HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ03-0234 B03-0256 LEGALtl APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Project #: Frilcils MMIWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 PLICATION iiiff"n""icar' etc'r c.li".Ji i'{iiJr-r,il flrnc Pcaee s-tr(9rc) n24155'1o Email address: C h4 pp lg COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING bor & Materials BUILDING:$OTHER:$ ?,rc PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL:$ 5O.uo zt oStl Jot o5g Job Name: KE*AratC wA.r-L FEfr../,vErAg,{t JobAddress: 445 9Na^IEEFEY PF' VAtt- t NI€Rt,,loo r'tlA rr.l Subdivision: {rr- r.frEtraool I descriotion of work: Vce,.*l o4 ra*o',r.i *ral[. Poor,rc, )e--V, 1.,t.,o), WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair(rrJ Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior (v{ Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family (vJ Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building{p) r..^ra No. of Accommodation Units in this building: O No/Tvpe of Fireolaces Existino: Gas GasLoqs( )Wood/Pellet( )WoodBurninq( ) d/A : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 97A328-8640 or visit www. ,r****ss***{:r***r*******rFoR oFFlcE usE oN LY***********i*******+*:r*+******* e et. Siqn. \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07t26t2002 ,,-ffi Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development ProjectName: Kc.to.^.,n, U) il F.ptoat-ent ProjectAddress: 2A46 €Na^ltsEFrr PE. VArt- tilTEEF4orrAltArrJ / This Checklist must be ampleM beforc a Building Petmit appliation is raceoted, / ^r$"t*.rapplication is comptete o ,fit DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form drCondominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex d Cnmplete site plan submitted { pubticWay Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Work checklist) a Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written aooroval lpgfsOestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurringf..ffffi: 1tam p and sig nature (Al I Commercial and M ulti family) d Full lioor plans including building sections and elevations(5 sets of plans for MulU-Family and Commercial Buildings) l$6*'noo* and door schedule A/A {f rn structural plans, including design criteria ( i.e. loads) Date of submittal: rl gOBgNrt,od + t' S;ructural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) d Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection t/A t,r. resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated $r/A Smoke detectors shown on plans Ni6 rypes and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: \WaiMata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 04nl2003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs, All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) week to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Project Name: Date: F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 Signature - t'l i Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, I nc. CIVIL ENGINEERING . STRUCTUML ENGINEERING . SURVEYING . MAPPING August 28,2003 Town ofVail Deparhnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Atteirtion: Allison Ochs, AICP Re: 2845 SnowberryDrivelLatT.. Block 9, Vail Intermountain Dear Allison: In response to your review letter dated July 18 for the above project, please see our following commelrts. 1. We have revised the design of the gading on tle east and west sides of the driveway structure to comply with the required 2:l max. grade requirement. In order to accomplish this we added some terraced boulder walls. I presented this revised plan to Leonard and he gave a verbal approval. 2. \\e Owner's und€rstand that the existing stair platform is in jeopardy of damage from snowplows or trash truck taffic and will replace the platforrn at their expense if damage ocsurs. We prefer to not make a modification to the existing platform as a part ofthis projecq as this is an existing, previously approved condition. 3. The Owner desires to replace the railing with a new railing of tho snme desiF s existing. This railing system includes 6x6 posts spaced at 6'o.c. and 1" diameter steel pipe rails spaced at 5" o.c. The extent of the railing system will match the railing as shown on the drawings. 