HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC040074/6T t ~btu ,/:-;:; V~Dj(.6 '::;'h tJ>l..'--I Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Deve lopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.o.veu.co.us Project Name:STEP HANOFFRESIDENCE Project Description: sm COVERAGE VARIANCE Participants: PEe Number:PEC040074 OWNER SfEP HANOFF,ROBERT A.MICHA10/25/2004Phone :39 0-4529 POBOX 4573 VAll CO8 1658 Ucense : APPUCANT RKD ARCHITECTS10/25/2004Phone :970 -926-2622 POBOX5055 EDWARDS CO81 632 license : Project Address:2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:11 Block:A Subdivision:VAlLDAS SCHONE FIL 1 Parcel Number:210311401010 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By :Kjesbo Second By:Lamb Vote :7·0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:11/22/2004 Cond :8 (PLA N):Nochanges toth ese plans may be made without t he written consentof Townof Vailstaff and/or t he appro priatereviewcomm ittee(s). Cond:300 PEe app roval sha ll not be notbecome v alid for20daysfo llowing the date of a pproval. Cond:CON0006820 Thi sva riancereques t a pproval shallbecon ti ngent upon th eapplican t receiv ing Town of Va il a pprova l of t herelateddesignrevi ew applica tion. Planner:Bill Gi bson PEe Fee Paid :$500.00 • T O:Pla nning andEnvironmental Com mission FROM :Community Development Department DATE :November 22,2004 S UBJE CT:A request fo r a fi nal reviewo f a va riance,f rom Sec tion 12-6 D-9,S ite Cove ra ge,Vail T own Code.p urs uan tto Chapter 12-7,Varia nces .Va i l T own Code,toa llow for a r es identia la ddition loca te d at 233 9Cham o nix La ne/Lot 11,Blo ck A.Vai l Da s Schone F ilin g 1 ,an d s ett in g f orthde tai lsin regardt h ereto . Ap plicant: Pl a n ner : I.SUMMARY R obertStep ha nafl',represent edby R KD Architects B ill G ibson Th e a pplican t,R obertStep hanoff,re prese nted by R KDAr c hitects,is reque stin g a va r iance f romSectio n 12-6 D-9,Site Cove rage ,Va il T o w n Co de,to a llow f o r a residential add ition ,locatedat 2339Chamo nix Lane .Based upon Staffs rev ie w of thecriteriain Section V III ofthis memora nd um an d theevidence an d testimony presented,theCommunity Development Department recommen ds de nial of this v ariance requestsubj ect to t he findings noted in Section IXo fthis memorandum. II.DES CRIPTIONO FREQUEST T he a pplica ntis proposing areno vation to an e xis tingsingle-family residence w ith a one-carga rage,originally constructe d in 1979,locatedat 2339 Cha monix Lane .A vicinity ma pha sbeen attachedfor reference (Attachmen tA).The ex istinglotis non -conforming in rega rdtoth e Town'sminimum lot sizestand ards an d thestructu re isnon-conformin qinregard tot heTow n'sengi neering standa rds ford riveways .T his e xis ting househas 760sq .ft.of gross reside ntial floo r area (4,159 sq .ft.allowed),4 90 sq .ft .of gar age(600 sq .It.allowed)w hich create 1,290sq .ft.o f site cov erage(1 ,808 sq.ft..allowe d),and includesatwo-car garage. T heproposedre novation includes a new driveway ,two-car g arageaddition , enclosedentryway addition ,d ining/livingroom ad dition,a nda n upper level expansion (maste rbedroom,bedroom2 ,bath 2,and office).Thisproposal will invo lve lowerin g (hefront on e-thirdof the exis ting building byconverting the existinggarage intocrawlspace a ndan enclosed e ntry .A newtwo-car garage will then beattachedto the front of theex isting st ructure.Additions tot heupper level of the struct ure arealso proposed .T hepropose d renovation w ill crea te a total of3,0 1gsq.ft .ofGFRA (4 ,159 sq .ft .allow ed ),540sq .ft.of garag e area(600 sq.ft.allowed),and 2,071 sq .ft.ofsite coverage (1 ,808 sq.ft,allowe d).T he applicant's request andproposed a rchitectural plans have been attac hedfor reference (Attac hmentsB and C). Theprovrstons ofSection 12-17,Varian ce.Vail TownCode.de termine t he rev iewc riter ia a ndreviewp rocedures fo r ava riance request III .BACKGROUND The e xistingreside nce located at2339Chamo nix Lanewasoriginally constructed i n1979 under EagleCountyj urisd iction andtodayislega lly non- conforming inr egardtothe Town'smin im um lotsize standards an d t hestructure isnon -confo rm ingi n regard to t he Town'seng inee ring standardsfo r d riveways. The appl icants'proposal was conceptually reviewedbythe Design Review Bo ard at itsNove mbe r 3,2004.pub lic h earing .Interms of a rchitecture and aesthetics , the Design ReviewBoa rd wasgenera lly support ive of applicant's proposa l. Should the PlanningandEnvironmental Commissionch oose toapprove this varia nce request.theassociat eddesign reviewapplicat ion wil l be te ntat ively scheduledfo r final rev iew by the DesignReview Board atitsDecember 1,2004 , .publ ic hearing . Staff hasresear ched other sitecove rage varia ncereq ue stsinordertoprov ide the Planning a nd Envi ronmentalCom mission with additional backgrou nd inform ation.Asummaryoftha tresearch isprovid ed below: Forst!R esidence,(Octobe r 2004) At theFo rstl Reside nce ,the applicantreque stedandwasgrantedasite cove ragevarian ce of5.97%(341 sq.ft .)on a lotof only5,706 sq .ft.Theexisti ng home hadnogarageand thepropo sedsite cove rage va riance facilitated the construction o f a newone-s tory,two-c ar ga rage. Houtsma Re sid en c:~,(July 2003 ) At the Hou tsmaRes idence,the a pplicant requested end was gran ted a site cove rage vari anceof 1.5%(162 sq.ft.).The site had excess ive slopes a nd was limited to 15%sitecover age per theTow n's Haza rdRegulations.T hisvaria nce fa cilitated theco nstructionofa new on e-story.two-cargarage. Ricci Reside nce,2576 Davos T rail (F e !l [u a ry ~~9 95 t AttheRicci Residence ,the appl ica nt requ ested asitecove rage variance for 4 .7%(526.5 sq .ft .ofadditio nal sitecov erage).The appli cantproposedtousethe additional sitecoverage to create anenlarg ed two-car garage ,aswe ll a sadda small a mount ofadd itio nal GRFAto theexisting reside nce. Dea n/Rausch Res iQ ~Qf.e ._~9.42 _B_e!!.now e r (Ju ly 1993t At the DeanlRousch reside nce,th e applicants request ed a 3.56%sitecoverage variance (287 sq .It.), a setbackvaria nce (4 feet intoa20-foo t se tback),andawall heightvariance. T he request for site coverageandwallheightvarianceswereapproved bythe PEC,butthesetbackvariance for GRFAwa s denied .Itshou ld be noted tha l the staffrecommended de nia l of thevariances,but thePECappr oved it.The i nterior dimen sionsofthe garagewere 22.5 by22 .5 feet,andthe areaof thegarage calc ulated forsite coveragewas 576 squarefeet. 2 • • , Tay lor Residence .2409Chamoni x Road (May 1993 ):Atthe Taylorresidence, the a pplica n t reques ted a nd wasgr anted asite coverage variancefo r1.3%(122 squarefee t)in o rder toco nstruct agarage and buildi ng co nnection onthe p roperty.It sho uldbenoted that theall owedsite c overageonth islotis20 %(no t 15%).and theapp l icant wasalsogranted a variancetoconstru ct thegarage in t he f ront set back (thes tope onth is lo t did notex ceed30%).The a pproved i nterior dimensionsofthe two-car garagewere 21 feet by 20 feet ,foratotal i nte rior areaof 420 sq.ft..T he garage co ntributed 462sq.ft .toward site coverage . MummaRes idence,1886West GoreCreek Drive (February 1993):Atthe Mummaresidence ,theapplicantrequestedand w asg ranted a 1%sitecoverag e varian ce in order toconstru cta garagead ditionon a lot tha i ex ceeds30%slop e. The1%overage o n site cove rage amou ntedto approximate ly99 squa re fee t. The interiordimensi ons oftheapprovedgaragemeasure 20fe et by20 feet,for a totalinterior area of400 squarefeet.The garage co nt ributed 442 squarefe et towa rd site coverage. Or der of Rev iew :Gene rally ,a pplicationsw ill be reviewedfi rst bythe Planning andEnvironm ental Com mission for acce ptabili ty ofuse andth en by the Des ign Review Boa rd fo r c ompliance of proposed buildi ngsandsite planning. Planning and Environmental Commiss ion: Action:Th ePlan ning a ndEnvironmentalCommis sion is responsible for final a p pro val/denia l/a pproval w ith c onditio ns ofavaria nce. Th ePlanning and EnvironmentalCo mmiss ion is responsiblefor evaluating aproposal fo r. 1.Relationsh ip and impac t of the useo n develo pmentobjectives ofthe T own. 2 .Effectoftheuse o nlightandair,di stri but ion of population, transportat ion faci l ities,utilities,schools,parksand recreationfacilit ies , andothe r publicfacil ities and public facilitiesneeds. 