HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB060512o Decign ReYiew Board ACTIOI| FORlrl oa Departrnent of Communitv Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxz 970.479,2452 web: iuwu.vailgov,comffiunYtErcloaanr Project l{ame: BENNGAUSE ADDmON Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON TO E(SITING WEST OF UNIT OF DUPLD(. Participants: OWNER BERINGAUSE, ERIC H. ILIrf,IZOOI 223 SHERWOOD LN STERUNG NJ 07980 APPUCANT FRIIZL.E N PIERCE ARCHNECTS 1650 EAST VAIL VALI"EY D& #C-1 VAIL @ 81657 License: C000001,102 ARCHfiECT FRTTZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCTS tll06,l2006 Phone: 970476-6342 1650 EAST VArL VALLEY D& #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 Project Address: Ll46 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Location: 1190 CASOLAR DEL NORTE DRIVE legal Descripdonr Lot: 6 Block Subdlvislon: CASOI-AR VAIL Parcel Number: 2103-121-0100-7 Comments: SeeConditions DRBNumber: DR8060512 LL | 061 2@6 Phone; 97 047 6-6342 MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARI'/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Apprcval: 11/28/2006 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprlate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and beome void one (1) year following the date of nnaf apptal, unless a building permit is issued and co?strr*on is commenced and is diligently pursued toward ompletbn. Cond: 113 All development applicatons submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pendlng employee housing regulaUons in whatever form they are finally adopted; provlded, howwer, that ff the Town fails to adopt the pendlng employee housing regulaUons by April L5,2007, this Ordlnane shall not apply to such dwelopment applications. Condr CON0008576 The appllcant shall matclt the deck and handnil design and color to that o<isltng on the east half of the duplo<. Cond: CONfiD8578 The applicant shall match all light fixtures in style, color, and material to those o<isting on the structure cunently. The proposed light fixturg Shaper 682 INC' 120-NBZ-BN-C, is not approved as it does not match the exisitng light fixture on the duplor. Planner! Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO MEMORANDUM TO: Lot 6, Casolar Vail FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November28,2006 SUBJECT: Waiving of GRFA requirement in conjunction with proposed amendment This memorandum is to serve as an explanation of the waiving of GRFA regulations required by Chapter 12-15, Gross Residential Floor Area. The regulations require that prior to any approval of a GRFA addition that an analysis of all existing GRFA on the site be performed in order to determine if allowable GRFA remains for the project. Casolar I is an existing project comprised of several duplex structures. lt was determined that the home on Lot 6 would not be required to perform an analysis of GRFA for the entire project in order to be reviewed and approved by staff as the individual requesting the addition was a physically disabled individual. After conversations with the Town of Vail attomey it was determined that the physically disabled individual could not be required to satisfy the requirements of the Code. Therefore Staff did not require this individual to perform a complete analysis of the existing GRFA for Casolar l. () 0) a\ )J @ rBJ65 - C)5 ,Qep 07,06 06:39p ,548 5000 SUGGESTED GUIDELINE FOR CASOi.AR ASSOCIATION APPROVAL OFBERRIGAUSE EXPANSION Warren Carnpbell, Planner Town ofVail 75 South Frcnlagc Road Vail, Colorado 8 t657 Warren: The casolar hoperty owners' Association has reviewed the p)ans dated l r/0g/05 byFritzien Pierce Archircrr. fg dr".pflosed expansion of the Beringause Resjdence, Lot 6,west side, casoiar subdivision (l r9b casolar Drive) at its rneedng on November 25,2005. The Association approves oftlre proposed expansiou. CASOLqR PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION cc: Eric Beringause Berinceuse-o aj 952 848 o Dec 07 Eric Beringause05 05:39p 5000 p.1 JOII{T PROPERTY OWNER WR ITTEil APPROVAL T.ETTER l, (prlnt a jolnt owner of property locatrd et (addre6s/egat dsscriptim) provide this leti€r aB apprwd of the plan6 dat8d which have bsen sJbmltted to the Town ot vsil community Development Depsrtment for tha propced lmpro/orn€nta to ba Emplot€d at iha address noted *ove. I undgrsland that ttE propoocd hDro'\,€rErts includg: I furlher understand tllat rnho? modirtcations may be made to ths plans owr lfi6 course of the reviee, process to €nsu.e compliane