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�ay-01-O7 02:02pm From-TOWN OF VAII COi,�1NITY DEVELOPMENT 9T04T92452 T-333 P.002/003 F-466 � � � � i � � . ._�: � �ese�� ReV��� �ard �lC�it�N F��� Depart�crent � commanity Develap�aeat 75 SoUth Froctt�e fLoad� Vail� Col�cado 81b57 iet: 9i0.479.2139 #2l� 470.479.Z4�2 web: www-vaiEgorv-c� project Name: MEADOW CREEK CONDOMINIUMS DRB Nun�tfer: ORB070152 project Description: FINAL APpROVAL POR A G1�iHNG� TO 'YHE APPROVED PLANS (ADD WiNDOWS TO D-1. E-6 AND M-1) par#iclpants: QWNER VACC 6235 E 17TH AVE DENVER co so2zo APPLICANT HFAYFiER PR�CE p0 BOX 5�.21 VAIL C'.Q 81657 0�4/17/Z007 pk,pject pddress: 2721 fQNNIC]QNNYCK RD VAIL MEADOW CREEKTOWNFI�MES UNYT'S D-1, �-6 AN 04/17/2007 Phone:97�-33�-1234 I.ocadon: �egal Description: Lota 6todc: Subdivision: ME4DOW CREEK COND4MIIVIUM paroel Number: 2103-143-1402-$ Z103-143-1900-�. Camments: Motion By: Second �y: Vote: Conditions: 2103-143-1aQ1-9 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 05/01/2007 Cond: 8 (PtAN): No changes to these pians may be made wi�hout ti�e wrii�en consent of Town of Vail �taff and/oc the apprvpriate review� oommjtt�(s). Cond: 0 (PI.AN): DRB appro�ral dc�s not constitutie a permit fivr buifding. Pfease cor�sult wlth Town af Vail Building personnei prior tio oon�tructlon a�• Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days fo{lowing tt�e date of approval. cor,d: za� ppproval pf this prnjet# shall la�e and became void one (1) yea� fo��owing the date of final approval, untess a buildirg permit is iss�ed ar�d aonstruction Is wmmenaed and is diligently pursued touvard car,pl�ion. . �ay-01-O7 02:O�pm Frae-TOWN OF VAII COI�IUNItY DEVELOPI�ENT 9704T92452 T-333 P.OD3/003 F-466 Gond; 113 Ali de�velopment applicaoons submit�sl � tf�e Town aR�r the effedlve date af Ordin3nCe 26, Series 2006 shall be subject tio the pendin9 emPlo�y� ���9 regufaGo�.s �n wha�++er form they are finally adopted; P�avided. hon"'e'►er► that if a d�e Tawn Ta[1s to advpt the pending employee housing t�egulatfans by Apni 25, , this Ordtnar�ce shall not appfy to �c'h de�elopmerrt appf'�cadons. Pfanner: Bitl Gibson pRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ***+********+*************�******************************************�********************+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 02-OS-2013 at 16:45:58 02/OS/2013 Statement ***+****+*********�**+***************+****************************+**************�*****+**** Statement Number: R070000484 Amount: $20.00 09/17/200708:31 AM Payment Method: Cash Init: JS Notation: $/MEADOW CREEK TH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB070152 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2103-143-1401-9 2103-143-1402-8 2103-193-1900-1 Site Address: 2520 KINNIKINNICK RD VAIL Location: MEADOW CREEK TOWNHOMES UNITS D-1, E-6 AN Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ***************+********�************�****************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAY. 22. 2007 9;13AM Ov GtLOSS �h� 9 y p � r � � �� o r �3 sso�+� May 2 i , 2007 Town of Vai� Design Review Bva�d Vail, CO NOCY CROSS ENERGY To Whom it May Concern: i �a��( ' �s lii��o � l N0, 667 P, � 3799 HIGi-NVAY 82 � P. p. BpX 2150 GLEMNOOD SPRlNGS, CALORADO 87602 (970) 945-5441 ■ FAX (970y 945-408t Elee{-� +- I�h � _ � l�- �rhis letter is an amendment to Holy Cross Energy's review of the Meadow Creek Copdominiurri permii. It was originally believed that Building M would be required to sign an encroachment easement, but after further research this is not the case. All units in Buitding M are clear to proceed. lf you have a�y questions or concerns regarding thi5 matter, piease do not hesitate to calf. Thank you. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ETIERGY �� . Cody O'NeiJ Constructian Engineering Administrator ton il� ol cros com {970) 947-5466 CO:vw o'pe�TewneNaA A Touciu�vne F.x�agy Covperaave � �--� May-Z3-2007 15:1B From-ERWSD � `� �� �� } ��Q�v 9T04764089 _U � � � `�`�`��`""� u'RLi7Y APPROVILL & y�RIFZCp'RON T-i38 P.001/002 / � l �'�/{'t�/L �hks fa�m serves s� v�eril�r tt�t the P�P�d �a wNl nak +mpacr any mclsu oc alvo bo v�rifY ie�vioe av�itabi6by end le�ffol� Tar n�v mristrtJCtion �d d�ot�d be u� in cvn upcoon wlf� � Yo�r ��Y P� atld 9dr�ddMg !�• A 9Ke PI8r4 �ChJding g�e��g p�r � 1�4 �d eleYet�S, sfiat! !fC Stiblrll�t� 0o d�e fbuowtng � f� appravbt and v�o�. Pe.EaSE ALLCW tlp'�'D � W�iCS EoR 11PPRiDVAL bR COMIM�ITi9 PRW�! iF1E U�'�ItY COMPAIrjES. ' Sf you are W1�bk bo vbt�in Corf1mer� witftin d�aE i�frame pl�SSe - conCdR i'Ftie Yown af Vail. ��PO/ t0 PiOYJ1� �CortA�ss Il�oq: 1.OR Adeli'BSS: Si1b�IV�90 • I.QttF:�_�w � s�a�sa.�ot� �o.4ss.o6r� ��� Sam 7aolaY ��l.toe18vR9aure�t ,�, ZCli MIGH �RE9�lRE 6AS 970.262.4075 Oe� �o.ass.��o� ��c1 � aa� s�s Mae.r c�os�s o�,�r . 97G.4g7.54g {� 970.945.4081(t,� � �ff ll!'00lfi ��41Y�'++��tem xC�l. �� 97026Z,4Q3$ {I�x� 970.2bZ.qQZ4 (�j � idt BegeR � �v��c,a_�*l�tGr oon, �� � wa't� � SANITAT�ON pYSTRICT 97�.476.748a (t� 970.476,�y tp� � Frsd HaStoe � am COM � 970.4i8.8�q8 (pea �.999.9�38 {'�j Contat� Davld �� ��tAo��ed lu1+� m nts e� � ---_._ —�,,,� ��0� � �' ����Y �Dp�ova� � vat+�ion fom► hAS s�rjnaarss f*an ear.ti aF the utlll[y camp�rties. �nd no wmmert� are a+ade 41�c'qY o� tl'te form, vr no aC�Ot1 i5 ��vOf� rv�l�in 2 weeks of b1e �lti�+� � of the form wIlt�oyt e�law,a�on the Town r+'�� P��e thec dtere are rq �pt� ane �e dev�elopmer� can �. �f a ut�licY �p�y +�as �onaerr�s wttft the �. '�W �biratlo� btm 11t�t thene is a Pr+oD�d cAn�extlo�, the udlllh► repres�ntatiV� shaG ra� dre�ly o� ti�e �dse� TetOe� ov tha 7bwn af Vall. �� whlcih aeeds oo be r�oh�ad. The iswe sh�a�ld then be �Ilsd in � ����� �� �� �i a� ��+aep if► iri►b tltat It is fhe �Spotl�cbiGtY Of ttle udqly pp�►'Y and 3. These ve�flv�dcau do rwt neAebe the cvr�acsor oP tFte rc9P�Ddity tv obIDin a P�ibdic Wey Aerm1L rrom tr�e pep�r�n�t o� Puauc wo�s a� m�Town a�vaa. �.� .,.� ,_� --- e#be�tlerk w�f1+n �1e 701M1 QI'Vail. rl 6..�d�..� �.n�,� in srty pubb� riDh�-of�w�y or -��-.�G aet a ' w . _-- + • ined � �� �R�d and �rees ba �ubrnit a�Y r�,wised dtawi►�s tfl C118 �+R�i�ies for in any w�► after [h� etxt�or�p � dabe u r°`�provai & re-v�erf f�lotl if � area tl� f t��er�lse spec��y normd wt�hin �.� ��-�`f : �� �����81�a1drtLf+E,wv��z..25•YDO�.Qac PaQe 9 ar i+l lll?3/2D05 F-114 �� C� lC �• � �---.--- pF C Q �---� -=�= - _ - -__�_--�_�=� � ' S � 6oi � WATEi�F�'}?OO�INC� FULL I�GhtT O� INALL �4T ROO�-TYP � ..,�.,�w�.--- ` �' n � � � ��iil I�i � _ �-�,---- �— - �' � � � � �� i . __ _ _}-� i - ___—. iu�ui ____ :� � � ____� � u� � ��-�° T� � _ _�.� � � �_ � . _ � � - ._. 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REMOVE EX9ST "EY� REPAIR A�ND PREP R.EMO`,/�D �OR N�1 TOP O� WD Ti?,IM Tc ROOF/lN�4LL I NTERS r . �r _ _ _ __ _ � �X � \�, � � � � __ i i RIM TCJ ,' : . � 3.���tYP , . . : �i �� �ri��''Or' T , GONTlZO,L : . _ , ' � � � � . , : .. :J� I NT-?1'P : �� � / I�� "-TYP . , .. . • . . r . , . .. . - ♦.. ;. . �� : _, . . ; . � ��. ; :.. .... . ��. c��_a� ��, .. . � , , 2�� � EMT _ED (1� Y�IALL D J-BOX TOP E HEA�T T�4PE i�MOVE 84T GOURSE O� YVi� 51DING A5 REQDTO EXPQSE GONG �DN-PAINT t'I�N TO M,hTGH STUGGO-TYP -� =�_:� C ��zovinc �M GONDUiT GOP W I TH SURFAC � BOT �DR � r ^ i � REMOVE EX15T "EYEBROWS"-PATGH REPA! i? ,4ND PREP WA►LL WHERE R.EM01��D F4R N�W �IN15HE5-TYP ; II �� ^-� � �.��.-- JJ REMOVE EX15T "EYE8ROW5"-PATGH nrt�f A �t� A A I� t�7r91�'t�i Iw► A I 1 iwli If rl1� �---_ -' 1 � O � � � � O � �