HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ08-0641 B08-0390 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 2171 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location.....: SANDBAR Parcel No...: 210311415012 Proiect No : Permit #: 409-0018(6soto&{lI Status...: ISSUED Appfied.. : 03130/2009 lssued..: 04/0212009 Expires . .: 09/29/2009 OI^INER WEST VAIL MALL CORP 03/3o/2ooe 299 MILWAUKEE 501 DENVER co 80206 APPLICANT VAIL ELECTRONICS, LTD. 03/30/2009 PhONC: 97O-827 -91-20 PO BOX 3940 AVON co 81520 License:198-S CONTRACTOR VAIL ELECTRONICS. LTD. 03/30/2OO9 Phone: 970-827-9I2O PO BOX 3940 AVON co 81520 License: 198 -S Desciption: RETRO-FIT FIRE ALARM SYSTEM INCLUDING ADDING DIALER, GENERAL WIRE CLEAN-UP, INSTALLTNG CONDUIT AND NEW DEVICES. Valuation: $l,800.00 ,rr ++*+t*t+'rll {.}1,**:ta*ta*}li1 +a*,lt* Electrical-----> 90. o0 Total Calculated Fees*> $299. 50 DRB Fee-----> $0.00 Additional Fees-----> 90.00 Investigation--> 90. oo Tolal Permit Fee----> $299.50 Will Call---_--> So . oo Payme nts-------------2 52 99 . s0 TOTAL FEES--> $299. sO BALANCE DUE-------> 50.00 + + t + **t t r *l 'r * a *,i * Approvals;Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/OI/2O09 mvaughan Action: AP l-. In addition to work noted on scope lett( contractor is required to provide veritlcation that kitchen hood system 1s proper. to fire alarm system. 2. Updated test and inspect letter require upon completion for entire occupancy. *+ +l ++*+|+* a * *:t,t * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Torvn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. RtrQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELf,PHONE AT 910479.2252 FROM E:OO AM . S PM. \)A{Dt-{u^ A06dr/\ ****'t******'l***t**'t*tt****t***********t*t**********l*'lt'l**'tl l*'l**'l*** ******* *i*****t'ti{''li* *t'l TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staternent * * * *'t | * | 'tr I' I I r * tt * | i * I * * * ** * * * * | * * * * * * * t * * | | I | | * t t *i 't * *t't 't 't't' t 't* * * * * * 't tt t't | * * * * l*l t t * * *'l *t * 't* * Statement Number: R090000285 Amount 3 $299.50 04/02/200902:18 PM Palmenl Method:Credit Crd Init: SAB Notation: MC-PLATTER, AIJETHEA Permit No: A09-0O18 T14re: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 -114 -1501- 2 Site Addresg: 2171 N FROITTAGE RD WEST VAIL, Iocation: SANDBAR Total FeeE: $299.50 This Payment: $299.50 Total ALL Etrts: $299.50 Balance: $0.00 t t * * * * * * * ** I { {' i'l i * 'l l* 't l'l*** I t *'l 'i 'i t* * 'l 'l' * 'l t * 'l * t | * 'l * l*{ { I *'|* 'l'l{'l **{"1'l{' t**** *** * 'r*******{t*'l*{ *'li ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts ;;- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;---FIRE AI,AR.I4 PERMIT FEES 5?.50 232.O0PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAI{ CHECK FEES 2OO9-o3-3O 15:'13:24 (GMT)From: Dgborah ShanarTo: J.nnlf€r Elluk Pag€ 2 of '1O I FIRE ALARITII.FERMIT & Rcsldcnud Firu Alalm.3hop drawings are raquired*at dhe^.t1qe oJ and .inrbtmetion'iisted on ihe 2d pqge of .this ldd (Safidbar SPortB GrllD oJ Ciater., oeFeral deanuq of wire. inslalliation S Co-t 6;^ Vql-auQ }|orlD l1-,tca,r lzer-*1r-^r3, (***Pr,€-f6 f\t l#.