HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB070001OCriaA,Ir oelElopllrt{t Design Review Board ACTIOil FOR}4 Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.213! fax:970.479.2,15? web: www.vailgov.com PToJeCt Name: HASSETT NEW SFR Project ltescription: Participants: OWNER HASSETT, PO BOX 68 MINTURN co 8164s DRB Number: DRB070001 0110212007 Phone: 970-949-1138 0L10212007 Phone: 970-949-1138 RNAL APPROVAL FOR NEW CONSTRUCION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE NANCY Otl02l20l7 APPLICANT MIRAMONTI ARCHITECT PC PO BOX s820 AVON co 81620 License: C000001930 ARCHITECT MIMMONTI ARCHITECT PC Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: PO BOX s820 AVON co 81620 License: C000001930 1895 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location! GORE CREEK DRIVE Lot: 26 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-0602-5 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Planner: Bill Gibson Actaon: VOID Date of Approvah DRB Fee Paid: $650,00 Ftt[ coPr Dcpartment of Cornmuniry Dcucltpmmt 75 Sottb honugc Road VaiL Cotmah 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97C479-2452 uuru.aailgou.com Sincerely, ?"4 BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 24.44-- January 17, 2008 Nancy Hassett PO Box 68 Minturn, CO 81645 RE: New Residence (DRB07-0001) '1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Vail Village West Filing 2 Dear Nancy, The design review application for a proposed new residence at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive has been inactive since April of 2007. Therefore, this application has expired and is considered null and void. Please submit a new application if and when you choose to proceed forward with constructing a new residence on this property. ff you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. {S octc*run New Construction Application for Design Review Deparunent of community De\relopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Crlorado tf]l: 970.479.2128 la'/.t 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com FEB 12 200? G€n€ral lnfiormaton: All p.oJects r€qufhg delfgn rc\rleiv must reehre approval prb to submittng a hrlldng rcfer b the sbmfttal rcqufi€flEnts fa the patirubr apprc\rd tftat is rEqrested. tul cannot be mepted untl all requiEd infunnation b recehred by the Community prsJcct mst abo need to be r6,lerr€d by tne Town Council and/or tllc Plannhg and Emrironrrultal Commisshn. Ddgtr |t rld apFord lrp rdc e hrldtrt pc|rtt b hEd .nd o|tdtuctloa qnrnanc wltlrln ano I-r dti. eppruel. Deecrlfdon ot baement. trYo f,mrc and ffi. LocaUon of thc Proposal: Lot: 26 Block: 2 Subdivision: Vail Village West Physlcal Addrcse:1895 W. Gore &eek Dr-- Vail- CO 81657 PalEl ]lo.: 210311417026 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32&8640 for parcel rn.) Zolrhgt gmleFamilv Residentbl larn{r)dOrne(a): l{arEl/Flassett $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total slgn arca. No Fee For consfucton of a new building or demo/rebulld. For an addition where square footage b added b any resldendal or commercial building (includes 250 addltions & interior conversions)' For minor ctranges to buildingF and slte improrements, such as, r+roofing, painung, window addiuons, hndscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor clEng€s to buildings and site impro/emenb, $ich 6, reroofing, painting, windoyu addltiont landscapirE, fenc6 ard retaining wallt efr, For rwisions to plans akeady approved by Planning Staff or the DesiJn Revierv Board. v T) cpg ooo G\ HalllngAddrrr:P. O. Box 68. Mintum- CO 81645 Phom: Orncr(e) 9gmtrrl(r): llrtrdAgflk nt Gerdll K Meremonh- AIA Ldrylddtc.: P.O. Bu 5820. Avon. @ 81620 Phone: (970) 949-1138 E-mallMdresor miramontiardritect(a@rncast.com Fax:_(970)949-0112 TyF of Rcrrlew and F€e: tr Slgns tr @nceptual Revl€Mv tr l,lerv @rdructlontl Addltion El Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) O Minor Alteraton (ingle-faniV/duplex) tr Chages to Appmved Phns tr S€paration Request $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 No Fe€ 3[% r"' s,*.t*-., 7 zLw, D*: 3"2-s7 PROPOSED I,IATERI I.S Brdldlm ltlatslab Tlmc of Habrlal Standingseam copper panels Natural finish Siding other wall Mabrials FirE E)cure cementious stucco l\,ory Fascia Soffits Wndows Metal<lad wood windows windo/v Trim 2xg cedar tim Wood paneled doors Door Trim a<8 cedar uim Hand or De.k Rails cedar & copper Hues painted mebl Flashing Chimneys Tra$r Endosures Greenhqlses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Ofter Copper Stone w/ @pper cap 2x edar Stain Open w/ 6" T& G V{rco\re deck Stain Colol Facbry-finished metal Stained Stain€d Stained wood & natural aoppl Natural finish TBD & natural opper finish Stone boulders toGc.: Please specify tfie manufacfure/s ranne, lfie olor name and number and attadt a dor d|ip. F: G1&2qr6.doc Page 7 d 14 l,/23l2m'9 Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, VaiL Colora& 8f557 tel: 970.479.2128 faxt 97 0.479.2452 webr www.vailgov.com *Thb MH mt& bc subnldd plor b htblic Worfu twlew of a p@ dcvfupt rane OilneryrcJ€ct @Addrcss:18!5 W. Gorc Crcek Dr., Vail, @ 81657 Applicant:Gerald K Meremonfre, NA Phorn Number: (970) 9*1f38 SubmlttalB Stamped zurvey of propertyo CiMUSite plans Survev Reoulrgnents: q Surveyor's wet stamp and signatureo Date of zurueyo North arowo Prcper scale (1"=10'or 1"=20)o l€gal descriptiono Basis of bearings / Benchmarka Spot Ele\rationsq l-abeled rlght d way and property lines; including bearings, distanes and curve information.D l.ot Sizeo Build able Area (elaludes red hazard ardandn, slopes greater tfnn 4{I}6, and llooddain) Slts Plan Rmulrcrncntr: I. Ac@ss (check all)o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)o Srrcw storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (3()% of driveway area if unheated; 10% of driveway area if heated)a All driveuray grades, dimensions, radii are dearly noted on the site plan and conform to De\reloprnent Standards, p. 11. SEepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):-o Parkirg spaces and turning radii arc noted on site plan and conform to De\relopment Standards, pp.12&14 U. Construction Site (dreck all)o LocaUon of all utllitles and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan,o I am aware that appro\d Stagirg and Consbuction Traffic Conuol Plans, as per the Manul of Uniform Traffic C.ontrol Delrices, will be necessary prior to construction.D I am aware that a Re\ocable Right of way Permit will be required prior to construction. D Landscape plan o Tide Report (Section B) o Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, weflands, floodplain, soils)o Waterourse setbacks (if applicaHe)o Treeso Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, p€destrian, etc...)a Topognphyq Utility locatonso Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway sho^rn br a minimum of 250'in either direcdon from property, F:\de\r Gr&206.doc We 12 6 14 ra?9,I2ryJs %*,\ 10m{0Fyl[, Dcpartment of Commtnity Dcac hpmcnt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colnrado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 atwuuailgot,com RE: January 8,2007 GerryMeremonte PO Box 5820 Avon, CO 81620 Hassett Residence (New Residence Desigr Review Application) 1895 West Gore Creek DrivdLot26, Block 2, Vail Village West Dear Gerry, The Town of Vail Community Development Department has received a design review application (DRB07-0001) for a new residence at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive. This application is incomplete and cao not be reviewed for compliance with the Vail Town Code as submitted. This application is therefore considered null and void. Please find enclosed the voided application and a blank design review application form. Once the enclosed form bas been completed, please submit the form along with all associated plans and materials to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development for review. Additionally, please ensure any coostruction proposal complies with the building setback requirements of the Vail Town Code. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at 970479-2173- Sincerely 4/r/L h-.'i-L Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail Enclosure: - Void Design Review Application (DRB07-0001) - Design Review Application Form $RBCYCLBD PAPEN New Construction Application for Design Departsnent of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 8 tel: 970.479.2128 lu: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lnfonnation: All ptoi:cts r€quidm design r€rybrv must r€oeive approwl gior b slhniHng a buiuittg r€fer to the srbmiEal rcquircrnents br the particuhr appmnd tfi* b rE$ested. An applffin forrErq q, ufE tsurarr.rrrr rsqurrrrrErrl'l rlr urE lr.[ t{.u|( I .tl4rruY<tr gt.n It rl5t'lutSuar, ,{rr aPvE4'rrr. rrrr rrE.y[r .\Evrsrr \-_ cannot be accepted until all requlred Inbnnation is received by the Cornmunity D€velognent fEryn:||!. I* =protect may also need !o be revbrred by the Town Council and/or the Plannirlg and Environmental C.ommlssion. Deeign rwleu apP|oval lrpcer unlcs a bultding pGnnit IE beued and construcdon comm€nc6 wittin orn year d tlr appnoval. Descrlpdon of th€ ReoucaE Cor6truct m of ilew 4.000 S.F. Reiidene Wth oardSe, basemenLtuoflmrsard ffi. Locationof theProposal! Lot 26 Block: 2 .-. Subdivision: Vail VillageWest Phy.ical Address: 189I U. Gore Creek Dr., Vail. CO 81657atvttTSottoZS Parcel 1lo.! @ (Contad Eagte Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parel no.) Zoning: llam{s) of Owncr(s):l,lancv Hassett l{ailing Addrres: s) Sbnaur{s): flam€ of Applicant Gerald K MeJemonte- AIA HailingMdrccs:P.O. 8or 5820. Avon. CO 81520 Phone: (970) 94+1138 E-maif Address: miramontiardritect@@mcastcom Far:_(970) 9494IL7 ono o \, D o o (l-- Type of Revlew and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Re\riafl -F{ nerv con*ruclontr AddlUon O Minor AlEraton (muhFhmlly/commercbl) tr Minor Alteratlon (dngl+famlly/duplo() tr Chang€s b Appoved Plans tr Separddon Requ6t $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of tobal sign area. No Fee $20 $20 llo Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 For consbucton of a new building or demo/rcbuild. For an addltlon where square footage is added b atry resldentbl or commercial building (include 250 additions & interlor corwerCons)' For minor changes to buiHings and site improrements, such 6, rermfing, painting, window additiont hndscaplrE, fences and retainlng walls, etc. For minor changes to buildlngs and site improvements, slrch as, re roofing, paintng, window additions, lanGcaflng fences and retaining rvalls, etc. For r€vislons b plans already apporad by Plannlng Staff or the Design RederY Board. HTHT Tf+.t, ate*ru.: ?LL ev: \tAfi_ ;ffi UTIUTY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIOTI 51.40 Thb form sen es b veritfy that the poposed improrr€rnents will not impact any e)(i*ing or Foposed utilty srdaes, and abo to !