HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ08-0308 B08-0271 LEGALNOTE: rHrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES ,,..:..\ /[\ r\nl\\\/l.l rmFiintl--ffi- Town of Vail, Community Development, T5 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 O47 *21 39 f . 97 O.47 9.2452 inspections. 97 0.47 I -21 49 Permit #: M08-0274lrtot o11\ Project #: PRJ08-0380 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 1012212008 fssued. . i 10122J2008 ExDires . .: MnU2009 OWNER RUTLEDGE, ROBERT E. - ZIMMER 1OI22I2OO8 9'I5 MONROE EVANSTON tL 60202 APPLICANT BURNETT PLUMBING. HEATING. E 1012212008 Phono: 970-827-5562 P. O. BOX 250 MINTURN co 81645 License: 100-M CONTMCTOR BURNETT PLUMBING, HEATING, E 1012212008 Phone: 970-827-5562 P. O. BOX 250 MINTURN co 81645 License: 100-M Desciption: INSTALL TWO BATH FANS AND ONE CLOTHES DRYER EXHAUST valuation: $1,000.00 MECHANICAL PERMIT AMF JobAddress: 4524 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.,...: UN|T902 Parcef No...: 210112411002 Mechanical Permit Fee-> $20.00 will Call-------> Plan Check----------> $5.00 Use Tax Fee--->Invesligalion-------> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1O|2U2OOA JLE Action: AP $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-->$0.00 Additional Fees-----> TOTAL PERMIT FEE_> $29.00 PaYments_-_.._-> BALANCE DUE-----> $29.00 90.00 $29.00 129.00 s0.00 CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLAMTIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infomation required, completed an accurale plot plan, and slate that all the information as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordinan@s and stale laws, and to build this structure according to lhe towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 970,479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:O( AM -4PM. .n , .'/(o.L-L- bYo-(fl}r,,rl , BEST IMAGE POSSIBLE ^ Signature of Owner or Contrac{ortt4P Ditrn"Q Pdnt Name mechcan icaLperm it_04 1 908 l'*t { tt+t++at{ tt*+ * ** * * t*t' **{*******tt+***t+*tttrl* TOWNOFVAII. COIORADO lat*ial*lal'*aatr'ttlr'|aa:t'tl ** *** * * * ** t * *'tti***'i'i** * Stsatement Number: R080002008 Amount: Palnnent, Methodr Check Prop. Mgmt 1535 |*********i******t******It****,t t**,]r*****r Statement * *ltll*ttll*:l 'l * {.1. 'l * * i * t* 'a * I * * 'l 'l' * * * i *f{' * 'l'l {' i' $29.00 to/22/2OOst1 :56 AIlt . INit: DDG Notation: Mtn. valley Pernit No: ParseL No: Sitse AddresE: Location: Thie Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: AccounE Code MP 00t 00003111100 PF 00100003112300 t{c 00100003112800 MOA-0274 2101- 124- 1100- 2 4524 ME]ADOVI DR I'NIT 902 T)4)E : MEC}IAIiIICAI, PERII{IT VAIIJ tta*taa*ta+taa*tt* **at*aa*t *t+t +** * ** t **********t* * * * r i*'r't **rr* * {' * * * rtr. 'r * I * * 'l * * * * * * * * * r}{ t * l. * * {r Total Feea : $29.00 Total AIL Pmts: Balance : DeEcript ion MECIIAIIICAIJ PERMIT FEES PLA}I CHECK FEES WIIJIJ CAI'L INSPECTION FEE 92e. 00 s2e.00 90.00 Current, PmEE 20.00 s.00 4.00 TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION The followina items MUST be attached to this permit application Mechanical Room [avout drawn to scale to include: Mechanical Room Dimensions C Combustion Air Duct Size and Location Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location Heat Loss Calculations Equipment Cut / Spec Sheets "!9 o {?;;tqv,&ad4 Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: PO (bx >+Company Address: state: b zip, Yllo+6 conractName: [nr,Vz I'avolo contact Ph: q1oY71 55toa' cett' Torn of Vail Contractor Registration No:loo-r$ Contractor InformaUon c"*9F,*il?isnlHE 9"frlrg ^^. wrl Detailed Description of Work: (Use additional sheet if necessary) {1*(tow 7 Ler( Complete Valuation for Mechanical Permit: Mechanical $I 006 ::"-::*ona* h og- 6 t1 I Work Class: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (),nepair1)Other( ) Legal Description: Lot # Subdivision: Blk # Job Name: Owner Name: Mailinq Address: truWY o> Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( ) No/Type Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) NoIType Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) (For