HomeMy WebLinkAboutASB08-0003 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI-INITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ASBESTOS Permit #: ASB08-0003 Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: ANTLERS UNIT 305/503 Applied . . : 03/21/2008 Parcel No....: 210107206029 Issued..,: 04/2912008 Legal Description: Expires . . .: 10/26/2008 ProjectNo. : ?? ourNER WIETHUECHTER, DONALD W. O3/2t/20O8 1301 SOUTH 70TH TACOMA wA 98408 APPI.ICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ABATEMENT SERV 03 /2I/2O08 PhONC : 7!9-578-7575 111 COMMERCE STREET COLORADO SPRINGS co 80907 License: 156 -S CONTRJACTOR ENVIRONMENTAL ABATEMENT SERV 03/2I/2OO8 PhONC : 7L9-578-T575 111 COMMERCE STREET COIJORADO SPRINGS co 80907 License: 156-S Desclpuon: REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $10,275.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Infomation: Restrict€d: # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ++t|.*|'|l|'|+||*|*li*l'}'l'l*:}'|,|*t*+'|*||*.f|*t**tt*.*'llt|l*:l****|**i'|| Building---> $s8. oO Totalcalculated Fees-> $116. Oo Plan Check--> $58.00 Additional Fees-----> 50.00 lnvesaigation-> $0. oo Total P€rmit Fee----> $116. Oo Payments------> $116.00 TOTAL FEES-----> 9116.00 BALANCE DUE - > So.oo * ** a *,t t:t t * a t,t t** a Approvals:Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Items 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/26/2008 JGe Action: AP Approved to remove ceiling material . * t r a + + a ir 't't l +a t * a + tl *r * tr *a r + r,r** l See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, lntemational Building and Residentail Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT SICNATURE OF O OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 *'l'*'|*'}'i,|t'|,|t{'********,f********'**'|*****li************'}***:|**,i'|.ttl''|.,t{t,*****,}***4.**'|'}'|t,t*,}'}******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: ASB08-0003 as of 04-29-2008 Status: ISSUED ,I !i * ***:f ,i* * ** 'I* * +******** 'l ** ********f* *.i.**!****++ ** * lt ,i*'l' * +**** +:f *** ****,t *{. 'i* * +,1. '+*,1. '1.,1. *+ * +*,}* '} *:1. '}* 't*{. ***,}:t,} * PermitType: ASBESTOS Applied: 03121D008 Applicant: EI.ryIRONMENTAL ABATEMENT SERVICES Issued: 04/29/2008 719-578-1575 To Expire: 10/26/2008 Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: ANTLERS UNIT 305/503 ParcelNo: 210107206029 Description: REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANIY FURTHER WORK occuRING oN TIrIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * * 'l t * * * * I * * * * 'r 't I I I ** t rt'tt*'i*'t 't*t*** l* * *** * * * 't*'t* 't *t I I I I I t I I I t * * * * * * * * I' i * * * * * * * * * 'l* ***'l I i I * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * t** i * * * {' r* * ** * * t t * * f**rtrtr*tt**'}*':*f,r{ rttit*r** * * * * * * * * r' * * * 'r ** t * I i * * * * * * * * * **ll*'l* I |.* * * {' {' Statement Number 3 Ro8oooo558 Amount: $1f5,00 04/29/2oogt1 :38 AII Pa)ment uethod: Check Init: DDG Notsatsion3 Environmentsal Abatement ServiceE 2059 Permit No: ASB08-0003 TIE)e ! ASBESTOS Parcel No3 zl-OL-072-0602-9 SiTe AddreEg: 580 IJTONSHSAD PIJ VAIIJ IJocaIion ! ANTIJERS I,NIT 305/503 Tota1 FeeE: $115.00 Thj-s Pa)ment : $115 . 00 Total AIJr PrnEE | $1x5 . 00 Balarce: $O. OO * | *l t | *4f,**tf tttta+t***a***aa**********t*****t**t* * | ** +* *i**** * * * * * * * a a + a * + a a a | * * * * * | | * a * * * * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcription Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 58.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 58.00 APPLICA WI1I I{OT BE ACCEPTED IF IT{COMPI-ETE OR UNSIGNED og,doA3ffi'*m Required per Ordinance l{o. 19, Series of 1998 Permit apptication will not be acepEd without the following:75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 -cz 4,,1 , COMPLETE VATUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMET{T PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Asbestos Abatement: $ t 0, a t< I forPatel # ****************************!t**********FOR OFFICE USE OIILY******,t***'r*tr**t * tr * * * !t '! * r( * * *:t * * :f :t*rr** 1. Copies of General Abatement Certificate and State of Colorado Certification Z. I iopy of written arrangements with the facility operators for any tempnrary ctisalrling nf th4 air hanbiing systems, fire sprinkler system, and alarm systems with ttrc names and contact phone numbers of these individuals. 