3.Effect upo n traffic,w ithpartic ular referen ce to congestion,a utomotive a ndpedestrian safety and co nvenience,traffic nowand co ntrol,access, maneuverability,and removal ofsnowf rom the streetsandpar king areas . 4 .Effectuponthe character of Ihe area in wh ich the proposeduse isto be located,includ ingthescal e a ndbulkofthepr oposeduse inrelation to surrou nding uses. 5 .Such ot herfactors and crite ria as theCommissio n deemsappl icable to theproposeduse. 6.The env ironmentalimpac treport concern ing theproposeduse,if an environ mental impact report isrequired by Cha pter 12 of this T itle. 3 Co nformance wit hde velopmentsta ndards of zo nedi strict Lotarea Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Sitecove rage Landscape are a Parkin gan d loading M itigation ofdevelopmentim pacts Desig nRev iewB oard: A ction:Th e Design Review Board has NOre viewauthority on ava riance,b ut m ust rev iew anyacco mpanying Desig nReviewBoa rd a pplication. Tow nC ounc il: Actio ns ofDesignRev iew Boa rd or Pla nning a nd Environmenta l Co mmissio n may beappe aled tothe Tow n Co unci lor bythe TownCounci l.T ownCo uncil eval uates whether or n otthe P lanning a nd Environme ntalCommissiono rDesign Review Boarderredwi th app rov als or denialsand canu phold,up hold wi th m odifications,orover turn t he board's decisio n. St aff: T he sta ffis responsible for ensuring t hat allsubm ittal requirementsarep rovided a nd p lan sconfo rm to thetech nica l r equirementsof t he ZoningReg ulation s.The staff alsoadvises t he a pplicant astocom pliance wi th thedes ign guidelines. Sta ffp rovides a staffmemorandumcontai ning bac kground onthe p roperty and pro v ides a s ta ff evaluat ionoft he pro jectwit h respec t to ther equired c riteria and find ings,a ndarecommendation o n ap prova l,approvalwi th co ndi tions ,ordenial. Staff also f acilitates the review process. V .AEEb!J<8_BL E PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff bel ieves t hat t he following prov isio ns of theVa ilTownCo de a re relevantto the review ofthisproposal : T ITLE12:Z ONING REGULATIONS C hapter 12·60:Two-FamilyPrimary/Secon dary Residential (PIS)District 12-60-1 :Purpose :The two-family primary/secondary residentia l district is intended to provide sitesfo r single-famify reside ntial usesor two-family res idential usesinwhich one unit is a larger primary residence a nd theseco nd unit is a smaller caretaker apartment,together withsuch public facilities as may appropriatefy be located inthesame district.The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended toe nsure adequate lig ht,air,p rivacya nd open spaceforeac h dwelling,commensurate withsingfe ·family and two-family occupancy,andto maintain the desirable residentia l qualities of suchsites by establishing appropriate site development standa rds. Chapter 12-17 :Varia nces 12-17-1:Purpose : 4 A.Reasons For SeekingVariance:In ordertoprevent orto l essensuchp ractical difficulties andunnece ssary physicalhardshipsinconsistent withtheobje ctivesof this title as wouldres ult from strict or literalinterpre tation and enforcemen t, variances from certain regulatio ns may be granted.A pra ctical diffic ulty or unnecessary physical hardshipmayresultfrom thesize,shape,or dimensionsof a siteorthe l ocationof existing structuresthereon;from topographi c or physical conditionson the s ite or intheimmediate vicinity;or from other physical limi tations,street locati onsor c onditionsinthei mmediatevi cinity.Cost or inco nvenienceto theapplicant of strict or literal compliancewith a reg ulation sh all notbe a rea sonfo rgranting a variance. VI ,S IT E A NALYSI S A dd ress:23 39ChamonixLa ne Lega l Descripti on:Lot 11,Block A ,Va il dasSc hone 1 ~1 Filing Zoning:Two -F amily Pr imary/Secondary Residentia l Land UsePla n Designation :Medium Dens ity Re sidentia l Current LandUse :Residentia l LotA rea:9,042 sq.ft .(0.21a cres) Hazards:Medi um Severity Rockfall Development Standard Al lowed/Reg uired Pro.Q osed Setbacks: Fr ont:2 0'2 5' W es t Side :15 '15 ' East Side:15'19' Re ar:15'18' De nsity :1 unit s +1 Type IEHU 1 u n it GRFA :4,159 sq .ft.3 ,277s q.ft . SiteCoverage:1,808sq .ft .(20%)2 ,071 s q .It.(23%) Landscape A rea:5,42 5sq.ft.(60%)6,328sq.ft.(7 0%) Parking:3sp aces 3s paces(2e nclosed) VII.SURROUNDING LANDUSE S ANDZON ING Nort h: Sout h: East: Wes t: C urrentLand Use Re sidential Res identia l Res identia l Residentia l Zo ning Tw o -Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two-Fa milyPri mary/Seco n dary Reside ntial Tw o-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential VIII.CR ITEBIA A ND FINDlNGl? The rev iewc riteria fo ra r eque stofth is naturea re esta blishedbyC hapter 12 -1 6, Va il Town Code. 5 A .Considerationof F a c!ors_~~ga rd in g the Set ba.ck V ariances: 1.Th e relationship of the requ ested v ariance to other exi sting or potential u ses and structure s in the vicinity . As pro posed ,the ce ntersectionof this structure (p roposed kitchen area)does "step-down"in compariso n to the existing structure. A lthough thecurren t proposal does utilize a ll of the sites availab le GRFA o rbuilding heig ht;th is does notpreventa future renovation from maximizin gthe se twodevelopmentstandards .'rh eretore.. Staff believes the granting of a site cover age variancewo uld a llow for theco nstruction of buildingbulk a nd mass that ex ceeds wh at w ouldotherwise beallowed bythe zon ing regu lations. 2.Thed egree to which r elief f rom the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a s pecifiedregulation i s neces sary to achieve c ompatibility and uniformity of treatm ent among sites inthe vicinity or t o attain th e o bjectivesof this ti tle w i thout a grant o f s pec ial privilege. Thisvariance request isa ssociatedw itha remodelofanexisting res idence o riginally co nstructed i n1979.T heexis ting residence is anon-confonningst ructure i n regardto the provisionso fthe Town'sdrivewaysta ndards.Theapp licant is proposing a renovation thatwill bring thi sstr uct urei nto co mpl iancew iththe Tow n'sdriveway standards;however,t hisproposal exceeds the maximum allowable site coveragefor t hesite.A lthough the applicantis pro posing to remedy an ex istingnon-conforming situat ion,a newdeviationfrom the T own Code wi ll be created . Alt ho ughthe Planning a nd Environmental Commiss ion has previously held thatconstructiono f as tructureprior tothe adoption ofthe current zo ning regu lat ions may beabasisfor g ranting a var iancefromthe Town 'scurrent zo ning regulations, Staffbelieves that designa ltern ativesareavai lab le to the ap plicant toco nstruct add itions toth is structure wit houtexceeding thesite coveragestandards.Staffbelieves theonlyelement of this renovationthat is necessarytoaddr ess theexistingdriveway non-conformityis thega rage addition.Today there is 5 18 sq.ft.of unusedsite covera ge avai lab leforarenovationof thisproperty. Staff believes5 18 sq.ft.isanadequa te amo unt ofsite cove rageto const ruct anewtwo-carga rage i n compliancew iththe Town's dr ivewaysta ndards (the TownCode requiresenclosed parking spacestobe 9'x18 ',which is162sq .ft.,t hus theminimum sizeof atwo-car gara ge must be324 sq.fl.).Staff doesnot be lieve the additionalsite coverage sq uare footage crea tedbythe proposed garagestairs,entry sta irs ,dining room,masterbedroom expa nsio n,bedroom2ex pansio n,ba th 2expa nsion,and the officeexpansion is necessaryto remedythe existin g dr iveway non-conformity. 6 Staff beli eves theap plica nt's proposa l s hould bemod ified to comply wit h t he site coverage requirementsby r educi ng (o r eli minating)anyof t he fo llow ingp roposedaddi tions :ga rage , garage stai rway,en closed entryway st airs,mast er bedroom, bedroom2 ,bath 2,office ,or d ining room. T herefore ,Slaffdoes n ot belie ve the p roposedvaria ncerequest isthe min imum degreeof relief necessary f romt he st ricta nd lite ral i nterpretationand enfo rcement of thes ite coverage r egulations necessa ry to achieve com patibility and u niformity amo ng sitesinth e vic inityand wit hint he Two-Fami ly Primary/Secondary Residential (PIS)District. If theproposal ism odified 10 co mply w ith the Town 'ssitecove raqe s tandards .nova riances arenecessaryfo r thisp roposed renovatio n. 3.Theeffect ofth e requested va riance o nli ghta nd air, distr ibut ion of popu lation,t ran sportation a nd t r affic f ac iliti es , pub licf acilities and ut ilities,and p ubl icsa fe ty, Staff doesnotbelieve thep roposed sitecove rage v ariance will haveas ignificant neg ativeimp act on t his criterion in compa r iso n toexisting cond it ions. 4.Su c h other f ac tors and criteria ast he commission deems applicab l e to th e proposed va ria nce. B.T he Planning and_Env ironmental Commission sha llmake thefo llowing fi ndingsJ';lefo re gra n ting .1iI--Y:~.lfia nce : 1.T hat the grantingof the variance w ill n otco nstitute a gran to f special pr ivilegein consistent wi t h thelimitations on other p roperties cl assifiedin the same dist rict. 2.T hatthegrantingof t he v ariance will not be detr im ental to t he pub licheal th,s afetyor we lfa re ,ormaterially injurious t op roperties o r imp rovementsin t hevic in ity . 