HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ09-0165 B09-0109 LEGAL ��Wl� D�F V��C � 75 5outh �rontage Road West Community Develo�ment Qepartment Vail, Calorado 8'��i57 974.479.�138 vails�ov.com 97Q.479.2A52 fax Certificate of Non-Compliance March 21, 2013 Steven Wilkening Trust 9915 Broadmoor Road Omaha, Nebraska 68114 Dear Owner/Agent, A certificate of non-compliance is hereby filed in the Town of Vail permanent records for the property located at 16650 Sunburst Unit 57 with the following action: On May14, 2009 permit B09-0109 was applied for at this office for interior remodel. This permit has expired per section 105.5 of the International Building Code 2012 edition. The Town of Vail cannot verify code compliance and the structure has not received a final approval for work authorized. A hold on the approval of any future projects for this property is hereby ordered until the aforementioned permit is resolved with this office. Sincerely, Martin A. Haeberle Chief Building Official ��wr� �i '���i ��"��°�� i . "'��� 9 '+ � ��,.. ���� � "� l.��s� � I�C.�r. `�-,,-��y,� ,���esta� �nspecti�n ��d Sa�rn.�al��g Rep�rt 15�2 �Gr��f I er-rc�c�, Ilr�it 5�, Vair, Cc��nr-rrr�r_� �1�.�'7 �� fC� I �r� Pr°eset�ted t�: �-_�-- ------ i�'� ��� 1 '-~J L�.?� � ��'� ��� +�'� Mr. Mike 0'l��il - -' ' ' �ustott� Ct�ncepts �temadelia�� �AY �� �'�Q9 ��;t P.+Q. F�ox 0124 � Ea�l�, C� 81b3�1 � J �UVN (�F VA�L Perfor�r�ed f��: 1'�r. St�ve Shu�t�i�f DS Consulting, Inc. P.�. B�x �6€3F4 Av�c�n, C� �31�Z0 Pr•oject�etaits, DSC Prcfj�ct #: 1z74 Cotz�iuct�d: May �l, �[lQ� �� �[7I1SU����"1�,� ��ZC. � � CJnn-�arc:F�cd Crec�entials. 5uperit�r R�sults. � EXECU'1"iV'� SL]1�Ml�RY On lvlay Z�, Z[109, Nfr. 5teve Shurt�iff of DS Constilti��� Inc. (I�SC} perFor�razd a liinite�i inspectian a�d ��s'�estos sam�lin� �t �59� Gvlf Terr��ce, lJn�t 57, Vai1, CUlQrado, in rarder to identif'y �UtenCially ha:�ardous f'riab�e and norz-Fr�able aslaestos-�c�nt�ini�g rn��cri�ls �1�CM] vvit���i� � pofCi�n aF the �bo�e-reference�, sin�le Eamily resider�ce in whicl7 a �•�t7iodel is plannetl. Mr. �hurtliFF perFormed asbestc�s hu]k-�ar���alin� �f drywall (s+.�r£acing matea•i�i} 4n a tt�tal af khree (3) loc��ians within t$ie resid�nce �see A,ppenc�i,v A �ar sam�+le f�cntior�s]. h�l tlaree [3� t7�l�C-s�mples were analyzed by ReserUr►irs En�ironrr�ental, lnc. [NVLAP #101$9b) with �11 Chree [�] latsoratary resuits �eir�g non-de�ect F+�r �.t;M [see fYp�et��ix G for� �ab�ratnr}� r�esu�ts}. ;� � PR(3JLCT C7V�k�'IEW �. intrnductior� �1 liizxited irispectir�n �t�d �iulk-saznplir�g Fo�• IiCM was c€�nductec� �t 159? Galf Tei°raee, Unit 57, Vail, Calaradn, �y �Nlr. �huz-tliff ��l May �], Z[1f19, at the request o�� Mr. Mike C]"N�#� �rait�h Custom Caricepts �et�7�a�lelin�. Mr. Sh�rtliff is a Colt�i•ado State Cez-tified Ciuildit�g �nspect��- and }ias �PI►� �'��:crec�i�atian �#15413 �s�e A,�p�r�dr.�,�for�er�ti,�ic�utcJ, The p�rpose oFthe inspection was tQ �dentify, sample �nd assess pc�ter�tially Y�azardt�us Fr4able and non-friable ACM wat�yiri t�7e resid�nt:e. II, Struetural D�s�gn The strt�cture is a w���d-fra��tetl, in�alti-level,single-fata�ily resiriet�ce with an�ttach�d gar�ge. I11. Sampling and Anaiy��cal Pre��edures �"he inspectian, assesstnent aF��i sarraplin� were conducted by an �'�A �nr� Af1ERA accretiitecl 8uildi�g I�sp+cctc�r q��l'sFied Y�y ex���rience, educ�tiort arrd tr�sinin� in the recognition of p�ten�ial ACM and ap�ra��ed �ulk-�:arrrpl�n� tcehniques. The �ssk��stc�s buik-san�plin� was candu��ted vn sttspect ACM wit}� a limited numb�r'of bulk-s��n�ple� being�ecrl1e�tec� within thc r�sie�erice. The inspection, assessment and �arti�linn wer� perfa�-med ira �cc�rdance with �n�ironrnenta] Prote�tion A�encyJ�1,HERA rec��mrr��mded procec��tres. These pr�ce�c�ui'e� call fnr tkie vis�jsi] ins�ection of�the area oF co�lcern and the col�ectic�a� a�zc� r�natysis o�re�aresentative b�lk-sarnples afsuspect materia�, S+�me n�izio�- de�tructiVC s�mp[inb was cc�rrrJucteei. W�lls, cr�lur��ns and perimeter pip� chases w��-e raot br�kera intr� in circler to l��ate�nd qu�titify svsp��:t 11CNi. It shgtticE be 3��ted Ch�C additir�nal A[:M rnf�ht b� located ira t}�e:,e t�n�i ather inaccessil��e e��-�t�s. 1$ar�d�m huik-s�mples, r��7resentativ�e of the suspect asb�stns-c:or�[�inin� h�iitc3�n� materi�ls (AC�M} of each �r�mng�ri�eous aa'ea (liA], were callccted acenrc3in,� tcr Lhe g�aidelincs publis�ed as Ei�virt�nm��atal Prr�tectio�Agency [�:f'A) �'iaial R�le: Title II oFttte'I'c�;�ac�ubst.ances Cantrc�l Act [TSC�1}, 1 i �ISC. Sectic�ns 26�i thrt�u�;h 2654 ar7r� i� ec�n��liance with !ld) C�`R, Parr 763. R�pres�ntative �amplin� is b�sed �nr� t�ae fc�llotn�ing c�'iC�ri��; 1. The ciistribtiti�n ofthe sus��c�:m�irerial thruu��tnut tl��HA. 2. '1'?ie�;uspect rt�ateri:�l'*; �hys►cal char��teristics ant� a�a}�licatic�ri. 3. R�r;c�n� sampltt�g p�t�ern5 ci�.t�rrninec� �F�r-�ac�, H!