3. Site plan with details addressing: waste @ntainer storage location. waste load out area location. entry and exiung details of abatement area. details of entry and exiting plans for the occuoants of the stnrfure in unaffected areas. INFORHATIOT{ On Site Abatement Confactor: eNl o\ \e""c", LJ\.,L' TownofVail Reg. No.:lfL-s Fnqg'q ?q"r#s -,:"J Arelrccl-fo^ )t< - t7y . sat.4 J eva 'l&-!tt <,r,*r,rCr-.,C-O l1a Conbct at 97o-328-86tft) or visit Parref # ol lO to leObO2\ JobName: 19*\\=^' r\ tr'u\ r?ni l: 36St <O1 roinoor"rr, 6.80,. b' bbnsktqtJ le L,.'cz- 0a.l\ Lo Glas? Legal Description ll Lot: I Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Project Manager:Address:Phone: Poect Designer:Address:Phone: Air Monitoring Specialist:Address:Phone: ffi oate: g/o/oy I sartffie: ?1.-,r.{ " ] Quitrme: f,.'so,h^ square Feet: {oto 55/Gal Drums: WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ()Q Repair( ) Demo( ) O.her( ) Work Type: Interior 0(')Exterior( ) Both( ) Tvoeof8|do.:Sino|e-fami|y()Two.fami|v()Mu|ti-fami|y()comrnercia|('Q&@ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves €) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (K) No ( ) F: \cdev\FORMS\PermiB\Fire\asbesto6_perm_10- 19-06.OOC Page 1 of 1 l0/r9/06 ENVI RONM ENTAL ABATEME NT SERVICES OF DENVER. INC. 4301 South Federal Blvd. Suite 112. Englewood Colorado 80110 Phone (303) 795-9009 Fax (303) 795-9020 1 1 1 Commerce St. Colorado Springs Colorado 80907 Phone (719) 578-1575 Fax (719) 578-0914 March 13,2008 Joe Suther Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Lt. Mike Vaughan VailFire Department 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. CO 81657 RE: Vail Permits For asbestos abatement Antler at Vail 680 W. Lionshead Place Units 305 and 503 Mr. Suthers, EnvironmentalAbatement Services of Denver, Inc. (EAS) has been contracted to perform the asbestos abatement in the above referenced condominiums. I have attached a copy of permit applications for Town of Vail and the state of Colorado as well as a copy of EAS's GeneralAbatement Certificate and updated insurance certificate. This work is intended to start on April28, 2008 these units should be completed by May 9, 2008. The air handing system will be sealed with 6-mil polyethylene and Bron tape from inside the unit and will not be affected during the abatement operations. The fire suppression system will remain active during the abatement operations. The alarm system will deactivate at the start of the project by the building owner the system should be reactivate after completion of the remodel. The building contact person is Tom Schlander phone number is 970476-2471 the site representative will be Bo Posey Cellphone number is 719-510-8760. Please the attached drawing a of typical unit at the above referenced site I have placed the location of the negative air machines, handheld fire extinguishers, decontamination and waste load out. I have also included a layout of the building in relation to work and egresses. EAS dose not expect to change any of the buildings egresses considering that there are stairwells on either side of the building. Vail Permits The waste storage container will be a 12foot utility trailer that will be move as needed and parked in the main lot when not in use. I have also included a copy of the manufacture operator's manual for the negative air machines EAS uses. The machines are check each time they are sent to a project and prior to start up at the project. Thank you in advance for help in this matters if you have any questions or need of further information please feelfree to contact me at 719-510-5226. Sincerely, Scott Nelson Project Manager z-Vail Permits .9 (s E(' c o o.c. o) g q, o .E(, g o -q N o o o (l' f c) F q) E '6 (J (! 3o() E ID ';E }:s EEt-J'g.o iFa6 -(! Eo o, gl 6d 6Xd)i *6 crC, ;-Y A2 oo >oo(o orE =;oo F(! o) (5 ([ c) o)oo q) o co q, J?>o(EI ".)aii 6s rDo*H' i:Lo-o -y.5 ;do 0,)EA ;:l Td*o vr-oo 9or o=o-3 HIrLlol HI a CJ c 1 a n otr 3o E'| =3o o ('z o = (, g o E F (l o d (! o) .9J I q,o ol) N gogo U) (J ro (ot- :tt ^xtr u_= F- {rT 9P q.,.()o ;F. F= E(t, (n {,o CL .9,o co q, =oF () E(l,z (! J ot () =F c EE q, Eo q,, i! o r'\g() o(,o o E E 3 ->Co o u,f uJI o.oo q) o o- 3 z (\ 'q E =o- 'd (l) I o (! F q) c) (D o co Eo o (! E c o = C C o o o- 0) (Do o E (L od o E (!(L o E t! 5 ot E oc o =o tro Eg oll o -q o coz E ot I c; ! g(, =xa\] 6:aJ ! .E = ; -9 o Q'E 0 B (D o) Eo F.olR d@ i! qt uJ o o F :lt (\l o,Ac l.