Parcel # Conlacl Eagle County assessors Office at 97G32&8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie)Building Type: I t Single-Family( ) Two-Family( ) Multi-Family,() Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other( ) Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Engineer ( ) Name: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Date Received: :C #n NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139 l. 97 0.479,2452 inspections 970.479.21 49 PLUMBING PERMIT AMF Job Address: 4524 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: UNIT 902 Parcel No...: 210112411002 OWNER RUTLEDGE. ROBERT E, - ZIMMER 1OI22I2OO8 915 MONROE EVANSTON rL 60202 APPLICANT BURNETT PLUMBING. HEATING 1012212008 Phone: 970-827-5562 P O BOX 250 MINTURN co 8164s Licensg: 100-P CONTRACTOR BURNETT PLUMBING. HEATING 1012212008 Phone: 970-827-5562 P O BOX 250 MINTURN co 81645 License: 100-P Desciption: INSTALL TOILET, SINK, ROUGH-lN FOR NEW BAIHROOM ADOITION Valuation: $5,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Permit #: Project #: P08-0140']og cirl PRJ08-0380 ISSUED 10t22t2008 10r2a2008 04120t2009 Plumbing Permit Fee---> Plan Check------------> I nvestigation-------> 975.00 WillCall---------> $18.75 Use Tax Fee---------> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $4.00 $0-00 $97.75 Total Calculated Fees--> Addilional Fees------------> TOTAL PERMIT FEES-> Payments----------> BALANCE DUE---.--> $97.75 $0.00 $97.75 $97.7s $0.00 APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1012a2o08 JLE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fullthe information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat allthe information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plol plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town aoolicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:O( lo -rt-' oF DateSignature of Owner or Contraclor plmbpermtl _041908 r,t,ti.**{.*'|.***{.*r**** ** ****'|.,r.*,*,t,t,t*!*,t******{'*****:}*'}*******+****************************** * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * {r ****++ * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * t + + + ********+**** | I + + + + i * * * * * * {.,t*'t t * * ***1.1. {. l. {. ,l * {. '1. '1. * +:r,i:t*:l+ Statement Number: R080002007 Amount: $97.75 L0/22/2008]-1 :55 AM Pa)rment Method: check Prop. Mgmt 163 5 Init: DDG Notation: Mtn. val-Iey Permit No: P08-0140 T)?e I Parcel No: 21Ol-f24-LL00-2 Site Address: 4524 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: UNIT 902 This Payment: PLI]MBING PERMIT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ** * * * * f * f* ** * * * * * * * * rl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'l l. * ToEaI Fees: Tota] ALL Pmts : Balance: $97.75 $0.00 Current Pmts ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: AccounE Code PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 v'lc 00100003112800 De script ion PLAN CHECK FEES PLUMBING PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 18.75 75.00 4.00 "n"ooi;;r* wll^., Dntf frrvrlx.t&,lls +1"r Contractor lnformation Gompany: Company Address:?obo* &so City:Nr,,rtttttrn state: CO z,p, ?tb4( contacrName: Mttq LavA+o conracr Ph: q1o f<*-1556? E-Mail: cext qTusltotbLf Plumbing Valuation (Labor & Material) Plumbins g ffiT, 5:ooo Property Information Parcel#: A< g -- 6>11 Legal Description: Lot #Btk # TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Wrntlt P, I + Elcol Architect ( ) Designer( ) Engineer( ) Name: : Phone: ; Fax: : E-Mail: Detailed Description of Work: inSla l( -+(trl4l i, <'y1L (on4 h ufurcw Ua:|h@,/v) Building Type: , / Single-Family( ) TwcFamily( ) Multi-Familyd/) Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) Subdivision: Job Name: Date Received: (\AW(o> Owner Name: Mailing Address: (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty. usipatie) Ur ('ltnu"r Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: I OO - ? v1,15 ;*'av{r*er"L*/u NOTE: THIS PERMIT MIIST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ,/--'\ ,/I l. r\-/1 DS1/.f 10mltrl'ilt|z Town of Vail, Community DeuelopmentJi.tuth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 0.47 9.2139 f . 