HomeMy WebLinkAboutB99-0012 LEGALTOIII{ OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8f557 970-479-2L38 DEPARI!,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,I, TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Permit #: 899-0012 Job Address: 1819 MBADow DRLocation...: 1839 MEADOSI RIDGE Parcel No. . : 2103-123-03-004 Project No.: status...: ISSIIED ROAD UNApplied. . : 02/L8/t999Issued...: 02/25/L999 E:<pires. . : 08/24/L999 APPLICAIflT YARE MARK B 2121 N FRONTAGE OI|INER YARE MARK E. 2L2L N FROIiMAGE Oecupancy: R1 Tjt)e ConsE,ruct.ion: v N'{pe Occupancy: Valuat.ion:500 FilcpLaec Inforuation: Re.trictcd: *Of RD W 181, RD W 181, Multi-Family Type V Non-RaEed Phone: 97Q-475-6549 Phone: 970-476-5549 l*of wood/Pallet ! VAIL CO 81657 vArL co 81657 Descript,ion: STOR,AGE ROOM ADDITON ADD IIOT TIIB TO DECK Add Sq Ft: cr6 AlrplianceE, llof GaE LoEs: FEB SI'!'MARY Building-----> PIan chcck- - - > Invc6tigetion> t{i1l c-11- - -- > 20.00 13 .00 3 .00 .00 20.oo .00 .o0 56.00 30 .0o s6.00 96.00 ResluaratrL Plan Revier-- > DRA F€€- -- - -- -- Recrcation Fcr----------> C16an-I4r Dcpoait - - - - - - - - > TCIIA.L FBES. --.. TogaL calculatsed Fees- - _ > Addit.ional Fcca--- -- - ---> ToEaL PcniC Fac-------_> PayEenl€---- --- BAI,ANCB DI'E- - - - .OO Dept: BUILDING Division: CHARTIB Dept: PLANNING Division: BRENT BREIiITDept: FIRE Division: Dept: PIJB WORK Division: BUITDING DEPARIIIIENT CTIARLIE ACtiON: NOTE PI,AIIS TOJRM AcLion: APPR APPR 'JRMPI.,ANNING DEPARTTT,IEMTCIIARLIE ACTiON: NCTTE PLANS TO.JRM ACTiON: APPR APPR PERFIRE DEPARITi{ENTCIIARI.,IE ACt.iON: APPR N/API]BI,IC WORKSCIIARLIE Act,ion: APPR N/A REQT'ESTS POR INSPE T]ONS SHAI,I, BE MA.OE TWENTf.FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCA BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 Item: 0510002/L8/L999o2-/2s-/L999Icem: 0540002/L8/L99e02/24/L999Item: 0550002/L8/L999Item: 0550002/L8/Leee ; ; ;;' ; ;; ;;; ;;;' ;;;;;,;; ;; "' ;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;; I horcby acknoslcdgc thac I havc r€ad thi6 application, filt€d out in full, tshe inforB.bion r.guired, coEpl.tcd rn ecqu-atsa plot plan, and st.t6 ghat' all lhe inforrla!.i.or! providcd is fcquj.led ie corrcct. I agrcc co couply titsh chc inforoation and plot plan, t'o couply iich ell Toyn ordinanc€s and 6!acc 1aeE, and to build this strucEurc according to the Totm'E zoning and Eubdivj,sion codes, deEign reviev approvcd, Itnifor[, Bui,Iding code and oth€r ordin.ncgg of the Tonn applicabl. thercto. FROM s:00 All! 5;00 Plt scnd clcan-Up D€poEit To: tlRE HIMSEIJF AND OIINER *************************!t**:l*************************************************** COIIDITIONS Permit #: 899-0012 as of O3/L9/99 SEatus: ISSIIED *******************************************:l************************************ Permiu Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: O2/L8/L999 Applicant,: YARE MARK E Issued: O2/25/L999970-476-6549 To Erq)ire z O8/24/L999 .fob Address: LOCAI,ION: 1839 MEADOW RIDGE ROAD I]NIT D Parcel No: 2103-123-03:004 Descript,ion: STORAGE ROOIq ADDITON ADD IIOT TUB TO DECK Conditions:1. FIEIJD INSPECTTONS AXE REQUIpSD TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPTTANCB.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN V{AtLS,CEILINGS,AI.ID FLOORS TO BB SEALED WIIII A}I APPRO\IED FIRE MATBRTAI,.