4. A revised site plan shown at l" : l0' scale has been included per your request. Please see the attached revised drawings that incorporate the above comments. If you have any questions, please contact me at 328-6368 ext246. rhlkvou t //8",/^7* W. Sean Kerrigan, P.E. 30th Annivercary P.O. Box 409 ' 1 286 Chambers Ave. . Suite 200 . Eagle, Colondo 8163 1 . Phone (970) 328-6368 . Fax (970) 328- 1035 P.O. Box 77f f96 . | 120 So. Lincoln Ave. . Suite 202 . Steamboat Spring, CO 80477 . Phone: (970) 879-4676 . Fax (970) 8794570 P.O.Box272696.2629RedwingRoad. Ft"Collins,CO 80527. Phone:(970)206-1918. Fax(970) 206-0160 ,' Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Plcwy . Suite 115 . Lakewood, CO 80228'2845 www.KCEDenver.com LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX AVON/SILVERTHORNE (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX June 4, 2003 Sean Kerrigan Johnson, Kunkel and Associates, [nc. P.O. Box 409 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Soil Design Criteria Proposed Crib or Concrete Retaining Walls Existing Residence 2845 Snowberry Drive Vail, Colorado Job No. 03-070 As requested, an engineer from our office visited the subject site on June 2,2Q03 to observe the area of the existing failed retaining walls, to observe exposed slopes and soils in eroded and failed wall locations, and to discuss the existing conditions and potential remedial actions with the owner. The purpose of this letter is to present our observations of the site, our remedial recommendations, and to provide soil design criteria for potential crib or concrete walls, which may be used in rernedial repair and driveway support. We observed a failed older wood retaining wall with a recently added upper level. The older material had severely deteriorated contributing in the collapse of the entire wall systan. The wall is located under a structurally supported driveway slab. The purpose of the wood retaining wall was to hold soils in-place, which support an uphill concrete wall and footing. The uphill wall supports half of the load of the driveway slab. The wood retaining wall has shifted downhill toward the adjacent residence below the garage enhance. The wall is resting partially on a pile of firewood causing the firewood to press against the exterior residence wall. It appears that some inward movement of the residence wall has occurred. The slab-on-grade driveway approaching the structural slab has experienced erosion of the supporting soils at the edges near the upper conqrete wall. The slope below this area is either poorly supported by cobbles and boulders or consists of an exposed steep soil slope. The surface conditions exposed in the eroded slopes below the structural slab consist of silty to clayey sand and gravel with cobbles. No test pit or other excavations were open to allow observation of subsurface conditions below the existing crib wall. No water was observed seeping from the exposed slopes at the time of our visit. Sean Kerrigan June 4, 2003 Job No. 03470 Page 2 of 4 .t .. TOECHLEIN CONSULNNG ENGINEERS, INC Consulting Geolechnical Engineers We recommend that the existing wood wall materials and part of the backfill be immediately removed. If left in-place continued damage to the exterior residence wall may occur. Based on characteristics ofthe observed soils, and due to potential erosion ofthe soils below the supported driveway slab, we do not recommend that these soils be sloped at a I to I (Horizontal to Vertical) or 1.5 to I (H to V) slope. We recommend that, as soon as possible, a new retaining wall be constructed to prevent any loss of support of the footing for the upper concrete wall. The new wall could consist of a wood crib or concrete retaining wall. The new wall should be founded on soils at least 3.0 feet horizontally uphill from the residence wall and at least 1.5 feet below the top of the concrete foundation of that same residence wall. The new wall should be designed such that the backfill slope above the wall is no steeper than 2 to I (Horizontal to Vertical). The backfill should cover the downhill face of the upper concrete wall (supporting the driveway slab) up to 12 to 15 inches from the top of the existing upper wall. Using these parameters along with the existing site dimensions, the width and height of the new wall can then be determined. All walls over 4 feet in height are to be designed by an engineer. If a timber crib wall is selected, it should be designed and constructed with an interior fill consisting of clean gravel and/or cobbles. The uphill face of the wall should be faced with a filter fabric to allow water drainage out of the retained soils. A drain should be constructed at the bottom of the gravel inside the crib to allow positive flow of water out from below the wall and away from the residence. A trench 12 or more inches in depth excavated to collect and