HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB060295cdm.|!|w(EtEuFtct{t Vl*tV;tu+al rc loft>, ap y Deign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORPI Desartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81S57 tel: 970-479.2139 far: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Prciect Descrlfion: Partlclpants: HILUROGERS ELEVATOR DRB Number: DR8060295 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ELEVATOR ADDMON TO EXISTING DUPLEX owNER HILL, JAMES R. & AT"OGNDM N0210/2006 47OO S DOWNING ST CHERRY HILLS VILI.AGE co 80110 APPUCANT WILUAM G. HEIN 07 | t012006 Phone: 303-722-8401 3035 EAST ATJVIEDA AVENUE DENVER co 80209 PrctectAddt€ss: 2605 BALD MOUNTAIN RD VAIL Locauon: 2605 BALD MOUNTAIN RD Legal Descrlpdon: LoE 12 Blodc 2 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 13 Parcel ilumber: 2101-034{102-9 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Seond By: VoE: Condltlons: Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= 08ft212A06 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-,AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: f3OO.OO ZONE CHECKa- l2- Lcgal dcscri Addrcss orrncr. Arch itcc t Zonc disu i Lot sizc r*^s Ual Uiltalz Bt fr73 Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildable Tota! = 53s3 ?ezt .. 20' .t 5' t5, Q,ltttt4 / \ f l ,l | -r-r a'\L^rtlf Need JLL JAIJN 3tuAe,L ? Ycs.. A No_ ' Y"s---=K wq l)Pcrccnrslopc (<>sO% 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 5) Ccologic Hazards *JLfl*W Pro'ious conditions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: . AlJorvcd Existing . proposcd rotarcarr.fbQ{!@. ilIo =JLfu_ + _ PrimaryCRFA _+(425)(675r)= , + Socondary GRFA I (.i2)) (675+) =_ -_ * 6'15=425 crcdilplus 2i0 addition Docs rhis rcqucst involvc a ?50 AOctiont U O Horv much of ttrc alloivcd ZjO Addirion is us.a *irt ,f,ir r.qu.ot ,f\ )On€- sitccovcraEc &Z Hcigbt Sctbacks Conrplics wirh TOV Liglting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (500/") r.nrrronmcntaL/flazerds Rquircd (30 Front Sidcs Rcar 3',t6', + Rcmainint Landsaping (f:Z Minimum JU6 Rctaining Wall Hciglts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Projcct: DESIGN REVIEIV C}IE CKIJST Q STTR\IEY Sealc'': __ Bcnchrnuk I. +_ Lcgat dcsoiption : Lotsizc Buildablc i{rca CI ELOORPLA]..IS Scd; GRFA , .,r . * Crarvl\Atticspacc C.O. Vcrification SunlShadc Anglcs Utilitics (un dcrgroun d) Vicrv Corrjdors. ' .1.| ., - 1,.. -] \vaiisl,&f-i, _,.-,..rr ' l00yr. flood ptain .. ,. Watcr Counc Scbacli ". Sctbacks Sitc Covcragc Scalc -- Color\Matoials Utility.vcri6cation fornr pbo(os ofsitc - , Building matcriat samptcs Environmcn al ltaarrG ' ., -- \oofPitch Trees o IjI.lDscApE PLAI'I Utility locations . -- Eristing rccs . -- Spot clevations 'Proposcd hces U SITE pI-AI.f \ Lcgcnd ' l', MISCELLANEOUSScalc ,. Building Hcight 1 -- Condo Approval I Eav<.s/Ovcrh.angs(4) DcclslBatconics Cange conncctioo . Sitc Gnrlctslopc Rctaining lvalls .',.in;tls1' d&lif i:i. ' \ .,\.J'l Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: All proiects requiring design review mu* receive appmval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer'to the submittal requirements for the particltar approval that is requested. An application for Design Re\riew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be re\riewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and year of the approval. of 'r) Locaton of the Proposa lt tot: l? Name(s) of Owne(s): i,leiling aaare#z Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Addrcssr ol (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee o\o\l -0 E-mall Address: fYpe of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr, New Construction ;p.Addfionf tr Minor Altention (multi-fami lylcommercial ) tr Minoi Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr SeparaUon Request $6s0 $300 $250 $20 For construction of a nevrr building or demo/rebuild. f For an addition where square footage is added to any residential t ^rt\commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' v I For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, I re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining Iwalls, etc. I For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee DRB No.: I, (trtil ,** a *rint owrEr of property locaed at (addrcsylegEl desoiilion) 2a o( Btz,o lnt*trrt L.ao prwHe thb letter as written apprwal of the phns daed : u"hkh ha€ beerl submitEd b the Town of Vail Csnmunng Oarelopnrart Department for ttre proposed lmpronernents b be I further understard iltat mlnor modfrcdons rnay be made to the plans otcr the ourse of the rwieir proess b ensurc cornflhnce with the Town's apdkable edes and reguldons. cornpl*d * the ddress nGd aboe. I understand ttat the fposed tnrerov€rnents lnclude: fq+5tort oF a.r^r.l,'.'