HomeMy WebLinkAboutB98-0313 LEGALTOhIN OF VAII., 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD-,ArL, co 9t557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT .]OBSITE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES 898 - 0313 ilob Address: LocaE.ion. . . : Parcel No..: Projects No.: 4484 E STREAMSIDE 2L0L-L23-05-015 StaEus...: ISSIIED CIRCLE Applied. . :It0 /La / a998 rssued. . . : 1-0/L5/1998 Ex;rires. . : o4/L3/1999 Phone z 9'70-226-2656 Phone : 970-226-2655 #of wood/Pal.lel: accurale plot and pl.ot plan, eubdivision g:00 All 5:0[r rii APPLICANT EONTRACTOR OWNER BECKER BUILDERS , MANSONVILLE' CO BECKER BUIIJDERS , MANSONVILLE, CO WASHING THOMAS G 497 S CEDARBROOK, 80541 I0541- & SUSAI.I B BOT'LDER CO 80304 Descriptsion: REROOF SAI4E FOR SAME Occupancy:Tlpe Const.rrrction: Valuation: Single Family Residence T)pe V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: R3 VN 8,000 Fircplace Information: Rc6trictsed; y *of ca6 Appl.ianccs:#of ca6 Logs: FEE SUI4MARY Tot.al calculaced Fee6---> Plan check---> eL.25 DRB F66-------- 20.00 Additional Fees---------> 'o0 Invegeiqation> .oo Recrealion Pce----------> .o0 Totsal Permi! Fee-------_> 329-25 wi,'.-'3.oocIe::'..^.DosiE.-...-..>1oo.00Paymcntg-----.---------.> TOTAIJ FEES-'--- -r- !-c,rr: u5l-uu tsUILDING IEPARTMENT DepE: b,. - .-,-, rr'iG Divrrr<'.rtr: AO/L4/L998 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED iIRI"Triam;'oEZoo-pnmqrNg DEFqe'iwENT- Dept: PLFNNTNG Division: LO/L4/1,998 JRrvr Action: APPR N/Arabm;'.05660-Finn DEPARTT"IENi ' Dept: FrRE Diwision: L0/L4/1998 JRM Action: APPR N/Ariam;'65500-p-uelrc woRKS--- Dept: PUB woRK Division: LO/L4/L998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions Lhat may apply to thj-s permr-L. Restuara:t Plan Rer': -w--> .o0 nF ^r i Tt 7\ rT-r ^ I heleby acknowledge that I have r€ad this applicat.ion, filled ^rrt in full the infornaeion required, conpleted an plan, and 6L'-= Lr,-- '1 the informalion provided aE required i6 correct. I agree to comply with ehe inforn?'ion tso comply lritsh all Tolrn ordinanceE and €tete lawe, and to build thiB BtrucLur€ according tso the Tori'E zoning and code6, dcBig! rcvicw approved, Uniform Buitding code ana otsher ordinance€ of Che Town aPFlicable tsnereEo. REQUESTS FoR INSPEC,TIONS SHAI,IJ BE IiTADE TWET:_.' OOUR HOURS IN AD1IANCE BY TE],EPHONE A.T 419-2739 OR AT,UR OFFICE FROM send clean-up Deposits To: R.D.oEcKER INC . ])iTRASIOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OI.INER Page 2******************************************************************************** COI{DITIONS Permit, #: 898-0313 as of LO/L5/98 Status---: ISSIIED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :1 .'. ************rtr. ^.!*********.. x:t:t:t:t PermiE Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: 7^,t!4/L998 epplicanLl-: BECKER BUILDERS Issued---. lO/!5/L998 970-226-2656 To E:<pire: O4/13/1'999 ilob Address: I-,ocation---: 4484 E STREAMSIDE CIRCIJE (EAST ITNIT) Parcel No--: 2LOL-L23-05-015 DescripEion: REROOF SAME FOR SAME * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng ** *** ********* ** * **'******* ** * * 1. FIEL,D TNSPESIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN Att BEDROOMS AI{D EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.1210 