HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB060131oft&i*.&tw DElEr"fFt ERt Va*Wttoq'€r n- /afblAb tDe*ign Reulew Board ACTI$]{ FSRM Department of Cammun-ty D€velopment 75 South FrontaEe Road. Vail. Cqlorado 81S57 t€l: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www-vaitgoucom Prcject Name: PARLIAMENT CHANGE Project Description: DRBNumber: DRB060131 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS ADDING STAIRS FORM DOSTING DECK TO DECK OVER GAMGE Participantsr OWNER PARLIAMENT, FMNCINE R, & MAOs/OV2OO5 3241 KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT PARLIAMENT, FMNCINE R. & MAO5/OV2OO6 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL 3241 KATSOS RANCH ROAD Location: Legal Descripuon: lot: 6 Blodc 1 Subdlvision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 2101-023-0103-2 Comments: see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditlons: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval: 05/03/2006 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OOPlanner: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by fre Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval tapses unless a building permit is issued and @nstrudion commences within on€ year of the approval. Description of the Request: Locition of the Proposal: Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:3a (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Phone: $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board' E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Concepfual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-fam ily/d u plex) }{ ch.no* to AoDroved PlansJ- \ (, -\ m JOINT PROPERTY OWT{ER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name 54J5oint r of property located description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated whidr have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Deparfinent for the proposed improvements I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_minor_alt_l 1-23-2005.d0c LU23lZ00s to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed imprwements include: Page Z of 13 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SU BMITTAL REQUI REM ENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alteraUons and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of rebining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS*TC o Stamped Topographic Survey*o Site and Grading Plan*tr Landscape Plan*o Architectural Elevations*u Exterior color and material samples and specifications.a Architectural Floor Plans*o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixturesD Tl'tle report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements*o Photos of the oristing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Repoft, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requiremenE include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repo( and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signaturq Date Signed F:\cdw\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb_minor_alt_1 1-23-2005.doc LLl23l200s Page 3 of 13 **'l"l'**+*{.******tf***rr*****f+*r.{'**t't*++****'t{.**+++******+**++**********++***t******+ff**+***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Shtement***'i'i**l+*+'t***'t+++{r*'t******+***t***+t+*******++f+****:r*****f*************f't******+i+!tt****,* Statenent Numbei: R060000492 Arnorrnt: 920.00 OS/OL/200601 :38 pM PaymenL Met,hod: Cash fnit: r.TS Notation: $/UnnVfU PARLIAI|IEIi1T Permit !Io: DR8050131 Tl4)e: DRB - Chg to Appr plan6 Parcel No: 210L-023 -0103 -2Site Address: 3241 KATSOS RAIiICH RD VAILLocation: 3241 KATSOS RjAI{CH ROAD ThiB Palzment: 920.00 Total Fees: $20.00 Total- AIJIr Pmts: $20.00Balance: S0.00***f'l:*******************+*****:|***f*****:*'t**{r*+**t*******+*f*+**t'*+****+++++*******+**+++*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriptLon Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RE\':TEW FEES 20.00