HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ01-0080 E01-0078 LEGALTOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 Job Address: location.....: Parcel No...: ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2313 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL West Vail Texaco 210311415003 Permit #: E0l-0078 Status... : ISSLIED Applied. . : 0412712001 Issued. . : 05/22/2001 Expires. .: l1/18/2001 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES COriITRA TOR TRI PHASE ELECTRIC 0325 HARDSCRABBI,E ROAD GYPSW CO 81637 License : L1-8 -E APPI.,IEEI T TRI PHASE EI,ECIRIC 0325 HARDSCRJABBI,E ROAD GYPSI]M CO 8153 7 License: 118 -E Desciption: service FOR REMEDTATION SHED Valuation: $800.00 04/21 /20Ot Phone: 04/27/2O0L Phone:970-524-7]-35 04/27/200]- Phone:970-524-7L35 FEE SIJMMARY *lr*rt:ttarallrr**:rt*'******'|**'r*'lti***taata**:la:t'a***'ri'r******rr Total Calculaled Fees-> Additional Fees---> Tolal Permit Fee--> Paymenls-----_1 Elecbical----> DRB Fee-> lnvestigation-> wil call-> $53.00 s0.00 ss3.00 ss0.00 90. oo $0.00 93-00 TOTALFEES-> Ss3. oo BALANCE DUE-"-'---> 50.00 Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIflI 0s/02/200L cDAvrs Action: AP *:ltlt,latl'lllllaa,rr*11'llaalatala,,,,**:*aatllt'llat*tttt,r*r*a*rrtrrrrrrr CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (Br,DG.): FrEI-,D INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. tttaaatatattlaaaaa't't,tlllttllrrlttllt DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have r€ad this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accwate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot ptan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this srucilre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanc€s ofthe Town applicable thereto. WEST VAII. ASSOCIATES I-,TD 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W 101 E TWENTY-FOLTR HOURS IN ADVANCD BY TEI.EPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OIIR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 5 PM. tr * * * **** * * * * **'i't'i t:t,t:t* * * *,1* *'l*** * * * * ** 't** * * * **:t* * i 't f :r**:r {.:lt 'i'}* +**,f * | t 'lt 'lt * * {t:1. * * *** * I' t 't *'} '1. 'l 't* f * i TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 05-22-2001 rt 09:33:31 o5t2212001 Statement ** * * * ****'i * **:t*{r'1. ++****** * * ********* * ** ** * * * *+*:*++** **+ * ***!t * statement Nuriber: R000000809 Anrount: $53.00 o5/22/2ooao9.:33 Al,[ Palment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: CHECK # 13183 Permit No: E01-0078 Type: ELECTRICAL PERIT|IT Parcel No: 210311415003 Site AddresE: 2313 N FRoNTAGE RD I{BST VAIL Irocation: I{eat. VaiI Texaco Total Peee: $53.00 Ttrie Payment: $53.00 Total ALL Pmta: $53.00 Balance: $0.00 * *,|:t * * '|t'|t't* {r !t {. *'t * ** '} *'}*{r* *'l * * * * * *!*tt* ** * * ** *** * * * ** 't {. * t +**** * ***** **** * * 't 'l * * * **** * *!t * **,}'1. **'}'t't ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY POI,IER PERMITS I^IC OO1OOOO31128OO blILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3. 00 t ofi rdl F |.].(y| Flr \o €-ldbH vl.o cl ()&dxTD.v,ri* <xi'tr{dl.u IA &fi ; si,l ..*l IIUIJS']3 35vHd ldr F9:EZ IBAZ/BI, /AAqE9L-vZr-8!b , ,lJlrffi,-DEU-DEPr. rtH-lorfioil wrrs xol ttl\ ,.^*6:Tn . $o\ a'o\"LI '\-r,l ./ @IITRACTOR. ITI FORIIATIOT so, refror ilEw Burr.os and v1ltt1Ttr11{s K)R Al.r- oTllERs (labr & ilaE ttb} " ->r OFFICE USE Ol{LY*tr}t*t***rt*****+'ttrt*lt"m"*lrt* PAGE I/3tD,9'19,4?sl2452 rFrilcollplETE OnHect#: BuiHi'ng Perrnit #i Elecbiel Permit#: 97 O47 lr'2119 (f n*rAi(ns).E'tfo+P 1.-,,,. ,u"T"r;(#l CIttISf-E :EVI'U [dL RECDAPR2?2001 o na frw-WiiBs< flo!1og 6Zq-7/35' VAIUATIOi'I: $ @qE(p{A'mr l,/cr-Grrc" Setzotca raOnion( ) Remodel( ) Rcpair( ) TempPot'F( ) Othr Does a" EHU e(i* "t tllts bffir: Yes ( ) ib ( )( ) ffibrld Bcdt( ) r}1f neou-artt( ) oltts( l r,n *nmrnntoOatlon UniE in thit bulldng: BngL-rZ9-AL6 az29a tqaz/92/ . ,:i lDtA7oaaf|2452 't FAGE 2/3PROlt. ?OV-COll-DEV-DEPT. I ntes are nd allofled in th€*Mtn of Vail- eefui"* ld,/€ tO De in conduff 6FVQ from the trarEformer to the electnt meter, main disconnect the first elecUicel 4sEibution cirort breaker panel. ff;; 551th snaif ue bcaH no<t]to the'rneter on the ed.rior wall of the strudurc easiV d fOnArc are rcquired to be inspect€d betur€ back-filfing ilte Fendl' - . tr*iiting units, rp'electuical wirfnd or,teeOer 13hles shall pass from ofie unit b anoffter' Ctrrur1gn treacc@. .i ls not iffor,veC in connnerdal buildings or sblctur€s exceeding thFe (3) stories' d' elhrbr hcrt tubs or spa's reqtrire a DRB appro\rdl frorn phnnlng-.This application will Oin iUrorC a opy of the'pRB adproml form &ched (if appli(able)- I idbr krs@llation of an aderior hottrb orspa on a new de\taH platturm or deck o\Er lde,./ou rud also obtain a building permlt' lh Al. ,r*tr*on of an erterior ffi hru or spa on aV {snp ag*-gt etgot"d plaffiorm, qnsr netr must r€'vtew fr;i1tr.e conolfiil, af .g! .st, T.:'H't* g:#:: iffi":iiJii,idl'"i[py i?ui su,r.trral eneineers wet sbamped letter or draw[ng tcfnqdel in a mUlfl.family bufiHing with a homeowners association, a letter of Permiss'on zla/ Aiil eqAidqn$ tegardlng tlre abow information or havc additional quedotr+ ffi hsf outnof Vailelccft callnspccbrats'1ry2-?!l.y.t1:315f3lff ffi, #d,]6;il F idav fufiings bstrrun u13 hours of Eam ald gam' You liuiiae mail anddrc lnspeorwittcauyou bedc b r€q{ilred. h ftira @mnrercial space, h^ro (2) sets of stamped dralvings are rcquired' thc abore. crurcs-Ll-lwHd rdr ongL-929-8L6 gzigg raael94/tB