HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ99-0025 B99-0156 LEGALTOIIN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L39 Bl.cctsrical- - - > DEPARI!,IENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE AI,ARM PERMIT iIOb AddTESS: 381 BEAVER DA}4 CR LOCATION. . . : 381 BEAVER DAITT CR Parcel No. . : 2LOL-O7L-LL-001- Project No. : PR,J99-0025 APPLICAIiTT GARRISON MT'LTI MEDIA, INC.P.O. BOX 730, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRASTOR GARRISON MI]I-,TI MEDIA, INC.P.O. BOX 730, AVON, CO 91620OWNBR 7 tD CORP POSTED ON \TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: A00-001-0 t MARK PAYNE, 15753 WEST 66TII CIRCLE, ARVADA CO 80007 DescripEion: fire alarms for east side unit Valuation: 'rttt*itti*rri*+ FEB gttullARY Total Pcr8it Fee--------> Stsatsus...: APPROVEDApplied..: 04/L0/2000Issued...: 04/LO/2OOO E:<pires. . : to/07 /2000 Phone: 970-949-1100 Phone: 970-949-1100 1, 350 . 00 s0 .00 Totsa1 caLcuLaCrd F.G6---> g3 .00 AdAicional Pccs---------> .oo InvcsCigat.ion> wiLl cr1l.----> TOTAI, FBES- - - > DRB P.c .00 .00 3 .00 53 .00 Peyn6nt€-------- 53.00 BAI,ANCE DT'E- -. - .OO Depts : BUIL,DING Division: Division: IECM: O5OOO EI.,ECTRICAI. DEPARII'IENT04l10/20Q0 .tRM AcE,ion: APPR N/AIt.6m: 05600 FrR-E DEPARTTVTENI Q+/.LQ/.?QQQ JWu4 /.LU I.;ZUUU JKyt ACE1On: O4/LO/2OOO MIKE v Action:ACI,iON: NOTE PI.ANActi-on: APPR apprPI.ANS TO DEDT: FIREFIRE COI{DITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hrrcby acknorlldg. Chat I haw. lard thL. rpplicatsion, fi,llcd out in full tshe infotditsion lcquircd, c<rtrplctcd an eccurate plog plan, and auala thrt all tsh. inforE.tion providcd aa rcquircd is corrcct. I aglc€ to coDlr1y rrith tshe inforuation and plot. Plan,go comply rlth rll, Torn ordinancc! rnd .grbc l.xs, and t'o build thiE structurc according Eo tshc Town's zoning and 6ubdiwi6ion code6, de6iglr rcvlcr approwed, ItniforE Bui].ding Code and otshcr ordinenccd of Ehc Town altltlic.ble thereto. REQITESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALIJ BE UADE TltElIrY-FOUR HOORS IN AD\IANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2139 OR AT OUR oFFICB FROM g:00 AM S:00 PM SISTATI'RE OF OWNER OR COITTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF .aIID OTINER APPUCATION WILL 1{OT BE ACCEPTED IF IilCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Proiect #: Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: 97 0-479 - 2135 (Inspections) Commercial & Residential Alarm shop d are required at time of . application submittal and must include inlbrmation listed on tJ|e Vail, 2no page of this form. Application will not be accepted without this information. NWNNYIIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 @nact Offie at forPatel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) Job Name:,r -. , ) /^l3Y I \tpc--.-4-- rJ -r ( r- robAddress: 3 8/ bo*rh,,^ CA Legal Decripuon ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #)n r\hl-.t Detaifed description of wokt7l,7 ez_14n'*-t UIJ \i/v' work Class: new\,J Addition ( )Rernodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) fther( ) Typeof BHg.: Single.f)riryFTwo-family( ) Mufti-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thb building: I No. of Accommodation Unils in this building: ,tl/* Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) NoIV Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exisu Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR. AIARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) FireAfarmr $ /r3fl.JE- COMRACTORINFORMATION E#XryYi";l-nfl,tum Town of Vail Reg. No.: 156- S Contactand Phone #3: 4l^.,^, Gorrr-i so.o 47fr)674) Contractor Signature: ******in*r*i****nr*********r********ri*FOR OFFICE USE OilLY***i****rri**it*i****|l**ttit**tl***t:t*** F:/everyone/fu rms/alrmperm W TOI'tl[ OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 FEB ST'UMARY DEPART!,IEIIT OF COMMI]NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ALARM PERMIT iIOb AddrESS: 381 BEAVER DAI|T CR LOCATiON...: 381 BEAVER DAIVI CR Parcel No. . : 2LOL-O7L-L1-001 Project No. : PR,J99-0025 APPLIEAI\:T GARRISON MULTI MEDIA, INC. P.O. BOX 730, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRAETOR GARRISON MI]LTI MEDIA, INC. P.O. BOX 730, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER 7 LD EORP iIOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES Permit #: A00-0010 StaUus...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 04/L0/2ooo Issued- - . : 04/1,0/2000 E:cpires . . : L0/07 /2000 Phone: 970-949-1100 Phone : 970-949-1L00 1, 350 . 00 t IVIARK PAY:TIE, 1.5753 WEST 56TH CIRELE, ARVADA CO 8OOO7 DescripEion: fire alarms for easE side unit Valuatrion: TotsaI Calculatsed Fces---> 53.00El,ectricaL---> DRB Fee Inw. .! igat. i on > will call- - -- > TOTAIJ FEBS- -- > Addi,tionaL FeaB- - - ___ -_ _> Total Permi! Fee---__---> Pal.ncnc6 - - - - - - _ BAIANCE DUE- --. 50.o0 .00 .00 3.OO 53 .0O . o0 53 .00 53.O0 . oo *itlrrr*r*rirti Item: 05000 ELECfRICAL DEPARTIIEIiIT Dept: BUILDING Division:RM Actsion: APPR N/AFIRE DEPARTMENT DepT: FIRE FIRE Division: O4'/LO'/2000 MIKE v Action:ACt,iON: NOTE PTANS TOAcEion: APPR appr CONDITION OF APPROVAL *tt*r!rt*ll***at* *tt*t 'ri*t*tt*t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknosl.dge lhab I havc r.ad Chis .ppLi.cation, fil1.d oue in fuI1 tshe infofllation lequircd, cotnPl.tsd an accuratr Plots plan, and !t.tc bhaL !|l1 rhc infornation prowidcd aa raquircd i6 corrccts. I agr.c to conply wilh th. infornatsion and plots Plan, to couply nitsh all Town ordinalrcsE ard stac. Iarrs, and to build tshis EtrucEure according to ttrc Totrn'6 zoning and subdiviBion codc6, dc6ign rcwica applowod, UniforD Building coal€ and othcr ordinancoe of !h. Tolrn appliceble ChereCo. 04l10/2000.TRMItem:05600 FI04/10/2000 irRMo4'/LO'/2000 MrK REQUESTa FOR INSPESTIONS SHALL BE itADE TWEIiITY-FOLR HOITRS IN AD',VAIICts BY TELBPHOI{P AT 4?9-2139 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:00 AI'l 5r0O PM TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COI4MT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,IOBSITE AT ALI-, TIMES DEMO. OF PART/AI.,L BUDG. Job Addrese: 381 BEAVER DAM CR Location...: 381 Beaver Dam cr' Parce} No.. : 2101-071-11-001 ProjecE No. : PRJ99-0025 PermLt *z D99-0022 SEAEUS...: ISST]BD ApPIied..: 05/20/L999riiued...: 06/n/a99e E:<pires. . : 12/20/L999 OWNBR CONTRA TOR APPLIEANT 7 LD CORP t MARK PAYf.lE, 15753 WEST 56fiI PEAK PROPERTIES - RON BYRNE 1OOO LIONS RIDGE LOOP. SUITE PEAK PROPERTIES 164-A ARVADA CO 80007 Phone z 970-479-9990 co 81-657 CIRCLE, 3A, vAIt, DescripEion: Demo permlE for removal of house Occupancy: R3 IYpe ConBtsruction: v N I|pe Occupancy: Valuation: llrrplaca Inforuation! Resbrictsed: Single FamilY Residence Type v Non-Ratsed 1, 000 *of Gas APPliancrg: Add Sq FE: *of 6a6 l,oga:#of $ood/Pa11.L: *r*rrr*.rrrr*rrirrr'r*ri*rirrr*t*r.ri*r**rrt*rrri*ir***.+t FEE gul4MARY ***tr****"' Building-----> 35.oo Rcatulrant Plan Revicr--> 'oo fotal c'lculectd Pe€6---> g0'75 Plan ch.ck---> 22"15 DRB Fc'-------- 2o'oo Addltional Pa€'---------> 'oo Inv.stigiclon> .oo Rrclaaglon F€c--_--__--_> '00 Total PortriE Fcc-___-___> g0'75 t{ll1crI1-.-->3.ooc1c.n-t4,E|€Pogl.E--...--.>.009ayrflcn!'-----..----.-...> EOTA! FBES----- eo'?s BAT,ANCS DUE---- 'oo Item: 06 /23Item:06/23ILeM:06/23ItsEM:06/23Item:06/23Item:06/23 / lSl g o 'RBIHR"."BEiS*THE. APPR.'ED' 05460-Fi,emwNG DEPART'IIES- -- .-/[ee3;'$gk.*"."ffit+Es, iill xil iiggg'HgHEH" .tlnon: 4,PLB N/A, o57oO-ENVIRoNMENTAI., HR4!T4 --,-t79gg-,rlqor-,sli Actsion: APPR N/A'05900 L,IQUOR/ii05-,r!.Iof;EN Actslon: APPR N/A DEPts : BUII.DING DiViEiON: "8"$tT*H"o*rNG Division : DepE.: FIRE Division: DepL: PUB WORK Division: Depts: HEALTH Division: DePts: ct,ERK Diwision; t**t'+ttrirtttt t'+t '**t *i*:'* ttttt*r**+*itr ****a J**** I I ***ll**i** r** r ' see page 2 of Ehis Document for any condiEions Ehat may appry to Ehis permit' DECI.ARATIONS I hercEtr acknosledgc lhat I have r.ad chls apPllcErion, f,i}led outs in full' tsh' infofseLion !6quir6'l' eonpleled an Bcdulqlc pLot pran, and ,ta!c ghat, alr rhc lnforualion providcd ar rcqulrcd ir corrcct. r .grec !o cotrPry tich Eh' inf,ornetslon and trtlots Plan' to conply rrtsh arl Totrn ordl,nmcc. rnd 6c.tc 1av., altd ro build thls .trucEurc accordlng tso bhe toxn'6 zonLng and strbdivigion cod66, d€Ei.gn revJ.cr epp::ovcd. ttni form Building cod6 and olher oldinanc€r of Ehc Town applic'ble bh'rato' RBeuEgrE FoR rNgpBerroNs sHALr, BE I|ADE TwENTT-Foun t{ouRg rN rD\axcE Bv TBiEPHoNE AT 4?9-2139 oR AT ouR oFPtcE FRoM s:oo Alt s:00 Pl'l ************.r******************************************************************* CONDITIONS Permit *t D99-Q022 as-oi oL/L}/oo stsauus: rssuED **t**:r************************************************************************** Apnlied: 05/20/L999 i-esuedr 06/23/L999 To bq)ire z L2/20/L999 send Clc.tt-lttt D.trtoat t To3 Pcrk Bulld.ra ilob Addresg: LoeaEion: Parcel- No: Descriptsi-on: Demo permit, CondlElons: Pennit flpe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. ApplicanE: 7 LD CORP 381 Beaver Dam Cr. 210L'071-11-001 for removal of house ffiR 8OR HII{gET,F AND OWNER DEPARTtr{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI{TTOT'IN OF VAII. ?5 S, FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTEr THIS PERI{IT MIIST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALI, BI]DG. ON ,'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: D99-0025 JOb AddTESS: 381 BEAVER DAII'I LocaEion...: 381 Beaver Dam Parcel No.. : 2101-071-lL-001 Project No. : PRit99-0025 sEatus...: ISSUED Applied..: 06/L8/L999 r-s-sued. . .' 06 /L8/L999 Erq)ires . .: L2/L5/L999 CRCircle OWNER CONTRACTOR APPL,ICAM 7 tD CORP* MARK PAY-I{[E, 15?53 WEST 66TH PEAK PROPERTIES - RON BYRNE 1OOO LIONS RIDGE I.,OOP, SUITE PEAK PROPERTIES 164-A .A,RVADA co 90007 Phone: 970-479-999Q co 81557 crRCtE, 3A, VAIL, DescripEion: AsbesEos Demo PermiE on1Y. Occupancy: R3 T$)e ConsEruct,ion: v N T1De OccuPancy: ValuaLion: Flr.placc Infortrlatslon: Re6liicced! Single FamilY Reeidence Type V Non-RaEed 500 *of GaB AtrtPlianc€E: Add sq Fc: rtrr,rrri,r,rr**r*rr,rtr*rr.rrrrrirtrra.titt,r.tt*t FEE SUftUlRy Buildlng-----> 20.00 ResgurrEnt' Plan Ravi'*--> '00 Tot'L ca1cu1ats€d F'c5---> E5'00 Plrn chrck---> 13.00 DRB F'e-------- TnvcEtLgrtlon> .oo Rscr'allon F'c----------> 'oo totat P6roiB F'€--------> ' 56-00 will crlr----> 3'oo cl'ln-tlp DcporlE--------> 'o0 Fal4!€nit-------- 55'00 TO(AL FBES----- s6'oo BAr'ANdE Dt.E---- 'oo t 'r t * i* * * +. * r t * * rtsem: os].oo Bu-rLDrNG DEit*yEs* I91fi? / t 3? 3 o*Bffi$*tt " DEp. ARr'rFNr- ?g{fr9/t??30*$Tffi DEPtfiFiE$i ::: 9g!l9/l3g3o*BffiI'" ''6fiki'"' i::i ?E!rh1,b''1f oi$ffi *o*ffi iilr+EEfi i1L,#"iii;a'ffiffi". ;i;, ;;;; approved N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Dept: CLERK Division: +Of 6aE IroE.:*of flood/Pallet: Dept,: FIRE Division: Dept: PIJB WORK Division: Depe: IIEALTII Diwieion: DepE: BUIL,DING Divislon: B:;[?"Fh*rNG Division : *raari*attiarrta,l*arrt*rrtt.|!r*,rrrr*rr.la*aaaa*.rt*ti!r*arar**rt*ttttr,,tttttr*t*tt*ltl*t*t*tr***'*trr*|tl**t*l'*'rti{**it+***t**J***rir see page 2 of Ehis DocumenE for any conditions Ehat may apply Eo this permitr' DECI,ARATIONS I hercby acknoxhdge tha! I hav6 rlad thl. aPPllcatlon, fitlrd outs in full^ thc inforGciotr rcquircd' coaplotcd an acculrte plot p!an, rnd .t.tsc tha! .1I th. inforortslon Providsd rs raqulred lE corl6ct' I rgrc€ to cosUtly ['l!h th' inforBaeion rnd plot pl'en' to coaply rith all To[n ordinancas and seate las6, and to build ghit Btsr'LtcEure eceotding lo th' Tovn'6 zoning and eubdlvieion codeE, dcslgn revlcx rpplov.d, gnlforE Buildlng coac ana othcr oralnsncat of th' Toxn rppLicrbl' ther'lo' REQttESTg FOR INSPBeTIONS SHAL& BE ttlADE tllEltaY-FouR nouRs IN ADVINCE BY TBLEPHONE AT 4?9-2134 OR AT OUR OPFICE FROU e:00 alr 5:00 PM €.nd clarn-tltr Dalroai.t To, colorrdo Enrd.ronnltcal sorvlcat fu4-====== iiimtune oe ownEn oR coltrRAcroR FoR Hl SBLF AND orlllBR *****************************************************:k************************** CONDITIONS Permir, *: D99-0025 as of Ot/L8/00 SEaEus: TSSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit \pe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BttDG. Applicant: 7 tD CORP Applied: 06/L8/L999-rEeued: 05/t8/L999 To $cpire z t2/L5/L999 'Job Addrees: LocaEion: 381 Beaver Dam CircLe Parcel No: 2101-071-11-001 Description: AsbeEt,os Demo Permits only. CondiEions: I.mIIsPERMITIsGooDFoRASBESToSABATEMEItroNLY.AN AsBEsTosABATEMENTCERTIFICATEsHowINGTIIEAREAFREEFRoM AsBEsTos Is RBQuIRED PRIoR To Al,iry FI,RTHBR v{oRK occt'RING oN THIS SITE. rF runrHER QUESTIONS ARTSE, CONTAC:T TIIE VAIL FIRE DEPARITqENT AT 479-2250. 2.FIREDEPARTIIBNIAPPRoVALIsREQUIR3DBEFoREANywoRKcANBE STARTED. 3.FIELDINsPEgIIoNsAREREQuIREDTocIIEcKFoReoDECoMPIJIANCE. TOIVN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAI)vArt, co 81657 970-479-2L38 OV{NER CONTRACTOR APPLICAItr DBPARII.{ENT OF COMMUNIT.]f DEVELOPMBIIIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: 381 BEAVER DAM NEW (SFR,P/S,DI'P) PERMIT .fob Address: 381 BEAVBR DAI'I cR Location...: 381 Beaver Dam cr Parcel No. . : 2!OL-07L-L1-001 Project No. : PRJ99-0O25 7 I,D CORP t }4ARK PAYNE, 15?53 WEST 66TII CIRCLE, PEAK PROPERTIES - RON BYRNB 1OOO LIONS RIDGE I.OOP, SUITE 3A, VAII, PEAK PROPERTIES 164-A SEaLus...: ISSIIED Applied..: 06/L7/1999 rilued.:.; o7/L4/t999 Expires.. r 04/oL/2ooo iIOBSITE AT CR-PRIM Permit TIMES 899 - 0156 AIJL #: ARVADA CO 80007 Phone:970-479-9990 co 81657 Description:New Primary Dwel-ting/Garage(2ndaryNumberpofpDwelling Units: 002 occupancyTypeFactor--sq.reervaluation Tabre Datre: o5/L7/Lgg5 Total valuationt '00 TownofVailAdjustedValuation:L'250'000'000 Flrrplacc Inf,onrtsl'on: Rcstrlcgcd! y #of oa6 APplianc": l+of Grt !ogt: 2 *of vtood/Prlrce: PEE gUt{ti{ARY !tt**ti*r*ttt*ii tttit*****1'ttt BuildinE-----> 5,o90'oo Rcttutrrnc Pran Revi'tt--> '0o Tota1 calculats€d F6'6---> 1o'448'aE Plan ch.ck---> 3?3oe.5o DRB F6c-------- InvcBEl.g.clon> .oo Racr'aELon Fe€----------> 54?'35 Tocel P'r l! Fec--------> 1o'{48'as will ealr----t 3'oo cle'n-up DePooit--------> 1'ooo'o0 Palnn'nt6 > 10'rl4g'95 TOTAL FEB9- -. - - rl}*rtrttt'tl, "t"ttttt t'l}t*+tr't rtsem: o51oo BuTLDTNG DEPARII{ENT DepE: BUTLDTNG Divieion: o6/2L/Lgg9 KAT{Y AcEion: NorE RouEed to Gary 07/L4/L9g9 GGOODELL Action: APPR PRIMARY IINIT ONLY :$/12/Lg99 KATIIy act'ion: NoTE Rev'd structurals Eo GG IEEM: O54OO PI,AT'TNING DEPARII'IENT DEPT: .PI'ANNINC DiViSiON: oaTi:.-t:-:ggg KAFI{Y Action: NorE Routed Eo Dominj'c o5/28/Lggg i-oli'tiNrc Acuion' APPR Primary unit onlv ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARIT{ENT DCPC: FTNE DiViSiON: oilztltggg KATITY AcEion: APPR N/A rEem: 05s00 pIJBLrc woRKs D9l!' gItB woRK Division: 06/2L/Lggg XAnfV Action: NOtrE RouLed Eo-PW/Enqineering 01 /L4/Lgg; JRI'{-_- Action' nppn appr per leonard see lt'r rtem: ossso ENGTNEERTNG ---- '- Deg!: TNGTNTEI Divlsion: o6/2!/Lggt IGTIry AcEion: NorE RouEed to,PW'/Engineering o|/L4/tggt iRl{ .AcEion: APPR appr per ls'see letLr *ar*ittit*t*rltaaatrtttrJt"tti*fttttri3t.'rt* tttirrr'*a tit t tttt*a*t see page 2 of this Docunrent for any condigions that may apply Eo tshis permiE' DECLARATIONS r hrrGby acknofllaalgc that I hevr rcad Lhl. rpplieaEion, fil,lad oug ln fu]l thc lnfororeion requircdi conPl'!'d an accuf,ac€ ploc plan, .t!d .tr!G lhrE .rt ch. lnforE tlon FrovliLd .. raqulrcd i. co!rcc!. r rglaa co cotiltl y xlth lhc infordr€ion and Ploc Plan' to cortpty rritsh aII Town oratln&cc. and Bctt. lNr., and to bulld !h1. .cruccutr rccordllng to gh' to!rn'6 zoning and Eubdiviaion code6, deEign rcvisw approvcd, unlform Bulldlng codc rnd ochcl ordlninc.a of thr Tot{n rppllc.bl' tshoreto' REeuBsra FoR rNgpEerroNs sHALtr BE uADE TWENTI-FouR lrouRs rN ADVANcB BY TEIEPHoNE AT 419-2L3e o? AT ouR oFFreE FRol't 8:00 A$ 5:oo PM Scnd clcan-U!, D6po.it To: Paak Bulldcr6 ---r'--- SI6I{ATUR8 OF OI''NER OR CONIR.A.CTOR FOR HIMSEIJP AND OWNER PAGB 2 ***************************************************+**************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permits #: 899-0156 as of oL/Ls/oo sEaEus: TSSUED *****:l********!t*!t**************************************:t************************ permit Tlpe: NEw (sFR,P/s,DttP) PBRMTT Applicant: 7 L'D CORP iIOb AddTCSS: 381 BEAVER DAI4 CR LocaEion: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No: 2101-071-11-001 Applied: 06/L7/!999 Issued: 07/L4/1999 ****************:r**:r*******:l********************************************+*:t***** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1- TIIIS PROiIECT WILIJ RAQUIP&D A SITE IMPRoVEMET'IT SURVEY' sucH st RVEY SIIALL BE St'BMITTED AND APPROVBD PRIOR TO REQITEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SIIAIL HAVE A CEILING HEIGIIT OF 5 FEET OR LESS' AsME,ASI'RSDFRoMTIIEToPSIDEoFfiIESTRUCII'R,AI,MEMBERSoF TIIE FTOOR TO TTIE I'IIDERSIDE OF THE STRU TURAL MBMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRESTLY ABOVE. 3. Const.ruct.ion fences must be installed prior tso construction' AII Erees musc be protecEed prior Eo building permiE igguance. Must have letter from arborist approving prot'ection plan and methods of conEEruction. 4. Provide plans Etamped by a sEructural engineer for any boulder wal1s over 4 ft. in heighE. Thi- muEE be done prior to release of building Permi-t.5. AII- work is to be in iciordance wlth the approved architecE- and engineer-eEamped plans' Lhe appllcable requiremell9 9-t tshe 1997 UBC, 199a NEe, 1998 rMC or tggt IIMc & Ehe 1994 IIPC ot Lg9"l IPC as adopted by Ehe Town of-Vail, & otsher ordinance8 E conditions of approval of Ehe Town' 6. This permic is for the prima-ry unie onLy' The secondary unit' as a BeparaEe' non-contsigiuous.acruceure' will be covered by a EeparaEe building permit'- 7. teEger aatea 7/i1/gg trom -raig-Carroll reference retain wal desigrn.A drawing to be subniEted prior Eo erecting walls over-erc.Rpprovll required to build wall rmrst meeL PW/ENG stsandards. 1000 LIoNs RrDGE LOOP STE. 3A VAIL CO 81657 970476-3220 January 11,2000 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern: As of January 1,2000 Peak Properties took over as General Contractor for the 381/387 Beaver Dam Project. At this time Peak Builders would like to have the Permit numbers 899-156 &899- 0185 transferred over to Peak Properties, Inc.. Thank you for you attention in this matter, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 904-5385. President of Peak Builders. ll TOUIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, eo 8L657 970-479-2L38 DescripEion:New Occupancy Table Date: iIOb AddTESS: 381 BEAVER DAM CR LocaE.ion...: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No.. : 2L0L-071-t1-001Project No. : PRJ99-0025 ALL TIMES StaEus...: ISSUED App1ied..: 06/L7/L999 rssued...: 07/L4/t999 E:q>ires. . : 0L/L0/2000 DEPARTITENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TITIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSITE AT PROiIECT TITLE: 381 BEAVER DAM CIRCTE NBW (SFR, P/S, DI'P) PERMIT PCTMiI #: 899-0155 vsl APPI,ICANT PEAK BUILDERS, LLC PhONE: 970-476-3220 1OOO LIONS RIDGE LOOP - 3A, VAIL CO, VAIL RT]N BUILDING 81657 cot[rRAeroR PEAK BUILDERS, LLC Phone: 970-476-3220 1OOO LIONS RIDGE LOOP - 3A, VAIL CO, VAIL RUN BUILDING 81-557 OWNER 7 LD CORPt MARK PAYNE, 15753 WEST 66TH CIRCLE, ARVADA CO 8OOO7 Primary Dwelling/Garage (2ndaryNumberpofpDwelling Units : 002 Type Factor Sq. Feet Va1uatrion 05 /L7 /L996 Total val-uation: . 