HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB050013 (2)Design Review Board Va./ fe/L.fofitrrq ly ACTION FORM I I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2t39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8050013 BASEMENT ADDMON AND DECK ENLARGEMENTS Participants: OWNER RUBIN, GARY R. &SUSAN 5599 NELSON RD LONGMONT co 80503 License: APPLICANT RUBIN, GARY R. & SUSAN M. 01/18/2005 Phone: 5599 NELSON RD LONGMONT co 80503 License: Project Address: 3094 BOOTH FALLS CT VAIL Location: BOOTH FALLS TH, UNIT 6 Legal Description: LoU 1 BIock: 2 Subdivision: BOOTH FALLS MTN HOMES Parcel Number: 210102302006 Comments: see conditions Project Name: RUBIN ADDffiON CHANGE Project Description: M. 0l/18/2005 Phone: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 021 L412005 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commencec and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006928 tate their maximum .ro.?0" GRFA based upon ord. 14, ; 2004, when next unit comes in for an addition. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paidr $20.00 ;, RECEIVED JAN 1 8 2OC5 TOV-COM.DEV. Departrnent of Community Developntert 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, ColoraCr B:657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479 .I4iZ web: www.vailgov.com s# O(@O4Qoa'r| General Information: All projecls requiring design review must receive apprcval prior to submitting a b.uildi.rg 6,<:rmit irpp r::t,r:.r Fl::rs: refer to the submittal requirenEnts for the particular approval that is requesled. A,r aprpii=tion lcr l.rr):ii.tr :ie\i1,, cannot bo accepted untrl all required information is received by the Communit)' Develot ment [)r).);rd- re.)1 Il-r: F'roje':t n'ay also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning anl Eri,, ironn.,:r',1 rl ()crn rris: or.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and cc'nstrucli,rn corl1 1r,i nt 0s ,r'il.,irl c'ne year of the approval. []escriptiorr of the Request:I tt_9_ LA<G"-,?Ji6a: 4 {NI-+r < o n A fC ll -. 1p..,f .i6-l_l lir_,(_S_ ._ Location of the Proposal: Lot:I glock:? Physicaf Address: /lPff b ,1r-cnU ,, Parcel No.: ,l( lC j-?O 2t,Ob_ Zon ing: Name(s) of Owner(s):lra 1", Mailing Address: *45 -+ t11 . )1- I o1c3 oa3 Owner(s) Signature(s): ltame of A.tlplicant: 1o r 4 641. /3., l- .,' . llllailirrg Adrlress: __ii).T e- E.maif nddress: ar r^ t!;-,1iT Fax: ia ? lz4-_o_4e I Fax'. !-27,,, 71!_g_q6_1,. _ Type of Review and Fee: . Siglns . Conceptual Review . New Construction. Addilion . Mrro. Alteration (mull i-family/commercial) Milor Alteration (s'ng'e-fami y/duplex) Cfanges to Approved Plans Sepirralion Request $50 Plus $1 .00 per square fool of total s,ign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or d€,mo/rebLtilcl $300 For an addition where square footr-ce is arjlerJ tc ar y, ri,, c :-rli: I t - commercial building (includes 250 additions fl inter r: . :r: . , :rr i:r:r: ).