HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB060257oct*rtrlY ElGLctE lr OtuW Design Review Board 'tA ACTIOI{ FORU Depaitment of Commr.nity Development 75 Sosth Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,?139 faxz 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Gor- L'"oL- futk- Lol 7 ProjectName: DUFFYCHANGE Project Description: DRBNumb€r: DR8060257 Change to approved plans for original remodel applicaUon: includes new roofed entry with landscape area, new flagstone tena@, DaVinci synthetic shake in Stained Brown (with variegated edge), Khaki Brown Siding, Copper Flashing and green Participants: OWNER DUFFY DG LLC c/O I.AUMJ CHRISTMAN 410 17TH ST 22ND FL DENVER co 80202 APPUCANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC. Project Addrd 39.14 BIGHORN RD, Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments: 0612T2006 Phone: 949-3302 Location: 0612il2006 Lot 7W Blodc Subdivision: I-ANDMARCTOWNHOMES PH I 2101-111-0401-3 see conditions Mouon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Acton: APPROVED Date of Apprcval: 08/11/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN); No change to these plans may be made without tlte written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revieu, commit@(s). Cond:0 (PUN): DRB approval does not consdtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to consuuction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valld for 20 days fiollowing the date of approval. Cond:202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and beome vo'nJ one (1) year follo,trlng the date oi hnal approrrat, ui'less a building permlt ls issued and construcbbn is commenced and ls dlligenUy pursued toward completlon. Cond: CON0008350 The applicant shall make e"rterior changes congruenUy at both sides of the duplqr, resulting in matching character prior b Temponry Grtificate of Occupancy. Planner: roofing system incorporates staggered edges and does not result in horizontal "linesn within the roofing material. DRB Fee Paid: 120.00 Application for Design Review ..1tf, nen:rtrnant ^f a^rnrnr rnih, flo\rol^nmont n V. Minor Exterior Alterations Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657" tel: 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit tplication. Pleas€ refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ltcDesign Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Crmmunity Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approyal lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of Request:> Locauon of the Proposal: Lot: -7 glock: 04? l suuoivision't-ANg rlAS-\l-T>HN t{Hrb physicaf Address: bc 44 Vt?l+eir.r\ Y-V. parcet No.: 2ro ltlta4 a\z>(Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning:O-b Name(s) of Owner(s):Far-v+l\ Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: f"t' $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residental or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site re-roofing, painting, window additiont retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved Design Review Board. No Fee .{jh'. {-bs Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addiuon E Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) g Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request E\d E I{ame of Applicant: Phone: =m SJ Iz lE such as, , fences rtul# rQlvN oF vAlL ***+***'it***a*t*+**'3**t******'il'a!