3.Thatthevaria nce iswarr a nted for o neor more of thefollowing reasons: 8 .T hestr ictl iteral i nterpretationore nforcement of the speci fiedregulation w ould result i np ractical difficulty or u nnecessaryphys icalhardship inconsistentwi ththe objec tives ofthis title . b.T here are except ions o r extraordinaryci rcumstancesor c o ndit ions app lic able to thesamesiteofthevarianc e tha t donot apply ge ner allyto other properties in thesame zo ne. c.Thest r ict interpretation ore nfo rcement of the spe cified reg u latio n wo uld de prive t he applica nt of priv ileges enjo yed bythe ow ners ofothe rp ropertiesin th esame dis t rict. 7 IX.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Th eCo mmunity Development Department re com me nds d enial of t h ev ariance request fromSection 12-60 -9,Site Coverage,Vail TownCode,pursuant to Chap ter 12-7,Variances,Va il Tow n Code,toallow fora residential addition loca teda t 2339 Chamonix Lane/Lot 1 1,Block A,Va il DasSc honeF ili ng 1.Staffs re co mm e ndationis ba sed upon t he review ofthe c riteria in Section V III o f t his m emorandumandtheev idence a nd tes timo ny presented.Should t he P lanning a ndEn vironmentalCo mmissio n choose to d enyt his req uest;t he Comm unity Development Departmentreco mmends theCommission makethefollowing f indings: 1.T hatt he g rantingo fthevaria nce w i ll consti tute ag ranting o f s pecial privilege inco nsistent with thelimitations on otherproperties cl assified in thesamedi strict. 2.T hat the grantingoft he va riancewill notbedet rimenta l to thepublic health,safety,orwe lfare.or materially injuri oustoproperties or improvementsin th evicini ty . 3.Thest rict literalinterpretationore nforcement of thespeci fiedregulation wo uldnotresu lt in prac ticald ifficultyor unnecessa ry physicalhardship inconsistent withtheobjectives of thistitle. 4 .Thestrictinterpretationo r en forcement ofthespecifiedregulatio n woul d not depriveth e applicant ofpriv ilegesenjoyedby theow ners ofot her properties in thesame distr ict. Shouldthe Plan ning andEnvironmentalCommissio n choose to a pprovethis request;theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentrecommendsthe Commission makethefotlowinq fin dings: 1.Thatthe gra nting of the va riance will notconstitutea granting of special privilege i nco nsistentwith the limitations on ot her propertiesclassified in the samedistrict. 2 .Thatthegranting of theva riance w illnot bedetrimental to th epublic health,safety ,orwel fare,or materiallyinjurio us topropertiesor improvements inthevicinity. 3.Thestrict literal in terpretation or enforcemento fthespecified regulation wo uldresultinpractical difficulty orunnecessary physica l hardship inconsis tent withthe objectives of this title. 4 .Thestrict inte rpretation o r enfo rcement ofthespecifiedregu lation would dep rive theapplicant ofprivileges enjoyedbythe ownersofother properties inthesamedist rict. 8 , S ho uld the P lanningandEnvironmentalCo mmission choose toapprove this co nditio nal usepe rmit request,the Community Development Department recommendsthe followingco nditio ns: 1.Thisva riance request a pproval shall be co ntingent upo n the appl icant receivingTownofVail approva l ofthe related design reviewapplication. x.A,,~CHMENTS A.Vicin ityMap B.Applicant'sStatement C.Architectural Plans D.Architectural Planhig hlightedtoshow proposed site coverage E.Public Hearing Notice 9 ~ Q).o E CD>o Z 111 Uc CIl ";".'"CI et:-._nI en""!.~E ...0 E :::E 0O~() C U llll!:,eMa,N 111.. II) Attachment:A ba " o I Attachment:B Description o fthe Variance r equested for the Stephanoff Residence Therequest is foravariancefromthe20%site coverag e maximuminthe2 FamilyPrimary/Secondaryzonedist rict.This isa non-conforminglot.Thesquare foolageis9,041,73 ,TheminimumSquare footagein t hezonedistrictis15,000 squarefeet.Thecurrentgraveldriveisinexcessof 16 %.Themostpracticalway toresolvethedriveway issue istobuildagarageinfrontoftheexisting slructu re atanelevationsetforanappropriate drivewayslope.Theresultantgarageslab wouldbe10feetbelowtheexisting lower level.Wehaveproposedthisgarage andaheatedentry t hatwill conn ect thehometolhenewgarage.Thenew constructionwillresolve thedriveway issueandwillcomplywithallotherzon ing restrictions but ,duetot he smalllotsize,will exceedthe1,808maximumsquare foo tageby 262square f eet.Theexisting nonconformingdrive/garageandthe no n-conforming sitecreate asignificantpracticai difficulty.Thestrict interp retation ofthesitecoveragereguiation wouldpermit only 5 18 a ddiliona l square feet ,whichisnot sufficient toprovidearequiredtwo-cargarageandan entry .Th eproposedsitecove rage of2,071 issignificantlyunderthe3,000 squar e feetofsitecoverage ofaconformingminimallot inth is zonedistrict. T hisvariance will haveno impactontheothere xisting orpotential usesand structuresinthearea . By granting thisvariance this homecanbe brought into greater compliance with t heneighbor hood particularlyin regardstoitsstreet frontage. T herewillbe noeffec t on t he light,air,d istributionof population,transportation, t raffic facilities,utilities orpublic safety. Thisrequestcomp lies withtheintentofthe TownofVailplanningpol icies and development objectives byupgradingarundownhomeandb ringing a nonconformingproject intomuchgreater(aithough notcomplete)comp liance. RKD Architects,Inc.Design and Constr uction 1 ~]M cli n sueer SUI[t"G004 .P.O.8 0 ..S055 .fd wolld,.Co lorado 8 163 1.1(0170)Q16-16 2l .(970]926 9822 fa .. www.rkdarch.com ~, , Attachment:C ..' ~~ I ::F!j "Ill ~Ir'I"H,dr'Iii'I IIII,f, ,"I ',":i.j1III ~~. -, .'. , e "• \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "s , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~, o ,'Hi! "I',.r i S TEP HANO FFR ES ID EN CE 2339 CHAMON IX LAN E VAIL ,COLORADO LO~"."Lo<':><~,..F"".."""",.....".V"''-"""$C"""'_'"'''0 ''''', ..--,,, ! ! j I I ! I. ,,- '0 c .,) , \I ~--] ,,,,,,, """"""""""",, ,----- ,---,~-..---.---------------L 7)""",----L-,,0: ••!::, I ~l5 D ---------------:o..t:-,,,,,,,,,, \,,,,,, \..-~-~-~_~,:lI~"j;::i'-'J,,,,'9 ._-------- ,'[::>f l,:/,c,.,~ > "• EB, I I -":ll I I I !~r~-f'ill i I ./- IX "" rz )vi,.'.2--,- "•2 STE P HI\NOFF RES IDENCE 2 339 C HA MONIX L A NE V I\IL.C OLORADO ~....,".....oe><A ......-on.o....-0""_......__.........-.0 • ,-"~:J,.,0 ~, •z :I,. 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Applicant:OneWi llow Brid ge Road,represented byReso rtDesign ,Inc. Planner :George Ru t her A request fo r areco mmendat io nt o t heVa il Tow n Co u ncilof pro pose d t ex t a mendmentst o Sect ion 12-3-3(E),Ap pea l of Tow nCo u ncil Decisions ;a nd s etting fo rthde tailsin rega rd t h er eto . App licant:TownofVai l,r ep r ese ntedb y M a tt M ire Plan ner:G eorge Rut her A req u estfo r afina lrev iewo f av ariance ,fr omSec tion 12-6 G~8 ,DensityCon t rol,V a il Tow n C ode ,pu r s uant t oC hapte r 12 -7 ,Va riances,Vail TownCode,toa llowfor a ddit ional g ross residential floo r a rea a nd dwellin g u nit ,locatedat46 90 Vail Racq u et C lub Driv eNa il Ra cque t Clu b Co ndos ,and sett in gf orth d e t ail in regard t hereto. A pp licant :RacquetC lubOw ners Associa tion,r epresentedbyTRD Architects Planner :MattGen nett Arequestfor fin a l r eviewofa Co ndition al Use Pe rmit ,pu rsuant t oSec tio n 12-6 0-3 ,C ondi tiona l Uses,Va il Tow n Co de,toa llow for a Ty pe II Employee Hou s ing Unit,loca te dat4812Me adow Lane/Lo t 8 ,Block7 ,Big h o r n F ifth A ddition,and sett ing forth d etails in re gar d the reto. A pplica nt:Big ho rn LL Candt he Dua ne F.RogersRevo cab leTrust ,rep resentedby Larry Be nw ay Pla nn er :Bill Gi