HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC060069.., TOWNOFVAIL . Planning and Environmental Commisson ACTION FORM Depart ment ofCommunity Development 7SSouthFro ntag e Road,Vai l,Colorado 8 1657 tel :9 70.479 .2 139 fax:970.479 .24 52 web:www.vanccv.ccm Project Name:STEPHANOFF RESIDENCE Project Description: SITE COVERAGE VARIAN CE Partldpants: PEC Number:PEC060069 OWNERSTEPHANOFF,RO BERT A.MICHAlO/09/2006 Phone :390-45 29 POBOX 4 573 VAIL CO8165 8 ARCHITE CT RKD ARCHITECTS 10/09/2 006 Phone :9 70·9 26·2622 PO 80X 5055 EDWARDS CO 8 1632 Lice nse:CO OOO0 1770 APPUCANT STE PHANOFF,ROBERT A.MICHA10/09/2005 Phone:39 0-4529 PO 8 0X45 73 VA IL CO8 1558 Project Address:2339CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location:2339CHAM ONIX LAN E Legal Description :lot:11 Block:A Subdivision:VAIL DASSCHONE FIt 1 Parcel Number :2 103-114-0 10 1-0 Comm ents: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:KJE SBO Second By:CLEV ELA ND Vote:5-0 Conditions: Action:APPROVE D Date of Approval:11/13/2006 Cond :8 (PLA N):Nochange s to these pl ans may be madewitho utthe written co nse nt ofTownof Vail staff and /or the appropr iate rev iew corn rru tteets). Cond:300 PEe approv al shall not be not beco mevalid for 20 days following t hedate of approval. Planner:Bill Gibson PECFee Paid :$500.00 _., \~~..."'"., Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission 0epBrtment fA Community ~ 75 South Frontage Road.Vai,Colorado 81657 tel:9 70.479.2139 fax :970.4792452 web :W'MY ....8~gov.oom Type of Application and Fee : General Information: Al l projocts rllQulring Plann ingand EnvironmentAl ConTnl'iSio n review must receive approval prior 10submitting 8 bulldhg ponnlt awliC&tion.PIoase refer to !he su tmittal requ irements tor the pAI1ioJlar a pproval tha t ;S requested. AA application for Planning and Envirormmtal Commission review caonol be acx:epled until aO required Infoonatlon is recelv8d by the Canmunity DcvcJopmenI 0epIrtmant.The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cwncil and/or the Des9l RevIew BOBrd . $650 $400 S650 $800 $1500 $250 $1300 $500 $200 $1300 $1500 S650 S650 $1000 $0000 seooo $1250 Qnjitional Use P9mit ~In Modification Minor Exterior A1lea100n Major Exterior A119l'8lJm Development PIAn Ammdrrmt loa ~tPlan ~•ZOn.ing Code ~en t •na""" Sign Variance 5 ;f~C'c'V,"'_;<:.V"'C,."".....c;-4!! -""jo<Sub<M;ion Miloi'&t:ldMsIon BlcmptJon PIal Mnor Amendment to a n 800 New Spedal DeYeIopment Oislricl MajorAmendment 10 an 500 Major Amend mmt to a n SOO (noexterio r modiflc8tlons) Descrtpllon of the Request:-~'-'.!"----"""'''''''':7-',,----,c:.:''''''''''-''"-'''------ location of the PropoNlI :lOt:~BIock :_il__SUbdivision :tA o"f R--.s <4 .(.01(C;1:"3 I Phys i cal Address :13 J 9 CA""',.,......."( Parcel No.:2-'9;5'1 If o I ()I 0 (Contact Eagle Co .Jlssoss or a l 970-J28-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning :\~ Namels)of Ownerls):R.bu-r ff~"I..~~<,r.,r, Mslling Address :(?.:>d.",I/,/")v.:::..f CO ~/cr-.J' -=--~::-----:--:-;"'5j,?~-::-:::::::::;;o:~~':19<>-'tn ~ Owner(s)Slgnature(s):~..:::=:=~d Name of Applicant:e..b ~....r s ~,d &.".c:r-, MamngAddress:(?"4.~1/1'7 3 v.::..~C o 8 tCT tf> ________________Phone :1 9"'·'Ir1 P E-mail Address:B.r~r".e.".IC#<1f7;..~I:........CC.....Fu:._.i.llJ-:<•....:.-..Li.~.:...:;.f.--.::c..---_ ForOffice ~y :.:;3~0 /"(Lc)v;>"f-. Fee Pa id.~Cher:*No..By:L 1- Mectng Oate:t1-l3 -OIQ """No.:.\0&(,(J Is 00(9PIanm<:_No.• ~",,-!-'.-vPageJof6-04101104 1 •••••••••••••••••••••++••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T OWN OFVAlL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sta tement Number : Payment Me thod : CO NSTRUCT ION R0 60 0016 64 Check Amount:$5 00 .00 1 0/0 9 /2 0 060 2 :08 PM Inl t:JS No tat i on:3380!COL Permit No: Par cel No: Si te Address : L oc ation : PEC0 600 69 Type:PEe -Variance 21 03-114 -0 1 0 1-0 23 39 CHAMONI X LN VA IL 2339 CHAMONI X LANE T o tal F ees:$50 0 .00 Thi s Payme nt :$50 0.00 T otal ALLPmts :$50 0.00 Balance:$0 .00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM U ST: Ac co unt Code PV0 010 0003 1 12 500 De