0o Town of vail Adjusted Valuatsion: 1,250,000.000 Fireplacr Infofitration: Rc6cricted: y *of Gas Appliances:*Of eas Log6: 2 *Of wood/Pallrt: FEE SUMMARY Total calculaced Fee6-- -> 10,449.S5 Addibional Feea-------- -> .oo Total Pcnit. Fe.------- -> 10,449.s5 Paynenc6---_--- BAIANCE DUE- - -. .OO Building-----> Plan chcck- - - > Inw66tig-tiolr> will call----> 5,09O. OO 3.308.50 .oo 3 .00 .00 500.o0 s47.34 1, O00 . 00 10, 448 . S5 Regtualan! Plan Review- - > DRB 8ee-------- Recr€ati.on Fco- -- - -- -- -- > clean-Up DepoEi!--------> TOTAL FEES- -.. - IEEM: O510O BUII.,DING DEPARIII'IENT o6/2L/L999 KATHY AcEion: NorE 07 /L4/L999 GGOODELL AcEion: APPR IEEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT O5/2L/L999 IGTIIY AcLion: NOTE 06/28/L999 DOMINIC Action: APPR IEEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARIIIENT o6/2L/L999 KATHY Acrion: APPR Item: 05500 PttBLIc ViloRKS O6/2L/L999 KATHY Action: NCtlfE 07/L4/L999 JRM Action: APPR ITEM: 05550 ENGINEERING 05/2L/L999 KATHY Action: NOTE 07/L4/L999 JRM Action: APPR DePE: BUILDING Routed t,o Gary PRIMARY UNIT ONLY DCPE: PLANNING Routed to Domini-c Primary unit only DepE: FIRE N/A Dept: PIJB WORK Routed to PwlEngineering appr per leonard see ltr DePt: ENGINEER Routsed Eo Pul/Engineering appr per ls.see lettr Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: ar*!r*ir *ttattti See Page 2 of t,his DocumenE for any condiEions t.hat may apply to Ehis permit DECLARATIONS I hereby acknonl€dge that I havc read thiB application, fiLLed out in ful1 the infor aCion required, conPl€bed an accuratc ploC plan, and sCate Chat all t'he infornation provid€d as requircd iE corr€ct. I agree to conply tith thc infofllation and Plot PIan, to comply !,ich all To$n ordinances and Btats€ laws, and to build this sLlucCule according to the Toen'6 zoning and eubdiwieion codes, d€Bigm rcview approved, Uniform Building code and oth6r ordinanceE of the Town aPPlicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I, BE UADE TIiENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADI'ANCE BY TEI,EPHOTITI.'AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICB FROM S:OO AJ4 5roo PM '*\-/ send clean-Up D€poBit To: Peak Buildcrs SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR HIMSEI,F II{D Owl{ER PAGE 2 *****************il*:t:l:t*******************************************!t************** Permit #: B99-0155 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 07/L4/99 **************:t***************************************************************** STAEUS: ISSI'ED Applied: 06/L7/L999 rssued: 07 /L4/L999 PermiI flr1pe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DI'P) PERMIT Applicant: PEAK BUILDERS, L,LC iIOb AddTESS: 381 BEAVER DA!! CRLocation: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No: 2l-01-071-11-001 *********************:t*:l******************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1-. TIIIS PROiIEqT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SIIRVEY. SUCH SI]RVEY SHALL BE SI'BMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO RBQIIEST FOR A FR.,,AME INSPBETION. ATTIC SPACES SIALT HAVE A CEII.,ING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS ME,ASIIRED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUETURAL MEI{BERS OF THE FI-,OOR TO THE ITNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTITRAL MEMEBBRS OF TIIE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. Construction fences must be installed prior to construction- AII t,rees must be protected prior Eo building permit issuance, Must have letLer from arborisE, approving protection plan and methods of const,ruction. Provide plans stamped by a strucEural engineer for any boulder walls over 4 ft. in heighE,. This must be done prior to release of building permit,. Al1 work is t,o be in accordance wiEh the approved architect- and engineer-sEamped plans, the applicable requirements of the 1997 IIBC, 1995 NEC, 1998 IMC or L997 IJMC & the 1994 UPC or L997 IPC as adopted by the Town of VaiI, & other ordinances & conditions of approval of the Town. This permit. is for the primary unit, only. The secondary unit, as a separate, non-cont,iguous sEructure, will be covered by a separate building permit,. Ietter dated 7/L4/99 from Craig Carroll reference retain wal design.A drawing to be submiEEed prior to erecting walls 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. over 4ft.Approval required to build wall must meeE PW/ENG st.andards. lltortttt*rrlttta!att*tatrrtttrrt TOtt{ Ol VAIL, COIJORTDO gEacqurE ScrcarnE lu6Cr! R.8C-064o lrcunc t Pryunt $.chod3 g( lfocrtion ! 10,248. s5 07/74/99 L5 tls lOlt/RONt BYRr.E tnLe, itN PctDIc lfo ! 899-0155 Tl'p. r B-BUILD trEDt (8ll,,P/a,D0P) PB P.rc.l Bos 2101-071-11-001 glt lddt... ! 381 AIwIR Dlt{ Cn f,ocrglosr ! 331 Baavar lr.[ Cr It|ir PatfuaDt 10,4{9.95 10.448.85 .00 *attrrrrrrtttt loount 5,090.00 3 00. 00 3 , 3 06.50 1,000.00 547.35 3.00 BrI.ttco: Totrl Faar: 10,243.35 roerl llL Palr. Account Codr BP 00100003111100 DR 001o0003112200 PP 001o0003112300 ID D2-DEPOI EA 11100003112700 tfc 00100003112400 D.rcrlpilon BI'IT.DITC PERIIIT FBBS DESIoI RB\rIE|' lEBg PLAT CIIECT PEGS Cl,lNfttP DIPO9IT8 RBCR,EIIION IEII' lfILL CIIjJ IN9PIGIION FEB TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DSVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT PROJECI TITLE: 381- BEAVER DAI{ CR-SECOI{D NEW (SFR,P/S,DI'P) PERMIT PETMiT P(/-77 -oa6o ALL #: TIMES 899-0185 '767 ilob Address: 381 BEAVER DAM CR Locatsion...: 381- Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No.. : 2101-071-11-001 Projects No. : PR.t99-0114 SEaEus...: ISSITED Applied..: 07/L4/L999 rssued...: L0/05/L999 Ercpires. . : 04/02/2ooo AppLICAIitT PEAK BUIIDERS, LLC phonez 9'lO-476-3220 1OOO LIONS RIDGE LOOP - 3A, VATL CO, VAIL RIIN BUII,DING 81657 CONfRAetOR PE,AK BUILDERS, LLC Phonez 970-476-3220 1000 LroNs RrDGE r.,ooP - 3A, vArr, co, vArr. RIIN BUTLDTNG 81657 OWNER 7 LD CORPt ![ARK PAYNE, 15753 WEST 66TH CIRCLE, ARVADA CO 8OOO7 DescripEion:New Dup - Secondary unit w/EHU Number of Dwelling Units: 002 Occupancy Ty?e Factor Sq' Feet valuaEion Dwellings Zone 4 V-N 2LL.90 2,603 551,575.70 Dwellings Zorre 4 V-N Basement 46.02 795 36,585.90 Privatre Garages Zone 4 v-N 55.38 780 43,L96.4O SubtoLa1 : 4,L78 531, 358 . 00 Table Date: o5/L7/L996 ToEal Varuation: 631,358-00 Town of vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,000,000.000 fl,r€plac. InfonnaElon: Reatsrlcced: y€€ *of Gas AppLianccE ! *r*.rra*ittrrtrt .r*rrti*rtr*tt+ FEE st l[tARY *of Oa6 Log€ :*of wood/Pallct: Building-----> PIin Chcck- - - > Invc6tigatsion> Hill call----> Rcstsuarant Plan Revier- - > DRB Fq6------- - Reeraation Fea---------- > CI€an-Up Dopo€its- -------> TOTAI FEBS- - -.. Total calcul.alad Pec€- - - > Additional FccE---------> Total Pcrdit F.c--------> PalmsntE----'-- BAIANCE DUE- - -. 4,34O . 00 2, 821 . OO .o0 3.O0 .00 {o0.00 s09.70 ?50.o0 E,823 .7O 8,923 - 70 .00 a,a23.?o s,e27.7O .o0 ITEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPART'IqENT 09/2e/L999 I(ATIIY Actsion: NOTE LO/05/]-999 CHARLIE Action: APPR ITEM: O54OO PI,AI..TNING DEPARTMENT 09/24/1999 DOMINIC Action: APPR 09/28/L999 KATITY Action: NOTE ItsCM: O55OO FIRE DBPARTI{ENT 09/28/L999 KATITY Action: APPR rtem: 05500 PtBtrc woRKs o9/28/L999 KATITY Actions NOTE 09/30/L999 LSAI{DOVA AcEion: APPR IIEM: 05550 ENGINEERING 09/28/L999 KATIIY AcEion: APPR Depts: BUILDING Routed Eo Charlie see corrections DCPE: PLANNING see contrnents Dominic already appr'd DePt: FIRE N/A DepE: PIIB WORK Routsed Eo Leonard w/$75 APPROVED Depts: ENGINEER See public works Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: iirir*rr r * * t * * * t |} 'r * * i t t t a * * I * a * !r * tr i t I * * * * * * * * t 'r t * * * J * * t a * * * * * See Page 2 of this Document for any condit,ions that may apply Eo Ehis permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hsraby qcknorlcdgc ghats I havc lcad chis applicacion, fillcd out. in fuII thc inforoation rcquircd, couttlcbcd rn .ccur.t. plot plan, rnd stsatsc that.lI Chr inforuaClon provid.d .. r6quircd is correct. I rglce to conply ,itsh the inforsation and pLoC plan, to comply t|ltsh all To*n ordinanccs and Elate 1awE, and to build th16 slructsurg accordj.ng t.o Lh. foitn's zoning end subdiwlBlon cods6, dssign revicw epproved, Uniform Building Codc and other ordinanceg of tshe Tottn aPplicablc tshercto. REQUBSTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHAI,L BB I,IADE TI{EI}TT-FOI,R HOINS IN ADVANCE BY TEI,EPHO PROI| g:00 llt 5:00 P[t scnd cLcan-up Dcposits To: PGak BuildcrB SIONATT'RE 08 OWNER OR C!)ITTRACTOR POR HIUStsI,8 AI{D OI{NER PAGE 2 *****************************:l************************************************** Permit #: 899-0185 COND]TIONS OF APPROVAL as of Lo/o6/99********************************************************************************Status: ISSUED Applied: O7/L4/L999 Issued: L0/05/L999Permit Tyge: NBW (SFR,P/S,DI'P) PERMIT Applicant: PEAK BUILDERS, LLC iIOb AddrCSS: 381 BEAVER DAI\,I CR L,ocation: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No: 210L-071-11-001 ***********:l******************************************************************** CONDITIONS ********************************************************************ir*********** 1. TIIIS PROiIEET WILL REQU]RED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SI'RVBY. SUCH SI,RVEY SHALI., BE ST'BMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO RBQI]EST FOR A FRAME INSPEET]ON.2. Inst.all construction fence around site 3. Must comply with Army Corys permit and tree study 4. A FOI'IIDATION ILC IS REQUIRED. SEE MEMO IN INSPECTION CARD FOI-,DER AT 479-2139 OR AT OI'R OFFICE Da/qq. obo I Pp5qQ.6tlrl urqnD B Dan onrna$ B?r'aqs EltKttt To: Eagle County Aribulance District, Steve Knight Eagle County Assessors Office Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Holy Cross Electric, Engineering Dept. Public Ser,vice Conryany Public Service High Pressure Gas TCI Cablevision Town of Vail Fire Department, Mike McGee Town of Vail Police Departuent, Miranda Steber U.S. Postal Service U.S. West, Carson Bell Johnson, Ifunkel and Assoc., David Despeaux, E91l Coordinator From: Allison Ochs Town of Vail Departnrent of Community Development Date: November 2,1999 926-523s 328-7370 4764089 9494s66 949-3289 468-1401 949-9138 479-2176 479-2216 476-1065 970-24-4349 328-1035 RE: Ctange of Address -3818 Beaver Dam Cr. to 387 Beaver Dam Cr. Pages: 2 (ifyou did not receive 2 pages, please contact our ofi.ce immediately) The attached map shows a shange ofaddress that has been approved by the Town ofVail. This change will make it easier for emergency vehicles to locate the properfy. Please update your records accordingly. If you have any questions, please contact Allison Ochs at the Department of Community Development Department at (970) 479-2369. VAIL\DATA\EVERYONE\ALLISON\ADDCII\FAX , .. , .., .1,,. ,, .; , .:J. , r:,f ?,.,,t'l '. r.,'. t '.iiI[ .'j:'..,,i, l; |: ./a c2. .1 g- Sa F.--_ -l-tB i l19 I .-. I e g_E e: aq a€g$€gg $FHL$ siaEg$ HfsAg (D E CL aoa .orF -gl =GTo ' Jdgcl-A30-hto3-Aor.r{oetg Etr . ot €i€i-Do-Ico !jsil j r{ ij3 !rOl.>l _._-. I t!\3 q g CL (D c' fix d s o,a s\ tr 6g - t9 \iiri 'i zsba6Lb@L6, ali/s 35vd TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81-657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELEqTRICAL PERMIT Permit. #: E00-0001 ,JOb AddrCSS: 381 BEAVER DAM CR Locat,ion. . . : 381 BEAVER DAI4 CR Parcel No. . : 21,0L-07L-L1-001 ProjecE No. : PRiI99-0025 APPLICAIiIT WII]TE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON eO 81620 COI TRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 11L8, AVON CO 8]-620 OI,{NER 7 LD CORP T MARK PAYNE, ].5753 VIEST 56TH CIRCLE, ARVADA CO 8OOO7 Description: ELEC TO INSTALL IINDERGRND SERVTCE & BRAValuat,ion:T 45, 000. 00 Status...: ISSIJEDApp1ied..: oL/04/2000Issued...: 0L/06/2000 Er<pires. . : 07 /04/2ooo Phone: 970-949-L403 Phone: 97Q-949-L403 rli***it+r!r*i*r FEE SUUI.4ARY ToLal Calculatscd P6cs---> 413.00 Addiuional tr€5s---------> .00 Total P6rdit Fee--------> 813.00 Elcctsrical- - - > DRB Fee Invertigatsion> wilL CalL----> TOTAL FEES- - - > 410 . oo . o0 3.O0 813 . OO Pal|lrlents-----_-_ BAI,ANCE DT'E. -. - .OO a13 .00 r * 'r r r j r r* * * rt it It,CM: O6OOO ELE TRIEAL DEPARIMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: OL/05/2OOO KATI{Y ACI,iON: APPR APPROVED PER-KWi--b.rn:'.05600 Frne pspARTtlEl\T Dept: FrRE Division:oL/05/2000 KATTTY Acr,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorledg€ tha! I l'ave read thia application, filLed ou! in full the infonrariolt required, couPtctsed an accuratss PIoC plan, and Etate uhat a1l the infornacion prowided ae required i6 carrcet. I aglee to co4tly with che j.nforEation anal plots P1an, to codply nith all Tolrn ordinanc66 and stats6 lewe, and to build thi6 ElrucCure accoriling t.o the Town'6 zoning alld su.baivision code6, desigm r.|vie* approvcd, t'lriforrn Buildi.ng Code and oth6r ordinances of tha fovn applicable thcr€Uo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECAIONS SI.O,I]IJ BA MADE ?WE!TY-FOUR HOURS TN AD1IANCE BY - lo?Fl OF v[IJ, @Lclft- gtrt.rnt gtrt.urt lftd.r ! REC-0501 .eDount ! e 13,00 01/06100 0-g !18 ' D|!r!!nt LBho.l r 13833 Iot.tions frIM nn'lR ALSC Inlg! atn Pcrid.g Xor E0O-0001 TtF.r B-8LBC EIJECIRICa! PER$I! Prrc.l [ot 21Ql-071-11-oo1 giEc lddtr.r s 331 EElvEa Drfl cR tpcrcl,on ! 311 EErvfR Drx cR lotrl !ar!: 813.00 Tl|is PrlrclrB 313.00 lourl, NiL E!E! r 813. oo Balrncsr .00 tlf t!|tt!.rtaf ltiarriittttaatattta*tt*attattttrtttttttf r*trtttl'ltlta Acqount Cod! Dcrcrlption lDourlg Ep o0100003111a00 ELEeltrcA[ pl |IT rEEg 810.00 flC OO!.OOOO3112|0O lf .! clIE INgDBeftOr FEa 3.0O - --1+C, uscC Eagle Councy Assessors ff, ac !. ,t-32.8-8640 for parcel l. f.rnx'-El, *; L!E!g_?lr| o | _tv ,0L/04/00 10:45 FAI 070 049 87{g TEIIE NIVER ELEC 0f fice TOI'N OF VAIL EONSTRUCTION @ oo1 RsA.ooes PER}III f PERITA APPIJCATIO}| FOn}I DATES I I+ IA Eeq- o!5€- - t APPLICATION UUS! BE EILLED oUT COI|PUEIELY oR IT UAy lror BE AccEptED X************** *t**** it*****t* DEIUI|I fNFORI.IAIfON *tt**. t******t r**t*** rr***i** -/I J-Euilding t J-Plunbibg [{-Elecrricar [ ]-Hechanibal [ !-ot]rcr trob Narne,: ?*t-l|9P:-'i'-t .IOb Addregs: /gl Ft+,w b^,--. ?-q|tJt- L,egal Description: Lot I I Toun of vail. Res. NO. 145 g Phone N,!rnl'er: j_+g- W Contractor: **a **r*******r*******tt**t****rt roR oFrrcE usE ***.******r**********r*ttt*r*rrl Tonn of Vail Phone Nrrrnher: fown of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. No. BUTI,DTNG PI.AN CHECK 8EE:PtnrBrNc PIeil CIIECX FEE: UECHANTCAL PIAN cEEcx aEE! t#fiftt"fo,teReceip JAN 04 IggE-BUII.DTNG: SIGIJITURE: ZONING: SIGNA!'URE! owners Nane: @ Address: lm N, u.ontr;hz |"grlp- p;. *??-J11o Town of vail Req. NO.Phone lilunber: -*11-.qffi- Contractor: General Descriptionz fuliLlL u' *.*g-r^a- gL-,J tL *^a, b*+r.r,6 e rq-..:l- h.r,?r211.1i fuidxt4 a,work class: g-{-y", f J-Alteration [ ]-Add,itional g 1-Repair f l-orher Nuuber of Dwelll,ng Units;Nurnber of AccoluodatLon Unlts: - rlpnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appllances_ cas r.€gs _ lfood/pbllet_v.-.fr** ***rr**!r********* a** * **********t VATJuATTONS *** r****t*!rt***it****t*******tt **'t BUILDTNGT S PI,TTUBTNG: T--EI.ECTRICAL: I tIS. CEO. OO ITIECEANfCAL: l- Architeott FcTrulc.t?. C-otf'Aolzlr(.ladressr loo s. fr.r..a6-g;-rir.J frU. +lb, {^+tf OTEER: TOTAI: IilFORt{ATf ON * !r t * * i* i * * * * il. * | * * !t. a * * * i,r r Address;rJ' l;tlr5' 1'.1 49 Electrical Contractor:h, {nc., ?.i.lc-z Address: Pluublng Address: I'lechanical, Addre,ss: BUrIJDINo PERUIT FEE! PU'I.TBING PERUTT PEE: I.IECINNTCAL PERlrrT FEE : EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OIHER. TYPE OT FEE: DRB IEE; Col[lents: -0L/01/0O 10:15 FAI 070 510 8ll9 ir WEITE RIYER EIAC @ooz ottlca ot comrruhlty dcl?lopmcnt 75 |oulh trontagc }!rdEq cclorrdo Et657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2.L39 t . BUTLDING PERIiIT I5SUAIICE TII,IE FRAIIE If thrls pemr:t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval ,Engineer's (PubIid Horts)_revier,r anO'ipiiovat, a ptannfng Departncntrevis.or Health 'esarmint.revifl, ai['a.revien by the Bui.liing . SSrgg!"hthe es tirna tea iiire' rJi'r- ii tir "ev ier-irr"Lil .iI' r o "s All cornmercial flaroe or small) and all multi_famlly pemlts trrillhave to for'r ow ihe irove.nentiined-maximum requirsnents. Residentialand smal'l projects shourd tiie-i-i"ilu""I*unt-or tir.. However, rfresidentr'ar or smlrer.projeiis-tmp"ii tfil yarious above rnentioneddepartments with reoa.rd' to-;ilr;;;t-i*Jrjil, these projects myalso take the ttlree week period, Every_attempt will be rnade by this deparbnent to expedite thispermr:'t as soon as possible. bv E'r,'E\'r Ls Lrrr) L.jl" undersigned, understand the p,lan check procedure and timeIreme. Connuni ty. oevelonmrnt Department. pe*+-?* ProjFlailE oL/04/00 10:{5 FAI g?0 9{0 0740 t'5 |eulh frontrgr rord vrll. coforrdo t1657(rot) 479-2I.38 ot b79-2L39 Goos clflcr ol corrmunf qf dovrlopmcnt contracter, ovner) IEIIE RIVER EIEC TOs l30M: DATE: ILIJ CON:TRACTORI! CONNENTLrI. REAISTTED r|-rlE TITETOtvN or vAI& Tor'N oF VAIL puEI.rC WORKST/CO}|uUNITC DEVEIOPuENT trARcH 16, 1988 SSBTEqI: CONSTRSSITOT| DASICTUG I I{AIERIAE STORACE In suu[ar?, Ordinancn yo. e etates glt i!- is unlawful for anyperson ro titter,..!T::*-:l_a"pJ"ii.any soil, rock, sand, debrisor nauerial , includi::g trash duropsters, portable toilets andvorknen vehicles_yq""..""i-r[rl!li-=igeyllk,_ alley or pubrieplace or anv Dorti;n trreieoi---irre rignt-of-ray on all Tom ofvair streets ina.:g.g= is-ipproii;ately s ft. off pavenent.This ordinance ,ill_ b". srr_i;Eri;forced py tlre roin of vailPublic l{orks DeDattbent- perilns found violatlng this efiin6n6gwirl be Eiven a 24 hour .ritt"i-'iotice to renove-said naterial .fn the evenc the peEson so notifiea.igrt not conply with thenotice r.rithin the- 24-_hou, tii"-=p.cified, tfre puBiic rforlssDepa=th'ent *irr reuove said uat"ii-t -"t iu" "*iEiii'ot personnctified' The nrowisio"s-or-L-ii-orainance shirr not beapplicabre to cinstructton, -naiif.r_rr". or repalr projeets ofany street or alley or any utilities in the r-ight-i_vay. $:ti";iilu!i;ttil:l:1ro-.6 in rurr, lr::_=-: stop by rhe rown or."op"iiiiJ*;":rTf,if*:*":: obtain I copv. ri.uni yl. r"i-yoir Read and acknowledged by:YR-+,*>.fu - \ tt'"'r- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{:TAGE ROAD vArL, co 8]-657 970-479-2]-39 InveE!igation> will calt----> DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMT'NIW DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,fOBSITE PermiLMECHANICAL PERMIT AT ALL TIMES #: M99-0172 .fOb AddTCSS...: 381 BEAVER DAM CR Location...;..: 381- BEAVER DAM RD Parcel No-.... : 2101-071-11-001 Project Number: PRJ99-0025 statrus...: ISSUED Applied..: L2/07/L999 riiuecl. -. I L2/09/L999 Expires..: 06/06/2000 APPLICAI!:T SI]NDANCE PLT]MBING , AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SIJIIDANCE PII]MBING , AVoN, co 8l-620 OI,{NER 7 LD CORP Description: MECIIANICAL FOR NSFR(PRTMARY ONLY) 6. HEAT]NG & TIEATING VaIuaLlon: #Of Gas LogE: phone = 970-904-55L6 Phone: 970-904-5516 80007 30,000.00 *of liood/Pallets ! ts MARK PAYNE, 15753 WEST 66TH CIRCLE, ARVADA CO Fireplace Inforuation: ResErict6d: Y #of Gas AppI ianceB: FEE SUMI4ARY uechanical---> 6 0o.00 Plan check---> 15o. oo Re6buarant PIan Revies_ - > DRB Fee-------__ .00 3-00 rOTAI FEES----.- Total CalculaLed Fees--_> 753.00.00 .00 .00 753 .00 t53 .00 Additional Feea---------> Total PerEdt Fee_--_----> PaldenLg------- BAI,ANCE DT'E- - - - .OO . "..... ".'.;; ;;. ;;;;;. ;;;;;;.*il_.'. :-: ::_^". -"-*,". ;;;;;. ;i.,i. i.,, 127 oi t t-ggt-JRr4--- qs+q4j- ApDn RppnoveD JRM- Item: 05d00 FIRE DEPARTIIE1.y| oept: fInE Division: 7rl tji /199t- JRrt Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQqTEED TQ,CHEq4 lQR-gODE-qqMP-irIANg-E'2. COMBUSTT9N Aiff."r! irnour-nEp_-pEn snc.--7or oF THE 1e97 UMC' OR-- Src:rrott 701 oF THE 199? rMq: s . ifr 5iAii.'Ati or.r-vrustlqOfr FqBU -Lq MANUFAqIrREq INsrRUcrI o- {s -ANDTo crrAprER 10"5F-Tfre'i'-tz' @cl--alA-ptEn _10_qr_rrr 1ee7 IMc. a . GXs-aTi,irirNdis-3gA-L,L eE VENTEb eCC0noftye-To--qInPTEB 8- -AND^-" S'riEr,t-trnl4ifEin"its-SpEerFiiiD-rN -sse-.E66-or rHE 1ee7 uMc, oR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 II'{g-.- -s . AccEss ro HEAiTTG-EOUrei,irlqMUST qQUPI-,Y-WrTIr-CITAPTEB.-1 AlrD"' bTd: 1b r i - oi-rrifr-'i g5 7-uu-c-4!,ID- cIIAPISR s _QE _Tflr' te e 7 - IMQ.---- 6 . E-oiLEis' snali' ffEtfi6rJr,liED -ori rilo-ons-ctq_ryQlcqwqqT_I_ElE coNsr.- ' uNLESS-LrsTEfr FoR -Mo-dNTrNe- qN eOPIBIJqTIELE -E'LooRrNG 'z. F-eRr',lIT, FIANd-ANi*qtiDE-4N4iX5is-M-r-IJqi-eE-FoStro IN MEcIaNIcAL- n6ola pRroR To AN rNsPgcrroN REQuEsr- e . ijiirNacE -cjr -MediAfrtFrr, -floolis--e6ffArf 1rc EIATING oR Hor -wArER"' Si]PF-ff-EoriritE-s-rflil eg--E0utpFED--!'trrH- A Eloqn DRAIN PEB sEc. Ioz2-or-fns-i5s7'1frd,-6n-5Ec'u0N 1004.6 0F rHE 1-ee7 IMC. J.******************************************************************************* DECI.ARATIONS I h€r.by rcklorhdga eh-ts I havG !a.d tlri. rpplicatsion, fill.d ou!-ln full !h€ infonrrtlon lEqulrqd, conttlcCld .n .ccut U. Plot pf.n, ;d rg.tsr Eh-t rll th. irtfor.t!|tioo provtdcd.e rqquir.d iE coarlcc. r agr.. tso cqtly rlbh ch. lnfor!.rl'on rEd plo! p1&, -co eorpfy rith rI1 ?ot|,n ordinancca rnd Bta!. l.ya, and go bulld tshig Etructur. according !o thc aol|r'E toninE ald tuHivitL@ cod.., &algn rrvicr etr4rrovcd, Itnifon BuildinE co& and oth.f otdinanc.. of !h. Eorb .FPlicrblc thr!'to' Raouagrg FoR n(gpEsrroNs sHArJrr Ba uAlB Tt{Efrtt-Four Borns III AD\ra}IcE Bv mtjEPttotrE lr 479-213s oR Ari orrR oFFrcB FRoll 3300 lll 5:00 P}' SIOIIATITRE OF OslllER oR CONTRACIOn PoR HI]IAELF IND odNER TO!{N OF VAIL, COLOR"ADO sEa!€bnt StaEabnE Nunber: RSC-O597 Anount: 1S3.OO L2/O9/99 L3t55 PaymenE Method: l'S6L NoEation: slrNDINcE PIJUMBIN Init: JiIN Permi! No: Mg9-o1-72 Tl4)e: B-l4EcH UECHANTCAL PERJ'IIT Palcel No: 210L -o71- 11- ool' siEe !ddrcs6: 3e1 BeLVER DAJ'I cR Localion: 381 BEAVER DlJ.l RD ToEal F€ed: 'Ithis Payncnl ?53.00 Tocal ar,l, P$cs: Balance: 7S3 - O0 753 .00 - 00 At&uJr! 600.00 t-50. 00 3.O0 accounE Code Deacription MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECTANICA! PERI4IT FEES PF OO1OOOO3112300 Pt AIiI (:IECX< PEES wc oorooo03ll2SOO WrLrr C.ALL TNSPECSTON FEB ' TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INTORMATION MUST BE COMPLETT OR THE APPLTCATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcel# :-tor- O-1 \- [\-oO\ nate, r\l: \ +a Buildine ( ) Legal Description: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Architect:$ddress: Description of Job: \) e.^*.-r ses r-X--,--..-.* Work Class: New (4 Alteralion ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Dwetling Unis: \Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances )- Gas Logs Wood/?ellet BI.IILDING: $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ TOTAI $PLIJMBING $MECHANICAL$ 3er"ooo. CONTR.ACTOR INFOiMATION General Contractor: Owners Name: -\ \-D C-ar e Address: Town of Vail Regisu?tion No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Regrstration No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Ptumbinq Contractor: S.^-..\-...ac R.,""\o.:=- Address: Qe, R-* 3 Cs-g\ SJ.->- ^--- c6 Torvn of Vail Reeistration No Lo\ P Mechanital Contractor' <.--&^.-a tr\\B g . Address: Tou n of Vail Rceislration No.Phone # FOR OFFICE USE ryPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Date Receive' t)Ec 0 6 1999 JobName: -t \ s C6c- tr JobAddress: 3Q \ Ree . -e f So.^.- C-rc.\g Electrical ( )Mechanical &f Other ( ) Filine . Subdivision ***CODE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE F'OR PT,'RCHASE I]PON IIEQUEST**'I TO:ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WORKS AND COMMIJNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKJNG AND MATERIAL STORAGE FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: COD[,5-2-10: ITEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITIL A. Unlalvful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawfirl for any person to litter, track or deposit. or cause to be littered" tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt. snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalh alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice: Abatement: The Director of Pubtic Works may notifi and require any person who violates or causes anolher to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or qruses another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud. dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause ary such sand, gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snolv, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at tle expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line. gas line. telephone line or any appu rtenance thereto, 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safelv; and 3 . To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above. any person who violates or causes another to violate the same. may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section I -4- I of this code. E. Notice; Penalt-v: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply rvith the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hercof, and any such person shall. in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by thc Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereoi upon being found guilty ofa violatron hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Readandacknowledgedby: r/ .n- I \ Position or Relationship to Project: Date: t.--\ r (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213E FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERIVIIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIVIE If thrs permit requires a Town of Vait Fire Departrnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) reyiew and approval, a Planning Department rwiew of Health Deparrneut review, and a review by ttre Building Deparfinenl t]re estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary review' these projects may also taks the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite this permit its soon as possible. I, the undersigned. understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreedtot-t: J- r-.cs - \*J Proiect Name: Dat": tr-\> \".^. Work Sheet was tumed into the Community Development Dept' tp un'uo"o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. 1999 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQI.JIPED l. 2. J. 4. { 1 8. 3* l' R--r-^.'.-.- Fr-- c-.^- 'r'\ .lDATE: t>-\> \4 PLEASE ANSWER TTIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A *PTJBLIC WAY PERMIT': Is this a new residence?yES( NO Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public properg? YES NO---rz- {NOIs any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved?\ES r' NO Is a difrerent access needed to the site olher than the existing driveway? YES NO r-- 6. Is any drainage work being done that afects the Riglrtof-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO tz' Is a "Rwocable Right-of-Way Permir" required? YES NO ,/- A. Is the Rightof-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES_ NO___l-- B. If NO to 8.\ is a pa*ing staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO ,/- If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QTJESTIONS. Contractor Sienature ou*, ..-\e\*^ Company Name 1. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits Fill out our check list provided with a BuildingPermit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verifu (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction trafiic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Stagng, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffrc control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (l) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5h. A new Public Way Permit is required each year ifwork is not complete. 2. J. 4. ). 6. TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Developmcnt 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorad.o 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective January l, 1999, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town ofVail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2l98to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance {p*"*"'^'u TOWII OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 l. 2. 3. +- INFORITIATION NEEI'EI' WIIEN APPLYING X'ORA MECHANICAL PERMIT I{EAT LOSS CALCI]LATIONS. TO SCALE, FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQI.IIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITI{ PTrySICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN THE MECHAMCALROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIRDUCTS, FLUES. VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETFIER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN THE MECHAMCALROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INTORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. {gu"nuor ro I o a o a oAo q aqq Q^ F { F F q EEE*F FF$ lp gugrHeHHHEHIIIgseggt tF F H H H ia lIl"H PHH =SS = =i=EJJJJ o,n-i laoo ro4 it Ilf tr<&r{ EFr 36F^^^B^ep. ..,oee!r'e-^^=fiq,. I-.iO O O >< O O t.1 O O O c-..r c) O r_ O O ( PE=-"-9-;d;j- - - br- 6c,''\o+ - --Yfi rl gls i i in inn i i innaEaR i i i=$ BAqTssE€T€FF?QF55IEFF5F =eddddddddssddthshSStts 9u)-FF 17' hZ ;s t Ef ftHHiS AXN*d*EESHEFEESEEEEEE 2iE# E E3g? F3g FIz 3 \ot-= E g trlz N F H3e7, I HX H 7aE85 PdH AEt €szdA< ,4,- aLE'iJEI Hu3? 2EffH HESS FiH fr ENEEtrlx-glLYt-<ttrEar58dii-oJu EHHN 8iE3 ;EHT S;F E EBgs Edsi Hg; E FflHP\JIi-F:El.,wEl EEE?ca<Jvq trl 9d 3f;EH EZxi gFHH ..5e;i HiiEi ^Eoln i3 lii-l-*ll qq9'1 9-t\o q) cl- <l .{ q.!qF.^- Gl c| - o -' cnco{+.{-* | i i XJ rg(n cI 9z C').& zorlpctrHFidK;S $R:$$S = +$ geFsE3€s 5 c _^ 9O !+ oO l+ \O a.l t- O O - oO C\.a O\ - \O OO (\l a.r :t 6l:--r r. q-J l\ |.| r- <. 0o rar t- € o\ .r) o\ (n \o t\t F .'t o 6l - o g\ - <, an O 0\ € € O € t- rat ri l- \O rt r r O ..r 0O O\ - r.| - = fri O.O a,l :t .t tt q€ c€a-Glt\ ir.| \o ao.. .. a\| -r\-- (a' itt - Crt^a^ = lal tal tat |.t r.| |.| |.t |.| ft rat ra) rA |.l |.) |.) r.) ral F--F spInss nlgpe* Ef;$*"* FtsESiEfi3rr.' oo ! o oo S S S oo oo S oo oo oo oo ! oo S S oo S a-t l'- €gE s9=O\ I € !a - O O\ rn C) t. \O O (.) F- F- - - r. m - -.q g\,< \0 C) rA c) c, Ft in \O F. .+ \O O\ rn N F ri |-- f-O{ C.{ (\l (\l i F. F. rO V) '-r |.) N Fi t-fr) 9tsu)2 t-lF l-l I7rdPatEI Ir(h 11nakloitrvoE&e' =lfr!>tr! fixEa td at) n28_<<i-Zr{ EBE 1.t 6r 11 t { -t r+ rn \O F- 6 o\ = I I = \ 0_ s Ill-{ '1 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIT{ENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPME}TT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AIL TTMES PermiE #: P99-0102 Stsatus. -.: ISSIIED Applied. . : 09/1,4/1"999Issued...: 09/15/1999 E><pires- - : 03/t3/2000 Phone: 970-904-5516 Phone : 970-904 -5516 PLIMBING PERMIT APPLICAIi|lT COI{TRAETOR OWNER ilob Address: Locat,ion. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: SUIIDAIVCE PII'MBING & , AVON, CO 91620 SI]IIDAI\TCE PLI]MBING & , AVON, CO 8L6207 LD CORP T MARK PAYNE, 15753 381 BEAVER DAM CR 38]- BEAVER DAM CR 2101- 071-L1- 0 01 PR.t99-0025 HEATING HEATING wEsT 55TH CrRCtE, ARVADA CO 80007 Vafuation:Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR r**'rri**rfri*l.r*irir**r**.rrrrr**rr*rrrarr*irrrrr**r*rrr*r**t FEB sut4l.tARY tti.rittiaaf *a**t**tt*it*t*ti*at!rtaf tattt**tJt 40, 000 . 00 To!a1 CalculaCcd Fec6---> 7S3 .0o Additional Feear----- --- ->.00 PluDbing-----> Plan chcck-- - > hve6tigation> VfilL call----> 50(} .00 150 .00 .00 3 .00 .00 753 .00 ReBEuaranl PLan R€vieu- - > TOTA! FEES--- -- Total P6rnits Fcc--------> 753.00 PayurentsE------- BAIANCE DI'E-.. - ?53.00 .oo ttri*itrirrirrr .rtitttr*r+ttti* *t*+***rr*itt**tf II,CM: O51OO BUILDING DEPART'II{ENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O9/L4/I999 KATIIY ACEiON: APPR APPROVED PER:KWIEbm:'05600 Frns oepARTl"lENT Dept: FrRE Division: O9/L4/]-999 KATI{Y ACIiON: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IA}iICE. DECI,ARATIONS I h€leby act(not,ledge Ehat I have rcad tshig applicatsion, filled ouC in full. t'he infor atsion !.quirEd, cornPlGted an accurate PLob plan, and stat6 fhae all the inforqation provided ad required is colrect. I aglee to comply !.il,h tshe infotuatsion and ploL P1an, to coEply vibh all Toyn ordinances and staEe lawe, and to build chi6 dcructure according to che Tosn's zoning and eubdivi6ion codcs, dcBign ravie$ approved, Uni forrn Euilding Code and othei ordinances of che Tonn applicable thereto. RBQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOIIIS SHALL BE MADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOttRS IN ADTDNCE By TBIJEPHONB AA 4?9-213a OR AT SICNATTJRE OF CO}ITRACTOR FOR HIMIIEI,F AND OWNER loff ol rrllt, otdrDo glrE.Erc IttatautE tfi[b.r: RIC-0561 .[EoutrG: 753.00 09/19/99 11!09 P.y[.ng l|.lhod I Cll llot.gionr 1196,/glrllDNlcE Iniit \tN P.nl,g l|o. Pt9-0102 T1!r. ! B-Pf.lG PIlltlBING PBRIIT Prl|c.l no! 1101-07r-11-001 Slcr tddr..r: 3a1 Blllnn mt CR EocrEioor lal' EEAVER Dl|f ca lblrl F..r: ?s3.00 trl. Dqrlec 753. oo !oG.l t&t 9!c. r 753.00 Brlrnear .00 Accoqnt ooda . Dracriptlon trouni PP 00100003111200. PLDuBIlto DtnEr llltt 500.00 Fr ooioooo31t230o PI.N crEcf, Ftrt l50.oo l|c 00100003112000 iu.ti clrrt tlttEtclf,Id ta! 3.00 ?EJm ^ OOZ$ TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INI'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-840 for Parcel # Pdfcel# 2lO\. c)1l- ll - COI Permit # Job Name: Building ( )Plumbing (vf Electrical ( ) ou,.' .^\.f\qn Legal Description: Lot OwnersName:R,sl..B\ss.s.J Address: Architect: DescriptionofloU: F\..*^-l^ = E-- *e---^: \,--"-.^-r-. - PgtmE?rl Llfltt ,/ WorkClass: NewM Alteradon( ) Additional( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Number of Dwelling Units:\ ' :trU - p(rrr\a{r-r $rr',( Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BI.JILDING: $ General Cotrtractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Filing_ SuMivision Phone# WoodlPelletGas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ PLLJMBING $ \o,a€€'.MECHAMCAL $ OTTIER: $ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Tovm of Vail Registration No @ Phone # -e PlumbinsContractor: (.,.^Xn^<o$\\r*.r\ Address: to \*lr. :aoR\ F^-i""^! (6 (\J No. \o\ b Phone # rtt? ^ E\-t> Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEANUPDEPOSITREFUNDTO: =: = ;uate F{ecelve sEp 141999 Town of Vail Registration Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: Read and acknowledged by: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH T}IE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unla'rfrrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. S. Irlotiie: Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or causes anotler to violate the provision of subsection A hereot or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. [n the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, elecUicity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To diposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to tie notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a surnmons to appear before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided il Section I -4- I of this code' g. Notiie; Penalty: It is unlawful foi any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereol and any such person shall, tn addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided insubsection B hereof, upon being fbund guilt-v of a violation hereunder. be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (i997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Position or Relationship to Project: ,toate: +\t-r-Llgt (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparfrnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Worls) review and approval, a Planning Departsnent rwiew of Health De,partrnent review, and a review by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all rmrlti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Howwer, if residential or smaller projects irnpact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparnnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigne4 understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. AgreedtoUy:fl ,+\--A Project Name: Work Sheet was turned into the Community Developmut Dept. {prototo"uo TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: DATE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A.PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED PLEASE ANSWER TIIE FOLLOWINGQUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TIIE NEED FOR A.?IJBLIC WAYPERMIT': 1. Is this a new residence?YEs 1 NO 2 . Is demolition work being performed that rcquires $e use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property?YES NOy' 3. 4. Is arry utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? YES \,/ NO YES NO 5. 6.Is any drainage work being done that affecs the Right-of-Way, eas€menls, or public property? Is a different access needed to the site other than the existine &ivewav? YES 7. Is a "Revocable tught-of-Way Pemdt' requircd? YES NO 8. A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for stagin& parkng or fencing? YES_ NO_ B. If NO to 8A" is a paddng staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Perrnit" must be obrained. *Public Way Pennit'' applicarions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TI# ABOVE QUESTIONS. NO v/- Contaclor Simature Company Name l. a 1 4. 5. 6. 7. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildine Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verifo (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Constructiorq Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch ofwork being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffrc control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's offrce for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15ft. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. TO![N OF VAII, 75 S. FROTiITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARMENT OF COMMJNITY DSVELOPMENT NOTB: IIIIS PERI.IIT MUST BE POSTBD ON PRO'JECf TITLE: 381 BEAVER DAM NEI{ (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT ifOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMBS CIRCI.,EPermits #: 899-0156 APPITICANT PEAK BUIL,DERS, LLC Phone: 970-476-3220 1o0o LIoNs RIDGE LOOP - 3A, VAIL CO, VAIL RIIN BUILDING 81657 COI.ITRAqIOR PEAK BUIL,DERS, LLC Phonez 97O-4'76-3220 1OO0 LIONS RIDGE LOOP - 3A, VAI[-, co, vAIt RIIN BUILDING 81657 OVINER 7 I.,D CORP I MARK PAY:I\TE, 15753 V{EST 66TII CIRCI,E, ARVADA CO 8OOO7 iIOb AddTEES: 381 BEAVER DAI'I CR LocaEion...: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No.. : 2101-071-11-001 ProjecE No. : PR'J99-0025 N/A Routed to appr per Routed to appr per SLaEus...: ISSIIED Appl-ied. . : 06/L7/L999Isgued...: 07/L4/L999 E:q)ires. . : 0L/Lo/2ooo Description:New Occupancy Table Datre: primary Dwelling/Garage (2ndaryNumberpofpDwelling uniBs : 002 Tl4>e Factor Sq' Feec valuation o5/t7 /$b-e rotal valuatsion: ' oo Town of Vail Adjusued Vafuation: L,250,000'000 Pircplecr lnfon!.bion: R6.tticcod: y *of ors Appll.nc..:*Of Ga6 Logs: 2 *of Wood/Prll.s: FEE SI'IIIARY Butldlng..--.>5lo9o.oon..tu|r&t,PlrnR.vl.cl.->.ooTocalc|1cu1a!€dF.qt-..>10'{{..95 PIrn chcck---> 3,3og.50 DRB P€e-------- tnv..!1gah19n> ,00 R.cr6lElon F.c----------> 5A7,7E Total PlroiE P'c--------> lo',{lg'85 wlll c.l,I----> 3.00 clcan-rrp DGltoslt--------> 1,OOO'OO Pal/tlsnt6 10',{48'es TCTIAL FEES----- 1or4{g'S5 B}LANCE DLE---- rrttt*r|,ttllatt*ira,a., rirrrr rt r rrJ*rrlir*ra*rt*r*rtrrtr*ttJ*tttiatttt t lt**r* tt**trtJ***'ll I I t * tr * r t i * ir t * a * * t * t t * t * t * * r + t ir t t * * t*tt**ltttt IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARI14ENI 06/2t/L999 KATHY Action: NorrE 07/14/L999 GGIOODELL Action: APPR ITCM: O54OO PI.,AI{NING DEPARTN'IENT 06/2L/L999 KATFS Action: NorE 05/28/L999 DoMrNIc AcEion: APPR ILEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARI]T{EIiIT O5/2t/L999 KATITY Action3 APPR Item: 05500 PIjBLIC WORKS O5/2L/L999 KATIIY AcEion: NoTE o7/L4/L999 iIR!,I AcE,ion: APPR ITEM: 05550 ENGINEERING o6/2L/L999 KATI{Y AcEion: NoTE 07/L4/L999 iIRM AcEion: APPR Dept : BUILDING Division: RouLed tso GarY PRII'{ARY I'NIT ONLV DePt : PL,ANNING Division: Routed Eo Dominic Primary uniE only DePt: FIRE Division: DepE: PIIB WORK Division: Pll/Engineering leonard see ltr Deptr: ENGIIiIEER Division: PWlEngineering ls. see letst,r ittali,r tta.tiirtraiatrrrrirrrfarrttttrrara*rtttatttt,r.rtarrtttr.rrtirrtrar | tttJtarttattttt*tt'rrtt *'t rttt:tittttrtttt'rittttJ*lJtl ittltt See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appty to Ehis pennit ' DBCI.ARATIONS I h.r.by rcknoel.dg. thrt I havc rqrd !hi! appt icttlon, fill€d out ln fu1l th. lnforo.bion r.quilcd, collltlctscd .n .ccurat. plot pldr, |trd rts.tr tshrts .I1 th! inforultion providGd.. rcquir6d 1. corrcc!. I .gr.. to cc,Dlt]y Yith th. infonation .nd plog pl.n, tso coqrly rllh all torn oldln.nc.s .nd atatso lara, .nd to build tshi6 Etructura rccording to the Tornr r zonLng rnd subdivlEion codaa, dlalgn !!vi!I rpprovld, frrrlforo Bultdlng cod. urd o!h.r ordln.nc.. of Che for.n .PPLicrbl. th.r.!o' RleUEsTs FoR fNsPEqrroNs gHAI|r. BE UIDB lr{EltTY-FOrn HOURS IN tDl/ANcE at TBTBPHoT+T 479-2L!2 oR }T Ol,R oFPIcE FRot{ sr00 All s:00 PB grnd Clcrn-Up DcpoeiC Tor P.rk Build.rr SfOMTITRE OP O0iNER OR CONTRACDOR FOR HItitgELF LllD OlfllER PAGE 2 ****************************!k*************************************************** COIIDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 899-0156 as of 07/L4/99 SEaTus: ISSI'ED ***********************************************!t**************!t********'l******** Permit Tl4ge: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant: PEAK Burr.DERs, LLc ilob Address: 381 BEAVER DAII{ CR Locat,ion: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No: 2101-071-11-001 Applied: 06/L7/L999 Igeued: 07/t41L999 ***************i********!r**************************************tl**************** CONDITIONS ****!t*********************************************:t********************!t******** 1. TIIIS PROiIEST WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SIIRVEY. SUCH ST'RVEY SHALI. BE SI'BMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQI]BST FOR A FRAI4E INSPECTION. 2. ATTTC SPACES SIIAJ,I, HAVB A CEITING HEIGI{T OF 5 FEET OR T.,ESS, AS MEASURED FROM TIIE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTT]RAL MEMBERS OF TIIB FL,OOR TO THE IIIIDERSIDE OF fHE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECfI.,Y ABOVE. 3. CongEructsion fencea musE be installed prior to conaEnrcEion. .4.11 t,rees must be ProEected prior Eo building permit' igguance. Must have letsEer from arborist approving proEecEion plan and metshods of congtsruction.4. Provide plans EEamped by a strucEural engineer for any boulder ivalts over-4 ft-. in heighE. This muBE be done prior to release of building Pennit.5. All work is tso be in icEordance wittr the approved architsecE- and engineer-sEamped plans, t'he applicable requi1em91q9 9l tshe 19tZ IIBC, 199C NEt, 1998 IMC oi tggt tMC & the 1994 IJPC or L997 IPC as adopted by the Town of Vail, & other ordinances & conditions of approval of Ehe Town' 6. Thie permit is for the prirnary unit only- T'he aecondary unit, as a aeparaLe, non-contigruous aEructure, will be covered by a separate building permiu. 7. let,tser chlecl 7/14/gg fron Craig Carrotl reference retain wal de8lgn.A drawlng to be sutmitted prior Lo erecting walls over 4ft.Approval required to build wall muEE meet PwlENG standards. tltitrtJttiiiitiattttrttlttttrtaaatrtattittaattat'|tataaaaat tattit'atrt !o[ ot v lL. 6[,onfDo gtrtont rrtrtttattta'rtta!rtltt,trttraatt,aa'rtt;itttttatratttlttottli'ltattrrt'aat t:r!.DB f,tsaa. Rrc-osao lrcurc t Lo,2as:aa o7l'.ult La.aa PqrroE lrthodr cf, lotrtlonr 1019/n0I AtI[l lnlt: i D.nlr tror E9l-0155 ltp.r B-BUtLD f,El (3tE.P/t,EP) Pl P.rc.l lor 11O1-071-11-001 tlE. lddr..a r 311 ll ltB Dl|I cR LoorClolt 181 lxvr8 ttr cr Itla Pltrr6t Iocll 1...t 10.a{1.45 l0.raa.a5 lorrl l!! Plgr 3 l0.ttt'15 Brlanc.t .00 ttatfltlttt,atttt!|ttttiftttttttattitt!attltrrttttttritl,alltrrtttttftttt l€€unB (H. DraqllpElotl E 00100003111100 EslLDrxoElRlcMl3 Dn oo1oooo3112:oo DEATOI REUrlt rlts Pt 00100003112100 Prtr cl|lcG tllS tD D2-DIP03 C'Illf,ltl DlPosrTg nt 1t10000t112?00 nlclltllof lllS l|C OO1OOOO3112IOO tttJtJ Crt r. r gDtGltd FEr l@unt 5,0t0.00 1o0.00 !,ioa.10 1,000.00 5t7.15 1.00 Plsm. ooz'- TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INFOR}TATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTD Contac't the Eagle County Assessolrs Office at 970-326-8M0 for Parcel # Porcet# Al Ol - 07 l- I l - aa I """, (/t z/F r t*Nrrne: 3 8l JobAddress:381 0E/4vEn D/f ,ut C- /R Building Of Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mecharf cal ( )Other( ) LegalDescription: tot I Btockl(- rilne V V '3 Subdivision ownersName: RoP B yn il6 Addres: Ag S 8R tooe s T Archirect: /lESon T 0ES to,u Addtess: /ooo 5. FRa.1'TA6'E A0 DescriptionorJ *, Nec- tfitn e P/= - Vtvlr,i\ ulrttl Alteration ( )Additional ( ) VALUATIONS FIFCTRICAL: $ Phon*A t4.133- Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: PLUMBING Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanicd Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Work Class: New ${Repair ( )Olher ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs 2 WoodlPellet OTHER: $ TOTAL $MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Gcneral Contractor:PEA\ Ba rt !6x5 Address:tooo L/oru? ntDeA L""e 9fE 34 Town of Vail Regislration No 5 70 - F Phone #rl76- 72to Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATUR ZONING: SIGNATURE: JUN 17 1999 ecelvef TOWIN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 l. 2. INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHAMCAL PIRMIT IIEAT LOSS CALCTJLATIONS. rO SCALE. FLOOR PLAN OF IVIECHAMCAL ROOM WITH EQTIIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PIIYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQI,IIPMENT IN THE MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS. FLIJES, VENT CONNECTOPS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETI{ER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN THE MECHAMCALROOM. FNLURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOTIR PIRMTT. 3. 4. {p'*uo" "o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTICD TO CONTRACTORVOWNER BUILDERS Effective January l, 1999, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town ofVail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town ofVail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained priorto Final Certificate ofOccuoancy issuance. {p**o l. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. ., PUBLIC WORKS PERTIIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any ofthe questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controUstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Stagrng, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth ofwork). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's oftice for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the moming but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirernents that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5s. A new Public Way Permit is required each year ifwork is not complete. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: "PI,JBLIC WAYPERMIT": l. Is this a new residence? MEMORANI'UM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PI'BLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A "PTJBLIC WAY PERMTT: IS REQIJIRED c/P. DATE: PLEASE ANSWERTHE FOLLOMNG QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THENEED FORA ves X No 2. Is demolition wort being perforued tbat requires the use of the Right+f-Way, e iements or public property? YES X NO- ves X uo vBs X No Is ary utility work needed? Is the drivenray being repaved? 3. 4. 6. 8. Is a diffc.rent access needed to the site other than the existiag driveway? YES- I_ NO Is any drainage wo* b€ing done tbat affecs the Right-of-Way, easements, or Erblic p,roperty? YES No-x- Is a *Revocable Rightof-Way Pemit" requfued?YES K NO A. Is tlre Right+f-Way, easements or public pmperty to be used for scaging parting or fenong? YES Y NO B. If NO to 8A" is a parkin& staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO If you answered YES to ary of these questiong a "Pubiic Way Pennit" must be obtained. *Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Wort's offce or at Commmity Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard S'ndoval fron hrblic Works at 4?9-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TIIE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Pe,q f lkt LzE/? 9 Cotrtactor SigDatue """, (/t z/ff Compaly Name TOWN OFVAIL Department of Cornrnunity D evelop ment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparhnent Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departnent rwiew of Health Deparunent review, and a review by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller prqiects impact the various above mentioned deparftnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: hoject Name: ftop. CersTte,t 3g I F,D-c. "^", (//z/r/ Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Dept. {gon"uoru"" TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTI}I TFIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE S2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIJBLICWAYS PROIIIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposi! or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may noti! and require any person who violates or caus€s another to violate the provision ofsubsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such san4 gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receip of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such san4 gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley atthe oxpense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: t . Wittrin the immediate area of any constructioD, maintenance or repair prqiect of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of san4 dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the sirme, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l of this code. E. Notiie; Penalqv: It is unlav,,fiil for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the nofice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereundeq be punishable as provided in Section l4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged bY: Position or Relationship to Project: 0N C o,Nszl€1 (i.e. contractor or owner) D^,", 6// 7/?f Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: W & B Development LLC Project Description: construction of a detached primary and secondary residence Owner, Address and Phone: W & B Development LLC ArchitecUContact. Address and Phone: Jay Peterson, 108 S. Frontage Road West Suite 204.YaiL CO 81657 Pro.iect Street Address: 381 Beaver Dam Circle Legal Description: Lot 1., Blk. 4, Vail Village 3'd Filing Parcel Number:Buildins i\ame: Conrments: The PEC approved the Type II EHtt on .lune 14. 1999 Project#: PRJ99-0114 Board / Staff Action Motion by: Pierce Action: Approved Seconded by: Woldrich Vote:4-0 Conditions: l. Must provide stamped engineered detail on all retainirrg walls in excess of 4' in height prior to issuance of building permit. 2. Must provide wetland study and obtain Army Corp of Engineers permit prior to issuance of a building permit on secondary residence. 3. Must comply with tree report submitted and have arborist verify that all requirenrents are being rnet. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date:6/16198 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 TOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Occupancy: R3 Ttrpe ConsEruction: V N Tlpe Occupancy: ValuaE,ion: Firlplac. fnforratlon: Raalrieecd: 'JOb AddTESS: 381 BEAVER DAM CRLocation...: 381 Beaver Dam Cr. Parcel No. . : 2L01-071_-Ll-001Project No. : PRiI99-0025 3A, VAIL CO, 3A' VAIL CO, Permit #: D99-O022 sEatus...: ISSITEDApplied..: Os/2O/L999Issued...: 05/23/L999 E>c[rires. . : L2/20/L999 DEPARTT,IENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. APPI,ICAI{T PEAK BUIIJDERS, LLC 1OOO LIONS RIDGE LOOP - COIITRACTOR PEAK BUIIJDERS, LLC 1OOO LIONS RIDGE I,OOP - OWNBR 7 IJD CORP * MARK PANVE, 15753 WEST Description: Deno permit for removal of house Phone: 970-475-3220 VAIL RT'N BUILDING 8T657 Phone z 9',70-476-3220 VAIL RUN BUII-,DING 8L657 66TII CIRCLE, ARVADA CO 8OOO7 1_, 000 *of c.s Appliancr6: Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: *Of, Gas lrogs r #of tlood/Prllcl: FEE SI'I'IIARY Bullding-----> Pl,.n (litrck---> Inva.t'igagion> .lL call----> Rcrtuarrnc Plan R.vi€u--> DRB Feq-------- nac-cation Fae----------> Clcirt-I4r Dllroeit'--- --- --> TdtAn FBES----- Total CaLculatad Fe€d---> Additional F€ce---------> Total Perldt P€e--------> Pafmcntg------ - 35.OO 22.75 .oo 3.OO . o0 20.o0 .00 .oo a0. ?5 eo .75 - oo 80 .75 so,75 BAIANCE DI'E--.- .OO t r t + t a * i t r i i t t t 'r.al., * w *1r r a r r rr r IECM: O51OO BUILDTNG DEPARITI,IEI{:T DCPt: BUII.'DING DiViSiON:O6123/L999 iINOLEN ACT,iON: APPR APPROVED BY KATIIYI!erni-.054q0 PT,ANNING DEPARITVIENT Dept: PLANNING Division:05/23/1999 \'NOI-,EN AcE,ions APPR N/A IEeqri-.05500 FIF.E DEPARII{ENT '. Dept: FrR-E Division:06/23/L999 ,INOLEN Action: APPR N/Ar!b.4:-.05500 PITBLIC WORKS " Depr: PIIB WORK Division:06/23/L999 'JNOLEN Actsion: APPR N/AIt,b.M:-.O57OO ENVIRONMEIiITAL HEALTH " DCPI.: HEALTH DiViSiON:o6/23/L999 iINoLEN Action: AppR N/Artsb.m:'.05900 LIQUOR Dept: GLERK Division:06/23/L999 irNOf,EN Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions that may apply Eo tshis permit. DBCI,ARATIONS : h.rcby .cknoelodga tha! I hrvc rcad tshir application, fiL16d out in ful,I tshe inforoalion r€quir6d, coBpleicd alt accurate pLot FIan. and Elatc ghrts r1I th. lnfornation provld.d a6 r€quired ia correct. I agre. Eo coEply lritsh Eh. inforration and plot plan, go cooply vith all lorn ordinance6 and 6gat. lara, and !o build thi6 struccure according co lhe Tovn'a zoning and eubdiviEion cod.s, dcsign revicv approved, Itniforu BuiLding Code and oEher ordiuatrc.g of the Tosn applicabLe thereto. REQUE8TS FOR INSPEeIIONS SHAI'IJ BE MADE TI{BItTY-FOUR. HOUR9 fN ADTANCE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 479-2139 OR AT OUR OPFICE FROU S:O0 A}t 5:00 PM g.nd C1..n-f4r D.ftoBits To: Itd< Bulldc!! ******!t*****************************************************************:t******* ***********************************************************!t:t*!t***************** PermiE #z D99-0022 Permit Tlpe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL B[DG.Applicant: PEAK BUILDBRS, LLC 970-476-3220 COIIDITIONS as of 06/23/99 SEAtsuS: ISSIIED Applied: O5/2O/L999 rssued: 05/23/L999 To E:<pire, L2/2o/L999 ilob Address: Location: Parcel No: Descriptj-on: Demo permits Conditions: 381 Beaver Dam Cr- 2101-071-11-001 for removal of house 1!A 0 llr doRfm acitsrs arattriarttrti.Jttatittaattaatr*fi ttf lfi r,rrrral}atttt|'arari.da.,'a gtrtcrl f,rlb.r: EC-053a llprmB. PrlD.nt Lthod: Ctr l|olrBion: 011 so.73 O6l2tlt9 L6.21 fnig: .tll F.trlt Xo: D9t-OOaa q'tr.r l-Dm DE|.r. Ol PrI{l,/r&L BU hrcal l|o: 21Ol-O71-11-OOl tlIB. lddt|ls: 341 ElllrR. I[ll CB l,oarEion: 3at B.avG Dll|! e, lhta Pati!.oB Totrl lr..: 40. ?5 lblal I& hEr: Balrnc!: 80.75 80.?5 .00 lccoutc &aL lP 0010000t1.11100 DR 0010000311t200 Pt 0010000111t300 rc 00100003112ro0 D.re8iption aUILDITO ?t tt tEtS DISIEI RIVIH lllg Prtr cnEcG tllg rITJr CIIjL II,'PICTId FEG lDrmC 35.00 20.00 22,75 1.00 Pgsqq- ooz5 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI} Contact thg Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcel #o ol . Permit #Deq- oo?.2D^", l/6 / ?( t"uN*r", ^?YffN E rob Address: 3 g I FFlvEn htn C lfi fr?ru PYENE pd&ess: At5 Frt/pGF tr phone* /7{-/?tz Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Plunbing ( ) Lot -l Block 'l Electrical ( )Mectnnical ( )Otler( ) vA lL V//t+hr= Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BIJILDING: $ /trTb PLI.JMBING $ r rne-----z-- subdivision Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ MEC}IAMCAL $ OTHER: $ TOTAL $ \rdrunnrrte esrersffi ?{rlal lE't4"nq Generatcontractort P4{K FAtt2 cnS .*Address: iooo //a,us Rtie E Lac? rownofVaitReeislrationNo. 5?O - B b0"' pn*"* Y7(- 322O Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contrector: Town of Vail Registration No. Town of Vail Registmtion No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ,y TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI]BLIC WORKS AND COMMIJNITY dEV TOPEWVT JANUARY 1, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIJBLIC WAYS PROHIBIITI! A. Unlawfirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawfirl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littere4 tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public placg or any portion thereof. B. Nofice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or fiulses another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. ln the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice, debris or any ottrer material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line . or any appurtgnance thereto; 2 . To deposits of sand" dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation herzunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l of this code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereoi and any such person shall, in addition to palment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereo{ upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Readandacknowtedgedby:,4"*t G-g-- PositionorRelationshipto E}rojfrjt: GEN E, (i.e. confactor or owner) ,^r", //S/? 7 TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILI'ING PERMIT ISSUAIICD TIME X'RAIVIE If this permit requires a Town of Varl Fire Departrnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning D€partment review of Health Deparhnent review, and a review by the Building Deparfn€nt, the estimated tim€ for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or smatl) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt witl be made by this department to expedite this permit :ls soon as possible' I, the undersigned- understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreedtoby: fq//v- CnF-' Project Name: ,,r", //q7,/? ? Work Sheet was turntid into the Community Development Dept' {p**^,o c lR TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. I999 WHEN A ?UBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQI.JIRED DATE: PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QIJESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI]E NEED FORA*PUBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. 2. 4. 5. J. Is demolition work being performed that requirgs the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? -VeS- NO-X- No-x- Nol- Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES---.,- NOIC 6. Is any drainage work being done that afiects the Rightof-Way, easements, or public property? YES No-x- 8. Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES A. Is t}e Rightof-W_ay, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES_ _ NOJ_ B. If NO to 8A, is I parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES No_-x_ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Rrblic Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TIIE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Conrractor Signatrne Is this a new residence? YES Is any utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? NO No--x- YES- YES Company Name "^,", f/1ff TOV{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROMAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Occupancy: R3Tn)e ConstrucEion: V NI:T)e Occupancy: Val-uat.ion: Fl.rrplEc. Infomition! R.stlLcesd: ilob Address: 381 BEAVER DAl4 CRLocation...: 381 Beaver Dam Circle Parcel No.. : 2101-071-11-001Project No.: pRiI99-eFs e?S Single Family ReEidencel:pe v Non-Rat,ed DEPART]VIENT OF COMMTTNITY DEVBI.OPMENT NO{[E: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALT., BI'DG.Permiit. #: D99-0025 SEatus.. Applied. Issued.. E:<pires. ISSI'BD 06 /L8 /L999 06/L8/L999 L2/Ls/L999 APPLICAIIIT PEAK BUILDERS, LLC Phone: 970-476-3220 1000 LIoNS RIDGE LOOP - 3A, VAIL CO, VATL RUN BUIL,DING 81657coIiIrRAgIoR PEAK BUILDERS, I_,LC phonez 970-476-322O 1OOO LIONS RIDGE LOOP - 3A, VAIL CO, VAII, RI'N BUILDING 81557OUINER 7 LD CORPt I{ARK PA}niIE, 15753 WEST 55TIt CIRCI,E, ARVADA CO 80007 DeBcript.lon: AsbesEos Demo permit only. 500 llof, o.. AlrFlLrnc.r: Add sq Fr: Lof o.s LogE:+of Wood/Prll.c ! **l*t**tttt'rt.t*ttt'rrr*rrr*rrrrlt'rr***rr.aa*.r*r**r*rrt.ttr FBE soD ARy rtar.**rrr* BulldinE-----> Plan Ch6ck- - - > Inv.rtLgaElon> wl11 crll----> 20.00 13 .00 .00 3.00 .00 20.00 56 .00 .00 56.00 56 .00 RcEturrant Phn R.vl.y- - > DRB F..-------- RocrliiLon Faa- - -- -- ---- > Cl.|n-Vp D.po.{t - - ---- -- > BOtAtr PEAS------ ToEal calculsc€d 86.s- - - > Addltional Fe€a-- -------> *rt*ttit*rrft*tJ*ttatt*tt*r*a*riJ*rar**r*r*r:rr t i rtr*a r*rr*t** rt*r1* .00 55 ,00 Item: .05100 BUTLDING DBPARTUBIIT o 5 / L I / L22 I ^ KATLI_Y_ ___ _ _AcErgoi APIR approvedIEgm: .05400 PLANNING DEPARI'!{ENf 9F/LB/L2e-9 I(AE! __,Asqian; AppR N/AIt,Qm: .05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI 9F lLs /L229-KAEry_ _ __As!ion : APPR N/ArEem: .05500 PT'BLIC WORKS 95 / L8 /L99g^KAEIY_ :__Aqtren: aPPR N/Arcem: .05700 BM/IRONMET{TAL HEALTH05/L8/L229-l(Allu Action: APPR N/AItem: 05900 LIOUOR06/L8/L999 KATFY Action: APPR N/A .00 Toral Perrdt F6s--------> PaylEntd- -- - ---- BALAIICE DUE..-. .OO Dept: BUILDING Division:er- KathvDepts: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DepE: PtB V|ORK Divieion: Dept; HEALIH Division: Dept; CLERK Division: t *r t I t i*, ?tt ti ri * I t t I | *tlt * t r* i rt *,r I ** a t ai. rr r,,r r rr tt !t tr*,, rr'' See Page 2 of Lhis Document. for any conditione EhaE may apply to Ehis permiE. DECI.,ARATIONS I h.r.by rcknorlodga lhac I hav. rqad thl. alrtrllcrllon, fltI.d ouc ln full th. tnformation rcqulr.d, co$placcd an .cdu!rc. plotp1.n, .nd acat. tshac .11 !h. lnforbrtlon provldcd .s rrguLr.d {! corr.cts. f rgr.. !o couply wlth th. {nfqruaEl,on rnd ploc plrn, tso cotlPly tLfh.ll Toin ordl,naac.€ and €tat. Lrva, rnd t'o butld thL. rCructsur. .ccgrdlnE Co th. Tot|n, s ronlng and .ubdlvllloncod.a, d.ilgn r.vl.t .pplovGd, unl.forlr Bulldlng cod. rnd oLh.r ordLnanceE of, che Tosn appli.cabl,E cherqco, REQUESTS FOR fNgPEqfIONg gllALtJ BE ltADB tt{EMY-FOttR IIOURE IN AIwINcE EY TELEPIToNE AT {?9-2138 OR AT OtR OFFICE Fi,OM 8!OO AM 5!OO PU g.!td Cla|n-Up Dlposi.L aor Colortdo bvl,ronllnErt g.rvr.ccs ***************************************:l*******t*************rt**!t*************** *******************!t***!t******************************************************** Permit #: D99-0025 Permit fipe: DEMO. OF PART/A!I., BITDG.Applicant: PEAK BUIIDERS, LLC 970-476-3220 EONDITIONS as of 05/t8/99 SEaEus: TSSIIED Applied: 06/L8/L999 Issued: 05/L8/t999 To Expirez L2/L5/]-999 'Job Address:Location: 381 Beaver Dam Circ1eParcel No: 2101-071-11-001 Deecription: Asbestos Demo permit, only. Conditions:1. TIIIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBBSTOS AAATEMENT ONI,Y. AI.I ASBESTOS ABATEMEIIT CERTIFIEATE SHOWING TIIE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRTOR TO AIiIY FT'RTIIER WORK OCCT'RING ONlHrS SITE. IF FTRTHBR QIIESTIONS ARTSE, CONTACI THE VAII FIRE DEPARII4EMT AT 479-2250.2. FIRE DEPARII{ENT APPROVAL rS REQUIRED BEFORE Arily WORK CAI{ BE STARTED. 3 . FrELD TNSPEqTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK pOR CODE COMpr.,IAtlCE. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, CoLORADO StaUernnt****************************************************!r*********** St,atemnt Number: REC-0532 Amount: 5G.00 06/18/99 L3:37 Payment Method: CIIECK Not,aEion: #3556 Init,: KMW Permit, No: D99-0025 Type: A-DEMO DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUParcel No: 2101-071-11-001Site Address: 381 BEAVER DA!! CRLocat,lon: 381 Beaver Dam Circ1e This PaymenE, Total Feeg:56.00 Total 'ALI-, Pmts: 56.00 55.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Descript,ion BP OO1OOO031111OO BUItDING PERMIT FBES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RBVIEW FEESPF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOO031128OO WILL CT,LI INSPECTION FEE Anount 20 .00 20 .00 13.00 3 .00 TOullrl OF VAIL CONSTRUCilON PERtllT APPLICATION, FORilI II{IORI|IATK)N MUST Bx, COM?LEE OR TEE ^pPriCATrON Wrrr BE RETECIE @rM tlr€E?gE PGca# 2/Ol O't t tle2l Drrc: a/'/ /q1 Pcroir # JobNanr: SAt Ec|verz P,t-, Lrr.-/c-Job Address: I Buildiry( )Flmbing, r Elccrical( )Mccneic|l ( )or.(D{ Ocrlctt NanE: Archfte: Addrcss: ttl4 Addrrss:Phil€# /t.gerDcsiFbc l^_{_ Blo.t_ fL SU Descrigio of Jo,b: Wort Chss: Nsv () NunDcr of tl*ell|lg Vrfis: 0 4 { .- MrtbcrdTyFof Finqplac s: Gas eptiooccs BTJILDO{G: PLIJIIdBI}.TG t ft.:b€{.tl€rc+dColmcme tctor:,1* urg SQo-e Town of Vait Rcgi*ndon No- Tor! dVail Rcgisurdo No. EtslEiElgesfrcrox: Tom of Veil Rrgirtraiot No. Additiolal ( )Repair ( )OGcr( ) Nurnbcr of Acouno&tiou Uoits: GasLgs Wood/Pclkt . VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: T MECI{AI.IICAL T COI{TRACTOR INFORTA'ION 9lt*-t ' D'ttp cc> ?rt71 4 M* Ec: t ZA', -i?cJ- Ad&Ess: Phmc # A&€ss: Fhot& # F Al&rrtbu (m .tio'7#Ztu'*t^*o* ?33t t^t t-t+',..--po.z-t 5Ta , z7 M.cl$i(d Cgptacrarl Ad&6s Pton #Towr of vail Rcgisrafum No. EgR OFFICE lrsE BUILDINGT ,. SIGI{ATURE:. ZONING: CLEANUPDEPGIffREFUNDTO: --. - - E/Z 3CVd zsbz6LvoLB. ol 'Id3(I-A3C-HO3-^ OI ,llogl tS'e t €;6-Dl-Nna ABATEMENT Conrn-acroR: t l O-i' t+t1;-t t.rc o 5 ' zat--$,*1 | i ri ' .i:l bclorv. Auatglvtnttt St.te: BurlorNc Orvb{ER oR OPERAToR: 'I ,tl.l'ili , l, 1 ', 1' 'l :I lr STA|EOFCOLOI(ADO ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT This perrnit is granted subject to Colorado Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 8, Part B, adopted September 19, 1!p6 and effective November 30, 1996, the Air Quality Control Act C.R.S. 1982 & 1995 (25-7-101 and 25-7-501 et se4) and the provisions on the reverse of ftis permit. It is only tbr the purpose of allowing asbestos abatement. Ttm ORIGINAL PERMIT MI,'ST BE POSTED ON SITE AT AIJ, TIIVES, As a contractor, you rray be subject to other licenses'and p.r-it , depending on the requirements of the county and municipality il which the work is being performed. The Colorado Department of Public Health, Air Pollution Control Division strongly suggests that you check with county and municipal authorities in order to determine any other local building/permitting requirernents that must b€ met. This emission permit is valid from 06/18/1999 through 07/L711999 The actual scheduled work dates are from 0611811999 through 061281l999 BillOlrvens, Covernor Jane t. Norton, Executive Director Dedicaaed to protecting and imprwing the health and environtnent cf tlte peol;le ol Coloradc 430O Cherry Creek Dr. S. Laboratory and Radiation Services Division Denver, Colorado 80246-1 530 8100 Lowry Blvd. Phone (303) 692-2000 Denver CO 80220-6928 Located in Glendale, Colorado (303) 692-3090 http I lwww.cd phe state.co. u5 This permit has been issued to: COLORADO EI,IVIROMTIENTAL SERVICES 2331 W. HAMPDEN AVE. #137 sflERrDAN, CO 80110-2076 Project Supervisor is ROBERT SALAZAR, Certificatidii No. 533-13-0716'- Project Manager: NOT APPLICABLE Colorado Deprrtrnent of PublicHealth and Environment For tire location specified below: HOUSE 381 BEAVER DAM CIRCLE vArL, co 81.657- EAGLB COUNTY . I j Permit Issued on: 06/08/1999 l Record Number: 23604 I , Permit Number: 99EA19I5A I Amount Paid: $275 | Chec\ Nurnber: 3529,i t- Issued by: RWJ Inunediatety rotily the Asbestos lJnit of projea nodifcdions by Jar u 782-m78 nd the appropiate courtly health departmcnt by fax., Projea modificatiotu include changes in the scope of v'ork, the schetiuled vtork dates or times, a d the proiect mlrnager. sd^rrbdr\ I l,/96 Ni(:k {1690 burr 61091 RocL Tofrlt H:\dah\docs\fo.ms\D.miql.mst f=at €c-T Yo-eF Joel A. Sanford Direct 303-669-8977 :RVICES, LTD. Fax (303) 789-4553 2331 West Hampden Avenue Su(e 137 Sheridan, CO 801 10 John A. Haney, Jr. (303) 789-4901 Direcl 30&332-2655 :FVICES, LTD. Fax (303) 789-4553 2331 West Hamoden Avenue Suite 137 Sheridan. CO 80110 P lZ c=g t D s-rrrrT + I Cot-oRloo Er'rvrRorulaerureL SeRvrcEs. rro. Colonnoo Er.rvrRor'rvErurnl SeRvrcEs. rro. t_ /) - $/r-caals 1*i Nan1€t Nl) tBoNHF1UTALL-DNsraLLen op /N'. r Telephone Fax No. q?7-1700 Address FOLODEX CORPORANON [7otsgrzT 54L*L4R v-roBt+{ 3o3 . g3 Z .27 6B REFTLL r{O. S30& SBill PATENTED 3 ca^t s vLTtt^rT 4 t* n\o^r r ToFtNb s aa€ : r BEsT R i9llio".= TOWN OF VAIII 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEAITT COMTRACTOR OI{NER Elcctric.l-- - > DRB f!. Inv.rcigntidt> Hill C.11- -- - > TOTAI. PEES--. > .Iob Address: 381 BB,avER DAIVI cR Locatsion...: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No.. : 2101-071-11-001 Project No. : PRJ99-0025 Stsatsus...: ISSIIBD Applied..: 06/04/L999 Issued...: 06/07/1999 E:q)ires . . z L2/ Oa/1999 Phonez 970-949-L403 Phone: 970-949-L403 DEPARIT{ENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVETOPMENT NOIE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 899-0092 I{ITITB RIVER ELBqIRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO T{IIITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1119, AVON CO7 LD CORP 81,620 81620 t MARK pAyanB, 15753 WEST 56TII CTRCLE, ARVADA CO 80007 Description: Eleetrical for temp power for asbestos Valuation:500.00 t','.o'''r|t.tet.t+'r't.ttit'|tit!'tttr'tt{t'tt..trttt'ttti*tttttFEEsl,|tGRy*.tttt'|ttttt**lt.ri'*'t.ttitttt.'ti'trtt.''ri.'.!r'i..i't1t'i' 50 .00 .00 .00 3.O0 53.00 It,CM: O6OOO EI.,ECTRICAI-, DEPARTI{ENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O5/04/L999 KATIIY Act,ion: APPR Approved per-Katshv ITbM:'O56OO FIRE DBPARIUETiM -DEPI: FIRE DiViSiON: ;;;;;';;;;;;;"'"" 1. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODB COMPLIANCE. Tolal c.lculrt.a F..s-- - >53.00 Addifional 8cG.---------> .00 Tot.l Paruit F.r--------> 53.00 Pqtrcnts-____--- BtrargcB Du8----- .oo rtittt..ti t i *t ttrta taai t ttiatt tt r*taittirt ltt'r |'tt!tr tarrrrtttrrtirtrtrrrrr!|rrtrrttrr, ratattrt'r.tttttrr DECI,ARA'TIONS I h.r.by rckrlorl.dg. gh.t I hrw. r.ad chi. .pp1i,cation, filled outs in full chc infonaUion rcquircd, coopl.t.d .n .ccurrbc plob plan, rnd .c.Cc chat .1I thc infonation providcd ae rcquircd i. corrGct. I Egrc. co eoDply vith thc infom.lion and ploB pl,.n, to coatrly eitsh r11 ?oln ordinrncc. and ataga lara, rnd to build thi! Etrucgulc .ccoraing to tshG Town'r zoning .nd .uHivilion codc!, dcBign r.wiev aplrrovad, Unifo&r Buil,ding Cod! and oehcr otdinencos of chc forn applj,cable tharcto. REQITESTS FOR INSPBeIONA .3HALL BE UADE Tl{EllTY-FoUR HOURS IN ADIIAI{CE BY TELEPI{ONE AT 479-213a OR AT OUR OFFICE FROU g:OO AX 5:oo PU ilttitfie 'rta'r.r|rfrrtaartarattt|rartrrtrata!a.aaata.rata|,.rrlara?ootrttfrtaaa finf OF Vrr., qOnlDO Srrturt gt cdrt nrb.f ! Ec-o528 lr||nr. ! 53.00 o6l0t./tt 13.09 hlrnt f.ebod: Ck tace.ELon t lasaa tnLt ! itR P.nic Xo! 899-oo92 ryp. t E-EaC BElctl'tclg PAmtrf Prrc.l f,o: 2101-071-!,1-001 gtts. lddr... ! 181 E!f,VlR Dlf, CA tpsatlo,[! 381 Baavala lrau G loerl ta.r3 53.00 tlrl,. Prlrr.ac 53.00 Tot l ltt PrG.r t3.oo Erlrnc.: .o0 iatiiattrritttat.rtta*tatttttaarattaAtfttattaaatttalai+rriattt+!rtiit ItscounC @da t.rcdgtlosr tsunu lP ootoooorlllaoo 'Er.let-Icll Pa$aIMtg 5o.oo l|c oo1000031124oo ,IItr cl&Il tnaPlctrd tt! !.oo .'*Ct:'rr.I ac E Eagle CounCy Assessors 0fflce lf it (-:,r:32"8-q640 f9._parcel /1. TOWN oF VAIL CONSIRUCTfON f.,;,nt,rt ttr, Z/ot ozt //@t -iinr,rrr AppLrcATroN F9RM/ - oars: G- a-?? Pe6qq-ooz5 PERJ'IIT /i , APPLICATIoN MUST BE TU.LED OUT COI.IPLETEL! OR IT l,tAY NOT 8E AccEpTED If************t**************** PERI{I! fNFORI{ATfON *:r**************t**********i*rl [ ]-Buitdtng [ ]-ptumbing $l-Electricat [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-other _ Job Nanre:Job AddresE: Legal oescription: Lot_[_ elock_lL . rif ing_ACq or^rners y6ms; .6lv\5 pA€Krrn5 PtRl.rP-SHrP tt'Lr:8dF#,;(rr,r.5$q Ph.'l1tt'1181 Architect: ti.E5OR.r p*qrV Co-r*e0&ffi"",i?vJ s r&rJrA(ffiD +3@ ph.Lllb t/t/33 General Description: [6MP b.NFB Fyp- CetJs1(rEiro-) nwork class: y(-u"w [ ]-Atteration I J-Addltional [ ]-Repair [ ]-orher_ Nunber of Dwelling Units:?-.Nunber of Accornmodation Units 2 ^ Ipmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appli^n""= lt Gas Logs_ woodr/pellet_vD********************************* VALUATIONS *********************************'! 5oo 58l 6e)1'@ ' Electrical contractor: \^tHlfE L\\,ep_ A-& -- 5'fororn of vaitAddress: 331 xn - phon" Nunber: Plunbing Contract,or: Address: Mechanical Address: contractor: ********************************FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHA}TICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Rej'io;lF Town of Vail. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PISN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK IEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK TEE: RECREATION FEEs N CLEAN-UP DEPOSId/ TOTAL PER}TT FEES: ate RecErvEd- JUN-.tgp BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEPOSII RENilD TO: . rur _i*tt,gg,gGg?P" MrN srnNDnRD sFr-ES ilBurnlramtltarrga! lof lJl adf l.Nv AJrnhom Coroorltton P.? P.02 PO, loE 3079 L!no$nr, P.fiiayhiloL l 7co'f Phodr:7rr.s7{701 $nrrw.burnt5lr.cs?r Iury27,2ooo tMq- otTA fv\oo- oozJ Mr. $brd Garnctt Mournnin Strndqrd Salcs Company 3?95 Puis $rrcet, UnitB Dtnvcr, CO 80239 Dcar $hqd: ' Pursuant to your inquiry, plcasc bc sdvised thrt it it acccptable b instell fout (4) Burnhun mo&l RV7 boilcrs using a common air intakc pipe. Thc comfton air intakr pipc mrut bc rt lcer ciebt (8) inchce in dismctcr. Thc 8 inch eonduit rhould br ussd for r]tc cntire longth of the air intakc run. The 4 inch air inrake from cach boiler should bc codncetcd to tha eommon rir intakc pipa os closs to tho boiler as possible. The air lnrakc tenniul must b€ a 90! clbow witlt r merh rcrew attrched As alr,ta-vl, if you havc any quastions or nced additionrl information, plea* do not hcsitatc to cont|ct mc, Best regrr'cla, I BURI.IHAI4 CORIORATION %t/'t+F4 Michael W.6ordon \ Dirsctor of Engincering Rcsidential Productr ' MWO/lar 0u-^12-2001 lmperflon Roquect Rcportlng Page6 9:24 am Vatt. Co-- Cth, Of FeouesH lmprst Deb: Aralgn.d To: Inroosl|o|| TyDc; Inrirocdon fL'r:SlbAdtlnee: HondrL t|rEft 12, 2(x)l coAvls BI-OG@ t8,I AEAVEROATCRVA[- 381 6c.v.r D.m Cr (387 6..ver Ol|n CH|.u si.6Tye: iOUPUb.: VN Sl*r: FISIEDlmpAr* GG Pbom: 9X}479S1 To\/ sbndrde. codr.cto. hs mfl.d cofictolt Op.nd !a..l2rl 9-0O - LSAT0OVAL R€queesd Tlme: 08:00 Alf' Plrori.: 3E[.3.f92Enhrodry: Lc TFBELI- K A/F,Dlnbrml0on Aailt ilt: Cond Tvl6: Peidu:Om* Am{cant Cdilncbr:Ddcr$on: l$dco: F9-0186 210't071t1ml TLDCORP TVPC:ocq+'*ty &&JLD mo7 PEAI(PROFERTE$ T6# PEA( PROFERTIES - ROfrl BYRNE llolhr: frlolk : l{o0co: i.lotha: l.lothr: l{ollcc: Con'llrcnt UNTil.ttF DAMCR il/?/99-KATlfY RETAritNr} WALI.IS . KATHY I. KATTff.KATHY CORPLTR F RECD- KAT}IY STAT'PED ROCI( I\IAIL DWG TO OFFICE SET OF OII'GS, . KAITIY R.ot|.rEd |nsp|oilorilEl lbm: R.{ruibr: A.clqnalTo:- AaJon: No BUt.Drr-JGInto|odonHl$bil lm:llltr:hr:l5n: 12&ll*, |n!€cbn JRttCcnm.r*I: AFFR ALt EXCEPTPADS(Itr,$Ym haD.cbr: JRil Coameits; APFR 6 FOOTD\|GS ON H.W A.don: Ac{ofl: APPRAPPROVED PAPARTTAL APPRS/AL PA PARTTAL APPROVAL cxy()gtn htp.cbr: JRil Acfloo: COCTERTIfICATEOFoCCI,rPAIICYCoonrlr: ADDIL Cdtls -CORIGR FOR OECI( SIFPORTS ACdoN: APPRAPPROVED Acdon. PA PARTITL AI'PROVAL 1?n71fi ht D'€chtr CD Acton: COCERTFEATEOFOCCTPAIICYCorrmirlr: ADDTL COt{[6 - runow rnqrr rrd h! liofir FORIIS md rsbc Fbr to concrd. phc.mdril wr.trcr p$iocdon rt(l.fi€d t111241fl) hcpe(ftri JRll Acton DN DENED Coflmonla CONTRACTOR CAI|ICELED 01/26,00 lnrooctofl JRll Ac0on' PA PARTIAL APPROVAT Co||Inenb: AFPROVEO AtT EXCEPT FOR Oll2SOo lm!.chf: .frM Arllon: COCERTlFEATEOFocctlpltcvCoom.nir: IDDTL OOI'MS - PERS At{D RETTUNIIIG WALLS a.lOT YEf DONE ffio7/Oo Ftto.frf: ART Acthfi: APPRAPPROVED C;o|nrnmr: 7 fickcotmls N.r|{h @OYOO [l|DNCbI: ART A.ilon: APPRAPPRO/EDcd|rnmb: Eratrd.udllccllrm: 6?l PM,l$tCfumdrtlooPhn lR.quaredilbm: 5il0 PLAI*U.C $ff| P|.n rReddad| *r Aperoflled -oBodm trfilcbfi ERENT Acthn' IPPR lrtmovED Com urb: APPROTED l,Lrv Duo - Secon&rv unn w,EFlUPr|lrfro'Bpo tr gr*I9 F n f 8 x 3Dcco b lrcEm -out:l il,f kictF3Dcco E Fctrno rouxl ADDRESS CSfl,r*TED] TTR RECDFROil REsr131 Rtrn Id: 452 Inspes{m Heque.rt Adiqri T{]CR A)PRCIE T}ICOfi RECTK,il REOD cvcoRREc'rrof{ RE@[rspo6r: CD Acthn: COCERTFICATEOFOCCUPATICY ADDTL COII'IMS . FRAII4II{G A'PROVAL Ig PENDT{g THE APPUCITION AID ISSIJAI.ICE OF A ilECFIANIC'AL PERlitrT.ROtJGtl |I'}$PECTIO0{S H.rST ALSO OCCUR -SSiTALL FRAil}|G 6TRA'S ATATL NOrcHES hI TOP FTJTESqlfil7lfi Inrp.cloc cD Acthn: APPR ApFnOVED Co|'un€ttb: fdhlm corrcciloflB ma(b O7n7t0fj kroerbr: CD .Action: COCERTIFIC TEOFOCCUPAI.ICY Coililn€irb: AODTL COMftS - Oro m.c|lrnical fr|sp.cilofl haE ocflrod thrr€ arc vlrlo|E corrrcllons rtgrdnt lho rronililon slSn\ tho conffictor li no{fiad of ttrcae comcdo*e and rv{l nol dry xdl mah end uppor !