HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB040255Project Name: Project Description: - PARLIAMENT REMODEL EfiERIOR REMODEL Participants: OWNER PARLIAMENT, FMNCINE R. & MA06/14/2004 Phone: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL co 81657 Licensei APPUCANIT SHEPHERD RESOURCES SEVINAY YESE PO BOX 1624 AVON co 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 3241 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL 3241 KATSOS MNCH ROAD, WEST UNIT 06/1412004 Phone: LocaUon: tqBl Description: LoU 5 Block: I $rbdMeion: VAIL VIIIAGE trUNG 12 Parcel Number: 210102301032 Comments: see conditions Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Devdopment 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel: 970.4A.2139 fax: 970,479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRBM0255 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Rogers Second By: Mathias Vote: 4-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: Q7l2Ll2O04 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C,ond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. ;!4. 1) The applicant shall replace the garage doors with new ones and palnt them to match the color of the window trim concurendy with the proposed ocerior work. 2) The applicant shall make all of the window trim thematically conslstent throughout the structlre prior to a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (ICO) inspection. 3) The applicant shall either keep the roof over the stair enclosure at its present pitch or make it entirely flat before requesting a TCO inspection. 4) The applicant shall remove the star that appears to be a holiday decoration by the time work is completed and prior to a TCO inspection. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: l2O.O0 "t , ;. t ,*ffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.179.2L39 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive apprwal prior to submihing a building permlt applicaUon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unUl all required information is received by the Community Development Department, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview appronal lapses unl.€s a butlding permlt ls issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: ?EaAA.rtMr<3 Locatlon of the Prcposal: Lot:Bbck: I Subdivision :VAtu Vttr'Aff tru^ff- lz Physical Address: Parcel No.: 2lOlOLADloVZ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Tuo+A',ttt5 knlf,FrmA{- Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) Mailing Address: c, E-mail Address:P4r/t4n Type of Review and Fee: n Signs Conceptual Revioar New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfa mily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single family/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request n tr tr s tr D $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of tobl sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addltion where square footage is added to any residential or' commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor clranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvementsf such as, reroofing, painting, windour additions, landscaplng, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Reviev Board. No Fee Name of Applicant: For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:By:- DRBApplication Date: Planner: No.: Poect No.: I ,. I JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal T0l,liN I, (print name