0F THE 1991 ttBC. ?. F€P-?"S-9E| l{ ' Ol FROI'|. TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. :oncacE Eaglc counCy Assesgors * 97O-328-8640 fo-r Pateel 4."ffi;i oF v.e,rL coNsrR'cr?o?]9- l"teiv0d,,*.,'" rpERHrr Appr,rcArroil";;il"00l 0A lggg __ DATE: Aloa/qa------ tD 's?o4?gl2452 PAGE 2/2I .RCEL !: ( ^ APPLICATION I{TIST BE FILTED OUT COMPLETELI OR Itr I{AY NO! BE ACCEP"EDf t*********************t******** PERMIf fNFORMAIION ******************:**:r*rr****** )tV(n'nai's I J-P].unbing I J-ElectrLcal I J-Mechanibal [ ]-otter E Address: /?7 .Zeon.z A{ao6t( ph. ^ ---lene:ral Descriptie;1; -{FfUtaf'- JiA"--' ,,* {ork Class: I J-N€ff-t J-Alteration t ]-Addtitional I J-Repai, i\r[-ott "&Rd_AIurnber of Owelling Units: _J Nunber of Accohrnodation Units: )wnars Name: drrchitect:Address:Ph. frnber and Type of, Fireplaces3 cas Appliances Gas togs Wood/PeJ.Iet i***!k******f.******************Jr*** VATTUATfONS ********************tr*rt********** EIECTR.ICAT-,I $ MECIIANfCAL: { i * ** * * * ****** *** * * i-{-** *-** * **CONTRACTOR INFORI{AI'IONleneral contractor:r Satc rddrdss: lu*rr*", @Zl]P-)LUMBING: I t T :rectrical contractor.: --'B??.1-O9>Iurnbing contractor: OTHER:.. TOTAL: ** *'r(******* ********* t(** **** Town of vail Req. HC O Phone Nunber: Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: ,Town of vail Phone NuFber: Reg- No. ll*or^ or Vair *! rddress: techani.cal Contractor : \ddress: r iis it lr :1 Jr* fr * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * FOR OFFfCE USE **** ***** ***i*********t *** **rt** }UII,DING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMI'T FEE: IDCiIA}IICAIJ PERUIT FEE: BUII,DTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: iLECTRICATT FEE: )IHER TYPE OF FEE: )R.B FEE: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: PLUMBTNG PIA!{ 'CHECK FEE' T.IECHANICATJ PIJA}T CHECK F8E: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSItr: TOTAIJ PER}IIT FEES: AEION I CLEA}T UP DEOSII REFOND TO: iu L SIEP-'I O-E a r4.@2 FROM ' TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. 75 soulh f ronlagc road eail, colorado 4165? (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUETECT: olllce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTTYT REGISTERED WTTH THErOWN OF VAIt To?rN oF vArrr PUBLIC WoRKS/cold{rrNITy DEVELOP!{ENT l.lARcH 16, t-988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MAAERTAT STOR.LGE lD '9?@4?92452 PAGE 3/2I rn sulnr ary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyFerson to ritter, track or deposit any-s"irl-rict, sana, debrisor materiar, incruding trash humpsterr, p"ii.ui"-toil"ts andworkmen vehicres.upon any streerl sia"iraiil-;ii;y or pubticPr?:= or any portiln tne'reorl - tne righ'u-of-eray on all Town ofVail streets and. roads is approxii"l=iv-s-it--lri pavernent.rhis ordinance wirl be.;t.i;iit'enforced by the Town of Vailpublic worlcs DeDartment- p"rJ-on= found viorating this ordinanceyir]. be siven a 24 hour writien ;";i;;1;-;;;;";'said rnareriar.In the event the person so notified does-""t"I"ipty wlth thenotice wittrin the 24 rrour tirne-=p."iiiJ,";;";"Lti" work=Department wirr remove said rnateii"r at-in"-'"xp""=e of personnotified. rhe provisions "r'ini=-"iair.ilr! :f,fii nor beappricabre to cinstruetion. x,airrt"n"nce or repair projects ofanv street or allev or anv'uiiiiti"i i; ii"^;i]ii-u-r"v. To review- ordinance, Nd. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Departtnent to obtar-n a copy- riran-t you f,or your.cooperation on this matter. r (i.e, contractor, owner) a .SEP-1O-9E! 14. 02 FROM r TOV-CoM-DEV-DEPT. 75 soulh tro.rlrge road v!ll, colorado 8165?(303) 479-2L38 oy 479-2L39 tD.9?04792442 otflce ot communlty dcvolopmcnl PAGE 4/2I BUILDING PERt.iIT ISSUANCE TIITE FRANE li-i!i:-q9rfio.fgtu.i""l a Toy,n of Vail Fire Deparbnent Approvai,tngrneer"s (Public !9.fri reyiew and approvai,' a plannini' Departnentreview or Health Deoartunant ieview, an[' a_ r"niew Li-ilr;"iuiiailt--"-Departmenrt the estimatea iimi iJr'"-iotar' ;;;i;*;aJ"i.[i'a, rongas three weelts. AII commercial'(large or smalr) and alr murti-family permits willhave to- follow cne ahve menti6nlJ-miiirum requirerlnii.'nesidentialand.sma'l I projects should take a lqsser umouni, of -Ciil:' However, ifresidential or smalrer projects impact the various auJve mentioniadepartments. wi.th regard' to-necessji.y revie,.r, th;;; p.oj".ti "uyalso take the three-week ileriod. - Every.attenpt uill be made by this clepartnrent to expedite this .permi't.as. s.qon as possibie. - I:_I!" undersigned, understand the p)an check procedure and time T fane i X 4lw(to @u) Date H'Connruni ty Development Departneot. I.SEP-lt-gB 14 . 02 FROl,l r Tov-col,t-DEv-DEPT.lD,9?64?924s2 DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED PAGE S/2I TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUELIC WAY PERM|T ls this a new residence? . ! o ls. demotition work being performed that requires the use ot the right of way, easements or public propeny? 3) ts any'utitity work needed? N o 4) ls the driveway being repaved? N o 5) ls different aceess needed to site orher tnan exisiin; ;;6;y; -'- 1J o 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, AJ or public property? 7) ls a "Bevocable Right CI Way permit" d orequired? ! 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public properly to be used lor staging, M o . parking or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, staging . t or fencing'plan required by Community A/ 6 :Development? . - lf you answered yes io any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" musl be obtained, ?ublic Way Permit" applications may be oblained at the Pubtic Wo/xs office or al Commulity Development. lf you have any questions please eatl Charlie Davis, the Town of VaitConstruction lnspec{or, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": Nq Wa+ttrw-I />--- Date 1) 2) Job Name '48 TO9'JN OF VAII,, COLOR.A.DO s Ea Eellurl SEaEcmnt' Number.: REC-0464 Anount : PaymenE MeEhod: CK NotaEion: 1212 329.25 Lo/15/9e 09 tso f ni.E: LC Permic No: B9a-0313 Typc: A-BUILD A.DDIAIT SFR BUILD PE Palcel No: 2101-123-05-015 I,ocaEion: 4494 E STREAMSIDE CIRCI,E (EAST I,,NIT) Tolal FccB: 329.25 Thia Paymenl 329.25 ToEal ALL PnEa: Eal.ance: AccounE code DeBc!ipt ion 329.25 .00 BP OO].OOOO31],1100 BUTLDING PERT4IT PEES DR O01OOO031122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CHECK FEES Amount. 125.00 20, 00 100. 00 3.00 AD D2 - DEPO 8 CI,EANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO3l12SOO WILL CAI.L INSPECTION FEE