HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB060413frqlsn 5uo ' t laf tg ocfrit.srw Et€LopitEUr Design Revlew Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com ProjectName: THOMAS RES, CHANGE Project Description: RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO INSTALL AN ATIIC DORMER WITFISKYLIGHT Participants: owNER BECKER AppOINTMEt'lT TRUST 09/05/2006 PO BOX 3043 SHELTER ISI.AND HTS NY 1196s-3043 APPUCANT BROWN-WOLINCONSTRUCflON 09/05/2006 Phone: 970-949-4186 P.O. BOX 701 VAIL co 81558 License: 100-A Project Address: 4026 LUPINE DR VAIL Locationi 4026 LUPINE DR Legal Description: Lot: 13 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN SUB Parcel Number: 2101-122-1500-3 Comments: SEE CONDmONS DRB Number: DR8060413 Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ ACtioN: STAFFAPR Date of ApprovaF Q9 12012006 @nd:8 (PLAN)I No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008434 The applicant shall revise the patio proposed on the site plan to show the patio no closer than 7.5 feet from the property line. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Minor Exterior Alteratlons Application for Design Review DeDartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479'2452 web: www.vailgov'com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untit arr requireJ' inio-tmution is received by the communiry Development Department. The pioj"J r"1, also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the aPProval' n of the uesti ,t{ $I /ta'S(lv I t t-i(|w*rv LocationoftheProposal:Lot:,5_B|ock:-_5UD0|V|s|on:'././tttlll-^P'it}'w,W JvPhysical Address: -lud I vq\t \4 -t'/ tgt r ' _r13d-9t,LfuJtturl--UB*I^ .:t-t t16s - 3d:13 Phoner z q- sg-'AsiTYWo:47Ln?{3Cr\ Lot: J3-alock:-- -Subdivision: h E"fr Uo,l 6 '6 parcel No.: O. )ol'tJ..'-lf'-o0..1-.- (Contaa Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') L ' l/v ,,^t -.,.t TName(s) of owner(s): Bt"k, Mailing address: -Bd' Owner(s) Signature(s): t hellt. Jstq"J tlt- N}l-t t16s - 3dLll: NameorAppricant; -3q 3gI- 3o!'3*------- ' ' t t*w Tth nl H"r!'-,-tr4j- lJ3!f: 3!1L -. ..,-,,MailingAddress: >^' .'' - -,' " r-.",J^-^. 1 tq_q.lT_ AEyq / ljO -"17G-O'ffi R.L&o..n ?.f?-cilu pl_us $1.00 pef square,.bot or toiar srgr, area. 3?/'. IE?3 For construc+iott of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercral building (incltrdes 250 additions & interror conversions)' For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' sucn as' ;";ftg, poti,l"s, rvindci additions, landscaping' fences and reta;ning uralls, etc' ;;;;;r. changes to buiidings and site improvements' such as' i"roonnq, painlting, windo$/ additions, landscaping' fences and retaining w€lls, etc $20 For revisions to Plans Design Review Board' No Fee o e6 q wType of Review and Fee: C Signs n Conceptual Review E New construction 4-aaai"on D Minor Alteration (multi-familY/comnrercial) O Minor Alteration (si ngle-familY/duPlex) S ciranges to APProved Plans ' tr Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 already approved by Planning Staft cr the Iorn 5.Lltvtrt/^- t of Qla4l28/04 FROltl : Ui &TrudgThn ' AFR-r-eABa egr44 PFtrNE M]. i 97A 476 FFiDMrffiilN l.ifl-iN C$FTRUC 9?69{9€84? sep. l$r47$8943 @4 W 12:13p14 Fr:. P1 rypb of nariern' and F.G;g tgns D Cgncephlal Ret/tex, E- NcYr CorlrtlJclisr $ua":-'t O l{irror t&crrton {infi-tmlv/enmrr*l) El Hln!tr jtftsrlbn (CnCa.htnily/tuPle.) V f,sngrr te Af,ptowd Plrns - tr f'.E rlton Rrquet: Minor Exterior Alterations rto ttloFeg $650 t300 {a$o +20 E|l +1.00 ps Eqll.tl fEd of totJl don at"r. for s:rutrurbm of ! $evt bultll,E r d ndrtDu:ld. Fo? an rddltlcn Ytlrxe suare fiotagz