*****+***+**++at++'i******++*llltl++**++**+*********+**+**a*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement++++*+++**+*********************+***t++*tf*t*aa**t*a*ttff**t*a*****+t***t*t*******++**t+++++ Statement Nurnber: R0500o0879 Anor.rnE: $20.00 06/27/200607:43 AM Palment lttethod: CaEh InLt: iIS Notation: $/SIGPIIERD RESOTIRCES Permit lilo: DR8050257 T14re: DRB -Chg to Appr Plan6 Parcel- l{o: 2101- 111-0401-3 Site Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAII IJocation: 3944 BIGHORN RD, 7W This Payment: *'lt'|{.****************r}*+*'t'}******{'*********************+t+f't'}'}****+*t***f++*+++++++++**++++++ ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Aecount code Current Pmts DR 00100003tL2200 DESIGN REUIEW FEES 20.00 Total Feea: $20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: Balance: DescrlDtion $20.00 920. O0 $0. o0 /ffi E ir I 3 ii lr .a;!6 iiir!:! t6 tilk).'t {iJ&*l Ll Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Wpe of Materia I Color TAr r{e.rO Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other -'1F\T*€n c.b*nu4- @OA(L L- ?Vr& tl6'rlfl1$\ - FzFf br-ll:\ q rJ ln N/o 4't5tf L, d Qtiau,-> Qaure V?o1 24-V11:\ I GnrWG,f\) l,fkfe+l arLr>fur4 reN4 Lew? pdf044aL.- ll E*tgn Au' aa?an_ffi 6xt>rr r:J L.' C-6,*4a,4---9-t-ztNtQla rJ3si-rN E*t>a Aq 6,Yl9n rJL.. J{otes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_minor_alt_11-23-2005.doc Page 6 of 13 ru2312005 Jun 25 06 04:52p o6,t23/2OQ6 lL:.2A KATIE FAX WOLFEo AGRON ]OIIIT PROPERTY OWNER WRTTTEII APPROVAL LETI ER 0332215/8 p.2 *m . ( or'r (gel\'alt ='€ v|$zA'a'-hlea';fFran] r,(pri.tn"r"),(AflE.\,.1 d.te- AI"L?N lg1.liJJ*r*tof propertylo@tedat(address/lesd dessipbon) provide this fe$er as written approval of dre dans daEd beensubmittedtotheTo|vnofvai|communityDa€|oprpfitDepart''€rtfurtt|eprsos€dimprov€nents tobecornp|etedattheaddressnotEdabove.Imdersbrdthatthegrcposedimprovementsindude: Ifurth€'Understandthatminormodrfigtionsmaybemadetothep|aflsovefthecourseoftlrerev|€w prtr€ss to ensure cdnHlance with the Town's applicable codes afft regulatbns' which hav€ -(sg6AL-(Date) f :\rdedFORI4S\FGtmitr\Planr$qpRBdrbJninor-iall-U -212005'dr ?ryzc' L3 1r/2fr2005 AEl23/2ZAE 1l-:53 08/23/2006 11:49 F'l|K HEID coNSrRUToN rN PAGE A2/42 6 oo2 97476821.e2 *m IVIINOR EXGRIOR ALTERATION ro silit-orNcs AND srru TMPRoVEMENTS SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS General rnformatlon: Thisappticatlonisrequtredrorproposalsrlvof!1gllI:|terloralteGdonsand/orgtelmprovemenG' prooosals to add landscaph' do not requlre DRB tppr*ui UICfS thev involve the additlon of pdtios' water t"itures, qradlng, or the addition of retainlng walls' r.@ t] Stamped Topographlc SuryeY': o Site and Grading Plan+ o l end$ape Plans st nrch ltectural Eh\aBonsr d- Exterlor color and materlal Sampl€5 and speclfiGbons' q Archltectural Floor Plans* o Ughting Plan* and Cut-shee(s) for.pr-oposed.fixtures tr -litle reoort, indudtng SdlJ"l6 n A S lo verify ownership and easements* t-Filir#itil &ittrn's tiit and adjacent structures' where appllcable: o wrltten 6pprovat f;;;; condomlnium associauon, landlord, and jcint ownef, if applk6ble E Site#*rftc Geological Hazard Repott, if appllcable* q rhe Admtntstra##iffiid;t"'€qii-il; ihe submission of addltional plans, dfawlngsr sp€ctflcEflons, ,ii,.ii.i' i"J olher macrtals .(including a mod€I) if deemed necessitry to determtne wrr.n r'a-pioiea *itt comptv wiin oesigir Guidellnes or if the lntent of fte Proposal is not clearly indlcated, Plcore wrmit t re (l/ coVfu o/rhc rrrzlcltt i not# 'pilh nil r8/t'3'* (y' **For interior convers|ons With no eSEdgLqlE0ggF, the subm|tta| requiremenE |nclude.a comp|ete set of existing and proposed noo. pLfiIffiiE-rfiFott, iirO *ritt"n apprwal from a condomlnium assoclation' landlord, and joint owner, lf appllcable' Fr\cdav\FQRM5\Pernlts\Plsnnlng\DRB\db-.fflmr-alll l-23'2005'doc Page 3 oF 13 Lrl2TZ0o5 oo Elisabeth Reed - RE: FW:3944 From: To: Date: Subject: 'Adam Harrison" <adam @sriarchitect.com> "Elisabeth Reed" <EReed@vailgov.com> O7l24l2OOG 4:39:45 PM RE: FW: 3944 Bighorn Road Hey Elisabeth- Attached are photos of the color palette, one taken inside our office and one outside; let me know if you need actual samples. Miscellaneous wood stain - Benjamin Moore, Deep Walnut, 081 68 Siding - Hardiplank, Khaki Brown Stucco - STO 20418 (Custom color) Roof - DaVinci. Autumn The clients wanted to use a standard color for the siding, it may not match the other duplexes exactly; but we believe is in the same family. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Adam --Original Message--- From: Elisabeth Reed [mailto:EReed@vailgov.com] Sent: Friday, July 21 ,2006 2:13 PM To: Adam Harrison Subject: RE: FW:3944 Bighorn Road Hi Adam: Keep me posted as to whether or not I can do anything to help regarding the 3944 Bighorn project. I am still hoping that this will be reviewed at a staff level only. However, if we are varying the character too much, we'll go to the next DRB meeting, which occurs on Wed, Aug 2nd. Keep me posted...hope you're well. Elisabeth >>> "Adam Harrison" <adam@sriarchitect.com> 0711212006 1 2:51 :03 PM >>> Hey Elisabeth- Back from vacation and getting caught up. Site Coverage: Existing site coverage =3,452 New site coverage =65Total =3,517sf/ 26,544sf = 1 3.24o/o site coverage I wish I had this much site coverage to play with on all my projects. l'll get you those materials/colors yet this week. Thanks Adam --Original Message-- From : Elisabeth Reed [mailto:EReed@vailgov.com] Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 10:51 AM To: Adam Harrison Subject: Re: FW: 394.4 Bighorn Road Hello Adam: Per our conversation moments ago, lwill expect from you, upon your return, the following submittal details: 1. Site coverage for the lot, existing and proposed. (l have record that your lot size is 26,554 square feet of which 20% is allowed for site coverage). The new roof overhangs at the entry will be -65 square feet of additional site coverage after the 4' roof overhangs deduction is taken, right? 2. Final proposed stucco color for both sides of the duplex. 3. Sample of the proposed synthetic shake. No rush on this...plan on this being reviewed on a staff level only. Thanks....enjoy your weekend! Elisabeth >>> "Adam Harrison" <adam@sriarchitect.com> 06/30/2006 9:55:02 AM >>> Hey Elisabeth- I'm coplng Doug and Rachel on this email because I will be out of town next week and will not be able to aftend the meeting. I stopped by at the units yesterday and probably feel that if we changed the palette as we have proposed you would read them separately, which I think would be fine; because they are oriented differently, I don't read them together. However, to help unify them I would propose to use the same color siding as is existing and the same color fascia that is on the units to the east. My argument for doing the improvements is that the building is so on display as you drive east on Big Horn into East Vail that it would be nice to add some mountain character where its currently lacking. Thanks and have a great fourth, if you have the chance this morning before 11:00AM please call and we can discuss. 