scription PEe APPLI CAT I ON FEES CurrentPInts 500 .00 • M EMO RANDUM TO :Planning andEnvironm ental Commission FROM:Commu nity Develop ment Department DAT E:November 13,2006 SUBJ ECT:A req uest for a final review ofa varian ce,from Section 12-6 0-9,Site Cove rage,VailTownCode,pursua nt toChapter 12·7,Variances,Vail Town Code,toallo w fo r a residential additio n located at2339 Cham onix Lane/Lot11,Block A,Vail DasScho ne Filing 1,and settingforthdetai ls in regardthereto. App licant: Plann er: I.SUMMARY RobertStep hanolf BillG ibson Theapplicant,Robert Stephanoff is requesting a vari ance from Section 12-60-9, S ite Coverage,VailTown Code,toallow fora residen tialaddition,located at 2339 Chamoni x Lane.T his same variancewasoriginally approved on November 22 ,2004 andissettoe xpire on November 22,200 6 (i.e .Fridayof nextweek).Based upon Staff's review ofthe criteria inSection VIIofthis memorandum andtheevidence andtestimony presented,theCommunity Developm ent Department reco mmends approval ofthis vari ance requ est subject tothe find ing s noted inSection VII I of this memo randum . II.DESCRIPTION O F REQUEST The applicant is proposin ga renovationtoan existing sing le-familyresidence with aone-car garage,orig inally const ructed in 1979 ,locatedat 2339Chamonix Lane .A vi cini tymaphasbeen attac hed for reference (Att achment A).T he existin g lot is non-conf ormingin regard tothe T own'sminimum lotsize standa rds and the stru cture is non-confor ming in regar d to theTown's engineering standards for driveways .This exi sting househas 7 60 sq.ft .of gross resi dential f loor are a(4,159 sq .tt.allowed ),490 sq .tt,ofga rage (600sq.I t,allowed )whi ch c reate1,290 sq.rt .ofsitecoverag e(1,808sq .ft.allow ed),and includes a two-car garage. The propo sed renovation includ esa new dri veway ,two-car garageaddition, enclos ed entryway additi on,dining lliving room addition ,andan uppe r level expans ion(master bedroom ,bed room 2 ,bath2,and office).Th is proposal will involve lowe ring th efron t one-th ird ofthe existing building by convert ing the existin g garage into crawl space and anenclosed entry .Anew two -car garage will thenbe attached to thefront ofthe existing structure.Additions tothe upper levelofthe stru ctu re are also proposed .The proposed renovat ion wi ll create a tot alof 3,0 19 sq .tt,ofGF RA (4 ,159 sq .tt,allowed ),540sq .ft.ofg arage area (600 sq .tt,allowed),and 2,071 sq.tt .of sitecoverage (1,808 sq.tt .allowed).T he ap plicant'srequ estandproposed ar chitectural planshave beenattac hedfo r r eference(Attac hm entsB and C). T he provisions ofSect ion12-17,Variance,V ail T ow nCode,de termine th e r eviewc r iteria and review pro cedure s for a variance req ue st. III.BACKGROUND Theexisting resid ence located at 2339 Chamonix Lane was origina lly co nstruc ted in1979und er Eag le County juris dictio n and today is legally n on- co nforming in rega rd to t he T own's minimum lot s ize standa rdsandthe str ucture is no n -c on form ing in reg ardto t heT ow n 'se nginee ring st anda rds f o r d riv ewa ys. T his sam esite coverage va riance req uestwasoriginallyreviewed by t he Plann ingand Environm entalCommissionat its November 22,2004pub lic heari ng .Atthat ti me ,Staff recommendedapproval ofthesite c overage variance to faci litate th e c onst ructionof agarag e on the site;however,Staff r ecomm ended d enial of thesit ecoverag e va riance tofac ilitate th e c onstruction ofthe gross resident ial floor a rea (G RFA)po rtions of th eadditio n. At its Novem ber 22 ,2004publ ic hearing,th e Co mmissio n approval the site covera ge varia nce requestassub mittedbyt heapplica nt.T heCommission fo undthatthisreq uest wasco mparable toother sitecoverage varianc es previous ly approved by the T ow n andth atapprovalof this req uest would nat c reate a precedent.T heCom miss ion foundth a t approval o f thisand sim ilar va riancesprovided flexibility and incentives forredevelopment of exist ing propertiesthat are diff ic ult torenova te.T heCo mmission found thatapprovi ng t his requestas proposed c reated amore att ractivede