positively drain toward the east property line should be satisfactory for this drain system. An additional wall system or othertype ofretention to hold soils in-place adjacent to the slab-on- grade driveway should also be provided. Timber walls could be utilized for this repair. The sole purpose of this upper wall location will be to prevent erosion from beneath the existing slab-on- grade. The existing void under the slab will need to be filled. A flow fill or compacted gravel should satisfactorily fill the void and properly support the slab. The backfill behind this upper wall and top of this wall should match the top elevation of the adjacent driveway to further reduce future potential for erosion of supporting soils resulting in damage to the slab. The base of this wall should be at least 1.5 feet into the existing soils. Based on our site observation and our experience with subsurface conditions in this area, the following soil characteristics are provided for use in the design of crib or concrete retaining walls. l. A friction angle (S') of33 degrees. 2. A cohesion (c) ofO psf 3. A saturated density (1$ ofl35 pcf.4. Maximum allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Equivalent fluid pressures could also be used for design of the retaining walls. Lateral earth pressures depend on the type of backfill and the height and type of wall. Crib and concrete retaining walls, which are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength of the backfill, should be designed to resist the "active" earth pressure condition. Walls that are restrained Sean Kerrigan June 4, 2003 Job No. 03-070 Page 3 of4 / KOECHLEIN CONSALTING ENGINEERS, INC. C o ns ulting G e ote chnical E ngin e ers should be designed to resist the "at rest" earth pressure condition. The following table presents the lateral wall pressures that may be assumed for design. All filI placed during construction of the proposed retaining walls should be properly moisture conditioned and compacted. Fill may consist ofthe on-site clayey sand and gravel or approved imported granular fill. We recommend excluding the use of clays as much as possible for wall backfill. No cobbles or boulders larger than 6 inches should be placed in fill areas. Fill areas should be stripped ofall vegetation and topsoil, loose soils, and existing fill, then scarified and compacted. Fill should be placed in thin loose lifts, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, and compacted to the recommended compaction shown in the following table. Recommended compaction varies for the given use of the fill. We should observe the foundation soils after excavation for the wall foundations prior to construction of the walls. We will confirm that the soils are similar to those anticipated in this letter. We also recommend that a representative from our office observe and test the placement and compaction of structural fill. Fill placed below or adjacent to the retaining walls is considered structural. It has been our experience that without engineering quality control, inappropriate construction techniques can occur, which result in poor performance of the retaining walls and their foundation soils. The bottom of the foundation excavation should be compacted prior to construction of the wall foundation. Later al Earth P ressures Laleral Earth Pressure Slope of Backfill Horizontal 3:l (II to V)'2:1 (I{ to V) ' "Active" Pressure - IQ 35pcf 42 pcf 55 pcf "At-Rest" Pressure - I("50 pcf 60 pcf 79 pcf "Passive" Pressure - Ko 300 pcf Notes:l. (H to V) - Horizontal to Vertical. 2" Equivalent fluid pressures do not include hydrostatic pressures or live loads. 3. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 may be used at the base of retaining wall footings to resist lateral wall loads. Use of Fill Recommended Compaction Percentage of the Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-698) Percentage of the Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D-r557) Below Retaining Walls 98 95 Behind Retaining Walls 95 90 Backfi ll (Non-Structural)90 90 Sean Kenigan June 4, 2003 Job No. 03-070 Page 4 of4 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC, Consulting G e ot ec hni c al Enginee rs We anticipate that water may be infiltrating the backfill behind the proposed wall excavation during wet times of the year. We recommend that drains be constructed behind concrete walls to reduce the possibility of developing hydrostatic pressures behind the walls. If drains are not provided for the proposed retaining walls, the walls should be designed to resist hydrostatic pressure. All surface drainage water should be directed away from the top of the walls. The existing upper concrete wall appears to be performing satisfactorily. However, the addition of a drain behind this wall may improve its performance and longevity. Drains could be drilled through the wall or a drain could be installed horizontally from the east end of the wall into the backfill soils. A drain installed horizontally behind the concrete wall is preferable because this system will not introduce water into the backfill of the new lower retaining wall. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. frj//;*- /i William N. Houlette, P.E. Senior Engineer ScottB. Myers, P.E. Senior Engineer (3 copies sent) ,{'t August 29,2003 Snowberry Chalet Condominiums 2845 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 81657 970.479.74U To Whomlt May Concerrq As Manager ofthe Snowberry Chalet Condominiumg I acknowledge and accept all that is proposed in these atrached documents from Johnson and Kunkle and Colorado Mountain Home Properties. Snoutberry Chalet Condominiums lvlanager I Q raa Ed,! rF|r I Crl atrta r! !rtrrao*{r{.-FcB rDr!!orlExE[E 1u[,oxldtJt'l .rrtr/rrrE au;l E I oovuotoc ''ltvI NOrSl toSns NHlNnOnUilNlI :lAlUO AU838,$oNS S}BZ , 3CN30E3U 9NnU ? nA lEut *Fa a I ql(I|ro -=ET-q hollHIH4 teol.ffat {VJ ellHlHrt *ffial il0|dgta!ffira 'lzit 'oul '3slaloo3sv ?I.Trnl 'uorEqol 4n MIOE .rr.; ri---.s---u.@lr --zrql | .u 1=- I rruld d+!s - f uturt.rofqtal llsl 3r.lr.rlEfeal ,rd0cfill#0 0A .?g lEng !E!g! 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Z (no co/-'tzj 2zc =H ^E r.oo)5il o.. \,,/ (n = \-/ r\ 'Hf,\JF-2btD-REHF=H s3fEoF =(n Fotr b|o B E >.trtEEtrlF9vl ct r\<rOdg pe or..l<olds gAFl I aDro<o)dB pe I I Itl Fl9l I I I I I ('zaJ:fct oz ox UJ !LE 5of 5 -o € E aE o gB dB pe "% L\-tl 2i96 ^ lrJqfi tri.L o5 oono Itc' C' 0,JctY CioocEo- 9,o Jo o.rto (L N oz @J o- t,o>,ogcl L-J*lD(l o rb'5E=r-fo -?llls:5"o E.Eg :SE; o-i 6Ea E:b .EE:b3Flt o655 8;s' 8oo 3EF? >58:g sss EEE otd tdz J(E EHn H H r!go!!oJ3E=6*-..5-=\tE?,'=;2 d E_tr6===78*tsEFE8tr?fiaH-",L ci2frl(, H I @ ra FFt|d'..i iFn t C|'t t$rt .! t.c|||o0*E n{.arl tr.r I OMIE T'G'otod. l oIItttE otvr E oovuoloc ']tv i.loEhrcSns MvlNnonu:ltNl S lUO AUU3Sff\OtlS ItSZ 3CN30S3U CNr Ur ? nA XEf,I'E;tt h h OOHHI, molfflrl {vl earHHrl frffil' tru$g!-.m3la tpl qr|IE IT 'oEI .3glrloos8v ? Ie:tEnX ruotuqol MWJ 4ul ; ,E | .0I="I uBId EllS - lueEacBlaeu IlBl tu$ryqeu '---..- ld0c"{ffjiJo ---\r \ rlk f--q_ c?r-\s ! \n $its f;: st o I I t E I 3 It:EI :I II ff /\ I/-L\ .,t Sd - 0099 nC dH\]IUAS\D;[1\ ,rtueas ,nV AZ:r€:0! 9916g90 ,6il\p.g /r€y ltel teu\6,np\Z0zg6e!\:d 6 -t t i-t u' ni rFo t c$ t|lt4.t t trara o qli lQt r.? .rtra t.tr aot r! t ollHrH4 e6ot*-0ll :xvl oovuo'toc "]tv NOrShrosns NHlNnonuftNll lUO UU3A|'IONS 9,82 lcNSotslu 9Nt ut ? nh @ F lc* Ps or9 .C :Jrtof a |r) tl r"eo - o ol 'P.9o .o'6X+'ua ooot-t-o.b o =J() ov. N IDot-F oo o l-(L € .co o \\ - \Nssif-vuSo,tWEA4DFs ___ c€stis t'g o [!N q):o-oo-= or .Ygtc I .= a'gitS +t -st- CL o .otr- C'lI,6 c) ot-ocoO c'lc- 59'io Lrl < \\ --------=--- T." -YOo>(l)o-o€- - __ c'lco =\b*o-5 l- a c .9 (L crDO>r_ooc<t- OiF(tso E = .1@ Q'l .c ,co c)E- ro q)aoo-ot- o_ o!o)N J Lr, = =H-*rpd -=NF orl.9 a, o lb J()oL o oo o+) o c)1-o J()o o Eo o -o o o c)!-o 3o -o J .(n3 o {'o .cE! o .EJ cio o- o c)oco|! AT It)p ot- o_ Sd - 0099 t'IC dH\t3UAS\ N ltueas 'y\tv g!:t9:0! eo/Oztgo .6np.g ^eg 11e6;egl6npg0zeoBj\:d 0o ra,.l|tl!dl v 1Ff| I c]lt.llL t vt raa! oo taq t(Qt lri r.it.Q llt a* f vt oltHtH.l 96014c-o{l .avl el')-alt-o4 a9et.cHl' il0td ocvuo]oc ''ilv NOtSl rc8ns NVTNnOnU:UN| 3 lUC UU38'! ONS 9tBZ 3CN30IS3U 9Nr Ur ? ru rS E,g 3€nr$-H E$Vg d; =BEg ? $ sE .gE s E F iEE E E FF Eg q E E FEEEEEEE€EFEF6rE 'e EEaA E5 B F E I e gilgEg;EEEEEEE-g? iaE ;EEeEe 'E Ec€,gst #,e fiet EaEE+E eI ;ac$EEE H€i BgiE-Egg*ggIFF-gg:;gEg lgg (rt F- d oi 9= P I : I P = EgFiEEiggEEE ,iEFgEiE€SEEEE FIEgEEiigE$EFFi "'l iooo.o :uJb ;@:i 3t E*! Ff i:i*i[= c,ct-oO () t-IL Y Io : -lc{@ I Fo -lN:N I C\I o -l tl (o r.) o) Eo an o b6-rbnb E. ul-rl,,6-,LZ,,Qt-,2 sd - 0098 f13 dH\tfu^sv)tn\,tuees ,y{v ee:89:0! ggT5agg ,6rup.g ,\eg llery1leg16rrpgozto4n:d I O ra Ftq lfit r.? rFin t Ctt t]ttt rt !tttt 0O * toC .! ..r|n alt aO - ! oIlHIH/t elo1-,38t-{4 :wJ oltHrHlt $se-cHzt 4l0td AO||TJA lI€IEI.s '|pfl ,. rrxDulxtDlE Trf,,oxtddtt o[lttflla cr|;t oovuoloc '']lv r'loEhrcsns NvrNnonuilNl:li\lu0 IUU3S,$ONS ItSZ lcN3ols3u cNl ut ? nh fl6ll.I,lgJ .qrrr b a b 93r tvr(e ct 'o|II 'sglEIOOsEV "Ie{|Inl 'uosEqof {{rrJ .q ..r ar40E --1-,8 ''@eg I r.t llurD lls.oa(, - lr.rurerrolulal llol ,q!!r!E+eal s"iEe Q)ooL(J E .c.9lro ! c)Ei _63uoP PT:7p3'i d.:UJO(, E (tl.Ee 3.9PA ot9c.: o.9'i .xtrt t-u c, f ofL- a oot I c'r .g o'* trJ o -l tl @ rD ,l Sd - 0099 nC dH\t3UAS\DtN ,tueas ,nM g0:t9:O! gg153rgg ,6rnp.g neg ;;eg 1ag10,rp179ze0e3\:d !o aat Ft!!, ri rFr| rcltaIIlq ! lla|| O ran td i.i aa;l !'q! ol3H/Ha, s$01-tEE-o4 .'xvl oovuoloc "llv NOlSl l0EnS NHINnOnUiilNl 3 lU0 AUUlg,ttONS 9t8Z 3CN30|S3U CNt Ur ? nh ffi*' M B=+rJooooo_-o Eooq) E -a='dt aTl-.oyo !oYC' o!ooo_€Efo+, Clu, oltr-Cufo "0|. Es9q)E&dodol.o- €'a.s. 9gt o-! o) ot-c'l coo6 $ r? -t -,1 @ H (o-F- 'iPfN3 o d @ @srh J OC Ultu .I ,l Sd - 0099 rtC dH\t3UASV)tN ,Iueas ,y{V tZ:99:0! 99767799 ,6i p.g /\eU tp A leg\6/$p\Z0zt0e3\:d .6 rLrnnEa.r oNlt[llErE !lf'lrXli.lll CXU|lAl!8 O|Vl oovuo]oc .]lv NOEnlOSnS NVlNnOnU.:llNl 3AlU0 lUUSS,t ONS 9'SZ 3Cr.t30ts3ucNtu?n[ BUI'lxa h b 1tlltOoi{alaCi?At.t ltrlWa Orr}4H4 tC03-W4l flvJ 9lrHaHll leeffi4, iil€Hd SAga !En3t3 ifpa PE 'orII 'reluloorrv ?l|||ld 4 r!awofil rEsl q) Ie{unx'uotuqof I uoRBAeIg 18ef - luallleoBlaeu flBf, rrrErBll 6 =! LJ- o o-oF l.. c.io,o,N d C; u). e 03 Eo- E(oE 'o=iE3.cE 9.E aE *(,E.9 o-t t" EI Eet o; (o$l tgtgiH s gE; i: #Ei;" '= 3: flf hl +l s ".J d Lrlr(f, "----,9tl ii EEq, -o ooo ctl GJ C)o(D t€ 3,c'A.g 9sE PEE F r= ts I-l I -l IL I I --t ___J I I r?l ol orlo'l F.l_ _rlrdl tr-lol(I)' J.ltl Sd - 0O9g ttC dFnt3UnSVIN 5tuees .nV g€:tg:g! e0/6A90 .O/r,p.€ ^aU ile A tag\6mp\Z6zg9ef\:d a t! il EE d ..r |rrar t crr rrur r- r ololItxEE Tlfttluddft o}[lt[8ftt cLtr oovuo]oc ''ilv NOrSr rcsns NvlNnonuftNl 3AlU0 AUU3S,iIONS 9fgz 3CN30|S3U gNt Ut ? f{ll, ET1 -tt et h b r.'r| o rti lodt ? .rqrr el I' !r ! ollHtHll *01{H(l :XVJ e0HtHUS $SHH4! Fr|d 8S36 lt€Wtl8 :tE3 93r 'olII '8slEloo33Y ? IeTrnX ,uosuqof ll||-.| !,\o EN I uo$BAaIg 1F8fl - lueuaoBlaau IlBf ruFu! qlol ilroi Ee.3 iE@ iE -o= IiE-ege i .i€r'g.g i lFIsx IL-.. I\i ) o 33=-coop; t* ort etEab .epb goo .=-cf E! a ${.;I a9 9pi) IAE E =!cu- o o-oF F oi Oto,N I ! .cc o)o q) !o c'l tt J()=oo(D3 tl il ii F_J/ c.l / \tlololN IJltl Itrlq(II I .. I f r r. I sd - 0098 nc dH\!3UAS\D|N ,lue€s ,nv 69:e9:o! €6757796 ,6rnp.g aau eM teu\6,r\p\zozgoe! :d O da l.+.r 4 q rFo r Cta t]lll .a]r!|to rl|E ?.4ra l.ll ar{ Wffi lcor{lC-O,t dVJ et$et{$-Ol,! SeeHZf-{l,1 il.oHd 60|4d8 Jt€t*lts :tf€ oIDqxE t 1u[,Ollld'lll OlIlIlAAnA Cf,?I 'oul '8slB!co8sv ?g Ie{|Inx'uosEqof oovuo]oc ''ltv NOrSr rogns NvlNnonuftNl3 luo Auu3erloNs stsz 3CN30|S3U eNl^ur ? n|A oz =EILooo =J EfFof CE F.o Ee )o_o9eEE ie go ,E nEE 5E EdT^ io E r:ts ; € q r€ii re EEi*E:EEE." e.i E- o.!D = J 6 F5FF E €,F E.*8d8.ra d d cilzl ol<lolJl 06l <l (EI HI trl ;lal uJIoI {1;ra1 ple1j .,fs-,se-oOgAo" t*, E .; i-E() p.g b .b.P r t-" 9o. c= c*ooo 3(uz z.oF(Lo !oo trot q)ctr -o0).gJ > olx oEl! o-o a. -..---- l'trobr> p E |! (9!f, U',.v .H T$ 5SI +oo- 0.,o-o-lov, c o .Fho- qr *; $;*; t-q)ql !oJ + ><+ =oz. -trA+'-;i- c,l't+!FO :o -l tl @ r.) id oo(n oo(L o !t-0l(J fc<Eo. flF J.ar sd - 0098 flc dH\r3unsvlN ,Iueas ,y{v 9t:e9:o! to/6a80 ,6,r\p.8 ^eg 11e6 1eg16ir,rpg6zeoe3\:d O aa t t|.il!dl r'V rFn I |!]l altt! q rr|t 0o rat E!, t .4a tlll I' rt ollHtFota coot-G.{rl :wlgt9HrHll offiS-{ll il0td of,r[tl|pru llr[Olgrldltr CIUll&I8 Ol|rI 'oul 'selEloor5v {' le{unx'uosuqof oovuoloc "llv NOlSl l0gns NNINnOnUiil.Nl :t^ruo luu3EiloNs 9r8z lcN3ots3u cNu\ut ? fih IoE* F*;8 PE 3i EEEE +€s * ortE.s.=E (u E fr3frF€E=6 E: eEE eB*e =FEPFEi F H Et *rl "EE t= E $ 9l #E aHE E =c'r -COc3'E .9#6 or9 a, .(n'; .xtl.l Lu t-q) c')oo + x+ o -l tl @ rr) idEoa o@ctFx iT€ .9+ 5 55: *o,tl\oj:! s{:-e 56 3+ I O: !b€ S 5 o f oft- (n o(t =oT c'l .c .ox trJ { Sd - 0098 TIC dH\ttd^Sv)lN .)|uees ,WV t!:t9:0! ggT5ggg ,6np.g aau tpM tau\6r p\Zozgoe3\:d 'd, aarHatHtg egsHHra qrd sotSds tiutr*us :rrr: \<(= ql* i63 E3 : z =or. -- ooi.)(l;OlOqiic.i +F ll tsi ETIJF(T(J 7o G 'o lO frlaina a&El CAvoza:.ssldZil 9 l-.Eo-bdi--- E=Riq9 HEI@< > H=H6 I 6 - LrlJ Oa E;69 F|r)6N{i€:E .;Ff -voc*> €gE€.. - :#F'= oEEs" EtEt o'F t€s ,= 8@ 6:;FE Fs 5:8g' Egr ; ?;s; 5 Fz, UJ LJFs U' !: €EB i5:i :t* sEu* = tlJ6 'E' 9 .!tr E I:; ;;Et sEt icr: E;: g i:i{"'rfi i: g> sF+C€ : sE;. ;!3f;guii€;; 5s3F:s! Efiii- E iteFff;;iifri[ @ FoJ V) O zoU F f-l '-l F U Mi.l m =Oz(n zo U) a m (n z FzF-) o E t-lFz '-l OJ (Jo F1 m l- For-l tto zo Ftro O. 0. tr, C5o F-.OF Os- -- @1odt'J Io-5 |ooF@ tllI O Q+ro@t\F (\t I't Fotr blO FEo ).EEfrl Fq E a Gl f.