HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB040615lar I~.blocl:-A Va;/~5 ch'11L I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Oepartmert of Commu nity Development: 75 South Frontag e Road ,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 tel:9 70.479.2139 fax:9 70.479.24$2 web:www.d.vail.co.us Project Name:STE PHANOFF ADOmON Project Description: ADDmON Participants: ORB Number:DRB040615 OWNER STEPHA NOFF,ROBERT A.MICH AI2/13/2004 Phone:390-4529 PO BOX 45 73 VAIL CO 81658 Ucense: APP UCANT RKDARCH ffiCTS 12/13 /2004 Phone:970·926 ·2622 PO BOX S055 EDWARDS CO81632 Ucense : ARCHffiCT RK D ARCHffiCTS 12/13/200 4 Phone:970-926-2622 PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS CO81632 Ucense:COooo0 1770 Project Address:2339 CHAMON IX LNVAlL Location: Legal Description:Lot:11Block:A Subdivision:VAIL DASSCHONEFIL1 Parcel Number:2 103 11401010 Comments: BOARD /STAFF ACTION Motion By:ROGERS Second By :HANLON Vote:+0 Conditions: Action :APPROVED Date ofApprov al:0 1/05/2005 Cond:8 (PLA N):No chang es to these plans may be mad e withoutthe writt en consent ofTownof Va il sta ff and/o rtheappro priate reviewcommittee(s ). Cond:0 (PLA N):OR B approva l does not cons titu te apermitforbuildin g.Please cons ult with Town of Vail Bu ildin g pers onne l prior to const ruction activities . Co nd:201 OR B a pproval shall not beco me valid for 20 daysfollowin gthedate of approva l. Condo 202 Approval of thisproj ect shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following thedate offinalapproval,unless abuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:Bill Gibson ORBFeePaid:$300.00 Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review RECE IVED Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road.Vai l,Colorado 81657 tel'970.479.2139 fa"970.479.24 52 DEC 1 £ web:www.vai lgov.com Gen eral Information:TOV-COM.DEV. All pr ojectsreq uiring design review mustreceiveapproval prior tosubmitting a bundi ng permit -a,;iplic:a tiQn;-PI~se I efel t o the subm ittalrequirementsfor t heparticular appr oval thatisrequested.An applicationfor Design Review cannot be accepted u nt ilall requiredInforma t ion Is receivedbyth eCommunityDevelopment Department.The proj ect m aya lso need to be reviewed by t he Town Councila nd/ort he Planning andEnvironmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit I s Iss ued and construction commences within one y ear of the ap proval. Desc ription of the Requ est:£e.~o J e {_~I..L_='-'---",...,_ Location of the Proposal:Lot:JJ Block:11 Subdivision:as Ad"~;:;t~J { Physical Address:2:3 "3'c-L~......~..K (.J Pa rcel No .:],10 3/1 I/o 1 '"I (;>(Con tact E<:g le Co.Assessor at 970 ·32B-864C ~=..~"",I no .) Zoning:2.&=.f'1 S Name(s}of Owneres}:t.£u--f--.J..,ef"L_.r~ Mailing Address:s.,;fi">?"3 ~v::-.I [?/Cr-,p---------,,..-7'f':7"S"""-~=::li~~3LO -L{,n.~ Owner(s)Sign atu re(s):'7 ~~ Name of Applicant:...l,k Sa.........ek .:7 S Mailing Add ress:f?<)8,'C $""0 S-:'-.r:;d_,-..JICC?:s ct2'-3"z:( _--,--,--,_--,_--:::-_-,-_-,---,__Phon e:1;0 h e -2 C "L E-mail Add ress:J'~.,'Y€rKd""re t..eu ........Fax:9).."