HomeMy WebLinkAboutM01-0236 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M0l-0236 Job Address: 4494 STREAMSIDE CR EAST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: EAST HALF ONLY Applied - . : llll9l200l Parcel No..-: 210112305013 Issued ' ' : 1ll20l20ol ProjectNo ' ExPires' .: 05/l9l2OO2 OWNER WESTWOOD HILLS IL/L9/200L Phone: 1410 12TH ST AVE GRAFTON WI 53 024 L,icense: CONTRACTOR COIICEPT MECIIAIiIICAL, INC tL/L9/200L Phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 8L620 l,icense:189-P APPLICAI\II coNcEPT MECHAI.,IICAI-,, INC tL/t9/20oL Phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 8152 0 License: 189-P Desciption: REPALCE GAS WATER HEATERS WITH HIGH EFFICIENCY BOILER AND 2 50 GALLON Valuation: $3,800.00 Fireplace Informatior Restrictcd: y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas lrgs: O # of Wood Pellet: 0 )ti*lt*i'|||||||t|t..,rt|..tt*******t******:}:}:}t:}t,}.'|||***********,**'||. Mechanical--> S8o.oo Restuarsnl Plstl Review-> So.o0 Total Calculated Fees-'> S103'00 plan Check-> S2o.OO DRB Fee---> 9o.oo Additiooal Fe€s----> 90.00 Inve6tigation-> so . oo TOTAL FEES-> S1O3 . OO Total Permil Fee-> S1O3 . O0 Witl Csll-> 53. oo Pa)'ments---------> 9103.00 BALANCE DUE---------> 90.00 *****aailaat*lllllllllatrrrrtiiaa*,t,t ITeM: O51OO BUII-'DING DEPARTMENT LL/2O/2001 JRM Act,ion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEATT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI_,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Condl 22 (BLDG.): CoMBUSTIONATR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 701 OF TnE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTTON 701 0F THE 1.997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALI.,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MATUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A}TD TO CHAPTBR 10 OF THE 199? I'MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS APPIJIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 UMC. OR CHAPTER Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER TIIE 1997 IJMC AI.ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOII,ERS SHAI-,L BE MOI'NTED ON FI,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST. UNI,ESS LISTED FOR MOIINTING ON COMBUSTIBL,E FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BI,DG.): PERIIIIT,PI,AI{S AI{D CODE A.}IAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECTIAIiTICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REQI'EST, Cond: 30 (BI_,DG.): DRAIUAGE OF MECIIAIIICAIJ ROOMS COMTAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WAIER SIIPPLY BOTTJERS SHAIJTT BE EQUTPPED WrTH A FI-,OOR DRArN PER SEC, L022 OE THE 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN L004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Torvn applicable thereto AI'ID SHALL 8 OF THE 199? IMC. 3 AIID SEC.1017 0F I hueby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required, completed an accwate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOLIR HOLIRS IN ADVAN FROM 8:(X) AM - 5 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE r-- l:H:nt|*Efj;Mechanical Permit #: mvNWVilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. vall, cobrrdo g165z Permit will not be accepted wlthout the following: e trledlenical Room layout dnwn to rcale to Include: 'd4u ca/Town ofVail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Trru Ro;qJ ?W-o2o4 ffat hr 'oo *u*' l-^ d.se-*r., ?