HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB040564. ,-11 0l:1lpn FrorT0fi 0F yAlt @nililllY 0lVEt0nEill tr0lIet$? Design Renieuv Board ACTION FORJTI Oryrunent of Otrrrruntty OevUopnr* 75 sonur FodrgeRoad urn, oba& s1657E gnA78.ZLfi fal;,sm.+192{F;2 wrbt mvwri,rail.@.us Flotcct lLne: Grd$men/Ro0ralrr reddenc€ PmjitctDerlpdon! P.rtdpartr: cn'VT{ER DT'FFIT DG L|.C C/O I.AT,RAJ GIRISTMAN {10 17TH ST 22f{D FL DETTT/ER co 80202 lJcense: APruCANT KATIEAGRON 1175 05AGE 5r, *20'2 DEITI/ER, @ 8021839{4 Lfccn$: 10/2sl2004 Phonel $fZSnAM Phone: 303.282-10(8 Protcd Addrccr: 39+{ BIG}bRN RD VAIL Locldon: 39't4 EIGHOR'{ RD, 711, L€Sal Dcscdpdon: loB ily Elodc $tbdMtton: I.ANOIqARC Tot n#tOMS pH I Perrcl llumben 210111104013 Commenta: Ecc oonduons l-t$ P.00i/00{ F-t32 DRB llumlrcr: DRB0{156.| Encloce smntl floor decK addftion of 2 clormers wittr shed-styh rooB, addldon of 420 sguare fcctGRFA. BOARD/STAFFACIION lrlodon By: Rogcns SecDtd By: Hanlon Voftr: $O{ Condldonc: Acdon: APPROVED Date of Approvah IAOU2Oo4i Cond:8 (FLAN): No dunges b these plans may be rnade wlthor* the wrltHr onsent ol Tonvn of \,all sbfr and/or the apprcpriaE r€iliew @trtntth{s). Cond:0 (FtLqil): DRB appwal does not consutnE a pcrmit for bulHing. Please onsult with Tovrn of Vail Building pasonnel pdo'r b onstrucion acdvtttes. Cond: 201 DRB appEMal shall not beome valid for 20 da)4s follov'ring the datE of app|uval. @rd: &2 Appro\al d thb pmject shall hpse and becorne wH one (1) year fullowing the daE of final apprwal untesr a bulldlng permh is issr.red and onstruciion is ommenced . /1.{,1 0lrlh FrrTil tr Vlll iltlrY tslEtffilt l?ilru|lt l-fll I.Oal0tf t-ttt * o ont purued byard csnpteoon. Oirt@llill068:15 1) qbrqmd{tspec[on !ytre pEnhe ttqertnefi, themhotCratFpdnt theftsncmr (rcstsEe) b mfrh *lilrg cJils Arhr: r?pl/ll(D4 8y:c tdon:Ap o|d| @il0m6e7 2l Sor F_frt4nspeOon by$: pbmhg drpstttratq thradcailClrlrrrme rlt lcgd frood&ftB locaE m tts rejhre.EEf lzloUTA,o| ry:c ftootuAp Pluurl: Elsbet|tEdld DqFFGCPTId: IO.OO Joint Property Orvners' Writteu Approval Letter We, Bruce and Laura Falkenberg, as the owners of the eastem side of a duplex property located ^t 3944 Big Horn Rd., provide this letter as written approval of the October 15, 2004 version of the attached plans dated July.26th, 2004, which witt Ue submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department, for the improvements proposed to be completed on the western half of the duplex located at the address noted above. Our approval of the proposed changes is based upon our understanding that all exterior materials and colors, except for the proposed stone deck, will be matched to the existing exterior of the duplex. The change to existing exterior material necessary for the stone deck is acceptable to us. We fuither understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman Asbestos Testing, project Design, and Consulting INTRODUCTION: on February lst, 2005, an inspection/survey was conducted and l0 bulk samples were collected from the: Residential Unit 3944Bighorn Road West Unit Vail. CO. The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected asbestos containing materials that might be present in thi unit that is planned for renovation. The inspection was made, and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of colorado certified Asbestos Inspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM science Lab in wheatridge, co. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.p.A.euality Assurance (eA) program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work, suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman AsbestosTesting, project Design, and Consulting Residential Unit 3944Bighom Road West Unit Vail, CO. UNIT DESCRIPTION: 3944Bighom Road is a duplex structure. This report covers the inside of the west unit only. The west unit is a three story unit that is planned forrenovation. The interior walls are covered with sheetrock, with a heavy texture on the main floor. The second and third floors are sheetrock that is taped and painted. The ceilings are sheetrock, like the walls, in the corresponding floors. The floors are finished wood, carpet, and ceramictiles. The heating is provided by a hot water heating ryri"-, and a fireplace. No suspect materials were visible on the heating syrterrr. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Laboratory analysis of the bulk samples indicate that no Asbestos was detected in any of the bulk samples. oooooooooozzzz2zzzzz 58888tbt8Pooooooctclctcr lrl o trll- EE9EEr35=l.P rr. 1r. .F lHxxxxxPglsPP o466(!oooooEE-TI B-EEER- !J.Y.-I.YJJJ!99qr99(,(,(,('(,ggttgegere EEEEEESSEE6 -o'o-o=rd66AddF cEEpgcpee.e =, ooolooooooat,E OOOOOOOOOO(J CL CL CL IL EL o. CL O- CL O.O, EEEEEEEEEEru oooooooooocl ooo()oooooo =o -E:H F=i?E tsgFftiiliE ooj G .ritr =oo =d GoE c ot.9oltr+ CDa)ee 2oc /ic\ro =.J.: ?3E <>,E IFq aJ+ rl ar - r.-.tEs FrrE =a!6OJ U) E uto =fz uld l*+*t=f*?? = dd'66dd'd,d'oo = or or ot gt ot ot o) d) ot ot = srtrs=ss====1n (!tc,c,ct.l,F c)(tc,ct s qeeqeeqeqEocroooocrooo EgEgg55J5t1F.E.Y-FxxxxxoooaroFFFFF 6600Goooo!, rEEEE'€.-JJ.-!J!J.X.Y!ftf999rJoo(,oggtgtetgeez EeEEEEEEETo uro(noooooooF eggggcss.csE 88tt8tt8r8(J O, O. C O. O, O. o. 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Egs ER rF;Ebi aI;R HE iFFfrH' I-g5E H"Y AEETgE Ht:r .'. YH=E N 8xRi H Ux-E>a (J z rJ a2 € 7 ,1? ,o R^;F?Ofi?oe- & ,,r4s6o3q :s3 i2 EI- z aatll II :k<ov, eage ? ot 4 t" Science Laboratory,Inc. O 12421 W.49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80039 DCit project No.: ADAT 173 Ctlont Job No.: 3944 B|GHORN ROAD Bulk Sample Anatysis BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: John Silv€man, Analyst Ron Schott Laboratory Direc'tor DGM Scielce Laboratory, Inc. anallzes bulk asbestos:amples following procedures developed by theMcCrone Research Institute a.nd in,compliance with guidelines establish"el uy ine environmenta FrotectionAgency (EPA€00/R-93/1 16, July, 1993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which providesa contamination-free environment. The sample is then.analyzed by polariled light microscopv fFffraiatidoxWhen the sample consisqof.Tofg than one layer, each layer is prLiareo ano Snargeo s"pi'raiery 'pioer anamatrix materials are identified by the characterization of opiicat piopbrties including color and pleothrorism,form' cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientation, twin;ind, interrerenie i9il;;;ih;;;l.ti-nJrbningf93tur99. Dispersion straining is also used to further aid in minerat identification. Atipercentage, oi;#;i;r,other fibers and non-ftbrous constituents are calculated from the values obtainld from the stireo and pLM m.icroscopes analysis. In-house and NIST standards as well as a chart prepareo Uy n.O. ferry ano C.V.Chifinger for "The Journal o-f Sedimentary Petrology", (Votume 24, pp. zis-iit,7s5sy provioe a luioe torestimating percentages. All samples are archived ior