HomeMy WebLinkAboutP05-0002TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97G4.79-2138 Q"n*rrENr oF coMMrJMry o"r?onr""t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P05-0002 Job Address: 1763 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1495 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Applied . . : 01126/2W5 Parcel No...: 210312202N8 Issued . . : 02/02/2W5 Project No r -jR:Soq _o so t Expires . .: 08l0ll20[l5 OWNER RICKI!,AIiI, PATR.ICIA A. 01/26/2005 PhONE: 7935 DT'BIJIN CT WICHTTA KS 57206 License: CoNTRACTOR MEjADOW MOITNTAIN pr.,rn4srNe/HE;A0t/26/2005 phone: 970-479-298L P.O. BOX 4564 vArL, co 81658 Iricense : 288 -P APPI.ICAIiIT ME,ADOW MOI'NTATN PI.,UMBI}IGIHE,AOL/26/2005 PhONEZ 970-479-298L P.O. BOX 4554 vArL, co 81558 License:288-P Desciption: ALL ROUGH PLUMBING AND FIMSH Valuation: $15.000.00 Fireplace Information: Rcstricted: 2?f of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas lrgs: ?? # of Wood Pauel ?? S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fe€s-- > S2a4 .2s S0.00 Additional Fees-*---- >90. 00 BALANCE DI'E----. > 92A4 -25 $0,00 *:*********'*****t ***:**!r:r:**'r**'*.r'r**t***:r*r*ttr,r*'r**'r*tt+i*+**+itt++++++ FEE SUMMARY*ttt{.t**tf+******:t :r:r:f:t :F:t :a:a:ri:r:id.*d.*****************,i*:tit *:}**:t*:t Plumbing-- ) $225.00 Restuarant Plan Review- >PlanCheck--> 556.25 DRB Fee------------------ > Investigation- > willcdt--->$3.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEES---> S2a4.2s Toral Permit Fee--------- > $284.2s Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII4EI{T oL/26/2oos Js Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12(BtDe.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CoMPIJIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this stuchrre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE T$/ENTY-FOLJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. a' o '*i.***t***************t**t*****+**ll*t*aa***a**t'**'.'ilt'i***t*******a**********f*+++++++++*aa+*a TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statc,me,nt********'**'i*'|l*f*********'tl"i+***f**l**********+'}*l"l**+*******+*t+++++++++++t*tt**********+** Statement Nuiber: R050000085 Palment Method: Check Mountain PLuhbing 6975 turount: i284.25 02/02/200570!00 AMInit: DDGNotation: Meadow Permi.t No: Parcel No: Site Address: Irocation: Thie Payment: ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Accor.rnt Code PF 00100003112300 PP 0010000311r.100 wc 00100003112800 ****************f*****fl++++*+++++****lfa+*++++*++*****'+*+****'*t"l"tl'*********************+++f Description P05 - 0002 2L03r2202008 I\Ztr)e: PLI'MBING PERMIT 1763 I,IONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1495 LIONSRTDGE I,OOP Total Fees: 9284 .25 TotaL AIrIr Pmts : Balance: PLATiI CHECK FEES PIJI]MBING PERI{IT FEES WIIJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE $284.25 $284.25 $0.00 Current Pmts 55.25 225.0O 3 .00 AppucATroratlL Nor BE AccEprED rF rr{coMpLE}R mrTtaF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 o30<- Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspections) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: $'l.qqdouJ !