signt han co uld be achieved bymakingminorred uctions to the amount of s ite coveragebe ing req uested .The Commissionfoundthat the sitecoverag e variance being req uested wasfo r ag arage a nd smallcantileveredelements.T he Commission alsofoundt hat wh ile this request allows foradeviation from theallowable site coveragenum bers ,it do es meetthe intent of thesite coverageregu lations. T odate ,theapplic anthasnot begunco nstruction oft he renovat ionsto 2339 Cha monixLaneassociate d w ith theNovember22,20 04 var iance approval. PursuanttoSection 12-17-7,Vail TownCode "Approval of the variance shalf lapseandbecomevoid if abuilding perm it is not obtainedand construction not commenced and di/igently pursued towardcompletion within two (2)yea rsfrom whentheapprova l becomes fina l.n T herefore ,the applicant's November22, 2004will expireo n Nov ember22,2006(i.e.next Friday).T heapplicant still intends to c onstructthe p roposed renovations ,sothe app licant h as r e-subm itt ed this variance requestfor th ePlanning and Enviro nmental Commission 's co nsideration. IV.APPLICA BLEPLANNINGDO CUMENTS Staff be lieves that the following provisionsofthe Vail TownCodearerelevant to thereview ofthis proposal: T iTLE12 :ZO NINGREGULAT IO NS 2 • C hapte r 12-6 0:T wo-FamilyPr imary/SecondaryR esidential(PIS)D istrict 12-6D -1:Purpose :The two-familyprimary/secondary residen tial dis tric t is intende d to providesites fo r single-family resid entia l usesor two-family reside ntial uses in which one unit is a largerprimary res idenc e and the second unit is asmaller caretakerapartment,together with suchpublicfacilities as may appropriately be located inthesame district.Thetwo-family prima ry/secon dary residential district is intended to ensure adequate light,air,privacyand open space for each dwelling .comme nsuratewith single -family and two-family occupancy,and to maintainthe desirab le residential qualities of such sitesby establishing appropriate sitedevelopment standards. Chapter12·17:Variances 12-17-1:Purpose: A.ReasonsFor SeekingVariance:Inorder topreventor tolessen such practical difficultiesa ndunnecessary p hysicalha rdships inconsistentwith theobjectivesof thistitle as would result from strict orliteral interpretation and enforcement, variances fromcertainregulationsmaybegranted .Ap ractical diffic ulty or unnecessary physicalhardshipmay result from thesize.shap e,or dimensions of a siteorthe location of existingstructures thereon;from topographic orphysical conditions onthe site or intheimmediate vicinity;orfromother physical limitations.street locations or conditions in theimme diate vicinity.Costor inconveniencetotheapplicant ofstrict orliteralcompliancewith a regulation shallnotbe a reason for granting a variance. 12-17-7:Permit Approval and Effect: Approval of thevariance shalllapseandbecom e voidifabuildingpermitisno t obtained a nd constructionnotcommencedan d diligentlypursued toward comptetio n within two (2)yearsfromwhen the appro val becomesfinal. Prop osed 25 ' 15' 19' 18' 1 uni t 3,277 sq .ft. 2,071 sq.I t.(23 %) 6 ,328 sq .I t.(70%) 3 sp aces (2encl osed) 2 339 C ham onix La ne Lot 1 1,B lockA ,Vai l das Schone 1"Filing Two-FamilyPrimary/Secon dary Residen tial Medium Densi ty Resident ial Residential 9 ,042 sq .It.(0.2 1 a cres) Medium Severity Rock fa ll All owed/Required 20 ' 15' 15' 15' 1 units +1 T ypeI EHU 4,1 59sq .ft . 1,8 08 sq .It.(20 %) 5,425 sq.It.(60%) 3 spaces Development Standar d Setbacks: Fro nt: W estSide: EaslSide : Rear : Density : G RFA : S ite Coverage: Landscape Area : P ark ing : S ITE A N ALYSIS Address : Legal Description : Zon ing: Land UsePla n De signatio n: Current Land Use: Lot Area: Hazards: V. 3 VI.SURROUNDINGLANDUSESANDZONING North: So uth: East: West: Cu rrentLand U se R esidential Resi dential R esidential Residential Z oning T wo-Family Prim ary/Secondary Residential T w o-Family Prim ary/Secondary Residential Tw o-F amily Prim ary/Secondary R esidential Tw o-Family Prim ary/Secondary Residential VII.CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Th e review cr iteriaf orareq uest of