six months unless other arrangements are made by theclient. AGGREDITATION: DpM.S-Lis accrgdi!9! by th-g n[[ (1ince 1986). our laboratory number is 101526. DcMSL is accredited byNVLAP (since April 1, 1989). DCMSL complies with NVLAP a;d AIHA requirements untess othenivise noted ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAp or any agency of theU.S. Government. This test reportrelatesonly to the items tested. This repoft may not be reproduced except in full, without thewritten approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed'by : NV[Ap" NVLAP Lab Code 1O1?SA-O Deprtnent of Comm un ity Development Building hfety and Insp&tion *ruices 75guth F,onbgeR@d Vail, Colondo 81657 9704n-2138 FAX 9704n-2452 www.vailgtov.@m BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Aoplicant Beck Building Company Chuck Coe FAX #: 949.4335 NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUITDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect Shop Architects proj# none 303.534.1718 3 Structural Enginee[ DCF Consulting proj# none 303.741.2887 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 03110/2005 805-0023 Christman/Rothacker 3944 Bighorn Road R-3 V-B 3 424 s.f . addition The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the The 2003 International Building Code, 2003International Residential Code, 2003International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following @mmenE will need to be addrcsd prior b issuane of a building pemrit: For processing:o Please submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containino the reouested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please respond in writing to each comment bv markino the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet. detail. soecification. or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building oermit apolication number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamp, signature. registration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-familv oroiects all sheets of the olans must be stamped. Arch itectu ra I Com ments: 1 Please include a complete site plan/survey showing the proposed and existing grades at the proposed new exterior patio area. Site plan will need to show location of the centerline of Gore Creek and clearly show the 50'setback from the creek. Also include construction details for the patio and any retaining walls if applicable. r ralAt L 2 Please revise cover sheet A1.0. The 2003 IRC is the adopted building code in the Town of Vail. Please update all references from the 1997 UBC. 3 Amend floor plans to show the location of the duplex propefi line at party wall. 4 Exterior walls are required to be one hour fire resistive construction where located less than 3' from property line. Revise plans at new third level construction. Provide a UL or gypsum association listing for the t hour wall assembly (R302) 5 Amend plans at the third level roof adjacent to the propefi line. Overhangs may not extend over the propefi line. t hour construction is required within 3'of propefi line. (R302.1.) - $ffi< l L8> -r 6. Openings are not permitted in exterior walls less than 3' from property line. Verifo exact location of'' new windows at exterior walls adjacent to the property line. (R302) ,/\7 Amend plans to speciff t hour occupancy separation between garage and dwelling unit (R309.2) -Common walls between garage and dwelling must be protected with tl2" gypsum board on garage side -Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms by not less than 5/8" type X gypsum board -Alf structural members suppofting living space over garage must be protected by tl2" gypsum board on garage side of walls, beams and posts. Specifo a 1 3/8" solid wood door or a rated 20 minute door between garage and dwelling. (R309) Speciff upper rafter space ventilation. Provide vents equal to 1/150th ofthe attic area. Indicate on plans method of ventilation to be used Example: ridge vent (R806) sheet A3.2 bt0 Amend stairway design to comply with the following: (R311.5) -maximum riser height 7 a/e" -minimum tread depth of 10" -minimum headroom clearance of 6u-8u -handrail on at least one side of stairway 34"-38' above nosing of treads /8 b Yfl If mechanical equipment is to be located in the new third level, a self closing gasketed door is required between the bedroom closet and new mechanical room. All combustion air must be obtained from the exterior, all equipment must be listed for installation on combustible framing, and a floor drain is required. (IMC 303) Structural Comments: Revise design criteria used in structural design: Roof live load (snow) is a minimum 80 psf. Seismic zone is C. Amend sheet S1.0 second floor framing plan to identify fioor beam shown in dining room supporting roof column from above. Clarifo if this is an existing beam, or new beam is required. L2 14 Amend sheet S1.0 first floor framing plan to clearly show locations of all new columns bearing on o<isting foundaUon wall. Show columns extending through joist space. 15 Clarifo bearing of new columns from new (3) LVL beam shown on third level framing plan. Clearly show any new beams as required on second level framing plans, or show columns extending to foundation. 16 Include written verification for the existing footingfoundation. Verifo foundation is adequate to I support the proposed new construction. 17 Amend sheet S2.0 third level ffoor framing to show framing for new stairway opening. 18 Amend sheet S2.0 to indicate a ridge beam for new roof over new sitting area. Clariff bearing for the ridge beam columns. Please refer b dre cover sheet for Iniormation on r€flrbmitting ptan$ fn order b ayoid delays in issuane of the building p€rmit, please chect all rcquested informaHon is included wlth the rcsubmitted plans. Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans *aminer Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2369 caunion@vailgov.com F: \cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\805-0023. DOC Conf i rmat I on Report -Memory Send Page Date I Tire L lne I E{all lhchlnc lD 001 Iar-|0-05 03:55r s701792152 Toilt 0F v^tt @flil|w TIEVETOPFIII Job nurber Date To llunbar of paies Start t lre End t irc Paces sent S tatus Job nurber : 146 : 146 : lhr-|0 03:5tlpr : G99191335 : 003 : lhr-10 03:54po : lhr-I0 03:55pr : 003 :0K **+ SEND SUCCESSFUL +** a4$arcat d Cbttt ".416. &"-'c ewar.:tu 4Y -.rd rt @z 9.#t .75e.nfi Faz*to ldd ute A*t-e sattZ 920-1r:9-2t:ra tAX92?<2?