949-3302. Adam --Original Message-- From: Adam Harrison Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:23 PM To: 'Elisabeth Reed' Subject RE:3944 Bighorn Road Hey Elisabeth- You assume conectly. Can we talk about this tomorrow morning, what if instead of stained wood siding, we painted to match the other units; anyhow, doing something would be an improvement, they're pretty bland right now and we'd like to add some mountain character. Adam --Original Message- From : Elisabeth Reed [mailto:EReed@vailgov.com] Sent Thursday, June 29, 2006 1 1:06 AM To: Adam Hanlson Subjec'h 39'!4 Bighom Road HelloAdam: I have rcceived the application for ttp referenced address r€garding the change to the front enbyrrtay. I am assuming that thls change is propoeed for both sides, conec't? The only thlng that concsms me are the propoeed color changee for the building. As you knov, the neighborlng units arc exac{y the samo as th€s€. Thls may be too stark a deparfure since they are located so closely. I am golng to run bythe house this demoon. lf we decide that thls needs to go to DRB, could you have a sample board ready and attend the meeting on the Sth? Keep me posted. Thanks, elisabeth ) 39++ Bighorn Road PROJECT#0603 DRB SUBMITTAL June 26,2006 DoucLAs M|UER DGCH ffr AicHfitcrs SHEPHERO t€SOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFTCE BOX | 62.r AVON COLORADO 8t620 T970 t,t9 3302 F)r0 949 512 | www.s RtARcH tTEcT. colt IT ll 39,t t Bilhorn Roed PROJECT#0603 DRBsuBHnrrL ltW W,lluvflf DoucLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcBrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AiA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON COLORADO 8t620 T970 949 3302 F970949 5t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM ll ll 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 DRB suBl4rrrAL tl EAST ELEVATION DouGLAs l,lrLLER DECHANT ARcHrrrcrs SH€PHERD RESOURCES INC i AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVO N COLORADO 8I620 .|.970 949 3302 F970 949 5 t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM It ll 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 DRB suBl4lrrrA,L t I WEST ELEVATION DoucLAs l.lrLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD R€SOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I62,t AVON COLORADO 8r620 T970 919 3102 P970 919 5t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM IT ll 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 DRB suBilrral ll SECTION ELEVATION OF ROOFED ENTRY ,/I!r /,f'" ,s'7v ,di, N's.\$- ^Yffiry ,t'fi \ fe t>? <-'tfee' DouGLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC i AIA POST OFFTCE BOX t624 AVON COLO RA D O 8I620 T970 949 3302 F970 9,f 9 5 r2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM PLAN EXTERIOR ENTRY {rerrr4lrrf cc??€t- ' oolr\n"or>f Itag-alNo 6\rNgg> 'trt, ?.Afrfr?.> Ag'dl-E- gxt?. 5*ur-eesW\s Aeala N\dFe' rao{ To 136 e)Ab Tt(a trr&rNq W9r4'ft{ufls. ?Dtt{-ob E^f$nlNo)5 t o"i,*4. Ar.r- R-or1fu ;1q I ., /t zth[ | '/|!, I ^#) ,^r'frw""AV- 94'' 375 ll 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0503 DRB suBMrrrAL ll \', ( tr r ri L-hlef"af€- LW)r '76 / 65-5 n LXW krv (tfWw,g ll SCALE l/,1" = l'-0 DOUGLAS I'IILLER DECHANT ARCHIIECTS SH€PHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON C O LO RADO 8I620 T970 919 3302 n70 949 st2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 DRB SUBMITTAL June 26, 2006 IT ll EXISTING CONDITIONS ll Town of Vail =w!- J,.; sEP 0 6 2006 IQWN OF VAIL Bo5'oot 3 OFFICE COPY APPROVED Community DeveloPment Depafr€nt E;iniis daf"t anci tnspectioh seryiceg w!:'!A*.;:; f,li|5".f ffi :i';' irll,'irmi',iiiloio-p'e'ent o""upanq or'.u:e- -ol a strudu;: t.h:rc i1 viclatro:'r ot tnlt i'igJtiJf iny btreiodinancesd any of iiie Provrsions of thls co( i,ir.iiaio"l eermis. presffi -m-!L afuignvrn$",:15f:,fiitrl tr'orovisions of this cod€ or oth€l. ratid. The issuanc. or " p"'tniilil-*6rcdraion docu-ments and iiiJi o jii .'-i,'r1"6, p':y:r,-*llill1lg'#,1{:T,inili:ii$:. r* @rrecticn cl crrors in the cons ^^^..