HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB060258Va*Vttulctt"uf$1 l"+'41 cbllirftY tflELctftfi Design Review Boad ACTTOI{ FORlrl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Veil. Cobrado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fexr 970.479.2452 web: wuw.veilgov.com Prclect Name: RAIOI-A CHANGE Project Description: Paficipants! DRB ]{umber: DR8060258 Relocation of front door to left of center to provide better internal access; change of originally apprwed exterior lighb to new, temporary black fixture; addition of small deck outside back door; application of stucco to wing walls to match house, 06127 12006 Phone: 471-0618OWNER RAIOI-4, MILDRED J. c/o ml RAIoI-A 2rI48 GARMISCH AVE 11 VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT MIOIA, MIL"DRED J, c/O MJ RAIOLA 2448 GARMISCH AVE 11 VAIL co 81657 1807 AIPINE DR VAIL 0612il2006 Phone: 471-0618 Location: 1807 ALPINE DRProiect Address: l€gal Descripdon: Parcel l{umber: LOB 44 BIOCK SUbdiViSiON: VAIL ULI.AGE WEST FIL 1 2103-123-0701-4 Comments: seecondition MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOAR,D/SIAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= 0612912006 Cond:8 l (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail stafiand/or the appropriate rwiew committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not aonstitute a permit for bulldlng, Please consult with Town of Vail Bulldlng personnel prbr b onstruction activiUes. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become wlid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lape and become void one (1) year following the date of f,nal apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and construction ls commenced and ls diligently pursued toward ompletion. @nd: CON0008226 Applicant shall replace lighting Frxtures with new lighting fixture, to be submitted to Staff, by November 1, 2006. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: i2O.OO Minor Exhrior Alterations ApplicaUon for Design Review Depamst d Communty Developfire* 75 Souh Fot@e Road, Vail, Olora& 81657 hh 970.479.2128 fac 970.479.2{52 web: Yvrwv.yalgov.oom Gcmnl Inlbtrnadon: All prclects rcquldng des'gn revlew must receh/e apprwd prhr to $bmiuing a hilding pemlt appllcaton. Please r€fer b E|e sbmlltal rcqulrcments for the partiolar apprcval that is rcquesbd. An applkation for Dedgn Re\rieu, carffi be accpted wtil aI .Eqil€d idormation b t€ehsl bV ttn Coruruitv Da,eloFEnt Department The gorect may abo nee<l b be r€vlerr,ed by tfn Town Cdrrcil arx|or Ure'Plannlng ard Ern lrorxrnrilal Commisdon. D€ign .trLw aDgroydl lap.6 udc a builaflng pcmlt b bsued and onstrucdon coor||Fnea within ooc yerdlliclpgrur.L Dccrlpdon dreRcquGG -q* 0t dr-n tocation of urc Prcpcah L*,4/ a*I- subdivision:VV ttr* Phyccaf Addrs: /oo+ a+*x" A4 Y,q 6. o ))vl @ Parcl llq: Zonlng: llaillng Addrcss: Ownor(s) Slgnilrn(s)! l|ame of Applicant; (Conbct Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-32&8640 tur parcel no.) Mailing Addre: IYpc of RGYiew and Fee: tr Sigrc tr Concefilal Reuiew tr Ne}vcrnstrucfionO Addluon tr MlmrAlEratbtl (multi-famMommerdd) g7t'wvr ewrrrt/ (dnglefamlV/<tuplex) X *tr*tApprwedPlans O Searafbn R€q|lest $50 E$ $1.00 per square fod of bb| qtn arca. Itb Fee $650 For cor$nctiott of a rav bulblrp or demo/rcbdH. $300 For an addlUon whee square footage is added to any rqidenUal or @nmercial bullding (ir|dudes 250 additiorE & inErbr 6n sdons), $250 For mlrDr dEnges b hrildngs ard *e impro\rerrE rb, $dr 6, rerodng, pahthg, windorv addtions, landscaping, fences and r€tainhg u,allt ek. $20 For minor dranges to buiurys