bson Areq ue stforr evisiont ot h e fin al pl at,pu rsuant to Ch apte r 1 3 ~4 ,M inorSu bd ivision,Va il Tow n Code ,t o all owfor add itio na l g ross residentia l fl oorarea,locat ed at 1094 Riva Gl en/Lo t4 , Spraddle C ree k Estates ,an d setting f o rt hdeta ils in r eg a rdt hereto . Applica nt:W&8 Develo pment,LL C ,re pres e nte dby Tim L osa ,Ze hren a nd Associa tes ,In c. Plan ner:M attGe nnett Areques tf ora fin alrev iew of ava riance,f romSect ion 12-6 0 -9,Site Coverage,Vai l Town Cod e ,purs ua ntt o Chapter 12-7 ,V a ria nces,V ailTow n C ode,t oa llow fo ra re s ide nt ialaddition loca ted a t2339C hamonix La ne/Lot 11,Block A ,Vai l Da s Sc hone Filing 1,and setti ng fo rt h details in rega rd the ret o . Applicant:Robert Stepha noff,r epresented byJackS now ,RK D Archi tects Planner:Bill G ibso n Thea pplicatio n sand in fo rmationa bo ut t he proposals a re availab le for p ublic inspec t io nd uri ng regula r offic eho ursat t h e Tow n o f Vai l Co mmunity Develo pment De p artment,7 5Sout h Front ageRo ad.The pu blic is invited to attend project or ient ationa ndthes ite v isits that precede t he pu blic h earing int he Townof Vai l Co mmunityDevelo p ment Depa rt ment.Please c a ll (970)4 79 ~2 1 38 foradd itio nal informatio n. Sign languageint erp retation isa vailable upo n req ue st w ith 24~hour n otificatio n.Ple aseca ll (97 0)47 9 -2356 ,Teleph o ne f orthe Hearing Im paire d ,fo r info rmat ion. Published ,November5 ,2004 ,in theVa il Daily. PropertyOw ners ad jacent tothe sub ject propcr"':2339 Cha mo nix Lane,Vuil 1.\"'edel Enterpris es P.O.Box388 Edwards,CO81632 2.David G.H ilb 1592Matte rhorn C i rcle Va il,CO 81657 3 .Abby S.Sc hwartz 668F lagst aff Dr. Cinci nnati ,011 45215 4.BertV.S.&Glenda L.Wong 40 Bertba C i r. C olorado S prings,C O 80906 5.Townof Vail 75S.Fro ntage Hd . Va il,C O81 657 Physical Address:23 78 Garmi seh Drive,Vail Lega l Descr iption :Townhouse Site 3 Su b:VailDasScho ne Filing2 BLK:G LOT:10 Physicu l Address :2358Garmise h Drive,Vai l Legal Description.Sub:Va il Das Sc hone Filing 2 ULK :G LOT:11 Physical Address :23-49 C hamonixRd.,Va il Lega l Descripti on:S ub:Va il D~ls Sch one Filing 1 BLK:A LOT:12 Physical Address:232 C hamonixRd .,Vail Leg al Descripti on:S ub:Vail Das Schon eFiling 1 BLK:A LOT:10 Physical Address:2310Cha munix Rd.,Va il Legal Description:Sub:Va il DasSc hone Filin1=:1 P arcel n R esult Trac tD Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department o f Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 tel :970 .479.2139 fax:970.4792452 web:www.vailgov .com General I nform ation : All projects requiringPlanningand Environmental Commission review m ust receive a pproval prior 10sUbm itting a bu ilding permit application .Please refer tothe subminal requirements for the particular approval thai is requested . An application forPlanni ng and Environmental Commission review cannot b e accepted until eu requ ir edinformation is received bytheCommunity Development Department.The proect may alsoneedto be reviewed bytheTown Counciland /or the Design Review Board . Type of Application a ndFee : •Rezoning $1300 •Conditional Use Permit $650 •fo.1ajor SubdivisiorJ $1500 •Fk:lodplain Modification $400 •MinorSubdivis ion $650 •M inor Exterior Alte rat ion $650 •Exemption Plat $650 •Major Exterior Alteration $800 •Minor Amendment toan SOO $1000 •Development Plan $1500 •New Specia l Developme nt District $6000 •Amendment 10 a Development Plan $250 •Majo r Amendment 10 an Soo $6000 •ZOn ing Code AmElf"lCinent $1300 Major Amendmenttoan 800 $1250 •Variance a1&KD (no exterior modificatiOnS)•Sign Variance $200 Desc ription of th e Req u est:"""·It<:.CDv~r:::-WiANG@' o z Loca tion of the Proposal:Lot :lL Block :_~_$Ltx:l ivision:~P:2 ,VD..c;,~I Physical Address:Z.~~q1~·,l(W 010\0 Parcel No .:~'O_~_:.J !':1'~o-(ContactEagle Co .Assessor at970-328-8640 fo r parce l no .) Zoning:z.'&''''''~~~ NameCs)of Owner(s)::iOlek %;=~_ Mailing Address:=:~~.~Io~~~~~;~ Own er(s)Si gnature(s}:""'1-""-=-"'-''-''''''s,,...!::::....---::::::...--'------------ Nam e o f Applicant:1Z.K.O A.1i?J;..~l1Ef.T':::t -~e.c..k.~N",~ "l .zc.,-7.C;7.t: ~~~ Mailing Add ress:----'f-'-"'-'''''-~--.:;===--''"'''=='''''"''_::_c_,__---,---=-----~ ________________Phon e:'l«.z.::."z c:. E-mail Address:~i?12A e.~H ,'"et'4Faxi ---'12.""-...::l-'L"-''''--_ Prolect No .: Ie l lel By:Cl.a \(\"'-~:\Y -V(j ,6 -.Jv<c PECNo.:f E.d 1-oC>¥{ For Office lJs..8 On)Y: Fee Paid:'S CO .Check No,: Meel ;ngDale:1\1p..\~ Planne r: Page t of 6-04/01104 RECV OCT 2 5 2D D4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF vx n ,COI.oRA.DO Stat ement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : Payment Method : CONSTRUCT ION,IN C. R040006974 Check Am o unt:$5 0 0.0 0 10 !2 5 !20 0403 :40 P M I nit :LC No t at i on :#1849 !COL Perm it No: Pa r ce l No: Si te Add ress : Loca tion : PEC040 074 Type:PEe -Variance 2 10 3 11 40 10 10 233 9 CHAM ONIX LN VAIL 2 339 CHAMONIX LANE This Payme nt :$500.00 Total Fee s: T otal ALLP mts : Balan ce: $500 .00 $5 00 .0 0 $0 .0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITE MLI ST : Account Code PV 00 1000031 1250 0 Descr ipti on pre APP LICATI ON FEES Cu rrent Pm ts 500 .00 Descript ion o f t he Va ri ance r equested f or th e Stepha nolf Res idence Therequestis fora variance fromthe20%sitecoverage maximuminthe2 Fam ily Primary /Secondary zonedistrict.Th isisa non-conforming lot.Thesquar e footageis 9,041.73 .The minimumSquarefootageinthezoned istrict is15 ,000 sq uaref eet.Th ecu rrent grave l driveis in exc essof16 %.Themostpract ical way to resolve the d rivewayissueis to buildagaragein f rontof the existi ng structure atane levation set fora n appropriate driveway slope .Th e resultantga rage sla b wo uldbe 10 feetbe low the existi nglower level.W ehave proposed th is garage a ndahea ted entrytha t will con ne ct thehometo th enewga rage.Th enew co nstructionwillreso lve the driveway issuea nd will co mply witha ll otherzoning restrictionsbut.duetot he small lotsize ,will exceedthe 1,808m aximum square footage by262 s quarefee t.Th ee xisting nonco nform ing d rive/garage andthe non-conforming sitecreateas ignificant practical d ifficulty.T he strict interpretationofthesite cove rage regulationwou ld permit o nly518 a dditional s quarefeet ,whi chis not suffi cientto provid e arequ iredtwo-ca r garageandan e ntry.Th e proposedsite coverageof2,071 issignificantl y under the3,000 s quarefeet of s ite coverage of aconform ing min imal lotinthis zone district. T hisvariancewillhaveno impactont he oth ere xistingorpot ential usesand struct ure s inthearea . Bygranti ngt hisvariance t hi shomeca n bebrought intogrea ter comp liance with thene ig hborhood pa rtic ularlyinregards t oits streetfrontage. Th erewi llbe noeffect o n t helight ,a ir,distributionofpop ulation,t ransportation , traffic f acilities,utilities orpublic safety. T his requestcompliesw ith theintent oft heTownof Vailplanning policiesand development objectives by upgradinga rundownhom e andbring ing a nonconforming projectinto m uch greate r (a lthoughnotco mplete)comp liance . RK D Arc futects ,IncDesign and Con structi on I H Main \trN"r SUI{('G004 P,O.80 ..SO'iS l d w dl lh .C o l ol ~do R16~2 (970)9261(;22 (970)9 lb·9812 la . www.rkdarch.com ,. z ~I o ST EP HANOFF RESI DENCE 2 339 CHAMON IX LANE VAIL,C OLO RADO LO~1•.""-<>CO<.._..___••"..........~~............ I I ->=--,-- i -" i I -r-r-'e~rr________________o,l__ <'• -+-- ,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I< I n II \1u ,'L-,,: :H=--=,,,= •0 '...~~'!"'~<1~~..If.\ ~\MJ~\.,,,,, "---..---------,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,f ---------.., \,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \\)0==,,, L , ,,-, -'z I"\j ••, I ! •'I ! I '\ ~ I I" 1 l ffiz I'i' I S T EP H A NO FFR ES IDEN CE 2339C HAM O N IX LANE V A IL,CO LORADO LOT .t ."'OC K".........n ""R""'"0""..",hA"~..C"...,RICO ......."., /3 ' (-1 z ,•• S TE PH A NOFF RES IDE N CE 2339 C HAMON IX L ANE VAI L,COLORADO ~OT ',••COOOK A.H ~"'--""'.'O "00'"''''0\-,......""'.00_.....'.....NO 1 S TE PHA NO FF R E SID E N CE 2 339 CH AMON I X LAN E VA IL,C OLO R A D O................""..._.._..S'O"'l0"v ......-.....__~...-HO , I ); r / \ \ ( I I I /,, \ I ' I " L, /'.'Iil;' J ,,.. J ~I... '-- I '.""'I'I' S TEPHA NOFF RES I DE NCE 2339 C H A MO N IX L AN E VA IL,COLO RA DO ..Ot ",'"<>Co<A,..