description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans darcd 6 / tq l04t which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: &ALfr, PlRAFet rofr-L., i€\$/effiIFLn\b r.,rrNuf,rr{2 ^ND DoDL *1. il+rlullr\ oT- tAgM> r t,tA.IJ uro6D Lt{TE @l€l.l TUF ttFltTo lff$r2 Jtt€'YIpYJN€^) u\$D q@a 'EEAriGr\r 6.4p4t,t, P-t)tF 4$D e4- I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 4(: u (Date) / Page 2 of 12/02107102 'r .r i IOI44VM JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approvat of the plans oatea 6 1tH [o cf which have been submitted to the Town of Vail community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above, I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compriance with the Townt appricabre codes and regurations. G/to/Z,aq (Date) Page 2 of 12102/07loT JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans aatA e /t4lO1 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Ngto ,s tsq> fw TOWN description) qiNb' tE{- I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Townb applicable codes and regulations. L/,- f zo" \ (Date) el c+, tguxgtY ?-e>6r 6p 64Pr{€c-a+twzz *tlD .btlvN:po_ff, Page 2 of 12102107102 Moffet Residence DRB04-0246 Bill Final review of changes to approved plans 1655 Aspen Ridge Roadilot 5, Block 4, Lions Ridge Filing 3 Applicant: Greg & Chris Moffet, represented by K.H. Webb Architects Goetz Residence DRB04-0263 Clare Final review of a minor alteration 1853 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot3, Block 3, Lions Ridge Filing 1 Applicant: Ray Goetz O'Meara Residence DRB04-0259 Elisabeth Final review of a residential addition 2801 Basingdale Blvd., Unit 3/Lot 3, Block 8, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Mike O'Meara Starbucks DRB04-0281 Clare Final review of a minor alteration 242 East Meadow Drive, Unit C-10'l/Tract B, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Starbucks Coffee The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for informalion. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. &U .ft\ac il q.^rra,'x (P ' gr*@ dreffi**r Owo-,frd, Ut/yl!,v %WLt:tr),,*mM"*Lnffi, reJ* l"uW qu/x M , /,nr,,,**tlrnotrl il*lrl L-trh-r\ S;V,,rl^rA e*rW-lri- ffiftnhe {il'l'h l"J*A, Wl ll#^'ll^#*v 5,^,1 ,/*,r^ t)fr 3-c Franc i e Panl iement STEWARTTfTLE OF VAIL P.O. BOX 2000 vArL, co 81658 (970)9264230 NAME: LINOA G WILLIAMS Phone: 926 0230 E-marl lwilliarn3@stewan.com Jun 14 04 L 1:lOa -s7I o-476-3077 p.1 FRANCIE Fa:( 478fiTT Sent 6/14,/2004 ar 10:5221 AM 7 page(s) (including co,/er) Subjece Fib Number: 02030852A comments: Please deliver to: FRANCIE THIS IS THE 2ND COMMITMENT FOR 3241 NEED ANYTHING FURTHER, LINOA. KATSOS RCH ROAD. LET ME KNCIVV IF YOU pawered by LightningFA)( Jun 1/+ 04 11:loa Fnanc i e Parl iement 1-9? o o-4.76-30?7 p-2 Amcrican Land Titlc A6iociatbr CoDmiuncnl - Mrrdifi.d 3i ?g COII{MITMENT FOR TTTLE TNSURANCE TSSUED By STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY STE WART TITLE CI'ARANTY COMPANY srEwART TIrLE CUA-RANTY coMpANy, A Teras corpor*iou, hsein called. the company, for valuable consideration, hereby ccutrDits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance! as ideotified i! Schedule A, in favor of lhe proposed lusured named in Sched-ule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estateor itrlsest covered bereby in the lad dcscribcd or referrcd to in Sctredule ,l upori paymenr of the premiums and charges thcrefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A aud B and ro the Conditionsud Stipulations hereof, This