*tFlff,tu''rc ue-flg| To: Jcnnifcr Elluk Pagc 1 of 10 2OO9-o3-3O'l 5:'l 3:24 (GMT)From: Dsborah Shancr FAX COVBR SHEET TO ilennifer E].iuk COMPAITIY Town of \/al.]., ConEnunl-tY Dev FAXNUMBEIR L97O4792452 FR.OM Deboratr Straner DATE 2009-O3-3O 15:12:59 6trT Sandbar Perml-t/ScoPe letter COVER MESSAGE This is the Pe:znJ.t for the grnall scope of, work at ttre Sandbar - I tranre fa:ced ttris ower to corrlrtuni ty D crrc l olxnent as well. Once tlre weatlrer l'mt)roves, I wl-l]. brl-ng hard copies to the counter, if necessara' ' The work is fire alat'r|I only and is mostly cleanup work. Let me know if you lranre any questions . lDebbi-e (97o) 409-9082 wvw.efax.com 2q)+O3-3o l5:13:24 (oMT)From: Deborah shancrTo: Jcnnifcr Eliuk PaEe 3 of 10 PO Box 1073, Frisco, CO 80443 97 O.4O9.90821 fax 97 O.797 .1894 March 23, 2008 Mike Vaughan Vail Fire & Emergency Services Vail, Colorado Re: Sandbar, 2161 N. Frontage Roa{ WestVail, Fire Alarm System This letteris in regards to the fire alarm rystem at the existing Sandbar Rar & Grill in West Vail. Vail Electronics will be oompleting the following scope of work: r Installation of a digital alarnr communicator (DACT) to provide a nteants to communicate to the monitoring station. (Note: This was already completed due to an interruption in the existing monitoring service. The insl,allation was discussed with David Rhoades prior to completion). r lnstallation of4 heat detectors in the bar area where the drop ceiling was removed.. Installation of I ceiling mounted notification device in bar arca r Conversion ofexisting free run wire into conduit in the bar area where the drop ceilins was removed Al this time, the scope of work is limited Lo the area in which the dr<rp ceiling was removed. During the inspection with the tire department, we can identily additional work thet is neede4 if any. As there are no drawings available, this letter is a request to allow the fire alarm contractor, Vail Electronics, to proceed with the understanding thot a fire protection engineer will review the device locations [o ensure complianoe' fhe existing panel will be tested to ensure propef operation. We understand that all device lccations are suQiect to appnrval by Vail Fire & Eurergency Services. The existi ng zone list and sequence ofoJrerations will remain. A battery calculation is attached. I have also included data sheets for the new devices. Please do not hesitato to oontact me ifyou have any questions. Thank you for you time. Sincerely, DeborahL. Shanbr, P.E. Fire Protection Engineer 2009-03-30 15: 13:24 (GMT)From: Dcborah ShancrTo: Jonnlfcr Eliuk Pagc 4 of '10 MS-92OOUDLS BA @nrernu.aLanYrs Rcgulatad Load in StandbY Main Circuit Board x 0.255000 0.255000 UDACT.F x 0.040000 0.040000 LCD-8OF '' z '..x 0.025000 0.050000 AddtessaDte Lrevtces Total Numbcr of Addressablc Devices .. . 32. -x 0.000300 0.o09600 urront Draw rrom ltsJ (nonaErm) Total Standby Load 0.35rt600 Regulabd Load in A-ARill Main Circuit Board x 0.325000 0.325000 U DACT-F -,....:.. "..:- '1. .-.:."x 0.075000 0.075000 ALL Addressable Devlces - Maxlmum clraw x 0.400000 0.400@0 NAC #1 ..'1..'x 2.000000 NAC #2 ' -11 'x 2.000000.'-.:I 2.OO00()0 NAC #3 ...' '-,' '''; ,'t. 'x 2.000000 .2.000000 NAC #4 '1 .x . .?:000.0OQ :: . '.2.000000 current Draw from TE3 (nonahrm)u:t uutluu ' Total Alarm Load 8.928000 current is within the Page 1 of 1 NOTE: rHrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES/":"\ l\\\rlt rwrFi-nt/-G- Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage p. 970.479.2139 t. 970.479.2452 inspections ELECTRICAL PERMIT ACOM JobAddress: 2171 NFRONTAGERDWESTVAIL Location,....: SANDBAR Parcel No...: 210311415012 OWNER WEST VAIL MALL CORP 1111212008 299 MILWAUKEE 501 DENVER co 80206 APPLfCANT A-PHASE ELECTRIC, LLC 1111212008 Phone: 970-845-0188 PO BOX 1564 AVON co 81620 License: 313-E CONTRACTOR A-PHASE ELECTRIC. LLC 'l1nA2O08 Phone: 970-845-0188 PO BOX 1564 AVON co 81620 License: 313-E Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 970.479.2149 Status . . . Applied . . lssued . . Expires . "b('o3<<s EO8-0277 PRJ08-0641 : ISSUED : 1111212OO8: 1211712008.: 06/15/2009 Desciption: REMOVE ONE PANEL, RELOCATE ONE PANEL, INSTALL OUTLETS AND LIGHTING Valuation: $9,500.00 Square feet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Electrical Permit Fee-----> Investigation Fe+-------------> Will Call Fee------------> Use Tax Fee-----------------> Total Calculated Fees----> $218.50 $0.00 $4.00 $0-00 $222.50 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees----------> TOTAL PERMIT FEE...> Payments---------> BALANCE DUE-----> $222.50 $0.00 $222.50 $222.50 $0.00 Permit #: Project #: APPROVALS Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 12115/2008 shahn Action: AP Cond:'12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR COOE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information reguired, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all he information as required is conecl. lagree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Internalional Building and Residential Codes and olher ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MAOE TWENW.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AJ 970.479.2'149 OR AT OUR Iz-,V -08 Jasxy, f. SfacS Signature of Owner or Contraclor elec Drm 041908 Print Name Dale * '} * 'tr '} | * | '} * '} * t | * al t | * * * * | t '} * t I t | '} | | t t * * *t * * | * | * * tt a t t * * * * * * ** * * 't * ra t 'a l * * * * * * t I t I * ** * | t '| * tt * t * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement l* t*+l't'} llli*lll*ll**t | *l lllaa*l'| t l'}i*llatla*aaal* I I i* * I | * * * *l'i* t* I | {' | * f,** t * t + I I tt** * * i * * * t I St,aEement Number: RO8OOO2375 Amoun!: 9222.50 L2/L1 /2OO8O9:35 AItl Palment Method: Check EITEC1f,RIC Init: SAB Notsation: 3051 A-PHASE Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees I LocaEion: This Payment: 808-0277 l'I4le ! EIJECTRICAL PERMIT 2103 - 114 - 15 01-2 21?1 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL SANDBAR Total Fees 3 Total ALL, PmtI! Balance: Descripcion EI,BETRICAI, PERMIT FtsES WTLL CATII INSPECTION FEE i222.50 tl*atll | | l*tt* ltlltt** | | | ttttf llt* *lt+aaaf t*a*att* t * * I *t i'tt * | trt*** I I I * * * *** * * * * * I * * * l* **** * ;222.sO 1222.50 90.00 Current PntB 218.50 4.