97 0.47 9.2452 inspection s 97 0.47 9.21 49 ELEGTRIGAL PERMIT AMF Job Address: 4524 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: UNIT 902 Parcel No...: 210112411002 OWNER RUTLEDGE, ROBERT E. - ZIMMER 1OI22I2OO8 915 MONROE EVANSTON rL 60202 APPLICANT BURNETT PLUMBING. HEATING. E 1 O I22I2OO8 PhONC: 970-827.5562 P.O. BOX 250 MINTURN co 81645 License: 100-E CONTRACTOR BURNETT PLUMBING. HEATING, E 1OI22I2OO8 PhONE: 970-827.5562 P.O. BOX 250 MINTURN co 81645 License: 100-E Permit #: Project #: E08-0256 -Bo'r <,zr[ PRJ08-0380 ISSUED 10t22t2008 10t22J2008 04120t2009 Status . . . : Applied . . : lssued . . : Expires. .: Desciption: Valuation: WIRING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL $5,000.00 Square feet: 150 FEE SUMMARY Electrical Permit Fee-----> Investigalion Fee-------> Will Call Fee--------------------> Use Tax Fee------------> Total Calculated Fees-------> $51.7s $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $s5.75 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees---------> TOTAL PERMIT FEE-.> Payments---- BALANCE DUE--.---> $55.75 $0.00 $55.75 $55.75 $0.00 APPROVALS Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 1Ol22l2OOB JLE Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. OECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that lhave read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this slructure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A-I 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. elec_prm_04 1908 lo-22-oY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *t + *** ** ***r{r*+* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * ****,1*t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *{.* ***********!t***********{*************l*+*++*++*l'***1.*1.******t * * '+ ******** * * * * * '* * * * * ***'l'l'i1. Statement Number: R080002006 tunount: $55.75 LO/22/2008L1 :54 AM Pa)zment Method: Check Prop Mgmt. 153 5 INJ.T: DDG Notation: Mtn. Va1ley Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code EP 00100003111100 wc 00r_00003112 8 00 E08 - 0255 2ror- r24 - r]-oo - 2 4524 MEADOW DR VAII, TJNIT 902 DescriDt ion q|tr)e: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Tota1 Fees: Tot,al AIJL PmtS : Balance: $ss.7s * * *{.* * * * {. lt * * * * l. l. tl 't 't,t * * * * * lt * ************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * | * * * * * * * * + * * ** * * * * * * * * * *t+t*i+ lf J. /f D55 . /f $0.00 Current Pmts 51 .75 4.00 EI,ECTRICAI. PERMIT FEES WILL CAI,I, INSPECTION FEE ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION projectAddres" +€>rl fWAJ; bftV€ : - - ,1lt,wWr&tlsFtu"t , Contractorlnformation Project #:0g'ffio Building Permit #:- o2-r Electrical Permit #: a5s Detailed Description of Work: citv: Mtn-lu,,vfl state: Co zip:?tb9f tr\,7U1\ Lwh# f a*lek ''-''&-1, ' ' Town of Vail Contractor Registration fifo: lO0 - 6 I X C n""rnVa +* trt t t^^irto ,,""1"ti*I*?91""\iirl$i"F.l!r*qmoaqt property tnformation 40 T1A Y- o*'ll Conlact Name: contactPh: q1o 't)I 'E6b7cel'97o31lotVl8 E-Mail: Parcel #: Legal Description: Lot # _ Blk # subdivision: 462l+ ffi,ral"w Ornre- JobName: { Owner Name: Mailing Address: (For Parcel # Contacl Eagle County assessors Omce at 97G328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty. us/patie) Architect ( ) Designer( ) Engineer( ) Name: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Itelnalr company Addre." P0 Bo* ItOUI\'W dlU<:Wn ln ,|, N&'rJ lb+r\(Dowl iru . . COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND : VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Material) . Amount of SQ Ft l€O fr : Electrical S * 5OOo i-* " -" Work Class: , New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ft1 neOair( )Other( ) : -...' .' : Building Type:.. L-/ Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family/() . ; Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) : :Date Received: 3t. o> 45515 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED Ol, JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, T5 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2 1 39, t. 