-219*wt* t-a&r-w.aart7 grrrlor|{c '/^IF-r-v,lHEr tirSPEdIIGD[ * Back EtLrlldlng Cgrrlpar|)/chuck Coe949-4335 ShoP ArshlEctaprqJ* rrotrG303-534.1744 proritt nor|€3@-741--28e7 3chrls 6unton, Bulld|ng Plqrr3 O(arnln€r o3/7.O/2CJoEEroS-oo23Chrr.Bnan/Rotti!d<-!'39+4 Blgho.rt Fao-dFl-3v-B3421 3.C. Eddftlon s'Er.sb|al-Ellsl.oFeEbCF ConauldnC tH*#.T:i'e;:FilE!j: 5S5Eg#JL'fi -F"Hffi e3:=?griefi .tH..fi S1.iEi--, codc, 2ocl rntarnrronrr-ir,.,i-u-tiJ6f,:i-r-ni ZooTiiiailonit-=tEJirtcri cod- rs rnod!fled .nd cdoPttd bq/ tha 'TgYvat of \/all- ,h- twffit, Got otrrqtG. t*rll d e .b @ l*tq b tut"a' dt bu'Et'u' Ftztet rcr tax f3 ttrrrrilrn ct; PAroEss Ff,aola tE.A'r!tErrtLE tL€ PEEI'a!T #rGrwallR:s NrlfqE.3rT!:aDDRlstsrcDecuPr\n|cil Gf,lctlrPr.LPr Ol eGtF.STR|JCTIOI{ !rrttllEER <Dt SncDR:lEt3rSurlD:srae .a'R!a: TRANSM ITTAP ToM DATE 6/,SlOS 0,,^, To\ tsli1 "f$FR'M C[u,JLo vlA {b^A O-lrru RE hr,-i*Et +t 6os -mB il[il( BU .0tXCc0 PlilY We are sending you the following items: t I Shop Drawings I J SamPles [ ] Change Order COPIES DATE tlt Rrintt [ ] Specifications [ ] Photographs tX ptans tX copy of letterS t I Bidding Guidelines For your use As requested tl a A a These are transmitted as checked below: [ ] For approval [ ] Approved as noted [ ] For review & comment Remarks: DESCRIPTION Approved as submitted Returned for corrections For bids due IE Plrr'. Qnlr RD.ry{o. w /r/,' tl tl tl copyto: nl Sgned: gl*Jq$"- M :\WPFILES\oOCS\TEM PLATE\Beck Burlding Co wotd\Transmrllal.dot BUILDING A TEGACY OF TRUST FOR OVER 30 YTARS Post Oflice gox 4O3O Varl Colorado 81658 Tel 970 949 IBOO Fax 970 949 4335 b€ckbuilds.com May25,2005 Mr. Chris Gmion, Building Plms Exminer Departnent of Community Development Building Safety and Inspoction Services 75 Sorlh Frontage Road Vail" CO 81657 970.479213E 970.4792452fax Offlce Gopy RE: 3944 Bighom Road Christnan/Rotiaker Residence; Building Permit # B05-{n23 Mr. GuniorL The following are rcsponses to the r€view comm€nts for the above noted residential remodel p,oject indicated in the Building Safety aod Inspection Senices Plan Review Cmments dated 3/10/05. The responses are numbered such that they corcspond with the review comnen8. Architecturrl Comments l. See Existing Survey and Sheet Al.4 with Site Plan indicating propoced exterior pdio area and associded detail. See revised Shect A I .0 indicating 2003 IRC. See revised floor plans indicating property line at party wall Sheet Al.l, A1.2, A1.3. See additional note on Third Floor Plan Sheet Al2 re: I horn fire rated wall requircmen(s). See overhang revision and addittional note on Roof Plan Sheet Al.2 re: I hour fire rated requfuemen(s). See additional note re: pr,oposed new window location r€ldionship to property line at Third kvel PlarL Sheet A1.2, elev*ion A22 and window elev A3.1. See additional norc on Sheet Al.l re: rcquired fie rating ofnew constmction betwecn garage and dwelling. Existing door to remain, therefore no modification required See additional note on RoofPlan Sheet Al.3 re: proposed continuous ridge vent. Soe revised notes for stair,ray to Third t evel She€t A1.2. See additional notes re: mechanical at third lrvel Sheet A1.2. Structunl Commeotr 12 - 18. See dached respcnse letter from Strucoral Engineer. Please review tte enclosed infqmdion and cortacl us ifyou have any questions. nespectruV, Shop Architec'ts, Ll.c Dcan Ricci Architect Encl. 2. J. 4. 5. 't- 8. 9. 10. I l. sa) fr*^h- rVrl 0i$*\cog"la DArE 4,q6RE@h"ilra,rl{ We are sending you the frclbivirg ibms: t I Shop Drawings t I Sampbs I J Change Order COPIES These are tammited as checked bebw: I I For aPPrwal t I Approved a nobd't ^/fdf For revieu, & comment/\ 'o $hq eo^^dl,I^,,{S"p ArrN \Atrb q*^ *'" CI[HhCIt- r&tt)s/W e sd+ppr mxfu-,rfOv. ila^A ttl"^riut B[[|{ SUlt!ll6COTPAf,Y tl tl t1 rr tl For your use As requesbd Remarks: lJdo- kr^t \ulirrs fu TJ..,lu o,Na- //aufi,trtfiul. o,"A 7 kb'^lilrt! ihr^A fo [c odjurrril or^Au-^urixnrftd 6' Copy b: H-uv"* t-d.'d Roi,\u 'J b laq$..