#. Sr:spect rnaterials sarr�F�lec� �nd aa�aly�ecl shoui�l 3�e cnnsic�crcc� tc� be represent�tive of rnaterials in �e��ch H1�if: 1. '1'}�ey�x��i�i[ sir�ai�ar pltysica! c�lar.3c:terist3rs; atid 2. "T}ie �p�iieztio� of t}7� s.3rnPle�l matc�rial cata be �cort'elat�d to t}ye ap�lic:atinn c�F t�n-sampleti m��te�rial. 3 F3u1�-sarn�ales c+allcctcd wcrc anaiyzcd utilizin�the EP11'�; 1�et�or�d Qr t#ae I]�t rnarnatie�ra o �isl�estos iri Budk Burldrr�,� N��rteri�ls [�I'A E�[lO�IR/1"Ib. ]uly, 1993] and the hnc�:rone Resea�°ch Instit�tte's Thc� AsZ�stQs Pc�rtrcle At1�rs as methods referenees. E1na]ysis o£the i�uik-sarnples was �erfoT-9�er� crn t1�� ��dat� �'eporteel,"�s Iistecl in the l�ul�C-san�pl�analysis rcpo�-t. 1V. �iotes on�epQrt Farmat Sus�eet material� ali�€� in �ppearance and �pplycatit�n w�re sa��i��l��l as HAs. �uspect maiC�ri�1� were divided inta tha-ee�classifications; 1. 5urfacing material: spray�d r��•troweled ot7to st�`uctural be�ilciir�g mem�er. �. "I'hei•mal5ystern 6nsulation �TS�}: any rype af pi�e, boiler, tanlc,oi-du�:t insulation. 3. M�scel�aneoiis: otlaer sus�rec�materials, t`]raar tile,s�1e�t vitiyl�3inpl�urn, eeiling tiles, inst�lation,and #�nisl�in�rn�terials. [:n���lition as��sstnents �t�er� pet,fc�rnxed by the accredit�d i�sp�ctar at the t�mc of insper.ti��n. [:c�nditiati �ssessrnents are 12sted i� the f�lle�ws"ng sectic�n, Ratin�s af ��g��d,,� ��dan��ged,`� and "'signifi�antly d�m�i�ecj°' are m�ant t�indic:�te the uvea•all canditian a€th� nnaterial. A rna�eri�l in "goocl"' condition has nQ vi�ible darn�ge oa' t��tersorakit�n, or shfl�ving only very limiteci damage�r deteriorativn. A mater+�l �n "darra�ged" candition lias tlle fotlawir��ch�ract�risties: � The sur�ace is�r•um�lir��,�alister•ed, 4vater-stained, gvug�d, marre� car at�Z�rwise abraded ra�er less than one-Centh of the surFaee if the dam�g� is evenly di�tribt�te� (orte-q�arter if Ck�e dama�e is lc�calizecl�� Accs�rnul�tini� t�f �owder� dust �r debn� si�rilar in �;�pe�rance to the suspcct [n�teri�I 41Z surfaccs �ene.7th the material c�n be used as cc�rafirrnatory evidence, A inateri�l in"s��niticf�ntly d�rn.�g�d"eartditiort has one�ir rnore of the foa6cawing eh�racteristics� • The surFa�e is crum��ling nr�l�listered a�ver at�east an�-tenth �f the surface iF thc riam��e is evet�lY distrik�uted {at�e-quarter s`�the ct��Tna�e is incalized). ■ 4�r�e-tenC�7 [one-qitarter, if�or�liaec�] of thc rnaterial i:� har�giii� frarn the surf�3�e, �eteriorat�d, ar sh�7wing�d1��sive failut'e. ■ l+tiater st�in�, �c�t��es, r�r ia�ars a�'e over at lea�t vrae-t�n�:h of the s►���'face iF the �i�n}�i,�� i� et�et��y ciistril�t���c� [c�r�e-c���rter if tt�e dama�e is locali2�t3�. Accunzu�at�on oF pQwele�, �itsst �r de��ris similar in appear�n�e �a the �us��rt rnatcrial vn s�rfac�s �e��eatli the mat�r�al ean be�xsed as confirm��t.nry euidence, 4 Res�ons�-actiar� r�can�tnendatiac7s f��r as�ae�tos containing �-IAs �r� 1`ast�d in t��e s���ic�n V1I. �ecr�mn-�enciaEi�rns rriay �ie for rnore than one I�A, iF rnateri�ls are �like, Recommei�datie�tls are either „ger7era�" �ar "in7rned��te.,' An irr�mc�iiate reca�nr-�esldatian i�dicates an ':��rr�istent hazar�i exists and si3�u1�1 be addresseci as soon as pc��sil�le, A�en�rai rec«mrr�enc�<ztinn indic�tes nn imminent hazarc�exists and ria f�art�rer aha�:ement acti�+�tie�are required Fc�r remo�val oF the materiaL V. Er�Spect[��°Catr�rtients f�r� A4:M was identi�ed during the �ulk-samplin� cni�dticted at 1592 Gc�1�Tet•race, Uni[57. Va�l, Cnlar��c�i�. A total of�rt�r�e (3J bt�lk-satnples were collecte�# Fram �rywall within the a�ove-r�ferenced residence, All threr. ��] bulk-�a�nples tested nQn-detect f�or asbestos.. 1,�. Harnv���teous Ar�a l�escriptiQns The fol��wing sect��an �:nntains sat��plect FIA ckescriptians a3id sample loc�tians. I'er��nt-ashestos ca�r�tent for• eac�� s�����ple i�3dicater� can vary dependia�g on sample l�catie�ns, h�r�7a,�eyleity oF tt�e mater-ials, anc� Yype [�f applicdti[�n. Th�e fa�Is�rrvit7� s�3m�+les we�°c ca�l�cted fcotr� ttte single �`amily residenc4 at 15'�Z Gojf '1'err.�c.e, Unit 57, �'ail, Cnloracic+, on Nl�y �1, ��lD�. T�te quantities are� ap}��'oximatbons anci ��re�u�je��t to fie1� �e,rificatic��: Hom�genenus Area #01 H�amageneaus Area##(�1 1'hysical f�cscriptir�rr (layers): '�Jl�ite te�ct�re Physica�Des�r'iptfo�a (lc�yer.s,�: Brown/'mul�i-cc��ored w,Iwhite p�iint;White texture w,lwhite paint; paint;W31ite tape; White joint corn}�c�un�; Tan white dr wall W�rite tan dr wal� Nfater•ia!Clus;r,ficatr'c�rr: Surfac�n� Material Materia�C�a�.r�frcatiar�: Surfacicig Mat�r�ial Sorn{s1�l,ocatiort: Gt°ound I.�vet li��lway Wall Satnple Locr�trc�r�: Gr[�ur�cl l.eve� R��throc�rn Wafl Materr�!Cariditiorp: �r�aocl Mcrterinl�r�nditiat�: Good Mrxtr�rrcrf Qucrr�rity: +�"-85()Fkz Materi�xJ[�z�cer�trtv: +,1- €35{lf't� Sarr�{�1e�{: 131�1�1-p� Sc�ir�,�fe#: DW01-�lZ �ls6esta�C�13rer�t[lc�yersl: Non-detcet; f�an-detect; �.sbe�tr�s Cnntent(lqyer-sJ: �'on-d�t�ct; I��n-detect; Non-detect _ Non-det�ct; Nan-detect; No�-det�ct Recorlt��er�datis�ns: GEN�C�AL- See Se�tit��i Vi[ Recr�mmenclatiorrs.