B t'ldad to ltliv r€5ide:tpl or ommirtill h{dni (inctr.der 250 #fions & Inrriar sve}5blFJ' For rilmr thlIEE b bidhot and tib itn9srwtfitn!' $Jcn es. nr|lolln€. p:drtgt r,,t!r(tou $ddont' tcndserpir6 Ltrtts tt'n rwnlrt ltloll+ atc, hf *rt* +rnger b btff'dr(lgi ud tfE imProt?:rlent!" sf,h rl, rr'o*trE, Faifor, nrlnrhri #{tti$e, bn*6pttg, ientes aod Application for Deslgn Review ' DeDa4n?flt d coatrrFunlE/ berelognent ?5 Sordh rrcftlta Ro!d, Wl, Cpiorrdr 81657 ul rr0,/t79.?i39 f.x: 9?0.179.2{32 wsb: wrvvr.dbv*om Gcnerll Informatbn: nii;;jr"r rcg,,tttng aegg toiaw mrs! rtffiivG rFpt$rel Drlor_r. srbmtHng a_ hf6lr4 Feffilt lgdicbuon FIcllE ttfi l3 ne subrntCir $qlt rtrents tu.!'E prirjtuir rDprs,val th|t ir Eqrleshd, An apphauofi fot Deggo Rwl€tt, di*t U: acteFr€d rr|di sU renItH ffE iildcn B rneF.d Dy tne Comm$tity Del,lleF Wnt popafiteni The abtd rnErr Ei50 rupd E Ue .tl'fanred by tlre towr Counct, lrgor the Plrniling tnd ErwlfomnE lcll Comr,risslsn- 'ejiil" ,ftoi:"p-liio4l lrErer unlrrr r building Drrmlt ie irtubd tnd ccnstnra:on oramensal withln onc ycrr of drc aPPrord. the to€tlen ef tf|i Pttposal: rott-llHoii(:- suHvi$ot1:fu, r' 5r"f Pnyrlcal Addrusr: prrcd llo.:a^ro{-,^^.fr-oa3 Asseasr at 97G32€'854t1 fof pcrcd tlJ-) Zo'ning:'lr'tJ t$ft!(3) af Ormer(s); l4allng Addttst:t165* OrrnGr(s) SiEn.FT+(r)t HamG of Applhnti Maiittg Addres:9rt ;tr. A/.tt?6f - Phone: E,rnail Address: T(M,J ro9t7? :rE-lr*tg vFlhf 3k. $zO rc t:yi]*ir ie ptrru alrerdr rFr!'rC !y Ptannlnp 5blf Er tte D.ligx R ivgt{ lon{. iro F3e (Cqlb€t E gh eo. **'l * *****{'l' '1.***********'l'l'* *** ************ ** ****** **** * *+* ********** ********* ** *****'r*** * **** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*tll*********+*++t**tlf+t++*l+t++*+++++t+*+*++****t*********'t*++++**+**tt+**************+*** Statsement Nuriber: R050001375 Payment Method: Check ITOLIN COIIST Amoun!: $20.00 09/05/200604:27 PM Tnit : iIS Notat,ion: 5567/BROWN- Permit No: DRB050413 Parcel No: 2101-122-1500-3 Site Addrees: 4026 IJUPINE DR Irocation r 4 025 L,UPINE DR Type ! DRB-Chg to Appr Plans VAIIJ Thi6 Palment: Tota1 Fees: Total ALL Pmts : $20.00 $2o. oo$20.00 Balance: 50.00****+********t*****************f*********+**********+***++***+++******f********************* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Prnts DR 00100003Ir2200 DESIGIiI RSVTEW F'EES 20.00 I'i --ir - *oc fut -'+r tdfi TJtrrdt-+ TXt&t+ v).:afri'jFlvf; ro ,-\'.:' '- /.'- 1. ...\ t\t EF I -{,9\ \t.,V I d lJ\ vs.i. ! .;"._sr. --s + :Jldfar -::- | Ll-y - {S +- -:{-(\ \n i- ^N;'v. 3lr tq'vt \ \. i -+l '-,/ [ o3 -.oS ," l-56.4. ti 1.l(L', . ;.3+ , ri' :G U I s(' €*fts , ) ,Iq 16i_53 it_? $'i.\A rt 't /.\.'N,+ +LL /u r('' { [-\'. ; r\ 1 5.5+ '; it \s .C 't .ce f ft +t t t\\ --t' ,l* ' QLll=l '-k o ldsr +$ | .-'.' , i-\\'1 G--.y'<.s\A; S\JIJU .t lr) { -R F egzgez8€eE gaiao ;aaznetnI€ShGTE rF -FEoz .F 1Lt X,U;!-\r-+_ .< 'aOt6 oQ) I'r-.'s |-\:-\n ..s , .j-'..r, :,\'\ ,: 9-'r- .L trt { A- L+- ooc\/ d g) TPWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIFUl'\ .o T-( 0-- -8/,-\ .l X! t L-:_ U€t -T- :.5 -\ -.1-. r r\/trF. Vv\-- W t l,t - U-t ++x -,h|\\l u\ ttrt {t "' €il '' l. *fjp,r "fFT'*l" f*r ,.'s td" ru i #' J t', $" F+. t Sep. 85 ZAAE LA:A3AY P2 , 6 nM 1B:la+H ". P ,S F ^!i* L-it 3 +CSi?r .'T,, I m t\ 0;- ,r,\ 'ol--lia FR0l4 : lJ i &Trud gThn ' FR0l'1 : Eagle Ua:lc,r Surwsgin3r lnc. to-o PHoNE N0. i 978 4-7A 6943 FRX tS. i 91@ e45 9*4 t,('. :, \t\\e\E'* R. R. -s.- .rF N:...-_'- :tal,.m'! r! a':t /T- - ."._**'/ €.E? l!1J = () z,o ='co z" a =trJ ryTtF\\rr \i$ tvtl- \P ar-€2\ rj rr rtc lcn'ri'\rr !yt$F I RE'VIEU' APPROVAL I -8 -cl,' .r-l-= ric$"TAFF: