HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB040564 plansffiram'm':--'.u't* *7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development I 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Christman/Rothaker residence DRB Number: DR8040564 Project Description: Enclose second floor deck, addition of 2 dormers with shed-style roofs, addition of 420 square feet GRFA. Participants: OWNER DUFFY DG LLC 10/2512004 Phone: C/O LAUM J CHRISTMAN 4IO LTTH ST 22ND FL DENVER co 80202 License: APPUCANT IGTIE AGRON L012512004 Phone: 303-282-1008 . 1175 oSAGE Sf, #202 DENVER, CO 802183944 License: Project Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: 3944 BIGHORN RD, 7W Legal Description: Lot: 7W Block: Subdivision: LANDMARC TOWNHOMES PH I Parcel Number: 210111104013 comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Hanlon Vote: 5-0-0 DateofApproval: l2l0Ll20O4 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006825 1) Prlor to final lnspection by the planning departnent the applicant shall re-paint the residence (west slde) to match erisUng colors. Entry; I2lOLl2004 By: ee Action: AP Gond: CON0006827 2) Prior to final inspection by the planning department the appllcant shall remorre all illegal floodlighb located on the resldence. Entry: 140V2004 By: ee AcUon: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Pald: S2O.OO #re,Wt'ffi':-- -'. u' t* *7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development ) 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Christman/Rothaker residence DRB Number: DR8040564 Project Description: Enclose second floor deck, addition of 2 dormers with shed-style roofs, addition of 420 square feet GRFA. Participants: OWNER DUFFY DG LLC 10/2sl2004 Phone: C/O LAUM J CHRISTMAN 410 17TH ST 22ND FL DENVER co 80202 License:ootul$rffiEf$:|rr, rltzstzoo4 Phone:303-282-1008 DENVER, CO 802183944 License: Project Address: 3944 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: 3944 BIGHORN RD,7W Legal Description: Lot: 7W Block: Subdivision: HNDMARC TOWNHOMES PH I Parcel Number: 210111104013 comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Hanlon Vote: 5-0-0 DateofApproval: 12101/2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0'(PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please censult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006826 1) Prior to final inspection by the planning department, the applicant shall re-paint the residence (west side) to match eNisting colors. Entry: L210U2004 By: ee Action: Ap') Cond: CON0006827 2) Prior to final inspection by the planning departnrent the applicant shall remove all illegal floodlights located on the resldence. Entry: L40L|2O04 By:.ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee paid: $2O.OO o Revi at 970-32&8640 for parcel no.) LO /Juinornneration(!.=/ (singletdnily/duplex) . ctffgE to Appro\pd Phns . Separation R€qL6t - Par.of n".,710f l//o Zonlng:7 Nam6(s) of Owner(s): lralllng Addrcss: Owner(e) Slgnature(o): Name of Appllcant: malllng Address: E-mall Addr€ss: Type of Revlew and F . SigrE Corceflual Review l*,lew OrBtnlction Addition Mircr Aheratbn (multi-f amily/comrnercial) Application for Design ew D€partfi€nt of Cornrnunity D€wloprnent 75 South Fontagp RGd, Vail, Cdorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tax:. 970.479.2452 rveb: wrvw.\tailgov.om Ggn€ral Informatlon: Atl proiec{s requiring d€sign review must recsire approral prior to submitting a buiHing pemit apdication. Pl€6o refer to the'submittal requirenenf tor the parti@hr +proyd thd is requesled. An apdication tor Design Fleview canmt be aocEpted until alt Equir€d iniormation b rBc€i\€d by the cdnmunity Do\rslopmilt D€partm€nt. Tln propr may abo need to be Eviewed by th€ Town odlncil and/or the Pbnning ard Envircnnnntal coflmission. Ilodgn rovlew approval lapc unless a bulldlng pormlt 1! bs|ed and condruc.tlon commence. wlthln one y€al ol ihe rpproval. Decrlptlon of the Requ€t: Vlo/ l-ocatfon ot the Proposa lz t-ot:7!at ,6Wt Physlcal Addrw:t,trk 0?z Cr -hqq 5's lzt /sp No Fee $650 For corFtntction ot a new building or d€mo/robuild. $m For an addition where square footagp 'F added lo any resij€ntial or comrnorcial building (indudes 25() additiorB & interior conveciors). $25O fur minor ct|angBs to buiHings and site improvsrpnts, such 6, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenc6 and retaining walb, etc. $20 For minor c-hang€e to buildings and site improv€ments, sl.lctl 6, rer@fing, painting, window additirxp, lan&caping, tences ard rciaining walls, €tc. $20 For rer/isbns to plans alrEdy appro\,€d by Pknning Shtf or the Desitn Fbview Board. IloF€ For Oftlcr tlre Onlv:il pril,--?"D;rrj--' - o,".* r.o.. \ \ ?- \ u"ciru o"r"' tI I t]\ot{ Page 1 ot 12n4n1l0/ RECD oCT 2': 2004 P o tl*'t'trtt*a**'i**l**rr**a****tt+t***'l*a+a*t***al*rla:ta***lir!3tt++*a'|****a***'i***a***t*******l** TOWNOFVAIL, COIPRADO Stat€m€nt Statement l{umber: R040O05975 Anrount: $2O.OO LO/25/2OO4O4222 PU! Payment Metbod: Check Init: LC Notatlon: *rrzrlcoNerlrlltM GRouP, rJLc ------..-------------- Permit No: DRB04O554 T142e: DRB-Minor Alt, sFRr/DUp Parcel No: 210111104013 Site Addrees: 3944 BIGIIORN RD \rAIL Location: 3944 BIGHoRN RD, 79f Total Fces: S20.00 ThiE Pal/ment: $20.00 Total ALIJ Pnts: $20.00Balance: $0.00 +tf +'.**la****'3't**+**t**t*'|a*'t**+**';**'tttr**'|t*****+*a**r*i'**'|f*art'*****a*'l*i*+'t***t***'t*l*'i**** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Joint Property Owners' Written Approval Letter We, Bruce and Laura Falkenberg, as the owners of the eastern side of a duplex property located at 3944 Big Hom Rd., provide this letter as written approval of the October 15,2O04 version of the attach;d plans daied July 26tr, 2004, which witt te submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departnent, for the improvanents proposed to be completed on the western half of the duplex located at the address noted above. Our approval of the proposed changes is based upon our understanding that all exterior materials and colors, except for the proposed stone deck, will be matched to the existing exterior of the duplex. The change to existing exterior material necessary for the stone deck is acceptable to us. We further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. PROFOSED IIATERIAIS Type ol llaterlal ColorBulldlng llatorleb Root $ding OherWall lhterlals Fd*r Sotftts Unndows WmdowTrlm Doors Door Tdm l'land or Deck Raib frres FHring Chimnep TrdrErdoorree Grcenhorses Retainirg WaHs E)Gior tightirp other ' lrl, exi'l;'qt h erisJi'gt M l{otcl: Ple6e spcity the manut&tr€r'6 nanF, lhe cobr name and numbsr ard attach a coh chip. Fage6ol lzo4,nllo4l UTILITY APPROVA & VERIFICATIO}I Thb fom sewes to verity that the proposed impro\rernents will not ir|pet any exisling or propo€ed utility servbes, and do to verify $rvice anailability and locatbn for new constrrrction and should be used in conjunction with preparirg ),our utility dan and schedulirB installations. A site plan, indudlrE grading plan, floor plan, and ele\rations, strall be submitted to the blbriry utiliti€o for apFoval and wrlti:ation. Au$orlzed Comments h Slgnature owEsr 970.3&4.0257(fax) OontacG: S@tt Carington 970.468.6860 Jen Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSI'RE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) Oontact: Ricfi Sknerc HOLY CROSS E.ECTRIC 970.949.5892 (H) 970.949.4566 (fax) Oontact: Ted Husky EXCELENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Oontacts: Kit BogBrt 970.262.&24 JimO'neaf 97Oj62.M9 EAGI..E RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRlCT 970.476.7& (rel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fr€d Hadee COTCASTCABIE 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Oontact: Floyd Salazar IIOTES: 1. lf the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each ol the utiliiy companies, and no comments are made direcdy on the brm, the Town will pr€sume that ther€ are no prcblerns and the dewloprent can proc6ed. 2. lf a utility company hc orrcenrs with the pro@ constuction, the utility repre€entative shall note directly on the utility verification lorm thal lhere is a problem whici needs to be r€soh/€d. The issre should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Flowever, plese keep in mind lhat it 'F the respor$Ulity ot the dility company ard the applicant to resohre identfled problerns. 3. These verificatins cb not relieve the contrertor of the responsiulity to obtain a PuHic Way Permit from the Department of Public Woda at the Town ol Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before dbging in any public right- of-way or easemer withh the Town of Vail. A h.rilding permit is not a Public Way permit arxt must be obtained s€parately. The Ddr€loper is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verificaton if the submittecl phns are ah6r€d in any way afler the authodzed signature date (unless otherwise sp€cmcaily noted wlthin the commont area ot thb form). Doveloper's Signature Pag€8of 12io4.n1l0/ Date ', /= /bn 7 ',. 20. ..15, l5' * '. = NIlt n o r Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics rvith TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (5020) Enrironmcn tal#Iazards 3't 6' nqui,"d-yf-- ZONE CHECK Addrcss Osncr Qs il!".;i F I1 bilrr Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcigbs - hoooscd nse r2-Zz-zn a - Phonc Phonc Buildablct55/ Allorvcd Existing Proposcd Torel r 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 artdition Docs rhis rcquest invotvc a 2j0 Additio n? N A ,//o W Horv muehofrhc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscdwirh tbisrcqucs? Rcmnining /ln /5ozWe_ rtalz Minimum ,^r"& n l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%)_ <-' III trl) ' a) Snorv c-.-|t/.t b) Roctfall Pro.ious conditions of approval (clcck pmpcrty fitc] ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: G00) (600) (900) (t200)/- Pcrnttcdstopc F/rt !, proposcd /Ycs- No l/ v"r-%.- No- c) Dcbris Florv DESIGN REVIE}Y CI{ECKLIST Bcnchmark +_ Lcgat dcscription / - Environmcn bl llazards Trees tr FLooRPI.ANS - .250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc - EHU Lcgcnd Til.lc rcport (A & B) Buildablc fuca - -n/-z -& Q Bt'lLDD,rc ELEvATIoNs n - scalc //rtnltw tr LANDscApE pLA.\ / __ Exr'sting trccs7 * MISCELLA}EOUS /., l- Condo Approval Scalc Builling Height -t/A ^tt*-rrea Cangc conncction +r Rctaining.lValls __ Fcnccs ' Parking/Garagc ' Tum'urg Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Q.0. Vcrification Sun\Shadc fuglcs ._ Vicrv Corridors -- Varianccs .- Plat rcstictions . Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss _- Scalc Nov,29 Of O3:46p sefchused 3oi5321oos p.l Tnn CoNsnruucnouP ( t )\iliit ( !.ii"l\i \\\.(':'.li l'.:FACSIMILE TO: FAX#: FROM: DATE: Dcplrtm.nt of CommunatY DeYclopm.nt Attn: Elizabeth Eckel 97o-479-2452 Seth Chue€d LLl29lo'4 I | 75 Osnge Strect Suite 202 Dcnver, CO 80204 P (303)282-100E F (303)2E2-100e wwrr'.consil ium-grn,com *,,"OOon Managing Dileotor Scth Cbus.d Director of Operations Ilcen Ricci AIA Shop Atohitocs Bob Garlend, AIA Shop Architects am faxlng you the new elevations that we plan to present to the Design Revlew on Wednesday. Coutd you revlew them and let me know if you think they wlll meet the wishes of the DRB? , is the meedng at 3 PM again? I will be the only one attending, Katie has scheduling conflict and can not make the meeting. Thank you fur your input. 1-1515 Page I ofl file:/C:\WINDOWS\Temporaryo/o20lntemetYo20Files\Content.IE5\4lEB8PEl\DSC00034[... 10125/04 Page I ofl file://C:\WlNDOWS\TemporaryYo20[ntemeto/o20Files\Content.IE5\4LEB8PEl\DSC00028[... 10/25104 Page I of I file//C:\ IE5V|LEBSPEI\DSC00027[... lM2sl04- Page I ofl .i. .\--. ..i+*. iill**" file://C:\WlNDOWS\Temporaryo/o20lntemef/A0Files\Content.IE5\lXPFC2Z3\DSC00029[... l0D5l04 Page I of I F:'t|.i file://C:\WINDOWS\Temporarf/o20lntemef/o20Files\Content.IE5\TDGICYZL\DSC00031... rcny$4 Page I ofl file://C:\WINDOWS\Temporaryo/o20lntemef/o20Files\Content.IE5\l)OFC2Z3\DSC00032[... lODslM CHRIST / ROTHACKER RESIDENCE VAIL COLOMDO DESIGN DEVELOPME JULY 26th 2004 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 6, GORE CREEK PARK A RESUBDIV1SION OF PARCEL ,'A" BIGHORN SUEDIVISION & PARCEL "A", BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIRST ADDITION. TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO tlcttttctt UJ() z. IUo6lll r-E= ffi hu:< =E(J;o<29F PR P gs ) e=<*>s a EE() BU]LDING CODL CODE USED: 1997 UBC OCCUPANCY: RJ (2 DWELLING UNITS) CONSIRUCION TYPE: TYPE V-N STAIR RISE AND RUN PER UBC lOOJ.J.3.J EXCEPTION 1 FOR PRIVA]E STAIRS BEDROOM EGRESS PER 310,4 (EGRESS) EXISTING .lHR OEMISING WALL PER UBC 310.2,2 TO REMAIN UNCHANGED TOTAL:475 s.F. AREA EXISIING NEW GROUND LEVEL 1115 S.F. + 475 S.F. GARAGE 0 s.F. SECOND LE\EL 1570 S.F.135 S.F. .IHIRD LE\EL 459 S.F.269 S.F. TOTALS 2944 S.F. + 475 S.F. GARAGE 424 S.F. SHEET INDEX E I .t 6 EEE A1.O COVER SHEET C1.O EXISTING SITE PLAN A1.1 PROPOSED AND EXISTING GROUND FLOOR PLANS A1.2 PROPOSED SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR PLANS AI.3 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN A2.1 PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION A2.2 PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION Az.J PROPOSED NORTH ELEVANON A2.4 PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION A3.1 DORMER SECIION AND WNDOW ELEVATIONS A3,2 WALL SECTION ElEIEIE|F &qtrc, A1.0 o o REIOV€ AIIO REPIACE €X6NNG IIINOOW \MtH NE\M Srll BEtGltt TO BE A6OVE CO{,I{TER -€xtlRtoR F['ltsH aT tNFtl To MATCH EXISTII{G UNDER COi'TfiER PU!! OlT I'FAI/IER REFR|GERATOR ||EWCAa ETS e CO|.Ii|TER - VERFY OOE|{T Of CAANEI.:| TO BE S^LVAG€O AAS€O NEW AUTCHER BLOCK COIJIiIER TOP wrIH WITE cooLER sEro$/ NEW STONF PORCH I/I/ HYDRONIC HEAT SY9IEIi| . VERFY EXTEI*T OT MOOF TC TTOXS TO EXFT SYSTET, I{ECESST'RY TO ACCOM R€MOVE EXISTIiIG G W 8 GU^a9FA{- A||O REPT CEWfli OPEN I|ANO/ GIARORAII6" HGh Wr}I MA.x[r'|l,M 3 7,8' OP€NING r<oro2rD o<cuNr) !/8', - t'-a)" rLOOK ir,tl f EXI9TINO OKCUND TLCOK t/8" - l''4" PLAN NORTH r_-NEW.I BURN€F GASI STOVE llrOBtOr'EN ii 8€row ir-------------------b -i GAMGE ,,h"\ AU..r REVERSE DOOR SWING REIOCAT€ BACK WAlt i EIIST 6II{K NEWVANfY RELOCATE UIUTY SINX t--- || Fri--;.I I ll l-lf+|||rrt' .-:::T: PROVIO€ NEWFLOOR \ OvERFMT'IE,61EPS J EXIST LIVING OPEN SHELVE$ --NEW IIEI lAR W SIfiAC€ c^a ^aovE (sLrDrNG DCroRs) tB€IOWCOUNEN |cE \ t-t/u n*-7 x-nIt // \\ \1t"---1 \Hl -r-lfll lIu{ glfii inl{ !lltl Tltu{ lx EXIST DINING w s'swNG ftooR w ADJ FitEO REPTACE E)0SrtiG WirOOW W NEW 6 SIIOING OOORS \/\, AOJ NEW STONE PATIO H€AT ENTF€ PA]IO W TIE+I TO H}!ROIiIC SYSIEM . VERIFY EXIEI'T Of T'OOFICATIONS TO EX|ST. SYSTE NECESSTAY TO ACCCTI uloz. Luo U) LIJ r-E= ff hu:<=EO:o< f IT o;>!- E ;:i6eEE P: > s3<$>sF(f) &.TO LARGER EEOFOOTI EXISTING Bf,DROOM REPLAC€ EXIST DOORS EXISTING N'W CLOSET F€MOV€ EXISTI|IG CIOSET OOORS/sHELF E PRo\/IOE HOOKS AaOVE a aULT.rN EENCH W STORAGE B€LOW nEtocaTE ExtsT['tc RELOCATE EXISIING lt€cH '.|c^t SYSTEM - FURIiACE. HWTANKS AXO ASSOC PrPrNG. FIUES. EtlcTRrca lo tHrs roc^r|oN (GAFAGE AIIER|I|AIETUA T ADO AT TU8 COattROtS locanoit) +Row€ oR tl Pl|l- VERIFY ACCESS l]lROlJC,H CLOSET IS ACCEPTAALE TO roca JUR60crpx SEAT gU|tT N DMIA/ERS Al{O SHEIVES NEW ftOOA SIRUCIURE AI AREA sHol/rJN oAsHEO CHAS€ FRfi SELOW ,OfFSEI FLI'ES AS REOUREO NEWIIN€I{ CLOSEfwft $rEu./Es .\ 7 NEW COOE cot/Ft-t^Nt sTAtR { IIEAD cotiinNUos HANo RAtt ?.1f A80vE sTAtR taoslltc EXIST SXYIIGHT ASOVE PROVIOE OPEN GIIMD IIAIL 5' HIGH lM 3 7F NE\4 FIOOR STRUCTURE A ARtA NEW CODE COIIPLIANT SIAIR tvr,c)( RtsE oF a. u|x1REAO OF 10'+RC'\r'DE OPEII MND/ GUARD RAIL 36- HIOH W 3 76 uAx oPENlio REMOVE EX6TII{G G W6 GUAROMIL A'|O REPLACE w|TH OPE N HANO/ G{IMOR I! 5" H|GH vvflH M^Xlirulrl| 3 7/q OPENING STRUCTURE OI st{o^r?{ oAsHEo ',N - \\, U|rDER COUNTER ||EW AUIT-TN BUtiK SEOS \ r rRUNOIE ONE S|DE A STORAGE [XISTING STAIR IEW FLOOR SIRUCTURE AI AREAREFRIGERATOR SHOIMJ OASHEO THROIJGH EXISTIOIG ROOFREMOVE EXISTII{G WNOOWABOVE A NF[! OPENINg TO IIATCh PROVTOE 74t UTI'TY CLOSET AI ST^R tailortG PRO\/O€ aarWr I- H OPEN SHELVES WTII 80Tlo Af MFt. 40 AF.F AT 8EDNOOM EXSTTNO VITNOOWS REPLACE ONE l/\, OPEFABLE MEE]ING COO€ EGRESS REA'I TKOTO9ED 2ECOI,JD TLOOK , i,/8' - i-u' \v rd-. ttlj'l 4'lv rr'ti|' ,1,L"I l"\ TKOTO9ED TNIKD TLOOK THIRD '!OOR TO FE FTELOVERFGD \t ,t i76i'l !" J'a .7 IJef Yi PLAN NORTH BIDROOtvt- - t,,8" . !'-4" ^tGFtTacta IU C)z. UJo6 LLI rE,= ffi hu:< =E(J.-'o + 53t d6o&dE 9: > ss =EFLEI(J F E E EEE EEE $HH :5 .i sctl to, 41.2 <)\ r o o ll, o E I It- ,s- \-) Clt" @ ./ :::::,,/ --E_l it =3 1pl12e rl il -- - -'l I ,/..a^i\ i i------- NE' STO PAl "lNEI:l NEW STONE PATIO NEW DORMER AT MASTER BEDROOM - IA/OOD SHAKE CTO MATCH EXISTING) ROOF ON ICE AND WATER SHIELD ON NEW ROOF STRUCTURE I a i ll lllltilltill,li EXISTING SKYLIGHT EXISTING V1/OOO SHAKE ROOF EXISTING CHIMNEY NEW\ /OOD SHAKE OO MATCH EXTSTTNG) ROOF ON ICE AND WATER SHIELD ON NEW ROOF STRUCTURE -PROVIDE ADOITIONAL UNDERLAYMENT AS RECOMMENDEO BY SHAKE MANUFACTURE EXISTING SKYLIGHT OPPOSITE SIDE OF DUPLEX (MIRROR IMAGE) rKorc9ED Kccr rLA^t i/8" . t''a' ^icFrttcta uloz. trJo6 LU r-E= fr nu)< =EC) -:o< 2.9F PR EEl > 3=<$>gFa E, -(J E q It E6 r i Io I'I e EIE slE E I.E EIE 51.5*hF8H EIElEIE : }Et16, A1.3 o O ADOTnO|{ aIOOF JSr gRG NEW VVOOO SHAKE OO MATCH EXISTING) ROOF ON ICE AND WATER SHIELO ON NEW ROOF STRUCTURE INFILL AT EXISTING WNDOW OPENING MATCH EXISTING SIQING .\ I L|NE OF OTIiER t/2 -l OF DUPLEX EXtsTtt{G 1STF.F.EXISTING WNOOW OPENING REPLACE D(ISTING SLIDING GTASS DOOR WTH FIXED WNDOWAND HINGED DOOR Etr3lrN6 r8T F F rK OTO 9 ED W E 9T E LE/ AT IO N t,/8 -I'O" IJJoz. uJo6ll.l rt= !* bnrr uJ (o)< =E 3 BEE G6 P Hq > ss<+>s (t) ETo !EEE F E I F ci &l!!tr{t, 42.1 o o Wvftr)ilt NEW DORMER @ MASTER BEDROOM INFILL AT EXISTING WNDOW OPENING MATCH EXISTING SIDING LINE OF OTHER 1I2 OF OUPLEX NEW ADOITION AT SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR TROTO9ED 9CUT T1 E Lzu AT ION l/8" . i''O" iiG-l-.cTi IUoz. UJo -cnLIJ rE,= ffi hu:< =E(J:o + t3E (66AdE 93) s=<$>sFc/) e. -C) E I .c A EEE *{5 !€tro, A2.2 o o ?'''FF rllr ri r {v NEW DORMER WITH SIOING TO MATCH EXISTING BUILDING TKOTC9ED EA9T ELzuATION t/8" - t'-o' tratG||ttlcrl uJ(J z. [rJoall.l r-t= ffi nn>< =E(J ^-o+ 53t Eo6 fr-oE P9.