<rO-urg ga zoJ .D z t-ax UJ si. EJ oo gn B3 dFrf r:gi olIf i:Ei ii#j iE e€ i€Et issg ii:g,t o r- >.b EE€g-! :;Eg 5IE 5-j. sgii;:fi ifiiot€' EE gi s , E.Fi.ts ,xe lEi ;5.0 't5>5 oo>b E: t8'r5 OFc6 =; 3l€;, 5gt b5 i3:r€ E+ E Bl EJoo9r Er B3 FUF =fr:gi ol ETl= eE: Ito! rr. Ee :F8o'Et. Y-8, (! cto)l" I (Dr)<o dE pe UJJz<9b;- l.di:i o - trlF' os .o60xo a< -: .tl v, c' +roo_q, c,)o-* rr f'-:< ioo to- C{ oz v,i(L oJoo3J(,z ;s fg -H U1lr! LrJzJor. EHlrHH-g6!c6=3r=65,Y tELo.,=5Fft6b=Yt c-!.2?VIC'F(J(Jt?trgE-.,L A2 EIctg r.' t. a O qFFtld rry rFn r cll ttrt a t lltta o lalt lQt r.i a aaa er { r ot HtHtt lmt-gHtl .lxvl ct HlHll llSHHrt i Crdnc.muu3 :tE€ OXIT@E 1III,lrXId'ItI O[rl'In8 q]|ll oovuoloc ''llv NoFntosns NNlNnonu:il-Nl 3 tuo AUU3SIiONS I,SZ 3CN30|S3UCNlU?n|^ mla Ilvo lxn h b _uuad I 'oul 'sglalcossv ? Ie{unx 'uosuqof ary DqDq I! 'r.tv MIOE I uBId uo[lBPllnod - luelllacBlqeu TIef tu.ru.rBlau NEFEfr H fleg' el ; *.gT iaF ";,qS =:ttg E =Exd E (U dI .6.IE 1C\ouj\ ') oA' E.EE 39s= ! €R' -E bOan EFP fi E-3t- e .E H lll; c. -o * PEE E.c? c€f= gi$ T;HH E E 3 EEPH #f s ;EHH=-3i'H ;sfie g e f,F+dd; <ri ci + d <ct N di oi 3= S P trcot, ot ul o utJg L4 l+ ts:sE I E !"t 8 E'rrIE $ae E;E b;'c'e -t: ,, F!€ dd5 rEE €E; gBE 'r .a'3eF- -E:? i'J*i E.e =Picalc ; 3x ! E al Iti & Jto Go!tI .6 ,l & : r9 ? 3 { I€ I !l 3 iFigg liiii si! ii €3;EE Fis ff.qi =R ooT?r 3 i.=6.rdite' *t :;E= E3= € $ '* I.ot;+s'3'E ErX rt)cLo() t-oo-oLIL 9 Io Fr\ F) I r+ r(11ia1 pprj "fot-,oz N -lN o I tl (o \n it oO(n ,fn-.t *F + I i., *.ii-. >o!x- oI ?.'t €,*- EIo'oo -6F}AO -E I Sd - 00gg f'lC dH\f gUAS$tN .1uEes ,y\td LZ:Sti6O e1rcOnr,6,np.Z ^eU [eM 1eg16,r!\Z 97€0e31:6 aO la-llt t rFn lCllalut! !tcrttoo€utrr.a!l I|rt!oEED|lOIE TIDOllld.Itt llllllllf0g OIVI E oovuo'loc 'llv^ NOISIAK€NS NNINNONUil,NI 3 lUO AUU38,$ONS gtBZ lcN30s3u cNhul ? nl^ r6ta *sx a b oI'FilH4 Sol-Cf-O(c :lri attHlHlt $erc{t lcld as $€Iiltt tttr: 'cul '3elBIco33Y ? IeIEnX 'Eorrrqof ar-rd L{.Daq l- gD .q q! )Er u @lb - lI I uollces IIBI - lueEaoBlqeu rIBf tufulUla osFf9 9 -'- g boro ,"!E! B(o u) or.: -o ! c) ()oo-E-otIEooED E- IJ '6i l-DO 9-:oon IDC r Ot *()! Cg \2(D(u -PEE o-ot- = 3 0 -o9'F BE :\-r.)F > -Q (o "0t ol-rl o ! G a)(L o.o(J ovl o-oF * I r-) 5:E ** b.{'-b @-c++ I ,rJ N "z- t g') @ d.i+trE=lt -:@ ,.0|,-.9 ') Sd - 0099 nC dH\tfUnSVlN'luBas ,y{d 8e:ge:60 00/6ry0 ! ,6,$p'Z ^eU lel teU\6,r(AZ0ZeOe3\:d t oo rai !||r.t bll i.ry lFn 1| Ctr t|]4 q I tc.tr oo * !!dr q.rga rl at tt I otrlExElr tIlDOflId.tll Ol|ll InB 0tr1 00vu0]0c ''llv Notshtc8ns MvlNnonu3rNlil lUO AUU38i1O1.|S 9'SZ 3oN30ts3u cNhu ? nl^ aast ,J h h otaHaHll tcot-tzH4 itvJ attHl,4tt aac'-G.o4 ctFHd 8Cg ttut a :tu*l 'oul '8slB!co88Y ? Ie:Junx 'uoBEqol arl r{) I uoTlsaelg lBel - lueuracElqe [[Bl tu.ru.rElat o o n E o.3 E@E 'O-i E.&.s s Ee- l [s' .$ FI EF t=i€iE sgsSi;p;i;- '= o _l tl @ r{t ajE()(n!l=.-OE3 c) -o c)!o crl Joo(Il o-oF l.. oiq) o,N '7 rcg 11e1y1pgloarrplr*rg"i 'a a O ra FFf lQ|l r.i rFn t []l atl!! at ! |l'ta ct * ld r.i -FF rtt l' I !orrltxxxt tllf,ortdd,tf, oflltll|la oatt E oovuoloc 'llv^ Notshto8ns NvlNnonuflNl:l ruo AUUSS toNS 9'82 3CN3C|S3U ONI Ur ? nl^ rsslrtt +ra 7 'uttta I h b n.|$rt q rr ol|HaHtt 3001{l.oll rxvJ ottHal-o.t glte4t-{zt it&|.lorc rvEtt a tla 'oul 'ralBlooBEv ,g te:Fmx 'uo3uqol .!q|xn |a 4 !!l r{) I uvr+oA'tti! tEef ge(l llel o zotr() tda fl T--v-,'---,ll |------i---r I r'-------il o =l Iolc'|r- Eo o -o E3 !€\,f o-oO.+.FO h-.c - .go? .9 o:' ocoO o) '=t o, O:t*odf .s5 \ €:6 gF= = o+' &io q oF o c.,lt@ \-/ (o -- t-oE L-o !o =Eo .c oE !co Qrl .gJt-oIL !lxiurrltl l--t/ I 1,,e-E =O q) !-oco Et=cOE3 Q) -o o!o (tl J o GT o_oF r\ oiq, q) F\ N I\ I I I I 11 Sd - 0099 n9 dH\1JUAS$IN'Iuess ,y{d 90:t!:01 ggy6glrg I ,6vrp.7 aeg 11e1il leg\6inA7g7gpe3\:3 6 at r.?ri lld rry rFfl | Clt rlllt .t valttra 0o taa !!C rri qe |!t Ot { lft oatHaHtt moJ-eN4 :lYJgIffiH !9EHE{'! iTO€ sDtJ8 &Oft t trm otutruof! TrI,oxrddtr rl/|m8 qFl 'oql .sslBloossv ?Ie{snx .Eoruqof o0vuo'10c .ilv^ NOEhl0gns NvlNnonu:lt Nl 3ArU0 AUU3SAONS S'82 rcN3ots3u cNl^ut ? nl^ E =! b- o o- ,o i-. oi O) O)N o 3E:-coo_E3!- cr E E6E;E 3pb 9oo;! s.i{; 8 ap e3- \J g,\tr .(t .s! c) -o oool-ol JO=oo(D= d ct |o oOEo FSoi8tg5E(JEg .-EE c)a Orrq oF f, H 1 t. Sd - 009S mg dH\r3UnSV)N ,)tuBas .yld /!:rZ:Ot 6gy6g/g ! ,6$p.7 neg eM 1ey16rlnq797g9€q:6 TOWNOF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970.479-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMT Permit #: 803-0256 |ob Address.: 2&15 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 2845 SNOWBERRY DR Applied...: 09/04/2003 Parcel No....: 21.0374307060 Issued...: 09/25/2003 ProjectNo,..: Pff\03-oZ3 \ Expires...: 03/23/2004 owNER YIM, BRUCE F. & REBECCA AjI_,E09/O4/2OO3 phone: PO BOX 4453 VAIIJ CO 81658 Lricense: coNrRAcToR coLoRADO MTN HOME PROPERTIESOg/ 04/2003 phone: (970) 926-1ss5 PO Box 2759 Edwards, Co 8L632 License:266-A APPLICA!