Commitnent shall beeffeaiw only wten lhe idcntity of the rroposed tnsured aod lheamount of &e poliry or policies co""oittod for bave bccn ioscrtcd in Scbedule A hereof by ihe Conpary, either at the time of dre issuance of tbis Commitoent q by subsequent e.ndorseme$t. This Cornmitmeqt is prelimiua-y to tle issuance of srch poticy or policies of title insurauce a1d. all liability and obligaticns hereuudcr shaU ceasc and. tsminate six mmths after the effective dare hereof 9r.. when the policy or polioies con"''ined for shall issue, uihic&wer fnst occurs, provided tlnt the failure to issue slch policy or policies is not the fault of the Compauy Signod unda seal for the Compauy, bur &is Con'"nituent shall not be valid or binding until it bears an authorized Countersignahra IN WITNESS WHEREOF' Stswart Title Cruranty Compaay has caused its corporats name md. seal to be bereunto affixed by its duly aulhorized officers on the lere shoum in Schedulc A CtEi.rdarr of thc STEWART I'ITLE OF \.A[- INC. D.O. Bor 200{ Vail, CDlorrda El65t (970.) 926-0130 Jun 14 04 l1:loa FFancie PaFl i al||ent SCIIEDTJLE A Order Number: oz o3o a5?A f . Eftctive dale: U^y 27. 200{ rr ?:{5 A-!t. 2. Policy or Policies to be issu€d: (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (sr.nd.!dt Proposed Insured: o-476-30?? Amounl of lnsurance $ rso STATEMENTOF CHARGES The* charges are due and payablc before a Policy can be irsued. 1-S7t p.3 (b) A.L.T.A. Loan Proposed In"sured: (c) Leasehold Proposed losured: (S ecbdardl J. 4. The estate or interest ia the land described or referred to il this CornmitmeDt and covered herein is !e a e!.lEtJ. e Title lo the lee alurDle estate or interest in said land is d the effeciive date hereof vested in: trIAVIII A, PIBIITD|E$T TIID RNIITCIFE R. PANTII$IITT The land referred to in this Cornnrihrent is described as follows: SEA ATTACTIAD IIESII. DISCRIPTIO PurporEed t.ddresa: 5. Jun I+ Or+ 11:1Oa Fnanc i e PeF I i ament r -s?o-4?6-307'7 SCHEDTJLE A Order Number: Ozo3 0952A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Itnlt B co!.olstlng' of prrcel B, LoE 5, Dloch l, VAIL VTLLAOE Frr.rNO 12, AccordLnq to tle To*ahouaa DeclaraLion recorded sepEerDbe! 6, r9?9 ln Eook 290at PrgfE 609 aa necepliorr ro. 1B7ooB, end accordtng to tbe lecorded prrc oE valLvlllage, l2 Fi1llrg, nore putlcularly ileacrJ.b€d ar tollowe r Parce! E: r' part ot Lot 6, Block 1, Vd.I Vlllaga t2rh Ftli.ng, esubdlvldlorr recorded ln the oEfLce of tbc Eag.l, e couEt],, corol8do, clerk andRecorder, Eaid rrsrt of rJot 6 being nore parcJ.cularry deacrtbed aa forrorea:BegdnDlng at a t'olttt *henee the nortbeaEterly corler of said Lot. 6bears l[ 59013r00r a 109.05 teets; EbencE N 21015146. E ?-60 f€€t, Chahce S 5Bo43t14r E 32-80 Eccr; th.ence S 21016t46r x 22.00 feer; tb.ence S 68.{3t1{. E 6.15 feet.; thence S 21o16146. fi 14.30 f.eEt th,ence N 69€43r1,41 i W 6.5O feet; tb,enc€ S 21016.{5d n !,2.50 feer; tbenc€ N 58"43.1{r' l| 19.10 teeE; Chence It 21!15..16n W 12.60 feeE; tbsoc€ N 580{3.14n rf 19.10 f€eEt tb.ence S ?1016t46. w 22.90 feer; tb€nce N 58o{!r1tr w 13.