\A{+h n* hr*4lla{i*n Town ofVail Reg. No.: affi-? Contact and Phone #'s: q1g-aq$l -lru?o"t,or. l#erl E5ur r.lsza E-Mail Address:v\^w$ H(Er\, @ UNI ttrJ,C,av,t Contractor Signature: COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ lf, 1OO.Y" Contad Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel ir Parcel # 21OZ1 1AO^OOK JobName:Rric; n-Ry rob Address: i Qas I inrrridr:0, inn > LegalDescription ll Lot: ll Block ll Filing:Subdivision: Va,i'o- ": tlq+.itr, A,Rck*il noaress' {q6 Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of' work: Atl Rallc.u of,,s,loh.- t Srr.r, / *un F,"rtrt" WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alterationffi Repair( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family$ Duplex( ) Mutti-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: L No. of Accommodation Units in this building: trJ/ A Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? yes 0O No ( ) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****,r*****:f ******:r****:****it***:r****** ?-L ?8u RECHI!vFn JAN , TOV€OM.DEV. \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM. DOC 07 r26D002 'q .a.. 'r,..t*r ? f*I 3$11-fr007 'nspec$o,l5edruFif,ffiPortins Pase 31 Requested S?ort lfll3: jhi$"""day, Ausust 08, 2007 Site Address: ljB3aL|oNS RIDGE LP VAIL /,-1495 $|oNSRIDGE LOOPl.-_/ Reouested Insoec{ion(s) hem: 90 BLDG-Final Requested Tamo: 08:00 Ail Requestor: fatric_iq Rickman Phone: (303) 3334829Coniments: final CO Assisned To: JMONDMGON Entered By: DGOLDEN K- Action: Time ExD:Comment PHNNIIIFFflVAL AND OTHER PERMTTSSTIET OPEN, SPOKE WITH OWNER il, I$i ,Q ( V bfiru? A/P/D lnformatlon Contractor: Description: Item: 20 Item: 30 Item: Item: Item: 70 Activitu: 804-0344 Const Tvo6:O^frier: RICKMAA Tvoe: A-BUILD O-ccupahby: SubTvoe: ASFR Status: ISSUED _ Use: VB_ Insp Ar6a: JRMPhone: (303) 333-4829Phone: (970)476{713 FULL REMODEL IN FILE Action: AP APPROVED STAIRS APPROVED. Action: DN DENIED SUBMITTEDTO PLANNING. ACtioN: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED irLE (AS BUTLTS) Action: APAPPROVED 50 60 REPT131 Run Id: 5966 31-11#oo Inspectlll Fe,$uF?t SPorting eage ro Reouested lnsoec{ Date: Tueadav. Julv 18. 2006' tnspection Aroa: JRM Sito Address: 1763 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1495 LIONSRIDGE LOOP A/P/D lnformation Requested Inspection(s) Tvoe: A-BUILD SubTvpe: ASFROOccupahby: tj'se: V B Phone: (970)476-6713 Phone: (970)476-6713 WORKS - JSUTHER Status: ISSUED lnso Area: JRM ',, A.'iI'(' Item: Reouestor: Assioned To:- Action: Frank Time Exp: --{ {l- -,lEr I t. ,f I.at t tlt'; Inspection Historv Item: 20 // |, A^, t''!1tl/4/t-'1-.,4-/L--' 4*-, Item: 70 Comment: BLDG-Misc. 09t21tos Comment: 04/05/06 Comment: 07t14to6 Item: 30Item: 50Item: 60 Item: 90Item: 21Item: 22Item: 533Item: 534 Comment: 10/13/05 REPT131 Run Id: 5497 ZJ,?t3ooz Inspec$3,n,Fe,{tuFqt n8fortlng ge g0 Request€d Inspoct Date: Thursday, January 25, 2007' Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 1763 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL I495 LIONSRIDGE LOOP A/P/D lnformation \.ID POWER {D POWER -SERVICE THROUGH FINISH Roouosted InsDection(s) Itcm: 190 ELEC-Flnal RequestoT: VAIL VALLEY LIGHT AND POWER Comments: will call 376-4357 for access Assioned To: SHAHN _- Action: .