*ii"rr.ce-JobAddress: *l-lt SIrcan5p(- (lE@Fffihatrtr Legal Desaiption w,5A I eocr:Filingr suuam;on:Bafer-l Lfb U6;uwners Nar\: AAr. I ;,*eW aoo'"ot .rq .4-i fr-r;;;"f ZG Phone: n/r Md*' l'lunmruyolhu, n l+Phone: lt/st /1,Engineer: Detafiecl oescnOhbn of wuhq1' t r ; .p,^ ",- tTd lp'4 i /No 3-O at/ /dn Slz 1a2as r Wo*C!9ss: r,r"" d Does an EHU odst atthb locaUon: y"s ( ) No-X TvpeotEag: singte-family( ) Dupru,()Q Murti-fdrnirv( ) commerciar( ) Restauranr( ) oher( ) No. dAccomrnodation Unlts in this buitdingr Nl4A_ #{J*tti*olr*t*J,fl,,,* , r *-Orr.,no,,xl/rvp.sfFirwtacesPruposed: ( ) woodBurning(NorArtowED) {. * rr rt r* rr *'r ** {. * rr rr. * rr * * *** {. r. * FOR OFFICE USE g1,1 1y* * * * * $ *, f| - . * *--l tl .)r- -e *-2 I -I. ,f, rl It*rl **d(,3** *t *f, :r* **,r ffi.ffiiffi-'l*l IryffilE_lFrlGvc|'on /hnn /mdrpcr|n You must &taln Deslgn Revbw Boad (DRB) apprornl if any of tfe mechanial ruorlr will inyolve AtwexErior lflorh This iricludes ano :s mrt'i:miieobr€mdriar and rephcernent of drivehrry snow mert ffii$;fleme contact a plannerat'-itg-ztze ueore Jurfriturrg vour mCrrlriiir p"rrit TheTmm of vail hes adosed u|G 1998 rnternauonal Medranlcat code (rMC) ri,ih the 1g97 unitbrmMechanicat Code (UMC) i" "n i.-.eprao-ieiiLrnarve. All ncmr constnrctlon within ttre Tonrn of vall is onsidered b be of unusually ught construcdon, thus .all combustion air is rcquired to ue criwn liom outside ure strucurre for mechanical equipm€ngReftrencethe 1992 UtLiC Sec, ZOf.Z, ---'- -' rn sepbmber of 1991, the vail rorrn corncil adophd an ordinane whidr restricb t€ consuuction anduse of open heart{r lircplaes .rUtin rn,inlcipir oouncaries,-- 3ince that time ttre ordinance hasundergone nulnenous-clringes ""0 ."ririo*, sttirtp ld;;pro;ise yeteffectire;ess-in addressingtlre air quafity issue. rrrercfloE ure tbitffi"g criteria has been adoptea: o comtrucdon of open hearth wood burning fireptaces is no longer permitEl within Town of vallmunlcipal boundahes. r"lr'tsusr ..' '!re.r" r Dwelling.Unfts - Eachlcuu durclling unit may contain: ffi;?rt* Phase rr cenifiea e;lo'iuel uirning dwice and no more nran trrc (2) gas appfiances OR nrc (2) gas log fireplaces and no moretiran tu,o (2) gas apptiance fireptaces (B bent).o ResFictqlDu'ellinq]nttr - Each new rcsbicted dweiling unit may containrone (1) gas los rrrepla"" "ni not rrli- uran one (ii i"Jil;o;; n,ed=-:ace. o AcqQmfiFdation units - Each neur acrbmmodation unit may contain:one (1) cas rog nreptace or on" trJs". appriance fircpraoe. o rf two or moE seDarate drelling unils or accommodation units are combined b tbrm one targeruni!' $e combinci u$ *y-tJii" iiil fr"atrgning fireprae (if one arrcady exists) and no morethan 2 gas appfiance nrepra'ces, oir:ii tnr"nt up to tnro existing firepraces to gas. r If durlng $e course.of a r€modef an exisPnO woodburning fircpface ig altcred or moyed, the unitpilfilj:llglys *: f:FF*:-l* -.qC",.*ffi.'iifr," n,eprac€ must be conyerted ronatural gas or reptacea by ilitA-il";Hcertified unit. and Desisn Cri RECHIVED Nov 1 5 2001 T';r '-':-:::T'r:1'" F:/crqlonr/bmr/nrdrpcnn trH coNcEPT MECHANICAL, lNC. PLUMBING . HEATING. SYSTEM DESIGN PO. Box 1165 Avon. Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 9490200 Fax: (970) 949-0gX) 1<l ,", LtNos€r4+ KeE - SHEET NO.n/R - OATE / t-t9-4t CHECKED BY CALCULATED BY