HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC050072t Planni ng and Environmental Commission,-t) *v,t\"tw6tv ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail,Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.47D.2139 fa* 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,vail,co.us ProjectName: HASSETTVARIANCE PECNumber: PEC050072 Project D€scrlpdon: Request to locate 210 square feet of garage area within the front setback; request to @nstruct 2 curb cub, separated by a landscaped area, at the front propefi line. Pailicipants: owNER HASSETT, NANCY OglI2l2OOS PO BOX 68 MINruRN co 81645 APPUCANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCTS 091t212005 Phone: 97047G$342 1650 EAST VAIL VATIEY DR" #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 ARCHITECT FRtTZLfN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 091L212005 Phone: 970-476€342 1650 EASTVAILVALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81557 Lhense: @00001402 Project Addrcss: 1895 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: GORE CREEK DRIVE tegal Descrlption: loE 26 Block Subdlvlsion: VAIL uLt-AGE WEST RL 2 ParcelNumber: 2103-123{502-5 Comments: see onditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION l{oUon By: Kjesbo, Kjesbo Acdon: APPROVED Smnd By; Lamb, Bernhardt Vote: 6-1{, 5-2-0 (see mins.) Date of Apprcval: 10/10/2005 @ndlUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made wi$rout the written consent of Toryn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @M:3fi) PEC apprwal shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C,ond: CON0007632 This approval shall be @ntingent upon the applicant receiving Design Revla,v Board aprunltfrnn mrior appthauon associated **ta*'o rcquesL Cord: CON0007533 Prlor b ffnal deslgn rwlat apprwaf the applicant shall submlt a topognphk survey whidt r€llects tte data ftom the most r€enUy r€\rlsed l(X) year flood plain survey. Condr @M007634 The applhant shallensure Utat Bte Design Rariew Board submlftal ref,ecb ttte Fesence of no more than 24 of pavement wldth between the two curb cuB gnfted tlrm|.|gh thb varlance rcquest. . Planncr: Oare Shan PEC fce Pald: $500.00 .i;i{ ,e..= t) TOI4'NM tr Rezoning g13t)oD Malx SubclMdon $1500tr Minor Subdiriidon $650tr Exempuon Plat $d50tr MinorAmendm€ntbanSDD $1000tr Nev, Special Dqrebpment District 96000tr MajorAmendmenttoanSDD $6000tr Major Amendment b an SDD 91250 (no adsior ndifi@dons) Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 td. 970.479.2L39 fax?, 97 0.47 9.2452 web: wunrr.vailgov.com General Information: All projects reguiring Planning and Environmental commbsbn revleu/ must receive apprwal prior b submitting a buildlng permit apdlcadon. Please refer b the submittat rcquirefilents for the particr.rhr apprwal that is reqr.rcsted, An application for Plannlng and Erwircnmental Commission revierlr'cannot be aicepted un*l'all reguired Infonnation 11 recelved.by tfie Community Darelopment Department, The project may also neea to fe reviewed by the Town Coundl ard/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplication and Fee: fin q so { Ft D Condttional use Permittr FloodolainModificaHonE Minor Exterior Albratbntr Major Exterior Alteration El Development Plantr Amendment to a Danelopment Plantr Zoning Code Amendmentd Varlancetr Sign Variance $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 fr300 fs00 $2oo Description of the Request F.ee A fg€FlT €ETtsAcrc VAEI{NC.E Ti> AuLo,,^J A /2) f.Ag- 6Ag.A,r-f. -fo Eueei>Ar.t.{ Ue -ro eto 6i}.Fnr, lrJYc ']i.ae €gT&ALtC Locationof theProposaL l'oti ZGBlock_Su$Msion: t/ArL Vn-L\GE h,eir ftt.rlrb ?Z Physical Address: l81S t"*.s z*eg;u >zrrte Parcef No.: Zlo3lz olo'oZg (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessor at 97G328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Ah*r-t Hl<serr I'lailing Addrss:JD. hx LB ,{ owner(s) Signahrre(s): Name of Applicant:Egru.lS ?Egcs- Aezl.rrrrar< cla cr,{eT Az.Asry\ Mailing Addrcss:&5o e. Va,re- Ururev Dg. L-l \AlL I ao Buas'-7 phone: 11o . 41b. U31L E-mailAddress: gAeastt{ e VAILl\gc{rTflrlFax j7o. 4'ltr. 41o I ao-..1 Page I of6-0428lM aa*l|aaaaaaallff'llalaaaaaafafaaaaa*tataaaat***+t*aaaaaa+*{'*atttaaaftffftttaaaafatftfa*ta*a*att TOWNOFVAII. COI,oRADO Statcmcnt '0llaaaatlltlll'tl'l'llllttlat+lfttt*'tlt'ltltllaaaaat**a+**'}*****l***+**laltl****laaaa*aa**lr'lt'|'l't SUat €n€Dt, ltumb€r: R050001t9? Anor:nt: 9500.00 09/L2/2OOSO3:3{ pM Pal'[€nt }{ettrod: Cbeck Init: itsNotation: 13278/FR.IIZL'E[| PIERCE ARCHITBCTS Permlt No: PBC0500?2 Type: PEC - VarLance' Parcel l[o: 2103-123-0602-5gLte Addresa! 1895 GORE CRBEK DR VAIIJIlocation: GORE CREEK DRrvE Totsal Feea: S5OO.OOThis Palanent,: 9s00.00 Total AI,IJ pmt,a: $5oo.ooBalance: $O.OO*t*ll*tlfffaaalaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaa'la*lllfllfttfaf'}'}fa**lta|tat*l|laaaaaat*ttalff+r**llafalaaaaatl ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Cod€ Deacrlption Current Pnts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPI.,ICATION FBBS s00.00