^r fu P,**nr'tutt. 0ho *fu :$JfrY,H@" t)t'$[ CbL**.-**-",r'"".* ard,:co nHr,F i...d A\o.lD{r}\rl'0"iJ tnnlrufu st l$urrr EU|uX G A LEGTCV OF IRI T OR q'€R S Y€ARS vrA tr"r( Prinb Specifications Photographs DESCRIPTION I I Approved as submitbd t I Returned br correctbns t I For bids due-- I I Plars -}(coovorr"*'(6^)t I Biddire Guidelires - - Pod Ollts 8o({m VX ffi8letE IdtO9l!t l& f!r9,0 949 a3$ lcctrhids.csn I DCFCoI?y:*_ggyFrf"_,L+c 8(XX) EAs'r PFEImcEAYENUE, SUNE B€ ENet-ilooD, GO 8Ol t t G?OO 69M&n ^/ €Otl) 7701692 F ^x June 7,2005 Bob Garland Shop Architects 1175 Osage Street Suite 202 Denver, CO 80204 RE: Chrisman/RothackerResidence 39214 Bighorn Road Vail, CO ProjectNo.04074 Dear Bob: The following is the respbnse to the Town of Vail Building Deparhent stuctural review comment on the above noted project: 12. The stnrctrne bas been redesigned for a roof (snow) live of 80 psf and seisnic zone C. 13. Existing b€arns to the extent know and verified have been indicated on the plans to the best of our knowledge. The site review of an existing structure for the purpose of observing the structural conditions requires that certain assumptions be made regarding existing conditions, and some of these assumptions can not be verifiable without destoyrng otherwise adequate or serviceable portions of the building. 14. The locations of new and existing columns with new or additional load from the additionaUremodel have been indicated onthe first floor framing plans with an open rectangle. 15. The bearing locations of new beams are indicated on the floor belou' with an open rectangle on the floor framing below. 16. A representative of this office perfonmed a site observation of the existing single family residence at the above referenced. During our visit, we observed the existing foundation and load bearing walls. The existing foundation walls consists of concrete masonry units (CMU) that appearcd to be in good condition with no signs of distess. The existing forurdation waliJ are assumed to bear on natural grade. Based on obsenations during our site visit, it is our professional opinion that the existing foundation walls are slructurally adequate to support the anticipated additional load due to the constnrction ofthe new addition. DCF CoNsutnrl ENorwEEns, LLC AOOO EAsr PREr*flGEAYENUE, SunE B€ (sos)**.*F)",lHigial?33lll June 7.2005 Chrisunan/Rothacker Residence Project No. 04074 Page 2 17- The new stairway opening to the third floor is to put in the place of existing stain. This was not clearly shown on our prcvious drawings, but hopefirlly are clarified by the revised drawings. 18. The roof framing has been modified to ascommodate the roof frarning as indicated on the architectural plans. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely; DCF Consulting Engineers, LLCn n//tt I Ill | +-' )L-.__ v I Dennis C. Finq P.E. Principal RECEIVED " l'l .'i..r,.) BEC By ;i",tW & ASSGC.,ltil0. 2 aJ'1t /rt6t rtHrt tt e2, NVT{OPYi,IL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 rtttt****fir*r**fi*rrff 'rfir'ii {rFoR oFFlcE usE oNL r34O - 711q AppucAnoNQlLL Nor BE AccEprED tF tNcoMplEri* r*r,nr=o CONTRACTOR INFORMATION t General Contractor: tlEto (futstzutst Town o{ VaihRegi. [rfs.;.' ,r((t-8 Contact qlrd Phonb #'s:.UB HEIO tnt.7ae.goo ATTENTION: JOE, JR,CHARLIE,GREG Contractor Signature: , Af,W COMPLETE REVISIONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials REVISED AMOUNT: $ELECTRICAL: $ 4 