£S UOOO'VOS >CI .."'"VA",....,.SC_••,..'''''''0 , \~- \ , ,, ,, e -.•• "Ii , ; 11m ! ;.1 i l '" , :1.Ii 1 !.,,,, I "(•, ,,~I 1:1 , i !(~ .,~:1 i •,- !l: ,I I '. I ,"•-. lltl iii "••,•--Q.--~- !l It fi I .e, liH ..• ",.",•!. TOf'OClfIAf'Ioll MM" '91 ".•""'''_..._-.or _or _"""_"'· ....."'....1.............,(0.,....;;..""" _..._,..,,, ~~f~3~j£~~~~~ !!".--..- ",, "I -.r~i I ~ ", ,, ."'!'\'~H~n . :I " I I \ ~ , j r 'I • I,i I' , ,IiIr .~.•".1 1 ,11In~ I I I , i I II ,!ll!!(I!!II I1111 iIll(!~..q ;~t;! ,!'I I lilli"!III ! -;a,i-. /6T t ~btu ,/:-;:; V~Dj(.6 '::;'h tJ>l..'--I Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Deve lopment 75SouthFrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web :www.o.veu.co.us Project Name:STEP HANOFFRESIDENCE Project Description: sm COVERAGE VARIANCE Participants: PEe Number:PEC040074 OWNER SfEP HANOFF,ROBERT A.MICHA10/25/2004Phone :39 0-4529 POBOX 4573 VAll CO8 1658 Ucense : APPUCANT RKD ARCHITECTS10/25/2004Phone :970 -926-2622 POBOX5055 EDWARDS CO81 632 license : Project Address:2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:11 Block:A Subdivision:VAlLDAS SCHONE FIL 1 Parcel Number:210311401010 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By :Kjesbo Second By:Lamb Vote :7·0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:11/22/2004 Cond :8 (PLA N):Nochanges toth ese plans may be made without t he written consentof Townof Vailstaff and/or t he appro priatereviewcomm ittee(s). Cond:300 PEe app roval sha ll not be notbecome v alid for20daysfo llowing the date of a pproval. Cond:CON0006820 Thi sva riancereques t a pproval shallbecon ti ngent upon th eapplican t receiv ing Town of Va il a pprova l of t herelateddesignrevi ew applica tion. Planner:Bill Gi bson PEe Fee Paid :$500.00 • T O:Pla nning andEnvironmental Com mission FROM :Community Development Department DATE :November 22,2004 S UBJE CT:A request fo r a fi nal reviewo f a va riance,f rom Sec tion 12-6 D-9,S ite Cove ra ge,Vail T own Code.p urs uan tto Chapter 12-7,Varia nces .Va i l T own Code,toa llow for a r es identia la ddition loca te d at 233 9Cham o nix La ne/Lot 11,Blo ck A.Vai l Da s Schone F ilin g 1 ,an d s ett in g f orthde tai lsin regardt h ereto . Ap plicant: Pl a n ner : I.SUMMARY R obertStep ha nafl',represent edby R KD Architects B ill G ibson Th e a pplican t,R obertStep hanoff,re prese nted by R KDAr c hitects,is reque stin g a va r iance f romSectio n 12-6 D-9,Site Cove rage ,Va il T o w n Co de,to a llow f o r a residential add ition ,locatedat 2339Chamo nix Lane .Based upon Staffs rev ie w of thecriteriain Section V III ofthis memora nd um an d theevidence an d testimony presented,theCommunity Development Department recommen ds de nial of this v ariance requestsubj ect to t he findings noted in Section IXo fthis memorandum. II.DES CRIPTIONO FREQUEST T he a pplica ntis proposing areno vation to an e xis tingsingle-family residence w ith a one-carga rage,originally constructe d in 1979,locatedat 2339 Cha monix Lane .A vicinity ma pha sbeen attachedfor reference (Attachmen tA).The ex istinglotis non -conforming in rega rdtoth e Town'sminimum lot sizestand ards an d thestructu re isnon-conformin qinregard tot heTow n'sengi neering standa rds ford riveways .T his e xis ting househas 760sq .ft.of gross reside ntial floo r area (4,159 sq .ft.allowed),4 90 sq .ft .of gar age(600 sq .It.allowed)w hich create 1,290sq .ft.o f site cov erage(1 ,808 sq.ft..allowe d),and includesatwo-car garage. T heproposedre novation includes a new driveway ,two-car g arageaddition , enclosedentryway addition ,d ining/livingroom ad dition,a nda n upper level expansion (maste rbedroom,bedroom2 ,bath 2,and office).Thisproposal will invo lve lowerin g (hefront on e-thirdof the exis ting building byconverting the existinggarage intocrawlspace a ndan enclosed e ntry .A newtwo-car garage will then beattachedto the front of theex isting st ructure.Additions tot heupper level of the struct ure arealso proposed .T hepropose d renovation w ill crea te a total of3,0 1gsq.ft .ofGFRA (4 ,159 sq .ft .allow ed ),540sq .ft.of garag e area(600 sq.ft.allowed),and 2,071 sq .ft.ofsite coverage (1 ,808 sq.ft,allowe d).T he applicant's request andproposed a rchitectural plans have been attac hedfor reference (Attac hmentsB and C). Theprovrstons ofSection 12-17,Varian ce.Vail TownCode.de termine t he rev iewc riter ia a ndreviewp rocedures fo r ava riance request III .BACKGROUND The e xistingreside nce located at2339Chamo nix Lanewasoriginally constructed i n1979 under EagleCountyj urisd iction andtodayislega lly non- conforming inr egardtothe Town'smin im um lotsize standards an d t hestructure isnon -confo rm ingi n regard to t he Town'seng inee ring standardsfo r d riveways. The appl icants'proposal was conceptually reviewedbythe Design Review Bo ard at itsNove mbe r 3,2004.pub lic h earing .Interms of a rchitecture and aesthetics , the Design ReviewBoa rd wasgenera lly support ive of applicant's proposa l. Should the PlanningandEnvironmental Commissionch oose toapprove this varia nce request.theassociat eddesign reviewapplicat ion wil l be te ntat ively scheduledfo r final rev iew by the DesignReview Board atitsDecember 1,2004 , .publ ic hearing . Staff hasresear ched other sitecove rage varia ncereq ue stsinordertoprov ide the Planning a nd Envi ronmentalCom mission with additional backgrou nd inform ation.Asummaryoftha tresearch isprovid ed below: Forst!R esidence,(Octobe r 2004) At theFo rstl Reside nce ,the applicantreque stedandwasgrantedasite cove ragevarian ce of5.97%(341 sq.ft .)on a lotof only5,706 sq .ft.Theexisti ng home hadnogarageand thepropo sedsite cove rage va riance facilitated the construction o f a newone-s tory,two-c ar ga rage. Houtsma Re sid en c:~,(July 2003 ) At the Hou tsmaRes idence,the a pplicant requested end was gran ted a site cove rage vari anceof 1.5%(162 sq.ft.).The site had excess ive slopes a nd was limited to 15%sitecover age per theTow n's Haza rdRegulations.T hisvaria nce fa cilitated theco nstructionofa new on e-story.two-cargarage. Ricci Reside nce,2576 Davos T rail (F e !l [u a ry ~~9 95 t AttheRicci Residence ,the appl ica nt requ ested asitecove rage variance for 4 .7%(526.5 sq .ft .ofadditio nal sitecov erage).The appli cantproposedtousethe additional sitecoverage to create anenlarg ed two-car garage ,aswe ll a sadda small a mount ofadd itio nal GRFAto theexisting reside nce. Dea n/Rausch Res iQ ~Qf.e ._~9.42 _B_e!!.now e r (Ju ly 1993t At the DeanlRousch reside nce,th e applicants request ed a 3.56%sitecoverage variance (287 sq .It.), a setbackvaria nce (4 feet intoa20-foo t se tback),andawall heightvariance. T he request for site coverageandwallheightvarianceswereapproved bythe PEC,butthesetbackvariance for GRFAwa s denied .Itshou ld be noted tha l the staffrecommended de nia l of thevariances,but thePECappr oved it.The i nterior dimen sionsofthe garagewere 22.5 by22 .5 feet,andthe areaof thegarage calc ulated forsite coveragewas 576 squarefeet. 2 • • , Tay lor Residence .2409Chamoni x Road (May 1993 ):Atthe Taylorresidence, the a pplica n t reques ted a nd wasgr anted asite coverage variancefo r1.3%(122 squarefee t)in o rder toco nstruct agarage and buildi ng co nnection onthe p roperty.It sho uldbenoted that theall owedsite c overageonth islotis20 %(no t 15%).and theapp l icant wasalsogranted a variancetoconstru ct thegarage in t he f ront set back (thes tope onth is lo t did notex ceed30%).The a pproved i nterior dimensionsofthe two-car garagewere 21 feet by 20 feet ,foratotal i nte rior areaof 420 sq.ft..T he garage co ntributed 462sq.ft .toward site coverage . MummaRes idence,1886West GoreCreek Drive (February 1993):Atthe Mummaresidence ,theapplicantrequestedand w asg ranted a 1%sitecoverag e varian ce in order toconstru cta garagead ditionon a lot tha i ex ceeds30%slop e. The1%overage o n site cove rage amou ntedto approximate ly99 squa re fee t. The interiordimensi ons oftheapprovedgaragemeasure 20fe et by20 feet,for a totalinterior area of400 squarefeet.The garage co nt ributed 442 squarefe et towa rd site coverage. Or der of Rev iew :Gene rally ,a pplicationsw ill be reviewedfi rst bythe Planning andEnvironm ental Com mission for acce ptabili ty ofuse andth en by the Des ign Review Boa rd fo r c ompliance of proposed buildi ngsandsite planning. Planning and Environmental Commiss ion: Action:Th ePlan ning a ndEnvironmentalCommis sion is responsible for final a p pro val/denia l/a pproval w ith c onditio ns ofavaria nce. Th ePlanning and EnvironmentalCo mmiss ion is responsiblefor evaluating aproposal fo r. 1.Relationsh ip and impac t of the useo n develo pmentobjectives ofthe T own. 2 .Effectoftheuse o nlightandair,di stri but ion of population, transportat ion faci l ities,utilities,schools,parksand recreationfacilit ies , andothe r publicfacil ities and public facilitiesneeds. 