97 0.47 9.2452, inpsections 97 0.47 9.21 49 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 4524 MEADOW DR VAIL Locatlon......: UN|T902 ParcelNo....: 210112411002 OWNER RUTLEDGE. ROBERT E. -ZIMMER O8/11/2008 915 MONROE EVANSTON rL 60202 APPLICANT MOUNTAIN VALLEY PROPERTY MAN 08/11/2008 Phone: 97M76-44ti4 2111 N FRONTAGE RD #L VAIL co 81657 License; 959-8 CONTMCTOR MOUNTAIN VALLEY PROPERTY MAN 0811112005 Phone: 970-476-444f 21 11 N FRONTAGE RD #L VAIL co 81657 License: 959-8 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy: R2 Type construction:VA Valuatlon: Total Sq Ft Added: Permit #: 8,08-0271 Project #: PRJ08-0380 Status.. : ISSUED Applied, . : 08/11/2008 lssued. .. : 09/15/2008Exoires...: 03/14/2009 $40,000.00 0 Building Permit Fee--> Plan Check----- Add'l Plan Check Hours-> Investigalion---------> FEE SUMMARY $542.75 Will Cal Fee---------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-------> $1 ,499.54 $352.79 Use Tax Fee------------> 9600.00 Additional Feos---------------> S0.00 S0.00 Restuarant Plan Review---> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES------> $1,499.54 S0.00 Recreation Fee---------> $0.00 Payments-----* Total Calculated Fees----> $1 ,499.54 BALANCE DUE--._----__-> 10.00 DECLAMTIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fullthe infomation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and slate that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informalion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struclure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENW+OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. r C-{dDrvt\^,ls <4C ok/ Signature of Owner or Contractor e t^, p Do*nfoG. bld_a lt_construction_permit_04 1 908 Permit#: 808-0271 APPROVALS as of 09-15-2008 Status: ISSUED Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/26/2008 JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/09/2008 JJR Action: AP APPROVED PLANS RECETVED 8/08/08. Montored fire alarm system recommended. Fire sprinkler system recommended. See the Conditions sectlon of this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt_constructionJrermit_041 908 Permit#: 808-0271 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 0$15-2008 Status: ISSUED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FTELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED Tb CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.):ALL PENETRATIONS lN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. . bld_alt_construction-permit_o41 908 * * **** * * 'i 'r 'r 'r 'r * *1':i** **{"t t * * *****{'******i******ttt*ti*+*i****'rtrr****ti'r***** *******t**** * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement llrttt'lata***** ** * *+l.laaa*{. * * * * * * 't * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * **** *!t**,t** * *,r 'r {,i* ri i(,r 'l r | + r,l,t * t|i 'l ,l * * * ** ll *'l* Statement Number: R080001549 Amount: 91 ,499.54 09/L5/200803:37 PM PaymenE MeLhod: Check Property Management 1517 Init: DDG NotsaEion: Mount.ain Valley Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : LocaE.ion: This Payment: BP 0010 0 003111100 PF 001000031L2300 uT 11000003106000 wc 00L00003112800 808-0271 2r0r-r24-rloo-2 4524 MEADOW DR IJNIT 902 $L , 499 .s4 T]TPE: ADD/ALT MF BUII,D PERMIT Totaf Fees: ToEal AI.I. PMES: Balance : $1,499.s4 $r.,499.s4 $0.00 *,1**************l'*+*{'***************1.********l***a*********1.**t}*lt*******'}********i'}*+ * * * * ** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current Pmts BUII,DING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES USE TAX 4I WILL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 542 .7 5 352 .7 9 500.00 4 .00 'qq iq Development Review Coordinator 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 970479-2128 Fax:970479-2172 lnspections: 97 047 9-21 49 Town of Vail OFFICE COPY I Project # DRB# Building Permit #: Detailed Description of Work: Fax: E-Mail: Work Class: New( ) Addition ( 1Dl g4+hrao^^ bllt,)<e4 I L 6eLw"us. 1 (Use additional sheet if necessary) Architecl t/f Designer ( ) Engineer ( ) i phon., n16-.l1O - l>?