~8'k l- Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review' o /New ConstnJction !if Addition o "l iner Atteration (mula-family/commercial ) o Minor Alteration (slng le-fa mity/duplex) o Cha nges to Approved Plans o Separation Request: $5 0 ~$1.00 per squa re foot of to tal sign area. No Fee $650 For constructio n of a new building or demo/rebuild . $300 For an additiO n wheresquare footage is added to any resdentiator commercial build ing (indudes 250 additions &interior conversions). $250 Forminor changes to buildings a rd site improvements,such as, reroofing ,painting ,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls .etc . $20 For minor changes to buildings and site im provements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions ,landscaping,fences and reta ining walls,etc . $20 For revisions toplans alreadyapproved by PlannIng Staff or the Design Review Board . No Fee For O~ce U ~IDY : Pee ••id:-:3 Ched<No.: Meeting Date :J 'S-05 Planncr:~(!, Page 1 of 12/04/28/04 Application for Design Re v iew Department 01Community Development 75 Sooth F rontage Road,Va il.Colorado 8 1657 tet 970.479 .2139 fax :9 70.479 .2452 -tl:www .vaiJgov.com General Information : All p rojects req uiring des ign rev iew m ust rece ive approval prio r tos ubmi tt inga bu ild ing p ermit a pplication.ABase re fer to the sub m ittal recoeerren u fo r th e particula r a pprova l tha t is req uested An applica tionfor Des ign Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received bytheCommunity Development Departm ent .The pro ject m ay a lso n eed 10 be reviewed b y tile TownCouncil andlor the Pla nnin gan d Enviro nmenta l Commission. Designr eview approv al l apses u nles s a b uild i ngpe rmit IsIssued a nd c onstruc tion comm encesw ithin o ne yea r o f the approv a l. Desc r iption of th e Reques t: Location of t he Proposal:Lol:fi llZJ I _Parcel No .: Zon ing :P J.c<;"-o'---_ Name (s)o f O wner (s ):~ Mailing Address :~'" S tc p M n~0 '"i'51'3 I r.u1 Co .l'1 ~ITo______________Phon~;7 1 1 I f '3~J)-'I n .'!0 Owner Is)Signatu re {s): Name of Appli ca nt:-----'~~"-J'--------------------- Mailing A ddress:_ E-m ail A ddress : Type of Re v ie w a nd Fee : S igns Ccncectce!Review New Construction Addition M iOOf Alteration (multi-family/commercia l) MiIlO f AlteratiOn (singJe.fa mi ly/duPlex) Olanges to Approved Pans Separation Request $50 N o Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 N o Fee Ph,lei $1.00 pe r s qua re l ootof total sign a rea For cons truction of a new bu ilding or de mo/rebui ld . Foran a dd lbon where square footage is added 10 a ny residential or ccmmercial bu ilding (indudes 250 a ddit ions &Inte rior conv ersions). For minorc hanges 10 blIildings and s ite improvements.such as , reroofing.painting,window additions,landscaping,fences ard reta iningw a lls,e tc . For minor chang es 10 buildingsa nd site improvements,such as , reroofing ,pa inting.window additions ,landscaping ,fe nces and retaining wa lls.e tc . Fo r revis ions toplans a lready a p proved by Plann ing sta ff or the Oestgn Review Board. Fo r Office Us e Only : Fee Paid:__--==--C~h:ed<:.