{T COIORADO MTN HOME PROPERTIES0g/04/2003 Phone: O7Or926-tss6 PO Box 2759 Edwards, Co 4L632 L,icense t 266-A Desciption: REPLACEMENT OFF EXISTING FAILED TIMBER RETAINING WALL WITH AN OPTIONOF REPLACING PARKING DECKSTRUCTURE ASNEEDED TO ACCOMPLISH WALL REPLACEMENT Occupancy: R3,U1 TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $50,000.00 Fireplace Idorrutioru Restricted: Y AddSqFt 0 #ofGasAppliancec0#ofGaslogs:0#of So . oo Total Calculated Fees-> $1, 065 . 19 SO. OO Additional Fees_> S12s.00 $0 . oo Total Permit Fee-> $1 i 190 . 19 SO.O0 Payments-> $1,190.19 TOTAL FEES-> S1,06s.1e BALANCE DUE-> Wood Pelleh 0'- FEE gUMMARY Building-> 9643 . ?5 Restuatant Plan Review-> Plan Ctpck-> S418 .44 DRB Fee"-> Investigation-> will call-> S0. 00 Recreation Fe+-> $3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-> $0. oo Approvals:I€dm: 05100 BITIIJDING DEPARI'I{BIT o9/25/2OO3 CDAVTS Action: AP SI'BiIECT TO FrEr-,D I}TSPECTION Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENI 09/04/2oo3 ao Item: 05600 FIRE DEPART!4ENI Item: 05500 PI'BLIC WORIG 09/04/2003 Lg public way req'd. Action: AP Action: AP revocable and See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptcation, accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrration plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and and subdivision codes, design review approved, thereto. REQTJESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE PM. information required, completed an to comply with the infonnation and according to the towns zoning of the Town applicable 2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 ANDOWNEI PAGE 2 **********1|1t****************iH*X********************#**tt******tt*:hht******rt***************Ltrit**L** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Pemdt#: 803-0256 asof 09-25-2003 Status: ISSUED ***ffi PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMT Applied: 09/M/2003 Applicant COLORADOMTNHOMEPROPERTIE LLC Issued: 09/25/2003(970)92G7556 To Expire: $/n/2004 fob Address: 2845 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Location: 28115 SNOWBERRY DR ParcelNo: 210314301060 Description: REPLACEMENTOFF DOSTINGFAILED TIMBER RETAINING WALL WITH AN OPTIONOF REPLACING PARKING DECKSTRUCTURE AS NEEDEDTO ACCOMPLISH WALL REPLACEMENT Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIS,CEILING$AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTIH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:15 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQI.NRED IN ALL BEDROOIVIS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF THE7997 UBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQLIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. **'t'i{t*++*t*{'**++****f+**+ftt++*t****+*+t*+++ff++f+***tf+*********t't'}f**+*f+*+****l+**r*'}**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** a **++**ft * t't ** a * t ++t*+ +t * *+** | * ** ** t ft**t * + t + t'it* * +*ft*** **r * * +'t {' + **+****+ *** * l***** * * * ** * statement Nunber: Ro3o004?5? Anor.rnt: $1,190.79 09/25/200302:51 PM Payment Method: Check Tnit: L,C Notsation: #2581/CoIo Mcn Home propertiea Permit No: 803-0255 TtDe: ADD/AIrT MF BUILD PERIIIT Parce1 No: 210 314 3 010 6 0 Site AddreEs: 2845 SNO BERRY DR VAIIJ Lrocation: 2845 SNO9IBERRY DR Totaf Feea: $1, 190.19 This PalmenL: $1,190.19 Total ALL Pmts: 91,190.19 BaLance: $O-O0 t* *t {' * ***'t* ***** t* * * * at * * t {r * *t* *:t'}'* * * **** * * *** * ** * {' *{r* * *+ + + | ** rt '} * * *'f '} * * *+ *t + ***{' * *{' '}** **'t** * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts BP OOiOOOO3illlOO BUILDING PERHIT FEES cL 00100003123000 CONTMCT0R LTCENSES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES t.lc 00100003112800 r,rILL CALL INSPTCTI0N FEE 643.75 i25 .00 4r8.44 3. 00 c&frecrt HEFWORTH. PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL October 20,2003 Colorado Mountain Home Properties Atm: Doug Kopel P.O. Box 2759 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Subjcct; Observation ofExcavation, Interrnouffain Subdivision' I lr{rw,t't lr'lt'rrvl'rk (ic.rlccltnic{1, lu'i' 5(!jtl C,runry I(,r:rd i 54 Gl,rtw,,(rl Sprirylr, Cqltrraltr li I tii) | l'h.trr.,, 970.9{ 5'79ftii F '.' 07,)-94i.d.|5+ crrr,rrl: | .p1;.*r(tlliprr*e1,js h. gr)nt r.'.?