HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Community Action Plan Focus 1985f Vaits Community fiction Plan S s t Focus 1985 ta f Statement of Purpose cmmunity Leaders sensing the serious nature of the economic social and environmental challenges that face Vail have c anized a concerted effort c plan for me future rather than wait for the future to happen The focus of the plan is the near future and the objective is to make as much rsaspossible during the next severa years Given Vails location physical configuration programs facilities human resources recognized markets and current product orientation overall community goals for the next several years should be 1 To recognize that Vail is moving quickly from an economy based on recreation and real estate to a mature resort community with a stronger more diverse economic and social base Marketing the community and providing service to guests remains extremely important Z To recognize and strengthen Vails principal products and services Quality of life Outdoor sports Social recreation Business and professional meetings Education and the arts The mountain environment 3 To set community direction through united leadership Reaching these broad goals will require achieving a series of other goals 1 To develop maintain and improve community support programs that sustain and enrich the lives of residents 2 To assure continuing public and private maintenance and enhancement of major community products and facilities 3 To create or expand programs in undeveloped or new product areas 4 To market and promote all community products within the framework of a community marketing program that is coordinated when appropriate with regional programs 5 To create a master plan that provides guidelines for action establishes procedures for monitoring progress and recognizes the special needs of neighborhoods There are nine sections to the plan that have been developed by community and business leaders The sections are Social CulturaliEducational Parks and Recreation Economic Considerations Transportation Community Design UtilitiesPublic Services Water UseWater Quality and Air Quality SocialCulturalEducational Considerations 1 The community should improve communications with residents and guests Establish central information clearing house Improve use of radio community television and print media Plaee kiosks in key locations Continue improvement of guest relations programs Froduce weekly and monthly community bulletins 2 Vail should develop and improve educational recreational and social programs far children 3 Vail should improve as an educational and intellectual cultural center Promote Colorado Mountain College Research opportunities far attracting other educational institutions Promote seminars and conferences Develop facilities to provide for these activities Develop process and encourage art in public places The Vail Town Council should appoint an ad hoc sixmonth committee to study the desirability of establishing a permanent committee on arts and education that would develop art and education programs far community enrichment and for economic development 5 Programs should be encouraged that develop the human spiritual physical social and mental resources of the community Support drug awareness and education programs Support mental health programs Support ocher social programs ParksRecreation 1 Vail should make every effort to maximize the use of its recreational Facilities and resources e Corn rehensive use Ian for Dobson ArenaJFP Bike paths Gore Creek and other streams Vail titauntain Forest Service lands Crosscountry trails Eagle County schools Eagle iounty Parks CFcn Space 9 Tcrnnis facilities 2 Vail shuld recognize that recreational opportunities expand its economic base and should promote the recreational product effectively Produce recreation guide Encourage recreational events that provide national and international stature 3 Vail should develop a parks and recreation master plan Ford Park is the top priority 4 A shortterm commission should be created to Evaluate the economic potential of greater use of Dobson Ice Arena Research the potential for expanding recreational opportunities egOlympic training facilities sports medicine Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of establishing a recreational board Explore creative ways of funding recreational programs and facilities 5 Vail should provide relatively undeveloped open spaces accessible to the core areas e g walking paths and benches along Gore Creek conversion of portions of those paths to crosscountry ski trails Economic Considerations 1 New growth and revitalization are essential to the continued success of Vail Hotel rating system Neighborhood planning and upgrading Caeci irrovemcatdistricts Community incentives and awards programs far upgrading of busldings and sites Other rating systems to evaluate community products and facilities 2 Develop a comprehensive marketing program 3 The summer season shoutd be significantly developed and promoted lviaximize current summer programs opportunities and facilities Study new summer programs opportunities and facilities Set up marketing programs to promote the summer season Survey summer guests 4 The shoulder seasons also should be significantly developed and promoted Expand shoulder season educational and cultural activities Encourage complimentary alternative business Identify and promote opportunities for recreation shopping etc Survey shoulder season guests 5 Study the feasibility of an economic development commission co ocganize efforts to direct this activity Town of Vail Vail Associates Vail Resort Association and other interested people represented 5 members Economic information Study summer economy Study the feasibility of building a convention facility Develop a reliable economic data base Define the role of municipal government in economic development 6 Employees who provide goods and services to guests should be trained to promote Vails recreational YYtnities Transportation 1 Streets drainage bike paths street lights and signs should be maintained upgraded and completed Develop ways to finance street improvements 2 Vail should continue to have a high quality bus system and should look for longterm funding 3 Transportation problems should be studied solutions found and implemented Develop master circulation plan for Gore Valley Footway stop East 1ionshead Circle Golden Peak East and West Vail Interchanges Service and delivery vehicles in Vail Village 4 The Town shoutd continue to review the need for additional parking 5 The Town should continue to explore fixed systems of transportation and other systems to determine the economic feasibility of using these systems in Vail Village and Lianshead 6 Transportation links between Stapleton Airport and Vail should be strengthened and promoted 7 T feasibility of implementing a transportation system for the upper Eagle Valley should be further explored The problems and opportunities of rransportink people to Colorado and Vail by air and rail should be explored 9 A loniTerm fundint mechanism for transportation systems should be provided 10 Develop saong and effective relationship ith Colorado lliihwayDepartment to resolve problems on lmerstate70 and the frontacroads Community Design I Detailed physical planning should take place to insure planned informed decisions about Land use Develop a comprehensive series of plans Gore Creek and its tributaries master plan and landscaping plan for the entire Gore Valley master plan for Vail Mountain landscape plan for Town of Vail master plan far parks and recreation neighborhood and land use plans Create design guidelines for the community and for neighborhoods 2 Upgrading and remodeling of structures and site improvements should be encouraged Stimulate community awareness Incentives 3 The Town of Vail should make longrange plans to meet needs for employee housing 4 A process should be established for defining neighborhoods and for planning neighborhood improvements A sense of neighborhood identity should be fostered Inform neighborhoods of zoning and land use decisions Set up privatepublic joint ventures for improvement S Maintenance and upkeep should be s priority of property awrets and of the town Completely finish site improvements and landscaping Create special improvement districts 6 The Town of Vail and Vail Associates should formalise Vail Associates dedication of land to the To 7 The Town should continue to preserve unique natural features as open space or park land toenhance the quality of life in Vail 8 When pine bark beetles Canadian thistles or other natural infestations threaten the environment the Town should set up a preventative program Reforestation plan 9 Acquiring key parcels of land through the purchase of development rights fee simple gifts or purchases financially feasible and other measures should be a Town priority 10 Landscaping and signs that complement the environment should enhance entryways to theToam and to neighborhoods 11 The community should stimulate activity and improve ambience within the core areas Street lighting Streetscape planning and design Street events entertainment and special events Aesthetic and effective signage UtilitiesPublic Services 1 All new utility distribution and service lines should be located underground and the Town should work with utility companies to bury all aboveground lines Z The Town should continue towork with utility companies ro develop contingency plans that can be used when there are power outages or when various utility systems are unavailable 3 The Town should institute a system to regulate the design and placement of all utility systems for safety aesthetics and other factors affecting the welfare of the community 4 The Town should continue to supply the various public service companies ith development statistics and other data so the companies can measure present and future demands EVater UseWater Quality 1 Surface water underground water and related ecosystems should be protected from depletion and degradation i lddd1propose opmentsnexistinganeveTheTownshouldcontinuetheuseofwatersavingdevicesandtechniques 3 The Town should make the strogest possible efforts to keep Gore Valley water for the Gore Valley 4 Minimum stream flows should be determined and maintained S Reservoirs and other water projects should promote the most beneficial efficient use of water resources 6 The Town should work with the Colorado Divisioa of Wildlife to improve the fish and wildlife habitat of Gore Creek and other streams within the Gore Valley Gold medal stream designation for Gare Creek 7 The Town should continue to work with the Upper Eagle Valley and Sanitation District to ensure the efficient cost effective provision of water and sanitation services O Air Quality 1 The Town should continue to monitor air quality in the Gore Valley and when deemed appropriate and necessary should study and implement measure to control air quality Thanks to the task force members Town Council Planning and Environmental Commission citiens of the community and Town staff who have spent many hours working on developing this plan5uecess of the plan uil he in implementation of the policies over the next few years Mrv 7a pin 143 E Meadow Drive 476 5531 Parka oser 180 most 1leadow Rd 5822 rasciix 173sfx10 t Dan Corcoran Banc 4476 4873 Andy Norris 100D South Frontage 476 6602 038 Harry Frampton III Pres Mail Associate Sox 7 5601 Vi Brown Box 547 4765701 Randy If it hoan cJo CMC 80X 117 MIPiTLR1 8275703 y s Celire Krueger 1628 Vail Valley Drive 4765232 Larry rlarren lSForest Service Noly Cress Danger Dist PO Lax 190 Minturn 81645 Jim Rubin Eagle County Box 850 Eagle 81631 Wi 11 Trout Clock Tourer 476 1 T 76 Paula Palmateer cRsortAss 241 East Meadow Dr l761000 Gerry 4lhite 416 Vail Valley Dr 476 5646 Gail lahrlich co Land Title Box 357 47fi2251 Chuck Anderson co Morgae Associates Box i425 476 242 Bob Parker Vice Pres Vail Associates Box 7 5601 George Knox 303 Gore Creek Drive 5108 Allen Knox co Vai 1 Tra i 1 2Ll 1 North Frontage Rd 2444 Josef Staufer 100 Easi P9eadow Ur 4765962 John Dawson Box 70 Vail 5509 Fred Meyer 330 E Liorshead Circle 0817 Elaine White 416 Vail Va11ey Crive 476 5646 Sally Johnston Box 758 5641 Rosie Wilt 2566 Cortina Lane 4518 Doris Baily 3090 Booth CrelDrive 5758 Daffy Knoblock 4196 Col unui ne Drive 2Gl7 Roger Behler First Bank 17 Vail Road 5686ChuckSchwannSuperintendentEagleCountySchooi District PO Box 740 Eagle 163i Craig Snowdon 201 Gore Creek Drive 2201 Dick Blodgett Town Manager Town of Avon Box D Avon 81620 9494280 rl Iltd 4ru1FUsY 24 S Frontage Rcad East 4765137 Pat Dodson Jon Eberle Skip Gordon Bill Pyka Dark Ryan Peter Patten Charlyn Canada Y 1 gip 3 s a f r U cJ erv lapin 143 E Mdci eve 476 5x31trkaMoser1830blestleadovRd5822 3 anorcoran Box 4s3 476 4873 rte 4xa dyiVorrl S 1000 South Frontage 476 6602 0838 Ccc r c ar Frampton II Pres Vail Associate ox 7 5601 R ov w Box 547 47u5701 r sriaaandailhoarcoCh1C30117MINTLIRiy70 24 isaegee s 623 Va i 1 Valley Drive 47G 32 7 rrtarren US Forest Sertrice Holy Crass Ranger Dist PO o 190 inturn 81645 Jz Rubin Eagle County Box 850 Eagle 81631 a11TroutClockTower4751176tc 1 s 4f h eadvOr 4Jhite416VailValleyDr4755646 t jahrlich co Land Title Box 357 476221 auckAndersonco1orgayeAssociatesBox1425476 3242 a 1Bob Parker Vice Pres Vai i fssociates Box 5501 f z George Knox 303 Gore Creek Drive 5108r Allen Knox co Vai 1 Tra i 1 2211 North Frontage Rd 2444 L Josef Staufer 100 East eadoGV Dr 4765962 rr v John Dobson Box 70 daif 5509 Fred Meyer 330 E Lionshead Circle 0817 Elaine White 416 Vail Val ley Dr7 C 476564 r Sally Johnston Box 758 5641 rRorieWilt2566CortinaLane4518 Doris Bai1y 3090 Booth Creek Drive 5759 t r Laffy Knoblock 4196 Colun4bine Drive 2077 4 t Rer Behler First Bank 1lVail Road 5686 r ti Chuck Schwann Superintendent Eagle County School District PO Box 740 Eagle 81631 7Cra i g Snotidan 201 Gore Creek Drive 2O1 r Gick Blodgett Town Manager Town of Avon BoxJ Aven 81620 9494280 hw o Trai7aays 241 S Frontage Road East 4765137 t Pat Dodson i v Sk i p Gordon 1 Bill Pyka t pick Ryan M Lf r uPeterPattenS Charlyn Canada t r r r rte C t BEST C tfAA i BOTH Joe Macy Vail Associates Box 7 WATER Ed Drager Box 1669 Vail Dick Gustafson co Buyers Brokers of Vail 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail Co Chuck Ogilby 2938 South Frontage Rd West Vail Duane Davis Upper Eagle Valley Water and San UTILITIESPUBLIC SERVICES Gary Hall Public Service Box 430 Minturn Co 81645 Darwin Rader Heritage Cablevision Box 336 Vail Ted Husky Noly Cross Box 972 Avoh Co 81620 Laura Rogers Western Slope Gas Box 656 Dillon Co 80433 Don Gress Mounain Be11 Box 1288 Vail Co STEERING COMMITTEECOMMUNITY ACTION PLAN 0 Andy Norris 1000 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 Harry Frampton President Vail Associates PO Box 7 Vail CO 81658 Vi Brown PO Box 547 Vail CO 81658 MASTER DO NOT USE FOR COPY USE ONLY Gail Wahrlich co Land Title P0 Box 357 Vail CO 81658 III Chuck Anderson co Mortgage Assoc PO Box 1425 Vail CO 81658 Randy Milhoan co CMC Box 117 Minturn CO 81645 Bob Parker clo Vail Associates PO Box 7 Vail CO 81658 Rich Caplan Town of Vail 75 S Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 Larry Warren Dick Ryan US Forest Service Town of Vail Holy Cross Ranger Dist 75 5 Frontage Rd PO Box 190 Vail CO 81658 Minturn CO 81645 Jim Rubin Eagl e County P 0 Box 850 Eagle CO 81631 Will Traut The Clock Tower v J 232 Bridge Street Vail CO 81658 ti Bruce imson co Vail Resort Assoc 241 East Meadow Dr Vail Co 81657 Gerry White 416 Vail Valley Drive Vail CO 81658 Community Design Task Force members Allen Knox George Knnx Merv Lapin Marka Moser Peter Patten Craig Snowdon Ron Todd Will Trout Vi Brown Joe Staufer FACILITIES AND SERVICES TASK FORCE Peter Jamar Bill Andrews Duane Davis Upper Eagle Valley Water and San 846 Forest Road 4767480 Ed Drager 4761314 Box 1669 Oick Gustafson 4763246 co Buyers Brokers of Vail 1000 Lionsridge Loop Paul Johnston 4765641 Box 758 Joe Macy 4765601 VA Chuck Ogilby 4763070 5251 2938 South Frontage Road West Bob Ruder 4765708 4496 East Meadow Drive Jen Wright co Arrowhead at Vail 1000 South Frontage Road West 476 1591 U L Q tC 1 f i E C cv d i Y rC 7 v1 v5 lib L c JRfZacs l 2 h a 2 P J f s 1 i off G J rr lvL c n l r l v l rVr C C 1 4 ilLUvc v I j fJ r 11 c s n d c r rJi ic a Y C p UYI t y f e eft C 6 rz 84TH 1 Joe Jiacy WATER Ed Drager Box 1669 Vail Vail Associates Box 7 Dick Gustafson cJo Buyers Brokers of Vail 1000 Lionsridge Laop Vai 1 Co Chuck Ogilby 2938 South Frontage Rd West Vail Duane Davis Upper Eagle Valley Water and San UTILITIESPUBLIC SERVICES Gary Hall Public Service Box 430 Jlinturn Co 81645 Darwin Rader Heritage Gablevision Box 336 Vail Ted Husky Holy Cross Box 972 Avoh Co 81620 Laura Rogers Western Slope Gas Box 656 Dillon Ca 80433 Don Gress Mounain Be11 Box 1288 Vail Co MEMORANDUM T0 Town Council FROM Community Development Department DATE January 30 1984 SUBJECT Approval of Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 The Planning and Environmental Commission has unanimously approved Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 Their major concerns were over the marketing of the Vail area and of the area that includes the five golf courses and the responsibility far communication of information within the Town and neighborhoods Some members thought that there possibly should be comprehensive marketing of the area from Vail to Edwards all year while other members thought only summer marketing of this greater area was a positive direction A specificitemwasthepromotionofthefivegolfcoursesintheareaThebasicquestion was who is responsible within the Town to define our specific marketing and promotion area Another concern was communication of events on a timely basis Now the URA in their newsletter publishes a calendar of events for just about the year The Town then publishes a weekly events paper The question is is there duplication of effort and who is best able to handle the communication to guests and residents Another area of concern was neighborhood planning and how to develop effective programs for neighborhood concerns Concern was with the implementation of the programs The coordinating committee of the Community Action plan had a meeting to discuss areas of immediate attention The committee is recommending that all areas noted should be worked on over the next two years and the areas noted by a in the plan should be looked at for immediate attention The plan also contains words in capital letters These were changes recommended by the coordinating committee or by people who attended the public meetingTheTownCouncilshouldseeifthereareanyotherchangesthatshouldbe added or deleted from the plan During the initial year of the plan monitoring the progress is important to see how the plan is working There should be a three month review duringthefirstyearandprobablyasixmonthreviewinyeartwoAttheend of year two February 1985 there should be a total update and new directions looked at for the following two years MEMORANDUM January 20 1984 T0 Planning and Environmental Commission FROM Community Development DepartmentDick Ryan SUBJECT Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 The Planning and Environmental Cornission on Monday wi1T be reviewing and recommending to Town Council Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 Approximately two weeks ago there was a public meeting with a small turnout There was a goad discussion of the plan and only minor changes were recommended This past Wednesday the coordinating committee met to discuss the changes and had other minor changes which are noted in capital etters The committee is also recommending some top priority items that they consider should receive immediate attention I will present these at the meeting for your information luw of nail 75 south fironage road vail Colorado 81657 303 4767000 T0 Eagle Valley Home Builders FROM Dick Ryan DATE January 17 1984 SUBJECT Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 office of community development For the past l2 years community business people and citizens of the community have been working on the plan Will Trout who is a member of your organization has been a very active member throughout the entire formulation process A couple of weeks ago the plan was published in the Vail Trail We had a public meeting last Wednesday evening Comments received are noted by each policy statement in capital letters The purpose of the plan is to set a clear direction for the future of Vail and to implement the plan If you have any comments please contact me The Planning and Environmental Commission has a public hearing on the plan next Monday afternoon MEMORANDUM T0 Coordinating Committee FROM Dick Ryan DATE January 12 198 SUBJECT Final Review of Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 Last night there was a public meeting on the Community Action Plan with fifteen people attending Several were members of the coordinating committee Bob Parker suggested that the coordinating committee meet to provide the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council with your three top priorities from each section of the plan The coordinating committee will have a lunch meeting on Wednesda Januaryy 18 at the Chop House in the Kiandra t 1215to discuss the op ree priorice for immediate action in f ryou cannot tend pleae send me your comments by Tuesday Enclosed is a copy of the plan with comments received at the public meeting The changes are noted in capital letters Other areas to discuss on Wednesday are 1 Any other changes to the plan 2 Role of the coordinating committee after adoption of the plan 3 Implementation of the plan There is a public hearing scheduled before the Planning and Environmental Commission on January 23rd at 300 pm If the Planning and Environmental Commission approves the plan the Town Council will act on the plan on February 7th at 730 pm Please plan to attend both meetings to present your comments and to see the plan through the formal approval process MEMORANDUM December 16 1983 T0 Coordinating Committee and Task Forces of Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 FROM Dick Ryan Chairperson SUBJECT Public meeting on Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 First again thanks for your time interest support and good constructive thoughts and insights into the planning process of developing the Community Action Plan Enclosed is a draft copy of the plan It has been through several review revisions and is probably a great deal shorter than some of the sections of the plan were originally The coordinating committee recommended that only the key elements be part of a working plan so there is the possibility of people reading the plan We are getting close to formal approval of the plan A public meeting to receive comments on the plan is scheduled on January 11th at 730 pm in the Town Council chambers of the municipal building You are invited to attend to ask questions and to answer questions which relate to your task farce The next step would be to determine if additional public meetings are needed If the answer is no we would then take the comments and see what changes are needed to be made to the plan The coordinating committee would then review the changes The next step would be a public hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission in February where again comments from the public can be presented After approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission there would be a public hearing at Town Council to review and adopt the plan At the same time other major organizations would be reviewing and approving the plan The goal is to have the plan adopted by a17 major organizations by March 15th or sooner Adoption of the plan does not mean the end to the process You will be requested to participate in the implementation of the plan You may be on a commission or task force or may participate in the neighborhood planning process Again thanks for your commitment to the future of Vail We have some unique opportunities over the next couple of years to plan for the future instead of reacting to the present 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 POLICY FORMUATION PROCESS ORGANIZATION TOV STAFF PRODUCES DRAFT OF POLICIES I TOWN COUNCIL I TASK FORCES 1 COORDINATING COMMITTEE Ia W AGENCIESORGANIZATIONS RESPONSIBLE FOR CARRYING OUT POLIGIES I COORDINATING COMMITTEE 1 AGENCIESORGANIZATIONS RESPONSIBLE FOR CARRYING OUT POLICIES I 1b COORDINATING COMMITTEE u I OPEN PUBLIC WORKSHOP i I COORDINATING COMMITTEE i r I TOWN COUNCIL AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TYPE OF INPUT G Wahrlich advise C Anderson advise 8 Initial advice and comment Actual policy formulation prioritization and recommendations Coordinate policies prioritize General consent to assumeOctoberresponsibilityforaction on the policy November Coordinate and prioritize all policies November Final approval and endorsement of policies each is responsible for Final approval and promotion of planEndofJovemberviaVRAluncheonspeakerAnnounce citizen workshop January Public comments on plan End of January Consider public comment revise if necessary February Adoption of plan Thank you for your assistance in working on Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 Your participation in developing the direction and policies has set the stage for future action Implementation of the plan is the key element and the measure of how successful Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 will be in the future Thanks again DICK RYAN Community Development Director DRbpr Encl Approved 2784 i y VAILS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN FOCUS 1985 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Community leaders sensing the serious nature of the economic social and environ mental challenges that face Vail have organized a concerted effort to plan for the future rather than wait for the future to happen The focus of the plan is the near future and the objective is to make as much progress as possible during the next several years Given Vails location physical configuration programs facilities human resources recognized markets and current product orientation overall community goals far the next several years should be 1 To recognize that Vail is moving quickly from an economy based on recreation and real estate to a mature resort community with a stron ger more diverse economic and social base Marketing the communityandprovidingservicetoguestsremainsextremelyimportant 2 To recognize and strengthen Vails principal products and services Quality of life Outdoor sports Social recreation Business and professional meetings Education and the arts The mountain environment 3 To set community direction through united leadership Reaching these broad goals will require achieving a series of other goals 1 To develop maintain and improve community support programs that sustain and enrich the lives of residents 2 To assure continuing public and private maintenance and enhancement of major community products and facilities 3 To create or expand programs in undeveloped or new product areas 4 To market and promote all community products within the framework of a community marketing program that is coordinated when appropriate with regional programs 5 To create a master plan that provides guidelines for action established procedures for monitoring progress and recognizes the special needs of neighborhoods There are nine sections to the plan that have been developed by community and business leaders The sections are SocialCulturalEducational Parks and Recreation Economic Considerations Transportation Community Design Utilities Public Services Water UseWater Quality and Air Quality 2 SOCIALCULTURALEDUCATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 1 The community should improve communications with residents and guests Establish central information clearing house Improve use of radio community television and print media Kiosks in key locations Continued improvement of guest relations programs Weekly and monthly community bulletins 2 Vail should develop and improve educational recreational and social programsforchildren 3 Uail should improve as an educational and intellectual cultural center Promote Colorado Mountain CollegeResearchopportunitiesforattracting other educational institutions Promote seminars and conferences Develop facilities to provide for these activities Develop process and encourage art in public places 4 The Vail Town Council should appoint an ad hoc sixmonth committee to study the desirability of establishing a permanent committee on arts and education that would develop art and education programs for community enrichment and for economic development 5 Programs should be encouraged that develop the human spiritual physicalsocialandmentalresourcesofthecommunity Support drug awareness and education programs Support mental health programs Support other social programs 3 PARKSRECREATION Vail should make every effort to maximize the use of its recreational facilities and resources Comprehensive use plan for Dobson Arena Bike paths Gore Creek and other streams Vail Mountain Forest Service lands Crosscountry trails Eagle County schools Eagle County Parks Open Space Tennis facilities 2 Vaii should recongize that recreational opportunities expand its economic base and should promote the recreational product effectively Produce recreation guide Encourage recreational events that provide national and international stature 3 Vail should develop a parks and recreation master plan Ford Park is the top priority 4 A shortterm commission should be created to Evaluate the economic potential of greater use of Dobson Ice Area Research the potential for expanding recreational opportunitiesegOlympictrainingfacilitiessportsmedicine Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of establishing a recreational board Explore creative ways of funding recreational programs and facilities 5 Vail should provide relatively undeveloped open spaces accessible to the core areas eg walking paths and benches along Gore Creek conversion of portions of those paths to crosscountry ski trails 4 ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS 1 New growth and revitalization are essential to the continued success of Vail Continue hotel rating system Neighborhood planning and upgrading Special improvement districts Community incentives and awards programs for upgrading of buildings and sites Develop other rating systems to evaluate community products and facilities 2 Develop a comprehensive marketing program 3 The summer season should be significantly developed and promoted Maximize current summer programs opportunities and facilities Study new summer programs opportunities and facilities Set up marketing programs to promote the summer season Survey summer guests 4 The shoulder seasons also should be significantly developed and promoted Expand shoulder season educational and cultural activities Encourage complimentary alternative business Identify and promote opportunities for recreation shopping etc Survey shoulder season quests 5 Study the feasibility of an economic development commission to organize efforts to direct this activity Town of Vail Vail Associates Vail Resort Association and other interested prople represented 5 members Economic information Study summer economy Study the feasibility of building a convention facility Develop a reliable economic data base Define the role of municipal government in economic development 6 Employees who provide goods and services to guests should be trained to promote Vails recreational opportunities 5 TRANSPORTATION 1 Streets drainage bike paths street lights and signs should be maintained upgraded and completed Develop ways to finance street improvements 2 Vail should continue to have a high quality bus system and should look for longterm funding 3 Transportation problems should be studied solutions found and implemented Develop master circulation plan for Gore Valley Eourway stop East Lionshead Circle Golden Peak East and West Vail Interchanges Service and delivery vehicles in Vail Village 4 The Town should continue to review the need for additional parking 5 The Town should continue to explore fixed systems of transportation and other systems to determine the economic feasibility of using these systems in Vail Village and Lionshead 6 Transportation links between Stapleton Airport and Vail should be strenthened and promoted 7 The feasibility of implementing a transportation system for the upper Eagle Valley should be further explored 8 The problems and opportunities of transporting people to Colorado and Vail by air and rail should be explored 9 Alongterm funding mechanism for transportation systems should be provided 10 Develop strong and effective relationship with Colorado highway Department to resolve problems on Interstate 70 and the frontage roads 6 COMMUNITY DESIGN 1 Detailed physical planning should take place to insure planned informed decisions about land use Develop a comprehensive series of plans Gore Creek and its tributaries master plan and landscaping plan for the entire Gore Valley master plan for Vail Mountain landscape plan for Town of Vail master plan far parks and recreation neighborhood and land use plans Create design guidelines for the community and for neighborhoods 2 Upgrading and remodeling of structures and site improvements should be encouraged Stimulate community awareness Incentives 3 The Town of Vail should make longrange plans to meet needs for employee housing 4 A process should be established for defining neighborhoods and for planning neighborhood improvements A sense of neighborhood identity should be fostered Inform neighborhoods of zoning and land use decisions Set up privatepublic joint ventures for improvement 5 Maintenance and upkeep should be a priority of property owners and of the town Completely finish site improvements and landscaping Create special improvement districts 6 The Town of Vail and Vail Associates should formalize Vail Associates dedication of land to the Town 7 The Town should continue to preserve unique natural features as open space or park land to enhance the quality of life in Vail 8 When pine bark beetles Canadian thistles or other natural infestations threaten the environment the Town should set up a preventative program Reforestation plan 9 Acquiring key parcels of land through the purchase of develoment rights fee simple gifts or purchases financially feasible and other measures should be a Town priority 10 Landscaping and signs that complement the environment should enhance entryways to the Town and to neighborhoods 11 The community should stimulate activity and improve ambience within the core areas Street lighting Streetscape planning and design Street events entertainment and special events Aesthetic and effective signage 7 UTILITIESPUBLIC SERVICES 1 A11 new utility distribution and service lines should be located undergound and the Town should work with utility companies to bury all aboveground lines 2 The Town should continue to work with utility companies to develop contingency plans that can be used when there are power outages or when various utility systems are unavailable 3 The Town should institute a system to regulate the design and placement of a71 utility systems for safety aesthetics and other factors affecting the welfare of the community 4 The Town should continue to supply the various public service companies with development statistics and other data so the companies can measure present and future demands WATER USEWATER QUALITY 1 Surface water underground water and related ecosystems should be protected from depletion and degradation 2 The Town should continue the use of water saving devices and techniques in existing and proposed developments 3 The Town should make the strongest possible efforts to keep Gore Valley water for the Gore Valley 4 Minimum stream flows should be determined and maintained 5 Reservoirs and other water projects should promote the most beneficial efficient use of water resources 6 The Town should work with the Colorado Division of Wildlife to improve the fish and wildlife habitat of Gore Creek and other streams within the Gore Valley Gold medal stream designation for Gore Creek 7 The Town should continue to work with the Upper Eagle Valley and Sanitation District to ensure the efficient cost effective provision of water and sanitation services AIR QUALITY 1 The Town should continue to monitor air quality in the Gore Valley and when deemed appropriate and necessary should study and implement measures to control air quality 102783FfdTIALCOMMISSIONSANDTASKFOR A SocialCulturalEducational Vail shall strive to develop and improve adolescent and preadolescentchildrensprogramsincludingqualityeducationalprogramsandalternative recreational and social activities Appoint task force to determine needs The Vail Town Council should appoint an ad hoc sixmonth committee to study the desirability of establishing a permanent committee an arts and education The purpose of the committee would be to develop art and education programs both for community enrichment and economic development B ParksRecreation A short term commission shall be created whose function shall be Evaluate the economic potential of greater use of Dabson Arena as an ice skating facility Research the potential for expanding bails economy via new recreational opportnities ieOlympic training facilities sports medicine Evaluate need or nanneed of a recreational board Explore creative ways of funding recreational programs and facilities C Economic The summer season must be significantly developed and promoted with new and existing programs Summer economy task force VRA Maximize existing summer related programs opportunities and facilities Study new summer related programs opportunities and facilities Marketing programs to promote season Survey of summer guest VRA Development of comprehensive marketing program for the entire Vail area VRA spearheaded task farce to develop fund and implement program An economic development commission must be established to organize efforts of current and potential economic groadth Commission of Town of Vail Vail Associates Vail Resort Association and other interested people 5 members Need staff assistance to be successful D Community Design Jail should promote and encourage art in public places Establish an ad hoc comrittee to form a private trust for art in publicplaces 102783 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE VAILS COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN FOCUS 19 5 Preamble Community leaders of Vail sensing the serious nature of the economic social and environmental challenges that face the community in the years ahead have organized a concerted effort towards planning for Vails future rather than waiting for the future to happen The major focus of the goals and policies are for the next two years The goal is to