HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB050126 (2),f ,*W Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f axi 97 0.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co.us Project Name: Northwoods Unit F-4 DRB Number: DR8050126 Project Description: Deck enclosures, rework stairs Palticipantst OWNER FAVERSHAM CORP C/O SUSAN HAR04/01/2005 Phone: SIDLEY AUSNN BROWN AND WOOD 787 SEVENTH AVE NEW YORK NY 10019 License: APPLICANT BethLevine,Architect 0410U2005 Phone:970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: A/ath*oodn uni f 74 Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Northwoods Condos, Unit F-4 Legal Description: Lot: Block: F1 Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108119004 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval:14llIl2}l' Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. ,al Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO ---n*Ar?-18-05 ' 'ld l iitUts'J ("lillS llU(J, .(ili FAX N0, 441+295+3414 fto S3rl FRI 09:43l l|JlJl i:All JJPM P, 02i 2,;2 I0t4,I'm General Informaticrn: D.e:crip tion of ure Reguest:t Zoningz Name(s) sf Owner(s): Hailing Address: svir€r(s) Signature{s): Name of ApplienC Mailing Address: Additions-Residential or Cornmercial s 4a'-/z Ptronez 2/Z Application for Design Review 1/)r/{. r-7. *"r: y':- /"/njbr- Cltrt' 5 RECDMARSC 2OO5 r+- ' i.-\ ,,1 f.,: KK {)crl .;7Q ri?2. t ' r-ogA tio n <!f the pro posarc Lo r. :_Bt ocl :-.-- subd ug "", ]@W..bfr A/eL $& o*icatAdd'ess: P_r. ..*"ParcetNc.:%(Coobd.Eag|eCo.AsGesscr6t-a70-328-8640forparr=Ino.) -----------?= .- rrrqrle{ -1 /.. J - j{.2 E - m a it Add ress :H/ 7 / € v / ygSW e _ _r ^*{A6j-j -lTZ_-vnE;aprer Typ,e of Review and Fee: -'/ C signs SSO gstE g1.o0 FaJ sqlere foct sf ic,€l sho aft,a.n Concept',Bl R€rr'ieYy No Ifue Ii1y'.levr Construction $650 fut coilaii.tcfon of a ne buitdin3 lr dernc/reOuilC,t/ rrddihon $300 For an addtdon r^rirere sguare- t or*!". 'ii-..0,r"u to any .=Eideriter .r O Hinor Afipra'o n *rnme.'cal bullding.(ind_udes 250 aCfitins & inerior coave_io,rs),- i;,ffi*irtromnrerc*; $25e H'*E,T;ff?r"'#Hr""ilir.EisHtr,iltr;lno,.*-.0 D Minor Ait-,:i:tior walls' etc' (sinsre'rzrairv/cuprer) $20 H$'[:HH**:ff:k""#i;:1Tffiil,,"Ji#i',ane rcta,ninsD oranses to Apprcred pians szO frJi.;H"* ic pjais arreadv 3purr", 4 bv pr;rurn-.? St# nr- r-he oes;ca u separauon Reqcrest * o" Rader tsoard' _- Oepaf-n€Ot of ionrrnun\ D:veic-"meni 75 sCU,) f/oqtege Road. vei!, Crjo,:<re 31E57t-l: -o7o.47 -Q-273e fax: -d7g,.17 -t.7452.rveir: wu.w_n ailgov.cnm AJI ptojects regrriring design rwiaw must rc<rive arptirdl pccr ts srbmiaing i b'rilciine oi(rrdi aep,i("rjor- i-lease rpr.:, tothe submiii?' :equ-IiemefiG Fcr the panicslar "pp'"",ur u.'if L r€qu_es,.c .An e;.pJiq1{r56 6cr D+sisn pqview c:^n,.+ r.^aecePfed LTttil all reouired kttormatioi y. ofrr^a br,'th. iii"nrnn, o='reop,.',e* i]ipirt,,.,-,r. -rrr-- Froi=.r ..Ry:ri. n:-..nIo b" teviern€d bv the To'vn coun<tl audlo. he pi.