3.Effect upo n traffic,w ithpartic ular referen ce to congestion,a utomotive a ndpedestrian safety and co nvenience,traffic nowand co ntrol,access, maneuverability,and removal ofsnowf rom the streetsandpar king areas . 4 .Effectuponthe character of Ihe area in wh ich the proposeduse isto be located,includ ingthescal e a ndbulkofthepr oposeduse inrelation to surrou nding uses. 5 .Such ot herfactors and crite ria as theCommissio n deemsappl icable to theproposeduse. 6.The env ironmentalimpac treport concern ing theproposeduse,if an environ mental impact report isrequired by Cha pter 12 of this T itle. 3 Co nformance wit hde velopmentsta ndards of zo nedi strict Lotarea Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Sitecove rage Landscape are a Parkin gan d loading M itigation ofdevelopmentim pacts Desig nRev iewB oard: A ction:Th e Design Review Board has NOre viewauthority on ava riance,b ut m ust rev iew anyacco mpanying Desig nReviewBoa rd a pplication. Tow nC ounc il: Actio ns ofDesignRev iew Boa rd or Pla nning a nd Environmenta l Co mmissio n may beappe aled tothe Tow n Co unci lor bythe TownCounci l.T ownCo uncil eval uates whether or n otthe P lanning a nd Environme ntalCommissiono rDesign Review Boarderredwi th app rov als or denialsand canu phold,up hold wi th m odifications,orover turn t he board's decisio n. St aff: T he sta ffis responsible for ensuring t hat allsubm ittal requirementsarep rovided a nd p lan sconfo rm to thetech nica l r equirementsof t he ZoningReg ulation s.The staff alsoadvises t he a pplicant astocom pliance wi th thedes ign guidelines. Sta ffp rovides a staffmemorandumcontai ning bac kground onthe p roperty and pro v ides a s ta ff evaluat ionoft he pro jectwit h respec t to ther equired c riteria and find ings,a ndarecommendation o n ap prova l,approvalwi th co ndi tions ,ordenial. Staff also f acilitates the review process. V .AEEb!J<8_BL E PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff bel ieves t hat t he following prov isio ns of theVa ilTownCo de a re relevantto the review ofthisproposal : T ITLE12:Z ONING REGULATIONS C hapter 12·60:Two-FamilyPrimary/Secon dary Residential (PIS)District 12-60-1 :Purpose :The two-family primary/secondary residentia l district is intended to provide sitesfo r single-famify reside ntial usesor two-family res idential usesinwhich one unit is a larger primary residence a nd theseco nd unit is a smaller caretaker apartment,together withsuch public facilities as may appropriatefy be located inthesame district.The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended toe nsure adequate lig ht,air,p rivacya nd open spaceforeac h dwelling,commensurate withsingfe ·family and two-family occupancy,andto maintain the desirable residentia l qualities of suchsites by establishing appropriate site development standa rds. Chapter 12-17 :Varia nces 12-17-1:Purpose : 4 A.Reasons For SeekingVariance:In ordertoprevent orto l essensuchp ractical difficulties andunnece ssary physicalhardshipsinconsistent withtheobje ctivesof this title as wouldres ult from strict or literalinterpre tation and enforcemen t, variances from certain regulatio ns may be granted.A pra ctical diffic ulty or unnecessary physical hardshipmayresultfrom thesize,shape,or dimensionsof a siteorthe l ocationof existing structuresthereon;from topographi c or physical conditionson the s ite or intheimmediate vicinity;or from other physical limi tations,street locati onsor c onditionsinthei mmediatevi cinity.Cost or inco nvenienceto theapplicant of strict or literal compliancewith a reg ulation sh all notbe a rea sonfo rgranting a variance. VI ,S IT E A NALYSI S A dd ress:23 39ChamonixLa ne Lega l Descripti on:Lot 11,Block A ,Va il dasSc hone 1 ~1 Filing Zoning:Two -F amily Pr imary/Secondary Residentia l Land UsePla n Designation :Medium Dens ity Re sidentia l Current LandUse :Residentia l LotA rea:9,042 sq.ft .(0.21a cres) Hazards:Medi um Severity Rockfall Development Standard Al lowed/Reg uired Pro.Q osed Setbacks: Fr ont:2 0'2 5' W es t Side :15 '15 ' East Side:15'19' Re ar:15'18' De nsity :1 unit s +1 Type IEHU 1 u n it GRFA :4,159 sq .ft.3 ,277s q.ft . SiteCoverage:1,808sq .ft .(20%)2 ,071 s q .It.(23%) Landscape A rea:5,42 5sq.ft.(60%)6,328sq.ft.(7 0%) Parking:3sp aces 3s paces(2e nclosed) VII.SURROUNDING LANDUSE S ANDZON ING Nort h: Sout h: East: Wes t: C urrentLand Use Re sidential Res identia l Res identia l Residentia l Zo ning Tw o -Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two-Fa milyPri mary/Seco n dary Reside ntial Tw o-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential VIII.CR ITEBIA A ND FINDlNGl? The rev iewc riteria fo ra r eque stofth is naturea re esta blishedbyC hapter 12 -1 6, Va il Town Code. 5 A .Considerationof F a c!ors_~~ga rd in g the Set ba.ck V ariances: 1.Th e relationship of the requ ested v ariance to other exi sting or potential u ses and structure s in the vicinity . As pro posed ,the ce ntersectionof this structure (p roposed kitchen area)does "step-down"in compariso n to the existing structure. A lthough thecurren t proposal does utilize a ll of the sites availab le GRFA o rbuilding heig ht;th is does notpreventa future renovation from maximizin gthe se twodevelopmentstandards .'rh eretore.. Staff believes the granting of a site cover age variancewo uld a llow for theco nstruction of buildingbulk a nd mass that ex ceeds wh at w ouldotherwise beallowed bythe zon ing regu lations. 2.Thed egree to which r elief f rom the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a s pecifiedregulation i s neces sary to achieve c ompatibility and uniformity of treatm ent among sites inthe vicinity or t o attain th e o bjectivesof this ti tle w i thout a grant o f s pec ial privilege. Thisvariance request isa ssociatedw itha remodelofanexisting res idence o riginally co nstructed i n1979.T heexis ting residence is anon-confonningst ructure i n regardto the provisionso fthe Town'sdrivewaysta ndards.Theapp licant is proposing a renovation thatwill bring thi sstr uct urei nto co mpl iancew iththe Tow n'sdriveway standards;however,t hisproposal exceeds the maximum allowable site coveragefor t hesite.A lthough the applicantis pro posing to remedy an ex istingnon-conforming situat ion,a newdeviationfrom the T own Code wi ll be created . Alt ho ughthe Planning a nd Environmental Commiss ion has previously held thatconstructiono f as tructureprior tothe adoption ofthe current zo ning regu lat ions may beabasisfor g ranting a var iancefromthe Town 'scurrent zo ning regulations, Staffbelieves that designa ltern ativesareavai lab le to the ap plicant toco nstruct add itions toth is structure wit houtexceeding thesite coveragestandards.Staffbelieves theonlyelement of this renovationthat is necessarytoaddr ess theexistingdriveway non-conformityis thega rage addition.Today there is 5 18 sq.ft.of unusedsite covera ge avai lab leforarenovationof thisproperty. Staff believes5 18 sq.ft.isanadequa te amo unt ofsite cove rageto const ruct anewtwo-carga rage i n compliancew iththe Town's dr ivewaysta ndards (the TownCode requiresenclosed parking spacestobe 9'x18 ',which is162sq .ft.,t hus theminimum sizeof atwo-car gara ge must be324 sq.fl.).Staff doesnot be lieve the additionalsite coverage sq uare footage crea tedbythe proposed garagestairs,entry sta irs ,dining room,masterbedroom expa nsio n,bedroom2ex pansio n,ba th 2expa nsion,and the officeexpansion is necessaryto remedythe existin g dr iveway non-conformity. 