=No~.~'--===~By:Meeti ng Date :DRSNo.: Planner:ProjectNo.: • Application for Design Review RECEIVED Department 01Community Development 75 Sooth F rontage Road,Vail ,Cok>rado 8 1657 tel :970.479.2 139 fax :970.4792452 OCT 1 ~ web:www.vailgov.com TOV-COM.DEV . General Information: All p rojects requiring design review must receive approva l prior tosubmitting abuilding permit applicatioo .Please refer 10 the submittal requirementsfor t heperncuierapprovallhal is requested.An applicatioof orDesign Review ca nnot be eccectee un tilall requiredinfo nnalion is received by theCom munity Dev elop ment Depa rtment.The projectmayalso need to be reviewed by the Town Council andlor thePlanning andEnvironmental Commission . Des ign review approval lapses unless 8 building permit Is Issued and construction commences w ithin one y ear o f the approval. Description of the Request:~"I @ t.?t k!t'Ai Pia'71q /? «:r?en:.c-.-Gc..........a f'lr 1 ClOK1 {£;.!.Lt CP;:1Ad ('*t 5.£ Location of the Proposal :l ot :_J.L.Bl ock :~Subdivision:V,Aj "/lJe>6 ~€II"I Physical Address:c:.?:::ti alA maAlU t .AAJt; Parcel No.:1.10'·t '~:L12.'.010 (ContactEag le Co.f4ssess0r a t 970·328·8640 f or p arcel no.) Zoning :?-b-:/1 ,ero """"";If<'CPN r2J:>;l-1L-...!rC-'''2o=l lilQJ''''''=U'''N-'''-=_ Name(s)of Owner(s):&keg,f ~hAA#~'_ <!)I<.3Z 'iz~<:.~C '1z(.'t8Z;;;: han' Mailing A ddress: Owner(s)Signalure(s):---f.AE~" Neme01 Applicant :(?/::.Q Af?cH I]eC[2 Mailing Addr...:1.'0,b:2?b6 ~AqZ>CL> _________---:,.-Phone :__~2"'-Z"O"__-'l<=__==""__ E-mail Address:2\..b~tf .C&t"-1 F8X :-''i'L70"o'''----'''''-'~=''''-....._ Type of Review and Fee: ~nsC-"":":"":::,:::"ar~R9V1e"'''':.::>;;;w::: •New COns truction •Additio n •Minor Alteration (mult l.famlly/commercial) Mino r Alteration (slngle·fam lly/dupl ex) O\anges toApproved Plans •separalion Request $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 persquare 1001ot totatsign area . For cooenucnon of a newbuildingo r demo/rebuild. For anaddition where squa re footage is added toany residentialo r oomrnercial b uilding (Includes 250 additions &Interior conversions). For minor Changes to buildings andsite improvements,sL.d'I as, reroofing,pa inling,window addi tions,landscaping,fe nces and retainingwalls ,etc . For m inor changes to buildings a nd site improvements,such as , reroofing,pa inting,window additions,landscaping,le nces and retaini ng walls ,etc . For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. For O~lce U~IY:..-- FeePaid:Check No .: Mealing nate:I j -1'7 ·0 'I Planner: By: DFBNo .: Ptoject No.: • Building Materials Roof Sid ing OtherWa ll Materials Fssca Soffi ts Wn"ldo'NS Window Trim Door Trim Hand 01'Deck Rails Flues Flash ing Chimneys Trash Encl osur es Greenh ouses Retaining Walls Exteri or lighting Other Notes: PROPOSEDMATE RIALS Typeo f M aterial co[r!&9~1c,(!OC ~ I '1-II 1':Ie Sm 001b _~.<".Luly . I "~r:I e Sr«00'j1, _~l\I "'M.i f\"-In VIAll e.'>-~"Ih . _AkM C{a<· t.s.Wif ---.5oIiA -wood.S'-,("tj /Y'ttt..L_dt..tl..LL<.1Nj -r-in kA wJ..,1 /bl.fAl d """,{'-'---__ n /It _f)Itr s±J1 £La fr.i;1... Co lor ... /"1H~f--__ J'lOrfl'll,t!or f"-00 . ,.,1\1['""Pi Of{I.Z ~. MICf f'l "t1 ,i[-00 . _",Q-"I<,J:J:r fun z-e . MOOlIIIO,,(sst-e «. o "..J.u:&.02.€' 1\101"',)006011-23 ., He k..-r !.4 0-1 .2- "m.nm'15 ..ut {I Pease specify themanufacturer'sname,thecolor name a ndnumber andattacha color cnlp. Page 6 of 12104 /0 1/04 PROPOSED LAN DSCAPING Q uantity Size (p /I I _g:I . '2-~"",,1 . ~2 II •CA.l~'Mi"A Common NameBotanicalName J'iLt A Plt ~Cil lo .5(""1.e._M A (~"•!:?J 1'l0'1&10 "Cr !&b ~I<ks MifLlln'"---- '?f '~u.r:1CM'l !-ttylite',-----"'Mlbii ~--\."l_t::::t;A :~W\.L AND SI-flUBS PRa'OSED TREES EXIS TING TREE S TOBE REtIOVED 1ti. Min imum Requirementsfor Landscap ing:Deciduous Trees -2"Cali per Con iferous Trees -6'inheight Shrubs -5Gal. Typ e Squa re Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEE D IRRIGAT ION lYPEOF EROS ION CONTROL Please specify other landscapefeatures (l.e .retai ning walls,fences ,swimming poo ls,e tc.) Page 7 of 12/04 /01/04 • I I ~\ \ \ \- If I ( I • Stephanoff Residence Materials Soffit Moorwood08800on SmoothCedarT&G BeamsandFascia Moorewood 081 23on RS.DougFirandGlulams Windows Semco "QuakerBronze " Stucco Cementitious System Match Porter PaintsColor6904-2 "AutumnBud" Stephanoff Residence Exterior Lighting Bollard - Teka Illumination BPM 2246 -Natural Quantity:(1)each Exterior Wall Mount Teka Illumination BWM 2046 -Natural Quantity:(8)each TEKA I LL U MI NA Ti ON BB-I E / A cc Description...Exteri or w a ll m oun ted lumincire Materi a ls I Constru c tion... A.Cast b ronze cap B.Heavy p ure c opper s hade C .Stainless steel o r copper o n 5 .S.ring baffles D.So lid brass spacers E.Cast aluminum wall pl ate wI pure c opper cov er F.Heavy pure copper s te rn-7/8"o .e. G.Pu re copper glass retain er w I clear g lass disk H.Cl ear g lass cylinder I.Pure co pper lampholder cov er Mounting...Recessed.4 H oct agon al wiring box T20 BEACON WAIJ.M OUNT P RODUCT.1=,R_ AA DB CC F1.tl.Iab OptioD BWM ·204G1No turol lOOW A l9 5.5.12"17314."7 1/4"Brown Patino: BWM·20I6INatlJ rnI IOO WA19 eopp..12"'17314"7 IIr Brown Pa tina BWM·W6&Nlckel"lOOW Al 9 as.,,"17 314 "7 1/4"NoM BWM·2246!Nal ural lOOW A lB 5.S.I'"20"eie-Brown Patina BWM-221 6/Nalurol IOOW Al9 Cop,.,I '"20"aie-Brown Patino BWM:'2266lN Ickel "lOOW A19 S.S u -20··are-N ~ "Ntc kel plma U.L.listed.suitable for wet locations ( TEKA I LLU MINAT10 ....I "'C.ee G Hl!lO,,"R O....O.S UITlt.3 Tl!'MP LETON ,C A LIFOIllN 'A 9 3465 P HON !!"(805)4 3 4-3511 F AX (80 5 1434-3512 (I TEKA 11/9 8 TEKA ILLUMIN AT i ON T33 BEACON POLE MOUNT "E(2~slip litter depth) AA -------'I 9 114'" B BB, -J 11 114 " Description.._Exterior pole m ounted l uminuire Materials I Construction... A.Cast bronze cap B.Heavy pure co p per shade C .S ta inless steel or copper on 5.S.ring baffles D.Solid brass s pacers E.Cast bronze lower housing,suffix:3 "o r 3 118 " sli p fi tter F.C lear glass cy linder G .Pure copper lampholder cover H.Stainless steel set sc rews Mounting...Specify 3"0.0.pole top/tenon or3 l iS" (3"co pper tubing) PRODUCT'Lamp IUog.AA BB f'1n i ~h Option BFM-2346iNuluroJ lOOW AI9 ss.ia-W