€rt'Y sewice a/allatility and locatbn for rcrv orsr,rctbn and should be used in conjundion with pregarfB your tfflfty plan and schedullBg instatlatlons. A dE plan, irduding grading phn, floor plan, and eleyairons, shall be suhnitEd b UE folhflllg tfilities for apprwal and v€rincation. PTEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEI(S FORAPPROVAL OR C0llllElfnt FROII THE UTILITY COIIPAIIIES. ff pu are unabh to obtain comments within that timeframe plee contact The Town of Vail. Dcvebpcr to Ptovfu Ld A&ts Informadon: Lot Addrrs.: 1895 W. Gorc Crrck DL Subdtulrbn:-VAllltrIJAG|EIEEL Lot#:zeElf,2 Authorizod SlonatrE Comments I,rb QWESr 970.468.6860(tel) 970..168.0672(fo() Contacts: Sarn Tool€y samuel,tmlev@owesLcorn XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAI' 970.262.,{076 (teD 970.468.1.f01 (fdo Contact: Rich Sisneros rkhard,sisnerc@xc€lenerw.com HOLY CROSS EI{ERGY 970.E1:7.5425 (Ert) 970,945.,f081 (fax) @ntact Jef Vroom ivroom@holvcross.com XCEL E]IERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4024 (teD ContacB: Kit 8ogErt lGthrvn. Booert@XCELENERGY,com EAGLE RryERWATER& SAIIITATIOil DISTRICT 970.{76.7,f,80 (ED 970.475..108!t (fdo Contach Fred Hdee ftaslee@mrd.oro COMCA!'T CABTE 970.418.8248 (teD 970.9+9.9138 (fd) Contad: David Evans david errans@cabh,corncast.com dglEi gk/ /'"-^'2t6n7 1. If the uunty approval & veriffcaton furm hc slgrdres frorn eadr d the utility cornpani€s, and no omrnents arc made dlrccdy on the form, or no a(fron b taken within 2 $€eks of the uulq/s r€celpt of the form without qpbinatbn tfie Torm will ttfegrne that there are no poblens and the development can prcceed. 2. If a utifity aanpany 116 concems wfth the prcped construction, the uulity representative shall note dlrcdy on Ote utilify !/eriffion fdm that $er€ b a problern whkh neeG to be resoh€d. The bsue shoutd then be <letailed in an attach€d lefier to the Tolvn of Vail. llorvever, please ke€p in mind tlrat it b the responsiblity of the udlity mrpany and the appflcant to resolve benhned prcbhms. 3. These verificauorE do not rdl6n 0le ontractor d tlre respondbility to obtain a PuHic Way Permt from fie Depaltnent of fublk Wolls *O|eTown dVal. in ary putilk 4*td'waf or erserEnt within the Tovn d Vail. ,0. The Delrdoper b required ard agr€es to submit any rwbed drawings to the utlities for re.appruval & everification if the sr.rbmitted phrs are altered in arry way aft€r the authorlzed dgnaturc date (unl€ss otfierwise sp€ciftalv noEd witfiin the oo.nan€nt arca of thb fom). Devehpe/s Signature C:\Dooments and S€ttingts\iwoom\Dcsliop\PoF8\Tov Uli[ty Approvalol -25-07.doc Date 1-2F.2007 I XI:EL SI}4MII CiY Fax:970%24057 Feb 7 2W 7:09 P.01 I t"(3 W' f ,CIc& rLec.F \q-' -F* \ U11Lfnt1p?fry tlVttlt lNt,/^i WEtl3'- -'.'rv G!.t --lg11g"f:,* *ffi,5 uBLrnt p?rw t MttEcrflor gffiary*trF$'.ffififfi nin'ron'ii't E-ilridr*n'TIa-dfin ru ffi.rt *r?oJl.gttcrf,ra.50rald.tcul!!t: Trr wrtl Gil !rlur frlrfl,a07ttItAN.yrrcilr rEl tur* tltl|rl cr)(E'tFrt I tsygrt;r4rr!Ct70,;r7tol (u,*xrecr0r,tCilrt: IttvlutldEdl EH''rro.r&lu(mffixlEimu3l.(torIr!