-o\t o-^ ;i F- 6) a E'o() ot fr dl co o E o 5 oo'a 0- (\ o(' c LU (L o o .EF E ul o T"lv)t) ILX FI? 3E F l5l >tr a L_)- .9 (! o, o .0 o) 0) o F QC a5'- = o F Ez (\. o oI c) E ll.l (o E o No, ra) o F oc)lt- E|!f o 0)o- 6 o)tl- 6 c) = @ @N ID E(!.t oO,N Ei:t(l' o (,6 co(J tro Eo t!.lt _. o o o c).9e(l,o o o 6 o (l)F c^;; >l! oo oI 6 E E o E C'o U) t--99oo(., @ i\r f.- ra) :lt -FI F. ep Pq) oo) ,* F- F.It (o d)() o o- o bo .'2 q) o 0) o- octro 9oo- (,o'd o- z o E(!z q) (l)'d (L o o '6 oo o.)p' IL z {) Elltz o 6q)o q) (L oo 6 '6 oo q,'6' oo 'F (g .9 () c .g o (! oq :E29 ci F'(Jt> 6X6;o o c ID-N o E(!z aJ) 1* E -q@ .F-o ..t = () gogo -E U) ro(' .9 () (L oo- + q,, o (L o rf r+3 9+ ;s 8E ;rg3 € ifi- o -o-- - -:@^ 9E;E-qqqB$ E.q: =fi FUHi9 ;lFg;cHEFIg c.$IL 9e <O= >-9EE(U;' = r., q6 EE Q6S14a= .Q diP pp' =SFg E*€F€(a:<|)o_q tl) 'aoz oE o.; z q) .96 z c, .9 oz FEo ottro .aL (! o E c) ottro odL o oo, Eo o l!o 06(L (! ra) @ -e.s ort | (1.) l(Lqro (|l(! (L(L co @ ot o l Nt- o o IDEo o tl,)(l,oo N(a 6l q, o N (\ o oo t,r@N Lt(o (D o E -9 U) i:- l.L6:!6 oD c\,1 o.6 ^i (DE ii.Dqb Es C) r! <4^ o ,s2 oz () ID =z o o .95 (L oz O 'Foz E o(L (t'o E oo- ooog) E o(L (! (o o E E o)[L o o =z (o <o o N l @N @ () o ooN ID o rooN o o N() o o (\l o)oo o(t)(\l (1, o (oN o o =IY6f,aLzz1 95tst{ur C)rn o-=o.><2 ts9 =kEO lrJ =o.&E<E rrr(Etrzy 9si89= F> 55zu-Ea2=ul .,_ =2sffk= Pg 8;Flo>l! uJol+ tssE iJ = x H,g E.gi eH ='So4 i:E FT! = .+. Y ='dr-t 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8f657 APPLICATIOT{ WILL l{OT BE ACCEPTED IF I|{CO''IPLETE OR UI{SIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Asbestos Permit #; per Ordinance t{o. 19, Series of 1998 iwill not be accepted without the following: l. Copies of General Abatement Certificate and State of Colorado Certification 2. A copy of written arrangements with the facility operators for any ternporary r-licatrling nf thq air handiing systems, fire grinkler system, ard alarm sYstems with the names and contact ohone numbers of these individuals. Permit 3. Site plan with details addressing: waste container storage location. waste loacl out area location. enfy and exiting details of abatement area. details of entry and exiting plans for the occupants of the sbucture in unaffected areas. COT{TRACTOR INFORMATION COMPTETE VALUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PER!i.[T (tAbOT & MAIETiAIS) Asbestos Abatement: $ /O a-,{OO for Parel * **!r******************tL**rt****rt*tt******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY* * * * * * 't )t * * * * 't !t * * 't * * t< r. rt ,r tr * i t< :r * * * * * * tf * * -6); On Site Abatement Contractor: lN5 61\ \gr'..,q.r, Ll\''L' Town ofVail Reg. No.:,f0-s tnqg.q 'PF!.'{+ -,}} e'er'"'r -fr.^ ,.q - 3-7? . s7,! J e.A 1,q-Stl enoer"-C.o ' 1 Contractor Signature:F Contad Assr;src Offie at 970-328'8640 or Yisit Parcef # elolo-)26LOSt Job Name: F^\te'^' r.\ t-\-r \ r?nil: <6St (b1 J"oo*r*5l486.. (^' {-obnckcr-cl f .l'c-<- Oc,l\, C_o €-t/"S" Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Fling:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address;Phone: Project Manager:Address:Phone: Project Designer:Address:Plpne: Air Monitoring Specialist:Address:Pttore: ffi@irtffie: ? l"av,r. " il QuitTime: f..3o e ru. Amount of Asbestos: Unear Feet: Sqr.,rare Feet: 6YO 55/Gal Drums: Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ()d Repair ( ) D"T9l_l__9h"1! l Wot Type: Interior fiJ Exterior( ) Bo&'( ) Tvoe of Bldo.: Sinole-familv ( ) Tuo-famiv ( ) Multi-familv ( ) commercial (!O Restaurant ( ) other ( Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (ir) No ( )Ooes a fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (10 No ( F : \cdev\FOR l"1S\PermG\Fire\asbestos-perm_ 10- 19-06.DOC Page 1 of 1 Lgl19106 .9 (! E- c) o -.q) _qo- o o ; (! o !) (' o q) (! () F o 6 o (' - o {,, E E =; i,; =0,l-l'o ot9!zr- (l)q,6 aE o-c or 9l c".,6; r/rxE(/)io{D?o Y./)^ ..-C =.-.; O:,- () X cio :^ Y P>;; qle lxP a8;Y.P 6 -- f(/);i FO(0 -19 6 or rn6 6e3] aeeQF (' o E o, o G o o ID !c oltrl 6l lurl o-lol uJl dtl ,' a rU o c c .cEo E c) o o q) CJ(Jo o (J(! o- 3 3 o)-o tl, I 11) F oc =o c'|g !l ==o '6 op .9 q, z o 3 q) -a o E F tr 1J(! {) o: (o q) q) (l) o oF :6 in gog() () (0 (o f.- +A XF IL Yi F. *q 5q o-^oo =F- q) .=o Gq o CL .t2o c(t' o;oF o E(!z c J !E o3oF (! to @ o 6 Eo o) o o- in go q) c) E E itro o{,l UJIo.oo q) ao B z c.. _d I =TL c) I q) o F o d) o Eo o c) c = c (l) C, -q) c)o o E tt od q) E (! o E t! {t 6 q)t Eq)(L .e @ co Eg (Ult '6 (! _ah 6 o, Ell'z o) =d) c; E ' e -q g(') =9;: ' € ; ; d (L o .9J E o E(t |.