th is n ature ar ees tablished by Ch apt er 12-16, VailTo wn Code. A.Consideration of Factors Regarding theSetback ~a riances: 1.There lationship of therequ ested v ari ance to other existing or potential uses and structures Inthe vicinity. At its November22 ,2004 publichearing,the Comm ission found that this request was comparable t oothe r sitecove rage varia nces pr eviouslyap proved by the T ownandthat approval o f t his req uest wou ld notcreatea precedent.T heCommission fo und that approval ofthis andsimilar variancesp rovided f lexibilityand incentivesforredevelopmentof existing propertiest hat a red ifficult to renovate.The Commissionfoundthat approvingthis request asproposedcreated amoreattractive designtha n could be achievedbymaking minor reductions tothe amount of site coveragebeingrequested.T heCommission found that thesite coveragevariance being requestedwas fora garage andsmall cantilevered elements.T heCommission also foundthatwhilethis requestallowsfor adeviationf rom the a llowablesitecoverage numbers,itdoesmeettheintent ofthesitecoverageregulations. Staff does notbelieve t heproposedsite coverage variance will haveasignificant negativeimpact o n this criterionin comparison toexisting conditions. 2.Thedegreetowh ich relief from thest rict and literal i nterpretation a nd e nforcementofa s pecified regulat ion i s necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among s ites inthevicinity orto attain the objectives of th is title without a grant of special privilege . At its November22,2004 public hearing,the Commission found thatthis request wascomparable toothersite coverage variances previouslyapproved by the Townand thatapprovalofthis request would notcreate aprecedent.T heCommission foundthat approvalofthisand similarvariancesprovidedflex ibility and incentivesforredevelopment ofexisting properties thataredifficult torenovate.TheCommission foundthatapproving this request 4 asproposedcreatedamoreattractive design than could be achieved bymaking minorreductions to t hea mount ofsite coverage being requested.The Commissionfoundthat thesite coveragevariancebeing requested was foraga rageandsmall cantilevered elements.T he Commissionalso found thatw hilethis requestallows foradeviationfromthe allowable site coverage numbers,itdoesmeet theintent ofthe sitecoverageregulations. Therefore,Staff does notbelieve theproposedsite coverage variance willhave asignificant negativeimpacton thiscriterionin comparison toexisting conditions. 3.The effect o fthe requested var iance on light and air, d istribution of population ,transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities,a nd public safety. Staffdoes not believethe proposed site coverage variancewill haveasignificant negative impact on t hiscriterion incomparison toexisting conditions. 4.Such other factors and criteria asthe commission deems applicable tothe proposed va riance. At its November22,2004public hearing,theCommission found that t hisrequestwascomparable toother site coverage variances previo usly approved by t he T ownandthatapproval ofthisrequest would not createa precedent.T heCommission foundt hat approval of thisands imilar variances provided flexibilityand incentivesforredevelopment ofexisting propertiesthat a re difficult to renovate.TheCommission foundt hatapprovingthis request as proposedcreated a moreattractive designthan could b e achieved by making minor reductionstotheamount of site coverage beingrequested.T heCommissionfoundthatthesite coverage variancebeing requestedwasfor agarageandsmall cantilevered elements.T he Commission also found that whilethis request allowsfor adeviation f rom t he allowable sitecoverage numbers,itdoesmeett heintentof thesite coverageregulations. B.The PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission shallmakethefollowing findings before granting avariance: 1.Thatthegra nting ofthevariance willnotconstituteagrant of special privilege inconsistent witht he limitationson other propertiesclassified inthesamedistrict. 2.That thegranting of thevariance will notbedetrimental tothe publichealth,safetyor welfare,ormaterially injurious toproperties or improvements in thevicinity. 