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site inrprcve!.rxinls j . r:i t rs,, reroofing, painting, window adc,tions, lErnclsmt:in t, r:'ti.r.r :i-i,l retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site inrprcvemenls s j[i.l rjr., reroonng, painting, window addrtions, lanSs*r1:irr ;, i, r: e : :r-,1 retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already aFprov,ed ly plan- rg1 l,::r{ .r: th r Design Review Board. No Fee lFor Office Use Onlv: FeePaid: ZO- - , IRts6{o77 REcE-lrD JAN I I i."ii:;s TOV.COM.DEV. LJtl t-f 6 ur.J lT 7 IOIT'TH TLCVATION ** * * * *** *+*+ t+++* * **:1.,1* ***** *** * ***+f lf++f***+* *'t**** ***** * * i*t*** * ++*** * **** *** * 't * * * ***'t *** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement:l+*******++'i**+*+'t*+********++tt*******a+**+++++f+ff+**********+*ri*****+*+****+t++********++ gtatement Number: R050000033 Amounr: $20.00 OL/]-8/2OO5O2.47- pM Palment Met,hod: Check Init: iIS Notation: #1141/GARY RUBIN Permit No: DR8050013 BT)e: DRB- Chg to Appr Plans Parce1 No: 2LOLO23O2OO6 Site Address: 3094 BOOTH FALLS CT VAIL I.,OCAtion: BOOTH FATLS TH, I'NIT 5 This Palment:$20.00 Total FeeE: $20.00Total AIrIJ Pmts: $20.00 Balance:$o. oo * ***+++++++**** ***t! *** ** *****+***++*++ f?+f*******+**** **** i ******* ***+*++++++t***** **+**t* ** ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmtss DR 00100003772200 DESTGN R.E\rlrEW FEES 20.00 ,& 9r.00-rl.z 90s'oc 'lNoncNo'l'0u N0s13N 6699 '3'd 'Nlgnu 'u AUvo t33Eb63E': .. =,itgHEEd 29908 'OC ''ilVA'0u s']'tvJHloo8 t609 s3noHNMOI S']']vlHIOOS ]300n3u 9 ltNn EIo oz Ioo vt o z lrJ = @ lrJ FGo cl lr'l @ 5vl zo a =o10 =ghE6Z .oo- =o 5 caFln{ z9 z 6- Fz: @ z c Fz.lrj Lua ^a ) X r,-r< x \_/ tr-LLaaa @roloctNd(o rD o)c{+@ I 9.ztr,.2 '7 =tLELr-2r-zu^28 2|.l-l>d;H ,^ u) <Y<(D =6F-t2=< d2=- PEH HaE-, ia*i? ;3!;e FlI9 EEH; EEiE alAfScSu EIl"lll-{Tl LL_ll Ixq. ;} z B lrJ 8T EO \ trJa9,:6Rz UJ z Y() IJo E lrJozf LrJE tattJ ut) N r!2 o<(-) ptFfE :* fiiiEag /9908 '0C 'ltVA'0u s'l'lvlHloos r60c 53nOHN,!\OI S11VJHI008 1300nlu I ItNn sloo-rLL 9,0e'oc 'tN0noN01 '0u Nosl3N 6699 'l'd 'Ntgnu 'u AUVo n I.| (, 'o6z =n 3 E d ,t zo z ! Fz =v7 ao z E &.ooJ Lr- FaEtr *rOOr 3eI(oNO) -aZrr69 8=iQ*ed58 FOJaJLF|!F 2-,22 FJo=3n2f |.) ooEo r,lJm -rl ?l ml c\l EO LU co uom o- F i EI (J F- EF c,cl() > oEI utF r.l oF- F vt- IJrq IJ E- tL @ to dr\ Jo- qH,+ :<19 o96-;dZ:,{ LrJ cO EiHliaE LS908 'OC 'ltVA'ou s'r'rvlHrooa rebs S3HOHN,I OI SIIVJHIOO8']300n3u 9 INn 9LOO-'LL 90''0c 'rNoncNo]'0u Nosr3N 6699 'f'd 'Nt8nu 'u AUvc lr.ltLaa0 roo|onei(\,1 rc -1-a-6za=tLZE qn e.i58 99dfito.^oz =zN=NFJ9?