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code EP 00100003111100 wc 001.00003112800 Nov 12 08 09:27a A Phase Electric, LLC Project AddGss Developmenl Review Coold inatof 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Phone; 970-479'2128 Fax:.97O479-2172 lnsoections: 97 O47 9-21 49 TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRIGAL PERIUIT APPLICATION 9708450208 p,1 2trt N f'{r,r*+"f (L^W contEctor Iniotmdion co,,'p"nyelor""pfu "r-.-AloN----- *,",:Q zp,A!ah- "*r"o*,*;-|.o,AJ w \ta^^{ 9r.Zy "o*"orn, 22 L' :@- cu. Q?'f' ?Ea ou ,-*,u,'ki.'.;E' () qlnt srclz.it,i;llc c otn. Project #: Building Pernit #; Erectrical ,"r on F01r- 02i'11 D.tailed Desclitrion of Vlbrt:Company: Town otvail Contrac x Contractor Signafu le (rcquitsd) Owner Name: wllrrl-€ eg l6co unty . us/Patlel Archit€ct( | Ihsigner( l Engine€r( ) Name: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Building TYPe: srngle-Family-( , Two-Farr'iv ( Comnrcrcial d( Town[ome ( )\ Oate Received: ist"tionno, 5' 4\1a COi'PLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AI'ID VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & M.tarial) Amount of SQ Fl Elcctical S D.N,ETS t1n'aJ ) Mutti-Famly { ) Olhel ( ) afnrt' $tzL.Q @ooN (\I (\t ffil_"&\4. =$ o- >Y8=xS5-;SRP Eu,, HgE: .-=E) ?JC Fs-: o. 2 ccl Fa IIJtruJr''\ o- =tES*= EH9'<6tuJ=9+ob HHE,d EFAg z tr(L Eoo llJo o(E U) U) uJtr.L =o o(E uJJooo =o U)G lrJJ (L =3a o LrJ u- z llJoz ollj II|-z LrJez TT (t, U) LIJ =oo CE UJN uJ uJEu- oFTo J E lrJN lrJ uJ CE tJ- o|- g J (EJlJ- oO (E o (E uJoz uJJdl o lrJtr F-z lrJezf olljtr tr2luez o LrJ u-trz uJo2 o lrJ TL trz UJo =l o IJJ*FzllJo = cc UJ =o(L lrJ st-a oz ao tr uJ3 o- IJJos U'oz dl tzl TE od E uJF LlJI Ft\ o ffi ol(Ll ?lx u n .lx ol3lull ul ol {le e c:ta gla $ F sln >l I uJlol olILI =l<l ol * r.. or olortIJt (\r o \t t@Ht r-zlzl E ?l 9l^to o o otorJt o o o otouJt F F o \ttolFt c) c) u) a.)t()ol a., r l@2llzlol OI U)IIJ J nE9= EHEE6 2 Ei5UO.^r,=Eff H *!EE Eo:E= tst6d j dHEs Z9Ful! o-IL=ZA =.883 A .,.eErr e IlFEEE3 ffiilFEFfi rfiangg*g 5l ril t!l t,lJl ao-l EI st OIJt @<t aOl ci lr =foz tr 5 J o J ()ooo oo ooo ooro oo() oorr) (',o('(') uJ U' I dl ooo ooro oo ooo eou) ooro (t,o(!,(' ooo oorJ)oo oo(\l ro ool(t (Y) c.)ct(?, IIYdl oN oN N oN oAI o AI oN AI o6l oN ool oN ol N o(\l oN loN P N $l (., s (\t st (o o (\l t (o @ (\l (\l(\t s(\l (o(\l 6(\l o(.)$t(9 (.)(l) (rJ @c)(\tI cc c)ro t\o (.)ro F\o,ol c.) o,l ro(\l F-(\l o)(\l (9 (Dct roa)N(9 o)(",rf, (\l (\l CEY o(|{o(\a cN ool ool o(\l ool oN oAI (\l o(\l ool oN N oN ol oN ol oro o tG' oo oou) ooo oo@ () ooo(o uta t dl oI oo(\t o(o(D ooo ooro ooItt ooo<t Icl oool o@(.' ooo, oou)o@ o lo zI E(r (J U) t,llo =oro @6l oF-a, J 'UT2 ozI 9, UJJluF .DFEoJ El E FJooo- Ir I.IJJooO(r dl CE UJJ 8 (E ao CE IJJFa 6 lrJtf I(n g) uJJ FIL uJoL! CE uJ F(t) o uJJos o- UJo UJ cc IIJos U) U' FIg trJo F(D oFllJJF o ulz Io uJ J o(r E UJ tr6oz Ioz IJJ o = (r LlJ (rooz T (nz llJ U) FI = o(I I Efo =F G uJ3o.L lrJosa z ao E llJ =(r lrJo Fa oz to CE IJJ =oo- uJo F(t) oz ao E uJ =otl- ulo F-aoz d)