{0 !eer, tb,€nc e N 2to15r46r E 10.10 feett th,€nc e N 5804!.14" w 8,!O f€er,, tb,ence N 21015.46. E 1g-90 !cet, t!,ence S 68043r14. E 15.65 feogj t!,€nce N 21o15t46r B 24.80 fecr, lb€nc e N 68043r1{. w 8.50 f€€rt tbencs !I 21o10r{Or E 10,40 f,e€E, To Tbe Dolat O! AeglDnlr€|. oore or leea al[D IrCLUDMG a one-halt undl.vLded lneeEeats ln parce]. c,rtblcb Ls do€crlbed ae follora: Sart of fot 5, Block l, vaj_I vllJ,age 12th F!.Ilag, e€ubdlvisi,on recorded lE rle office o! Ebe Eagl e couocy, cololado crerk andrlecolder. Eaid palcel c Le rll of lrld r.ot 6 FlcD tbe ExcEprrott of parcel A,rbtcb is degcrib€d aa loIlowe ssd, parc€:. E, nblch bag been d€scrllled above,parcel A: A parE of, LoC 6, Bloak l, val,l vl,ltage 12 Flll't Et, norepartlculall.y deocri.bed as lo].lowa : Beglrrnj.ng ats a point vbence tbc nortbeasEerly colner of sald Lo r. 5 beara !r 59"13100" E 109-06 teet, t.b.€Dce N 680it3rl,{r w 3t-55 feeE; rD,€nce s 21.16 146r 9l 22.00 !ect, tb€nc. N 68!43run W 6.1,5 !eet, tbence S 2t016,46' w 14-3O feeC, Coatj'rrued oa Dext' pa.Ee P. rt Jun li+ 04 1l:loa cie PaFl iament CoD,tiDuation of Scb,edule f - legnl Desc=il}!,l,on order NulibaE: 02 030852A rD,eace r 66043.1{i ll 4.15 feets; tb,cnce g 21016r{6n W 12,20 leeE.t rbcncc I 58"43 rlrlr tf 4.15 !cet; tbence S 21"16.{5r tf 21.{0 f€€t, tbencc g 68043 r1{lr E 13.30 fee t.,, tb,€nce N 2l'15r{6r E 10,00 feer.; rbcDce s 680{3.1{r a 8.10 faet; tleDcG x 21el6r{5r E 23.50 leett tbence S 68o{3r1{r E O.50 feet; thcnce N 21al6r{6r E 1.10 f€ett tbence S 58043'14n E B-{5 !eet; tbenco N 2Io15r{5r E 1?.10 f.et; eh€nce g 68o{3r14n E 8.00 !eet, tbcnce lI 2I!16r{5n A ?-?0 fecl'; Ehestc c ff 59.113 rl4r n 0.55 fe.t; ttetlc B !r 21015145. E 10.40 f..!, To .rhe poLat of COIINTT OF EAGEE STATE OF CSIONTDO Fano 1 -970 -476 -30't? EeElnalDg. P.5 Jun 1/+ 04 l1: 1la Fnancie perl iement I :'t r- 1-9?O-.+76 -3tJ77a SCEEDTJLE B Section I Order Number: o2o3oa52a REQUIREMENTS The following are the requirements to be complied wiih: Item (a) Payment to or for tbe account oflh€ grantors ot mortgagom of the full consideration for the estate orinter€$t to be insured. Ilem (b) Proper instrureot(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and dlly filed forrecord to wit: lloNE, Tars coltrrrxEtr rs PREFIRaD Fon. ruFonxarroHtr,. punDosEs o!f,Ly, SEE SCBDSLE E.SECTION 2 p.6 Jun l4 04 11:1la 1-9?O-.+76-30'77 p.7 SCHEDT]LE B Section 2 EXCEPTIONS exceptions to the following unless the sarne are disposed of to the c i e Per- I i ament Order Number: o2o3oB5zA The policy or policies to be issued will contain satisfaction of the Company: rano l. zughfs or claims of parties in possession, not shown by the pubtic records. 2. Easemeots, or claims of easementg Dot shown by the public records. 3' Discrepancies, conllicts in boundary lines, shontage in area, eucroachrnents, and any hcts which a correctsurvey and inspection of the premises would disclose aod which are not shown by the public records. 4. Aoy lien,. or right lo a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafler furnished, imposed by lawand not shown by the public reords. 5' Defects, liens, encumbratrces, adverse claims or olher matters, if any, created, first appearing in the publicrecords or ataching subseguent to thc eftclhrc date hereof, but prior to O. art. tn propo;ed imlea acquiresofrecord for valuc the estate or ioterest or mortgege thereon covered by this comrnitment. 6' unpatented miling claimq reservations or exceptiotrs iD patents, or an act authoriziag the issuance thereof;water rights, claims or title to water. 7- lJry and al1 unpaid ta.-es and raaerc[etrta end uoredecned, tax ealeg. 