- 6@ in -9 ot! c o (o o F. nNcroCNo!'-c(L^ -o6\ q)o g U) 6.o oo o) Co (E E e E oo o o. .o o o c uJ (L c, .EFo LU (,t) u-8 B8 :T|9 >tr f r"1u) tl H .9 (0 c, o o o OE ID o F 9- x5 -tD ai r' F =() b {, F IA|z (.. o o) Elu a EXLL- o (! a E3 (0 o) rat|r) o (l, lDu- (!o = c\l ra) |D (!o ct) (L o PNctr Eo o oo coo tro Eo o .Ct -: 0) o) oo.E q,(t, cc, Eo o (D >' lll (! oO o q) a) E E F.d)o-r (t)oooo rn 90g() q,o @Flr) xo) ,I !'- t-*9 9co Pk,o-^ tD o) .0, tr I.-*9 dto -i q) bco!2-oo- 7i c)'6- o- 6g Co att o o- oo'd o i<z q) E('z o) o Y () c) .9 o) c,'6' o z o Eoz 6()o q) o o 0) .9) {) o, (L o() It .9 o .9oto o _- .= f (J E oggF :p cj ii uJ ^o.:x =Y ',Y,6; o E c) E(oz ut E ,al "o.F-A .'r o o oor! c o t0 6o o + q) (L oo- (D -c(L 0)o- P+ : (7); rr' {r= g3 E iE* = ;H-qEilH; E E:s;: s B E HE$esrfi 5 (! u- 9e co7 EE(EY -9r 9,3p6-S t-a= .:9 c{ P^P!,cs 6-l(J LJ E*€5Qcod& o)'-oz oE o c,.9 oz o o .9: coz g oz co ottl-(i) o o5(L ('o co.Lo ll- U) o5 0_ ('oo E oo- ot l!oo.6(L oo (o q) z o, t* ttDl(Loo (l't! .cE(L(L co o@ N l N F.. o o il,oo ra)o (, o C)oo N N q) o (\ o)c! q, o F-(o ot (o o E -9 ? 6 6: -i6or c{.s !1 ==Ri GE (l)P_b Lr) di(Eqb Ss g+ <,/> ^ oo'aoz ot oo o.9 z ot o o- oz I oz E o)(L (!o E (l) (!o E (|) (D 1.)(o ID l! ID(L o)'toz (o (o @ oo(o oN la,|r) tr @No@ q) o ooN rD oo ratoa\o oo o a{ q,oo o (\ q) ooo oq) N q, o LO(oc! (,)ooo =t;oilaLzzxOE Ft{ r.rrCf dl Jjt=<2 ts9 E3ul=o-& T'< EHzy 9si8()= F= 55ztL ts9*zxul; =2-t{<F 15 :(FLtaFlo>l! uJo!+an E9 -2 P=:R*Ed*oo €.; ! Ft': : !+. Yz -d -.MAR. 18. 2008- 2:02PVl_-F0RSBERG ACOBD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DA.IE (XT,DD,YYYn PRooI'CR Forsberg Errgresnan Coq)any 3575 s. she:: .vr st. tsnglerood C0 80119 ftone r 303-762-I-7L7 IHF CERNF1GATE IS ISSUED AS A ilATIER OF IiIFORTIATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHIS UPON THE CERNFICATE HOL9!:4 rHtS CERITFTCATE DOES NOT AmEND, BfiE{o oR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOVK INSURERS AFFORDINC CWERAGE rfAtc* &vironnental lbatenrent EfiEE8i&"iShlenver rnc 4301 s se&Ed Bavd Ste 112Engl-eroood. @ 80110 ltlqqA !fS! Ssgctdq' r!|urucr cry t[suRER Er ltedland rbsultDce corcarrv INSURER c: Pi.anacol ASSUrance lNSt iEn o: rNstnER e RMA c0 N0. 461 TXE POLICIE8 OF TNRIR^NCE LISiED SELOW itAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED }AMED ABOVE FOR TI{E PQUCY FER,IOO NTOICETCO, HONMTEI,SIONTC AritY REoulREMglvt TER i oR coNDJrloN 0F ANY coNrnacr oR oltER Doctj Errr vli}'H RE8FBoT To \rtritcH IHtg cERflFtc,Alt lrAy EE tssuEpoR lttAy pErrAfl. THE rruEUMflcE AFFoRdEo By mE pouclEs oetcruBED |{ERETN tg EUBJECT ro l,r. rra renr,ts, excr-uiiors $n q9x6616xs o, ,*,FOUCIES. AGGREG|I\IE U ITs sHoui}T i,iAY HAVE 6EEN REDucgo 9Y FAD cLq,Ms- LTRh{stq YVPE oF nSUR,lr|c€F(IICYNU{IER ul|fls lr x GEIIE AL IIAqUTY X I corarERcr t GENEML LtAallrry---T"-IJ cun's rl DE lX IoccuR X lContr5ctoa8 12EMP4343603 cLenrts !!!ADE trl2?/o7 7a/22/oE EACII OCOURRE}ICE | 2000000qFBsc .v nEN r3u PREf,IISE€ (Es ccqrrrFe)s 50000 MEO qF (Ary ms p.rt .r)E 5000 FERBONA- & ^D1/ $TJURY r 2000000lPol'lution e MoId GENRALAG(REG^TE | 2000000 GETTL AGGREGATE LII,TT 4PFLIES PERi-T poucv lil ffi l-_1 roc FROOUTIS . COII,P,OF AGG s 2000000 l,to1d 1000000 B B B AU' x |l0HOe|LTll^EtrJTY | ^"t ^rttoI [ ^r ourEo AyroE I 3g{EULS AtJrttS I I{IRED AIJIOs xot|{\lliGo &Ilos Rrccoooo1396 LL/22/07 LL/22/OA coi{BlNEo SrNcr.E LrurT(E *ld.|t)| 1000000 gODILY It{|rJRY(Pq.r€tlst)I x x OODILY IiLIURY lP* locS.nl)t PAOFEftTY OAT|AGE(PrEc!€nl)I GARAGE IJAHUTV-l^rw^o--l AT,'TO ONLY . EA ACCIOENT 5 ffiE[ilr# e#I t A Erces3UIlRElIiA ll^g|tlTy I IOCCUR I lCr-^rMst^oE I oo,rcrr*-l r"r=r-on t 128r.oq1389600 71,122/07 ttl22/ae EACH OCCI,RNENCE 31000000 AGGREG^TE | 1000000 I t c UIoRIGiS COXFflE^IIO A{DflFt oYERS lneurt ATY PITOFRIEToRP^RTNEi/DGCIIi\E OFF|CER,,EHSER FGLUOEI'? f y68. d€atiita rrd.. SPECJ.AL PROVISKINS b.tlv {050937 09l01,lo7 09lot/o8 ]ffY"ffi;#lrl'iffl EL EACHACCEEflT r 1000000 EL. O|SETSE. EA EMFLOT€EI s 10O0000 E,L O]SEA8E . FOUCY L!frT a 1000000 A gT}IER FtnEnls/sporelllold !i*iJ.Lty 72wP4343603 LL/22107 rL/22/o8 Pe! CI'{ 91000000 Aa.rfeqate gloooooo DESCftlFtlOr{ oF (rERAno Eaitlefg st ve-il is aaned as an edditio'lrar insuled ritlr respect to gesreEalliabiltiy coverage. nntle!3 at vai3'AttD.: Tou Sciblander 580 Ir Lionshead pIvail @ 81657 CHOUIO T.Y6F TTGTEOVE OE9CRIEO FOIIdES EE CAiICEIIID gEFOiE TIiE DATEIHEREoF, TIC FGIJNG I'{SUIERWLL ENoEAvoRro lxr 10 DAYsr,lR,TrE{ NOICC rO E C€FnHqrlE Hot "DER rrA||Er 10 lrc ttFr, EU? Frl(URe tor oo 3<, g{alr InPoEE xo 9EUeAllO OR uAbtUTY OF ANv t{r\D uFor{ THE t SURER nE ABEIITs OR FILE:"ECO-PARTS.' H 1990c MODTL H.199CA & H199OC HEPA ,AIR[ H 1 990A 1 12 1 (oN BACK) 10& 31 REPLACEXEIIT PARTS LISTTI6HEPA AIRE HIggOC & HI99OA DESCRIPTIOX HI9gOC @XTROL PAIIEL {COIIPLETE,HreeoA corTnoL pAtaEL (coXpLETE,uRouxD FAUL? crRcutr rt{tCfrRuprCIRCUIT BREAtrER 20 AHPHOUR XETER (SOUARE) ON.I.OFF StrI?CH HI /Loi, spEED SUfTcH PRESSUR$ GAUCEAIBER ITEOII LATIPBUazER ( t l3vr BT.