6 Staff beli eves theap plica nt's proposa l s hould bemod ified to comply wit h t he site coverage requirementsby r educi ng (o r eli minating)anyof t he fo llow ingp roposedaddi tions :ga rage , garage stai rway,en closed entryway st airs,mast er bedroom, bedroom2 ,bath 2,office ,or d ining room. T herefore ,Slaffdoes n ot belie ve the p roposedvaria ncerequest isthe min imum degreeof relief necessary f romt he st ricta nd lite ral i nterpretationand enfo rcement of thes ite coverage r egulations necessa ry to achieve com patibility and u niformity amo ng sitesinth e vic inityand wit hint he Two-Fami ly Primary/Secondary Residential (PIS)District. If theproposal ism odified 10 co mply w ith the Town 'ssitecove raqe s tandards .nova riances arenecessaryfo r thisp roposed renovatio n. 3.Theeffect ofth e requested va riance o nli ghta nd air, distr ibut ion of popu lation,t ran sportation a nd t r affic f ac iliti es , pub licf acilities and ut ilities,and p ubl icsa fe ty, Staff doesnotbelieve thep roposed sitecove rage v ariance will haveas ignificant neg ativeimp act on t his criterion in compa r iso n toexisting cond it ions. 4.Su c h other f ac tors and criteria ast he commission deems applicab l e to th e proposed va ria nce. B.T he Planning and_Env ironmental Commission sha llmake thefo llowing fi ndingsJ';lefo re gra n ting .1iI--Y:~.lfia nce : 1.T hat the grantingof the variance w ill n otco nstitute a gran to f special pr ivilegein consistent wi t h thelimitations on other p roperties cl assifiedin the same dist rict. 2.T hatthegrantingof t he v ariance will not be detr im ental to t he pub licheal th,s afetyor we lfa re ,ormaterially injurious t op roperties o r imp rovementsin t hevic in ity . 3.Thatthevaria nce iswarr a nted for o neor more of thefollowing reasons: 8 .T hestr ictl iteral i nterpretationore nforcement of the speci fiedregulation w ould result i np ractical difficulty or u nnecessaryphys icalhardship inconsistentwi ththe objec tives ofthis title . b.T here are except ions o r extraordinaryci rcumstancesor c o ndit ions app lic able to thesamesiteofthevarianc e tha t donot apply ge ner allyto other properties in thesame zo ne. c.Thest r ict interpretation ore nfo rcement of the spe cified reg u latio n wo uld de prive t he applica nt of priv ileges enjo yed bythe ow ners ofothe rp ropertiesin th esame dis t rict. 7 IX.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Th eCo mmunity Development Department re com me nds d enial of t h ev ariance request fromSection 12-60 -9,Site Coverage,Vail TownCode,pursuant to Chap ter 12-7,Variances,Va il Tow n Code,toallow fora residential addition loca teda t 2339 Chamonix Lane/Lot 1 1,Block A,Va il DasSc honeF ili ng 1.Staffs re co mm e ndationis ba sed upon t he review ofthe c riteria in Section V III o f t his m emorandumandtheev idence a nd tes timo ny presented.Should t he P lanning a ndEn vironmentalCo mmissio n choose to d enyt his req uest;t he Comm unity Development Departmentreco mmends theCommission makethefollowing f indings: 1.T hatt he g rantingo fthevaria nce w i ll consti tute ag ranting o f s pecial privilege inco nsistent with thelimitations on otherproperties cl assified in thesamedi strict. 2.T hat the grantingoft he va riancewill notbedet rimenta l to thepublic health,safety,orwe lfare.or materially injuri oustoproperties or improvementsin th evicini ty . 3.Thest rict literalinterpretationore nforcement of thespeci fiedregulation wo uldnotresu lt in prac ticald ifficultyor unnecessa ry physicalhardship inconsistent withtheobjectives of thistitle. 4 .Thestrictinterpretationo r en forcement ofthespecifiedregulatio n woul d not depriveth e applicant ofpriv ilegesenjoyedby theow ners ofot her properties in thesame distr ict. Shouldthe Plan ning andEnvironmentalCommissio n choose to a pprovethis request;theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentrecommendsthe Commission makethefotlowinq fin dings: 1.Thatthe gra nting of the va riance will notconstitutea granting of special privilege i nco nsistentwith the limitations on ot her propertiesclassified in the samedistrict. 2 .Thatthegranting of theva riance w illnot bedetrimental to th epublic health,safety ,orwel fare,or materiallyinjurio us topropertiesor improvements inthevicinity. 3.Thestrict literal in terpretation or enforcemento fthespecified regulation wo uldresultinpractical difficulty orunnecessary physica l hardship inconsis tent withthe objectives of this title. 4 .Thestrict inte rpretation o r enfo rcement ofthespecifiedregu lation would dep rive theapplicant ofprivileges enjoyedbythe ownersofother properties inthesamedist rict. 8 , S ho uld the P lanningandEnvironmentalCo mmission choose toapprove this co nditio nal usepe rmit request,the Community Development Department recommendsthe followingco nditio ns: 1.Thisva riance request a pproval shall be co ntingent upo n the appl icant receivingTownofVail approva l ofthe related design reviewapplication. x.A,,~CHMENTS A.Vicin ityMap B.Applicant'sStatement C.Architectural Plans D.Architectural Planhig hlightedtoshow proposed site coverage E.Public Hearing Notice 9 ~ Q).o E CD>o Z 111 Uc CIl ";".'"CI et:-._nI en""!.~E ...0 E :::E 0O~() C U llll!:,eMa,N 111.. II) Attachment:A ba " o I Attachment:B Description o fthe Variance r equested for the Stephanoff Residence Therequest is foravariancefromthe20%site coverag e maximuminthe2 FamilyPrimary/Secondaryzonedist rict.This isa non-conforminglot.Thesquare foolageis9,041,73 ,TheminimumSquare footagein t hezonedistrictis15,000 squarefeet.Thecurrentgraveldriveisinexcessof 16 %.Themostpracticalway toresolvethedriveway issue istobuildagarageinfrontoftheexisting slructu re atanelevationsetforanappropriate drivewayslope.Theresultantgarageslab wouldbe10feetbelowtheexisting lower level.Wehaveproposedthisgarage andaheatedentry t hatwill conn ect thehometolhenewgarage.Thenew constructionwillresolve thedriveway issueandwillcomplywithallotherzon ing restrictions but ,duetot he smalllotsize,will exceedthe1,808maximumsquare foo tageby 262square f eet.Theexisting nonconformingdrive/garageandthe no n-conforming sitecreate asignificantpracticai difficulty.Thestrict interp retation ofthesitecoveragereguiation wouldpermit only 5 18 a ddiliona l square feet ,whichisnot sufficient toprovidearequiredtwo-cargarageandan entry .Th eproposedsitecove rage of2,071 issignificantlyunderthe3,000 squar e feetofsitecoverage ofaconformingminimallot inth is zonedistrict. T hisvariance will haveno impactontheothere xisting orpotential usesand structuresinthearea . By granting thisvariance this homecanbe brought into greater compliance with t heneighbor hood particularlyin regardstoitsstreet frontage. T herewillbe noeffec t on t he light,air,d istributionof population,transportation, t raffic facilities,utilities orpublic safety. Thisrequestcomp lies withtheintentofthe TownofVailplanningpol icies and development objectives byupgradingarundownhomeandb ringing a nonconformingproject intomuchgreater(aithough notcomplete)comp liance. RKD Architects,Inc.Design and Constr uction 1 ~]M cli n sueer SUI[t"G004 .P.O.8 0 ..S055 .fd wolld,.Co lorado 8 163 1.1(0170)Q16-16 2l .(970]926 9822 fa .. www.rkdarch.com ~, , Attachment:C ..' ~~ I ::F!j "Ill ~Ir'I"H,dr'Iii'I IIII,f, ,"I ',":i.j1III ~~. -, .'. , e "• \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "s , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~, o ,'Hi! "I',.r i S TEP HANO FFR ES ID EN CE 2339 CHAMON IX LAN E VAIL ,COLORADO LO~"."Lo<':><~,..F"".."""",.....".V"''-"""$C"""'_'"'''0 ''''', ..--,,, ! ! j I I ! 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Applicant:OneWi llow Brid ge Road,represented byReso rtDesign ,Inc. Planner :George Ru t her A request fo r areco mmendat io nt o t heVa il Tow n Co u ncilof pro pose d t ex t a mendmentst o Sect ion 12-3-3(E),Ap pea l of Tow nCo u ncil Decisions ;a nd s etting fo rthde tailsin rega rd t h er eto . App licant:TownofVai l,r ep r ese ntedb y M a tt M ire Plan ner:G eorge Rut her A req u estfo r afina lrev iewo f av ariance ,fr omSec tion 12-6 G~8 ,DensityCon t rol,V a il Tow n C ode ,pu r s uant t oC hapte r 12 -7 ,Va riances,Vail TownCode,toa llowfor a ddit ional g ross residential floo r a rea a nd dwellin g u nit ,locatedat46 90 Vail Racq u et C lub Driv eNa il Ra cque t Clu b Co ndos ,and sett in gf orth d e t ail in regard t hereto. A pp licant :RacquetC lubOw ners Associa tion,r epresentedbyTRD Architects Planner :MattGen nett Arequestfor fin a l r eviewofa Co ndition al Use Pe rmit ,pu rsuant t oSec tio n 12-6 0-3 ,C ondi tiona l Uses,Va il Tow n Co de,toa llow for a Ty pe II Employee Hou s ing Unit,loca te dat4812Me adow Lane/Lo t 8 ,Block7 ,Big h o r n F ifth A ddition,and sett ing forth d etails in re gar d the reto. A pplica nt:Big ho rn LL Candt he Dua ne F.RogersRevo cab leTrust ,rep