8' Tbe eftecE of :Lncluaioa,s r.n aay gaaeral or gpecifrc uaecr conaerrlncy, tireprotecclob, eolr sonaervalloa or otber dlaErict or r.lcrusl0', ln any rrleraervlce or ltree! lq)roveueD,t rre!, 9- neaervatlous or ercepllons cotrEr.lned 1n u.s- patanEE, or ln acBa autborizingche issur'nce cbereot, of record, reaervlrrgr 1l Rlgbta ol tbo proprletor ot rveln or lode eo eacrect aad rergve big ore eb,ersfrosn aao ey irEuts of way fordltche' cnd cr.nals couatlucted under tb€ aucbo.riry of, tbe onr,ted stsacos. I'o' Ter&a, coldltdonr, reservattoru, reaErlcrloas a,ad obllgations a€ contaiBed {ntbe Drotect{v€ covena'la of vrlr vr,rhge, l\rerttb Erlr.ag recorded Auguar 18,1972 rn Eook 225 at page Bg -8 Beceptl.. uo. 12085{ aBd, .rqrendlent recordedgepterber 2s, L97? la Bootr 225 rt, pag6 4?5 a6 n€c€pctorr lro, l212SO. l'1- Ersen€ntE, resErl,cEl,ong a8d rLghts-o!-rrya ag gbora or, the p].|it o! valr vL:,lagetrrert ch Frllng, recolded rugur c L6, r97z Ln Dook 2a5 ar page 89 aa neceprr.onrlo. t20855- 12. TelEa, condj,Clong. reae!.yrtioDr, re8trlcEloaa and obllgatLor,a as coD,taLned. !!,r'be 'ro}ra,bouE€ Decra:,at10D, for &o! 5, Brock 1, vaJ.r vltiage Fillng 12, recorded,g€Dtebber 6, 1979 tn aooh 290 at page 609 rs RecepE,lon No. 18?008. 13, it Deed ot Trust alaCed atune fg. 2003, executed by FraDcine R. parli rrlletrc andtrarvl'n A. parr'ia'eat, to the Eublr,c Trualee of gagre counry, !,o secure ariDdebtedaeBs o! 9390,ooo-oo, rn t evor o! weEbr,ngton rutuar Bank, FA lecord.edirurre ?4, 2003 ao ReceptLon No, g3?97E. oj -r7-r Efr" Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other 6" atf utl utst .stotrtg bcoftn \Utrt9 ao1|gmr*gnrr@ ttr{'tll g&rrN& Autttilfi CJ4O r^llNDhur4 @ PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvpe of Material Color gur^rhlc /nFfiL.trpF Plc-crjb nsuun ?blrE t-l*rctf ocrntg utmg Ufgurt +{c[+( aQ5fl[r, ?b95F--?Ar\r|t@o-f {:r+xd+ e(.Frlt\tG. 4rE Til€. aq,rr?Lg a,Hwz, ttERvtl u111111p15, ffi RE d+rT]a-,EoLl (-or uZ f4tIZD Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of r2ll2l07l02 '(l TRANSMITTAL I Jrr*r^o REsouRcEs rNc / ArA 17347 US HWY 6.5UlTE l02 POST OFFTCE 80X 1524 AVON COLORADO 8I620 T970 949 1302 F970 949 StZl www. s Rr ARc H I TEcT.CO tr4 to Turqr,l oF tjltu {bfihrrNlTY 6let-p?t-1€$( 6FFICE FILE CATEGORY:tl PROIECT NO pRol Ecr NAME: ?{RLr,At-€Nff Z@ttENCg ArrN:tL4'rr GclsJerT TRANSI'4ITTAL VIA: "*, &ll4 l2ryc+ $ oeenouer-y REvlEw & coMf,lENT E TNFORMATTON ll il -{eaJ-:f .C*:Af ?4e!&lEl\t[- 0761o/PET Buyline 3008 ffi. tttq/?ll Batten U', 18' or 19,, O.C. 1-14. high 24 gauge steel .032 aluminum 1-1t2' l_ 24 gauge steel .032 aluminum il@ical Oltice Center ij Hril Fol€y Fossj I Assoclates -Contactor: FAMA Construction,,PHl:i,3,2HifHie,* Ag€d Copper & Atmond SI,IAP-CLAD, Snap-on Standing Seam, Flush panes \\ \\. \\ ,\. '. \ \1 \E -::-j:--f-- >v,r,'' iS\:.=\i 'II l-fft-r U 7r' .- | -,--- l'l-',....- .tr) >.. ,1 t rtI Oo Or *****{.'1,1.******+*'}**!****+* +**tl' *:}'*****!*!t'}***** **1.**r.*f,* {.!t***+!t!t't****** *+***i.t l. r.'*****'f+l'**:t't+'t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement {i*'t'}**r*'lr*'t*'t,}r'****t****+++*+tt:t******!t't**{.'t ****{.{.t(***'t*,*,t****!*****:}*{r*!i'*'***'t't *r'}***,lrrf *ir*+**** Statement Number: R040006022 Aflrount: $20.00 06/t4/2OO4O3:14 PM Pa)ment Method: Cash Init: r.TS Notation: CASH/SHEPHEF.D RESOI'RCES Permit No: DRB040255 Type: DR3-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP ParceL No: 2IO1O23O1O32 Site Address: 3241 KATSOS RAIICH RD VAIIr Irocabion: 3241 KATSOS RAIICH ROAD, WEST ITNIT Total Fees: $20. o0 This Payment: $20-OO Total- ALIr PmtB: $2O.OO BalaJrce; $0. oo l.'l****'f'*i+**+*+'t'l**+*:*'trt*{.*{r'**rl*'l'r.*{.{r'},1rr*r.!**,l'lIir**+***'l,l't**r.'t *rr * ** * * ** ***,F* ***'r* * * l.** *d.*{r* *{. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,/ FEES 20.00