• CE�IERAL- See�ec:tic�n VIf � Hvmvgeneou�A��e� #U� F�hygiccal Ueser�ptiar� �lqy�ers): V'U"��ite zoinpo�si�d; Whiie aint; Wtlite tan d wall �Vl�rterral C[czssif�catrar�: 5urfac�n� Iv4aterial .Sr�rnr�Je Lc�c�tiara: Ground Le��l Entry Wall Materra�Cond�tion: Go�d McateriuT f�uar�[r"t�: +�1-t35+�ft� Sample#: �W01-f�3 .�St��sr.r�s eo��e�c(1ay�r�): �vo��-det�ct; Non-detect; Nan-dexect Recamrne�tdaCions: GENERAL -Sce Section VII VII. Recnmmendatinr►s GEN ERAL: Th� [aYsc�r�tory results vF the patenti�I f�CM sarnpled a� 159Z Golf Terrace, Un�t S7, Vail, Cnlpradfl, Il"I[.�IC3C� tt�at �ll t}�ree [3) bullc-sa�r�ples wer� rep�rt�d as non-detec� f�r asbestas, '1'her�F�re, axo prafcssiQnal a�atem�n�.activaties are re�cc�i�iinend�d to rem�r�e the a�nve-referenced rn�terial. 6 AP�'EN�I��. �AMPLE LdCATi�]f�S r,RC7u►u��.�r�.tgsz c�r r��.u�t.�r,�,�s,ca+�►�� r�r^��-�� ba� � ` i � � ���� r-�..r; �� hnllwap .�,�,,;�. � g� � � t i ��7�!� 4 I i � .....'`�iIRA�6 71�OI�SG�8d4 ! APPENDIX R CEFiTiFiCC�TIO� :j� �-�44^��. :� " ,•- "'r"`*,'�'�};�t ��'+ ��'`''°�.,,�� :. ? .. S �� s � t ` {d.� s' w p�i^. `���:J�",� '�+l A�" ry�. �� 'vi s�'�: �`i��. .R�"�' ,� _`� . `R_. r . _ r._.L4 ..._? � J..a - � ,,,,�- _ _ . F , y L . 'f�% -y. `�y:'.: :f ( s{� � ���1�1� �1 ������� X¢ �. ,a �, �> � r', 1 a: t 7 . .A����fT�� � � ;� �„ :�+- �ER.T�F�CATI+DI'�" .�; ��. �,� �- f,� f ,.,.- °� ,r _ �f t. . � _ C.crlorado Depanment uf`Yr�blic [Gealth � ' an�Fn.�ii-ani��eni �� � � ,�K :4ir Pullutaun C'nnErc�i L�ivi,iun °`� «,` - �,_> ..r< .;;=_ , .- i. ,:. ,� � _ ' � i f .�=, "i`i3is certiF�s thet r� � { _ �: � - -; ���VQ ��llll'��1�� 1 - ..�. �� :i' § j�� - Certification No: lS�l3 � -� ,� - `� �3 � ` � .� �� = r : has met ihe requirements raf�5 `l-4p7,f".Et.�.:inci Air(�SS1:xlit� C:o»rrn3 -��, '� {;on�inissian�� ula[i�+n"v�.�,Pan f3.ancl is h•rrchv CCfi"t1f1C��V 5�7� � ) L �" � � � • l -'� tit�?te of C�rloradu ist lhe ft�l1���4�iny tiisci}�iine: � r �, ,' �. � - a �` �� - B�ii�din� lns�c�ctr��-x �� :� � � �;> i f c,�. =' ls�ncd: 61[�f?0#18 `:� },.-- �r �. ��� 4, � _� • Espires an: b11212{1U3 �� � f ,�' ,` _ A • '� _ �� , i � ` �'_ ',��`1�'I',1C ro s_�":'� ;� k.. t � FWt l:CdAF�4RrNrr.nmi'taG:e'� `;y�. . - �'+ - ._'�� ",��� +. ' _ •Tfiis;:rrt'�rrfeakwf'dnnrla'ntitk7br�.s[euitinefaturrrrtC+f�isiun-a�+rerrdtraiRiwxrovrec ; �. ':� ^ err7fflcafiarciblhediacikfinrsgnyfrr+�++bo•r- �k� �Y � E+4.. �r.'�. � 7P� '�, '�i�� "� .,�?� '�- ^� '�" � �:,'� �'.:.�r� „� � .�r q�t'r., ,� -- i�1 r '" 5 � 5 � : �r� �t ;� ' r".�` �. � ; _ { ;� � ' , +�. `�'�. ' • . ' - � -_ ., _ - � .. . , ;� .,r .. .,_ r , � ,. - , e'. ° .- ' . —r _''✓' � APPE�JDIX C LABf3RAT+�RY ANALYSIS � ��� �.�.� rR'��er-��fr,� rEna�i��r�r�n,+�r�taal, �1��� h11ay 2�. 20�9 Lafaflratory Code: 'R�S Subc�ratract�lumtser: NA Lai�crratary Ftepvrt� RE5 173189�9 '�raject C]eseription: ,Jah�274 1592 Golf�errac�,Un�t SteVe Shurtliff 5�,Vail,Ca �5 CansuVtung, fn+c. 324� �. Incfiana St. Lak�w�od Cl'�80228 Dear Cusiomer, �eservoirs Envirc��►nentai, Inc. is an analyiical lab�ratvey accredit�d for the analysis af Industria� �iyglen� and Er�vir�inmentaf m�triees by the �iatian�l Volurtt�ry La6aratary Accr�ditathon Prograrr� ��IVLAP}, Lab Cacle '40'i896-Q for Tr�nsmiss{on Electron Microscopy (1�EM) arrd P4larized Light Nlierc�scQpy �PLM} �nalysis and the Am�rican Inciuskriaa Hyg+�r�e Association iRIHA�, �.ab�d 1�1533�Accr�ditatio� GerkifiCat� #484 fvr �hase Gon#rast Micrascopy (F�CM} anatlysis. Tt�is labaratory is currently �raficEent in both i'r�ficiericy��sGng an�i PAT pr�grams r�spectively. Reservo�rs Ea�vironm�r�tal, 9nc. ha5 ana�yzed the ��Clowi�g samples for asbestcas cc�ratent as p�r yc�ur req�est. Th� �nalysis has been �om�leted �n general accarcEance wikh the apprQpriate rrt�ihodoiagy as s#ated in t�7e attached anaFysis tabl�. 'The results hav� �een su�mitted ia your oifce. RES 173189-1 +s the jol�number assSgned to this stut£y. This report is c�r�sid�red highfy confidential a�d th�sole property a�th�custamer. Resenroirs Env�rc�n�nen4al, Inc.vwilC nt�t discuss any part�f this stu�iy wit#� persannel nther than thase of the clfent. T�e re�uats described�n this r�port�nky ap�aly ta the sampies anafyzed'. This repo�t must not�Se used lc�Glaim endarsement of p�oducts or�nalytic�f r�suf ls b� NVLAP or any agency �# the U.�. Gavernit»nt. This r�part sha4! �at be rep�oduced except �n fu11, wit'hQ+.�t written �pprovaP frvrn Reservcsirs Ettvir�pnrr+ental, 9nc. Sam�les will be disposrd of a��s' sis�fy �ays �uni�ess longer stofage is req�resie�. �f you have any questiQns abvut Chis r�part, �le�se feel firee to c�ll 303-9�4-��BB. Sincerely, -- �� -�— - �.�--•-._._����- �---=�— Jeanne S�encer(]er President • �r�`�.�:�' �°�' ��J'�.�- e r Analyst(�)� Psu� C�. LoSea�ztr Werllang Liu P��I F. Knappe Ri�h Wegrzyn Michael Sca�es Adam Hurnphreys Greg k3ehnfel�lt ScotE i�laus P: 3D3-9�A-1��8 5�t�1 Lngan Street, 5{.site 1CkQ Denver, CD 8�21F 1-8��-RE�I-�MV F:303--�d77-�275 wwnv.reilaf�.ctiam Page 1 v€2 i U7 O d 'C7 C3 d�i 47 �f3 C} C^J L� � � G a '�7 O C4R 6 � �t3 O C7 C4 � C7 � �--� .-- � r r- 9r r � � Q Q �_ �- a � � � � � � c� � � o � �^, ca a � ca � a �n ca c3 � a [L � C�' � � � � Y � � �, � �'- °s� � � a a � ,.° O ❑ C] C7 �] � I� dC] C] �, � 2Z � Z � � � � Z � v � � � � E c ��, p w y •----°-- C � m .�t ug � ro a+ � � V Cl7 irl � � c"�7 u�1 4�] r-�- V. � � N [S] � � �"' � rn � a ° v,J � o � m � � � � � � -� o � � � � � � � � � � i� .� �Q�� m � � m J � `ur •- ns 9� � -� � � � J � � .r « � � � � U5 � � '� � �. � -� O ['� � � � � � d C � 7 � Lii [49 � �j �'17 (� a� 97 � U � �, p 7� � t— � _ � � � � � � "i3 �f.. 'CI � � } t�},i? 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Tawn of Vail, Community pevelapment, 75 South Frontage Roacf,V�Fi, Cc�lt�rado 81E,5� p. �rQ.479.2139, f.9r'fl.479.�452, inpse�tians97�}.479.2149 A❑►D1ALT �'IF �U1LD P�R�fT Permit #: �09-U'i�9 P'rQject #; PRJ�9-D1�fi5 Jab Address: 165fl S�1M1i[3U+��T C3F�VAIL SEatus. . ISSL?EI] �ocakion,.....: UNIT 57, G�ILF CC7URSE T�}WNH{SNVES Applied . . 051i412Qp9 Parcel No....: 2i U�U9�Q4g45 Issued. .. : O6l411�a09 Exp�ras. ... 11l2812p09 C3WN€�t STEIA�N Q.WII.KEtVdAIG 7RUST.S fl5f��112�(?9 99�5 SR4ADMUpR RCT C3INANR NE �a811� ARPLICAN� C�JSTONV CC�NCEP�"S R�MODELIIVG m 051141�049 Phane: J79-328-4�24 F'J BU�C]1 Z4 E,4GLE Cf7 Bi631 Lieense:991-6 CCl�1Tf2ACT(]R CUSTC}IN CC}NC�PTS REfv'aQdELlN�I��11+�12pa9 O�hone:97Q-32$•422t3 PO Bf3}C(3124 EAGLE CC3 81G31 Lit�nsa.991-L� �3escriptiara; ftir�r��o���n�an�� C�CCU�3S�9G]I: IRG Valuation: �13.7DO.D4 TYP�ConStructi�n�IRC Total Sq FQ Added: 4 •Ma++Fw'a��FMny�nwxhine�yw��-aris��r.i�.��fA���kliw�iw�rwWr+�rww+�wiiNTRT'%.+-AIr4Kf1A1�1aii1�: rL"G G�U� I�I�J1f1 f ���rirN1F'MA%KxNkT.wTRbRtwRIrAA'�xwtleA'RwYrAw�rtKftiYwKV�Y'fnk�!►l�iY�t4N�HnW�9s+1�i.��.♦ �� .a Building�ermit Fee__.._a $237 25 Will Cal Fee- --.__�_� �4.U0 �c�tal Cafculated Fees___�__`--� $+i69.�6 F"ian Ch�ck----_______________? $#��.2t tlse Tax Fee------------> $7d.p4 Rdclititinal Fees-°---------------> 5�7.� AddY�dan Ckiack Haurs-? 8a.64 Restuarant P�an�eview--� af}.00 TC)'�AL F'EI�MIT F'EES---------� �46�.46 Investigati[�cr• --� SO.Of� €�ecr�atian Fee--�------._—n �C}.60 Payments--.�---____---�°—�-T �469.46 Talal Cal�ulated F�es---� $�fiJ.46 BA�L�4NC��UE---------°----} $�1.Q0 wxwwxwwy Mw'�Rw+A k A 6 i A i A A i�4Y tii�a�wR'���wTn'wlr+'��r�f��CeH�f tV-y ke rn�sY kW i i�klkf��i-R�HrMw h�/wrK�wXw�/wRwR�wryqyA-�I hYrx0.�k A1 MA x'TM I'1 A-h�A'�:A M A A A w e��i i��e A��k�i 1 ii Y.f it:i-itf.ra t�:r-rr..r�r��.�rY e�i [}ECi�AF�ATIdNS I hereby a�knvwledge i�at I have read this applECativn,filled put i+i fulP il3e in(ormatapn require�, comp�eted 2n aGCt+rat�pla4 plan,and state that a!I the inforrnatiQn as r�quired is cr�rrect. r agree ta comply writh the inf�rmation and plat plan,t4 Go�7�ply wiih alt Tawn ordinsnces and state laws, and ta�ui��th+s struciure according to the tawns zaning and subdiuis�on cades.des;�n revie�v appraved, Ini�ernational�uilding an�t Residential Cades and r,thee ardin��cas 4f the Town applicable th�reto. F�EQUESTS FOR PNSP�CTId�J$HALL BE MAQE 7WEhlTY'-FQL7fi H�U�2S IN ApVANCE BY TEI.ERHDN�AT 97d1.479.2149 C}�E�T OtJR C3FF�CE FRQM 8:�0,F1�4+1 -4:Q0 PM. � I�'; �1 (.� � C�c'� Signature af t]wrs�r or Cflntractor Date � +.��-�,.r��a-- �F,_i�� �. Pr�nt Nam� hld_a!t_c4u�structie�n,�ermit_pq i gpa ♦e�Fhw�4f��t��sr��S+r+e4'+M�aMR�TTR t4w/Aw���rta'MAiie#r�t d.1.i;r�Wti'.im1a�'i..1��f#�kr.�ewwwawT'w�-A'kMYXxXh'R'1�.�/T�%'+rY-�'Hw#�rw+�yrw',��aswwwmra�A.Fr�aw �Ww�.M.+aws�✓�W��x�l���.r�aa�a.Lt�i�s���1y�*Y.�.. 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See the C+�nditiarts sectian of thi� 6�cument for any that may�pply. ia l d_a It_con stru c t i�n�e rm it_0419 Q8 a��i�r.�M ai M�I.�f AH�w iewka�w+n.k�w���.��.�R wwsa a sxaka�n+w 4'w«w�T-h RT rtxr�i1-F�w-R nr F't Y�i���'YYa.h X M s��a�I e Y M���a���f��+r����s��Y+s�x�i k�!!x�A�u�A��w�A���a!'A MY nY�"r'k��weYYR'1�i1Aa'xM x YRTYT-wx�-r�1 RrRFfTrTT+�+-RtT kt R CC}111C}lTIC3'NS C7F APPRC�VAL Permit#: BCl9-i�1�� as of��i-171-�OC}� Status� ISSUECI M w}hRw+.�ww/e++M N�a�x n.���w.rf.rww tkrwwwftr�r-/�.t'ikw'Rr��F��A a P��i a��Y�e A�aF R�t�R�r��;wiptf�x��x�Vw�rMw:Y�F�Y�RnY�Yf1r�YYY4fnefA�r�fy:�.f���i r ef a�re���i�e s��f�f s�r s f x a�1 a�M R����MA r',e F�+W k�A A Nw CQnc�; 12 (BLD�;,); FiELC� IhJSPECTI�NS ARE R�QIJIREQ TC] CHECI� F'UR CC3[]E CC�Mi��IAN��. Cond: 14 (BL[3G.J: ALL �ENE7RATiC�tVS I�I WALLS, GEILIhIGS, A�L) �L�DRS T"� B� S�AL�L7 IN4T�i AN APPRC}V�#� FI'F�E Mf`iTERIA!L. �ond: 1 �FIR�): FIR� �E�'ARTMEhJT AP�'R�YVAL 15 ��QIJIF�Ea B�FOI�E ANY WC7RK CA�J BE STARTEC3, �or�d: 15 �BLdG.}: {SFR) SMOKE D�TEG7C7�S Al�� REQIJIREQ PEFi SECTION R3i3 �F 7F��20a3 IfiG. Cand: '�$ �BLQG.}: STA�RWAYS AR� RE�UfREQ T� M'�ET S�C�'IUI� ft313.5 �}F TH� �OC13 IRC Uk� S�CTIC)h� '14109 C�F T�E� 20D3 IF3G. �or�d: 1� {�L[�G.): GUARQS ARE R�QURRE❑ TC7 MEET SECT9C�IN ��'I� t]F 1'HE 2�l{]3 If�C �f� iEG�IC]IW 1412 C�F�HE �0�}3 lBC. bld_alt_COnstrUCtion^perrs�it_o41�OS ��*�*��������**�**�*�*s��x�����������w������*��***w��*�����������������**�������**�*�*������ 7��Q1�'1V []F VAi�„ CO�,C1R�13C7 5tatcrnent ���������:��*�*���**:**s��*«������:�*���***������*�a��*w**��*�x����������*�������*�����������«�� Statem�nt 1�tamY�er: R09(�(3�Q5�1 Am�unt: 5��6�.46 A�/al/2Q4902 ; 13 PM Pa�rtrrent €+�Y�thod; C��eck Ini�; S�B Natatian: 1175 CUST[3M CCJI+ICE�T; Aermit No: �C19-0109 Tyg��: P.DDJAi,T M�' B�3TLD PEFMIT Parcel No: 2I�JI-D9�.-04+�4-� Si�e A�3d7`ess: 1�5i} SCINBURST DR VAIL Lacatiori; DNIT r7, �4L�' CC3URSE TC7Wt�PHQMES Tatal Fee;,: 5�5�.46 This Paynent: $4�9.9� Tatal ALL Pmt�: �469,46 Balanc�: $Q. U4 �*���*�����x**�:����w�wr�«�������*�������*��+�*wx�w**����*��������«���������*e«������w�*�a���«�:���+ ACC+�LfT�T �T'C:M L[ST: Accoun� Cdde Description �urrent Pmts BP �01UdC1C���,11140 BUXLDIN� FERMIT FEES 237 .25 PF Q01i�Q0R31123Q0 PL�AFd CkECi� FEES 154 .?1 i7T 11t�dJ00{}31{}60C70 U5E TAn 4� 7a . 00 WC OQli�{}C1431128{}p WILL CALL INSF'ECTI4N FEE 4. f70 � �� " �A��+4t"�'",,��. "'����'� .� ` `- �Y �` � � f } . � C��vei�pm�r�#Rev���v�o�rdi�atc�i. `'� - '� � � � ��''� ��:� � ;�. ��.�,�.�.: . 7a S��th�r�anta��-Rt�€��. _ �� . ,. .. _ �.�3� �t :y . ,� a�� , �,� �� � � ,� �� ��� ���' ` �J�il ��'� � ��f � f�,:=-.-„�v � � w „�z�, �'w y�' �'�� �-��� ' ^,�.f'_ �rFt?11�' -��V�1���4 I�"�`.. �� _ a ' # `� "��_� � - , ti ��,w�,''. ;�� �� �� ^� i���_ ����.f-� (�.^ac ��.�.. `/t, ��. " � '. 'a�'` " ev � s"' ����. tirY� !��.f5,7'"'�'���: ��ki ��►:�.i� . , . .., .. ,, . ��8�'�IN� PEF�M#T APPLICATIC3N Separate Perzr�it� are r���ired for eiectrical, �lumbing, nl�chanical, �irep3ac�e,��c Project Addre�s �roject# �_ �� �� ��� 1�`.^�."1.� �-e c3'k._.rr ��1�`��C.�:. V l�t\L �.-�,C}'�- �.�`ir����t�1t�i.1-'�L�wti�a D R B# ��L ' Can#�ctor{r�f,�msat�an � �.� Building Permit#: CoKnpany: C..s1S,iL�t�-^� Cc�r-��t�-� 1��'�1��4.-1►.�4,[]�taF�ed DescriptiQri of Work. �4�TE.'�.C`�r� Company Address, �•�'•��=,'� ���`'t 1�'�t�c��,`�1..._ - 5��. �'t�E-,'E y 'E+F��`�. 5tate- '�� Zi ��t��� Git � �L. "Q�r "�.''�P�-1.� �c�� . � Cantact Name° '�`-'�"�'+�.-� c����� �.�5�.�t"'��c���. �vnlactPh: ���-S�Z-�1 c�G�: 's�+�-"�3�.'`� _ (t�se additivna!shee�;if necsssary} E-Mail: L"`'�-C'r�.+�t4+.C.,C��.�1"-c�� ,G+�w�... Arehitect( � '{]+asi�;ner{ y Eng�neer� S.� .�. "�own af Vai4�Contractar Registratic�n Na: ��'.�-� Phvn�: �14°I --'1 L o t� � ~ ���.-;.� �,��,-�,��-� Fax: ' C�i7t��Ct(y�S��Ft�!#41�@ (required) E-Mail: 5� S��-���•r°•�,. . '�"'-� �roperty lnforniat�on Wurk C�ass: Parcel#: �'��L - +�°L ti ^ Q� -Q�� New( ) Additian{ 1 Remodel(}�}.Repair� j Other( ) Leg�l��scrip�ion: LQP.# Slk# 1Nark 7`ype. Interiar 1}� �xlerior� ) eat� ( ) Subdivisivn: �'���'r C.�a►.7�--�c T�v+'�t�-L`�.�'r��� ��� Building Type: Job Nam�^:�'��►L.�.-�t�s.� ��cS�.`a.'�.�i� �ingke-Family[ ? l'wv-�amily( ) Multi-�amily f ) Owner Nar'ne:��*J�'. �.�i4�1F�ct*L�i.1�C� Cvmmerei�[( p Tov�mhome�}. Other{ } 9 Gi+�� t�RR-c�R'Cs'n�,o c R- R.Cy , Mailing Addr�ss:�� �^��Fa. t.��. Cv81'+ #s�Type of�xisting F�re�alaces; Gas Appliances�?C� {F a r P a r�ed#Consa�t�a gle Caun f y ass�ssors[]fFice at 97[3-328•86aQ ar G a s L.D g� Wvod1�e16Bf{ ] W+R�d Surning� } visit www.eagl�ecnunty.uslpatiea Valuations L,aGnr&Mster�al) #8��"ype of Propos��d Fireplaces: Gas App4iances(X1 � Gas Log{�c,,Y WvvdlPellet� } WQVd BurnFn9( } BuHding� � � ,��?� Plumbing� � ,t�C3 C? ❑oes a Fire Al�rm Exast Yes {}c� Np( ] Mor�itored Afarm; Y�3s { } Nr�pC] �leckr�catl$ _ - � � ��Q �aes a Fir�Sprtnkler _ ' '�--��4----1—��1 MschaniGal$ � - �� � -- „ _ �' � �: �! �.� Q�J oate Receivetl Total$ �. � ` ' I�f�� . ' ;"ly�F�� I �� '� _i ���`��'� :.'�` �.�� �;.> ��r +r :� "^7� �` t�'r�: m�:?: .w�- � � .;;� c�x + �, �w � '� ��: ^Y , ._ r a; .� � �� - -. ,�:� rfa, � r f ., � t"� �, �. M -�" :k� ...� 1 . ,h=t �Sgy � 4 � .�::�* p �> � � '� ' 1 '. '.�/�y .:��'7p .y+.��.,p— Q p.�/�r �'{+� �p t' ,K ` ���r �3 + �YC.��i�1��G��IlL�C.� �Vl.lI��B�G�W7 ' ,.{s , "�y,, y a � .''�� �c ,p.'�G '�< g+'�� �* . '�a t i e � �}r ��' '� �r+ � A� �h ���i"��',�.� c„r . ' - � �::��� } x��,, � } ����'-j'' '- `�7� ��asl��1 �I�C����C��s�'�� t .. �; �°��i. . m `� s o- ,� � ..r ,a �'F°�r� Y�t�.: t r r �. �„ +�. U �5' k, ti� .�, �' � ', '�Yo. ��; i5 T�Y °�s�,�'a�, , :� � � `�`�1;' �,,��aly�� � �r..1s.. r ��".;,�!r� �'r'°'�rt✓ ��.� �i'3���.t"S1d,:�rn-} 7y� �� ,,i 'F �t < _'��i� .,� �..��s r�;�w����� '�� _ ..7'.� p ��� _. �f.�'`i���,��. �4^� 4� r � � . . ,��y � �,� `�Ch!' '��k R,n � 4� . �,� . �i s,�"��y�� �,�,,' j r�S'a���1�`�k(»�7 r.l.�* � :k —,y� Ai� �♦ . . ��. °�'vnd�! ��� �• !��'�•°,��t:`ai,ki'�. .. .�. -. ..i . .. , � .r �t»".!a.�yr . ��:: � � .i�—.,s -�',=. .�-. ,� . �+�ILaiNG PERNirT ►4PPL1CA�'#+�I� Separate Fermits are rec}�z�red #`nr el�ctrical, p�umhing, m+�chanical, #ireplace,etc Pro;�eet Addre�ss ��"LZ. �1.� ""C'E.�-+�'�.L'� �roje�# � V� �� ��� � �/4P��t�. �4'�� �'��11����'�k��.4��w^..�.5 D��#J � I Cantra�tc�rinformatian �' �5� Building P�rmit#: ��mpany: ��-1�'►'�'�-"'• C��'�C �'�1.+�13�rl.sr..�6lU�tailed�lescr3,ptivn pf Work: i����t�'`�- Company A�dress: �,t�.��?� +��.� �`d.'�i*�t��L.�1� -S.�"� �E-+�' iGity: ���7�^� StBte: � Zip:�3"l�0`31 /.� �� "�w..+°ib--L� �`r�� . Cvnta+st h�arne: �'�tiL� ����`� �3t-�"S3�°t 3 ��z�9 �.