implement as many as possible over the next couple of years Given its physical configuration and geographical location its existing programs facilities and human resources its recognized markets and its existing product orientation the Vail communitys goals for the next several years should be To recognize that Vail is moving quickly from a development resortreal estate economy to a mature resort community with a stronger economic social base Heavy orientation toward marketing the community Service to guests To confirm acknowledge recognize and focus on as its principal community productsservices Outdoor sports recreation Social recreation Business and professional meetings Education and the arts The mountain environment A quality life experience 3 To assure through appropriate mechanisms the continuing public and private maintenance and enhancement of the quality of the communitys existing major products and facilities 4 To develop new or expanded programs in underdeveloped or undeveloped product areas 5 To effectively market publicize and promote all community products within the framework of a community marketing program coordinated when possible with appropriate regional programs 6 To develop maintain and enhance those community support programs designed to enrich inspirit and sustain the lives of the employees and residents of the community 7 To conceive and develop the appropriate sponsoring funding and management entities required to accomplish the foregoing involving whatever combination of public private or nonprofit organizations necessary to achieve the desired ends 8 To create a community action master plan the purpose of which is to provide guidelines for action to accomplish the foregoing goals as well as establish procedures for monitoring progress against agreedupon criteria for che next two years and beyond i 2 SOCIALCULTURALEDUCATIONAL 1 The community shall strive to improve communications at all levels both with permanent residents and with guests Central clearing house TOV Economic informationVRA Improve use of radio TV and print media TOV Weekly and monthly whats Kiosks in key locations TOV happening in Vail TOV Continue to improve guests relations programs Community television TOV 2 The community shall strive to stimulate and improve ambience within the core areas Street lighting TOV Streetscape planning and design window treatments TOV Street events and entertainment Signage TOV Zoning TOV including flowers landscaping and VRA 3 Vail shall strive to develop and improve adolescent and preadolescent childrens programs including quality educational programs and alternative recreational and social activities Appoint task farce to determine needs 4 Vail should strive to improve and develop as an educational and intellectual center Promote CMC within County CMC Research other opportunities for ongoing educational institutions TOV Promote seminar and conference series URA Support public and private schools 5 The Vail Town Council should appoint an ad hoc sixmonth committee to studythedesirabilityofestablishingapermanentcommitteeonartsandeducation The purpose of the committee would be to develop art and education programsbothforcommunityenrichmentandeconomicdevelopment 6 Every effort shall be made to nurture and foster a sense of community and neighborhood See Community Design TOV 7 Providing far and developing the human spiritual physical social and mental resources awareness and education programs of the community Support drug abuse awareness and education programs ACTION VAIL Support mental health programs MT SOPRIS Other social support programs PARKSRECREATION 3 Vail shall make every effort to maximize the use of its existing recreational facilities and resources Dobson Ice Arena TOV Bike paths TOV Gore Creek and other streams TV Vail Mountain VA Forest Service lands Forest Service Cross country trails TQV Eagle County schools School District Eagle County Eagle County Vail shall recognize the recreational opportunities that expand its economic base and its image Also the recreational product must be given effective promotion and exposure produce Vail recreation guide TOV train hotel restaurant and shop employees to promote enthusiastically all aspects of the product VRA 3 Vail shall develop a parks and recreation master plan TOV A short term commission shall be created whose function shall be Evaluate the economic potential of greater use of Dobson Arena as an icE skating facility Research the potential for expanding Vails economy via new recreational opportunities ieOlympic training facilities sports medicine Evaluate need or nonneed of a recreational board Explore creative ways of funding recreational programs and facilities 5 Vail shall be aware of the importance of providing relatively undeveloped open spaces that are easily accessible to the core areas wherein an individual has the opportunity of being at one with nature in a quiet introspectiveenvironmentProvidingtheresidentandguestwiththeabilityto get away from it all is an important part of a recreation plan Making it easy for the nonadventuresome guest to enjoy in the Village and in the Lionshead core areas the great outdoors via easily accessible walking paths and benches along Gore Creek possibly converting portions of those paths to cross country ski trails and by making Vail Mountain a summer happening will do much to enhance the Vail recreational product for all ages at a minimal cost for everyone TOV ECONOMIC 4 Real growth and development is critical for the continued success of Vail as a world class resort The Vail economy is going through a transformation from a resortrealestatedevelopmenttoamatureresortserviceeconomyThistrendisunderscored in the economic policies and must be recognized as a major and important shift and opportunity for emphasizing the resort aspects of Vail 1 New growth and revitalization is essential for the continued success of Uail Hotel rating system VRA Zoning ordinance performance zoning and encouragement of private sector TOV Neighborhood development and planning TOV Special improvement district TOV Community master planning TOV Award program for community upgrading of buildings and sites TOV Incentives for employee housing TOV 2 The summer season must be significantly developed and promoted with new and existing programs Summer economy task force VRA Maximize existing summer related programs opportunities and facilities URA Study new summer related programs opportunities and facilities VRA Marketing programs to promote season URA Survey of summer guest VRA 3 Other seasons also must be significantly developed and promoted with new and existing programs Expansion of educational and cultural activities TOV Feasibility of convention center TOV Complementary alternative businesses URA Identify and promote recreation shopping etc URA Survey of other season guests VRA 4 To develop a comprehensive marketing program VRA spearheaded task force to develop fund and implement program 5 An economic development commission must be established to organize efforts of current and potential economic growth Commission of Town of Vail Vail Associates Vail Resort Association and other interested people 5 members Need staff assistance to be successful 6 Develop reliable economic data base and research for the community Determine responsible agency or agencies for achieving the goalcentralcollectionagencyTOV 5 TRANSPORTATION 1 Maintain upgrade and complete streets drainage bike paths street lights signs within the community TOV Develop financial mechanism to improve streets TOV 2 Continue quality bus system within Vail TOV 3 Study and develop solutions to problem areas TOV Fourway stop TOV East Lionshead Circle TOV Golden Peak TOV 4 The Town shall continue to review parking needs within the community to determine when and where additional parking shall be provided TOV 5 In the Vail Village and Vail Lionshead areas the Town shall continue to explore new technology in fixed systems or other alternative systems to determine when such a system is economically feasible for the community TOU 6 Promote and develop transportation modes from Stapleton Airport to Vail VRA 7 Explore upper Eagle Valley transportation system and determine when feasible to implement Upper Eagle Valley Transportation Committee 8 Explore air and rail problems and opportunities to Vail and Colorado VRA 9 Provide a long term funding mechanism for transportation systems TOU COMMUNITY DESIGN 6 1 Detailed physical planning should take place to insure land use decisions are made on a planned informed basis Develop community master plan for the entire Gore Valley TOV Develop neighborhood plans TOV Create community and neighborhood design guidelines TOV Landscape plan for community TOU Increased utilization of parks and open space land TOU Parks and recreation master plan TOV Vail Mountain Master Plan VA 2 Vail should promote and encourage art in public places Establish an ad hac committee to farm a private trust far art in public places 3 Upgrading and remodeling of structures should be encouraged within the restrictions and opportunities of the zoning code TOV Revise zoning code to promote upgrading and remodeling through such techniques as performance zoning 4 The Town should support the addition of a managersemployee housing unit in the condominium projects which contain 15 or more dwelling units and hotels which would be restricted to employee housing via meeting the following conditions change zoning code TOV 5 The Town of Vail should include provisions in its zoning code to allow density bonuses an properties on which employee housing projects are proposed develop criteria TOV 6 Establish a process for the identification of neighborhoods and for the planning and enhancement of each neighborhood Inform them of zoning and land use decisions in neighbarhood TOV Privatepublic joint venture program TOV 7 Maintenance and upkeep shall be a priority of individual property owners and the TOV Complete the last 10 of landscaping and site improvements TOV Publicprivate programs for improvements TOV Special improvement districts TOV 8 The Town of Vail in conjunction with Vail Associates shall formalize VAs land dedication to the Town of Vail Process has started TOV 7 9 The Town will continue to preserve lands of unique natural features as open space or park land to enhance the quality of life in Vail TOV 10 Acquisition of key parcels of land will be a priority of the Town through purchase of development rights fee simple gifts andor purchases and other measures financially feasible TOV 11 Entryways to the Town and to neighborhoods shall be enhanced through landscaping and identification signs that complement the environment TOV 12 The Town shall respond to natural infestations of the environment TOV 13 Valleywide landscaping plan TOV 14 Gore Creek and tributaries plan TOV 8 TILITIESIPUBLIC SERVICES 1 The Town shall work with the utility companies toward the burying of all above ground utility distribution and service lines and all new utility distribution and service lines shall be located underground TOV 2 The Town shall work with the utility companies in order to develop contingency plans in the event of an outage or lack of availability of the various public service utility systems TOV 3 The Town should institute a system to regulate the design and placement of all utility systems in order to provide for safety aesthetics and other factors affecting the welfare of the community TOV 4 The Town shall continually provde the various public service companies with a data base specifically development statistics in order to provide them with an adequate measure of present and future demands TOV WATER USEWATER QUALITY Surface water and underground water quality and quantity and related ecosystems should be protected from degradation Water District 2 The Town should encourage the use of water saving devices and techniques within existing and proposed developments TOV 3 The Town should oppose water diversions that adversely affect its citizens or the environment TOU 4 Minimum stream flows shall be determined and maintained Water District 5 Water storage reservoirs and other water projects shall promote the most beneficial and efficient use of water resources within the area Water District 6 The Town shall work with the Colorado Division of Wildlife to improve the fish and wildlife habitat of Gore Creek and the other streams within the Gare Valley Water District 7 The Town shall continue to work with the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Districts in order to ensure the continued provision of water and sanitation services in an efficient and costeffective manner TOV AIR QUALITY The Town shall continue to monitor the air quality within the Gore Valley and study and implement air quality control measures when deemed appropriate and necessary TOV Iowa of uailV 75 south frontage road nail Colorado 81657 303 4767000 MEMORANDUM October 26 1983 T0 Coordinating Committee FROM Dick Ryan office of community development SUBJECT Working Plan of Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 There will be a meeting of the coordinating committee to present your final comments before public meetings are held in the community The meeting is scheduled from 1145 am to 115 pm Thursday November 3 at the Chop House in the Kiandra The purpose is to present any final comments and to discuss the public meeting process Please plan to attend r MEMORANDUM October 18 1983 T0 Town Council FROM Dick Ryan SUBJECT Additional comments received on Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 I have received some comments from three of the members of the coordinatingcommitteesinceyouhavereceivedtheworkingplanSeveralareslightwordingchangesandtheonlytwomajorcommentsweretoassignspecificresponsibilityandquestioningtheneedtohavesevennewtaskforcesorcommissionstoimplementpartsoftheplan 1 I consider assigning specific responsibilities for implementation is needed to insure that the plan achieves many of its goals and policies by 1985 That year was recommended by the coordinating committee to provide focus and to state what should be accomplished by that time Rich Caplan and I have been through the plan and assigned who we think would be the lead organizations responsible for implementing the specific action 2 Instead of the following task forces and commissions recommended in the working plan one recommendation is to assign many of these responsibilitiestothecoordinatingcommitteeAsnotedaboveaconcernbythreemembers of the coordinating committee was the need to have seven task forces or commissions MEMORANDUM October 13 1983 T0 Town Council FROM Dick Ryan SUBJECT Working plan element of Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 After a great deal of discussion by the coordinating committee of Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 the committee determined that there were too many policies and we needed to focus on what can take place over the next two years The attached working planhasreceivedagreementfromthecoordinatingcommitteeandthere may be some minor wording changes coming later I would like Town Council to go through the working plan to see if there are any major problems At the same time other agencieswillbereviewingtheworkingplanFollowingthisreviewpublic community meetings will be scheduled town of rail 75 south frontage road vail Colorado 81657 303 4767000 MEMORANDUM October 12 1983 T0 Coordinating Committee FROM Dick Ryan office of community development SUBJECT Final review of the working plan of Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 Please review and call me with any changes by Monday October 17 1983 I plan to present this to Town Council next Tuesday I will also send this out for final review by the major organizations next week Public meetings will take place after comments are received from the major organizations probably in midNovember Thank you for your support and participation in the process of developing a long term plan for Vail MEMORANDUM September 15 1983 T0 Coordinating Committee FROM Dick Ryan SUBJECT Review of revised statements for Vai1s Community Action Plan Focus 1985 On Monday September 19 1983 at 1145 am at the Chop House at the Kiandra there will be a review session of the new statement of Vails Community Action Plan Focus 1985 AGENDA 1 Review of each of the sections attached 2 Discussion of the next step in the process Elements of the Plan A Statement of Purpose B SocialCulturalEducational C Parks and Recreation D Economic E Transportation F Community Design G Utilities and Public Services H WaterWater Quality I Air Quality s lows of nail 75 south frontage road vail colarado 81657 303 4767000 office of community development T0 Community Desig T Force FROM Peter Patt DATE August 31 1983 SUBJECT NEXT MEETING The Coordinating Committee of the Community Action Plan met on Monday August 29 to discuss the policies which the task forces presented to them The committee was very pleased with the policy statements but felt that some consolidating and prioritizing should be done in order to be more specific and direct Also discussed was the desire to have the policies in the plan implemented by 1985 due to the consensus that immediate action is needed for our community I would like to get together again with our task force to accomplish this priortizing Please attend a meeting at 900 am on Sept 8 in the conference room at the municipal building and bring your copies of my August 3rd memorandum to you Thanks again for your efforts and well see you there of 75 south frontage road vail Colorado 81657 sos a7saooo August 22 1983 T0 Coordinating Committee FROM Dick Ryan SUBJECT Review of Policies and Implementation office of community development On Monday August 29 1983 at 1145 am at the Ghop House Formerly Tapestry Room at the Kiandra there will he a review session of policies and implementation AGENDA 1 Short update on where we are and future steps in the process 2 Lunch with general discussion of the plan name of the plan etc 3 Review and comments on statements of purpose goals policies and implementation Elements of the Plan A Statement of Purpose B SocialCulturalEducational C Parks and Recreation D Economic E Transportation F Community Design G Utilities and Public Services H Open SpaceBeautificationEnvironment I WaterWater Quality 4 Other comments End meeting at 230 pm PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN LOCATION TO THE KIANDRA MEMORANDUM August 2 1983 T0 Community Action Plan Coordinating Committee FROM Dick Ryan SUBJECT Policy Review by Coordinating Committee On Monday August 29th at 1145 am there will be a lunceo meeting at the Vail Athletic Club The purpose of the meeting is o review policies of the Community Action Plan Each task force is now meeting to review change or delete the current policies Corrected policies will be mailed out on August 22 Please plan to attend as this is an important meeting MEMORANDUM August 2 1983 T0 Chuck Anderson Harry Frampton Andy Norris Paula Palmateer Roger Behler Bill Pyka FROM Dick Ryan SUBJECT Economic Task Force There will be a meeting of the Economic Task Force of the Community Action Plan to review policies under the economic section and to see if there are any immediate action items The meeting is scheduled for Thursdayy August 11th at 1030 am in the conference room in the Municipal bu ilding MEMORANDUM June 20 1983 T0 Task Force Members FROM Dick Ryan Coordinator of Vails Community Action Plan SUBJECT Additional policies for plan I did not send out the Water and Water Quality policy section last week This is to be included in the packet and is enclosed today MEMORANDUM June 13 1983 T0 Task Force Members FROM Dick Ryan Coordinator of Vail s Community Action Plan SUBJECT Review and comments on policies of the plan Enclosed is a copy of the statement of purpose that has received approvalfromtheCommunityActionPlancoordinatingcommitteeandadraftofall the policy statements generated from notes and comments of each task force Each task force has the following assignment to be completed by the end of July 1 Review and comment on the specific policy section your task force is responsible for 2 Modify rewrite delete or add policies to your task force section 3 Prioritize each policy with number 1 being the most important 4 Complete the implementation for each policy a Time period for starting and completion Determine when the policyimplementationstartsandendsSomepoliciesmaygoonforseveral years b Organization or agency accountable for achieving the policy WhoshouldberesponsibleforimplementationofthispolicyItcan be more than one organization or agency and there may be a recom mendation fora new group being formed c Approximate cost If possible determine cost of implementationofthepolicybyyearandtotalcost d Saurce of funds Where can funds be generated to implement policy e Comments Comments regarding the policy or implementation The function of each task force is to recommend policies and implementationtotheTownCouncilandotherorganizationsoragenciesthatwouldadoptthe policy and implementations modify or delete Please have the policy and implementationbespecific Task Force Members 61383 2 Attached is a copy of the policy formulation process We are just starting step four 4 and you can see there is a great deal of work remaining If there are other concerns regarding policies outside your task forces specific area please note your comments I would like to receive back by July 29th a copy of your comments and implementation Thank you for your time effort and support for the future of Vail PS If there are some areas that need attention for action this summerhaveyourtaskforceworkontheseareasimmediatelyandreturnthem to me Enclosed is a memorandum of immediate action items that have been implemented from comments received from task force meetings 611383 4 STATUS OF IMMEDIATE ACTION ITEMS A Eccnoric Task forcc 1 717is task farce reCUiiliLndGd that 1ilsinsses vlitFrin Vail Irrow wkiat economic factors riiight iiipatthem during he year Action Econonic ncrrletter URA published Vail Trends in December to deal vri th 1 ocal Sfvate and Zat i anal trends that couid impact Vail 2 Keeping current on changes that take place during the winter regarding attitudes of toutists economic conditians and hoar services are provided eras considered very important so vre can respond during the ski season Action The binterQuality study wi11 provide ronthly reports if needed o the TcGrn of Viion concerns and opportunities no Lea in tkre surveys B SocialCulturallEdrrcatoralTask Force 1 Recommncied 1y tkiis gioup 4as irrieasoclcorrzurication of ghat teas happening within Vail each LeoJ during tkre tinei and uimcr Sucerted AcfioiJve one ofi the husincss groups that rtrrently has a publica tion teciiyinrlure this in their ewspuper o riiagairre An organiatiorr tauld need ca coordinate the inforriation tiirraouldbe the collection point for this information 2 Another uyiCcionby nierbers cf this group as an employee training session Action Vai 1 Erip1 oyee L 1 corrre JeeR i s From Pavrii4r1219 sponsored by the URA lrA Totten a lailand C1C 3 Photo and art show aiith opening o 1 ibtay Al sc pkatcraphs of Vail to be on dispEa at the Transirrtatio Center rrci luiliury Gu7lding Sgctastd itti0nkiee ftireks froia ca7iunicaticyi kdg5t aailable for largoscaputoraplisofVailasacn7iiitnityalnwitiiaFiaerandsunarierCtivity Also have Eagl e Val k y Arts Caunci1fork on Eyrrartshotrfor openi nc of library Coordination of Ford Par irttph i ti7ratre CoisniiOreon plans for a rea Acticn Three rrirlbcrSUf Torn CounGll and a a1f rtlaiiiaEr are nUw tlUrhingOn a solution for iie area 5 tardsfarpeople making a contribufiion to Vail Sugcxcsted Actian Iisvc amayors dinner to kronor outstanding people 6 Utilizatiori of CiCSaloit Park and Cascade 1iilace foci ities Action iscussion bcaiween Tatrr Coranc it aid tkc CtiC board ks taktn klacc l C G E 7 U i pl rk14 rJr inflri Vail 111 cti1111 1 IU1151iiiii in Vail 1tcJ r1i tic 4wy stu Jcign fcrllurcccicrlssion cti on h l r71 tyfrcrc h1 ve bctn aril gat tle tltxil iarf 3uildircJ in icn T1sk Fcirce 61383 5 JllilliS ii e 1irtiiCCjtUJ1iJI fJuto dr 1rrieritilsplafir11c5 TI i s i teuf tiat irtof tJc Ccv i ty installeJ at i1ieTransportation Cter 1ionsiread 1 Iecolrended fron this grrlup trcrcscver1 neigboroc1 meetings citing the tiintLr n acriticn Ton Ccunci1 sli1 spir4forthe nciuoriuori program by allcctirig funds in ttie 1933 Capital IiiroerrentProg 2 Continue to i insure 1 cng tern afror1ab1 e boos irg hction There ar4 Jcae ithin il ioiIingoti afidablehousing 01 LilploFLCs Jllllc iCreSUeif15 l0 Je adCUUte J10US irig O1pUitllnltinC tiere is ro ssururi tlat it ri11 be lore teror affardble 1lis item has been discrlss1d by otJor task forces and belongs urider ti Conunity Gsin yiap Transnrtation TskFcrce 1 Tho ptoble rcf 1 hereskiers can find infor itionai J osto cJet to Veil iiile at i hoStapl tcnairport ras a r ajorissue c a couple of tashforces d s is 1 Priority to purchase the Vail Golf Course Action Part has recently been purchased and the other half is under negotiation 2 Do bike path along North Frontage Road Action Thy C uncilof C ernmentsbus a rarra and funds to st 1dr 1 e501ethe CC1 rttSiri051Eidt tt1C illi pCirtS pdrtlCl 1iiIn l llefitUdy c liS iIIlt101it0 ii15L ttJattl Fal IF 1 CalS1 ep1 eiir2Ano a ertranspotat iciitemof in ediateCoriCCrnis that the air iie arenot prow idi ig ie packagedevil s to Colorado Srtgq estocJ Action4lith l ndy Noiris ndJan St rauch cri theV A bcard iii seemsTot thG logical organi zaiion forthis resr o sibilityParks Recreation andEnvironment Action The bike path is under construction 3 Continue pine beetle program Action The Town Forest Service and Vail Associates are working on this 1383 6 POLICY REVIEW FORM SUBJECT AREA POLICY IMPLEMENTATION a Time period for starting and completion b Organization or agency accountable for achieving the policy c Approximate cost d Source of funds e Comments SUBJECT AREA POLICY IMPLEMENTATION a Time period for starting and completion b Organization or agency accountable for achieving the policy c Approximate cost d Source of funds e Comments SUBJECT AREA POLICY IMPLEMENTATION a Time period for starting and completion b Organization or agency accountable for achieving the policy c Approximate cost d Source of funds e Comments b1383 7 SUBJECT AREA POLICY IMPLEMENTATION a Time period for starting and completion b Organization or agency accountable for achieving the policy c Approximate cost d Source of funds e Comments SUBJECT AREA POLICY IMPLEMENTATION a Time period for starting and completion b Organization or agency accountable for achieving the policy c Approximate cost d Source of funds e Comments SUBJECT AREA POLICY IMPLEMENTATION a Time period for starting and completion b Organization or agency accountable for achieving the policy c Approximate cost d Source of funds e Comments susJECi AREA POLICY IMlLEMENTATION a Time period for starting and completion b Organization or agency accountable for achieving the policy c Approximate cost d Source of funds e Comments SUBJECT AREA POLICY IMPLEMENTATION a Time period for starting and completion b Organization or agency accountable for achieving the policy c Approximate cost d Source of funds e Comments SUBJECT AREA POLICY IMPLEMENTATION a Time period for starting and completion b Organization or agency accountable for achieving the policy c Approximate cost d Source of funds e Comments DRAFT POLICIES OF THE PLAN 61383 9 1 Statement of Purpose for Community Action Plan Committee 2 SocialCulturalEducational 3 Parks and Recreation 4 Open Space and Beautification 5 Economics 6 Transportation 7 Community Design S Air Quality 9 Utilities and Public Services 10 Other Policies DRAFT SOCIALCULTURALEDUCATIONAL May 11 1983 As Vail continues into the 1980s the community must expand its social cultural and educational opportunities forresidents and tourists SOCIAL A sense of community and belonging is now evident within Vail The Town shall continue to strive to provide opportunities for residents and guests to insure that a sense of community is preserved Communication within the community is essential to insure that Vail moves forward in the future The youth of the community is an essential area that needs support of the residents CULTURAL The function of culture in the community is to enrich the lives of residents and guests Cultural activities should also support the economic growth of the community EDUCATIONAL Educational health of the residents and guests shall be promoted through Colorado b4ountain College seminars conferences and symposiums SOCIAL POLICIES SoCEd 511 83 2 1 The community must continue to have an open communication among key organi zations and people to understand promote resolve conflict and achieve coordinated planning 2 Increased awareness of programs events and major community issues shall be accomplished through communication 3 Kiosks in key locations within Vail Village Vail Lionshead and the West Vail commercial area shall be constructed to display current programs and events 4 Radio televsion newspapers and magazines shall be encouraged to promote events within the community 5 A central clearing house shall be established to provide information of events for the week season and year 6 Every effort shall be made to nurture and foster a sense of community and neighborhood 7 Through neighborhood and community meetings and workshops recommendations and plans far improvements shall be developed 8 Public and private programs shall be established to provide financial resources to implement the neighborhood improvements 9 The community shall continue the guest relations program to insure employees know what is expected how to greet and support guests and be familiar with events location of activity and with the community SoCEd 51183 3 I 10 Street life activity in Vail Village and Vail Lionshead shall be plled through outdoor cafes stimulating street life activity street life ambience by having mimes small musical ensembles and other attractions which will be enjoyable for the residents and tourists 11 Vails preadolescent youth programs shall be eanded so as to provide I which meet the needs of adolescent youth CULTUP4AL POLIC5 1 A humanistic commission shall be established to create promote coordinate I and program cultural and educational events within the comrrnznity 2 Stimulating cultural activity to expand and support the economic base shall be a priority within the comrnuity 3 Vail shal strive to enrich the cultural activity of residents and guests 4 Vail shall strive to create over the years its own cultural identify This I should be part of the program for the humanistic commmission to work on I 5 There should be financial support provided to ensure that cultural programs vvill be available within the community 6 Artists and perfV1111C1j shall be encouraged to live in residence and to display and perform during all times of the year within the community 7 Public and private organizations within the Upper Eagle Valley along with state and national organizations shall work together to establish and NtUllle cultural programs that compliment and support the area Vail shall explore the viability of providing housing for artists and performers during certain times of the year 9 Increased use of cablevision programming capabilities to promote and show Local regional and national talent and art shows shall be a priority of Vail CuEd 51183 4 10 Art in public places shall become a priority in the community The term goal is to have permanent sculptures within Vail Village Vail Lionshead and other areas of the corrrnunity for the residents and tourists to enjoy 11 There shall be provided within the community a Town gallery for display 0 of art work photographs and other visual media for enjoyment by and tourists 12 The community shall work with the Eagle Valley Arts Council to establish a visible location in Vail for the promotion of the arts 13 Increased use and promotion and exposure of programs at Colorado Mountain College SummerVail jNarkshop regarding artists who come in the summer shall be a priority of the comrnanity Shop owners restaurants and banks should display the art Means of providing Chic with su and exposure shall be a priority of the community 14 The Ford Park Amphitheatre shall continue to be developed and used for summer musical performances and other types of cultural events 15 Vail should strive for a permanent theater and auditorium complex 16 Vail shall look at ing a festival or themes which will bring in specific groups or movies for example a theater series a series of musical events a jazz series artist series film series film Colorado art shave 17 Vail shall continue to establish its identity as more than a recreational resort A goal is to have socialculturaleducational activity as of Vails identity and to solicit private donations for this of activity CuEd 5Zl83 5 18 Vail shall pe socialculturaleducational activity in a positive light as part of the enhancement of the Vail chNience l The Vail Library shall become an integral part of the communitys involvement with culture and education EDUCATIONAL POLICIES Intellectualism is a positive statement for Vail and the Town shall pbe this by having group meetings seminars symposiums and conierences 2 Colorado 14iountain College shall be encouraged to provide education programs for residents of the commmunity 3 Quality education for Vails youth shall be a high priority of the community DRAFT ECONOMIC 512ss Real economic growth and development in the future is critical for the continued success of Vail as a world class resort cotmntnity 1 The Town of Vail should support and encourage realistic programs which promote assist and stimulate real econanic growth within the commmunity Havever such pros should be compatible with the overall goals of the community 2 The primary immediate emphasis within the Vail community should be greater utilization of existing facilities and programs 3 Vail should support communitywide marketing efforts 4 Vail should suNN regional marketing efforts 5 Vail should actively search for ways to expand the markets for its existing types of business 6 Vail should search for viable new forrrs of business activity which are compatible with the long term goals of the community 7 Vail should work to expand the scope of existing programs S Vail should determine if cultural events arts and education can be econanically viable and beneficial to the camrninity 9 Vail should improve its economic data base and market research 10 Vail shall continue to promote and expand opportunities in convention and other seminar services and determine if affiliation with a University or other organization is beneficial for economic growth 11 The Sumner season must be further promoted and new programsevents and attractions established to build on having this season a major time in Vail t 51283 ECONOMIC Real economic growth and development in the future is critical for the continual success of Vail as a viable world class resort community 1 The Town of Vail should support and encourage realistic programs which promote assist and stimulate real economic growth within the community However such programs should be compatible with the overall goals of the community 2 The primary immediate emphasis within the Vail community should be greater utilization of existing facilities and programs 3 The Town of Vail should support communitywide marketing efforts 4 The Town of Vail should support regional marketing efforts 5 Vail should actively search for ways to expand the markets far its existing types of business 6 Vail should search for viable new forms of business activity which are compatible with the long term goals of the community 7 Vail should work to expand the scope of existing programs y Ecoic 51283 2 8 Vail should determine if cultural events arts and education can be economically viable and beneficial to the community 9 Vail should improve its economic data base and market research May 10 1983 SOCIALCULTURALEDUCATIONAL I POLICIES 1 The community must continue to have an open communication among key organizations and people to understand promote resolve conflict and achieve coordinated planning 2 Increased awareness of programs events and major community issues shall be accomplished through communication 3 Kiosks in key locations within Vail Village Vail Lionshead and the West Vail commercial area shall be constructed to display current programs and events 4 Radio television newspapers and magazines shall be encouraged to promote events within the community 5 A weekly publication sha71 be established to provide information of events for the week season and year 6 Every effort shall be made to nurture and foster a sense of neighborhoods within the community 7 Through neighborhood and community meetingsand workshops recommendations and plans for improvements shall be developed 8 Public and private programs shall be established to provide financial resources to implement the improvements 9 The community shall continue the guest relations program to insure employees know what is expected how to greet and support guests and be familiar with events location of activity and the community SaCuEd 1083 2 10 A humanistic commission shall be established to create promote and program cultural and educational events within the community 11 A chance to stimulate cultural development to expand the economic base shall be a priority within the community 12 Vail shall strive to enrich the cultural activity of residents and guests 13 Artists and performers shall be encouraged to live in residence and to display and perform during all times of the year within the community 14 Public and private organizations within the Upper Eagle Valley along with state and national organizations shall work together to establish and promote cultural programs that compliment and support the area 15 Vail shall explore the viability of providing housing for artists and performers during certain times of the year 16 Increased use of cablevision programming capabilities to promote and show local regional and national talent and art shows shall be a priority of Vail 17 Street life activity in Vail Village and Vail Lionshead shall be promoted through outdoor cafes stimulating street life activity street life ambience by having mimes small musical ensembles and other attractions which will be enjoyable for the residents and tourists 18 Vail shall strive to create over the years its own cultural identity This should be part of the program for the humanistic commission to work on establishing 19 Art in public places shall become a priority in the community The long term goal is to have permanent sculptures within Vail Village and Vail Lionshead for the residents and tourists to enjoy i SoCuEd 51083 3 20 There should be financial support provided to ensure the cultural programs will be available with the community 21 There shall be provided within the community a Town gallery for display of art work photographs and other visual media for enjoyment by residents and tourists 22 Increased use and promotion and exposure of programs at Colorado Mountain College SummerVail Workshop regarding artists who come in the summer shall be a priority of the community Shop owners restaurants and banks should display the art Means of providing CMC with financial support and exposure shall be a priority of the community 23 The Ford Park Amphitheatre shall continue to developed and used for summer musical performances and other types of cultural events 24 Intellectualism is a positive statement for Vail and the Town of Uail shall be promoted as part of the Vail Symposium 25 Vail should be a community known for business conferences and symposium type of events 26 Vail should stive for a permanent theater and auditorium complex 27 Vail shall look at promoting a festival or themes which will bring in specific groups or movies for example a theater series a series of musical events a jazz series artist series film series film classics Colorado art show SoCuEd 1083 4 28 Vail shall continue to establish its identity as more than a recreational resort A goal in the socialculturaleducational area is to have this as part of Vails identity Vail shall actively solicit private donations for socialculturaleducational types of activity 29 Vail shall promote socialculturaleducational activity in a positive light as part of the enhancement of the Vail experience 30 The community shall work with the Eagle Valley Arts Council to establish a visible location with Vail for the promotion of the arts 31 Vail shall continue to work for specific seminars that bring people to Vail for educational experiences and programs DRAFT PARKS AND ttrttrATION GOAL bfay 11 1983 The general goal of the recreation planning process is to provide Nxsams facilities and a physical enviutconducive to active and passive recrea tional experiences POLICIES 1 Community and neighborhood open space will be developed to insure that there are active and passive recreational opportunities for residents and guests 2 The Tcm shall continue to work with Eagle County other comrrnanities in the county the school district the state and federal gout to coordinate regional recreational Nlunities 3 Special private recreational facilities and services shall be encouraged to provide unique opportunities for residents and guests 4 Develtof park facilities shall be based on long term recreational plans 5 Greater recognition and utilisation of the Dobson Arena for icerelated events shall be encouraged Ways of expanding Vai1s economic base through the use of the arena while still being protective of programs for residents shall be encouraged 6 Special recreational events that benefit the Town shall be supported and promoted by the public and private sectors of the community along with regional andjor national sponsors 7 The community shall continue to explore and promote opportunities to achieve maximum quality use of its recreational resources 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ParksRec 511j83 2 The Vail golf course will be preserved to insure that this activity is alwyas available for residents and guests Adequate parking shall be provided at parks and recreatianal facilities 1rlaintainence and repair of park and recreational facilities shall be done to insure that they are safe and attractive far participants and spectators Vail shall develop recreational programs that are balanced sa as to provide for a variety of needs of the residents and guests Coordination of recreational activities among recreational interest groups shall be encouraged Recreation programs and facilities shall maintain high standards of quality Maximum use of existing recreational facilities shall be achieved A bikeway system shall be completed through the Gore Valley to provide far a variety of recreational needs Vails use of Gore Creek as an attractive active and passive recreational amenity shall be encouraged A walking trail along Gore Creek from Lianshead to Ford Park shall be developed for enjoyment of residents and guests A cross country ski trail system shall be developed and maintained within the Gore Valley Other recreational facilities such as a community swimming pool and recreation center shall be provided based on comrnmity interest and financial capability to provide funds for the use Recreational opportunities that expand Vails recreational image shall be encouraged Recreational opportunities that expand Vails economic base shall be encouraged Creative ways of funding recreational programs and facilities shall be explored MEMORANDUM April 12 1983 TO Town Council FROM Department of Community Development SUBJECT Community Action Plan Policies Gail Chuck and I have been discussing policies for Vails Community Action Plan Below is an example of a complex policy and a somewhat simpler policy to implement First will be an example of a policy followed by how it could be implemented CULTURAL 1 POLICY A humanistic commission shall be established to create promote and program cultural and educational activity within the community IMPLEMENTATION Specific area humanistic commission a time period for starting summer of 83 completion ongoing b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy Town Council appoints advisory commission c approximate cost staff time to assist in establishing commission and ongoing staff time d source of funds Town general fund for staff time e comments 1 Should the Town Council provide leadership in this area 2 What is the Town Council policy on arts education and human needs 3 The commission could be comprised of members from different organizations and interest groups to coordinate the cultural educational and humanistic needs of the community 2 POLICY There shall be provided within the community a Town gallery for display of art work photographs and other visual media for enjoyment by residents and tourists IMPLEMENTATION Specific area Use of Vail Town Library for display space 483 a time period for starting opening of library completion continued use b organiationagency accountable for achieving the policy Town librarian CMC Arts Council c approximate cost no cost to Town d source of funds NA e comments implement with opening of library 41183 ECONOMIC 1 POLICY Vail must continue to look for and grasp economic opportunities that insure world c7 ass status for the community 1 IMPLEMENTATION Spec i fi c area a time period far starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 2 POLICY The community shall continue to support opportunities in business that strengthen enhance and diversify the economic base of Vail 2 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 3 POLICY Vail shall continue to promote and expand opportunities in convention and seminar services and determine if affiliation with a university or other organization is beneficial for economic growth nomic 2 41183 3 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 4 POLICY Opportunities in computers communication and other technology shall be explored and promoted 4 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 5 POLICY The summer season must be further promoted and new programs events and attractions established to build on having this season as a major time of the year for Vail 5 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 4783 DRAFT AIR QUALITY 1 POLICY The Town shall continue to monitor the air quality with in the Gore Valley 1 IMPLEMENTATTON Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 2 POLICY The Town shall continue to develop strategies necessary to maintain the optimum quality of ambient air within the Gore Valley 2 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments DPAiI 00119MUNITY DESIQ1 POLICIES FOR UPPADINGREHABILITATION OF BUILDINGS 1 Public and private sectors should vaork together under unified specific design guidelines to accomplish and maintain a high level of quality of the physical plant in the community 2 Upgrading and remodeling of structures should be encouraged within the restrictions and opportunities of the zoning code 3 Density transfer from one parcel to another should not be allowed because of the many coplications it presents and because it could promote 100 buildout of ali dtelling and accommodation units alloti1ed under the zoning code ENPLOYEE LOUSING POLICIES 1 The Totirn should support the addition of a managers unit in condominium projects which contain 20 or more dwelling units and hotels whichwould be restricted to enployee housing as per Town of Vail zoning regulation 1813080 B 10 This tivould be allowed even if the project were at or over its maxium density according to the zoning code 2 The Town of Vail should include rezoning provisions in its zoning code to allow for employee dwelling units if certain site conditions such as in Section 1813080 B 15 of the zoning code are met 3 The public and private sectors should hark together to ensure the availa bility of affordable long term employee housing in the Town for both seasonal and peranentresidents This would include actively pursuing Federal and State funds as well as creative taxing and financing schemes NEIGHBORHOOD POLICIES 1 Each neighborhood should contain transportation and recreation facilities to adequately serve the residents needs 2 Neighborhood residents should be aware of the available avenues for their input on improvements proposed in or near their neighborhood 3 Neighborhood residents should be aware of the zoning and other regulations which affect them 4 Property otianers should be aware of the importance to the community of proper upkeep of their property 5 Each neighborhood should have a land use plan dictating existing and future desired uses This plan should be an element in public policy decisions facing the neighboriood s ETHER POLICIES Growth down valley should be monitored by a county organization to insure facilities and services are available to meet the demand The mutual environment shall be protected by insuring no pollution of the streams hillsides do not have severe cuts and problems are dealt with in an environmentally sensitive way The Town of Vail will continue to work toward a water plan that will accommodate the needs of VailEagle County and Western Colorado The Town will work with the various water organizations to accomplish these goals If additional water diversions are required by the eastern regions of Colorado the Town of Vail will examine the impacts of these diversions and take action accordingly The Town of Vail apposes the development of the Eagle Piney Eagle Colorado and Homestake II project because of their impacts on the upper Gore Creeks Eagle River and Colorado River systems It will be a goal of the Town of Vail to maintain adequate minimum stream flows for all streams in the Gore Valley The Community must maintain the highest water quality possible This can be accomplished through a minimum of disturbance to the streams and their banks The Town must control runoff and drainage so that the streams remain pure and as clean as possible 31683 PARKS AND RECREATION 1 POLICY Community and neighborhood parks will be developed to insure that there are active and passive recreational opportunities for residents and guests IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 2 POLICY The Town shall continue to work with Eagle County other communities in the county the school district the State and Federal government to coordinate regional recreational opportunities IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 3 POLICY Special private recreational facilities and services shall be encouraged to provide unique opportunites for residents and guests M Par 31683 2 3 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 4 POLICY Development of park facilities shall be based on demand and needs of the community neighborhoods andor visitors 4 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 5 POLICY Recreation facilities and services shall be provided based upon need and demand by residents and guests 5 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 383 3 parks 6 POLICY Special recreational events that benefit the Town shall be supported and promoted by the public and private sectors of the community along with retional andor national sponsors 6 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e corrYnents 7 POLICY The community shall continue to explore and promote opportunities to achieve maximum quality use of its recreational resources 7 IMPLEMENTATION Spec i fi c area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 8 POLICY A walking trail along Gore Creek from Vail LionsHead to Ford Park shall be developed for enjoyment of residents and guests 31 b83 4 Parks 8 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 9 POLICY The Vail golf course will be preserved to insure that this activity is always available for residents and guests 9 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 10 POLICY Adequate parking shall be provided at parks and recreational facilities 10 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments r 3165 Parks 11 POLICY Maintenance and repair of park and recreation facilities shall be done to insure that they are safe and attractive for participants and spectators 11 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 12 POLICY A cross ski country trail system shall be developed and maintained within the Gore Valley 12 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 13 POLICY Other recreational facilities such as a community swimming pool and recreation center shall be provided based on community interest and financial capability to provide funds for the use 13 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion d source of funds b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy e comments c approximate cast MEMORANDUM March 7 1983 TO Gail and Chuck FROM Dick SUBJECT Draft of policies for Vails Community Action Plan Below are the policies generated to date for the Community Action Plan Most of the policies are of a general nature to provide guidance I would recommend that for each general policy there would be several specific areas that need implementation Each implementation stategy would have more specific information on time accountable agency approximate cost estimate and sources of funds This would allow for the general statement followed by the specifics that we all want to see as part of the plan EXAMPLE I POLICY Community performing arts groups along with permanent space for rehearsals and performance shall be established within Vail Key elements of the general policy are 1 establishing several performing arts groups 2 permanent home for rehearsals and performances within Vail II SPECIFIC IMPLEMENTATION A Community Performing Arts Groua 1 A permanent theater group a time period for starting completion b agencyorganization accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds 2 A permanent dance group a time period for startingcompletion b agencyorganization accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds 3 A permanent concert group a time period for starting completion b agencyorganization accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds Community Action Plan 2 3783 Childrens theater group a time period for starting and completion b agencyorganization accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds SOCIALCULTURALEDUCATIONAL 3382 A COMMUNICATION l POLICY The community must continue to nave an open communication among key organiza tions and people to understand promote resolve conflict and achieve coor dinated planning 1 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting completion b organizationagncy accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 2 POLICY Increased awareness of programs events and community issues shall be accomplished through a weekly monthly and seasonally calendar of events Kiosks in key locations within Vail Village Vail LionsHead and the West Vail commercial area shall display current events Radio television stations newspapers and magazines shall promote current events A clearing house shall be established to coordinate and schedule programs and events 2 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting completion 3383 2 b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 3 POLICY The community shall continue the guest relations program to insure employees know what is expected how to greet and support guests and be familiar with events location of activity and the community 3 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 4 POL IGY Through neighborhood and community meetings improvements shall be suggested to improve the Town Public and private programs shall be established to provide financial resources to implement the improvements 4 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy 3 3383 c approximate cast d source of funds e comments B CULTURAL 1 POLICY A humanistic commission shall be established to Great promote and program cultural events within the community 1 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting completion b organization agency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 2 POLICY Vail should continue to strive fora we71 rounded cultural program to meet the needs of various parts of the community 2 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting completion b organizationagency accountable far achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 33 4 3 POLICY Local artists and performers shall be encouraged to display and perform during all times of the year within the community 3 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cast d source of funds e comments 4 POLICY Public and private organizations within the Upper Eagle Valley along with State and National organizations shall work together to establish and promote cultural programs that complement and support the area 4 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 383 5 5 POLICY Vail shall explore the viability of providing housing for artists and performers during certain times of the year 5 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 6 POLICY Increased use of cablevision programming capabilities to promote and show local regional and national talent and art shows shall be a priority of Vail 6 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 7 POLICY 3383 6 Street life activity in Vail Village and Vail Lionshead shall be provided by mimes small musical ensembles and other attractions which will be enjoyable for the resident and tourist 7 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 8 POLICY Vail should look at similar type of activities as Sante Fe with an artist colony foreign film series seminars for writers painters print makers 8 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 3383 7 9 POLICY Art in public places shall become a priority in the community The long term goal is to have permanent sculptures within Vail Village and Vail Lionshead for the residents and tourists to enjoy 9 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 10 POLICY There should be financial support provided to ensure the cultural programs will be available with the community 10 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the plicy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments r83 g 11 POLICY There shall be provided within the community a Town gallery for display of art work photographs and other visual media for enjoyment by residents and tourists 11 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organzationJagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 12 POLICY Increased use and promotion and exposure of the programs at Colorado Mountain College regarding artists who come in the summer shall be a priority of the community Shop owners restaurants and banks should display the art There should also possibly be a kickoff event and auction of items 12 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 3J3 9 13 POLICY The Ford Park Amphitheatre shall continue to be developed and used for Sumner musical performances and other types of cultural events 13 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 14 POLICY Each year the Vail community shall look at and establish a direction for the Uail symposium where it will look at issues of the West or issues of the country The goal shall be to establish the Vail Symposium at the same time every year 14 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the poi icy c approximate cast d source of funds e comments 33 10 15 POLICY Vail shall establish a permanent rehearsal space and a place to build props for plays and other events within the community 15 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e correnents 16 POLICY Vail shall look at promoting a festival or themes which will bring in specific groups or movies for example a theater series a series of musical events a jazz series artist series film series film classics Colorado art show 16 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate d source of f e comments 383 11 17 POLICY Vail shall continue to establish its identity as more than a recreational resort R goal in the socialculturaleducational area is to have this as part of Vail s identify Vail shall actively solicit private donations for socialculturaleducational type of activity 17 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 18 POLICY Vail shall promote socialculturaleducational activity in a positive light as part of the enhancement of the Vail experience 18 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments i 3383 12 19 POLICY The community shall work with the Eagle Valley Arts Council to establish a visible location with Vail for the promotion of the arts 19 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments 20 POLICY Vail shall continue to work for specific seminars that bring people to Vail for educational experiences and programs 20 IMPLEMENTATION Specific area a time period for starting and completion b organizationagency accountable for achieving the policy c approximate cost d source of funds e comments T0 Town Council FROM Dick Ryan Peter Patten SUBJECT Community Actian Plan Phase II Process DATE January 31 1983 Phase II will will consist of the formulation of policy statements for each element of the plan The task forces will be responsible for the specificformationofeachpolicyIncludedinthepolicieswillbethefollowingfourcrucialelements1timeperiodforcompletion2theagencyorganizationaccountableforachievingthepolicy3anapproximatecostestimateto accomplish the policy 4 the source of funds for the project Includingthesefourelementsemphasizestheobjectiveofthisbeinganactionplan Policy statements will follow the process as shown in the attached chart POLICY FORMULATION PROCESS ORGANIZATION TOV STAFF PRODUCES DRAFT OF POLICIES Vr TOWN COUNCIL l TASK FORCES Y AGENCIESORGANIZATIONS RESPONSIBLE FOR CARRYING OUT POLICIES y STEERING COMMITTEE W n TYPE OF INPUT G Wahrlich advise C Anderson advise Initial advice and comment Actual policy formulation and recommendations General consent to assume responsibility for action on the policy Coordinate and prioritize all policies AGENCIESORGANIZATIONS Final approval and endorsement RESPONSIBLE FOR of policies each is responsibleCARRYINGOUTPOLICIESfor Final approval and promotion of STEERING COMMITTEE plan via VRA luncheon speaker I Announce citizen workshop OPEPJ PUBLIC WORKSHOP Public comments on plan STEERING COMMITTEE Consider public comment reviseffffifnecessary f TOWN COUNCIL Adoption of plan T0 Community Design Task Force Members FROM Peter Patten DATE January 13 1983 SUBJECT Proposed agenda for the first meeting of Phase II of Vails Community Action Plan The following items are those proposed for our agenda to work on the next several months Under each agenda item are a few suggested policy statements which should be focal points of our discussion Id like to call a meeting on Thursday afternoon January 27 at 300 pm in the Town Council Conference Room Please let me know ASAP if you cantattend Thanks A NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOPS PROCESS Divide the Town into neighborhoodsareas 2 Assemble information from various sources on each neighborhood such as a Past projects never done b Proposed projects under TOV Capital Improvement Program c Existing zoning and development potential d Environmental constraints and opportunities e Existing designarchitectural styles 3 Prepare a preliminary neighborhood development plan involving physical improvementsfacilities basic design parameters for new structures policies for maintenance and upgrading of structures etc 4 Present each plan to each neighborhood as a suggestion and ask them for comments other problem areas and suggestions 5 After each neighborhood meeting revise the original plan to conform with neighborhood suggestionsneeds 6 Invite attendees and nonattendees of the workshops to come to Community Development Department to pick up revised version of the plan affecting their neighborhood for their further comment and suggestion Give them a week or 10 days for their feedback 7 Again adjust each plan as necessary according to thie revision and produce final draft 8 Submit final draft as a section of the Community Action Plan for approval by all relevant bodies NOTE This process cannot be done in two months UPGRADINGREHABILITATION OF BUILDINGS IN THE COMMUNITY 1 Public and private sectors should work together under a unified specificdesignguideplantoaccomplishandmaintainahighlevelofqualityof the physical plant in the community 2 Upgrading and remodeling of structures should be accomplished within the restrictions and opportunities of the zoning code 3 Density transfer from one parcel to another should not be allowed because of the many complications it presents and because it would promote 100 buildout of all dwelling and accommodation units allowed under the zoning code