yvith the Town,s appli:aHe cocies and regulations. /2-Z-aS (Date) P4e2ot6{/.l0ltm Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Winclow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERIALS Tyoe of Material Color LI Ft-vl"lrY>tt 1<-AD 6Fa4F- 4LIO tl h 'il /N 6/Ene4> Fulg ffiro,*JErI \aI t It\ l\J \-/ Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of LzlOZlo7l02 ' '682 o WE TAMPS / BALTASTS Incondescenl I - 75W mox (A-19). Fluorescenk I or 2 compoct 26W (F26DTT). For H.l.D. refer lo Spec. No. 682-l I in this section. Specify voltoge. Incondescent ovoiloble I 20V only. Stondord Bollosls ore Electronic (SSB).4-pin lomps required. See nBollosts" ond nlompst in Section G. Lomps not included. See "User Guide" for informotion on slorling temperotures of . - fluorescent fixtures. MATERIAIs / FIXTURE TOCATION U.L. listed for wet or domp exterior locotions. Aluminum bose metol is used for pointed finishes. Solid Bronze is used for oll other finishes. FINISHES Diffuser: White Acrylic. .Brdh4 ll{lBZ l- Noturol Finish Solid Bronze\---l {weothers to o dork bronze potirio.} SGB - Semi-Gloss Block SGW - Semi-Gloss White CC - Custom Color, Semi-Gloss VG - Verdi-Gris SZ - Sotin Zinc IAOUNTING Stondord - 4'J-Box or slucco ring. For reor conduil mounting, specify suffix C- OPTIONS For wolkino hozo+d- locotions. Add'suff i{BNUor Blunt Nose. \J FE DGE DOWNtIGHI :,,:.:. . ::,:.'.. Wilh Photocall Option For uplight version for wet locotion, see Spcc. No. 687-\NP in Seclion D- For bollord versions, see 982A1,/W ond 982.U in Scction E, SPEC GUIDE @,rrarw rmrLLED ms omoNs PH = Photocell BN - Blunt Nosc C = Reor Conduit Mounting lNo Suffix = J-Box Flush Mounted) . ,SPEC NO. --=_ 682 IAMPING tNc cF | /26 cF 2/26 r20-NBZ-BN-C +--- 7?+/?ia ffEynoffiL S Shaper Lighting l20SSB/2ZZSSB. Electrooic Bollosts (Only bollosts qvoilqble) t \- \ Photocell option (requires I li!' deep bock) specit suffix PH. NOTES For surloce-mounted conduit power feeds, coll Rep or foctory. For odditionol solid metol finishes, coll Rep or foctory. For photometric doto, see Section H. @ rouruonlor roR DESTGN INTEGRrry FINISH Copyright @ 1998 1141 Marina Way South, Richmond, Q,A 94804-3742 (51012s4-2370 Fax (510) 234-2s71 682 Wedge Downlight Clossic design thot is timeless. Solid bronze construction thol endures. Componion uplight version ovoiloble. T t I r Also ovoiloble for HID lomping, see 692-l I PT. TIEURON CONDOMTNIUMS NEURON, CA LTG. DEslcN: tlcHTtNG INTEGRA1ON IECHNO|ocy SHOWN WITH OPTIONAT 'B[UNT NOSE'POIRETO HEIGHTS SAN TRANCISCO, CA ARCH: DAVID BAKER ASSOC. Sshaper Llghting oo Beringause Residence Fritzlen Pierce Architects GRFA Calculations TotalExisting L.L. Square Footage I Total Vertical Wall Square Footage East North West South Party Wall 218364 268 146 277 364 255146 263 510 545 510 518 218 TotalVerticalWall Square Footage Below Grade East North West Party Wall Total=I I 8 21 0 21 202 0 202 268 277 545 202 146 348 Total= ilEESF It/3 +Lool -- Percentaqe Below Grade Total= ti[*iit];1: Area above 16'Total= ffS:$,ri Additional GRFA from L.L.Totat=ffi 5r/ ar- /u8, l,l1 / lat bbt 3qa **'|''***+f**+++****t*{.'t**'t't**+t*'t++tl**************r{'*++***+***++*************i++++*i*t******* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment Statement N1rmber: R060001905 Anount: $300.00 aL/06/2OO602226 PM Payment Method: Cheek Init: iIS Notatlon: 14059/FRITZLEII PIERCE Permit No: DR8050512 T!De: DRB - Additlon of GRFA Parcel No: 2103 -121-0100 -7 SiEe AddreeE: 1146 SAIIDSTONE DR VAIIJ Location: 1190 CASOI,AR DEIJ NORTB DRII/E Total Fees: $300.00Thie Palments: $300.00 Total ALL Pmts: S300.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR OO1OOOO3LT22OO DESIGN RTT/IEW FEES Current Pmts 300.00 llov-12-07 01:58pm Fron-TOllll 0F VAll CiltfilTY DEVEL0PIEIII 0701792112 T-tel P.00t/00r t 338 llflih 19,2m7 ?o wHotltl I7 ttAy cohtcEPtr\} ts PF.ti&t* of l'frc Fforprncrd Asdqtim Boord of Ccohr f Vail. I lrqv:' rcu-cf.d fh. plar daf.d ila"ch f6,2q17,b1 Glilar A. Atu;lcld, Ardrttcf ?C,t* o rcnodcl of Porut 14. t"rcohr E Vqil. f gprorc of fhc oxrcnr of Polrcl la pucccdfig to asl l,lre Tour of Vail bcsign Rrvier Soord for opprorlal of rhcir ranodeL The hon:uncru crd Tonr of Votl undercnod thcf, addftbnolly. thc HornooraerC A$octction Eoqrd nanrbers of Co$b If V6il Stlll t!.rk ft prwide riltar opprot al of th: pnolect brfoeeaV Tourof Vdl b?sigr Rwiar 8@rd dpgr?nal beconcs find and Hiore,W buildirp pernit is eplie.C fc. Sitrrrvlt,7a-gu Todgcr Andenson hesidcrlt HocrrucrJ r{ssocisiion Bmd Cq5oldrII Vail