()HER LiEk'*:lsi-?:f ;,;:fi '3i^, ftll^..r::h".:_ <s- pi#H-;r^, .. .. .. ::: t) io :2 74 r::.\7 ;; :1 :-5 ']627 t,,'' oTv I I I L I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I f s POIdER CORD F.IXED CASTERS ( 3.3- DtrA}5I''IVEL/LOCN CASTER:i (3.5- DIA)FILTER RETAIIIER TABSSTATXLESS STEEL fiINCE ( 23-) LATCH TEEPER CLIP hixx"3* sPRrrc LArcn AIR TUBIXG FTTTI TGIdATERTTCHT CORD FITTIHGS0tll?EE+r^I- -^--UUI{D STRATX RELI EF ::1111!1. rrrran <re- x zr_r ,r;;;.;ll:^: ^:r Er{ ( 18- x ?4" x 2-, ar_-pibsHfii.$rri&o - r 2{- x rl.s-) .Al99l--. Flt (h't HIgI OP Wfflffi 28 Drl,G ECO-PAR'S FILE PARTS-gO PAFT { n lH- ? HOOQI E I l,F' I t!'ST nrpehrnrg r Hl99 STRUCTIONS F HEPA-AIRE I99O Hif;lL%{il?,i..1,3#S?i,:r* Alt opERAilNe rNsrpucnoils USIIIG IHIS PRODUCT. SAVE IHIS TNS,RUCNON Thls hstrucflon mcn,r,:j f,iovid€ ggi""m$rii'riil;i#ffi "ffi.#ilffi'mH:"lffi l{gTF The U.S Envt'crmenro: proiecl6n Aaanar,o i,,.tr_r- t Eurorngs',EpAs60/s-ss-o?1,^t!'rt5.?'11,,*11qu,9il."non:euhtonc' :llH!i,ffi"#il?:,",ni?,"oor"'"L'ii'ili;r;idil;iillf,it'ffi1"T#ili$^ffi1,:gilXeHJtriilHffifiolr pressura flttroftoir svsie,.n. EENERAT INFORMATiOi| Dlff.rentor pre8sure nr: ::::c:;cmys+em5 .re one of lf,. O*qlfl:gr-1r,g"nflnhg ond,nh,'',ng orrbomo osbesios fib€,.. Anegollrre presure con:r'licn exish when th slotb o,e;ir" in&an".n.rod,-d,#;;i;*"rrhon rbof of rhe 6rMronmsnirT:Xil:ffi:""? ",_H.:;",.ff:i.T. J6;,*;il#EffiJi1y inovrne .'fdli;;;#oiio noousn on okrilrranonrn*lo The,correct.uselor.rr; HEPA-A|RE,lTsf,p-g*l+.4r*OO=d*f?tI. ro,se-scd,e f€reosE of f,bers fo rheenvrronmenroursrderh:r'cr;krffeorn":."*,.i"ffifr;n"";;dffi;;i;;;;;;';#;,;i;.rured, haddr,ldrl,.rfrowe."lneconc€ntrdtlon of orroc;r,-. fibeis Inskle the worri olbo, '''-"- --r "gx n rr€'trr 'qmer ,. rom ot pur FUNCTION OF THE HgPA.AisE I99O ,TND TTS KEY COMFONENTS CONTAM|.IAIED ffi+ FILTERS y.111f _ )fevonis nErFiiniture loocho ofmlcronl dnd iorgef). whlch cre'l mtcrirti ortorgbr: Oyclcolly ""to*"#f**";1; o1;.ff:'iffi1[:tr;l*S1r1t t n whrch puts c'onramrnored ok rr'ough o cr6on set orct6on fltteis or,, !" ol"cnment. (monlfolds, tt.* ou#*t -lumn o! rneosured by ihe ,ntt pr"iru* gEu6"-",fr I l,ii*liiIt fiI #*I lu^BEFoRBopERfftNG:r:-riirr-cHEetrreronoriire" I t *ib X $tvEl{nlAltoN RlautREr..:rjis v .!Ih€ Envlronrnan+^r c----^::^- .- .I 2. Dfulde lhe \..l,r.te of ihe work oreo by lS mlnde ExomplE: Di_:,rslc:is of r&brk oreo, . ].: . .ns. :o n, *ra.r a ii nronr;lilil;;ffS:f*;Jgf,S-*,SS3FJ:":*l,6h,nure6,, : li,",T"?:,efil;;:#ly8i*. I- ---:3t1;ffqilii =;;f"l*ilffi**mqteth.'votum'otoifeorr"aonaoddrh'rrovo,op,o.o'o**lrr-- rrlcONfRot pAl,tEf. bovpcll;tiis, (See Dkrgrom on poge B) ,t. The Envlronmentot p::;e:;ion Aggna G. pp ,ecornrnends on€ dir chonge €v€ry liffe(confohment oreq, Tc deieimhe.fotol ok flow,equlremenb: rn mlnulos (4. fi!es?er+,otrriJn1,E . 1. Colculote.r:. vllF;lili'= Iir 'ctume ot the work oreo ln cublc fe€i by mul pvlng fhe floor oreo oangth x wtdth) 6y*te gefldg, t -?ifi::jrgij;:i,i':X1'el {ctgD - thbrs.on ebcmcot&r€vdevro{rhor w,.rfdp ond siop rhe noworer.c-rrrcrry ronyI renr?defeered. . l_2. chcult &raf6r - 3i clrp.cidF beoker pfovtdas over - - . . . i. Normor d+;hs ;;;ros6r\rdnbe In1he ronseo'if-t ?ft*"lbrthe hlsherstoriing omperogesof moror.Ir|f3, Houi Veter,f piovjci.]s o count of the totot op.rorng nolo I 4. Power Srvllc*i - il.-1.-- iosin pourr Orl.off swfictl , ffiHfH'*sJJ'rl:h-oThls sw4tctr€eleqh the hlgh or lourspeect of the mofor. It must be h the .hlgh. po$flon 6. Pr€ssuro Gouge - Ti.ts minthellc gouge shorrs the pressurE b6lng creoted on the negotve dde of fhe coblnet It hmeosured In lnches of wofer 6olumn-(w.q), ETECTRICAT REAUINEM ENTS l' Eleetulcol power ior ine unii should *Jip.FlLg QT outukte the wot* qreq. The HEPA-AIRE lpgo ls equlpped wtth oGround Fouli ci'c'Jli inier.rpi.(Grcn'"eiff..{ri;t;i?e.yrce ogsta$g{d "dffi;,rt 'rhrs b an extemety tmportonfreotur€ ror ihe profec?;on oi ltre usiri$.