> ) Remode!ft Repair ( ) Other ( ) Parcer#: &lot\atlt99a Legal Description: Lot #Work Type: subdivision: T',vnber 6e,\\s qo}.t=-"t:- 'olP 't td -: -O1-O)-QcO Interior,ff Exterior( ) Both( ) Job Name: TFQ O>Building Type: Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercial( ) Townhome( ) other([0 C-ondOownuNa ", Ra|e rl Avtlledfl-e MaitingAddress &lrt N firunhg5 CiaJ +L # & Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas [og ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning QQ At # & Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliancep ( ) Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (JO (For Parcel# Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 97G328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty. us/patie)"hoq€ Valuations (Labor & Material) Building $ Plumbing $ Electrical $ ?0,006 {o.oCo 4,ooo Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No fi I Mechanical $ - i ,o,",s t tlOroOC ' Date Received 1 1 t' BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are requlre{ tor electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace'-etc. , t{6}T meaJa, bcu€--I l.rv a Contractor Information Company: Company Address: E-Mail: Town of Vail Contractor x Contractor S Property Information (required) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( k) No ( ) Monitored Alarm: Yes ( ) No ($) Transmittal Form Revision Submiftals: 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: ) Revisions ) Response to Correction Letter _attached copy of correction letter ) Deferred Submittal ) Other :, -.......,.,...-,.-..., .,- .,,-1... . .. Project Address: , f ,t 4O> -i-twrb&r1-6tl Contact lnformation .",*,r, [.Aqr.,nfarn \J al[&4 company pn, 11 CI 316 &J1L ra^, 1'7 O t(::lG 3Vd cont""t N"'u, C{n ,/ 0olV1l€ S S$fruturc( flart. (Use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: ;j . ',ll ir,lril I nl AUG 2 e 2008 i ie-wlr eF ya[ j Chip, I reviewed your building permit application yesterday with the help of our Building Official. The letter you submitted from the engineer will not be sufficient to approve this perrnit. Please submit three copies of a stnrctural plan on the sane sheet size as your architectural sheet(s), with original wet seals. The structural plan should include a cross section ofthe new openings. When youb,ring the plans in, we'll ask you to fill out a simple transmittal form. Please reference your permit number, 808-0271. Ifyou have any questiong please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Jennifer Eliuk Development Review Coordinator Town of Vail Community Development Deparfinent 75 S Fmntage Rd Vail, CO 81657 P 970.479.2128 F 970.479.2452 F l{-Fl :5 tI $,,|-+ I tfi t-ttx NJ.l.fpr, U1 M lL:&I-n Pl t,Y be Town of Vall - il ti il llil il tutLJ EilV 0 8 2008 OF VAIL n Entt-\t 15 \Y-l tutlnl AUG |]IJ TOWN OFFIOH CIOPY Proairco, Inc. eO. 0or 179 w8E^T QrDCt, co 80034"017e (3rxt) 458.0204 Ivlarch 30, 2008 Mr. Karl &lgerton Vail Vrll€y Propcrty tvft nrgFm€nt 21ll N. Frcotage Rd., #L va[ CO 81657 Be: Srmplirg for a$cstos in a vacant condo wit. Im*ion: TimbcrFaltc Building 9, Unit 902 VaiLCo Smpling locrtionr: On 3-25-08 sciciltis lohn Taylo took sdcct bnrilding marairl sanpl.s in the condo unit. Tho following ta,mplos w€rg tskcn: 992-l Popom oorting liviag roorn, E. side of coiling d E. well. 902-2 Wall tcrfirc, liviog roolt B. wdl rt liSht switch 90?A Drynrall nud living root4 E. rlral, at Ugh sntitch. 902.4 Painf tcxare, halwry clos€t, E. wall, 7' up. 902-5 Po,pcorn couing hslwry clogot, E. side of coiling.9026 WeU todurc, hilluny, E rud* brtbom wrll, 6' up.9o2-7 n4tqrrll, hdluny, E sidprl.rrtlrrx.tr $rall,6:rrF. - _. _----*Lg Wall tcxturc, hallwan W. wall" ccnrer point, 6' up. W2-9 Watl textnrq bstrrcoq gfuk atq at ligtt snitch. 902-10 Dryfirall nu{ batbroom, sin& area" st ligtt srilitch- 902-l I Dryualt nu4 bctroon, toilct room, at ligh rwitch 902-12 Popoom coatbg E, bedrmrn S.W. corner ofccitin& 902-13 Drywrll, hdlsrey clo*'r, N. un[ 5' up. Renrltr oflab asoay: Sce the eochEod roport from Quanteo Labs ia Okhhoma Ciry, OK. No rogulated matairls wcro frnd in tho sunrcy. SubmittcdBv; -{ BLE page 1 BEST COPY AVAILA APR 02,2008 12:05 FRO'I :S I'I SJEEPII'.G FAX FIl. i3p.3/,ffi?F,4 Apr. 91 ffi Lt'.4?ft1 P2 QlufElILSNo. 1606? Acctuf!ftdor: EelS Dr:lsfip& trttfrI2ffia RccdndEf Stabk0rid DoenbrFd: cyza:uxltAnlqiadty: .hoXc|rn Medobgn E^/600nrqill6 qrdlll'CUEISqLlD CqUm rG Hfi . Pr* Dilvr / Odtu|'r qr fi 7',lm I l{0tr- 7*rg", tu fi 6l rs,rilr Folrrl,rd rrFt tlllcrorcopy.AGcoe A!.tsdN B{Dct til trl trGEIVE AU6 08 2008 TOWN OF VAIL Nor,Afu lsE(ta) NA QHc.; Cliec Prtho,lr. F.O. !q 179 Tlh.{Ri&c,CO t0034 FqFt !b6orFllr9@ eqisf.odm: WA Smjdlfrdd: WA S4!ID _- *mE__._- _ Adr;r prpt slusTdrgc C|tarode <l !*\? llmopm Cd6/D{4dm rlndor (94) A*lfrI{*Prra AS@.PriE Atrltnt CfoFd. A,tcauh!.Dt a1r--"dt' rriekd etdb A.a.rqN.r trra{ mt 9&LJ He6ffi llFry S 9fiLS ncaom Sbt. aE*-eF OI NA <t gGit wrt thopml hqry1" WH! Trrc:r; wHE ld*Cryd Ttl&. TCr Xrhib T-Er rrb ffi, &lhdm <l NA NA ddnlc ffi wr xn7 tHr ftr* d'f8trr4. r!&oftb.*nr*lf frrbL Qdrrr.trNY!/|t|.rdHT4drqf Eq7O.tCo& r0rgtt+ ftr rtsdb at' 3 rbFriL i- ld :\..t'IrP |;&hrft *-Ertird-d-*tEri|u,la.8o0dfDA,5mdrlrfrt4 II.qdE db|rd! c& t66 ;.i:-t:tvLci-! A qry -e u3 Cr'rya rd'f.t 4r ctc nglbrd c=7 I l{, tGE bG:F fllrridrtESm!', APR 02,2008 12:06 he.1C8 paqe 2 lllulions. EI{GINEERII{G ffi|l\/fFLq \, != ll u ti= AUG o8 2008 rowN OF lalL P.O. BOX 2a9aavoN.co 81620 Rr970.9,10.7100 iAr970.9{9.3377 Town cf Vall July 1, 2008,Anival: June 10ft, 2008, 10:00 am Depart 11:15pm Prciect Rudedqe Remdel. Timb€r Falls Unit 902. Eret Vail. @ #030O{B At the request of Millie Alficfr of Pure Design Studio, I visited the site referenced above to observe the existirB strudural ftaming tfnt was partially exposed. The opinions expressed in this report ae based only on visral observation of lhe conlition of the sfuclure m this date without disturbing any interior or exterior finishes. These opinions do not epreserrt overall property revievy, stuctural analysis, or compliance with applicable building code. Description: The existing h.rilding is a three level multi-family condominium. lt appears to be fiamed witt tyFical AG dud walls and 2x10 floor joists. We believe the upper roof faming to be pre-+nanufadured fusses. The foundation that was visible in the cralvlspace is CMU blockon cast in place conoete footings. Unit 902 is on t|e first level over a crarrvlspace. The proposed renorration involves recorfiguring the existirB floor plm to acornmodate an added bathroom and lamdry doset There will also be t\,ro new op€nirps in the hallway walls are proposed: a 3'{ door to access the laundry and bedroom #2, and a 2'€" door tc access bedroom #1. Obs€rvations: The floor framing of lhe unit ulas visible fom the craivlspa@ belcnv. The floor joists are hl Os at 16- m €nter, with some areas of 1? on center. These joists are supported on fuilt-up 2x12 multiple member beams whidl bear on CMU columns. The CMU columns are supported on cad in place conqete spread botings. The floor ftamirq of the unit above this rernod€l was visible over the kitchen, and appears to be 2x10's at 16- on center, consistent wifr the main floor fiaming. By measuring the location of the beam lines in the crawlspace, it appears that the walls of the existing hallway are bearing walls supporting the floors above. The hallway walls appear to bear directly on the beams below near the south end of the unit, near the entry door and kitchen. Moving further north along the hallway, however, the crawlspace beam appears to be roughly in the middle, between the hallway walls. Condusions: The new door openings will require str.rdural freaders and trimmers to support tfe floor faming above. The nelv trimrners must be had<ed directly to he supporting b€ms in t|e cra\,vlspace. Recommendations: We recomrnend in$alling nar headers consisiirg of (2)-110's with (2)-2x4 trimmers and one 2x4 king shd at each end. Verify that the rpw trimmers ber dircdly on solid blocking betreen the floor jcists over the beam in the crar/space, or direclly on an existing 2xl 0 floor jcist Vvhere the trimrners bea on the plyrood between the existing floor joists, a nelv 2x1 0 joist must be installed. lf you have questions about these TylerAldricfr please do not hesitate to call. 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