- Time_Exp:Comment:@ <-Ao+.afeIJ!91-CDPcrsrrP€'3. Broken dl-ass & missino olass on outside fixtures 4. Over 12-between outldts: Add floor recpt. 5. lsland recpt. does not work 6. Livino rooin outlet does not work. 7. Breaker blanks in main oanel Activitv: Const Tvo6: Owirier: Aoolicant: Cohlractor: Description: Phone: (970) 3764357 Phone: (970) 376-4357 Requested Time: 08:30 AM' Phone: (970) 376-4357 Entered By: DGOLDEN K {lnu Inspectlon Historv Item: 1 10Item: 120 Item: 130 Item:140 09/15/05 Comment:Item: 190 ELEC-Final 12t15t06 Comment: Insoector: JEC Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED !. Mechanical exhaust fans not compl€te 2. No water to check tubs 3. Broken qlass & missinq qlass on outside filtures 4. Over 12'between outldtsl Add floor recot. 5. lsland recot. does not work 6. Livino rooin outlet does not work. 7. Breaker blanks in main oanel :R LEVEL TO MAINTAIL 18"DEPTH MINIMUM. Action: AP APPROVED SubTUpe: ASFR Status: ISSUED Inso Area: JRM ING RIBBON. E05-0168 : CR CORRECTION REQUIRED lnsoector: SERVICE REPT131 Run Id: 6298 o RequestedlnspedR#:: l[Hi.*y, Ausust I8, 200s Slte Address; 1763 LIONS RIOGE LP VAIL 1495 LIONSRIDGE LOOP A/F/D lnformafon Acttultv: E(5-0158 T\rpe: 8-ELECConstTyp5: Occupehty: OYner: RICKIVIAN. PATRICIA A. Applicant VAIL VALLEY Ll6l{T AND POWER Cohtraulor: VAIL VALLEY LIGHTAND PCWEROc*liplbn: COIIPLETE REITOOEL-SERVICE IHRO{JGH FINISH R€o uc s ted lnso€c{on(s I Item: 130 E:-Ec€ondult Requestor: VAIL VALLEY LIGHT AND POWER St:b Tyre: ASF'R Status:[be: Insp tuaa: Phone: (970) 37S.{357 Ftrona: {970) 3764357 Requested Tlme: 08:00 AM' Fhcne: t9l0r 376-{357 ISSUED JRM C; nrni'lcr.ls; A!1, q4!egr:ur.J. adCress ii 1495 LR Locp AsshnedTo: EGLA]ZLE'Actlcn: TLne Exp: EntetedBy: DGOLDEN K 14' h.Vk Ctent E7 bu- -' fYl ft rpl* r n) 7K.TD hwl< \-'z ltr(*tt Wnn a''O lnspes{on HlstorY Item: 110 ELEC-Temp. Pcvrerltem: .|20 ELEC-Rouoh Item: t 30 ELEC-Conilutt Item: 140 ELEC-Mlsc. 03'12/(}5 Inspector: shahn Acfon: CRCORRECTTONREOUIRED Commenl OKTO BACKFILL LOVVER TREiICH. CORRECTION: TREhICH Oll UPFER LEVEL TO MAINTAIL IfiDEPTH MIMMUM. item: l9o ELEc-Flnal t8" F{, nt%H"A slsl o5 REPT131 Run Id: 3529 o In*pcctton Requeet Requested lnspect Date:' lnspecuon Area: Slt€ Address: Frlday, August t2,2005 1703 UONS RIDGE LPVAIL 1495 UOHSRIDGE LOOP ArPrD lntormatlon Acfivtt\,: Cons!Ty5r5: _ Tlpe: B-ELEC occuPancy: Oivri€r: RlCKilAN. PATRICIA A. olicant VAIL VALLEY UGHTAIE POVI/ERApplicant Conkaclo{:VAIL VALLEY LIGHT AND FOI'IIER COTIPI.ETE REMOO€L€ERVICE THROUGH FIMSHDcrc{iptbil COIIP|ETE REMOO€L BslslsllrEltgggllg.I lbm: 140 ELEC.lf,lsc. Requ€stor: VAIL VALLEY L|GHTAND POV\,ER Commsnts: saMc€*OgT$,Ti: EGLAIZLE E0$0168 ASFR (970) 37C4357 i970) 376.4357 ISSUED JRM Status: lnsp Area: Pho0e: Ptpne: Requested Tlme: 08:30 Aif' Phone: (970) 37&.