3..Thatthe varianceiswarranted foroneormoreofthe following reasons: 5 a.The strict literal interpretation or enforcementoft he specifiedregulationwould result inp ractical d ifficultyor unnecessaryphysical hardshipinconsistent withthe o bje ctivesof t histitle. b.Thereare exceptions orextraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable tothe samesiteofthe variance t hat do notapplyge nerally tootherpropertiesin t he same zone. c.Thestrict i nterpretation orenforcementof the specified regulation wouldd eprivet he applicant of privileges enjoyed by t he owners of otherpropertiesin the same district. VIII.STA FF RECOMMENDATION The Community DevelopmentDepartment recommends approval of the variance request fromSection 12·60·9,Site Coverage,Vail TownCode, pursuant toChapter 12-7,Variances,Vail Town Code,to allowfo r a residential addition locatedat 2339Chamonix Lane/Lot 11 ,BlockA,VailDasSchone Filing 1.Staff'srecommendationisbased upon the reviewoft he criteria inSection VIII 01 this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented.Shouldthe PlanningandEnvironmentalCommission choosetoapprove t hisrequest;the CommunityDevelopment Department recommends theCommissionmake the following findings: 1.Thatthe granting otthevariancewillnot constitute a grantingof special p rivilege inconsistent withthe limitationsonotherpropertiesclassifiedin thesame district. 2.That thegranting of thevariance will notbe detrimental tothepublic health,safety,orwelfare,ormaterially injurious toproperties or improvementsinthevicinity. 3.Thestrict literalinterpretationorenforcement o fthespecified regulation would result inpractical diffic ulty orunnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwiththeobjectives of this tit/e. 4.Thes trictinterpretationor enforcementofthe specified r egulationwould deprive theapplicantofprivilegesenjoyed bythe ownersofother propertiesin the same district. IX.ATTACHMENTS A.Vicinity Map B.Applicant's Statement C.ArchitecturalPlans D.Architectural Plan highlightedto show proposedsitecoverage E.Planningand Environment alCommission 11/221 04 p ublic hearing results F.Public Hearing Notice 6 a.Thestrict literalinterpretation orenforcement ofthe specifiedregulation would result inpractical d ifficulty or unnecessaryphysicalhardship inconsistentwiththe objectives of thistitle. b.There areexceptionsor extraordinary circumstancesor conditions applicable tothesame site ofthe variancet hat do notapplygener allyto other properties inthesame zone. c.Thestrictinterpretationo r enforcementofthespecified regulation would deprive theapplicant ofprivileges enjoyed bythe owners ofother propertiesinthesame d istrict. VIII.STAFFRECOMMENDATION TheCommunity Development Department recommen dsa pproval ofthe variance requestfrom Section 12-60·9,SiteCoverage,VailTown Code, p ursuant toChapter12-7,Variances,VailTownCode.toallow fora residential additionlocatedat2339 ChamonixLane/Lot11,Block A.VailDasSchoneRling 1.Staff'srecommendation isbasedupon thereviewofthecriteria in Section VIII ofthis memorandum and t heevidenceand testimonypresented.Should th e Planningand Envi ronmental Commission choosetoapprovethis request;the CommunityDevelopment Department recommendsthe Commission make the following findings: 1.That the grantingof thevariance will notconstitute a granting of special privilegeinconsistent with the /imitations onotherproperties classified in thesame district. 2.Tha t thegrantingof thevariancewillno t be d etrimental to thep ublic health,safety,orwelfare,ormateriallyinjurious toproperties or improvements inthe vicinity . 3.Thestrict literalinterpretationor enforcement of thespecifiedregulation would result inpracticaldifficultyorunnecessary physicalhardship inconsistentwiththeobjectives ofthis title. 4.Thestrictinterpretation or enforcementof thespecified regulationwould deprivetheapplicantofprivilegesenjoyedbytheownersofother propertiesinthesamedistrict. IX.ATT ACHMENTS A.Vicinity Map B.Applicant's Statement C.ArchitecturalPlans D.Architec turalPlan highlighted toshowproposed site coverage E.Planningand Environmental Commission 11/2210 4 public hearing results 6 (}) NOR TH o i\O rHl -'"1"=100' >~e- 3••tr > ....