�.��t��r��. ._ �c�n�acc�n� ceiE: �3�- . €Use additiona9 shest if necessary} �-hAa i�: '1Ntc�+,�'�.�lCr,��. a,..�-r-�,�.€]w� Archii�c!( } []esigner� } Engineer� S.� .°�. Town af Vail�antracEor R�gistcation Nv- �,��1�►—� Phorr�: °1'�t�—���� � ' � Fax, �k 4Al���'.'1`7 Car�tractar Sfgna�tt�r����uiredy �-�na��:Y., s c�s ��•-��:��� �� Praperty Irtfarm�C#an Woric Clasa: Par�t#: ��C�l - �°I� � ��4- -�7�� New( ) ,4dditior�( ] Rernadel p�y.Repsir( )[3ther( } f.egal RescriptiAn: Lat# f31k# '�WQ�'k type: f�t�r�or T� Exterior{ } Both( } SUbdivision: '�"t��-� �4+,]�-� "'C�*wLR�-�c�-�� ��� BuilE�it7g TYPe: �}ab hlame: �r+.i�'�.-��.•"t.�i 'R_'cS��`E1�►.C� 5ce�gie�-Family( � Twa-Farnily{ } M�lti-Family{ ) (7wner Name:�'��. '``��1-��14.LtZ Cor�rrnercial( ) Tawn�vme{�,1. Qther{ ) . 9��.r� ���t5rlccR Rra. . Mailing Address:��,�ne��?!�[�,,�.�,.��. �CoB_twi°k #&Type of�x�sting�'ire�slsr�es: Gas A�pliances{�, (F-or Psrcal#Cantsc�Ea$fe County assessors a�ice af 67fl•:��8-$6�4 ar G�S LDQ� WoOdfPell�t{ ) VlfoQd E�uming( ) visir www.eaglecaunty.u5l�atieJ Valuatians{L,a�iar&�,llaterial) #&Type of Propased�repiaces: Gas Applianr,es t�,1 Gas Lo9(7V WovtilRatle#� J Wvod 8urning( � Buil�fii�]g�+ _ � r�4'4 - avea a Fir+�Alarm Exist Yes �}c� Na( � Plumb�ng$ � ��+C7� . IVlvstit4red Alarm' Yes t } I�a(�,y �lectrical$ � ��7�7 Ll Do�s a�Ere SprinEcper rx��ar��Y�� ( �--1�0� lUlecharsical� C� - . _. �; ��' t�' , t� 1f���I$ � I�'� y`'fil �7� pat8 Receivad � i r 1 , , f1�;ly �L. T�"Vll�� :��- :::L � � � �� � � ����`_F'�t-��. 4'�.��r F?� , , ' V�il �°ire Department `� r �� }�k��" �,sbestas Testing rSc Abatement Req�rirQments ����n���������� As�estas testing and at�atemen#pr�tects we�rkers, harneawners, neighbars aro�J ernergency sa�rvices respvnders�rpm exposure ta harmfu4 as4�szas.The Tawn af Vail asbestvs abatarr�ent pragram is�n add�tion to the State oiColcarad4's regul�tians. It is your respansibility ta t�e+n camp��anc�with the State. Pf�ase cantact the Stafe direc4}y fqr t�reir requirements at the con#a+c#i�#o listed beEcsw. When is as�esto�te�tin re urirec!? �NY b�ilding projects disturbing mar�th�n thes�threshc�ld lev�as c�f b�ildin� r�ateria4s require asbestvs testing: Orre- ��d Two-Family Dwel�ings� 30 square fe�t Ail �Ott�ers: 1��3 square f�et Asbestas test�ng res�lts nnust be provided v+rith �r�ur applicativ�fvr a buifd'c�g per�+it. Tests which identify PC7SiTIV� resuPts at mare than 1°/a require abat�ment by a State-ce�tfied and V�il-registered abateme�t contra�tor.An a�bestas ab�temen# �ermit must be�pproved, and t�� �learance letter mrs�t be subrniited to th�Town of Vail k�efare tk'ie t�uildit�r� permjt wil4 be issued. Rraj�ct �he�cklist My proje�t fal3s �nto t#�e �categ�ry checked below: �Will not di�turb mtar�than the thre�holc# I�mit�Edenti�ied at�ov� ❑ Tes#ed r�egative, s�r at 1°r'�or below(2 copies �f test resulfs ��Gluded) [] T��#ed positive at rnor�than �°/�, requi��s�batem+�r�t 4��o�ies of t�st results i�clude� Tlps d.Facfs: . �v�n r�aenk�rn�tn.rct�on prajects may�nc4uda asnestos-contamrng materials,scs t��rildings pf areyy ag�r�quire testing. . T'he°13���an"or��sb�stos-cnntainir�g n�at�rials is cammanly mESUnderstvr�d."'�n tact, in 1991 the U.S. ��fth Cireuit Court of Ap�ea�s uacated much ai ihe sc�-called"A�hestos Ban and f'hasevut"r�rl�and remanded it t4 the EPA.Thus, muc�ca#the vrig�nal 49�9�P,R ban on the U.S. rnanutacturin�, dmpartativra,prpcessing ai dist�ib�uti�n�n cornmer�of n�any askrestos-cor�#ainir�g praduct catec�vries was s�t assde and dicf not tak�effe�l." -CQPNE. Asbestc�s test res�its and abatement p�rmit a�q�licatians sh�o�,1d be su�amitte�d t�: Tvwn vf'J�il„ Communitry�7eue#aprr�nt, 75� Frontage Rd, Vaii, Ca, 8'�657. 7a�wn �f Va�l ��ntact: State of�o�orado Gantact; [7auid Rho�d�s, Fi�e �rrs��ctgr Colorada deparitt�nt of F'ubf�c I�ealth VaiB �ir� ���r�rEm�nt and Env+ronm�nt 75 5 Frarrtage Rc� As�i�st�s Crmpli��rc� F+ssistar�ce Gr4up drhtaades�vailgav.cc�m =; — - -- 3C3��9�-3158 �70�177-34�4 - = ` ��- as��5tos c�stat�.c�.u5 www.v��E_qov cc�rn �;�� ww�nl,cdph�_�t�te.�o.us R I�� q;4�'� � .. �� � � � � ��,�� �F ����� � �ra r�: ��ls �E�►��r n��►s r �� �vs r�a v►v .�c�e s�r� ,a r,a�� r��r�s ,� ������ � 7vwn of Vail, Comrrr�nity i�eveC�pmerst, 75 5a�uth Frantag� Rvad,Vai1, Colorada 81�r57 p. 970 41�.�139 f. 97Q.47�.245� inspeetit�ns �T�.479.2149 ELECTRICA�. PERMtT �'�ermit �#: ��Q9-A�7� Al1AF Prv�ec� #; PF�JU9-0'�65 Job Rddress: �650 StJN�UF{ST[3R VA9L S1atus . . . : 1SSUEi3 Lc�ca#9on.....: UNIT S7,GOLF CC3U�S�1�OWNH�OMES Applied. . : Q}6102f2603 Pa�rc+e4 No.... 21f7149104U�C5 issu�ed. .. 0610512�09 Expires . .' 1�fQZ12009 CJWNER STEVEN p. V111LKEh�ING TRUS�.S 0610212�09 99�5 6RJAaML]�R Rf� C3MAHA hIE 58114 APPtICANT THE UPPER EACiLE R!"J�F2�ELECTR l7�lQ2I20fl9 Phone; (9°�fl) 827-a266 �C� BC7X 79a MI�E7URN CC�LQf�ADO 81fi45 �icense:423-E C��JTFtACTCJR THE llPP�R EAGI��RIVEF2 E�ECTR{1610�120a9 Pf�c�n�;:{9701 827-42�5 P�BC?Y 794 MI�TURh! CQLCli�AC7C] 81b45 �ieense: 423-E I�esciptian: �EPkrAC� CA�I LdGHTS AhJC3 BATH FA�IS I�1 7H�{�E �3ATHRfl�MS Valuatian: w2,5(}(}.f]C} Square feet; 3�4 ttt�ta�if*vff��k�re:w#+i-f��+xw�irt�:tit-[enYxww�l�r�fMMarM1i#Aiw�k�e�•kHxww�xWW+MW�W+F+F ��E JVIVIIVII'4r�i *f+1kli*.F.FiFM#*iF*##.Y8+1-F.