*in&:ilG'6q-"p*t*. deF&-wIriTF itrE ctrc-un ff ony ngffico,x. tearooo' or-ffffii$,Hfi'#.n ?LT#|3g1* *cty. iil iil:AtRi:'i*i';;,r;'U'ilit?"o r o fhrucgrons gloutu 5' Ihe HEPAaAIRE t* ot"-:,:-Iymumof appr.oxlmotely 10.4.1 I lr2.onnps of curent du ng.nomdl opersto howeveL due to mornentar/ siort'up cunbni zuide, tne untt requkar q.2o drnp clrcult whlch ls free of 6lher loodE " n: ymSsf,fiFProxrmolerv 2 seconds to r6qch tull performonce ok fiow on htgh speed.-rThis$ o DorJ']qt.detoy for it PERIOD|C MAtNTSN-r.rr,CE /TND.SERV|CE REaURE|I{ENTS . 1 } M::y: y.o for rnr. q__11g6gg.16 runntng condrflon or ont, "' S::[ fJtrJX'; -:::'#']^.91"u...v.u 'onti.. -' '")' unusuar nqFe' onn e ou"*r.1r Ar.!r ji:i ^ff;;."J^" ond pul.r s'r screws av{ sx montirs. ff[*:iii$l{:::.:i';#9lt-:lgush.to prevenr *n,p1-"9"-_Tf:rr-up whre unde, rur-rood operot&]n. rhe rou,eroeofrng wecr :ndy o;: :: ) operqtlng' lf too much sloq* ts present, $rs nl;il$i;i "ooelicoo""o*oo,rr.*rrl ; ----"'[" -viquc.,'IIo€rrsoretootighi'excesst$ t" r-ocATroN oF uNrT(si) t The IJEPA-AIFE lq?''l sl-roui' )e posltloned of o moxrmum drslonce from thB worker occess opening or other moke-uo ok:?Yl:rtl "'t T:L:",];t; :i::Tl=" to unconromtnoi.a "r "c""pr"o ore6so,,he bu,dins. rhe en.ror rhe exhousr monrrord shourd be used ro seol ",-l .", ffj.li^::: through on oPenlng h rhe plostlc oo"r"io, *Zii covert;-r!Js; suilcote duct tope NoTE: THt HEPA-AIRE 19"0 UriiTS ARE DESIGNED FOR TNDOOR USE ONty. USE OF THE HEPA-AIRE 1+}C Once lhe work cfe. orsD.roiiiberore onv ;;;.;r* ;";:;::i;:"ss'i:!ffigffgJ:r"H'",lgli.Tffi'jig'-'iff:?;'ji.',i$,Jll?"'fiy;iiT,".. The stoflc pressufe c,i. ..r.j.:J berween the work oreo ond thEwlth o sultoble pr"r.t'. a ,",:"-lriolnonfforlng systern f nvlronmE$)u?slde the contoinment oreo con bEwrr \rrurrql'llepresst]r,-::'reielfiolnonffoflngsystefn f ,I qrrrrrrnrrlqteoconOEmof rT power to ure f,cur ....-j." :, t I il operoting ogolrl te ttJA-AtRE l99o ls ln tc"tot$'po ooinentwort unlt power ts restofed ond theII''I The HFpa-a,DE lf ,. ^^ t I' il;,';;::?:l:.lT-rs 3c -::3e: wfli on outomoflc re+tort svsErn. tf ihereFn +o.,,^^.^^,,^r.outomot'colJyre-iorrcs,";;,;;;;;ffi;5fiffi:il,T.t' lrtherebr'6tempororylossofetectrrcor power.rheuntr -* TO START UNN \ l.S€lect Hlgh of Lcw sDeei Set Pov/er Swltcn -c -O .- p:s ito1.ureen llght 'Or - r oiccre.j :.c_-no, opefoflon. FITTER REPLAC€I,4EIiT ;::J;[1't':#l.t,iL ;1?'!;.?'-,lporriculotlv otrborne rber concentrorion) derermrne how onen riiiers need reprocemenr.equlpment. As rhe tilie :s b?:1-'tir-rg iilters musi weor NIosH opproved resplrolors otong rviin ihe orher required prorectiveon rhe contror oo"." .--"= -ila looded' ihe oif flow copo"ity or n" trle,f-;il'; rm';"".;;.ses, when ihe Fressure gouge:.c ,ncnes of woter cotumn, ihe ,,prlm"rr;ri[", ,n"rro lJi""pi.r,.*o o: rolov./cj IIEPA - A|RE te90 MODcL H 1990C l. Wth tfre unlr ", =r"r. j:.,1!1 ll rhe stdes of fhe prlmory ,i*er ond dlspose of ti os osbestondcheckth: Jies:.j-:j ?auge, , .....-,r'rlrerond dbpose of tt os osbestos wosre, pui o new flFertn th proce. lf ihe pressute gouee sti'l ex.eecs 26 lnches of wofer column- lhc -s.aaa^r--, ru_- -.2. W]lh the unii cDeroitn ,mrl the s€condory fller should be reptoced os follova: r,n:::yll':,.ffi *t$Ts#ff i:ilJf tfl :,H1fl ".1fi i'#l$t*r-f ffi il:**"1':LJHJ",ft%" lf the pfessute gauge sflll ex.eeds A.6 lnches of wcfe, column, the HEPA fllre, shoulct be ,eproced qs follows,.,' il!ti-ir'S*:.:,?;:?gltfl.Il*powERcoRD'R:Il:l?Spsuppry Ramo.,,e}?r;;r"oonao,vnn"i^ the HEeA nrei o.,. '; i .'::"ifi1''3;S,:":ifit;l1?l?',trEte*".trH#. #llnnne too, oi,rtrnJ-Jivl,ii !rra" Inspect ths gosket on ihe n:v, :cpa fir+ar h 1-o-911"1., ri"ii-ori"i"l,r'r't=PA fllter houshg os wefl os:11h? llfPA:AIRE l99o flriarmounflno.frfoce; rnqk6 sure rh€r€ or.g-e51cnv!'En5r#iff=; ;.;l;-AL?3T'fli:,ffRffff3f permn reokose oi;;iiliffi,"d"r..rhroush ihe unn woRN oRsrcnsasthaoneb.inoi"n,"=--c._rudAsffiilffili#;fi1ltJ:"SlffirF,frpi:l$lJtnro.in"Jn-Jiii,li"iiii.o- Tne mountlng tabs rnusr ce 'osteneo sEq.re-v;;;;'i-'ff;:'i:'^aT-?.'lr9illE.uNn F,RST. when lnstotttns fhe Hs-pa nr,-'nrt " o.o .i3,"-t1. i"#;;nli.'S,o ffitr1'Jj:'i5il:!1",11':-'f -"yt *t;*-'ri'!rti'r!i."r",j:l j!:1"":ran ono on*",freploced. "rElrcvrir Ine .EPA fl|'er b reploced, the. prlinory ond secondoryfllterst"d;il; ir",i.xr",r:r[SJrPjFlt'5 $ ;+:rff$t sinii fri ,xrT#fi? AND r*'AxE GR*r DooR rs cr.osED. r?rs F*.rERs ARE NoT RECOMMENDFD FITTER C!.IA:.IG! INTERVATS On on qveroge bosls, the fjliepdmory - every ac-# I,lffio" tn"nned ot the tollowlng