-o25al-lJ " Job No- LO3 372-L Froposed Retaining Wall" Lot 7, Vail 2845 Snowberry flrive, Vail, Colorado. Dear Mr. Kopel: As requesred, 3 represenntive of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechlrical, Inc. obserued the excavation af the subjcct site on October 7,2@3 to evaltute the soils exposed fOr foundation suppolt. The findings of Our observations and rer:omnerdations fOr the foundation Oeiign are preserued in this report. The services were performed iu accOrdance with our "gto-"nt fbr geOtecbnical enginecring sewiccs to Colorado Mountain Home Propirties, darerl October 7,20A3. Koechle,in Consulting Engineers' Inc. previously observed the conditions at the site and presented their findings in a report dated lune 4, 2003, Job No. 03-0?0. The proposed retaining wall is to be constructed between rhe exisring residence and Snowberry Drive. The reraioing watt will be a 6-inch rhick cast-in-place concrete wall. The wall will be 4 feet in heigbiand 28 feet long. The wall will rctain a 2 horizorual to I venical slope up to an existing retaining wall. The existing retaining wall supports the driveway deci to ttre existing garage. Spread footings siiBd for an allowable soil bearing preisure of3,000 pstweri used in the design based rx the previous report by Koechlein. At the time of our visit to the site, the tbundation excavation had been cut in one level from 3 to 14 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The sorrls exposed in the bottom of rhe excavation consisted of ctayey to sitty sand and gravel wittr cobbles- The results of a gradation anatyeis perfotmcd on a sample of sand ard gravel (minus 3 inch fraction) obAined irorn-the site are presented on Figure I' Atterberg limits testing indicatcd ttre matrix to have low plasticity. No free water lYirs cncouilered iD the excavation and the soils were moist. Considering the conditions exposul in thc excavation and the narure of the proposed coflstructioo, sprcad footings itaced on the undisrurbed mnral granular soil desigoed for an allowabG soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf can Sg ugr::d for support of the proposed retaining wall. The footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches tbr "oniinuous walls. Loose and disrurbed soils in tboting areas should be removed and the P,uker 301-841-7119 . Cr.rlorado Sgrrings i19-613-5562 o Silverthc'me 97C'468-1989 ea 39vd SSIId3dddNoHNIl^110C ,EALSZ|BL' Arial €aa1/67,lal Colorado Mouruain Horue Propcrties October 20,2ffi3 Page2 bearing level extended down to the undisturbe{ nansal soils' Wall footings should be pto"iO.a wfuh adequate soil cover above their bearing elevations for frost protection or should be insulatcd against frost, Continuous fbundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span local enomalies such as by assuming an unsuPported_length of at least 10 feet. FounOation walls acting as retaining structureii should be designed to resist lateral earth pressurcs as recommended by Koechlein. A perirncter foundation drain should be prwided to prev€Dt temporary buildup of hldrostatic pressure behfud tbe wall. Bacfnt phced around the structure should bc conrpacted ald the surface gruled to prevent ponding. The recornrnendations submiCcrl in this letter are based on orur observaaion of the soils exposed within the foundation cxcavatioD and do not includc subsurfacc exploration to evaluatc the subsurface conditioos within the loaded depth ol'fouodation influence. 'fhis study is based on the assumption that soils beneath the lbotings have equal or better suiport rhan those exposed. The risk of fbundation movernenl rnAy be grcatcr rhan indicired in this report because of possible variations in the subsurface conditions. Io order to reveal the nature ard extent of variations in the subsurface conditions below the excavati<.rn, drilling would be required. It is possible the data obained by sub$ufase exploration coulcl change the recommerulations cc,ntained in this lener' If there are a1;y questions or if we may be of hrrther assistance, please let us lnow. Sinccrely. HEPWORTH . PAWLAK CEOTECIIMCAL, INC. Iordy Z. Adamson, Rev. by: DEH IZNksw attachment Figurc 1 - Gradation Test Results rc: Iohnson, Kunkcl & Associates - Attn: Sean Kerrigru trP*ff,qi$ i/t?'g EB 39Vd rob #103 372-1 S3I IdSdoUdl^lOHNIl4'lA C ,EAL8ZE8L6 se5itecrr 8t 3Ar eaaz/62/al :. t{R. t }n o .6 rA. t9 x|r.a rn. I I{.5/1' | \/t J'rt'ito ot!z Lrl Fzur &IJo- (Jz UI6 (L z!r, oa o. .df9 ,gY ,Oa -rao '!oO '600 t'l! L8 n.2 t;* a DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILUMETERS cur ID gtt GRA\EL 26 % LIOUID LIMIT 3] % SAND % SILT AND CLAY 54 PLASTICITY INDEX 1' % SAMPE OF: Cloyey Sond with Grovel FROM: Bottom of Excovotion 103 372-1 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.GRADANON TEST RESULTS Figure 1 ng 39vd Sf I ldSdnHd^lnFhl I hl-'ltt.