�i-ki�rYi�rAiifrA+k*i**i�Fi�i*AkfiAlri}Yi.FI..H�F.F*1Fiibt*.ki+b*d+ Electricai Permi!Fee--------� $51.76 Tdtal Calcu4ated Fees--� 5�5.75 Invesiigatifln Fe�e- ---� �D.QO Additianal F�es--- ------} $�].Oa Will��II Fee--°-----�--____°-� $4.�i7 lls�Tax F�e-----_-----------� $rJ.6� TC]TA� P�RMfT FEE---� �55.�5 Tataf C�iculated Fees----_._a �55_75 f�ayments------_.���_.__� $��.1� BALAi�i+CE DUE----..,--.-} b4.00 1rWx�t1FA'f�fY'R i�i e i t f i}tiqi�ii}}i-k}+}�*�i t'l1k+1*'RY�lF11 YP�FtrY�R MuVef�fVnFwf!!lRt�Ffi-t!rdi}�j�RYi�,'i J4 A'r4 k A Y k A�R LaF Yd i 3 a i M t}y{i}y 3 a L R A�Y R Y i a!�l�3 a w k F R k#k l w!Y t A k i!}k S.t!fr F s R k!R8 f'�.f w k�l�Rf ki#A e f APQR�l1fALS ftem: OBQ�fI�L'�G�'RkCAL dEPA�TAIIENT �61D2J20�9 JLE Act��n:AP f-RfY?V�YY�La�W ti+Y-i�;�-�y;�,'a*Ai11 k R*f:-AAI.Ai.1 k�ii1Y�Y}vy�yy�„y�yw..p�WWW�k tM K#t�-/YrYr#x�i Y Ak�1 M!i i!i*f�f..++t*f i*if wl±+k1-1 i+f*4*#�d-*!#}*!*w.#k####ki#*iY*#*#t**#*k�Y i*##H*It R if�tr#Hr*}-M�}{�;� c4��: �� corw�iT�vr�s vF a�p�av�� {BLDG.}: FIE�D I�JSPG�YI�lh�S ARE�E[�UIF�EQ TC7 CHECK F0'R CC�DE COMPLBANCE. YrMiS-MW#xvY�x�v k x�w�e K�w.t y.��f�a a f�s.aa-s+i.F#Yr�}**k*#*Mw�k F kYee xwwx�vxfw�x tie��v�e�ev�iF+r W'k}'4�F�a,tY1r 1�14 A a�k A.kflri Aw fe A W�Mh�Aawa�/r 4#aa�ka+�kwa..k w�M e�W�4 M+kw Arra.Yli+�f i N�M Fi{MA��i F f rtMwl+wlr�Fii KixM+##`NW N wk ��CLAR,4TIONS I hereby a�k�owledge that 1 have read this a�p�ication, fi{led auf in Full fhe informatiar�required,corr3pletec! an accurate p4at plan, an�J state t�at all the i�forrr�atir�n as r�yuirec�is�orre�t. I agr�e tca GartYply with th��nformalipn and plvf r�lan, In c�mpfy wilh all"fc�wn orr�in�nc��and state laws, and to�uiRd ihis siructure�cc�ording t4 tl�e tov�ns cc�nirRg and subdivisron codes,design r�view approved, fr�ternatianaf�Uilding �r7d d�e�identiaf Gc�d�s anc�r�ther r�r�inances of thae Tflwn ap�licab�e thereto. �Ei�UE��S FOR INSPEG�'1+QN SHA�L BE MAC�E T'WEN�Y-FQUR HC?UR5 fN ADVAiVCE BY TEL�PHDhtE AT 870.4i9.2149 DR,�IT C?L�}� �FF�CE�"C?M 5:00 AM -4 PIVI. r � _/ � � t� 5igr�a#ure o�Owner or Cors4r�ctvr p�x� �� � 4 � � )� � f�rin!hlame erec�prm_44`1348 �rrelvpment Review Coo�rdin�trar 7�SvuEh Fronta�ge Road �/�ti, GC} 8965T � � Phone: 97U�-�7�-21�8 � �,�'. � Fa7c_ 974-479-2172 � � �� Inspection�: 97(?-�47�-�149 -�,,-���1�{�`. I`S�i � ��w� �vF vk�� �L����c�� p���r�pR����►�a� , . � �� ��� - � � �� ��`Gt 1�� f � Jr� �j�.,�r�1�i,y r y `� ���� � �J A-C `__y L� � �� � �� Pre�ect�;��� — ��--� Cvntracl�r� � Buildr�Perrnit#. ����`� — ��'� �-'T �.ti Hec.�ical Permit#: �`w1 � ��J��LJ Compar�y��.,�(� r�,U2. �'�,�_�,.��r ���_ } ,� �� [Ae�atled Qe�ripdon af W�r#�: a;�� � �Gom{aavey Add�.s:��5 �., '� ��". C ity; i1�h. N'�..;�' r.� Siate: �� L'� T�pi � � (��� � U:.�f` ��s S ; ,�.�?,� �ontact Name: �`� ,J ��n rc�� ��'�`�"S �onradt�: �L:�' •. E.l 2 C: C� c,ell: 3� l-� Z`-(L`?� . E-M�il:___,�✓i_�l �.: �. ��' +�':�� [ , s.l�-�- -- (l�s��i[i'�orsal sfi�eet�f neeessary� Ta�v�m� Vail Regisha6ar�No: ��� � r �PLETE SQ.��"6AGE FOR AR�A C]F WORK RND A ' ', " `' VALUAT[C31�0�WaRlf{La�rex& �� Confiral�r��gnatu�e(req�uk�ea[� ►4r�aurt c�St�Ft 7 C C' ir-; ,� �trir�al� � �S C'(� '!�'op�erty�Infpllrt►at�ort P�raa�)# � � Q i G ! � L�``[ � L-�'� yM,ark C�s: Legal nescxip�icm:�L.aR# 61k# 1Ve+�'� � �bon� � Remodel,� R�-pair( )D�hher[ ) �Ll�FYGS117�/1: ����: Job Neme: S�` �,.'r.i�7 u T S � �-, � .�C������Y{ '1 1'wo-�amily i } AAuIt�Fam�'( ? Chhmer Name:�_�"C„"t1Jat �� � ��}V4` .•.-• � Cvmmerci2�9� ) 'Frr�har��� (}ttsE�•[ ] Mailing Addr�ess: �`� �"� �C�l�,•'� •f.� ;c_ ., � �:��r,� t3abe Receiv�= .�.��"��', 1 J (Fvr P�oe��Cor�lad Eagle Ca�a�ors C�f(+ae at�70i-328-�864Q Qr vhsil '�'�'�- � vu�+aw.e�g1et70uTity.tisJ"�B) �^ � S{,`� Ar�tl�t�ct i � �9�{ � �9�n��r{ } M$fT�@= I � C.4� '�;fG � �� � � v Fhone; i� '` Fs3t: ��r�4�� � ��� � _ E-�iAaii: - � �j� ,�11 '�j T�11�J� [�'F 'VA4L �#��R�N��*�*�*M*F���MM�*Rt�r���W*¥�*�*���44***�*��*#*************�*�********��#*�**t�*#*�$�* T(�Whf Clf�b'AlL, CC}l�,UR�AI7C3 5tat�mcnt �����*+r�+�*�*«��*�����xx**�***�e*��w���z*��*�h*�k�*�**���***��*�k�k��k#a*****��**���k���+����k**�k*x�* Statement Number: I�t7'�40{li}6.21 Amaunt: $55,'75 06/05�2qQ901:�9 PM �ayment ri�ethr_ad: Check itri� : J�E NQ�ation: 107� 'iJPPER E�lGLE R.I'VER E�.�EC CJOP Perrni� No: E[]9-�fl7C� �ya�e. �LECT�I�r�L FERMIT Parcel Na: 22p1-{J9T-D4fl4-5 Sit�. Address: 1650 SiTNBUR�T DR VAZI� I,c7Cdt.iC7i1: LTNTT 5"1, GQLF CC)CTRSE "TI�WNHQb�'I��'u- Total Fees: $55.75 °I'his Payr�ent: $55,7S TQ�al P,LL Pmts: $�5_75 Dalance: $[3.�0 *�a*+*���**���x��x���*�*���k���k������*�x�����c��*�A���������x��*�x��������w���x�k**�*�����*�*�ww.*�* ACCOUIV E' 1TEM I.lST; A�caunt Ca�ie Desc�ipti�n Current Pi�ts EP OQZ4�C1�31111pA E�ECTRICAIy F'EFiMIT FEES'_------ ' 51 75 WC {}�l�C�(1(}31128Q(7 WILL �ALL IN5'P�CTIC7r+i FEE 4. [70 � � /+�1�' ���� ., �� . �,, �5-1D-2010 lnspection Request Reporting � - - F�ge 8 4:5� pm ---- - -41ail,_��3 - Cifyr [^�f --- Requested Inspect�Date: Tues�ay, May 11, 201 Q Ins pection Area: SN (�r,.