- 64cf OF ht{.t)&>( tt*t( i- F:\cdaAF0RllS\FERl.ln5\F'ldringwq-raddton-11-23-2ffi .dc PilB 2 of 14 lV4rxxF Jrl. 12. 2006 ||:554[l Jul. ll, ?00C l:50lll HillConranies llill gorlreicl lfo. | 176 P. llc. ll?l P. ? t -"".'' ]. ' i' t,0tm .JilrilrCrre.ilfdr$dryttJ Itl*UEFsrrtElffid|hilir5'. -ir*tnrnr tlllEl blr Tirr tH C!|'rrrr Srn flrUclbth ird ffi t b :rrE :f llG * -r. I *ril t:i rd FirerrlB Et |,br u'tt€ 'i t trrtnr rffi H tr nEffi nq Fr*b ll dil Oc? ut dtr f tnlr hr| |E b :. ' ' '. : ' :rnrnrrlfic ifD liTaftLfildbG'ra qtrcr' r+zdl IVaFG '1.+*{"1'1.'l,t,l*'t'*****************:*'8*+*****++ * * * * * * ************************** * * * * * * * * ** ******,},}'}'},} TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement******'**************!t*************++****+****+++++***+*+++**************************+******* Statement Nurnber: R060000959 Amount: 9300.00 07/LO/200603:50 pM Palment Method: Check Init: JS NOL LiON: 541.8/WILIJIAM HEIII ASSOCIATES Permit No: DRB060295 TlFe: DRB - Addition of GRFAParcel No: 21,01--034-0102-9 Site Address: 2505 BAID MOT]NTAIN RD VAII,IJocation: 2505 BAL,D MOUNTAIN RD Total Fees: $300.00This Payment: $300.00 Total ALL pmts: g3OO.OO Balance: $0.00*************!t**********:r****************,t't,i,l'F****'i*!t ***!t****+*+**********************++'t *** ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Deecrlption curren! PmCs DR OO1OOOO3IT22OO DESIGN RSVIEW FEES 300.00 Hif f /Rogers Residences 2605 Bald Mountaln RoadVail, Colorado Sheet I of 2 Calculations f,or Site Coverage andcross Residentlal Floor Area (GRFA) Site Coveraqe Calculat_lon Site size - 23,275 sq.ft. Coverage atlored - 20g6 23,775 Bg.ft. x 2O% = 4755 sq.ft. allored4'755 sq.ft. + 2 = 2,377.5 sq.ft. per side West Unit (inctudinS Z of coqnon area) Coverage alloyed = 2,371 .5 sg.ft.West Unit coverage (existing)= 1,8OO.O sq.ft. Allosable coverage remalning = 57'1 .5 sq.ft. Site Coverage vith Proposed Nev Square Footage Existing = 1,800 sg.ft. Proposed Ner = 11 sq.ft. Nev Total = lr8ll sq.ft. Cross Reeidentlal Floor Area (GRFA) Calculation Slte Size - 23,775 sg.ft. -46% of first 10,000 sq.ft. = 4,600 sq.ft. -38% of next 5'000 sq.ft. = 1,900 sq.ft. -13% of next l5,OO0 sq.ft.- 23,775 - 15,OOO = 8,755 sg.ft. 13% of remaining 8,755 sg.ft. = 1,14O sq.ft. Square Footage alloved = 7,640 6q.ft. Hill/Rogers Residences 2605 BaLd Mountain RoadVail, Colorado Sheet 2.of 2 GRFA Calculations - continued We6t unit (includinS \ ot comnon area) 7,640 sq-ft. + 2 = 3,82O sg.ft. (GRFA alloved) Existing Floor Area Garage Level = 914 sq.ft.toner Unit Level = 1,276 sq.ft.Main Unit Level = 990 sq.ft. Upper Unit Levef = 690 sq.ft. Floor Area totat = 3,8'7A sq.ft.Credit for two car garage = (60O sq.ft.) Existing GRFA tota! = 3,270 sq.ft. GRFA - alloyed = 3,820 sq.ft. GRFA - existing = 3,2'70 sq.ft. cRFe - available = 550 sq.ft. Proposed Nev eross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) Garage Level = 11 sq.ft.Lorer Unit Level = 199 sg.ft. Main Unit Level = 54 ss.ft. Nelr total = 264 sq. f t. Existing GRFA = 3,2'lO sq. f t. Proposed Nev GRFA = 264 sq.ft. Ner Total GRFA = 3.534 sg.ft. Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 12, 2006 William Hein 3035 East Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80209 Re: Staff comments regarding the proposal to add an elsvator to 2605 Bald Mountain/Lot 12, Blk 2, Vail Village Filing 13 Mr. Hein, This letter is to serve as communication of Staffs comments. I left these comments on y,our rroice mail earlier today but raranted to follow them up with written comments, Please address the following comments: . Flease provide owner sign-offs for both halves of the duplex for the work requested.. Please include ridge elevations on your roof plan included on the site plan so I can determine compliance with the height regulations. Please provide the elevation of the existing driveway at the face of the garage which will also be used to determine height.e Please provide a landscape plan showing the new planter and what vegetation will be planted within it in the drirreway. Also will the area be at grade or elevated in a planter? Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. Please get me satisfactory responses by July 25 in orderto remain on the August 2, DRB agenda. V!it[ regards, ,.,. {\| | | I ll WAtwnuA/r^,tuV Warren Campbell I Senior Planner Cc: File f,g "".""t", o""" Status: Z Approved Connuurury DEVELopMENT Rounrue Fonna fi Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:George Chalberq, PW Date Routed:07t11t06 Routed By:Warren Campbell Date Due:07t19to6 Description of work:Propsed new elevator for an existing duplex Address:2605 Bald Mountiain Road Legal:Lot:| 12 | Block:2 | Subdivision: I Vail Villaqe 13'n Filinq Gomments:Date Reviewed: 7/11/06 Need additional review bv Fire