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED rN ALL BEDROOMS ArfD EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.5.1 0F TIIB 1997 tBC.4. FIRE DEPART!{ENf APPROVAT IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIIY WORK CAN BB STARTBD. TOlfll OP Vut ; COIJORII)O gtsrg.Eng lCrtrtrt ltu[b.r: mc-0a96 trcunr ! 86.00 03/19/99 U:53 D.!'[trc L.Cbod: qlSH [oirtion: 96.00 tniB: tl| P.a!l'C l|o! E9r-O012 tlttr.: r-l|l rDD/rDT ||! Em&D PlR Prlc.l Lor 2103-123-0t -00{ glt. ldd!.!f: 1819 IEIDfl m, I'ocrEI@. 1339 lAlDqf nur@ eolD I'|II D IloE l Fr.r. 85.00 $rl'r Pqr!.ro! 46.00 lor.1 ..&L PaE.r 86.00 BrI.!cG: .00 IrcgurE Coda Dracliptlon &ounE 89 00100003111100 BmtDtxc pERl|tt rEag 20.00 Dn 00100003112200 Dial(lt Rll'tall rtEs 50.00 pt 00100003112300 Plrlr cHacK FEss 13.00 t{c 001000031J,2800 l'IIJr cAtr! ntaPEetloN tBa 3,00 '..------.--..--' . )*Co|:tacc Eagle County Assessors Offiee ff ,l* f/ o;,"' * ui,3i i11"6,.j b 6.+'ggH"?i x3ll, ff ili3fi "F3l;.I1i-t '/' oerx: 2/16 / 91 PEfu\IIT i]--.-.- "oo *.*t, b Address , ltgq ruJ"u'd Legal Descripticn:, Lot..J-/- Block__----._ rfiingfl olrners Name: A{drt- 9al.-E-' rzrAr-a-- . /-r Cct lv. l |- lL,Lll -J|(v/ Address:o-s a-batl-p-| /^ _Arc.ritectr --.lV/Y\ '-/ '\ Address: _Pr@ia S<.e- lpkt-.^s work class:- [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration yS,uurrional [ ;1n"pui", lan", phone Numbe,r: _"5-_A";_ F 1 er:t r r' r-a 'l /r^7r+F--,+^y.rvsr vv.llLlq,\-L\Jt: At.ciress: - > Town of Vail Reg, No, .Plumbing Contraccor: Acldress: Mecha: rical Contractor.: Addre: s: PLI'ME NG PERMIT FEE: ME ]i{A] TCAL PXRMIT FEE:ELr'CTi fCAL FEE: OT.{ER IYPE OF FEE: NPR FTF. : Phone Nu:nber: +-_ Town of VaiI Reg. NC.Pnone Nurnber: Tor+n of Vait Req. NO,Phone Number:. I'OR OFFf CE USE ******************** ***.,r. * * *** **BU.ILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PI,UMBTNG PI,}.}I CHFCK FF,F. MEcHANTcAL piaN- -;;ii"'""i"" . RECRXATTON ire-: CI,EAN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: 3YlliiilH;. IW'{,"' ZONSNG; SIGNATURI: VALUATION (-.^-- 75 soulh lronla gc road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 419_2L39 r'trn. FDAIf . parn: SUBJECT: o lllce ol communlly dcvelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYT REGISTERED HITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TOITN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COI-II.IUNITY DE\TELOPI.IENT l'tARcH L6 r 1"988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING t. }TATERTAL STOR...GEIn sununary, ordinance No. 6 states:!-1t i!_is unlawful for anype)'son to Litter, track or aeposit,any soiJ., rock, sand, clebris;:, ffi".;'ilii.i::rraine tiasn-Iiip=t"r!, porioiil, toir.ts a,nd n1, :J ::_ ;;ilv"i5i.i3i".filI"ifI""ifi "=iffililIii:lr:";:rl*ilii-",va L str.ets and,3o465 is approi:-*"l"iy-u"it]-lrl por.mu't.Th s ordinance uirr ue;;r;:ii; enforced by rhe Tor+n of Vai-IPuLlic'rior-ks o.".rlmlitl--oJi=ins founcr "i'":."Ii.g this orcrinancevilr be grven a^za houi rritt;;"notice to-;;;;;"tsaid rnareriar..rn the event the person so notiriea-aoes-";;.,;;;ply with thenotice within th-e 24 hour.tirn.