|r|a.Ft |rrll|Urrfirlrr[rAtEB|llEl ro.ra.t{o&0rr0rt6.c(blffihlldlffi6 qf*JrGrl.l tto.{..ttcd. rto(r[) tro..."plsrofrrt|* iramrfnirrqldl'n flFt,a*r *" l Edlb#tr bi h- it5!'|r ftltr r{ ot !|''iltv ctnflE' rr |D omrr'6 lr rt tftEly cro.rfiLlrrYiln*c-tnfr:';i;;;;"-erithrrrcr'aloeaetcrrP|oa t ta tt arltlrl |f dE|rnt rln !r Fd ccfid'4 [| tdt? gnnlrantrl lE itrE g' ltr tlFr effit br6 tI rre r . rilr rr;-"a;u ;'-rr.-i. E ili t'.. !t ctltrrlt' f: *-IE rE = E{' rs d vu. lurr, Fr !D h tni fir r b h r*t$d ; ffiur'' dtiF rl rtd tr'99bt b trl; !ltr. aw7 : .Er{lltll.E --ltrG@t!!t'rorl : lrvor. t .a rlE lflIllll ---_- -. -J tbElaIfl- rEl->r-! 3ur|iattiitl|E DFE!+- ifli. -- ]* a,t'-aL t -iG--F llr mts I nd rrc {|rr r ||n |rt Jn'ft rrt*tt b !' t|*l- b tGrF'an! f cilml I it' rlffi drr rr rrr h rlt It Jb rlr :rtl*r l'nlrr Ii Si[l d-t'tih$afr tdil*t " durn !Cfiftn). tlSF|| PO EI tcl rr/iuyin{t ,a, Ua ,ul AOr49 tllr|.tE Pn6E.A2 SILUERTIIORNE HP Fax:19704681401 Cl6|tbF/lflF.nl'r D|ts F:Er4Ef,l|turrt$Flrrt\prltb-ltd-q!!fft-tot0.26..bc Prt?9dr{ Feb 7 2OA7 7:06 P.02 Sm uruw^ttlonAlltfiuncrrrorr .!fur''WIz Thb tonn g.16 rr E ry lrlt !fic A.oFGd ltPtoirrficnts 'tdf rEt |tlFt ltry qlrurg or pro'pd udty rvkE, ry |? b .\r.rt rrykr rysltv-.no f*ni" i"r lprl d).strus{o.r .rd $ould b. usa tn orlrrrdqr tlilr FrFntr9 F tiftt pLn rd drilf,t IEE'I l ir Crn I'rti'tt gd!|e flrn, fbq' Crr, end ffir, Jrd t! 1ffi5 E fi hbtrro tffi ttTr-dl|EEt. l|TIEc 9rill nl qr!1'yrosr:rrrt (ul rlD.Iao2!'rr, 90o,@.ul;r(aD6rfut: S[n WEtr-Ef, 4tL trtllt tittarrtt € a r70J6rixD6 (d) tto,.fl-!5r (h)C6f!n|fis-rrc rprYan|ltgtrcgro.$.sart (ra) 97o.9,r5-{Cr (tU) C.o.6: ,a|r vlEtt 'itra{,ct} &,*ttZ E.E Iro^lril..rclr(h)C!.rE:rI lqrt tr!-I62.{OU{ Xfhrh. fosn tl.|lrYul/lllltrrrirruDlfrr-r rrqa7l6.t I(u)97O.r7(rG(k) Co|l..d: H Hd-Hd.c aorclrtcrru t lo,af/i.l'g, d- f l@ (!.1) 9t0.i64. ra7 r (tu) C,|ldi iral Q.c! Ertt@-q*drn ri f U: rft rpoal t rrrft#n frtn lc tgrsrG trqn s?t of Ora ralty conprlc, ls rb o.rtrulr rrc m* rlgtl o|t dE lbrn, t'F Town ul Ft3rtfr firt !trc'! * m F€Urr|6 rrd llt &dogtr{ cf| prcd. l, tr| | |||lo' EqttF.rt trra.Drgrr3 l|th dr ,m,d ooififibn, Brc uollty rl9|ranEdv. ,|rt noi dttdy st li. tn|t' rt*n fUnr l: dr1lj f r prot*n rl*i nrrd b h r-lrd. Yll irr dD{E t!ct! b 4r# h rt.lDdt d tsGto 6a r{rn clrl, lffir', gr- tip h mhd lrl I ad! rcpc$flry d rF utlly conprT }rd tlr.danr b tEE lirnthll g.e|' !, Tflr r{Etlt,ts& l!. n*f, lhc Erffi ddr rt+fraait b oElr|. tud. tf ffif irdn tb Otptltt|t C tril yuorb t ir' Tfltr d Ya l'r rt trl!: tldt'd{t q' lrff rltr $a Town cl v{, n: EErdgr t rqi|t| r'd t|lt b 3ri|i IIt ttrH rirrnrg b l'|c ufr frr tG.gFnid i |!-|Elffi t'| rfnUl ic n'lf n rrry rf tE [r rffiil lgr$'t e (u|k rrtarrb qdkay rd rrltrh ir a;rt -.tUab|rl r !/ryzolE Fd-ol-2001 oe:tr Fror-ERtSo eru?61080 f-008 P.001/001 F-3s1 ffi tovc,rytut*upro-Jil:',::::::;T'ff:proposcduu,itys€,vices,rndarrob l,e'lty sewke av.ilabiltty and loc*iofl for nev, conshrctton and shouH be uscd in conjunction wi$r fliparing yrur utility y'an and schduff|g Inst llrtions, A gte pbn, hcludi0g gradlno pan, tloor pbn, and d€\rations, sfiall b€ EJbmittld b the b[ou,|ng udlltbs br approval ard v€rlthauon, Authorircd Slnr.tup Comnonti Drtc QSICsf 970.5t3.718!l (t D 970,38{.02rr(fao 970.587.07?2 (c.ll) Conbcts Sbvs ttt atJt ri6trr36ayrelt corrl e(cEL lil€H PRESSUiT 645 9m.ru.,O76 (trD 9m.468.r,$l (fu) Con6: Rkh Si$€roc llofY CRj06S etlcrilC 970.9{7,5425 (tsl) 9m,945.{08r (fir0 Cqlbd: JcffVtoofll M0balrlerr.ffE EICEL IilENGV 9m.262.4038 (foo Co0tads: Kr 800ril9?0.262.4024 lQdrcrinc Bogc|t TAGTTRN'BWA':RI sAilttatloil Dutrtlgr 9m.a76.7{E0 (!?l) 9711,{ /6.t0t0 (fix) Cooct Fnd Hadec &sts@!