$alr urill oorractlons rrs rmdg and l€fils9cc{ad llam: 50 BlDGFrsnbllon {@lor|rD -ApDro\red* 07tr6/00 hgpccnor: CD Adlon: APPR APPROVED Commenb: APPROITED 07126/m hspcclor: CB Acton: CO CERTIFTCATE OF OCCUPATTCY Comrnedr: ADDTL COt M$ - all ,fl€chankal cor€cllo|E musi bo compale prht to lny dy€n bem hc|'lbd In maln or rryp€r bv6*s li lt Epproved lo lnsbl &ilur{ In b{rsomamt lcvel snd gprrgn mt lnsil fits bbcHnq of frBtrlailon il on 3iak stlnoGrslbm: 60 BtDesheetroci i.tell ' (Otfronat) * Apr(orda "(n/(WOO hsg.dor: GRG AcIhO: APPRAPPRC,VED Coflrmnts: APPROUED \ f i\ Cottrme|*r: 07i1g0oComfi[llr: ionrl bm: |rm:bnr: lhm: lbm: tbm: t.*- REPT131 Rnn Id.: 452 lnspectlon Request Rcqueseo lnsp€ct Dltei Assloned To: Insp€cdIn Type: lnsir€cdan Aiea: Site Addr€ssr Wednesday, ltlarch 07, 2001 AF{T PIJ{B JRM 381 BEAVERDAiICRVAIL 38T BEAVER DAM CR ArPrD Intorms0on A{rlvlty: Consi T]4o: Prrcel: Aoo$cenl: Corilracior: O*nrr: Do*crlplbn: PO(FilI66 210107111001 SI,}.TDANCE PLUII8ING & I.€ATING SUNDAIICE PttJlitsll.lc & HEAT|i\G 7 LDCOFIP plumbln! for NEW FIOU$E T]D€: B.PLMe Ocflrpancy: SubTyp6: NSFR Use: Sffiro: lgst gD lffipArea: Jf,ltl Pfron€: 97S90+5616 Phons: 97G90+5516 Reqtlsrbd lFso€oflon($ \ liem: 290 PLilBSlna, Requested Tlme: 0t:00 Pfii .FlSryry, S_( lscl{cEPLUUAhtGsl"€ATlh8/Ken Phon€: 3S352Or Codnrnlr; w{l callrArdgncdTo: fST-,_Enlerad$y: ICAIilPBELL Kttu1 (222740@ ThuErP:'40utr,r r.iE L'F' X* trj;Pirr /6atF7€e776ztt R64uo":.2 af/ THe rj/rfr'/ae af fnpylz//€ fri#**rro5fftt"at f/{ftPin,47aa4 t2/t€//n./ F< a F sT(an s//a wr< ap rT \_,='PLlFt rxh'roround (ODlbnallPlltFRouqlh.W.v. '(Chiord) " ADgrc'ved " 07/18i00 h$ector: CO tcdorr: APPRAPPROVED Connnsrtr3: rdst cDlumr r€d 07/18/m hsoctor; CD A.tion: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY Comrnorli: AODTL COMI/tg - cemd$ vsrl run tor med€r shorflarPLl,B'Ror.ptlwdor (Oolh{iaD "ADsoved'- o7l190o ,rltp€clor cD ' Acuoo' AItPR APPRovrEo Corilnerits: n|fi rrndnbn 0?/19/00 hsmdor: CD Adion. COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPAT'ICY Cd|un€rts: ADDTL CON,llrS - b rublr sFtlm +soHB all rder lln$ from EACH ofier -add mors llrppoil ln cfa||s}aoo PLMB-Ga$ Pldm {OptbnrD " AoprovEd * O7;19/OO hspector: CO ' ' Acson: APPR APmOATED Cornnrcnb: I ?l alriest PLMR-Pml,tHo{ Tub (Optlofral}PLM&Mlrc. {OF&tbt) * Asoroved * 07i 19j00 Incpacior: 'CD Aclion: ApPR APPROVED Cofirrt.nts: sfidsnan & hed mrlfts O?rl9/0O lmoector: CD Actbnr COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPAI{CY Corunrr*.: ADDTL COi,h S - rnotrmel nahc testad el 6Ol aliloC hcd mstns b6iod d 8At ttr6 E,NTRACTOR I-TAS BEEN ADV}SED THAT NIO FURTHER TilECI-UNE.AL IN9PECTPIII9 ARE TO O,CCT R tiifnt A llECltANltlAL PERMTT S |$SUED FOR S|TE bm: 2lO ilem: 22t) -Y:' nBm: 23O llcmr 2{l llem: & PLlBFlrd 'bm: egoItnfir ?60 (Rsqu||ed) lJor/c I "''n*-. _. _ FltsA flffasr., fifrfu nefiArr{4c w/f/4 FX(6rf/aH dF '/Jan-2 76. *."""' v64lFr T//nr 6i7s f-)o Ftarz tt Errrzrzat.z 7a 'forot- aF /A/' WV/Aaf Daartf Y- REPT131 zun Id! 442 TOWN OF VAIL, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAIr,, CO 81_657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE PermiE.MECHANICAL PERMIT JOb AddTESS...: 3E]- BEAVER DAM CR LOCAT1ON : 387 BEAVER DAM CR Parcel No. . . . . : 2LOL-O7L-L1-001 Project Number: PRrI99-0114 Status. . (SECONDARY TJApplied. Issued. - Exoires. AT ALL TIMES M00-0075 ISSI]ED 07 /1"9/2000 o7 /24/2000 0L/ 20 /20ot Phone: 970-904-55L6 Phone z 9'10 -904-55L6 APPTICAI{T SI]NDANCE PLUMBING & P.O. BOX 3684, AVON, CONTRACTOR SITNDANCE PLI]MBING &P.o. Box 3684, AVON, O$INER 7 LD CORP T MARK PAYNE, 15753 CTRCI-.,E, ARVADA CO Valuation: *of Gae Loge: HEATING co 81620 HEATTNG co 81520 WEST 66TH Description:In-floor heat, and snowmelt svstem 80007 40, 000.00 #of liood/Pe1let:FireDlace Informacion: ReBeri.cced: Y *Of ca' ApplianceE r 2 PEB SOT.4MARY Mechanical---> PLan ch6ck- -- > lnvcaEigati.on> wilI call----> 800 .00 200-00 ResluaraDts PIan Review--> .00 Total calculatsed neea---> 1. o03 .00 .00 1,0o3.00 Additional Fees--------- > ToiaL Perni! Fee-__----->,oo TotAr, r'EEs- -- -- 3 -OO .00 1, 003 . oo Palarents- - - - - - - 1,003.00 . .";;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ffi; ;;;;;;;;;;:*".. O7/2O/2OOO KATI{Y ACEiON: NOTE ROUTED TO CMRLIE 07'/24'/2000 CHARLIE AcEion: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS itbml'05560-F-r-nn-DePARrrvIENi --- - Dept: FrRE Division: ,7/20/2OOO KATHY Accion: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIFJD TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER ]-O OF TI{E 1997 I]It,tC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPI.,IAIVCES SHAI,I, BB VEITTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE ].997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITII CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1Ol? OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJIiITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBTE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUIiM]NG ON CONIBUSTIBIE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AT'TAI,YSIS MIUST BE POSTED TN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPE TION REOTJEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPTY BOII-,ERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1,022 0F THE 1997 IIMC, OR sEgrrON 1004.6 0F THE l-997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I heleby ackno$'ledge that I have read this applicatsion, fj.lled oub in fqlL the infomation required, conpleted an accurate plot plan, and Erate thac a}l the i[foniat.ion plovided aB required is correcL. r agree to conply tt'ith the infornation and pfoE plan? to coBply !|ilh all Town ordinances and sCate lar€, and Lo buiLd lhis strueture according Eo thc Town,s zoning and subdivigion codeE, de€ign revieB approved, Uniforo Building code and olher ordlnances of the Toun applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI'IS SI'IALII BE MADE TWBI{TY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213S oR Al OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM SIOO P.rt ST.NATURE oF owNER oR co'rRAcroR FoR HTM'ELF .AND owNER 'y'-a-^-- ... -t\-=--<--\ t**lll*t*t*r*l**f *it**********t**t*t***t*tt******t***t****i****:t* TOWN OF VAIIr, COIJORADO Statemrt * *!t * ll ll ll* ** i lllrl * * rl * ** * t* ***rl* * * a at *ra * ra* *rt *t *t* +* ** t * * ** *t ** * rt * *it Statemnt Nunber: RBC-0657 Amount: 1.003-O0 o1/24/oo L4.36 Palment Method: 1655 Notation: SUIitDANeB PLOII{BNG Init: JN Pe:mit No: UOO- 0075 Type ! B-MBCE ITTBCHANICAIJ PERMIT Pareel No3 2101-071-11-001 6ite Addreeg: 381 BEAVBR DA!,t CR Locat,lon: 38? BEAVER DAM CR ( SECONDARY UNIT) Total Fee6: 1, oo3 . oo lbLe Palment 1,003.OO Total AIrL Pnts: 1,OO3.O0 Balance: .O0 ***************i* ****f *.***f, ***t*tt*********i*f, *l}t*i*tt*****f **** Aceount code DescrLptlon Anount uP 00100003111300 uEcEAt{IceL PER!fiT FBES 800.00 PF 00100003112300 PIrAN CHBCK FEES 200.00 _-::_::::::::ii1:::____:1i: :i: 1T::11r_:T __ -1_1r 7 TAWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8t657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UT{SI Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: Permit will not be accepted without the following: P;ovide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: d . Mechanical Room Dimensionsd Combustion Air Duct Size and Location{ Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location rya Heat Loss Calcs,( EquipmentCut/Specsheets 97 O- 47 9- 2149 (Inspections) Contact Asresnrc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) }/O,/-Af/- ,//- /fuT robName: 71> 6,<>Job Address:?rA1 B-..o.'o - N..,.*., C . *-\ o Legal Description ll Lot: a Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of workl \o--F\e-r [- ^+ ^^^\ <^a. .''^^e \\ cr-\\.s\^,\ S{- rNFr.\ L^r-s-p WorkClass: Newfzf Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior (, Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( r'1 Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex (Vf MutFfamity ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: \ Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances f?t Cut Loqs (' ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances CLJ Cas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (vf COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECIIANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ qp CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Mechanical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: *x** ** ******************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**** ** **********x******* JUL 19 2000F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm d8u J(, 101ti.?u Y -L n*(i9 .{1 l2fl t6 t. ii.\'-.lJr .. \.2,lr.\tl3, vl Fh JE€ i$F= c. ii €J EErFac F s. 8 t E t E ot a, '& E E =pr .E E € E F Ec t) o I gi [;.E tsug't EE te I 4! i sfr.o F P >\ ai iv + '1 \ ,l r{ \jr e l I ^'\lvta j- -*'<> '-' ,< | -J'.J t-':-F.\ vtp-{_ tt\at J -r)J o |r| -lol JI..T. 19'S6 A9:@6n},1 G.T.SANDERS/SILVERTFTOI-E'CO' DBu;AlmHi sPECINCATIOHs REVOITJTIOIITM RATIH€s Q @(E"(E I @n@ Natural Gae or LP GaB anil Vent Connectlons caprclry + Inlernrl witer iiifrE?iPactry (0.4 s!l') h11[i".T?"1:':"9' jifr,t''l8ii'lii3?i'J.fi i$8d kvcl rntl clwrilone uP to -20$ eec.h lO00 feet rbovc tca lcvcl' zoOO feet, For Glrvntlolts rhqtrs 2000 fect' radngr 6houid b! , ilrffir#ffi;.r*[#:.** piprns rnd prck.up r*ou,ence or 1.16. co*sulr Eurnhrn for rl$tdhtlons havlng . -r- -c -rL-r. rr../iiiuiuet ptptng rai Pt€k'up 3. Mlt(tmumil;Hr{r..-fiffi1irfrfr,r***r*.ihc sum or rhe rensthg or s*arsht prpc and rhe csuh,ar€nr kngthr or crbowr urcd' .r .,--, .r'.t rnr rnd rtl9-4- lli'ff:H'$*i*ih1l"H"i-U'i:Il,?:'[l lffi il'"'H, l$,*F.Tlfillfff ugltl Burnnlm E rPlru-vEu.Ycur ' ^iii",.' -wC ntoe ugfiig Eutttham'syrr' Y- - -..P,lJ?,i,1ilis1"'WETiiif,h?rl,. rnd AU9-,ICEurnhrn'8 N FtC PlPe uE srrtn'e'D tlFEr PrPv' """'*,;;;;;i"ro*r*rnu,tg f-f#l,,Tlfi,1["iS,i!3i,?, *",rtr. Ar qn ENERoy.s1AE .q.{nqrh EH','lfrE [V jrffiT$!. *X *f.tll#, B#lJti3$i.G illHcnqv. uBing Prooucr8 w Form No' ItAOA'5/98:l9Mf'--'-' ---Prtntcd in thc U'9'i' c r ee! Durnhrm **g',iJl,il ? liSj'#:i/Pot tntrrn gtt htip,l'wi'rw'bumf, rm'com"'-''i-.iniii"uurnhonorcdro'nct AFUE% -ilEve*t LEN6T'H(Eoulv. FT.' -n4 tc AIR INLET LENGTH (EOUrv. r"r.)60tL8RilODIL tNPUt MIH_ tor HlArNs CAPACITY MBH lrBeBNlT RATINO_Mln 4S 73 o9rU 88.0 e7,6 87,1 et,2 T sot0_-4- 57 52 5e 62_----T'- RV3 | Rv4 ,-*h--s?7 62 96 1501t,t 55 84 114 14J1 r90 166 lft{DJrv iaa. ffisruRri(NPTI T-tnrri nremsrlt VBNT DIAMETEB MODEL NAIURAL/IP (NFT, ? 3.l .t 44 RVS RV,t RV5 -+$t---- utv2u2 311 I lt4t ll4| 114 7 tt4 4fi4 Water ilrrrrtn cet tctrv o4LI4!l 3.6 4,4bo.0 UEfurnhartlffi,f,{#lffi Eoo H U F E P BII It 5 CA d a ).(.f &lqrr tr.l !?,rIq, iXt i6r)EJ IItrJizi3l IB i8ia}Ff,:(rF iF!qat.> tg;h:i.vt 33)d !H.B(et 12,5{<!{3 Vt.-(a T1i>ca r; $E }U a? (:t a dig' *tn.. &l( Fi Br(t) . 3i9lHlzlo:Qt g1 |Ejoi"Fl It9l,o t,aA: i()'z r(J,* |r/lrIEI IE , !:t iq IU 1El !Fi2ao?atzItu3> tfr.. Ei!t 2o *& 1{ o EI troz<zs9:(n<z; H;ortu'AIYc 6Sr*iiEi iEirEl'tr.iiOtlsrlfr l{r:FU'iai2t> IB lr.. 1A [5 iE1.2 ,d,n4 IHt<\a 97 XUD)z 3Br6 ,,? DE ''i c,i e4 H$ be EEEg HFAtgE.o< fr,26i EEzl<r 4E 9(ai Hi Eil&r<i>.iJ'E]: Hl>lo:<1;1 s 1A g o 5 tqat) 5 ELrF v) E s t!& Itr g d."Og2 trozi an BA E,EE,E, EsE,E?Eli, EE, u t\tor 88fff8888F.|dd-i{i66 88o\o t'l 3 fiE' EEE" gEs l *HgFs8=sHF$RHStsEX= EEHEEEEgGSRHsnH$mEE FSEESgSSRSFgH$R$dhe E6EEanasEsEEeE*EgEgBEEI R -. -.Le{Grfl e{ m + rn vt \o \o F € o o. 9 9 i i (,z CA Eat tt ?r'-Fi rL;. .wlt FI tr Hfi EI =Atc' .rr { ,oEoI o\i 0\oFo \o cl r|o 6 Ftsq iEE >F 55 lalpl- l- .-d!a. GI GI 9nc! i<';-i qqq '.{-.}r Orr'l 888888 -dtilr.<- o$ooof;R. $ F 3.9. ls | | insr ls Inae E"EEEFFFH5555558355EEEEEEEEqddddddd6 6HEH a2dg oEzq FEEn*6 *Fu: EEg *EH* EHgg EEH* EEgF !t l-x \o Gl tl++ Ce a.t t-FSFt \O \C- -'t rn@g\o-B arl ! o e !o t 13 lo I c a' F co € r c Sco* ll.lll.--l-l--.,1.1- gE,0tsAE ts H FrEE8 HHAEIFiz EE ?Eel*a3! HEHtr|Elur E3€ gHE (,z Foox FIz R ??ri Pg' ?z EE 3aott cE El H*HE;NI e* I I EN SE-i, eH T*HHHEHEEIEEEi u as ts?!q PEY-l'P EP EE 2 q qq e g egggg egF *$$* Aeeeaa |"agf H HH H nnT TTIii TT HE sesseseHHlel$llHe*H a *E axasEBEEuEEEgEgEgE Eo Q& tslz R EEE*83.-. G.C'aootrI() 36l lhz'g =oogAza HH "IgF *3UE frF EEEH HFEFzt4x EE llF} EEHE AA HH PP EE EEaA EE aa 3?HH HHcE &4HI{xx rq+ t tr v1 ta Ezo E H (J )l f.t F.(J ta E Ed r F.9 AHXHla€HdJ1|'1 0 t2H2-' 5;49 td6EAe 222 EEEt*" H-.*FF HH -. F. F. ({..1 GlNm{l.lrn\o\ol'€ao\o99ii t!()zlrl ap EI d& ril trttr & zItll(A e E.() { F,-ulLJ O- E5E =trog+8 IIul(L tooJlr F-> 6E,fi8 E;g EHgI I UJo- F co 5 ct) LrJ h.t.n.2z-8 a5lll r-d!n{z38g&e=Oltrd B-€dlod=> o_a5 "slfr eEi HAH -----_'.-!-_"..-_. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 APPLICAIVT CONTRAETOR OWNER Description: Plurlbing- ----> PlaD ch.ck---> InwcBgigaEion> Job Address: Location.. .: Parcel No..:Project No.: SI]NDA}ICE PI-,T'MBING & P.O. BOX 3684, AVON, SI]NDANCE PLI]MBING &P.O. BOX 3684, AVON, 7 LD CORP T MARK PAYNE, ].5753 plunbing for NEw IIOUSE PLT]MBING PERMIT 381 BEAVER DAIq CR 381 BEAVSR DAM CR 2L01-07L-t1-001 PR,t99-0114 HEATING co 81620 HEATING co 81620 .JOBSITE AT AIL TTMES Permit #: P00-0066 SLALuS...: ISSI,ED Applied..: 07/05/2000 Issued. - .: 07 /L7/2OOO E:<pires - -: 0a/L3/200]- Phone: 970-904-5516 Phone: 970-904-5515 35, 000 . 00 DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON WBST 65TII CTRCLE, ARVADA CO 8OOO7 Valuation: r*a.rr*rt*rirtr* trrtt+itttttrt* PEE suuMARy 525 . OO 131.25 .o0 l.{i 11 Call----> 3.OO RastuaranC Pl,an Ravi6!r- _> TOgAr, IEES----- Tocal Calculaeed Faca- - -> AdditionaL F..E---------> .00 659 .25 6s9.29 .00 Total Permig Pce--------> 659.2s Pald.nes-----__ BALAIICE DUE.--- .OO Irem: 051-00 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENI Dept,: BUTLDING Division:07/06/2000 JRTII ACTION: APPR APPROVEDrcbmi'05e60-FTne DEPimTIvIElri DepE: FrRE Division: 07106/2000 JRM Action: APPR N/A t i* r r * i * i r* * a ir t r *i I + r r *t r*,r rt a* *!r r r. rt * t ir t ti + t t* r* i *t * t'l at tt*l, r ** 3 t *a ti 'l ?'r t * CONDITION OF APPROVAL L. FTEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIATiICE. DECI,A,RATIONS I h.rcby acknoiledg. that I hawc r€ad tshi6 applicalion, fillcd out in fuII Uhe inforiEtion rcquircd, coEttlo€.d an plan, and 6t-!. Ehat all th6 inforort'ion provided a6 r€qui!€d i6 colract. I .g!ae Co coBPIy i.ith tshc infornrlion tso conply lrich all Tosn ordinances and et.aCe laws, and Eo buiLd this geructure according Eo the Towlr'6 zoninE and code6, design rewien approwed, Itnifon Building cod6 and oEh€! ordinanc€€ of bhe Tovn applicable thereto. REQOESTS FOR TNSPECTTON9 SHAIL BE MADE TWENTy-FOI'R HOT RS IN ADVANCE By TELBPHONEF 479-2135 OR AT OrrR OFFICE _FRorl acculata ploc .nA p1ots plan, aubdir,"ision g :0O Alil 5:00 PU gISNATURE OF OWNER OR FOR HIIISELF ti****t**********f *f *:lf *t*t**t**ti*********t+*tt***a**tl***l}*****. TOWII OF VAII,, COI.ORADO gtatennt * ilt I t * * * * ** *l|tl rlt * !}il ** * t** a * *i * ** ** * t* * ra * **!}* il* *t* ** at rt* i! tl t l* *l *i! St,atetlnt llimlber: REC-O555 Anoult :559.25 07/L1/OO L5 73]- Init: KPPalrment llethod r CK Notatlon: 1652 Pernit No: PO0-O066 r)|tre: B-PIitlB PLITITIBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-0?1-11-001 giEe AddI.eBs: 381 BEAVER DAM CR LOCAtiON: 381 BEAVER DAII.I CR ' Balarce! .00 tl*t************ii**t*t******+tt**tt**rltlt*ttf it**i*t****tt***t* ThiE Payment Account code . Total Feee: 659.25 TotaL ALIr PmEE: DeecriptJ.on 659,25 659 .25 Amount 525 .00 131.25 3.OO PP OO1OOOO31112OO PII'I'IBING PERMIT FEES PF 00100003112300 PIAN CffiCK FBES WC OO1OOOO3112AOO lrII,IJ CAIJJ INSPECTION FEE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: TWNOFYAIL Building Permit #: F-qq.- o \8 < Plumbing Permit #: ffifrff'robu 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact for Parcel #Asses&rs Office at 970-328-864O or visit COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Detailed description of work: WorkClass: ltlewfti)- Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex (1..f Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) PLUMBING: $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: (-,c.Xo,r.."eQ\,.t ^Ll^. * rL-u Town of Vail Reg. No.: Lot Q Contact and Phone #'s: (. "t. \otn -f.-s \-O Contractor Signature:v *--.* L; *****************:tr.******Jr*************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***r.**:r**rr*********************tr***** JUL 0 6 2000 F/everyone/forms/pl mbperm tl ( "'1 " ftia. s4/. re - mwwffit9 HOW DIDWE RATE W[rH YOU? Torwr of Vail Srrvey Community Dorelopment Deparfirent Russetl Fonest Director, (970)479.2139 Check dlthat appf,es. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conbcf Building * Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Wasyourinitialcontactwith oursffiimmediate_slow or r no one available___-r_? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before pu were helped? 4. Was your proiect reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? 5. Was this your fiat tirne b fle a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit l,l/A 6. Please rate $e performance of fie staffperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of fte Front Service Counter. 5 4 I 2 1 8. Whd is he best lime of day for you to use the Front Service Counbr? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to better serve you ne\ttime? Thank you furhking the lime to complete this survey. We ae commitbd b improving our service. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMTJNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ALARM PERMIT ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: A00-00i9 APPTICANT GARRISON MULTI MEDIA, INC.p-o. Box 730, AvoN, co 8t624 CONTRACTOR GARRISON MT'I,TI MEDIA, INC. P.O. BOX 730, AVON, co 81520 OWNER 7 LD CORP ? MARK PAYNE, 15753 WEST 66TH Description: fire alarm for secondary side Electrical--->50 .00 CIRCLE, ARVADA CO 8OOO7 Valuation: Tocal cafculaced FeeE--- > 53'oo Additional Fees------- --> ToEaf PerEit Fee-___----> Pal nents--- --_ _ .00 53 .00 53.O0 ilob Address: 381 BEAVER DAM CR LOCAEiON...: 381 BEAVER DAI4 CR Parcel No. -: 2IOL-07L-L1-001- Project No- : PR'Jg9-0114 Status...: ISSL'ED Applied..: a5/07/2ACA Issued.. -: Ox/A7/200A E>cpires. . : aL/a3/20al- Phone: 970-949-L100 Phone: 970-949-L7-QA 1, 350 . 