-=pu"ified, trre pullic llorksDepartment vrir.r remove =uia-*utlii.r ii-{h;^';*;;;re of persc nnotified' The provision=-"r- tr'ti" .ordinanci: snirr not beapplicabie to "ll::.::ai;",-llilt"nun". or repair projecrs ofany strc:t or alJ.ey or any utititres rn.the right_a_wav.. To revievr"ordinance.Nb-- e in fur-I, please stop by tt," rovn orXil;.ilii3i"3n";ili:*:ll"::"";;;''n a copv- rhanl, vou ror your. Dat ']rl' eaa and acknowledged by: contractor, owner) 75 30ulh |ronlagc roa d vall, colorddo 8j657(333) 479-2138 or rr79_213g of llce ol community devolopmerrI If'thi.s perm'r:t reauires a Town of vair [ire Department Approvar ,Ensineer''s (.Pubt ti woris) ;;;;";'unl:Jpprouut ,,a ptannin!.Departnr ntrev'r ew' or He'.r th Depa rtmint. ievi ew, -u nr' u- r"ui.; Ly'iil;"drii ai n9Department, ;he estimated time tor'a-lotut revievr may take as roncas three |,/ee j(s. r r.<r | | cv I evr may ta Ke All commercii:l'(lur::^:l smal.l) and a.l.l mutti_fami.ly permits r+i.llhave to fo'l l.rr the abov-e rnenti6neJ ririrr" requirements. Residentialand sma|r prr jects strouLa--'iit<e-;-i.ffi; amount of time. However, ifresidentfal < r snra'l t "r.pioju.ir-'irlpJ.i' the various above mentioheddepartmcnts r., i th resa.rd't;";;;;r;;ii-iuuiu*, these projects mayalso take the three'week period Every attempt vrilf t:.Tig: by this ctepartnrent to exped.ite th.ispermi.'t.as. s.Qon as p6sstDle. ' !"'(:'rL !v trAPculLe rr I:-1!" unders igned, understand the plan check pi^ocedure and timeTrame.. I iutt-otHe pERtiIT IssuAlrcE TIfrE Ful.rr q Date Work'Commun'i ty Devei opmnnt Departrnent, TO:trantr. DATE: . t{Et/toRANDUM 'ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'' DEPAHTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Dale: Please answer the.following question,naiE regarding the FsJ6..%t.i>-r- ls this a ne w residence? ls demolili,rn work being performed lhtt requires the use of lhe right of way, easements or public fropefy?, ls rny'utility rvork needed? ls .he oriveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site oth er than existing ddveway? ls ;rny cirainage work being done aff':cting the ritrht of way, easernents, or public property? B. lf no lo BA, is'a parking, staging or {encing'plan required by Communit! j Development? I you answered yes 1o an , of these queslions, a "public way permit" n]rrt be obiained."'ublic Way Permii" applicalions may be oblained at the public Wor,x's office or at c:o.1n1nu1ity Development. .lf you have any questions please.call cn"rf r Davis,lhe Torvnof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158 need lor a "Public Way Permit': vEa xrr\| \ \-,, l-./ ('' U- L/ (--/ L/ (-"'-" 1) t) /\ q\ bl 7) 8) ls a "Revor:able Fight required? A. ls lhe right of way, public property to be used parking or lencing? I have read and Ol Way Permit' easemenls or lor slaging, above questions. le q hlame or's Signaiure Dale q Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Yare Residence Project Description: Storage room addition; deck & guardrail renovations Owner, Address and Phone: Mark Yare, 1839 Meadow Ridge Road #D, Vail, 476-6549 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 1839 Meadow Ridge Road #D Legal Description: Lot 14' Buffehr Creek Parcel Number'. 2103-123-03-004 Building Name: Comments: 250 addition - 44 sf has been used with this addition Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions. Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved l) Condo association approval is required prior to building permit. 2) Upper level railing must match the railing on the other units. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 2123199 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAl.99\YARE.