�'�"��'^'�-t; 5ite�,�lddress: 1650 SUNBUFtST❑Fi VAIL UN17 57, GOLF CQURS� Y�O1NN11OMES F�IPI�3 fnfann�ti+on Ac4ivity: E�9-Qfl7C� Type� B-��EC Sub 3�yp�: AMF 5tatus 15SUED Con�t�ype. �7ccupancy: Use: lnsp Area: S� [�wn�r STEVEN Q. WlLKENING TRUST, ST�V�N Q & M. BRIGID WILk��fU1iVG CQ TRUSTEES CanSractor: THE UPP�Fi �A��� RIVER �L�C7RICAL P�Cane; (97[3) 827-42�6 C401'�I;ATIVE Descr�pkic�n� 1�EPLAC� GAh! LIGH75 AN� BATFf FA1�S I�f"fh1FtE� E3ATf�Rf]OM� Re �estett Ins ectdan s Item: �i9(? ELEC-Final Requested Time. OS:DU AM Requestar: Phone: Ctarnments: Unit#57 J70-337-�4C3 �ntered By: MI�A�BERL�E It Assi4�i��.To: MD�N�IEY E1�t��sn: Tim� Exp� �� � � �if xp Inspe�ctivn Histc�rY Ites�i: 11t} ELtG-�enrice Itern: 1�R EtEG-Rt»rgh "'�Ap�aro�ec! `` ►�61�]$!�}J Vr�spe�€or: shahn Acfion: AP APPR�JV��] Com�7ient: QE�1171a� rnspectr,r: SHAH�J Actian� AP APPR�V�� Cnmrr�ent: i�ath and laundry c�k. It�r�� 130 �'LEC-Ganduit Item: 14[� �L,NC;-Misc. it�r7i` '190 ELEC-Final REPT131 �.un Id; �.1394 'N�TE: THIS �'�I�MIT �U�fi B� P(3S��[� C�N �1C]�BSITE AT ALL TIM�S 1, �d��l�Q, � T�wn of Vai�, Com�rtunity�euelopmenY,75 South Feaniage Road,Vail,Colorada$1fi57 p 970.479 2�39 P.970 475f.2452 inspecti�rns 97�J.4'�9.2149 P�.UMQ�ING PERM�T I�ermi# #: PQ9-C�(�47 AlII�F PrQject #: PRJC19-(3'I f5 Job Ac�dress� 1�50 SUF3BURST�lR'VAIL StarUS. . . : aSSUE� Locatton.....: GC1�.F GDUFtS�T(]WNHi7ME5#57 �pplied . . : E75J02I2dp9 ParceE Mo.... �101491040d5 Issued. . : Ufif0�1'20Q9 Expi�es . 3�J2g�2009 +�Wf�ER STEVEh1!�.WILKENINC TRUS7,S 06l4�12(3�9 991�$RC?ApMC1C�R RD �MAHA N� 68114 APt�LICANT MR.P�LUMBER,GNC. 0610�120�J9 Phone:{gT�J 574-67fi8 9�❑ BQx 1553 �AGLE GOLORAI?C7 �i531 �Icense:345-P CDNTRACT�R MR,PLUM$�R,IAIC. Q610?J�OD9 Phor�e:{974)574-6768 �?{7 BUX 1563 ��4GLE G{7L�RADQ 81631 tic�nse:345-P t]esGiptann: PLUh+1131NG�UR Ih17E,RIpR�EM[7I]EL Va�saatian: �3.b�Q.OD #*ifiii+liil�fiJtMiiH#lfHi-,lt3ki�Ht�ai�ktAi�lA�'/►*RMMlefifi11M11R9YNtY11M1MR4i1F11ifYAT�WI FC�4)VIr7ltl.liRl 91111#-*R1fR}f�r1t�!}'�//M�4�Y�Fi►##Ht+Flriri-IrA'l�1i-!HilNf#df�iBAi.Y.YlFa��M#!#.:MA.kMlkLWl4Ykf• Plumbing Permit Fee—� $45.�Q Will Csli----------------� $4.OQ Total Galculated Fees---s w�6�.25 Pl�n CheCk-------} $i1.25 tJse Tax�ee--------f} $4.f]{� Additirrnal Fees- � $C�.Q4 Invesiigation > SO.Ot] T�iTAL PER�NI'��EES—� 564.25 Trrtal Caiculatad Fees--� $6(}.25 Payments-----------> 3fi4.25 BIILANCE DL1E-----� S'LI.0�6 i+ws r�-r rr a�.r�e��.�w��.x a�..•..a��.��ea:sau�r•.�w.ra�r..art+��a..x�fa+a+r�wrr...+*i kw..e*.amrK,r�.w»r„rw rr�rw.w.rewrw+�ewwrs*e�.*x+ww�,a.r�wnr.amrarar�a•+aaaua.aaaa�k..•...aa�,�,.a•�s.i.a a•.w.waa�rs APPF�C?VALS Item�pa140 BUf��7IhPG i7EPARTN1�Nfi a610212449 JLE Actian:AP ..�.,...a...-....-r..»=...,�x_.+.,.,....,.,.»,,...,»...............«.e.�..e....�........w....-..,.....+,..,..,.w..,..,,r..�.......,.,....,....,..M..,..,...�.....«..«_.,...»,,..,,.«,,......,..«�.�.,. +GONDI7IC?N C3F APPRC?VAL Cand: 12 {BL�G.}:FiELf]9NSP�CT1dN5 ARE'�EOf1l�CELI TCs CHECIt F�R CDC7E CQMPLIANCE. i R!��1 a i�H i f f H b+i+f 1aiiF�1i+i��i i-LM'e�}m;*'4i�A\-4frtiY+Y4���w�Hl�ke�wwYa�aRfR/w�w1MY e��!M ti�FR w�1^Yi^I`'fttstfM1Y�lftYyf�}fHiYlel�ftYl�+l�Wr W 1rh+-MRif Aw wi��YLY�i/r��1 Y.w�tiM�hwiA 1M r��MR'�w M1M F�M�M�1rtkwlrYf ❑ECLARATIOIVS I hereby acknawledge ihat 1 have read this�pplacation,�Iled c�u4 in fu11 the ir�forma4ian requir��4,cumplete�l an aceurale pf�t piar�,and sia4e khat all the infarma@+an �s requirad is carrect I agree ta cotr�piy with iM�infarmatiar��nd plot pfan,ta comply wdth all Town ordinances and state fauvs,and ta bualtl this structure according ko il�e towns zoning snd subdivision codes.design review appfoved, Int�rna�ianaP Bualding and��sidential Cades and vther ard�nanr,es of the Tawn applicable therelo, I�I�QLJESTS FUR&NSPECTION 5FlALL B AdE TWENTY-FdUR Nt7UR5 IN AClVANCE SY�'ELEPHQNE AT 970.479.2'1�9 C]R AT[]UR OFFICE FROM S:Od A�JI-4 PM. � °_� _ �� Signatvre af[�wr�er or Contrac4ar Rafe �'�,t•�r ._�C:� \''.c�- ..-. P'tinf iVam� plrnbpermt i_[?419Q8 - ���`�-�`�. ,� � "�,>� �y �}!�' i�e�artment +�f Cam�nunity �e�el�pment4: � "`�y'7 'h. y '� 'd�� ��� �_ �� , t �k 'i N". . � ., e :-.. .ti' � � 'h� 1 1 1�. A ��`� �,�. . T5 S�uth Frontac�e Roa.ii t ,. =r'�'x� ,: , - . . 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Type af 8ui[din�: �Gontrac�or 5ignature(required) ��ng6e-F�mil } Du lex{ � Multi-Famil � ----_-__�__� _ .._a_._._�_.___ �... . Y� P Y f ) Cpr:imer�9al ' _.,�,._ _ �..__ __ __ _ _ c , Prvp�rty in(vrmation �( } Resiauranl{ } C]ther{ } � ��arcel#: �'�.'�U�i'1 L�`�C)'�--�� . - , �{For paecel t�,cantaet Eag4e County Assessrrrs 4�ce at 57(}-328-364fl or [}ate Received: '.visil www eagleGOUnty.e�slpatie) Ter}�r�k N�rr1e: �t7wner �lame: ' �� 1�.�, �� � ��j �!=,-- I� �•----- �____�_ -___ .__ _ -�.� Camplete Valuation fvr Plurribing PPrmit ' ! 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