Brown Patina BPM·23I6INoturol icew Al 9 """"'"12"'S-B_Pmma BPM·2366lNlcke l 'IOOW Al 9 55,ra-IS"No~ BPM·2246/Nalurol lOOW A1Q s.s.IS"ZO -Bro....n Pali na BPM-2216IN~1 l OOW AI9 Copper IS-ZO "Brown Pati na BPM-2266/NicboJ'100'0 A19 as.15"zo -No~ 'N ickel plaw U.L.listed,suitable forwe t location s T I;;KA ILLUMIN ATI ON.INC .8 6 G I BSON ROAO ,S UITE 3 TE ~P LE TO "'.C AL 'I'ORN I..93465 P HQl'l l;I B05 l 4 34·35 1'F ..x (8051 434 -35 12 e T E KA 61'!'t8 2 X DECKING 4X8 RAFTER TOPO FINTERI OR HALL STAND ING SEAMM ET AL R O OFING O N F ULL HATERPROOFM EMB RANE UNDERSIDE OF DECK INe b "R-38 R IGID INSULATiON HI TH NAILABLE SUR FACE • ;CIA ••/• '~X ~- IX ~~ ""--.-I .... I.--/'.: A TH'6 K K ~L.--f- f-- '-- BLOCKING PE R S TRUGT. S TA INED 2x F I/Z 'PL YHD.S METAL S IDI NG 6 TYPICAL RAKEDETAIL 1-=1 '-0 - I I I I B EAM I PER STRlK-TURAL I o 6 X6 PER STRUG TU4'-3 ~" ERESTORY RIPPED 2X" RS.C EDAR F A SC I A I I I 2 Xb T4 G l ~--1::::::::>-<~----DECK IN6 ! ,*....J 4Xb RAF j 1 I I I ~SECTIONTHRUM .SA ® I I I I I 1-=1'-0- bXb PE R ST RVGTURA CD RI P PED 2 XI R.S .GEDA j F ASCIA I I 2X6 T I cS I D ECK ING I I 4 X E>RAF TT I 4 '-3g" ® I I I I I I I I1SECTION THRU TYP.E 1-=1'-0- 11 /1::11.1 I, I I BEA M I P ER 5 TRUGTURAL I R -Iq BATT INSULATI O N HlMIN.4 MIL.VAPOR 2xb RS G ED A R,Si ZE P ER EL EVATION S LOPE TOP F OR POSITIVE DRAINAGE ----5 /[;'TY PE 'X 'G YP.00..TY P. ---l--HTL.G L AD H INDOH J-r:::::::::-t --W NT.S E ALANT•B AGKER RO D ..------.::/\ ~GONT'HATERPROOF MEH BRANE O N ALL S IDES OF HI NDO H .OVERLAP NAILING F LANGE~~,5/4 NOH.S i LL HlEAS ED EDGES 4 SILL @ METAL SIDING .3·=1'-0"' -----*t--MET AL S IDINe MATERIALO N BUILD ING HRAP ~>.,_---;tt--_I'ATERPROO F M EMB RANE O N A L L SI DES _O F I'INDOI'. VERTIGAL J A HB TR IH BE YO ND HEADER RE .5 TRUGT.--I'-'l () ____FI L L ALL GAPS B E TI'EEN I'IND O I'AN Cl ROUGH F RAHING HI FOAH IN5UL A TIQt<l_ 5 /t>"TY PE "x"G YP.BD.HI I 1/2"(;ORNE B E AD,TYP. ~~R IPPED 2 X4 GEDAR TRIH HETA L HATERrAL- c.ouNTERFLASH HI S IDING HTL.GLAD I'INDOI' 6 HEAD @ METAL SIDING 3 -=1 '-0- ,,,M TL .GL AD I'IND OI' L-I-I---t----c.oNT SE ALANT I'IBAc.KER R OD 2 SI L L 6 ASKET 2x R S C.EDAR TRIM INTER IOR he:TRIM-S TAIN,TYP . ~HEADER RE,ST RLGT . GO NT.Y<ATERPR ooF M EMBRANE ON A LL S IDES O FD OOR .I'INDO I'. OVER L AP NAILlN6 F LANeE ,.F IL L ALL 6 APS BETI'EE N I'INDO I' •AN D ROU6H F RAMIN6 "'!/FOAM INSU LA T iON c.a NT SEALANT WBAGKER ROD I-M TL.G LAD D OOR 7 INTERMEDIATE HEADER 3 "=1 '-0 " •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNO FVA IL,CO LORADO Statemen t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S tatement Number: Payment Meth od : CONS TRUCTION R040007255 c heck Am ount:$300 .00 12/13/2004 02:41 PM Init :JS Notation :#192B/COL Pe rmit No : Parcel No : S ite Address : Location: DRB040 6 1S Type :ORB -Ad dition of GRFA 2 103 11401010 2 3 39 CHAMO NIX LNVAIL 2339 CHAMONIX LANE This Paymen t:$300 .0 0 Total Fees : Total ALLPmts : Bal a nce : $300.00 $300 .00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LI ST : Accou nt Code DR 00100003 112200 De scrip t ion DES IGN REV IEW FEES Current Pmt s 300.00