=<d2f Eoo oz.oo UJa ilal Ei$[ias L9908 'OC '.ilVA'0u s]]vJH1008 t609 53nOHN/v\OI S'l'lvJHIOO8']300n3u 9 ItNn 9L00-,LL 909'03 'lNonoNo'l'0u N0s13N 6699 '3'd 'Ntgnu 'u luvo ;g=t[ sHHEt oti o 4.2 { I { I ri z.otr l-rJJ L.J -Ffo U1 'oozt ti u, 5 E 6 a z9 zfxtl Fz z E zv, E zo F lrlJ lrJ Fat! = E EI, I 5I .lla \I I ----L I _______1 I E d I E 1 EI ! EIi[IiAg (u3Hro) 29908 'O3 ''ltVA '0u s']'lvlHI008 r60e SSnOHN/v\OI S']'1VJHI008 13COn3U 9 ilNn SLOO-|LL t0''0c 'rNoncNo']'0u N0s13N 6699 '3'd 'Nt8nu 'u AUV9 363EboEi", S sH:E; qq F!t lli Jd o E ,"igzz r+ I rt I 1{ ti->o ^66= =-=. ZJ I> 6t l--3 =Favt Eir 6Z60 .-z2< =a-!xrlt GFz9: Yt()< L, lDo F2 ->-G ii!;E,\ J Fvt t H 13ar U* az ii:E'iiil zlq E<l 4 "1au{ >l zlq3 <l >l L!| q -l I Etr(4 I I I I II' I I I I I Ehtl '1 It ---1 ts-----1----1 - ! t\ ______l I rl I F F F F L T t- tt /tI ZONE CHECK Addrcss O*ncr Arch itcc t Pbonc Phonc Zonc disd.ict Lot sizc hoposcd usc Allorvcd Total CRFA Prinrary GRFA + (4'r.25)(675r)=..- Sccondary GRFA + (12j) (675+)'- . + 675=425 crcdir plus 2j0 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? How much of tlc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd Mth this rcqucst? Sitc Covcralc Hcigbt Sctbacks 20' 'J 5' t5' 6{h l^H*,.6(*T9- ,P *r"l"q (30x33) , Front . Sidcs Rcar Minirnum Encloscd Prcvious conditions of rpproval (cbcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: l) Pcrccnr Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 4) Witcr Course Sctback (30) (5 5) Ccologic Hazards a) SnorvA c) Dcbris Florv b) Rocldall ''1 l'. ,p\) -\ t . -.' snrpsf,i.rqurnl {'\ oa,.*,' . s,!u0rF&,s:lrrq (t) siqeq:raoAcae e8uc,ro3 c1J5 NV't,{ arre Fr_ . __ _.e t_l t q3P$cs quJuqcEurug -_ qtpg Srndpng .Fas suopeac;c lodg suopeeoi,{111pg srlJtr spnzeg;eueurublr,uJ - : cFoS stF/IIdUOOXJ D {cEqtcs csmoc rclB^\ qeppoog.ilggl ,(qdndodotr slrDut s4I ErvalqEpllng . czls lo.I uo.qdFcscp 1efi1 ,{ru,qt,I'g oIEJS I nH3 j.SAUns o rsrTxJqrJ A{ gI^A-u .\crsg c .1ccfor; ctungpuure4 sac u:rg sJp6Sugu;qcX cdqgglcpug o1;g uoprruuoc obwg . . scc4 tugsgxX r{i-ldsdvcsql{l/.f D tlctldJoot -sP.rntB]4luoloc eISJS sNoJIV/\s1ADMqTns tr ccrdg cury11,rrer3 YCXC tEuopJpPE 05u' Yf,U9 Feb 1?5 O3: OOp J{RG Syst'ems' Inc.303 ??4 0069 p.1 JOIITT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) <fcscriprion) 1;f,-1=Ell.t-Lrrrr4',*c*,+1" prwide been Urfs letter as written approval of the plans ,rot ,r'[,'f'M--&:Ll-42f4-i=t%5hich have to the Town of Vail Comnrunity Development Department for the proposed improvements at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvemenG include: c,nc.l t*hc^-,,"1,-1 a.6a\ tr,^L-our-q i\-tc ba€,r''z'"nt o.'^ Ellt owner of property located at (address/legal understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans ovcr thc coursc of thc rcvicw to errsure rrnrpliance with the Town's applicable <lcles ancl regulalions' t/:-r-t,fu,?qo--?,'J-V,E-.(Date) Page 2 ol' bos n4-r*iS zlozloTloz