00 DRB Fee .0O Inveetigation> will call----> .00 3 .00 TOllAr, F'.EES---> 53.00 BAT,ANCE DUB-:-- 'oo IEem: o6OOo EIJECTRICAI-, DEPARTI4EIT{T DEPts: Bq_ILDING DJWiSiON: rtem: 05500 FrRE DEPARTMENT ---- Dgpi' rrnr Division:"oEiriiti-06(t"Jftrn'-- ---iiatioiii Notu Pr,ANs rQ FIRE 06'/07'/2000 MIKE-V AcEion: APPR approved CONDITION OF APPROVAL *trr+ttti.ti*1**t*ttraa.rtttIt DECLARATIONS I heroby acknorrLeatge that. r have read chis apprication, filled ouE in full the inforoation requirBd, conPl6Eed a|r accuratse pl"oc plar, and Etsate tsbat aLr chg infonation plolrided ae required is correct. r agree to conply lrirh lhe infoa'tlacion and prot plan' to couply xith arf rown ord:lnances and acate rasB, and t.o build lhis aclucture according Lo th' Tovn's zoning a''d tubdiviEion codes, d€6igm rewien applowcd, Irnifo! Building code and othcr ordinanccs of th6 Town applicable thcfeEo' REeuEsrs FoR fNspEcrroNs sHAtL BE MADE TwENry-FouR HouRs rN AD\IANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 4?9-213s oR AT ollR oFFrcE PRoM s:00 Afi B:o0 Pfi !r*i*****,it**+**tl*****+tl*ttt******1t****ll***t**tiit**t**a*r****** TOru OF VAIIT, COIJCTRADO Relrri-uted: O7/\5/OO LO.45 gtatemt :l*t*rtt:l*lf*+tl*+t*f**f***t*!t*tl*at*****it*i!t*t**t**al*t*i**tt!t!t!t:l'lt StateoEt Nunber: RtC-o638 Imount: 53.00 06/01/oo 14:45 _ ::i:::_::::i:_T_____l::::iT: ::::-___ rni'E: iIR'r' Perml! N., Aoo-;;;;- -r*.; ;:;;--;;-;;;-------. Parcel Nb: 21.01-071-11-001 site AddreaB: 381 BEAVER DAll cR L,ocatlon: 3a1 BBAVER DA!| CR Total Fees3 53.00 This Payment 53.00 Total ALL PmtE: 53.OO Balance: .0o t**i***a***tti**+**!r*j}*t*rlt*t*!t!t****ra!a*tt**.1r}*t**t*rt*,lrl*t*!t!ta**t Accorr.nt Code Deecription nnou!ts BP OO1OOOO31114OO EI,E TRICAI, PERIGT FEES 5O.OO l{c 00100003112800 IEL,L qALL INSpBqrroN rEE 3.O0 mwno?Ytn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: 97 0-479 - 2L35 (Inspections) Commercial &Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at Ume of. application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, 2no page of this form. ApplicaUon will not be accepted without this information. @nbct Offie at or forParel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) Job Namel robfd1sf,s t ffl//ff" D/lm cR Legal Description Lot: \,r ll Btock t-f ll Fitins: -t\.,,f,t Subdivision: ,.. Owners Name:Address:Phone:^- rA lf* Engineer:Address:\ ilflq:ni iLr\'/ r I DetaijFd LocaUo-n of wprk: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Res i4enf,^( Fire 4(a-tn .;.[ Lf t# Debiled descriotion of work: fUeu ' Kut,'den. =F,'re fr/o.-"- -7osf^ff WorkClass: rue*ffi Addition( ) Rernodel ( ) Repair( ) Retro-ft( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-familVft Two-family( ) MultFfamily( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) fther( ) No. of ftisting Dwelling Units in thb buiHing: I No. of Accommodation Units in thb building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves $l) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No g{ COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR ALARM PERJT,IIT (LAbOr & MAICTiAIS) visit Fire Alarm: $t3 E,o(;r COIi{TRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Alarm Contractor: Clitwtsa! /u ft; l/€J;, :frl 4, Town of Vail Reg, No.: /_s5- s Contact and Phone #3:W;'e;llT;; " zo 7e6-7 7e) Contractor Signature: <)^Z^--r#za)ry rl+*****rl*lt** t * * i * t * rt * il * t * i * ** rl t | * t t * *t * | * * tl * t '| * t*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY F:/everyone/f orrns/al rmperm TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & REIDENTIAL EIREALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing rcquircments at time of submittal must include the followingl A Colorado Register€d Enginee/s stamp. Device locations on reflec"ted ceiling plans. Typical devicc wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. The source of AC power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box locaUon. Information indicating monitoring melfiod and monitoring agency. Information regarding property managerc and contact numbers. Owne/s primary residence Iocation and contact numberc. Instructions for fire alarm system operations and any peftinent code numberc for proper operaUons. This check list has been provided b ensure that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have rcad and understand the above listed submittal rcquirements: Project name: Contractor Signaturc: Date Signed: TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING NON-EMERGENCY FIRE AIARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Department Suppression crbws to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you are working in with the owner ol the manager of the propeity involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Department' Determine with the owner or manager of the property' which alarm company seruices the system fior them. Become familiar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, o-r any other compohent of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projects bag detector within tfre area youwill be working ii Udfore yo[ start, and remove the bags after work is done for the day, For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Department so that wE cah work ftittr you in determining uvhat needs to -be done to alter or *Zone Out" siecific areas of the ahrm system for the structure. Pfease contact the Town of Vail Firc Marshal, Mike McGee at479'2135 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevention Officer, Mike Vaughn at479'2462. I have read and understand the above guidelings. Project Name: J Contractor Signaturc: d,Ioo, Date Signed: 'al"tr\ - --/) I z.\liu.\ r.z\f+v-J Nw\amy HOW DID WE RATE WTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Cornmunity Development Department Russell Forrcst, Director, (970)479-213s Gheck all that applies. 1. Which Oepartnent(s) did you conbc0 Building _ Environmental_ Housing Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initialcontact with our stafiimmediaie dow, _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project revierved on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldo Permit t\UA 6. Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you:54321Namq (knowledge; responsiveness, availabil"fi ) 7. Overaff efiectiveness offie FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use he Front Service Counter? 9. Anv comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to compleb this survey. We are committed b improving our service. TO$IN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81-657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTT,IEI{T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NCEE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAI PERMIT JOb AddrCSS: 381 BEAVER DAM CR I-,OCAIiON. . . : 387 BEAVER DAM CR Parcel No. . : 2LOL-O7L-L1-001 Project No. : PR,J99-0114 APPLIEAI\TT I{IIITB RIVER ELEETRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ETECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8L620 trtt**tirrri*lr* FEE sw[,lARI BlecEri-cal- - - >177,00 .]OBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permj-t E00 - 01_r_6 Status...: ISSITEDApplied..: 06/27/2000rssued...: 06/29/2ooo E>rpires. . : L2/25/2000 Phone z 97Q-949-1403 Phone z 970-949-1403 Tolal calculatod FeeE---> 18o. oo Addici.onal F6es---------> .oo ToEaI Pcrmits Fee------_-> L8o. oo PayuentB------_ 1so. oo BAI,ANCE DI'E. - -. OFFICE FRoM 8!0o Al'l 5:00 Pu OWNER 7 LD CORPt MARK PAYNE, 15753 WEST 66TH CrRCtE, ARVADA CO 80007 OWNER BYRNE, RON Descript.ion: INSTALI EtEerRrcAL IN SBCoNDARY IJNIT ANValuation:00 DRB Fe6 Inwe6tigaEion> tlill calL----> TOTAI, FEBS- - -> . o0 3.O0 1S0.00 Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARIITEIiIT DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON: 06/27/2000 KATIIY ACIiON: APPR APPROVED PBR KWiram;' 05600- Friie DEpARrr,tEhri06/27/2000 KATITY Action: APPR N/A ,trr*rriiitri+rr i*rtlrt*ti*a+ttrat*t***ttt*t+ii COI{DITION OF APPROVAIJ ]-. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ii**i+it*r*!r*rrrr}*rr,rrr.ar**{tt'lt+r*ir1r*rtrtit*rr*itt*tr**iri****tttt'rtttrttt *irlrttt+t DECI.ARATIONS t horeby acknonlsdge Ehat I havs lcad thi6 apptication, fillcd out in fu1l thc information roquired, conpleced an accuragc Plot plan, and state Lhat all che infornatlon prowid6d ae requlred id cortccE. I agre6 co conply eith Ehe inforEacion and Plot Plan, tso conpty wigh alt Tot'tl oldlnancca and state laws, and Eo build bhi6 a€rucLurs according Eo gh€ To*n's zoning and subdLvision codes, dr6igm roviev approwcd, Unifortl Building Code and otshs! ordinancEs of lhe Toen aPplicable thelet'o. REQUBSTS FOR IN€PE('IIONS SHAIJIJ BE MADE TWEIMY.FOUR HOURS IN ADI'ANCE BY IEI,EPHONE AT 479-213S OT AT SIEMTURE OF FOR HIMSELF IND OI{NBR ****f *********attf ***t**t****tt**ltt*a*t*t**tt*t*****t**!tt**at*i TOnN OF VAIL, COIORADO ,8tat€nnt ttt*ltt**ttt***t**tttt*tl**t****tatt**i*rlitta*a**ail!a***ra*a*atl***tla Iltatemnt N\rnber: REC-0548 AqtouBt: 180:oo 06/29/00 LL.33 Palmetrt l'lethod: 11978 llotatlon: flHIfE RII'ER EIJBC .hit: iIN Permlt No: Parcel llo: 81te Addreee: Location: :fhis Palment E0O-0115 Tlpe: B-EIrEc BIJBqrT'ICAL PERIIIT ?101-071-11-001 381 BEAVER DAIi{ CR, 387 BEAVBR DATiI CR Total Feee: 180.00 Total ALL hte: Balance: 180.00 180.00 .00 t*** *t****** ** t** ** * *l !li* **t* t***** l** a* t **t tt *+tt* ** a **trl**l*tt AccounE Code DescrLptlon EP 00100003111400 ELBCI'RICaL PERI'IIT FEBS WC . OO1OOOO31128OO TIILIJ ETIJJ INSPBETION FEB amount L77.OO 3.00 06/26/00 15:3E F I 070 049 E7{8 WSITE RIVER ELEC pg; qq- otl.{tsoot PER}IIT f t N' otlt"c .;tCi'r;lc! Eeglo County AarllrorE Office li r.9irt-328-8640 for pa:cel l. Tonlt OF VAIIJ ooNsTRUCTfoNfrarrrt, ttllple 4!- !!ol . runnrl rppIJcATroN FoRt{tv DATEr b tzb,le , APPLTCATToI{ t{rsT BE FrIJ.ED OIX! @Upr.ErELy OR r[ UAy tfoT BE ACCEETED r********. r*tt***l****tt*t****. pERlfMtpOgt{ATfoN ****.***r*rr*}*i***t*r****jrrrl-g 1-nrtldlng t l-pruilbl.y l.f-ntPctrlcar I l-t{ecbantbal I J-otherR-6N FgYR^te- * Astu-rob rare: F"$EIS-e*"J*a trob AddreEs: 39 Brn'vg.e- b na.u 4rpa-gg. legal Description: ourers Naner WdB rtring I sunorvtsrout wr.+'r1-jj?o .trchitect; T.6saen DES|6'\I cE,tJ-Address: roop S. Ff,-.^r"cqe,.RS 6J pn. llb-+t3 . V!-t! - c.o Ottcg-l I,otJ-- DErtEL,:P Block-fl ilfuJT-Addrers General Dcecrl-ption: ! Mdress: llechanical Contractor: Address: r**ftt*trrrr** ****+aa*tt***ata l* BITTI,DING PERUE FEE: PII'IIEING PER}TT FEEI }IECEANICAI, PER}IIT EEEI EIJECTRICIT FEE3 OTHER TYPE OF FEE; DRB TEE! Torn o! vaa[ Reg. I{o. Phone llubbet! rrA €*-r Wn r& ^ )[-b"r and Tlrpe of FirepraceE: Gas epptiances-..11- Gas togs-.]L wood,/perret_vIl!r**f***t********a*rr********+**** vAmTIoNF -*-*****!r ********* ********r*****i*i'l . 4ft? 6BIELDING: EfiECfRIcAIJ: l_!!.co,o.brf OUen: I ^ EuilBrNc' T wodrrfrli--- tr;fii; i--jt ---_ lr"r*****trttt.l*a***rirr*.1 co$I8,AcKrR IHFtRttaTrot[ **r.rrr*a******a*****t**.**, Eencral contractoEs ree*_ t4-pgtuTvLs Town of vail Req. No.Addreser fi;;r;"#!i,'3:ilff- IlEilIi!"'H#""iR''t ffi $;H""f,J;ll.y+o:",dff -,Itotlc class: frzf-New [ ]-Al.teration [ ]-AddLtl.onal [ ]-Repair I l-gther! - prrag..l -L..-alfutber of DweJ'lLng Units: lt-- b..d- E6+. tlquber of lcc6qn,odation Unlts: .Plulbing Contnd,or: POR Totrn of val]- Reg. No. Phone lfulbet: OFEICE USB *.*r******r*t***.*tr*l*****r.t* DT'TLDI!{G PI..A[ CEECK r88: PLI]UEING PI,TAI{ CHECK JEE: UECIIAIIICAIJ PIAll CrECK 'SE:RECRE.AIION NEE: CIEJA}I-U} DEPOSITs TOTTI. PER}TIT FEES! EIrILDIHG: SIGNATURE: zotrlNc: SIGNATTIRE: JUN 2 6 2000 TOV-COM.DEV. ' leht rnq ' - 0.dctd catt 08/28/OO 15:t8 FAI 970 S49 E7{g Wf,IlE RIVER ELEC @ oo2 otllcr cf cor||'trunlly rbrrloFrnc|l t ..., j. -i,. lnun 75 rodh t|ontr!. rotd r.lf, ootondo tl5!i7Itot, 479-2138 or 479-2139 EUILOII{G PERI.IIT ISSIJ'IIICE TI',IE FRA}G If this permtt requires a Town of.Vail Fire Departnent Approval, ..Ensineel's (ruurrd r:*:l_Fii4'"ni'iri,rr.i..i priiiiii,i'blil"un ntrevier or Healt}t Deoartnrint revim,-ani"a.revjex by the BurT..lding l:rilS31h.l!: .,.i*."J aim;-r;;'u-irtir review inay take is rons A]l comercial flaroe or small) anO ail mu]ti_famfly pennits willhave to follow dtre iuove rdiio";e;ir:rnrm requirsnents. Residentraland smalt projects should ti6-;-i";1.'Irmrnt sf timc. lrowever, rfrestdential or smailer.projects trnpuit'th-! vartous above mentioneddepartnents with reoard' t"-n"..riiFi-i.fr.r, these projects mayBlso take the three-week period. Every attempt wlll b:_-,:?g. by this departnent to expedtte thlspermit as soon as poss.ible. .-s E'\PE' I .. unrs - l-Jl" undersignetl, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame. r Comunity Develorm?nt Department. 06/28/00 15:38 FAI 970 D4S E?45 luwtt rEIIE RIVER EI.EC Goos oftlcr of communlll dcyclcpm.nt ?3 rullr ,lfihe . r!.dt ll. eotor.do !16t l3otl 479-2138 or i79-2139 !o: F80!r: DITE: SUBJIEGI; lrrrr eo*rntqloRs "**"nro"" nrcrsrsRip ,,rrts rFE : Totulf or vau. TOhIN OF VAIL PUB!trC IIORKS,/CO!,II{UIIITY DEUSIPP}ENI l{ARCtt 16, 193! CIIiISITUCSIOII PARKNTC E ilAIERIAIJ STORAGE rn eunrnarlr, ordinanee ro. 5 states that it 's unlawful for anypetson to litter,..,af:k_::_g"go=ii any soil, rock, sandr debrisff ffiff=;*i"i::..:311s_!'u?l iunfeteri, pd#aui""touCG a;---- pl?:. e' ;t;ai"#"d:I"*:""h"=ii5ilt1*_*i.L'ii*:Ij-",varr streetg and yg".d" is approxliately s ft.-lri-paveuent,*ots ordLnance vilt re striiiry ;;;;;;d-uitr,J.ioin or u.irPubric Horks Departnent:-;;;;;;' found wiorating this orcinancesill' be given a 2/t hour r=iti"n'iotics to le.ove said nateriar.rn the event the person sc notified^does not couply trittr tbehotice vithin *:_31__l.fr-tllr"-ip!ciried, tne puiri.c woEkBDeparthent rllr remove said uatcliir-at"irrJ-Erriilli' or pe'sonnotified. Tbe provisi"""-of-iiii-o*r'o'ce shart not beapplicabl,e to constnr.tion,-riiii"r"n"" or repair projects ofany stFeet or alley or any'u-i*-ii;" rn the right-a_way, To reviev ordinance !9a^o. in .fofl , please stop by.the Town of:::i"::ii:i"9,':f,1f;il:ll"::'d;ii a 'opv. rb""r Fu ror your Y Q,z,*-,.-l-t Cl;fra-,r*-Tor (1.e- contractor, guner) TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2a38 DEPARTIIENT OF COMMITNTTY DEVELOPMEI T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT PROiIECT TITLE: 381 BEAVER DAII! CR-SECOND NEW (SFR.P/S,DI'P) PERMIT PETMiT ALL TIMES 899-0185#: O!'INER ilob Address: 381 BEAVER DAli! cR Locatsion...: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No.. : 2101-071-11-001 Project, No. : PRr.f99-0114 7 LD CORPI I,IARK PAYIiIE, 15753 WEST 66TH CTRCLE, ARVADA CO 8OOO7 COI{TRAgTOR PEAK PROPERTIES - RON BYRNE Phone: 970-479-9990 1000 LIONS RIDGE LOOP, SUITE 3A, VAIL, CO 81557 APPLICAIiIT PE,AK PROPERTIES 164-A Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 07/L4/1999 rssued. . .. Lo/05/t999 E>ctrrires. . : 04/02/2000 Dup - Secondary uniE w/EHu Number of Dwelling uniEs: 002 Type Factor Sq. Feet valuation zone 4 v-N 2LL.90 2,603 55L,575.70 Zorre 4 V-N Basement 45.02 795 36,585.90 Zone 4 V-N 55.38 78O 43,L96.40 Subtotal: 4,L78 631,358.00 o5/t7/t996 Total Valuation: 631,358.00 Town of vail Adjusted valuatsion: 1,000,000.000 Descriptsion:New Occupancy DweIIings Dwel-Iings Privat.e Garages Table Datse: Fireplace InforBatsion: ReEcrict6d: ye6 *of cas Applianceg:*Of, ea6 LogE I *of wood/Pallets: FEE gUlO.IARY .00 Total calculated FcrE---> s,943.70 {00.00 Additional Fccs---------> .oo 509.?o Total P.ri[its Fce--------> 8,943.?0 ?50.00 Pa)4nent6- - - - - - - e,943.10 BATJAIICE DIJE- - - - .00 Bullding-----> PIan check- - - > Inweagigatsion> will call----> 4,3{0.00 2, S2r.OO .00 3.00 Restuarant Plan Rcvier--> DRB Fcc-------- Rccrcatsion Pe.----------> Clcan-Up Dclto6its- -- -- - - - > TOTAIJ FEES----- IEEM: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARII'IENT O9/28/L999 KATI{Y Act,ion: NOTE LO/05/L999 CHARLTE AcEion: APPR IECM: O54OO PI,ATiINING DBPARTTVIENT 09/24/L999 DOMINIC AcE,ion: APPR 09/2e/L999 KATHY AcEion: NOTE 02/L8/2000 KATHY Action: NOTE 02/L8/2OOO DOMINIC AcEion: APPR IECM: 05600 FTRE DEPARIT4EI{T 09/28/L999 KATHY AcEion: APPR Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS 09/28/L999 KATIIY AcEion: NOTE 09 /30/L999 LSATiIDOVA AcEion: APPR 02/L8/2OOO KATI{Y Act,ion: NOTE 02/22/2000 LSAIiIDOVA AcE,ion: APPR 02/24/2000 KATHY AcLion: NOrE ILem: 05550 ENGfNEERING Dept: BUIIJDTNG Dlvision: Rout,ed to eharliegee correct.ionsDept: PLANNING Division: see contrnents Dominic already appr'd Routed to Dominic Dept: FIRE Divisi-on: N/A Depts: PUB WORK Division: RouLed to lJeonard w/$75 APPROVED Routed to Leonard APPROVED ROUTED REV/Sfl'/tPD WALL I.'S Dept: ENGINEER Division: 09/2e/L999 KATHY Actj-on: APPR See public works *t**t***r**!r***rt***r*rr*r*r* il****ir****rr*****tttt**trtf*J*J****ttt**lti******',*+t*ttt***!r***tt*ttr*t**'ltt*ttt*il*t See Page 2 of t,his DocumenE for any conditions that may appty to Ehis permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby acknorrlcdgc Chat I have read thi6 applicat.ion, fitlcd out in full thc infor6ati,on required, coNlpl€tcd an rccuraec ploe plan, and statc that all bhe infotuaeion prowided as rcquired i6 corr.cg. I agrce to codply rrith tshc i.nforuacion lnd plot plan, to coNlIrly rith all To|n ordinancc6 and stsat'e larB, and to buitd Chi6 Btsructurc accoraing to the Tovn's zorriltg .nd lu.bdLvilion codea, dcaigrn r6vi.r epprovcd, uniforu Building code and o!h.r ordinatlccs of, rhc Tox!! applicable lhereto. REQITEST3 POR INSPEeITONS SHALL BB IIDDB SdEltTY-FOt R HOURS IN AIVANCE BY TBLEpllOt{EJT 479-2L39 OR AT OIrR OFFICE FRO!, 8100 AL 5!00 Pll Scnd ClGan-Up D.po6it To: Prak Buildero SIOIDIURE OF OIiNBR OF-EONTRACIOR FOR HIMABLF AND O!{NER PAGE 2 ***:t:t:l*************************************!t!t***************:r***:l*!t************* Permits #: 899-0185 STATUS: ISSUED******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of o2/25/OO PETM1E TIPE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant,: 7 LD CORP .fOb AddTESS: 381 BE.AVER DAM CR LocaEion: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No: 2101-071-11-001 Applied: 07/t4/L999 Issued: 1-0/05/L999 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. TITIS PRO.fEqf WII,L REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SI'RVEY. SUCH SI,RVEY SHALL BE SIJBMITTED AI..TD APPROVED PRIOR TO REQI'EST FOR A FRAME INSPEETION. 2. Install constmction fence around site 3. MusE cotply with Army Corps penniE and tree study 4. A FOI'IIDATION ILE IS RBQUIRED. SEE MEMO IN INSPECTION CARD FOL,DER A*tltt****t******a*l*tt *********!tt******t********t**t*itlt*tt***l}* TOlfl[ OF VAIIJ, OoIORADO gtatennt ittt*l**:l**i*l}**t*tl*!l ********t*attl***al**tl*at*tt!tt**tl**a*tt*t gtatemt, llurnber: RBC-O5OO nmouDE: 12o.oo O2125/oo 13 237 Payrent l{ethod: cK Notsatlon: $998/PEN( PROP Inlt: LC Pernlt lto: Parcel l{o: Site Addreeg: Location: ThlE Paymelt Total Fee6: 120.00 Total ALI", Pmt€: 899-0185 TlEe: B-BUILD l{EW (gfR,P/8,InP) PB 2101-071-11-001 381 BBAI'ER DAU ER 381 Beaver Dam Cr a ,943 .7O 9,943 ,7O .o0Ba]-ance: t**t**t***a*t*ttt**ta**at**t*a**atttl}l*****til*ttt*a***tt*tat*** Accourrt Code Descrlptlon PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHEEK FEBS iqmouDt 120 . O0 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, c0 81657 970-4?9-2L38 Description:New Occupancy DwelIings Dwellings Privat,e Garages Tab1e Date: DEPARII{BIiIT OF COMMI'NITV DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT PROiIECT TITLE: 381 BEAVER DAM CR-SECOND NEW (SFR,P/S,DIIP) PBRMIT Permits AI-,t TIMES 899-0185 OWNER ilob Address: 381 BEAVER DAI,I CR I-,ocation.,.: 38L Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No. . : 210L-O7L-L1-001 ProjecE No. 3 PRiI99-0114 7 LD CORPt MARK PAYNE, 15753 WEST 66TII CrRCr.,E, ARVADA co 80007 CONfRACTOR PEAK PROPERTIES - RON BYRNE PhONC I 97O-479-9990 1000 LroNs RIDGE LOOP, SUITE 3A, VArt, co 81657 APPI,IEAIiIT PEAK PROPERTIES L64-A Stratsus...: ISSUED Applied..: 07/L4/t999 rssued...: l0/05/1999 Expirea..: 05/27/2000 Dup - Secondary uniE w/EHU Number of Dwelling Units: 002 Tl4re - Factor Sq- Feet Valuation Zone A V-N 2LL.9O 2,603 551,575.70 zorLe 4 v-N BaaemenE 46.02 795 35,585'90 zone 4 v-N 55.38 780 43,L95.40 subEotsal: 4,L78 631,358.00 o5/L7/L996 Total Valuatsion: 631,358-00 Town of vail Adjusted valuaEion: 1,000,000'000 Flrcphc. Inf,ordrcion! R.rtsricEcd, ycg *of oa6 Applirnc.!:*of Gas Log6:*of wood/Pillot: rt!rri*'r**rrr**.rr***rtrii**i.r FEE SUIOIARY Bulldlng-----> Plrn ch.ck- - -> rnv.rblgrtt on> wi.11 ceI1----> 4,34O.O0 2,S2L.OO .00 3.OO ReBcuerant Plan Rsvl€v--r '0o DRB Foc-------- 509. ?O 750. 00 Tolal CaIcuIaC€d Po..---> g 'S2t .1O Addiclon.l Fe.5---------> .00 E I tzl .1O a, a?3.70 Rccraatlon Fcc-------__-> claan-Up D6po.lE - - ---- --> BUILDING DEPARTTV1ENTKATIIY Action: NOTB CIIARI..IE ACtsiON: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARII,IENT DOMINIC AcTJ.on: APPRKATITY ACIiON: NOtrE FIRE DEPARTTT{EM Totrl Parhits F.a- -- --- - -> PaylnanEs-__----- TOTAI, FEES-----BAITANCE DUE- - -- tr*r*r****.r+ttt**r*a***rrt**r rttl***r *.r *ir trr* a *t **rr*irrrrr *+tft'rttt Item: 05100 09/28/Leee LO/Os/L999 It,em: 05400 09/24/L999 oe/28/Leee IE.em: 05600 09/2e/L999Item: 05500 09/28/L999 09 /30 /L999IEem: 05550 09/28/L999 Deptr: BUILDING Division: RouEed to Charlie nee corrections DePE : PLANNING Divisj-on: see comnenEs Dominic alreadY aPPr'd Dept: FIRE Division: KATIIY ACTiON: APPR N/A PtBLrc woRKs Dept: PttB woRK Division: KATTIY Action: NOTE Routed tso Leonard w/$75 I,SANDOVA ACEION: APPR APPROVED ENGINEERING Depts: BNGINEER Division: KATITY AcE.ion: APPR See public works rl't*tt.iJ.|'*t**i'''''*tt+ti*tt'*rrt*t'*,*l'l*t**.ttti*}tttti.*,t'*l.t*t,|rt+tf!r.t.*t*!rrtl'* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions thats may apply to Ehis permit. DECLARh'TIONS t h.ra!'y rcknovtedge chaE r hrv! r.td chl! rppllcatlon, fll1cd out ln full cha lnfonrElon !€quircd, cooPletcd an accurasc ploE phn. rnd atac6 tshats rlr th. inforraE!.on provid.d ia r.qul!.d 1. corract. r egr.. co coEPly !,ith thc inforf,acion and ploE phn' to cooply !.ilh rll Torn ordLnanccE.nd 6trc6 lt|.d, .nd ro bulld lhig sttucEurs eccordl'ng !o thc to!tn'6 zoning and €ubdiwiEion codcc, daglEa lovicr approv.d, Uniforn Building codr rnd othr! ordintnceE of lhc to$n sPPlic'blc ch€reco' IN ADVANCE BY TELBPHONE AT 4?9-2139 OR AT OUR 8:0O Ati 5: OO PM SIONATURE OF OWNER OR C13NTRAETOR FOR AND O9{NER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, Pel:rn:it #: 899-0185 as of OL/L}/Oo status: ISSUED **********************************************************:t*****************tl:l:t* REQUASTS FOR II'S9ECTIO}'II SHALL BB TIADE TTIBNTY.FOUR HOTJRS g.nd clc.n-Itlr D.po.i! To! P!.k Bulldo!6 Permit \pe: NEw (SFR,P/S,DIIP) PERI4IT Applicanr: 7 LD CORP ,Job Address: 381 BEAVER DAl4 CR Irocatsion: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No: 2101-071-11-001 Applied: 07/L4/1999 Issued: LO/05/L999 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS *********************************************************+********************** 1. TIIIS PROiIECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPRO\/EMEIfrI SI'R\IEY. SUCH SI'RVEY SIIATJL BE SI'BTI,IIT:TED AIiID APPROVED PRIOR TO REQI'EST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. InsEall construcEion fence around site 3. Must, comply with Army Corps permiE ancl tr-ee suudy 4. A FouNDAiIbN ILC Is REQUIftED-. SEE MEMO IN INSPEqTTON CARD FOLDER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8t557 970 -479-21,38 DEPARI'IVIENI OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECI TITLE: 381 BEAVER DAM NEW (SFR, P/S, DI'P) PERMIT .JOb AddTESS: 38]. BEAVER DAIVI CRLocati.on...: 381 Beaver Dam Cr Parcel No. . : 2L0I-07L-L1-001 Project No. : PR'J99-0114 APPLIEANT PEA.K BUILDERS, IJLC 1OOO IJIONS RIDGE LOOP - 3A., VAII CO, COMTRACTOR PEAK BUILDERS, LLC 1OOO LIONS RIDGE IOOP - 3A, VAIL CO, VAIL VAIL .JOBSITE AT CR-SECOND Permit TIMES 89 9 - 0185 ALL #: SEatus...: ISSITED Applied..: 07/L4/L999Issued...: L0/05/L999 Expires..: 04/02/2000 Phonet 970-476-3220 RI]N BUILDING 81657 Phone: 97Q-476-3220 RI'N BUILDING 81657 OWNER 7 LD CORP ? IVIARK PANiIE, 15753 WEST 66TH CIRCLE, ARVADA CO 8OOO7 Descripti-on:New Dup - Secondary unit w/BIIU Nudber of Dwelling Units z OO2 Occupancy T)rye Factor Sq- Feet VaLuation Dwellings Zone 4 V-N 2LL.9O 2,603 551 ,5'75.70Dwellings zorre 4 v-N BasemenL 46.02 795 36,585.90 Privat.e Garages zone 4 v-N 55.38 7AO 43,L96 .4O Subt,otal : 4,L78 631,358 . 00 Table Date: O5/L7/L996 ToEal valuation: 631-,358.00 Town of vail AdjusEed valuation: 1,000,000.000 Fireplace Infoination: R66t.ricted: yes *Of caE| Appl.iances:*of eaa lrcEa:*of t{ood,/Pal.1er: FEE SIrl,ll4ARY Totsa1 calculated Fe6a---> a.423 - 70 Addltsional FeeB---------> .o0 Total Per$its Fe€--------> Pa!.Esnts€ - -- - - - - BAIANCE DUE- -- - Building-- ---> Plan check- -- > Inve6ti9ation> Vfill. call----> 4, 340 . OO 2, s2! .OO . oo 3.O0 .00 {00.oo 509.70 750.00 a I s23 .'1O s,e23.70 s, 923 . ?o .00 R€stuaranl Plan Rcvie*--> DRB Fee--------- Recroation Fe6---------- > CIean-Up DcpoaiC- ------- > rtem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTIVIEI{'I 09/28/L999 KATHY Action: NOTE L0/05/L999 CIIARIJIE Action: APPR ITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTTVIENT 09/24/L999 DoMrNrc Action: APPR 09/28/L999 KATHY AcEion: NOTE rLCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/28/L999 KATHY AcEion: APPR It,CM: O55OO PTTBLIC WORKS O9/28/L999 KAT]IY Action: NOTE 09/3O/L999 LSANDOVA Actsion: APPR IIEM: 05550 ENGINEERING 09/28/1999 KATIIY Act.ion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Routed to Charlie see correcti-ons DCPE: PT,ANNING see commenEs Dominic already appr'd Dept.: FIRE N/A DepE: PUB WORK Routed to Leonard w/$75 APPROVED DePts: ENGINEER See public works Division: Diwision: Diwision: Division: Division: ** r r*:r*rrJ:}'rr*l}*rJt{t*r+a*tr*ta r*!r****,r****tt}**tfrt rti**rr*** i:l}*a r rJ*t*trt***t r rri+*tttt ****t{ *+t1* t**t* tfrttl}t atllata!}lrt*r **at*t See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions thaE may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknor,l.edgc lhat f hav€ rcad thiE application, fillcd out' in full thc inforeation requircd, colrpletscd an accurat.c plol plan, and Btate that all che infontration provi.dcd ar rcquir.d ir corr€ct. I aglce Eo collply vitsh thc infomation and plot plan, to conirly rriEh all Toxn ordinanc66 a.nd ECat! 1a{€, and to build tstris sbluctu!. according !o Ehe Tovn'a zoning Ntrd aubdiviEion codes, de6igr! rcwiee approvod, Unifonn BuiJ.ding code and ocher ordinanc€s of t'h. Tovn applicablo Eh6!.to- REQUESTS FOR INSPEmIONS SHALL 8E MA.DE TWEIITY-FoIJR Holns IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHO/XIE A'I 419-2Pg OR AT OOR OFFICE 8ROl,l g:00 Al| 5:00 Pll 4zn-- (.-'zz-=r:- - send clcan-Up DcpogiL To: P€ak Buildelg SIGNATUnB OP OIINBR oR CollTRAeIoR FoR HIl sEl,P AND OWNER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI-, PermiE #: 899-0185 as of L0/06/99 status: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** PermiE l)pe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: O7/1,4/L999 ApplicanL: PEAK BUIIDERS, LLC Issued: IO/05/t999 Job Address: 381 BEA.ER DAI!4 CR Locati-on: 381 Beaver Dam CrParcel No: 2L01-071-LL-001 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. TTIrS PRO,JECT WILL REQUIRED A SrTE IMPROVEMENT SIJRVEY. SUCTI SURVEY SI{ALL BE SI'BMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. Install consEruction fence around site 3. Must coq)ly with army Corps permiE and tree study4. A FOI'NDATION ILC IS REQUIRED. SEE MEMO IN INSPECTION CARD FOLDER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COIJOR,ADO Reprint,ed: L0/05/99 L6 :2L SEaternnt * * * * :l :l * * * :l * * *** * * * * * * *** * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * Statemnt Number: REC-0571 AmounE.:8,823.70 t0/Os/99 t6:2t Palment, Met,hod: CHECK Notsat,ion: #10011/Ron Byrne IniE: KMW Permi-t, No: 899-0185 Tlpe: B-BUILD NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) pE Parcel No: 2101-071-11-001_Site Address: 381 BEAVER DAIrt CR LocaE,ion: 381 Beaver Dam Cr This PaymenE ****.************************************:r*********************** AccounE Code Descript,ion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DBSIGN REVIEW FEES PF 00100003112300 plAliil CHECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAI-,L INSPEETION FEE Total Fees:I,823.70 Tot,al ALL Pmts: Balance: 8,823.70 I,823 .70 .00 Amount, 4, 340 . 00 400.00 2,82L.OO 750.00 509. 70 3 .00 Dovrr,.trpfnaff _ Dt\Rq_ OOot ?e.sq - ottq TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPilCATION WILL BB REIECTEI) Contact thefagle.County Assessorc Offrce at 97G328-8640 for Parcel # Parcel #8l Pennit # Other ( ) VV "*, 7/t//?7 totNa^e, BYfiFE rn^ddr*st 781 6EAIE4 pAPt ClR nuiloinc(Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Legal Description: rnt-f BWk-q- Fninc------3-82- Subdivision 14A4/rn D rtt{ OTzotphone# xcnitect: R D C Description of Job : Work Class: New Alteration ( ) INumber of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: PLI.JMBING mx""s. looo 9 FBoprAeF flD p:none#'lzlLlttz ' Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: OO o,oeo -a ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ VALUATIONS CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE RECT] BUILDING: SIGNA ZONING: SIGNATURE: Gas Logs-----_-,4- Wood/Pellet OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ 6- Gcneraf contractor: PEtf K Bku0e n S Address: /eoa Lroru s ftDae teap Satf 3 tg,ffi* Town of Vail RegistrationNo. S 7 O' P -3 Elestlca]contractq: Tovm of Vail ResisEation No. Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Town of Vail Registration No.sEP 29 19s9 cLEAN up DEposTTREFUNDTo: ?tt\tBt>l' n€"S lBr.iLnq TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROEIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlanfirl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or caosi to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sani, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenE four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specifred, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such san4 gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C . Exceptions : The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable : t. Wttrin ttre immediate area of any constructioq maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sower main, etectricity line, gas line, telephone line or any apputenance thereto; 2. To depoiits of sand" dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe plblic safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said rnaterials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in section l4-l ofthis code. n. Notiie; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided irrsubsection B hereo! upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) ./ 4==-- Read and acknowledged by: " La*-j Position or Relationship to Project:G,L- ALL CONTRACTORS CURP€NTLY REGISTERED WTTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE D^t ' "// /ft? (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWN OFYAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 BUILI'ING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Plamring Departrnent review of Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (la1ge or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned ma:rimum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents rvith regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparnnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreedtoby: ft-* C.- D/t n o^*t n, ''t f /?? Work Sheet was tumed into th6 Cormudty Development Dept. tp *"uo"uo C/R S €co.vorlrg y TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAMEr "PI]BLIC WAYPERMIT": l. Is this a new residence? MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PLtsUC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A ?UBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQ1JIRED et4 t/D^rE 7////f7 PLEASE ANSWER TITE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI{E NEED FOR A 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 8. Is any utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained *Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Wort's office or at Community Development. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 4792198. I I]AVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Sigmture vEs X No 2. Is demolition wort being performed t\t5zl. use of the Right-of-way, easernents or public property? YES vns Y No YES /Y NO Is a difierent access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES K NO Is any drainage *ork bejng dore thar affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES_ NO_x_ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit' required? YES- NO-{- A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public pmperty to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES x No_ B. If NO to 8A is a padcing staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES )< NO_ /C DERS nn",_7//X_fu CompanvName ff Novcmbcr 22,IW Ron Bync & Agsociaiw 285 Bridgc Sma VaiI. Colorado 81658 3g7 B EAV ER 2lt't c /'f , Job No. 19 U7 !tubJecu Observatlmof Excayation, hopoEcd Sccondary Rnsidclrce, Lot l, Block 4, Vail vallcry, Filirg 3, 3t7 Bcavo Dam Circlc, Vail, Colorrdo, Dcar lrrlr. Bync:ts??-o / € 5 Ac requeated. a reprcs€otstirG of Hcpworth-Pawlsk Geoitcchnical, Inc. obucrved thc excaration at the subjcct sito scl'crel times betevecn Octob€r 22 and Nowmber 16, 1999 !p avaluato tle solls exporcd for fsuDdatiotr support, The findiagr of our work and rccommcndatione for tbr fourdation desigu arc presentcd in this report, Thc work wrs dons b nccodarco wi0t our agrecmrd for gccecbnical cqgineeri{ srrvi]€s to you, daed Ocobcr 21, 1999. Hcpworth-Pa*lak Geotcchnieal, Inc prcviously obscfl,ed lbe exeavation for tbe pr'rmrry residcnce locatcd at 381 BGEver Dam Circle, Iob No. tn 524, datcd July 30, 199''. Thc proposed sccondary rc$idope will bc a two Btory wood tame structurc witb E panirl bascnrnt lo'cl. lnror level floors will be ovcr aawlsprce witb slab-on'grade 'in tho guagc. The buildiog bas bccr dssignd !o bc supportcd on sprcad footiogs usiug al allowablc soil beariry prossure of2,000 psf. Th€ sitc is otr ttt downhil gidc qf Bcaver Dem Circlc end alopm stonsly rc $s mrtb towar$ Oore Creck. Thc bndktiqg excavatiou wu in progrers at the timc of our site vtsits. Inidally thl basenrent level wes cxcavamd ald ficoustcrcd soft clay€y silt eoils tlat werc nrbcxcs\4rrcd 3 to 5 fcst bckw dcsiga foodlg bearhg elevuio,n to the dccpcr Eavcls. Foodry subgrde was rc-cstrblishcd with minus 4 isc[ srd 114 inch cnrehed rock. Aay gro:udwarcr ercounr€rcd wrrs romoved by euops and Erops. & tbc ilicavatioB progresred up tbe slope, ssme Edditionsl subcxcavatior was rcqulred to ec,hlcvc suitablt bearing on ttc gravels. TLe forndation cxcladon, when cmpletcd, tad beco cut ia multple levelc ftm about 6 to l0 foct bclow the adJrccut g5ouad surlbcc. Thc soile ,g/ig'd HJ:U0:F +H Attt 6661-?Z-mN Roa Byrpc & Associetes November 2?, L999 Page 2 exposcd in thc botton of tbr! crcavation consistcd of ncdium deasc to deosc, dE'cy ailty sandy gavel witb scettcrcd sobbler. Tbe rcsults of a gradation amlysis pcrtrrnca on a earnple of the grav€I (ndnue ltl insh frastbn) obtained from the sitc ac prascatcd on Ftg. l. Free watcr was r:ncountarcd only ln thc lowor ponion of tbc excrvation, Thc soils werc uolst to ver:/ molsl and wct il thc groundwater rrear. Considering the couditims r:xpmed in the excsvadon md th ur,ture of thc proporcd oou nrtion, ryrcad fuotings placed on thc undisturbed naaual gravel soil dcdgped br an allon'tblc soil boariag prsssure of 2,000 psf should be adequatc for rupport of the propoccd residcncc. Thc u;r to 4 or 5 feet of crushcd rock placcd ol thc bcariog graveh is suitable ftr foudcim bo.rhg support. tte crushcd rock s&otld be srnorudcd by filtcr hbric !o prcvcnt gound loss. Due to tbc yariable bearing condhions, tbcrc could bc somc ilifftr€ntial fouadation settlcmcnr. Fodin$ should bc tr minimum wllth of 16 itrcbEE for continrrous walls and 2 feet for columns. All mud and lome 8sd distubcd soils ia footing arcas should bc rcmoved and the t€arhg level exteoded down to tbc conrpetcnl bcariqg soils. Eficrior footings should bc providcd with adequatc soil cover aborrc thiir bering clcvatiarc for ioetprotcction. Costinuous foudation walr should be rcinforccd top and botton to span local anomdicc nrch ac by arsuming an usttpported lengh of at tca* 12 fcst. Forndation walls acting as raaidng strucnrr€s should also be desigacd to r:sist a lxcral carth prcs$re baccd on an cquivaltqt fluid unit wcight of at least 50 pc:f for oa-eirc gravcl soil u badcfill. A pcrimctcr fuundation drain systco placcd at cac,h leval'of thc ercavation should bc povidcd to prcvcut tcoporary buildup of bydro*tatic precsurc bchlnd &c wails ard ptevcm weting of trc lowcr lcvcls. Thc petimcta'&ain $ould bc placcd at lcast 2 ftet belot$ adjaccnt intcdor grade ad dopcd u a suitable gnvity mrtla. Thc drain gravcl sbould be scparatctl ftom thc o-site eolb by ffltcr fsbric. Strucftral fill placcd within floor slab srcar catr coruiet of tbe ou-sirc gravcl roils cmgactd to et lcast 95 96 of *ruturd Proctor d€osity at a moistr$ coatcdt ncar o1rfi,nilxn. BaclfiU phccd arcuad &e $nrcnne shouLl bc coryact8d atd tho sErftcc gradcd to prcvcnt pondiag withh at lctst ?a/z@'d H]:Uo:B d-H ft,tt't 655't-t'Z-mN RonByrne & Assosiates Novcubec n, lW Page 3 tO fcEt of lhc buildhg. Thr cxcavatios dcwahdng ilccigu rccouncndatioru for ftc sitc by Alpinc Bn$nceriag drul Novcuber t5, 1999, were rwlcn'd rud appcu.luinblc' Ttc rccornrncndations subnittrd is tris lcmr are bared oa mr obsfivetion of thc soilg exposcd witbin the foundefir:n excavadoa aad do not includc subrurfacc crplcatioa to svsllrrrc the rubsurface conrlitbns wiei! tht loadEd dcgth of foundaCiou inf,ucncc. Thir snrdy ir besed on tbc alsuoptioo ttat soils bcocdh thc fociryr have cqul c bcttrc auppqt rhrn those s4psed, Tbt risk of foundatiou tnov@Ert Ely bc grcitcr 6rn indicated in thir rcport bccause of pwibh rtiations in tbe subrufh€ colditims. h ordpr to rcl,eal the rElluc ud cxttsjt of varietions iu thc aublofhce conditioas bqlow tbc crerwtior, ddling woutd bc roquircd. It ls porsiblc thc deta obaircd by ruUnrg* explor*ion couftl chasse lhe rgcoEosdadoll outeincat in tlds lcttct. If thcro arc ay qucstiors u if wc ury bc of ftrthor aagtsance, please lot us how. Sincercly, INC. rtEclncd cc: Scgerbcrl Mayhew.TrchiEc6 - Attn: Tom Mayhcw Mmoe & Ncwcll Enginsers - Atn: Craig C€l:oll PcskBuildccs, LLC - Anu: Rou Constein DavldA. Y H.P OEoTEcfl FU : EI 656T-FE-MNva/EE'd Hf,3IO:F +H FA'd "ruDJ_ fl,fr 'lr a,Dr .ra .a .E ua !'I {t llrirlo OIAIiEIER OF PARTICI.ES IN UII.tlIETEfft oFAtGL 37 UQUID UMIT SAND 35 SLT ANO CLAY 2t PIASIIOTY INDEX s uFLE OFr Oc1;y flli)' 5on6 ond Gtlr,€l FRoIII gattom of UPpcr Prttoll of Etcovotion 199 847 HEPWORT}I - PAWITK GEOTECHNICAL. INC:.GRADANON TEST RESULTS Flg. 1 FWtzA'd Hf,3IO:r} +.H tsAIET 566I-FE-NEN