resentedby Larry Be nw ay Pla nn er :Bill Gi bson Areq ue stforr evisiont ot h e fin al pl at,pu rsuant to Ch apte r 1 3 ~4 ,M inorSu bd ivision,Va il Tow n Code ,t o all owfor add itio na l g ross residentia l fl oorarea,locat ed at 1094 Riva Gl en/Lo t4 , Spraddle C ree k Estates ,an d setting f o rt hdeta ils in r eg a rdt hereto . Applica nt:W&8 Develo pment,LL C ,re pres e nte dby Tim L osa ,Ze hren a nd Associa tes ,In c. Plan ner:M attGe nnett Areques tf ora fin alrev iew of ava riance,f romSect ion 12-6 0 -9,Site Coverage,Vai l Town Cod e ,purs ua ntt o Chapter 12-7 ,V a ria nces,V ailTow n C ode,t oa llow fo ra re s ide nt ialaddition loca ted a t2339C hamonix La ne/Lot 11,Block A ,Vai l Da s Sc hone Filing 1,and setti ng fo rt h details in rega rd the ret o . Applicant:Robert Stepha noff,r epresented byJackS now ,RK D Archi tects Planner:Bill G ibso n Thea pplicatio n sand in fo rmationa bo ut t he proposals a re availab le for p ublic inspec t io nd uri ng regula r offic eho ursat t h e Tow n o f Vai l Co mmunity Develo pment De p artment,7 5Sout h Front ageRo ad.The pu blic is invited to attend project or ient ationa ndthes ite v isits that precede t he pu blic h earing int he Townof Vai l Co mmunityDevelo p ment Depa rt ment.Please c a ll (970)4 79 ~2 1 38 foradd itio nal informatio n. Sign languageint erp retation isa vailable upo n req ue st w ith 24~hour n otificatio n.Ple aseca ll (97 0)47 9 -2356 ,Teleph o ne f orthe Hearing Im paire d ,fo r info rmat ion. Published ,November5 ,2004 ,in theVa il Daily. PropertyOw ners ad jacent tothe sub ject propcr"':2339 Cha mo nix Lane,Vuil 1.\"'edel Enterpris es P.O.Box388 Edwards,CO81632 2.David G.H ilb 1592Matte rhorn C i rcle Va il,CO 81657 3 .Abby S.Sc hwartz 668F lagst aff Dr. Cinci nnati ,011 45215 4.BertV.S.&Glenda L.Wong 40 Bertba C i r. C olorado S prings,C O 80906 5.Townof Vail 75S.Fro ntage Hd . Va il,C O81 657 Physical Address:23 78 Garmi seh Drive,Vail Lega l Descr iption :Townhouse Site 3 Su b:VailDasScho ne Filing2 BLK:G LOT:10 Physicu l Address :2358Garmise h Drive,Vai l Legal Description.Sub:Va il Das Sc hone Filing 2 ULK :G LOT:11 Physical Address :23-49 C hamonixRd.,Va il Lega l Descripti on:S ub:Va il D~ls Sch one Filing 1 BLK:A LOT:12 Physical Address:232 C hamonixRd .,Vail Leg al Descripti on:S ub:Vail Das Schon eFiling 1 BLK:A LOT:10 Physical Address:2310Cha munix Rd.,Va il Legal Description:Sub:Va il DasSc hone Filin1=:1 P arcel n R esult Trac tD Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department o f Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 8 1657 tel :970 .479.2139 fax:970.4792452 web:www.vailgov .com General I nform ation : All projects requiringPlanningand Environmental Commission review m ust receive a pproval prior 10sUbm itting a bu ilding permit application .Please refer tothe subminal requirements for the particular approval thai is requested . An application forPlanni ng and Environmental Commission review cannot b e accepted until eu requ ir edinformation is received bytheCommunity Development Department.The proect may alsoneedto be reviewed bytheTown Counciland /or the Design Review Board . Type of Application a ndFee : •Rezoning $1300 •Conditional Use Permit $650 •fo.1ajor SubdivisiorJ $1500 •Fk:lodplain Modification $400 •MinorSubdivis ion $650 •M inor Exterior Alte rat ion $650 •Exemption Plat $650 •Major Exterior Alteration $800 •Minor Amendment toan SOO $1000 •Development Plan $1500 •New Specia l Developme nt District $6000 •Amendment 10 a Development Plan $250 •Majo r Amendment 10 an Soo $6000 •ZOn ing Code AmElf"lCinent $1300 Major Amendmenttoan 800 $1250 •Variance a1&KD (no exterior modificatiOnS)•Sign Variance $200 Desc ription of th e Req u est:"""·It<:.CDv~r:::-WiANG@' o z Loca tion of the Proposal:Lot :lL Block :_~_$Ltx:l ivision:~P:2 ,VD..c;,~I Physical Address:Z.~~q1~·,l(W 010\0 Parcel No .:~'O_~_:.J !':1'~o-(ContactEagle Co .Assessor at970-328-8640 fo r parce l no .) Zoning:z.'&''''''~~~ NameCs)of Owner(s)::iOlek %;=~_ Mailing Address:=:~~.~Io~~~~~;~ Own er(s)Si gnature(s}:""'1-""-=-"'-''-''''''s,,...!::=....---::::::...--'------------ Nam e o f Applicant:1Z.K.O A.1i?J;..~l1Ef.T':::t -~e.c..k.~N",~ "l .zc.,-7.C;7.t: ~~~ Mailing Add ress:----'f-'-"'-'''''-~--.:;===--''"'''=='''''"''_::_c_,__---,---=-----~ ________________Phon e:'l«.z.::."z c:. E-mail Address:~i?12A e.~H ,'"et'4Faxi ---'12.""-...::l-'L"-''''--_ Prolect No .: Ie l lel By:Cl.a \(\"'-~:\Y -V(j ,6 -.Jv<c PECNo.:f E.d 1-oC>¥{ For Office lJs..8 On)Y: Fee Paid:'S CO .Check No,: Meel ;ngDale:1\1p..\~ Planne r: Page t of 6-04101104 RECV OCT 2 5 2D D4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF vx n ,COI.oRA.DO Stat ement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number : Payment Method : CONSTRUCT ION,IN C. R040006974 Check Am o unt:$5 0 0.0 0 10 !2 5 !20 0403 :40 P M I nit :LC No t at i on :#1849 !COL Perm it No: Pa r ce l No: Si te Add ress : Loca tion : PEC040 074 Type:PEe -Variance 2 10 3 11 40 10 10 233 9 CHAM ONIX LN VAIL 2 339 CHAMONIX LANE This Payme nt :$500.00 Total Fee s: T otal ALLP mts : Balan ce: $500 .00 $5 00 .0 0 $0 .0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITE MLI ST : Account Code PV 00 1000031 1250 0 Descr ipti on pre APP LICATI ON FEES Cu rrent Pm ts 500 .00 Descript ion o f t he Va ri ance r equested f or th e Stepha nolf Res idence Therequestis fora variance fromthe20%sitecoverage maximuminthe2 Fam ily Primary /Secondary zonedistrict.Th isisa non-conforming lot.Thesquar e footageis 9,041.73 .The minimumSquarefootageinthezoned istrict is15 ,000 sq uaref eet.Th ecu rrent grave l driveis in exc essof16 %.Themostpract ical way to resolve the d rivewayissueis to buildagaragein f rontof the existi ng structure atane levation set fora n appropriate driveway slope .Th e resultantga rage sla b wo uldbe 10 feetbe low the existi nglower level.W ehave proposed th is garage a ndahea ted entrytha t will con ne ct thehometo th enewga rage.Th enew co nstructionwillreso lve the driveway issuea nd will co mply witha ll otherzoning restrictionsbut.duetot he small lotsize ,will exceedthe 1,808m aximum square footage by262 s quarefee t.Th ee xisting nonco nform ing d rive/garage andthe non-conforming sitecreateas ignificant practical d ifficulty.T he strict interpretationofthesite cove rage regulationwou ld permit o nly518 a dditional s quarefeet ,whi chis not suffi cientto provid e arequ iredtwo-ca r garageandan e ntry.Th e proposedsite coverageof2,071 issignificantl y under the3,000 s quarefeet of s ite coverage of aconform ing min imal lotinthis zone district. T hisvariancewillhaveno impactont he oth ere xistingorpot ential usesand struct ure s inthearea . Bygranti ngt hisvariance t hi shomeca n bebrought intogrea ter comp liance with thene ig hborhood pa rtic ularlyinregards t oits streetfrontage. Th erewi llbe noeffect o n t helight ,a ir,distributionofpop ulation,t ransportation , traffic f acilities,utilities orpublic safety. T his requestcompliesw ith theintent oft heTownof Vailplanning policiesand development objectives by upgradinga rundownhom e andbring ing a nonconforming projectinto m uch greate r (a lthoughnotco mplete)comp liance . RK D Arc futects ,IncDesign and Con structi on I H Main \trN"r SUI{('G004 P,O.80 ..SO'iS l d w dl lh .C o l ol ~do R16~2 (970)9261(;22 (970)9 lb·9812 la . www.rkdarch.com ,. z ~I o ST EP HANOFF RESI DENCE 2 339 CHAMON IX LANE VAIL,C OLO RADO LO~1•.""-<>CO<.._..___••"..........~~............ I I ->=--,-- i -" i I -r-r-'e~rr________________o,l__ <'• -+-- ,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I< I n II \1u ,'L-,,: :H=--=,,,= •0 '...~~'!"'~<1~~..If.\ ~\MJ~\.,,,,, "---..---------,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,f ---------.., \,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \\)0==,,, L , ,,-, -'z I"\j ••, I ! •'I ! I '\ ~ I I" 1 l ffiz I'i' I S T EP H A NO FFR ES IDEN CE 2339C HAM O N IX LANE V A IL,CO LORADO LOT .t ."'OC K".........n ""R""'"0""..",hA"~..C"...,RICO ......."., /3 ' (-1 z ,•• S TE PH A NOFF RES IDE N CE 2339 C HAMON IX L ANE VAI L,COLORADO ~OT ',••COOOK A.H ~"'--""'.'O "00'"''''0\-,......""'.00_.....'.....NO 1 S TE PHA NO FF R E SID E N CE 2 339 CH AMON I X LAN E VA IL,C OLO R A D O................""..._.._..S'O"'l0"v ......-.....__~...-HO , I ); r / \ \ ( I I I /,, \ I ' I " L, /'.'Iil;' J ,,.. J ~I... 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