--93 z. 6' =sFL E,tO E :I 5 t E EEE EEE EHH I l< R 5 terrF. A2.4 o o O WOOD SHAKE ON ICE &'l\ wATER SHIELD oN s/8" osB - ON 2x12 FRMG. @ 16' O.C. W, R-30 BATT INSUL & V.8. CONTINOUS SOFFIT VENT w/ - BUG SCREEN - 216 FASCTA -PT. lullo ,|,+t(9| | --r-i" l1t>ItLt( ItlJt> MASTER BEDROOM NEWWALL ON TOP OF EXIST. -1l2'G.WB. ON 2rG FRMG @ 16" O,C. W/ R-19 BATT INSUL & V.B. WTH '8" OSB & SIDING TO MATCH EXIST. NEW METAL ROOF ON EXIST- STRUCT 3/,f' T&G OSB ON 2x12 FRMG @ 16" O.C. W lz'G.W.B. CEILING ACCOUSTIC BATT L DOKYTR 9rC1'lON i/4" - l'-o" :_ 1t'-0' !,I VERIFY (EXIST. OPENING) I| ' s'-it' ' I|-'I----_---:i wooo wNDowfio MATCH EXIST) WTH LOW E INSULATED GLASS -OPERABLE CASEMENTS AS INOICATED wooD wNDowoo - MATCH EXIST) WTH LOW E INSULATED GLASS -OPERABLE CASEMENTS AS INDICATED -.)1t T-i ll'--lt.1| .' ItL," I8.1 SILL ABOVE COUNTER- ALIGN W EXISTING VI'DW SILL }0" A,F.F. srLL 10" A.F.F. T t-- Kq FtxED V1/OOO wrNDowGo MATCH EXIST) WTH LOW E INSULATED GI'ASS , 2'-4' ,+: hl lpT+l ll . "llI lEdnes9l+: \^roOD CASEMENT wNoowoo MATCH EXIST) WTH LOW E INSUTATED GIASS FrxEo wooD wNoowGo MATCH EXrST) WTH LOW E INSULATED GLASS FXED WOOO WNDOWGO MATCH EXIST) WTH LOW E INSULATED GLASS \/VINDCW rLzuATlON? t/4' - !''a' rrcrrrtlcll TUoz. IUo6 LIJ rE= fr mu:< =E(J:o< f I- P*6aZE P3.- 9<z. @'<$>gFU)-tI(J E FiIfo .g E EE EE EH I { F 2 *g I5 E *ls t€lrD, A3.1 oo wooD SHAKE OO MATCH EXISTING) ON ICE & WATER SHIELD ON 5/8" OSB ON 2xt2 FRMG. @ 16" O.C. W R-3O BATT INSUL & V.B. FIN, DRIP EDGE AND SEALANT 1x FASCIA TO MATCH EXISTING 12'G.W.B. CEILING 1x4 AND 1x6 SOFFIT WTH CONTINUOS VENT ON 2x4 FRMG. @ 16'O.C. G.W.B. ON TRIPLE 2x10 HEADERS 1x \ /oOO CASING To MATCH EXtST. wooD v\iDwTo MATCH EXIST. WTH INSUL. LOW E GIAZING 6'REO CEDAR SIDING WTH 4" EXPOSURE CrO MATCH EXIST) ON 15# FELT ON 5/8" OSB ON zx8 FRMG @ 16' o.c. w R-19 BATT INSUL & V.B. PRE FIN. METAL FLASHING W DRIP & SEALANT 1/I' SHIM AND SILL SEAL -TYP. REMOVE EXISTING ROOF MEMBMNE . DECK AND PRATE AS REOUIREO FOR NEW ADDMON NEW 3i4'T&G OSB ON NEW2X12 JOISTS SISTERED TO ExISTING 2x8 FRMG. EXISTING G.W.B. CEILING ANO WALL FINISH.REPAIR AREAS DAiNAGED BY CONSTRUCTION INSTALL NEW TRIPLE 2x10 HEADER IN EXISTING 2x6 WALL NEW THRESHOLD SET IN SEALANT ON EXISTING FOUNDATION EXIST. CONCRETE FOUNDATION AND FLOOR I,WALL 9ECTICN l" - t'4)' (^) ilr tq F 0718axr D!6ig'r Dadogl| rt CHRISTMAN / ROTHACKER RESIDENCE 3944 BIG HORN ROAD, WEST UNIT vAlL coLoMDo 81657 iiiii rn Dod||nmb toi goflmrcm0 uoqfifi|l llfffitfiiEnEEffiE ,!991800vx)1@]lv xl{l lslul' ov(u ilrl)H e€ ,'88 3CN30|S3U U$ICVHI-OU / NVruSHHC iz RvF-\ d -.tlLt hN a H s) NYvi ,oo r =?,o",-"r,rl"-= dsi:so ,o ,, ,tou lliln$iil'orou Nlld{ ols ttoe !CN30|S:IU UlxCVHlOU / IWUIISIUHC Ru \\ -.1, t-(\ \ =\' C\ sJ\psr;fft EitusEEr cs "l 66 IFEErsr 1Isa ^9Ndg':eo 'o,.r.,u1..,.oorrto"q.d ,930(rwnclIvA r|lnlGn'oYwlloHef He ECN3OIS3U U:ilCWOOU / t'MttSlullC HfiI lEEa \J \.{\J .|.r i- ^Q r\ [J \|\ N'S =i.ub "oor=to,dg':eg tO 6Z ^oN r90r0oongpowA un $ar^'ovoutuq{ oFrfie 30N30ls3u u3xcvHtou / IlvnrsluFlc F s\ ll-l F rt\ H s-,\+ vi x14 5 6 g'd soorzJeoe o"r.,rJQ".,dgi:eg tO 6? ^oN