OTHER: $ 3, @ PLUMBING:$ (MECHANICAL: $ {REVISEDTOTAL: $ 9r@ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 97&328-gM0 or visit ErceI*zlouu 40 t3 Job Name: €NetgAtt JobAddress: fifi $Wfutp yfut€o Lesal Description ll lot flyl erocY,0|fl Filing:Subdivision:T*vN owne rs N ane : t4ga fuBftlt.rl Address: Ao fTntf ntoilEattA Phone: Arch itecuDes is ^tfd* fur Address:1u ry ft24 *t/a grp enone'.ffi3?A? Engineer:Address:Phone: REASON FOR REVISIONS:, rE4sls WorkCfass: New() Addition( ) Remodel Or{Repan(l Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (V{ Aoif;, ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ttl Typeof8|dg.:Sing|e-fami|y(@()Commercial()Restaurant()other() No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ( Noffvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (yf Noffvoe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes Q/f No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (-T F lUsersbdev\APPLICATIONS\BLDGREVlSlONS20M.doc +uL 12t02t2004 CHRISTMAN 3944 BIGHORN RD, VAIL, CO o DUPLEX CHRISTMAN CHRISTMAN qo*; u14F t;oNgttLnNsENGINEEre, LLC S0OO Eesr FIrmcE AvErrUE, SurfE E€ GREEr,rwooD VI|.LAoE, cO EOt t tffto$ eg$AEn ./ GtoB)'n$15,92 F^r UCFExGTxEEENo.Elor g0':.::"' F€V RikHeid Ilcid Construaio& Inc. 0275 Min Stre€G Suit€ S.005 Edwrdg, CO 81532 RE; FrauringReview Chrisnnm/Rotlpcker Residence 3944 Bighom Road Vait, CO Projest No. 04074 DearRik:0FF!f'*{}OPY In accordancc with your requesf a represeotative of this officc paformed a site obserratioa at thcabove neferarced address on February I 5, 2006. the purposc * our visit rr,ss to rEvierr ser.erelftaming issues for conformaf,cc_with the approved constnrction docrrments and applicableprovisions of the International Residenrtiat'Coda Anexisting (2|2xI2 beam in the third floor framing uas indicstod on the approvcd plans to bereplaccd a1h 1(l)-f zrxny+r Lw beam- Th6 enirti--ng 1z;-a,tz u** ti"*-ip"n fte out6r wall8nd the w*ll of the door to the bunk room. lvhen the plins rrrcre aesigncd titir oo* nns assumedto span wer to the bethrooq rmjl.and ncedea to replaced. As the beair is c,r;tb positioncd, itdoes not need to be repraced and ie structurarly adequ*e in iB cuncnt state. Inlhe roof frasring; a (2)-llrxl4' LryL beam was indic*ed on the approvrd plans to be uscd at theridge over tlre ne*' bedmon. A(zll'Axrrtfr'rw teai-ils-fi;i';;; lo."tior. The (2Fl'axll@'Lv.'- beam is $tnrcturally adequate to support the amicipated code required design loadswithout modification. The raften over the bathroom on the 4n floor was indicatcd on the approved ptans are indicated tobe 2xl2 rafters at 12" on center' Ihe rafters were frgrned with 2xl2 raftEos st 16" on center- The16" sPaoiag oft'hc rafters ate stucnraily aaequafe; suppott the anticipated code rcquired designloads without modificetion. An e*isting beam iu the roof over the living roour uas ecristing to rsmain. rluring consruction itwns discovered that the bTy."r not in go'oa conaition- The-beam bas bir-replaced with a(3)-1"/'xltt6" L\[ beam- This bcsm tt i"t r*lrv Jequarc to support the anticipated code rcquireddesign loads wifhout modification. Plqse let me know iflou have my guestions or ifr can be offirrther assistance, Prircipal Ltc trlAY 0 3 ffiCll B BU GO January 1i,2006 Joe Suther Town of Vail Building Department 75 Frontage Rd. Vail, Co 81657 VIA: US Mail Dear Mr Suther, Please release the Building Permit for project #805-0023 to Heid General Construction, Gerard Heid. We will no