#hg and Envtronnne"ar-iir.i;;;i:.;=:;" rq',i4rd ,'p,ara'2,!c6<utdPsg a building perrait is is.s,rred atrO *"*arr.ti"-i--"r*r*rr".o wiiirin nre yq3a of th-e ayprqvat- e'd g86Z-9?6-OaB u?s o)l au r/re'l L{i,a'Et dI;.t1,1 SC Li .r"tJ P.O. BOX 1231 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 303_4'.76-3486 Fax: 303-479-9093 To: Town of Vail March 29, 2003 From: Jim Akin, General Manaser Subject: Remodeling proiects The following unit Remodels have been approved by the Architectural Review commiftee of NorthwoodsCondominium Association: _ Individual Owner projects: F-4 - 5th floor addition, remodel kitchen, deck enclosures for living room and master bedroom F-6 - 5'h floor addition-, new decks; 4'X 16'o-eastside of level 4 and s, anewdect s; x t?,on level 3,enclosure on ground floor in east and north sides, all utilities to be moved to new enclosure Approvals ofthese projects are conditionai on the owners following the procedures for Approval ofArchitecturalChanges Requested by Owners established by th" A.ro"iut o.r. Regards, James B. Akin General Manager olbflrrccE Detr ot poEcy cf laurai; .r tilGrrd b rbc l.-d ot brcrr$f @to coRpoRArroN, A Irenl rrra31__orrrfcx s,wf,ar p,@/o4 r rqJ$*qr * irZC trra,rDE t&rr.lgl SCEEDULE A Folicrlyo- 410A516 Sf,ccr I of 3 fordl rU r*frl b cortlld fr1l &fo policl, g; ii "t O.6 og ltopq vcrtcd fur . {85,.00 8:01 29, 19go' CORPORATION -r rentl|arriarr Corpgre tigtr lA. hsd rcfirrld ro in thir @NDOUr|[I(rs utrxr f,to tlre @ndonlnium295, at page gO2,Dgclaration for. |1 P""1. z{3 at piee@ltrroi ntlg DeclrraDec€ober 13, 1979, strbjcct toCondmLniun th6 terlsDeclara ' Fon utt tn'x .q.sraEGr rGror ax{.".- ..e lo t *r-;;;J#rffiJllH; ..: A-Continucd lr riqrrcil le E. _IglglgoPs corsDor{rNruu,p. =*;:ff : ^:" c"ra"a -ie d;;Ti ; " i i tt::^:.Ii:S _in.r dtesdirEJn-iri" 10,-1'::-g$g:d^riro.r ur - s-u# eoNDoltltsxulrS rccorded bJdsbii for- tfionrmroopi coiroo.rrxrrnrsBook 29S at page 904.- ---- ' co-aditions_ and prov,l.eions as,'aa autrplemenfea- iCEEDULE in'rha Srarr ot_ Colondo, CocaV of r end b dc.cribcd r fotlorrr! itr Book , 1975rto la caLd |n " { ) ''4i Q ;:,i, ( $ eaIcz tJ B\t tt\ou a .\6z. s r'o tn l..J $ a3 E7 B \) eI$ sl +Jt C)l(Dl.tst 9fl .,E ?'<l o&9 gls I $ $hll o '6 .6Jl; u-$ s EII € ES E EIo aa B EYE .ts iido -) (h l>g3'E6 '5()EI EEa 8-Ah?{s;EF=o6Es3; E€S3 8l +rt €lil c)l()l trlot€l (Al el 'F ei)-octtri .E ,.o)c/ll ;]E u $s Y,+ l)KltllqN \. i\n\.N it, 'I ..': .: ':lu, t-c)oO(\I () oo d. =a HE I .:'_.! 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COLORADO Statement ****'*+*,1. **,1***+* + ******|ti*****+++**+** ***t* **+** *****,*****+ ++*'* **+:t ** ** ++***'F*'t*'l'l* *****+ +**+ StatemenE. Number: R050000314 Anount: $300.00 04/0L/Z0O5O9:59 AM Pa)rment, Method: Check IJevine Architect Init: LC Notation: #247L/BeEn Permit No: ParceL No: SiEe Address: Location: fhis Palment.: $3oo. oo $300.00 $o. oo DRB050126 2toro87L9 004 6 O O VAII., VALI,EY DR VAIIJ Northwoods Condos, Unit F-4 TIT)e: DRB - Addirion of GRFA $300.00 **+***** *******+*++* * +* **'t** *+ + **'!ri*'t* ** ***++*+*** ***** +****** * *'**** * ***{,**,}****** ****'} *,f*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacript ion Current Pmts DR 00100003 L72200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 Total Feea: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance :