HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB050113a*;ff,-€r,nrL Project Namer RICKMAN CHANGE DRB Number: DR8050113 Project Description: Change to approved plans / window change Participants: OWNER RICKMAN, PATRICIAA. 03/2512005 Phone: 7936 DUBUN CT WICHTTA KS 67206 License: APPUCANT PAR CONSTRUCTION 03125/2005 Phone: (970) 476-6713 1495 LionsRidge Loop Vail co 81657 License:33l-L CONTMCTOR PAR CONSTRUCION 03l25l2$Os Phone: (970) 476-6713 1495 LionsRidge Loop Vail co 81657 License: 331-L ProjectAddress: 1763 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1495 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block 3 Subdivision: UON'S RIDGE RL. 2 Parcef Number= 2L03L2202QQB Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvall. 0410712005 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is lssued and @nstruction is ornmenced and ls diligenUy pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt @nnett DRB Fee Pald: S2O.O0 o A refer to the submittal approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:-o6( frbvl et6/o/1/ Mlnor Exterior Alteraf ns pplication for Design Review Department of Community Development Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 .419.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 : www.vailgov.com prior to submitting a building permit application. Please (g/ f fl/-qooz T0l/rIN General Informa All projects requiring ,3v{ -- parcet "".'2tO 3 lJ9 O 2UG (contact Eagte co. Assessor at970-328-8640 for parcetno.) Zoning: Name(s)orowner(s): PflTf,c,,l A ('C( tn rEnl Mailing Address:/ /tNs f? tOct oP /frrr- Phone: I Owner(s) Signature(s) : physicarAddress: /17{ lrc-rtS P,fiOi /r,o?, NameorApprr" ,r. fBn+aL (nr ilo(( - Qfi(, G NS flz,tc rzo-'t) MairinsAddress: tt{1g Lltws &tpci (oo/ / ' fola Phone: E-mail Addressi@Faxl q76- ^lv.7r @olt 0 - -, tot: 2 rluock' :l subdivision: /1ctis /Doe Fi. 2 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements reroofing. painting, window additions, retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Desion Review Board. Location of the Proposal: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New ConstructionD Addition E Minor Alteration (m ulb'-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (si 19le-fa mily/duOlex) Ez Changes to Approved Plans tr Separdtion Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 Page 1of LZl04l2B/04 \€q--l No Fee MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUITDING AT{D SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval Unless they involve the addition of patios, water feafures, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** O All pages of Application are completeO Checklist is completed and signedO Stamped Topographlc Suruey*, if applicabletr Site and Grading Plan*, if applicableD Landscape Plan*, if applicablefl Architectural Elevations*, if applicableE Exterior color and material samples and specifications.Q Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicabletr Ughting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicabletr Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements*E Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.O Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableO Site-specific Geological Hazard Repor! if applicable*E The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of addiUonal plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. . Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of e,risting and proposed ffoor plans, a tiUe repo(, and written approval from a condominium associatfon, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal rcquirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature lev caac /,ni a. Date'Signed ?'l.z*os (tcr"arral March21,2005 Town of Vail Community Development Matt Gennett, Town Planner Re: 1495 Lionsridge Loop Modifications To DRB Approved Plans 10-6-05. ()O48 E BEAVER CREEK BLVD SurrE 207 Box 5300 AvoN, C0 81620 970.949.5200 vmdo@vmdo.com Frx.949.5205 Matt, The attached elevations represent modifications to the previously approved plans for 1495 Lionsridge Loop. The changes are primarily slight modifications of windows due to existing conditions and or the owner's desire to make the plan more functional for her fumiture needs. The more signihcant changes include: 1.Modification of the East and West upper window from a pointed top window to a septor (arched) top window. We believe this will compliment the arched top windows along the south elevation. Modihcations of the Kitchen door / window at the North elevation to include a new bow window and single door. 3. Addition of a septor topped window along the West wall of the dining room for 1ight. The owner has chosen to use Sierra Pacific windows. The color Gull Gray is the same as the Jen-Weld color Champagne and is indicated on the plans. The color approved and in the Town file for the stucco finish is Oatmeal by La Habra. We have modified these plans to reflect that color. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Frank McNeill, Owner Representative should you have any questions ofneed further clarification. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely. Chris Juergens VMDA CC: Frank McNeill, 471-4002 2. lhr-01-05 ll:35ar tru-VlCToR c7881ftzu5 T-{4r ?.\UAZ F-rS6 Prtiect ilame: RIC(MAI{ Ofi ALT ProJect tlwription: ri(iERiOR ALIEMTIO'{ DRB llumber: DR8o4+l0o Participants: owNER RICXMAN, pATRtrrA A. 08/10/2004 Phone: /936 DUBUN Cr WICI.IITA l(s 67205 License: APPuCANT ucroR MARK DoNALDSON ARcHIToslL0|}w4 Phone: 949-5200 CHRIS JUERGENS PO BOX s300 AVON co 81620 License; Project Addrter: 1763 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Locetion: 1495 UONSRIDGE LOOP l,qal Daactiptim: l.oh 2 dodr: 3 SubdMr$on: UON'S RIDGE FIL' 2 Parcel t{umbert 2103r2202m8 Comnents: FOARD/STAFF ACTIOTI t Rx ffitAtosql o f4otion Ay: S€cond BV: Vob: Action: APPUED DaEof Apfloval: Conditions: Cond: I (pLAN): No chang6 to these plans may be made without the written consent d Town of vail statr and/or the appropriate rwial commiuee(s)' Cond: 0 lCtlff;: DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for truibing. Please consult with Town irf vail Building personnel prior to construction activiues' Cond: 20t DRB appforal shall nct beconre valki for 20 days follorring u|€ date of appro/at. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shalt hpse and beome vold one (1) year bllot^'ing ttle date of final aporor/ar, untess a buiblm permit h issued ard consbudbn is commenced and is ditigcntfy Pursucd tounrd completim' planrE.: f.latt Gcnnett DRB f.cc Paid: 32O'OO lffi-l-effi TtE 11:2591 19'PffGE: E a++*+{'**'}*aaf'}a*a+aa*a**a'}*afta*aa**+atlfalalaaa*al**+taa****laaaat*l*ll+*+*a{'*tat'}aa*+aa't++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€rnentf*+**ff+***aafafal+**+fft*****r*+al*aa**a+*+*aa*tfal'3**l***fafl++aaf*lr*la*r*++**+++***aa**** Staternent Nurnber: R050o0028? Amount: 920.00 03/25/200509:03 Atit Payment Method: CaEh Init: itSNotation: S/pan CONSTRUCTION Permit No: DR8050113 Tlpe: DRB- ehg to Appr PlanB Parcel No: 2LO3L22O2OOA Site Addrege: 1763 LIONS RIDGE L'P \rAfL Locatlon: 1495 LfONSRIDGE IrOOP This Palment: $20.00 Description Total Feee: $20.00Total AIJIJ Pmts: 520.00Balance: $0.00*r****t*'iat***+++t{"}*f'}aa****f*+afft+**{r+t**a****t**+*+flt**+*+tXt't****t+****+*'}**'}'t*fr***+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current PmtE DR 00100003LL2200. DESIe{ RE\i:tEW FEBS 20.00 .:: I a: diIE s F !D,!t.iY €o E Eog e x:< 9 af) !/{ td N E|DRIDGE LANO SUR\IEYNG, LLC.. REUED UPO{ nrLg COIIMIIUENT (NOT PROVID€D) IHE RECORO@ PLATS, EASEIIENTS, AI{D FOIJND TIONUMENTS TO DEIERMINE LOT DIMENSd.IS, EASANENTS, ANO RIGHTS-OF-WAY. .s"il o CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERIIFY IHAT IHIS IMPRO\EMS{T LOCAIIo}{ CERTIRCAIE WAS PREPARED FOR IHE TOIT OF VAIL AI{D PAIRIqA RICXMAN, IHAT IT IS NOT A LANO $JRVEY PLAT OR IMPRO\EI'E T $JRIEY PLAI, AI.IO II.IAT IT IS NOT TO BE REUED UPON FOR IHE ESTAEUS}IMENT OF FENCE, 8UII..DING, OR OI}IER FUruRE IYPROIETE T UNES. I N'RfiER CERIIFY IHAT lHE ITIPRO\EIIE{TS OII I}IE ABO\E OESCRIEED PARCEL ON .TJLY IE, 2006, EXCEPT UIIUTY CoiINECNONS, ARE ENTRELY WIIIJIN IHE BOTJNOARIES tr IHE PARCA. EXCEPT AS SHOTIN, THAT I}IERE ARE NO ENCROAC}IMENTS UPOI{ IHE D€SCRIEED PREIIISES BY IMPROIETIE{Ts ON ANY ADJONING PRETTISES, EXCEPT AS IT{OICAIED AND IHAT THER€ IS NO APPARANT EVDENCE OR gG q ANY EASA|ENT CROSSNG OR g % 19.15' '<-""'4{ \- 12'15' {" ^ *r*"* $o$" BURDENINC By: GREG SCALE 1'=2O' Fdto SJRYET roattoart5' tatx. cl?., P|5 !e$tol 3/! REEri od IroICE; A@ORDfNG TO o-fiADO SIAIE L W ltp UST FU' @IIENCE AI{Y I,ECAL ACIo|I EAED UFO" A}IY DEFECT IN TH|!l ILC [T}IIT{ 1HREE IEARS AFIER IqJ FNST OS@IER gJOI D€FECT. N NO EVENT YAY AI{Y ACIIO'{ EASED UPOiI A{Y DEEcl rtl lHtS SJRI/EY 8E @rre{C@ lloiE lHAl{ rBl 'l€ RsFRd' € DAIE Of I}IE CERIFEAICI SHOfi{ }EREor{. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE \ \ *qt \\ d o +17 *9'A d,o ,rr, o "4 r5j-qr 6 '-ro){+re:<s*y/' ./ \(j E) trcErvE t1.1l rul le 2006 TOWN OF VAIL LOT 2ltt r-tErEL ./ / y':a:;:;' NEW CONST. OT 2 LIONS RIDGE FILINGEldridge tand Survcybg LLC IAII '' Er|IIC IIPnt|C . Fr{(|E (e?o) }24-01.4 ' Fr* (ete-e2c-ot4a ffirl.iiF o3 Foq- o< t{'{