HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB0600266mr{rY rt|EgtF.f f Y'':''',Yry*Design Review Board ACTIOil FORIII D€partment of Community Develolment 75 South Frontage Road, vaal, Cohrado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fax. 978.479.24s2 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: HECKMAN Nn/ SFR Protect Descrlpdon: ProjectAddrcss: Legal Decription: Parel Number: Comments: Lot: 14 Blodc Subdlvlslon: VAIL WtLAGE WEST FIL 2 2103-123-0601-3 see conditions DRB Number: DRB06@26 FINAL APPROVAL FOR NEW CONSIRUCnON OF A 3 LEVEL RESIDENTIAL SFR - all specifics on file, see conditions of approval Paftlclpants: owNER HECKMAN,CHRISTOPHER PO BOX 4531 EDWARDS co 81632 APPUCATTT HECKMAN, CHRISTOPHER PO BOX 4531 EDWARDS @ 81632 1783 SHASTA PL VAIL Location: 1783 SHASrA PL 0210612006' 0210512006 BOAR,D/S:IAFF ACTION Moton By: Dunning Second By: Donvard Vote: 3-1-0 (FriElen opposed) CondlUons: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/06i2005 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rerriew committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not beome valid for 20 days folloring the date of apprcval. @nd:202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a building permlt is issued and construction is commened and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007855 At the time of building permit submitbl, the applicant shall provide a site plan for the public works department indicating the specific arading strategy at the east sideof the;*n*. @nd: CON0007856 At the Ume of bulldlng submltal, the applicant shall prwide the Communty Darclopment Department wrltten documenffion from the Eagb RiverWaEr and Sanitatlon Dlstrlct indicatirg permanent relocatbn of the well house and drivovay from Lot 14, OoM: CON0007857 11lo dwelllng unlts shall not allowed on this prcperty, Enuy: 03/06/2006 ee Actlon: AP Pbnncr: Ellsabe0rEckel DRB Fee P.H: 1650.00 New Constructi0 Application for Design Review Depaltmert of Communlty De\relopment 75 Sou$ F ontage Road, Vail, Colorado 816t bf : 970,479.2128 ta'.: 97O.48.2452 web: www.wilgor.com General lnfonnation: All pojects rcquidng (hdgn rerriev', must receive approal prior to $bmiEirE a buildng rcfer b the submitlal rcqukements fur the partiorhr apFoval that is requested. An cannd be a@pH wtil all rcquircd informtion is received by the Community Development Department. The pmlrt may also need b be rwiewed by tlc Town Oouncil and/or the Planning and EnvimnfiEntal Cotnrnisiorl. D6ign Gview approval lF unl6. bul|dhre psnnit |3 ireucd and ooGEuctioo onnnncro rlUrln ore year of tfte appoval. oftie Request: ,M/S Locauonof th€Propgaal: tnt /4 e@x,_ Subdivision: Physical Addroce: p"rot 1{o.,@ (conbct Eagle co. Assessor at 970-32&86,10 for parcel no.) izoninsr P '-' 'f , 2,. 4>l , tfame(c) of orner(s): C4 z; , ' ' ilalllngAddr€so: Orner(s) SignaErc(s): trame of Appfica r* (/ z ; s /e c /<mal") Marlrnsfddrces, Fo 8o" 4{3/ Fr/,ltr,oS 4 t/432 $50 Eus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For @nsuuction of a nevt building or defip/rebuild. $300 For an additlon wher€ square footage is added to any r€siden0al or cornmercial building (includes 250 additions & inbdor convensions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and dte impDvemeflts, stdl as' remfing, painting, windorr additiorE, landsca$ing, fences and r€tainlng vYalls, etc. $20 For minor dnrqes to buildingE ard dte impror€tnents, $dl as, rercofirg, Fainting, window additixs, lardscadng, f€nc ard rctainirE walls, eE. $20 For revisbns b plans aheady appowd by Planning Sff or the DesiJn Rqrievr Boad. No Fee Tlpe of Rwiew and Fee: tr Slgns tr/ Conceptual Re/bw 6 H"r, Co,,.ru.ti rntr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( muft Ffamily/cornmercial) D Mimr Alteration (dngle-fadV/dud€ro fl n, tn,o6\ G @$s\ '& ctwaApproved Phns tr S€paratbn Reqr.Est nt( u.| EGEIVE FEB 0 6 2006 Str%3"'* *oro., 5FD8 ay, *afata'lfalllltftl'tll**ltlltlll**tftllllllfllltfttl*af**lllla+*t*tt+'ittll+ff*'lt'l**a*rtffi**ta TOU/IIIOFVAII. @IORADO Stst€mdafaaftfa'taatllllllltflalaatarllflllllltllfllllllfftf*tlfffftlltltlt'i'i*'}rra**arlll*ltaa*lttatt guauGment lnnber: Ro6oooolorr Amounts 9650.oo 02/05/200601:38 PM Palnuaat lletlrod: Cbeek Init: iIS Notation: 5488/IlEcxilAN 1IOMEB Peflnit No: DR8060026 Tlpe: DRB - New Congeruction Parcol No: 2103-123-0601-3glte Addroaa ! 1783 SIIASTA pIJ VAIIJ Locatl@ s 1783 SHA8TA PIJ Thle Palmrent: 9650 . 00 Tocal Fees3 S650.00 ToEaI AL,L Prnte: $650.00BaLa,nce: $0.00aafaaalaafi+faafttfaaattttttttftftfffaaafaaffftfttar**lt*aa*+aaa+a*ta*ttittlltlt***aaaaffaal ACCOIJI.IT ITEM LIST: AccouDt Code Descrlption Current htg DR 00100003L1,2200 DBSrolr Rg\,:tBn FEES 650.00