and s'te imgovernents, srdr c, rFrocfing, palndng, wlndo$, additbns, lan<bcapilp, fenes ard r€tahing walls, etr $20 For ra,idons to phrls alrcady appmved by EailfnS sffi or the Defgn R€ul€t{ Boad. trlo Fee omoel'h,gn|} dLW: ? Clcctllo.: 'f * rh,r^af,.. - - I1 <>b nD osl-oao IIIilOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIOI{ S TO BUII.DIIIGS ATID SITE IMPROVEHEIfTS suBlrrTTAL REQUTREHEIITS General lnlbnnadon: This apdicatjon is requircd br propmals inroMng minor exterior alteratbns and/or site lmpro/ements. Proposals to add landscaprrE do nd require DRB apprsval unless UEV invdve the addiuon of patbs, water Fahn€s, grading, or ttp addi[on of rcbinirg rvalb. I.W s Stamped Topograph'rc glrvey*q SiE and GradirE Phn*o landscape Plan*q Ardritedural Elevations*o B<tedor @lor and materhl samples and spedficaUons,tr Ardritectural H@r Plans*o Ughting Plan* and Cut-sheds) tur proposed ft<ilreso Titl€ report, irdudlrp Sdndules A & B b wriFy ornersttlp and easements*o Photoo of the o(isting sib and aqJacent sFnchrrcs, where applicable.o Wdtten approval ftom a @ndomlnium ffiiauon, landlord, and Jcfnt owner, if applicabletr Sitespecific G@logical Hazard RepoG if applicable*a The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plant drawings, specifications, samdes and other mabrials (inddirE a npdel) if deerned neaessary b determine whefrEr a prcJect will omply with Design Guiddirres or if the intent of the Woposal is not dearly indkated. ?lean nbnil frre (3) apu {frc a@k tM v&ib u, dail (*) **For interior onversions with m exterior dlanoes, the submittal requirements indude a @mplete set of odsfing and plopoced fioor plans, a tiue report, and ryritEn approwl ftom a ondominium associatlon, hndlord, and iint owner, if applkable. I havs rcad and undarrtard the aDore lbbd eubmittal rcquirsncnG: PrcJect llame:,(.*"/n- K/e!/"^/4' DabSig F: \cde\AFORl6Wlr-23-2005.d0c Fage 3 of A \i23n006 PROFCED ||ATCRIAIII TvrdHedel glergrreJl@E Roof SidhS OUETWaIile|ab Fascla Soffits Windows WlndovuTrim Doors - DoorTflm Han<l or Deck Rails - Fr.Bs Ha$irlg Oilmneys Tradl Enclq.tres Greentplg RebirdrE wails ElHbrUgffirlg - OEEr 15b! /U!.^ y,tpl dc@ ltqwd 4It Plem specify the nrrrufacnr€/s nanre, tln color nanre and rumber arxl atbdt a color drip. "rlgu a*hilp/ rt,r*u- ^1, 6-aLd'4',"ru/ fuA- f ob-,*/-" * *^tn * Al7rh', /.. fa-t'I F!@1-2$201I1tu hCE6dl3 /)//l) Main enty {oo;rtasrelocated to leff,/west to allow safe in-swing. Area inside door as-buifr4 shorter tban orignal pla$ so doorwould have opened directly at 0\/ 3) I would like to change exterid li$rfs to smaller, less obtrusive style. There are nine lights on house, several iilthe same view are4 so largcr lights will ./ Moved to left/west, door opens into hallway to garage, providing in which to enter house. to S),.t'would fike to co]er small concrete wing walls on bridge entry at road with stuc?/f the same color as ontrcvx. ,fg ovenuhelm view. -/-\4) On original plan, bagcdent foor opened onto grade, but actual grade is too low. I needed to add sm4lldeckgttside door for entry & ent(37.5x42, 18" above grye"+g railin{-{i-n-2.dde9. -$l RAIOLARESIDENCE Application for Minor Alteration June 2006 Rr ---tlilb WwE-12 PewnA fu? $n /%latr-lA-t- fr-nt,s - Sffi_- W -=-[tA-l> Y/6W 0b' ?'b'oQ 0s s6pg ) utIt.' g ,.'- (b' rrt .a Fooa r i ri;5l NI 5c N f$\ iv *\\ ['r.:;:-:. :.::..'.'j i'.:,.'=' l.i.lii::r,-.:F.r.Ii: iiiH '!i.*ii'l:.. i !i ..'i'r;frl'r:iI:,: 'I iS:.,. i .:. -, r i :rjIi'.. \.'-: atr.. ;i;lj "::l :';..b 00,4.pt,W +t/Mf3 1,, 0b .u 0b ,: 6W r f-l tp(,rNot\ u lenr, rt'ffi^4t'' v*fr\ lttron. tt , Lao P F -( =is r,lf, :"r T F