^--a, nr rrce ar t $is iurl:c:ciicn PTTNSEMMINER: 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25.2006 N H lr ,AL '-- ...+- *-; DouGrAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON COLORADO 8I620 T970 949 3302 F970 949 5 t2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25. 2006 II il s 1s ,ofo/q r)-1\,,,\' ..,r n- a 06.2?.ob4r ll |Grtrw9wE FAKEI€ER6 9OE OILY IFILL }.ALL. '.'IATCH A'Ir!ACE T FINIs}C5 FAKEI€ERo ^DE OT{.Y l€n FLA69rOi€ 9TA|R3 0r{ @v,FErE lG',I FEEoLED (PT(fIEIE TERRACE. g,L.oPe v+ PeR r-@f HrNrrt,i'l rN OIREtrTIo'i NDIcATED ATTACII DOt II5PA./T5 $DER6RAT{D TO EXI9TI]€ DRAII{5 OR lRE CH DRAIN rGA TREI€d DRAII,IS ]G].I ASPI{ALT DRt\G,.IAY 'il 1t_ [', ll 0b.27_d . | ^ DouGLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrsi Ityr'" SHEPHERD RESOURCES rNC / ArA Ltr'l Posr oFFrcE Box t624 , AVON C O LORADO 8I620 r970 949 3 302 F970 949 5 | 2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM It PLAN EXTERIOR ENTRY 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMTT suBMrrraL lI ffi RC fecf rC,tI ENTFT EfEEip@/,l VERIFY }C|6HT I{TH. 1O @4L]'A&'&waawfxe ?WJtr'?r47@(k f',lrwr*Vz f+t#p?qEr 4vr1W- FLABSTOTE gfffi 6l (t(&le FL@R,q.B c.N,REfE SLAE I.IITH PEEI€ILE TEXTTTE AT TERRACE 1*lg-,.*tW bgrJ@4f.4eLJ*A,I YY-r\ tr , ll tn: ',' . &-27. r1tk DouGLls MTLLER DECHANT ARcHtrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I62,I AVON COLORADO 8I620 T970 949 3302 F970 949 5 t2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM It ll SECTION ELEVATION OF ROOFED ENTRY 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT# 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25, 2006 il vG,€r ELEVATION turm1 |ELEVSJ TT]\trlnt nr DI i DAI; ;r' ..,. EAgTI ELEvAlor.r I IT ll &. ?7oo DouGtAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHfiE{rs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POsT OFFICE BoX 162,1 AVON COLORADO 8t620 T970 949 3302 F970 9.r9 s | 2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM 'i4ll , '-\ L }GII{ ELEVATION FLOOR PLAN 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMrrsuBMrTTal Il l€].1 ROOFI]i6 i,Cl.l FASCIA At|D 9OFf lT ICA DEORA'TIVE RAFTER TAILg I€T"I HEAD, JA}.6, AND SILL TRIM, TYPICAL AL I^IINDO'{g, OOORg, AND aJrLDrr{G caRl€Rg tGtl9lDll,6 t€N 12- E€LLYEAND \GR,IFY HEIoHT I.IITH ARCI{ITECT }€I^{ EYEERO'.I AT ENTRAI{CE - REFER TO 5TRI,6TI,RAL OEf AILS' FOR ADPITIOTTIAL I}IFORPIATION TlG|"{ S1IECO itorE,(,,oRDNATE L&Af IOtl OF EELLYtsAND AN9 EYEBROI^I CATlOPIfi }.IITI{ ARCHIIET IN FIELD l it-a6. zr- z. 672- DoucLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHtrEcrs SH€PHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX 1624 AVON COLORADO 8t520 T97094 9 3302 F970 949 5 t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM tt ll I^IE5T ELEVATION AT ENTRY NORTH ELEVATION 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25, 2006 lt f|EnR@Fll,6 }G'.I FASCIA AND 3OFFIT IGI.I DftORATI\/E ffiLOEP, EEAI.IS ' KT,EE ERACE IG"I DECORATI\G RAF1ER TAILg REFER, TO D/Ef AIL DIO }€N TCA9. JAI,IB, A'{D 5ILL TRIH, TYPI6A ALL t,ilHDo,re. WE. AND 9tDtt{6 CORI€Rs REFER TO DETAIL DI2 lctlSlDltE r€A EYEE ROY{ - REFER TO STF! TLRAL DETAILS rcR A9DITIOT{AL IIfORMATIOT{ t{EA 12' EELLYBANO VER,IFY TCI6}IT I.IITH ARcHITECT TGA91XIN r€n 9rDrr{6 Al{D TR|M :-/-' , fioTE, COORDINATE LOCATION OF r-\ : EELLYEANp AND EYEBROI"I C,IITOPIE5 I"/ hIITH AR6HITEOT IN FIELD :: . ".1..'