RERilD CLEAI'IIJP DEPOSIT To: onol Phones'Sr -.,)- 6// F:/atryqr/Ac/Ifd0Fm AVAII.AfiLE bgtzgtzgst 97.?5 SBWN9[,r.lI'RtE |€IELL Gcntlemen: Momoc & Ncwotl Ergirtrs, tnc. vhitod U[it D-4 d Cohmbioe }brft on Septcnrber 2l' 2@t. Thc prrposc of &c sir vish wa$ to revictt hunbg of thc cxisting loo cdge ard sndwdbbcbw. Thc cxisthg bfl slrall bc crCcoded bry 3'-3' Owards the sou&" To support thc nsw loft fhqarcafucoorrtordlall in*all ancw4x 8 odgc bcam od2 x6 tongUc dgrmve floodecting- Tbe ncry bar ard rbc dccking shall bc Douglac.Fir tmbcr,stucoral #2 graae- fte aecbag eball be srryported o @ of thc nor bcu and tbe cxisting cdgc beam. Tbc ocw cdgp bcrn shsllbcryposlod iodre rrtsrcnr scptation wall on ancnl (l) - z x 6 pct" olr its east eno i ncl9Jl 4 x 4 post gnll bc plrril in tbc living room lorcl -ai" Crc t*o lcrnls bdcr (3) - 2 x sall $ud Pack #ll bc instdl€d rmrlemce6 ir Thc Tbc lo0rmcasim wilt bceblc lo sport a nsituid live lotdof $ #f as rqnircd by rbe uaifornr Buildingc.odG, 199? cditioq lk€osaruc{ed.s kibod above. _dt)t A Ivlonroe & I$ffi/ell FJrgift<ls, AE. (M&N#5430) If ymr bave any qucstiqrs c commcnts' plcasc call. Vcrytuly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS, TNC. Hurres$.paefi, P-8. hLtcipd wtY w.montoe'nswell crtrt 70 Bcnchdiart Road I Sttrtc 3[d r P.O. Boi tt?7 r Avon' Colorrdo 8162(t ts;tr) ytg-iz6tr r Fax (97O) 9{9-{O54 'cmeilr ivolornonroe-nsvcll'con) v l- Celorrdo Drovcr, Colo''do (rillon, Colo€do PAGE g2IB2 tr9ntol ot.rA Eatotloo t' ]l ,-.i..-i--- .i,-. -i---r-- I i*-ii-r.lf ;'; 1t: l ltqm:r 'T?Ft )t{disu,vh { i I rl iil I _:_ _1 ri O :, -r '' _ i t-r-t t}o l1 ih tl :,rl .,' '-'' i 4 eri W: r'rlt'r ;: ii jti rl \r:ltn l--, ;1, itir ,ll' 'ti .\,\, r0o -\t- ",1 .-7 rii-l i.: \ 0o --\ --- Nn \ 'i\.\ \\. -v\+-i^ I t' Jq t =rhs I rh etrt -J019 ; c I -1!ea=l l=tbsZ A Nrn! t{l J,, ql-i \s s9l26l2SOL 87.25 gw@,g I.T}FTE }EhELL PA6E AU82 A Ivlmroe & Nemrcll Engirrctfs, IrE. f . tr I,I r.tr rr^?rrur.I r 'I'iI ttOrttQl ot -tr - Scptrs$er25,2{}01 Mr. Ircft Rossrnan 2773 Kinrickiniclq Urit Dt Vail, CO 81657 Gentlcmen: Momroc & Ncr*en Engineqs, h. vi$itd Udt D'4 et CohmbineNor& otr Scptefi$cr 2l' 2001. Thc prrposc of tbc site visit wo to rwicn' franing of thc cxistiag bi cdge and stud wdh bclow Thc cxistiDg lofr sball bc crrcodcd by 3'-3" aowuds the sorttb" To support tl|e new loft flmrota thccmrmrdratl in*all arrcw 4x 8 oilgcbcam ad 2 x 6 tmgueadgrmve 0oodecting- The nen beo td rbc decking shdl bc DouShs#ir lumber, sfipctral #2 gn&. The d€*iag shdl b€ st4porled o! bP of thc ucs bcu aad tbe cxisting cdge beam. The nc,*'cdge bcam sbatl bc sEPPortcd ia the q,Est€rtl scPaalion wdl on a r€!r' (r) - 2 x 6 posr. oo ie east cna a new 4 x 4 poer $rall bc placcd in&c living roour lorel and m rhe rwo levels below p) - ? x wall sird pacts *atl bc insalted rmderneath it. The posb shall be hugilas-Fn lumbcr, structud #2 8radc. Thc loft cxtryion will bc ablc to support a rcsidlntial live load of 40 #fr2 as reqrircd by tbe Uoibrm Buildiog Codc, 199? ditioD, if couutcted as describod aborr' lf yotr bave any qucsions or cormcnts, plcase crll. Verytuly youn, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS, INC. Haxres Spaefr, P.E- Principal ww w.ti(,nr(lC'nswcll {r>tlt 70 Dcnchrnart Rold. Surtc ?O4 ' P.O. Bor tt97 ' Avotr'' Colorrdo 8r620 ('.t7o) 9{9-?76& . Fax (9?0) 9{9-{05{ ' cmlil. irvotQInonroe-ns!/cll'corn odcliiiiipy Rc: Loft Affitbq, Cdumbiml.Iorth Ton'nbmesUDh D4,Vail,Colorado {M&N#5430) I ',1 ; i! lii :l rt {r"i-- j II-j lr-l----r l I I,i i J, I ltqm l_w9-q: ll -l!rr--- rii i l(..'{t.sit^s,+ \x{.) t_:-. lL./\-v, tA l)tn_,-Mit, IVII t:Tnilq; l tl li ll i"-i---l l oi,; : 'I ,l 8i- -t ..-.'i--- I : i1 rl ({,./ Y I:{ i .:.il ir-i ,t:: ,i ll \\. t\o,\\.!-n,rT trl zvr ti''t' ti l'l '\al -€*---€M\ I I Jq t =rhs I rh atrt _Jol3 e il . -teo=t t=s,bsz k*}' rnSttt J"WJ t 3 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 Sorrilt Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project l{ame: 39 sq. ft. addition to loft areq. DRB Number: DRB010ff)2 ' .\ Proi€st Description: ' .' ' ' 't Rossman addition - Loff area Participants: OWNER ROSSMAN, JACKIE K. - EASTOM,04/20/2001 Phone: 2773 KINNICKINNICK 4D VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT ROSSMAN, JACKIE K. - EASTOM,04/20/2001 Phone: 2773 KINNICKINNICK 4D VAIL CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 2773 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 4 Block 4 Subdivision: COLUMBINE NORTH Parcel Number: 210314306015 C.omments: 39 sq. ft. Motion By: Second Byr dotc: Condltiorrs: 14 .' ilo4ylstrFFAcrroN Action: APPROVED Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paidr $50,00 :' 7 '/of ry 1\ Yh'ilr _-_ l.g, lIX'lIr t1