longer be working on this project and therefore waive our right to any access or information pertaining to the project. Frank Payne President Beck Building Company Cc Laura Christman Katie Agron RECEIVE O JAN I2 zffi BUILDING A LEGACY OF TRUST FOR OVER 30 YEARS Post Office Box 4CBO Vail Colorado 81658 Tel970 949 1800 Fax 970 949 4335 b€ckbuilds.com a|l24|2AAE a2:33 s70765211 FErD c$ErRrcro PAGE A2 Joe Suther BuildingPcrmite TownofVail 75 Frontage Road Veil, CO E1657 970479-213E 970-479-2452 farc Via facsimile Doar Mr. Suthcr, Crcrard Hoid Heid Construction 0275 Main Street Suitc G005 Edwards, CO 81532 970-766-2180 Jmuy9,2006 .WoarctboGcnoralConfiactorhirerlbyttnourncrs,I.grraChistmmsodY|IRotb'ckgr for Duffey Ltf "" pon il*gb5.002s. plcesc E,1c thc ncccs3ay chrnges for tbc Chrreral Contractor scction oliL f*ttit stating Heid Cottg1ruotion, Inc' as the Goncrel Corntraotor. Plcasc call wi0r any qucctions' Tbank You. EGEIVE JAN 2 4 2006 TOWN OF VAIL 6Ll24l2BaE s2.33 97s76621L FEID CSFTR.€TIT T T HEID CONSTRUCTION. INC' F{ cENEnAL@NinALznon'fF ' coaPisrBRErtoDEuItosERuIcE'v FAX COVER SHEET TO: GommunitY DevcloPment ATTN: Jor Suthcr Fl,ilz 179-452 PAGE AL &.,l.q \rca RE: Permit Transfcr MESSAGE: Hi Jog Katie D. Wolfc Agron with Thc Conriliuu Gryun who ir ecting al ttc owncn reprcsentativc, .oot""tuiit^;;Ji;*s"ertsd tis Pernrit trenrfer to rreid Construction. Plesc "t tf* atte*"a Gopy-:hc drrfted for Hcid Conrtnrctioo' Please call mc with "";;;;;;t' n"ppilt*tt Year to alt se folks in CommunitY DwcloPment /WY/-il'-/ Gererd Eciil Partner : O2?5 MAIN STNSET SIIITE G{XIs EDWARDS' COt16g2 pHoNE ts-70) icc-zrs6 mxpzol 1&2rs2 c6 LL + 9?6 -Lb7 3 'I Bqs-qcFs Town of Vail i RE ARCH (2'-6' r{AX) 1x8 RAFITRS O 21'0.C. -RE: 52 FOR C0NN T0 |{ALI tr6x1'-0r/r'DRIVEN tNiO %? HOLES (+) /,?x9' l"AG scRE'ts- COUI,IIERSUNK INTO (N) POST (N) 6x8 FLAT lN (E) 2x6 SIIJD WAII (2) SHPSoN A5s ToP & B0T oF (N) PoSI (1 ToTAr-) t' t-! il! -\ I I l' mFFn"'-"^_Qpy (E) DoUBtr ToP P. CS,TIERED IN BEA}JS 10 BEN (5x10 AT EiIIRY) Ex10 (4) %? LAc scREws w|TH MINITIUII PIJ'IEIMIION A5 SHOI{N N01E: TYPIC/r|- UG SCRE\{ SPACING lS 3%' CEMIEREO 0N I{IDTH 0F 8x BMCKEI MEMBERS ?r9'l,AG SCREY/S I{ITH ts sHou|N RilSE $IGIIERS NC. SIRrIURAI- COIEULTNIS 0150 Eost Beowr Creek Blvd 'Unit {204A Avon, C0 E1620 (970) 718-0711 PROJECI: 3944 BIGHORN ROAD MrE oe/23/06 SHET NO. S1 J08 l{0. 05062 st &,EcI: STRUgTRAL BRACKET sEP 2 ? 2000 { B (E) 2x6 SIUD yN,L W/ t/; pLyTooD SHEAIH|NG CONL 2x8 V (3) LIDGERI0K LlJ58 TO EACH SIUD -TYP SIUPS0N HU18 (ili{X) tEI lNIo ax8 3x FASCIA BLOCKING Pffi ARCH lx8 MFIERS O 24'0.C. f6x0'-11' DRr\trN tNIo %'o HorES CENIERED IN PURUN ND BEAM 10 BEAII (6x10 AT S,lTRr) ffitrr*# @I[E ilGMERS hN SIRUCIURAI COIH'LTNIS 0150 Eost Beowr Creek Blvd Unit j201A Awn, @ 61620 {970) 718-071r 3944 BIGHORN ROAD DA1E s9/23/06 SHST NO. S2 J08 N0. 06062 SIRUCruRAL PURUNS 6x10 DFf2 ENIRY BEN (N) (3) 2x6 P0sT V (N)2x6 KING EACH SIDE rN (E) A6 SruD V/An ffiffi *llfr# RTDUItf, oretGERS I]{C SIRIEIURAT COiHf,TNF 0150 Eost Beowr Creek Bhd Unit j204A Avon, C0 E1620 (970) 748-0711 PK}'ECT: J944 BIGHORN ROAD DArE w/23/06 sHEEt ilo. S3 JoB ilo. 06062 s.fiRY BEAM T0 (E) tvAlr TRANSMITTAL SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA 373{7 US HWY 6. SU|T€ t02 POST OFf rCE BOX r621 AVON COLORADO 8I62O 1970 949 t30a f970 949 5t2 \MWW.SRIARCHITECT.COH FILE CATEGORY:ll PRofECr NAME: E .>,alt_ ATTN: TRANSMITTAL VIA: E APPROVAL 0 RECORD o REVTEW & COMMENT o usE B INFORMATION O OTHER ll