@$c ootrcAsT c,llr.E 970.468.2669 0d. lr00 (80 90.458.2672 (to() Cont*t: Srad Dorcas WU &-7-O 7 hdt-&@!CIc|fdff0os8$o l. If thc ulllty a99rw.l $ lrcrilkation h.m has slgnrtu|ss ftom sadr of tt|. uUiV cornpani€s, and no comttt€|lG are n de dlt€cdy on tlrc form, the Town will prca{me $!t $erc are no Foblens and the dar€lopment can Htceed. 2. If r riillty amrEny h* concernr with thc proporcd co.lltnrtlotr, tfie utllv rcpresentrtt\,E $rll note dirccdy 0n tha uulity wrltlcahn fom tlEt tft.rc b a robl€m whidr needs 6 be r€roh,ed. Thc Fsue should thcn bc d€trilcd in fi atbc:hld htrc| b tht Tou,n of Wi[ HourGrr, Ccase lcrp in mind that it i3 thc rcsponriHlity of tfte utility comDiy ild thc .pdicmt b rerohc itlcttfiltcd problsn3 3. Theso varlrlcarjong Co not tdlcw lhc contraclor of tie rc5ponslbrllty to obEin . Public W.y Psmlt trom tic D€P.rtrfilnt of Publlc Wortt rt drc Yo$rn d Vllt in my public ttht of.wsy or ellpmem wu{n th€Torvn of V!ll. A hldldlm ncar|lth nat r public wrv E rnrlt rnd mstt br Gbtrln d slit|rEftt Thc Oardops b rrqulr€d and agnn6 E albmit .ny rwiqd drawlngs tp thc utilithg tor rc.appro,al A ro'vct'ltkillon lf fte srb.nltto.l pbns rrc rltsEd in any ![.oy afEr thr authorizcct srgn ure dntc (unlesr otheruis. spacifcally not€d wHrln tfio comtn€nt atedthbform), Oewlop./e SBn.turs f :\cCev\IORHS\FcrrniE\Pb0nlrE\0RAWrbJeu;csr$nrl'm-t0- ra-2006.&c Oat€ Paqe 9 of r{lu33n005 fLt coP February 15,2007 Miramonli Architects PC PO Box 5820 Avon, CO 81620 Hassett Residences - 1895 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 26, Block 2, Vail Village West Dear Gerry and Daurel, The Town of Vail Statf has preliminarily reviewed the Design Review and Variance applications for the proposed Hassett Resitlences located at 1895 West Gore Creek Drive. The Hassett Residelce propqs_Q] 't'ai been schedule for a conceptual review with the Design Review Board on Wednesday_, February 21"' and for final review of a front setback variance before the Planning and Environmental Commission on Monday, February 26rh. The following is a summary of the comments from the preliminary review: 1. The site must be staked and taped prior to the February 21d Design Review Board and February 26th Phnning and Environmental Commission hearings to indicate property lines and proposed building locations. 2. Written approval musl be submitted from all utility companies. 3. Submit a complete landscape plan. 4. Submit an exterior lighting plan, light fixture cut sheets, and light fixture luminance calculations. 5. Submit building section drawings. 6. Submit architectural detail drawings for windows, facia, railings' etc. 7. Site Plan:. Show all proposed roof lines with proposed ridge and eave elevations. . Show snow storage areas and area calculations in square feet (minimum 30% equivalent of driveway area).. Show all required parking spaces (min. 3 spaces) with a 9'x18' box for interior spaces and a 9'x19'box lor erlerior spaces.r Label the TOW (top-oFwall) and BOW (bottom-oFwall) elevations for all retaining walls. . Show proposed utility seMce lines.o ldenlify the driveway materials and label the driveway as snowmelt "heated" or , "unheated'.r Show the proposed limits-of-disturbance fence and erosion control methods. . Label the proposed lire pit. . ldentify lhe proposed patio materials. 