Interuots (or mofe often tf necessory)t Secondcry _ Cnce .J:h doy ot more oflen lf necesscry,HEpA _ 700 iouts per rp,q reiomrneno-*..., l;-n"ner servlc€ llves h6/e.b€€n obfahed. when ihe HEPA-AIRE ]990 r's shui cio.,n at the end of o project, the flne', should be left lnslde the unlt ond lhe htoke ondff:i5#f:11""'secred l'^/iti') poivetirvtene'siieltiig';n:";';L t.p". n[ [ alin-"iJiJ,"l,i,".onromhd*ns the oreo oner NOT* All electrlcol components are UL (Uncterwrlle6 Loboroiofles) Llsted. HEPA.AIRE T C9O SPECITICANONS 35' x 22' x 30 5/8. I-15 \rolh, 15 ornpa t l.4.HP, hlgh efflclenry.2 Faed, *fn *,."rffi set, 60 HZ slnctle ohdse. mochlne w l outom dflcolly rssioti lhelf ofier tempofory po\^/er Interupflon. Operoiing flow rote: (wlth cleon fllters) 16m cFM (htgh Heovy Cuty, S wlih positlve lockJng foot bfqk.., r"-...]rl,I.^*1"^=.r swvel coste,s equlppedls: removobl€ to petrnlt stocklng of moc+theq NOTE:SPECIFICAI'IONS SUE.JECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Modular deslgn *,"n 0 Ef:Li1..::9f;:f seored ro prevent reokose "r ".i*.i.ri" orr rhroush orBulli-ln Groura Fc!:i clrculi lniertupi (G:c_l): sysf€m-blocked Inioke &/or fllier oveflood: 20 omp ckcull brectLer ' l; r iu.r izr.. ia;m;a;$-yrou* bbElIi, ,ilSecondory fii=i:'24' X .1B' x 2', pteot"c. r mrcron EfrGtffilE 24'x l8'x i l l/Z',.wilh protecllve screen, roled l.S, _ 'l.7. w.c. pressure dfop otlt3'":t$"ltr]o|rii'fffir:* cermed +o oe qe.e7% emclnr osornsr o.3 Eosy-openlng htnged door ls secured by Z heow du'y spl.i";;;;;mcllp6 ond gosketed to protectogolnst prtmory il"rty;;: - TRoUBLE sHooTtNG GUTDE Foh HEPA_A|RE 1990 NO RESPONST .'"lJ:N rt: DJ\1,8R IS ruRNED ON UNIT RUMBTES WIiEN ATT:I.IPT]T,]G TO START . DEFECNVE POWER CORD - TRIPPED CIRCU|I BREAKER, .IRIPPED 20AMP CIRCUT BREAKERON CONTROL PANEL - TRIPPED GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPT. - TI{ERMAL OVERI-OOO O* *, MOTOR HAS TRIPPED . LOWVOLTAGE OR LIMIED AMPERAGE IS SUPPLIED. - EXTFNSION CORD TO TOO LONG OR OF TOO HIGH GAUGE. . OTHER MACH]NES OR LOADS ON SAME CORD OR CIRCUIT. . CHECK ALL CONNECTIONS .AN-D CONDmON OF CORD(S). DO NOT OPERAIE UNN WITH OETT,IECEO POWER CORD(S). . RESfi BREA(ER. . RESET BREAKER ON CONMOL PANEL, . RESfl GrcI ON CONTROL PANET AND/OR AT POWER SOURCE - FOR AIJIOMA1TC RESET MOTORS, TURN UNIT'OFF., WAII 20.30 MINIJIESAND RESTART. rcR MANUAL RESFT ltcn'oRs; nmMPolt/ER SwIC*t oFF,DtscoNNrcT powER coRD nenaoVe FILTERS AND PUSH RED BUTTON ON END OF MOTOR REINSTALL FII]ERS AND START UNIT. . CHEC( POWER SUPPLY - UNI- RESUIRES 'I 15V 20 AMP CIRCUIT WHICH IS LOAD FREE. USE GROUNDED 3-WRE 'IO GAUGE CORD. CONNECT I UNIT PER LINE & START MACHINES ON SAME CIRCUIT AT DIFFERENT TIMES.. QEMOVE OTHER LOADS FROM SAlvlE CIRCUIT. ELECTRJCAI SCHEMATIC NOTE: lF UNIT DoEs NoT siA! ABATEMENi ii;[i;;'o-;;#_.fgsfr[?roNs AmR cARrFutty FottowNc rHE TRouBrE sHoorrNc 6r,rDE,4^u ffi[['ilr";i_,il,i::?!:;:.,,.^1r#Htitrfr,,xE;,y$ll&r^.si,TrlrTH ArrTorvrATrc RESTARTAND MAy RE.START COMPONENT REPIACEMENT Occoslonolly o ctefecrlve :rrroonen lef€jlo the ELECTR|Ce- sCH=ru:arrcS wlll couseihe unlf to op€rote r113g-r-V,ollotatolL Any etectdcdt devtca con,o .o dlaenose th€ folure 6f ony componerit Otogno.flcr rno,rfJ onry o. pdfomed by oquollfled technlclon. h a pfopedy deslgned neq:-ise negdthre pressure sicje :f ife cnl;. ilMMD WAFRAN'Y 9A9ll9|tl AtwAys TURN oFF uNtT AREPI.ACING IHE HEPA FitTER, OR RESF 3tffi^ffffir[m|r1ffffi so{rRcE EEFoRE FEirovrNo THE coNrRor pANErr n#T#$f:rffi,trSf,fil eg*Hg*f;onerwhhh oilo,v! roreosv cccess ond reprocem.nr. A,rcor*ror pdnel cir rnocf ne the coninor'pqn.l Oncr. tts cohponenis w'r be seored off fom the ,"st of th6I nF Tporton*o prevenr c.nromrndEJd t;6"ft;;fr; rhrorrgh there componanrs.l Ihe HEPA'AIRE 1990 ls worrcn-'ec by Abolomenl Technologle€ q? ro rh€ odginor user; qgorruf defecJs In moterro* ondwo*mdnshlp for o perioc o, ;: ::rj ofier G iJ.;;r--h"a* lhb.rg,or.onty does not guordnrae o usetur fe of the fltters.thewonontvperlodheri=Fcr":ei:l:]'Tr;tovldd;;il;;i.m.ntiecnnoidresniFe-n]i.rsoreused. ouronryob'gdrontholl be' ot our optlon, ic repcir .r, replo6e the defecitu; corn-ponen(s) or moke o sulfobte odju$rnent for such defecr(s) uponflmely notmcoflon theteof, pi:'riced the unit nos Gen ue"df mor*iin"a ona nJnir"Jlrii'.*raon". ufh Ars operiing OVAI OF THE @MTROI. PANEI. FOR SiEMfiCNE We moke fhls wonony ic tfle 3ommer olher wononfles, expf essed or ifi'rpiled, I user ln lleu of Woffontles of merchofifoblf,ty, frfness for porflcutor purpose ond otl ,"Th€,€nclcsed \,./arionly rnusf'be comprered ond refurned \Jtthrn 45 doys of purchase In order.fo, woronfy ?o r.rMrAilON oF"[rABtr.tlY t Except os provdeo or,r..,: ..-*L--, -rnodentol, speciol or "...= -.llPlnf .Technologies sholl not be floble for ony toss or dcp::3=!'rh9'9-;;;.;.':1:fiT:,f':[n iS,l#Trore' use or mtvse ornii;,'"i:ff3?#*1,p11'g5t1 For wononty Infcirnotio-1 ::: .mentTecnrioicJ;;:;;,'.'''.rJ'.1?ff8$:lHn?iffi:r1fl-Lts,Il"jlJr?f,,i:ffi?o.T;j:l".'enro,conrociAbore- DJ?DERIN€ INFORMATION . HEPA-A|RE EAUIPMENI AND REPTACEMEHT RARTSPART NO. it'1990c H i90l H1902-)2 H l9loES PART NO, H2013-12 H2020-12-4 H?o2s-12 H2030-l? H 1980P DESc glcrtoru |,1 lel.e-,.:i:, ,roc, f soeeo. conrrodol's Mc;del _timcr. :jjrr: po{ ea. * ra, x l/2.,30/cos€"t; *..1*I, on"^ , i. - rr. r rl.li""r" 9ry.97:, :i::A F tef wtth protective screen. 24,x lg. x I I U2. ORDERII{G INFORMATION - HEPA.ANE ACCESSORTES DESCRIpTtc-ll Cleor oo y e{housi fublng. I2, diomefer x S0O, long Cleor rr;;lcr ijex cuct, wlle reinforced. 12, dbrflefer r 25, long Alumlniz:,] fiex duct, rrl€ reinforced, .l2, d;ometer x 25, long eovy cuiy FVC flex duci, wire relnforced, ,lZ. djdmeter x 25. ,ong Plostlc single inlei monifold, ff,E 12, flex ctuct flfum v::f#il$i']1Y:Jn T-EcHNor'oG'Es PREFllFls,-f-EllIr:lERs, AND REPLACEMEM pARTs. suBsr,- ENcTNEERED ,rrro*"^n.JANr-vJEoPARDlzE woRKER nHo'st'Iundi.iM-iilifr5nftrv,-enro *DVERsETy.AFFEcT I l1/96 ,j :s .,e s) fD {Rl, os ?3 \\ csO\3i$ r) U t"J() \ 4- .t t + \,t- )$ QI,Ifui{frt@O.i -S J(t{p4 do? t,l r)J-L t ^vi*{ lf, ^]s e\ArJ ^roVo3l -l !r7 -> Wrd.^f4S '! tl3 &- nnnargl*?S oJ,a\ I I J \\r)t\ {\t IJ U LI od -.) J 1.,-l- :ro "t J{ dr1 ^TJ*Jvs{'' (',,o: ./Qs -+ \''*dd I 53L3\-4t 5I .-Y Yon! tn"p-o-, \\1.^ -o:aG f\. {. {J. r' J 5J w7 j3 t.ties4 ll, 1i t!{J3YY I l I -L -t. .> .-T I 06/t4/20o9 03:03 FAX 7195?80914 ENVIRONMENTAL ABATEMENT EAS of Deuver !{fiN(\f\ (J'L\f,xnr.,' .-p1 Colorado 80110 Phone (303) 79Ss009 Fax (303) 795'9020 80907 Phone (719) 57&1575 Fax (719) 578'0914 U' *-r-14-.,-".2- &lz-"r t/,,r^-tL los \:n3 A-t.-$t-...-\ Date: To: with: Fax: From: RE: CommenF: May 14, 2008 Joe Suther The Town of Vall 970479-2139 Scott Nelson Final alr results Please see the attached copy of the clearance results for the asbestos removal performed in units 305 and 503 of the Antler's at Vail, 6S0 W lionshead Pl., Vail, CO.Jhi performed under the Town of Vail permlt num Thank you in advance for your help in this matter. lf you have any questions Or need of fuilher assistance feel free to contact me at 719€10-5226. Pages including the eover shee* 3 Please call the phone numEr above if you do not receive all pages of thls fo<' Thank You. 11 1 Commerce St, Colonado Springs Colorado EGETvE[il I{AY 14 2oo8 |u tD)t( tlll VAIL {1, uu4 EAS of Denverg5/Ll/2O08 00:0$ F,ttr 71967E0914 !n c.t\oo9r€toi g$F E ttl ,:(|) -Lj E €FifisgFAd o ul ctooN !+ rIl 6) .!E B0'F & a E -otD !, o9 =E.<EEg !.<e 6";T RHE EEc sgI Fts;9gE d 'tl>': F.= E€ ve658'',ctge'eE*8 !g 8.2 AEE6 d: e.-€!9 9e FE FEg.r3 9,a6€Eed ll.: E 8.F &'E-'r .5 E.E fHEE 6'f€a n i,l.\ () -;na oooE --.<H b .i= 0)v1 E6) Fi rrr FQr\ cf1ltl I b0tl q) oa Ett o E o f?l 0)() o(J .0J F GI EIll (n fr lr d'aEI FiE8tr' E€B BX7zFI{rr*4;iH €, .6F a.lo qt s'6N>Vg 6E EgBz<L -EH*<'as HlA}.F' q E E qS 658€ g 0 E o Ce I1'! q) tr .+rrl (Alo ,t F|tr E ? ru c.i n@ \E'.'!vt.i c'! qE cl oo ?a Q'ai \o r{|\l tU ,o ? lr g\o\ f.l (€\ 6qr .l Ea 14 E u v c & , GI2 9r if I ccrq c.,t Hr ozJ () c € hl\,fa lrl e€ 6l\ o N 00 6l 00 a r.l € t\ r..| d N c)! E z !lae 6 ch I|\l t d .? e.l L) T (J Tal (-) IN @trr trFI €l q, F E alI i,.J .!a, I I a6 nt g E -q I EIq U() &cC n J EAS of DenYerO6/L4/200& 03:03 FAX 7196780914 !1('l\oo9€ b-F 5FEzFr'\:idnF! Et a€'E# < HggFAd at) UJ cgoo(\l q b b 6 E'e ao g :.2 ru ru aut =.1oEf;,58Eg ;r<s fr "ig EEE E'=^ 7gg &, 8EFfr?€ E V'I>:li li frEY9VEE€ fr',,ta EB rd u'5 E,E-:a fr,8oCrE9r*€E3gg"b FqFE Fg H.s 3 E€8>,.H.;EI E fr':l-tr .5 E.E FqHE Ef€E € al E a tl 0, a bs .E Fq =c)E'3 =pcai6 !., lo-{(l)€Elo!)-tJtrhL:'EJJ ()Ora.Oi#E|.lt4p* 9eaO ra) o(l) c) F .E q.J E5 FSqA?>tlodlE {rr .: t-a I ff tn an:tb NSvq bE€EEt trtJz.<4:iict 3 $5 S[&lFA,a.. H x't E E'5r€ E E EI€ u cot) E tl c Fl € E ., h .+6 o o ({ GI E E u c) E Fl cl o \o c.i F] o,GI o,)ii IE E. EJ E co e.l 0! Itr e et{ €.\Ortf'l o\6|.|o\ .'l e 6 c Io v -gIJp =r .E GI, =.G ;q oI OJ g (q 0, d €J tU ce GC a l\I ,^- € C) @ aN { aa N € 6l & t5N h al 5zg c EIa (\aa d s \o i:: FI o .J tr I Eq.l Fi I I II s 1)t (|E G0, I E { G E t4 4