. t6. ZZ a/ U7L DouGLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHtrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON COLORADO 8t620 T970 94 9 3302 F970 949 5 t2 r WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM tt ll SOUTH ELEVATION 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25, 2006 lt o I l,EA 12' EELLYBAND t€hl FASIA ATID gOFFIT l€1.1 HEAD, JA}1E, Ar@ ALL lRll1, TYPIcAL ALL AII@0I^6, DOORg, AND 6ORNERS ttEn 9DlN6 I€A 12' EELLYBAND \GRIFY I€I€IIT I'IITH ARC,HITECT NEA 9ECORATIVE RAFTER TAILg SIOE ELEVATION OF TGI.I EYEE ROI.. DOfIMER - REFER TO I{ORTH AI{9 9A'TH ELEVATlOl.lt AND gTR CTURAL DETAILS FOR AD9ITIONAL ltFORl.LATlOt{ i€}l RooFriro t€n 'fv(/a I,@TE, cooRDltfATE L&AftoN oF BELLYAAND AND EYEBROI^I CAT{OPIEs I"IIYH ARCHITE6T IN FIELD ,.i 42- DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURC€S INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX I624 AVON COLORADO 8I620 T970 949 3302 F970 949 512 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT, COM fu-zzaor,i- DouGLAs MTLLER It ll EAST ELEVATION 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 25, 2006 ll J I ,, a IGI^I FASIA AID SOFFIT I,GA IGAD,.A}€, AI{D gLL IRIH, TYPICAL AL |.llNOOl.6 l\t9 O@E Al@ CORITCR9 AN 9lrJl116 rcn R@Frir9 ],GT,{ DECORATIVE RAFTER TAIL5 lGl.l 5lDllte rGN 12' BELLYEAND VER|FT }€I6HT FIIIH ARCHITECT gIPE ELEVATION Of T€}.I EYEERO'{ DOR}€R - REFER, TO T€RTH AND gA'TH ELEVATIOIS A!{9 STR!,61ITA DETAIL9 FOR AD9ITIONAL INFORI*iAT|ON NE 5fl(ta NOTE: COORDINATE LEATIO}I OF EELLYEAT{D AND EYEERo|^I CAt{p"t6 }IITH ARCHITET IN FIELD l)r-,6- 27 ta 1, DoucLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERO RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFTCE BOX r624 AVON COLORADO 8I620 't970 949 3302 F970 949 5t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM $ ll WEST ELEVATION 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMTT suBMrrrAL ll , a I I I t,\b. l\.t\ ,r \\\ (/ r " KTGE ERACE . REFER TO 5TRUCIIJRAL 6tO BlEAr-1 .tx6 RAFTERS / coPFER STAi@||Q9EAH ROOFrttE O Frr-L fcE AtfD nATElr gHtELo oN 3/4' --.tun@o oN T.6 DEcKttiG. *oPE v1. PER FOOT, FTI It,t'T. @ffiR FLA9I{IN6 I.HERE REA,,IRED. (,/,Pft? €,Jffec NO Dorlt€Po(tf ,1 iri 6. Zz a6 Ez- DoucLAs MTLLER DECHANT ARcHrrEcrs SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX 1624 AVON COLO RADO 8t620 r970 949 3302 F970 949 5t2 | WWW.SRIARCHITECT. COM I| ll PLAN EXTERIOR ENTRY 3944 Bighorn Road PROJECT # 0603 PERMIT SUBMITTAL AUGUST 2s, 2006 ll BRUCE R FALKEI\BERG STIITE #110t 600 SOUTH CIMRRY STREET DEhrvE&co 8024GU16 303320-4800(o) 303322-5796 (f) /4nLnatuffiLnhorrlsl t6f7 rkcopl December 11,2006 Mr. Joseph Suther Planner Community Development Departnent Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Enclosed ane two executed originals of the Developer Improvement Agreement forill3 F- frhrbd Please execute both originals, keep one original for your files and retum one to me. Also, enclosed is an executed original of the Letter of Credit for your files. The project number for the West side of this duplex is.ilSeaaf,n The West side project is about to apply for a TCO. I anticipate beginning work on the exterior of the Ea-* side of this duplex in the late spring or early summer of 2007. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very tnrlyyours, ft?w3!A*-( B*"" Falkenb,lg cc: Rachel Preston, Shepherd Resources Legal Description: Lot -,L-,Block-a!