{357 EnteredBy: DGOLDEN K Tlme Exp: REPTl3tr,Run Id: 3516 a ?9.too#oz tnspe"tion n*u""t l*oninn t"n" n Requosted lns#eocint:l JHf;io"n Ausust 07, 2007 Site Addrers: 1763 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1'095 LIONSRIDGE LOOP A/P/D Information Reouested Insoec{ion(s) IIECH Sub Type: ASFR use: Phone: 970-827-9623 GAS FIREPLACE Requcsted Tlme: 10:00 All' Phone: 970-827-9623 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM l,,nPpI lv\ ^,fil D 4q'\-/ r( V Item: 390 MECH.Final Reouestor: HEARTH EXCHANGE. lNC. fiHE) Assiqied To: JMONDMGON- Action: Time Exo: Comment: FIREPIIICETIOT WORKING Inspoctlon Historv Item: 200 MECH-Rouoh Item:3'10Item:315Item: 320Item: 330Item: 340Item: 390 l.Approved *.uH-f(ouon 08/31/05 lnsInsDector: JRM " Action: FIREPLACE FLUE PIPEING APPROVED InsDecton JRM FIRE PLACE NOTWORKING AP APPROVED Action: DN DENIED REPTl31 Run Id: 6962 lt19?#o' 'n"*"$:,tF?$lF:ffipon'nn '"n" ''o Requosted lnsffrtng; JHf;fo"n Ausust 07, 2007 Sit€ Addres3: 1763 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1495 LIONSRIDGE LOOP A/P/D Information Activitv: M05-0216 Tvoe: B-MECHConstTvo6: Occuoahbv:O$4ier: RICKMAN. PATRICIAA. Contractor: WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, lNC. Description: INSTALLATION OF A DIRECT VENT FIREPLACE Roouested Insoection(s) Item: 390 MECH-Flnal Requeston WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, lNC. ASFR Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM (719) 591-0020 Rcq AssiqnedTo: JMONDRAGON- Action: Time Exo: Comment: FIREPECENOT WORKING ueeted Time: 10:30 AM Phone: 0q&3760 -or- (970) 827- 9623 Entered By: DGOLDEN K I I Il1 Ilnf\ \ \/V * Aoproved * lnsoector: Art ' ' Action: AP APPROVED APPROVED INSTALLATION OF DECORATIVE GAS APPLIAN s t{'llooo. r Air InsDector: JRM Action: DN DENIED FIREPLACE NOTWORKING Insoectlon Historv Item: 200 Item: 310 Item: 315 Item: 320 Item: 330 Item: 340Item: 390 .',*^ ot Insoector APPROV Run Id: 6962REPTl31 o 02-23-2007 Inspection [e^que^st R.e Requested Inspect Date: lnspection Aroa: Slte Address: A/P/D Information Activitv: P05-0002 Tvoe: B-PLMBConstTvp6: Occuoahbv:Orvrier: RICKMAN. PATRICIA A. Applicant: MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING/HEATING Contractor: MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING/HEATING Description: ALL ROUGH PLUMBING AND FINISH Requested lnsoectlon(s) fffio"r, February 26, 2007 1763 LIONS RIDGE LPVAIL {495 LIONSRIDGE LOOP '- . "*--] Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM 22 Sub T.ype: use: Phone: Phone: ASFR 970479-2981 970-479-298',1 Item: Requestor: Comm€nts: Assioned To:'Action: Comment: Comment: Insoection Historv Item: 210 Item: 220 Item: 230 Item: 240 Item: 250Item: 260Item: 290 AIN PLUMBING/HEATING 2981 FOR ACCESS Time Exo: ca-llEil-&-EEhEEIlEil ea rlvca-llEtl-l[-86fr EEIlEd ea rlv cancelled and reschedLled for mandav. .* Approved * JRM ' Action: ) APPROVED 10 FT HEAD iDector: JEC Action: irect 1 vent fiftino.ater. ._..*approved ** Insoector: JRM " Action: water rouoh ONLY 100 # AIR TESTwater rouoh ONLlnspector: JRM Reouested Time: 0l:30 PM' Phone: 970-479-2981 Entered By: LCAMPBELL K 6l l*b'te/1 AP APPROVED APCR AP APPROVED AP APPROVED AP APPROVED FF6t" Action: Action:lnsoector: JEC DCW & DHW '100 Dst testping * Approved .* tnsDector: snann APPROVED FOR GAS Action: AP APPROVED DN DENIED DN DENIED ,. Ru+.Ilr,. 64f F... .,,.:-:, .. ..':..1,. ' .. ,; r.i . -.' l-'.,',....' REPT131