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid.$20.00 =/t/nq//' i*tr of Vail CFFICE COPY B Bqq-@t>fu./rt-tr@ h//,1 ,1,) / lg31 rlEADou Ri06ERD. UN|T D VAII, CO 1ocl? * vceX g -AoD glo?t+OE bA . F!,ul'ffr- ue]9t occ'(' wt vrt . Fwutej 4vr*ooerr ArYflSf fraF Date Received FEB 1n 1999 EqqatL -fown o{ \fail ilFFir'; ":nPY Ytvtfg FloA AoOnaN -l = ItilS?rtror trrAfi,j t-f^r lfft/ y1p*€ 11f sruD' @ tb"oz. l4t col ?Lvw'l tw3rnlr LA.r* t,tfrl ttYtta 70ntr{ tu0?trrt+ .gp5Ttr,t( 151 t4ve, tflary e -trrF: l6T Pt*N ir.t'l c.t. '<rnr- I orL It34 lrfuv A*3 ED. ur'47 VQX, 9+tlt?oW.F/l,/f ft.2 wrrnB /,2\3 03tx (s) rsd N*rl,t Qrt'L,' (rro Lv|. PITl|L fiFr., Crsr :&fll1r41;p : HrT frB 3' Olattrfttl ' i.I ngP!f,(jt'*irwk : gero to cvrng3t;|' ta- tto.. a.a -Aoo oaq< aa_ oc#^ -9c{.*+. .{rAFoFAil- j 8Hil\eilsTtll/k ?rO b^ljU uult O Uir|t E frnooS6; t6, ?w t*vcL Pt4N t1tt5 tgteb ** (^!L:1,',,\ 2 arL gloin.afe WA A}0fl'oN gtaK t3|vlts' nl/^'f Nl|.t CrrrAiotAr-'ft ttlt;t.'.l+ E{gtuk trrtoo StotrdFrrabrF rtr-l' 3 oe$ so t4 uutt D tl+', f rt DTfl}U chlflA . Identification: BENDING = 83.9t of the allowabie AILOI|ED = 70589.1 inch/lbs ACTUAL = 59248.9 inch/lbs Bending OK SHEAR - No Lncrease AIJIOWED' = 2636.3 pounds ACTUAL = 149519 |oundsShear OK DEFLECTION I'|LIO = 1.066? inches'L/24O = .8 inches' L/360 = .5333 inches ACTUAL Total Load DefLection ACTUAL Live Load DeflectionDeflection OK (f1oor or'roof) Surtd r.Ao t{ot ft B oFlu laAD ' 1495.9 lbs I = .4505 inches = L/426= .4073 inches = L/47L 12 ttF ?, BF PcrL til}r,frrfft to.itF 198.0 6rrr" .em) 1102.1 lbs Plan Analysl.s Beam Calculator 1g39 lrEADo,, RrDcE #D DE.K "riit"' Februarv 3' 1999 Beam span = 16. Feet. Note: Based on top edge having contini,.ous laterar'support. DOUG-FfR/L,ARCII *1 Used 1991 NDS (In-Grade) allowablesSize = 3 : 2X10 CIrr tjrrt*l . fncrease in allowable for duration of.load - 0 t 7at6 Plan Analysis Beam Cal.culator R'AD * " #1";'ff3iT;I"t' r'eee Bean span = 16. Ebet. Notep B"q.ed on top edge having continious lateral support. DOUG-FrR/LARCH *1 Used ti91 NDS (rri-Grade) atlorauresSize = 3 - 2X1O aArrr. i.l lzfncrease in allowable for ddration of load - 0 t BENDING = 167.9t of the allowable. AILOWED = 70589.1 inch/tbs ACTUAL = 118497.S inch/tbe MEMBER OVER STRESSED SHEAR. - No increase' AL,LOI|ED - 2636-3 pounds'ACfUAL - 299t..8 pouhds }'EUBEB OVER STRESSED 2204.3 lbs DETLECTTONLll9O = 1.0557 inches.T'/240 = .8 inchegL/360 = .5333 l-nches ACTUAL.Total Load Deflection = .9011 inches = L/2l.3 ACTUAL Live Load Deflection = .8145 inches = L/236Deflection exceeds froor. alrowable and recomrnended for roof .. Vo boD Tl'f mD 1'7-rt o1\r Wt 54. pla"i trJt 5 o16 Plan Analysis fdentification: 1839 MEADO|f RfDcE Bearn Calculator ' Date: February 3, 1999 ROAD CENTER DECK BEAI.I + &Vi Bearn span = 16. Feet. Note: Baged:on top edg,e having continioue latetal support.1.98 Micro.llam L\tLSize : - | 3/4 X g t/Z a S-?rtrofncrease in allowable for duratLon of load - 0 t BENDING = .83.9t of the allowable AILOWED = L4L297.9 inch/lbs ACTUAL - 118492.8 inch/IbsBending OK SHEAR - No increase. ALLOWED - G312.5 pounds ACTUAI = 299L.8 pounds Shear OK ,l-e 2991.8 lbs 2204.3 lbs. DEFT,ECTTON L/78O = 1.0667 inchesL/24O. = .g inchesL/36O = .5333 inches ACTUAL Total Load Deflection = .95G9 inches = L/ZOlAcruAt Live Load Defrection = .gG5 inches = l7'zizDeflection exceeds froor arrowabre and'recornm.irJ.a for roof (Y#:r*rryl ti6"6", | ,tn 6*S