/f,- Subdivision: Address: Developer Projeci Number: DEVELOPER IilIPROVEMENT AGREEMENI THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this th day of D.ecember, 2006, by and among Bruce Falkenberq (the "Developei), and the Twrn of Vail (the 'Town") and 99!Edo Business Bank (the'BanK). WFIEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Ocanpancy for Address: 3944 E. BiohgrLRg?d-, V,ail. Colorado 81657 Leoal: Gore Creek Park. Lot 7. Unit E. Landmarc Tonrnhomes (address, legal description, and proiect number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is oUigated to provide security or collateral sfficient in the judgment of the Tovn to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications fibd in the offie sf the Gommunity Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide security to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including comptetion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish an inevocable letter of credit #:1& in the amount of $200J00 with Colorado Business Bank (name of bank in Eagle County, Colorado) as the security for the completion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to fumish all equipment and materials neoessary to perform and complete all improvements refened to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements refened to in this Agreement on or before the 3Ot_Oay of Seotember. 2002. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Toum of Vail, and to do atl wort incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfadion of, the Tom Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affecled by special districts or service districts, as their respec{ive interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. F:\Bruce PeEonal\DlA crBd,t format-l 12m2(12.&2o06).docPage 1 of 5 d IRRA/OCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security as follows: '-. a '' .,, !b,+ lnevocable lefter of credit #;!29Q in the amount of $200.000 (125% of the total costs of the aftached estimated bid(s)) with Cololado Business Bank (name of bank in Eagle County, Colorado) set to expire on the 31$ day of December, 2007 (not to expire less than 30 days after the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement) as the security for the-completion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the security originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements refened to in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of altemative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subjed to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incuned by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the security provided to the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements refened to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraphl of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreemenl Pursuant to Section 12-'11-8, Vail Town Gode, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements refened to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. F:\Bruce Pe6onaf\DlA credit format-11200?(1z+z00f,ldocPage 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collec{ed by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements refened to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of T'ltle 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subjecl to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3'10 (V'rolations: Penalties) and Ghapter 14 (General Penalty), VailTown Code. 7. The Developer shall wananty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreement located on Town property orwithin a Town rightof-way, pursuant to Chapter 6-3, of the Vail Tourn Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above unitten. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this6l oay of 1+WurilrtX , 20-99 by av ru c Foll.tr.rta{./a Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires .,,,r1\t tl llllll ltl1rr, -*";\Eltvl 't ;2",. S (4.' soTAn, lTntt-- =i i= : eveloper-Bruce Jalkenberg ".'"'