8. Floor Plans:o Fully dimension the lloor plans. o Show dimensioned roof eaves and overhangs. IOMIOFIII{II D cp artmcnt of' C o mmunity D ca c hp mmt 75 Sorth honugc Road VaiL Alorah 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 uwu.uailgw.com {7h""nnoruo Dcpartmcnt of Communitl Dcuehpmet 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colarado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97M79-2452 ututw.uailgou,com 9. Architectural Elevations:r Show horizontal dimensions. . Show the location, and screening methods, for any exterior utility meters. r Label all exterior building materials and colors. 10. A construction staging plan must be submitted as part of the building permit application- 11. Application for a Rlvoiable Right-of-Way Permit lor all improvements within the West Gore Criek Drive Right-ol-Way will be required w1h the building permit application. please submit revised plans addressing the above listed items by Noon on Wednesday, February 21, 2OOZ. lt you have any questions or comments, feel free lo contact me directly at (970) 479'2173. Sincerely, (4ZEh"..iL BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail n AECYCIED PAPER From: To: Date: Subject: 'Ric Fields" <ric@f ieldscape.net> <bgibson@vailgov.com > 041301200712:05:01 PM Hassett Residence P.O. Box 1871 Avon, Colorado 81620 (970)3284006 ph. (9701328-4212tax ric@fieldscape.net wunr.fieldscape.net Biil, Here are a couple of layout plans lor the Hassett Residence: the Hassett Lalout plan is the one that you reviewed afterthe DRB presentation in February. The issue with il is that the masonry retaining wall that's oflset lrom the drive and holding up the walk to the front door exceeds 3' in height: no retaining within the 20 front setback can exceed that height. You and I discussed a possible solution over the phone, later that week and came up wilh a scenario which meets the Town ot Vail design guidelines. By building a retaining wall adjacent to the drive edge under the 3'height limit and keeping the upper wall lhat holds up the walk to the front door (creating a raised planling area, we'll have met the Town guidelines. The second (Hassen A[ l-ayout) sketch shows that solution. Please review these and let me know if you find any other issues with the second. We'rs getting ready to submit for Final Review and would very much appreciate your feedback as soon as possible. Thanksl Ric CC:<miramontiarchitect@comcast.neF, "'Nancy Hassett"' <n.hassett@comcast.net> g\ a s Ir Is ( \ *o\ f ,6ff / { *'t (-\ Y\ ^A \--1- T- \g'.tt \ ^l& L\s L \ F fr :a se_ b1 Pc) u&l u, Architcct Zonc disiict Lo( size ToralCRFA Sitc Covcralc Hcight Sctbacks Allorvcd =. L/572 r.-+- Existiqg Phonc' Phonc +---l__L 4f <', -''tZ. ).e-- = tlo, Proposed Total Rcmaining q./h t,1q7 (30x31) Front Sidcs Rcar ,o +nqz=111z --_- tL tb \ /; (ol \-_----.--- I .5- 20' \)art a.r.cz PCLIT - oa6L .l5' l5' q 7 .'--- * -Encloscd Pcrmr'ttcd Sf opc ro 7o proposcd Slopc ro .4 Ycs_ . _ 'No Yis-*4 No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) 2) Floodplain 4) Wabr Course Sctback 00) @ C-^<e <r"**5)GcologicHazards-- n/n -l- a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Roclcfall . c) Qcbris Florv Is rhc propcrty ndn-conforming? a(f)5ul*jJIsIS6*uovory_l*;osF*=e3q$*I'-< l|-F..:E 3'j.rr iii.ritl:< k i:'."',a.--i2l--)Glu.t$ll :T E I I &_t llffitl l----.]- I 3.):rd)ul3lrt.stt ..tii Jl-i* >' tr) JJi l,l,r' USSI - l- 6-.'di..]i ?,i ovol. I ii fr8pi .-- tt .;:l s ;i 6i i.. -.' I ':t'* ._ :,,_ FSaKi* i" l;i thBii-- 'io ,., ii$i !^\f,.sbglu*JJt,lJsil- 6-'d.: ovo*; .D Q ', '.-. Hlqui * o \Ji . 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