^n :f lll:: :"Y: [ :l'#,.,. o "Mv g.om m tssi on tr-pi;;; F:\Bruce PeFonaN)lA cEdit fomaf l 1 2002(12-&2m6).docPags 3 of 5 Town Planner STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss.couNwoF EAGLE ) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF EAGLE lA/itness my hand and offtcial seal. My commission expires: The loregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement w3g,acknowledgedjefore me this I Z Day s1'I o".at"-,b+r ,20a?bv | *l\l(r-"-....vn, q4btrry\- ""-*'#lllis F:\Bruce PersonanDA cr€dit ,ormat-l 12002(12&2ffil.docPage 4 of 5 o (, o (! 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BUSINESS BANK TRRE''.ABLE srArlDBy LETTER'F cREDrr d";r,)l*C't',tillfr, tr.'t LetterofCreditNumber:I296 W/tr' J{ Expiration Date: Decemb er 3l ,2007 ' I Date: December 5,2006 Beneficiary Name: Town of Vail Community Development Department Address: 75 S. Frontage Rd. City, State, Zip Code: Vail, CO 81657 Applicant Name: Bruce R. Falkenberg Address: 600 S. Cherry St., Ste. I108 City, State, ZipCode: Denver, CO 80246 We hereby issue our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 1296 in your favor in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand and 00/100 U.S. Dollars (USD $200,000.00) and expiring at the close of business (3:00 p.m. Mountain Time) on December 31, 2007 at our counters at Colorado Business guot,- Loan Operations Department 3td floor, 821 nth Street, Denver, CO 80202. This letter of credit is available by presentation ofyour draft at sight, drawn on Colorado Business Bank, accompanied by the original letter of credit and amendment(s), if any. In the event of a partial draw, this letter of credit is available by presentation of your draft at sight, drawn on Colorado Business Bank and certified copies of the original letter of credit and amendment(s), if any. Special Conditions: Partial drawings are not allowed. This Letter of Credit shall expire on December 31, 2007 unless extended as provided herein. 0056 Edwards Village Blvd., Suite 130 . Edwards, Colorado 81632 P.O. Box 2825 . Edwards. Colorado 81532 c:\Documenrs and settings\bchavez\Local s.k[r9rff.ffi$6itft{lPtrSh8lqffiSkenberg Bruce R. #12e6 Letter of crcdit.doc I-=COLORADOLl-,'- BUSINESS BANK Letter of Credit No. 1296 D-1 We hereby agree with you that drafts drawn under and in accordance with the terms of this letter of credit will be duly honored upon presentation of drafts(s) and required document(s) at our office no later than the close of business (3:00 p.m. Mountain Time) at 821 176 St., Loan Operations Department 3'd floor, Denver, Colorado 80202, U.S.A. on or before the expiry date of this Letter of Credit. Unless otherwise expressly stated, this letter of credit and all negotiations hereunder shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the International Standby Practices ISP98, as published by the Intemational Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 590, and. to the extent not inconsistent therewith. the laws of the State of Colorado. This letter of credit is not transferable unless Colorado Business Bank aerees to the transfer in writing. Please direct any inquiries with regard to this Letter of Credit to Colorado Business Bank, Loan Operations Department ,821 lTth Street, Denver, CO 80202 (303)293-2265. Colorado Business Bank. 0055 Edwards Village Blvd., Suite 130. Edwards, Colorado 81632 P.O. Box 2826 . Edwards, Colorado 81632 c:\Documenrs and settinss\bchavezu-oca s"khfJfefi'?p,[r.9fi11niftfgF/g8g&9<SPFrr.nbere Bruce R. #1296 Lener of credit.doc o aH 3 a Fl t-t L4h =2=.i z, l gt 4 OA str t { .(DE;ov=i.E rh Fl (D E (! @ (! i:tt: iz=v .?t.. Fl>A9 E F FE ees rA3 Al^g FE Fg od :r F=,u= =Edit5 t! ,dal -. lsIt '.9 >:.tr a!O 6N-rD ,;'a ECEOEFr (!z* |D(D Fl € o 6 t! (D o (D (D t.: B o 6 qa2 =l. v> Itll a E { :l ': r .l' -t c o\, l- c) v)