__~....,.....,_~V ..G<lI ~<f __...r...~~_T..'...,.._~.._ (_...._........,.......> •Attac hment:8 "".:",,. Desc rip tion ofth e Varian ce requested f or th eSt ephano ff Res idence Therequest is foravariance from the20 %sitecoveragemaximum inthe 2 Fam ily Primary/Secondaryzone district.Thisisanon-conforminglot.The square fo otageis 9,041.73.The minimum Squarefootage inthezone districtis 15,000 squarefeet.The current gravel driveis inexcess of16%.Themost practical way toresolvethedrivewayissue istobuild a garagein front ofthe existing structure at anelevation setf oran appropriatedriveway slope.The resultantgarageslab would be 10 feet below the existing lower level.W e haveproposedthis garage and a heated entrythat will connectth e home to the new garage.Thenew constructionwill resolve the .driveway issue and will complywith a ll othe r zoning restrictions but,due to thesmalllotsize,willexceedthe1,808 maximum square fo otageby 262squaref eet.The existing nonconformingdrive/garage and the non-conformingsitecreatea significantpractical difficulty.The strict interpretationofthe site coverageregulationwould permit o nly5 18additional square f eet.wihi ch isnot sufficient to providea requiredtwo-cargarageand a n e nt ry.The proposedsitecoverageof2,071 is significantlyunder t he3,000 square fee t of sitecoverage of a conformingminimal lot in t his zone district. This variance willhave no impact ontheother existing or potential usesand structuresint hearea. Bygranting t his variance this ho me can bebrought intog reatercompliance with t heneighborhood particularlyin rega rds toitsstreetfrontage. Th erewillbe noeffectonthe light,air,d istributionof population.transportation, traff ic facili ties,utilities o r public safety. Thisrequest complies with theintentof the TownofVailplanningpoliciesa nd deve lopmentobjectives by upgradinga rundown home and bringinga nonconforming project into muchg reater (althoughnot complete)compliance . RKDArchitects ,Inc.Design andConstruct ion I J7 Main St reet Sultf'C0 04 .P.O.Bo ..5055 .Edwa rds,Colorado 8 1632 .(970 )9 26·2622 .(970 )926-9 822 fax ww w.r kda rch.com Attachment ;C i t /-:~....'\!' ,>. 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Applica nt:OneWillo w Br idg e Road,r epresented by Resort Des ign,Inc. Planner:G eorge Ruther ACTION :Approved M OTION :K j esbo SECO ND :Lamb VOTE :7-0-0 George Ruther presented an overview ofthe propo sal andthestaff memorandum . The appli cant ,Mike Foster,stated that he was available for quest ions or comm ents .Chad Sall i and Tom Kassmel,Town of Vail Public Works Departm ent,were also available fo r quest ions and comments . The PEC questioned why t heeleva tions ot theva rious floorhe ights c hanged.MikeFoste r expla ined thedesign rational fo r theproposedchanges.TheCommissio n notedthat this proposal proactivelyaddressed st reetsca pe and drai nage iss ues thatwere raised by theTown of Vail after the origin al approva l ofthis proj ect.There was nopub lic comment. 2.Arequest fo r a recom mendation to theVail TownCouncil of proposed text amendm ent s to S ection 12-3 -3(E).App eal ofTown CouncilDecisions,and s etting forthd etails in regard th ereto . App li cant:Townof Vai l,representedby Man Mire Planner:George Ru ther ACTION:Approved M OTION:Kjesbo SECOND:J ew itl V OTE :1-(1-0 George Rutherpres ented an overvi ew of th e propo sal and the staff memorandum . The Comm issi on had no co mm entordiscu ssion .There was no public com ment. 3.A reque st forfinal reviewof a co ndit ional use perm it,pursu ant to Section 12-60-3 ,Conditio nal Uses,Vail T own C ode ,toa llow for a Type IIEmployeeHousing Unit ,located at 4812 Meadow L anefL ot8 ,Block 7 ,Bighorn Fifth Add itio n,and setting fort h de ta ils in regard t hereto . A pplicant:Bigh orn LLC andthe Duane F.RogersRevocableTr ust ,representedby L arry Benway Plann er:Bill Gibs on ACTION :Approved,with conditions MOTION:Kjesbo SECOND:Lamb VOTE:7-0-0 CONDITIONS : 1)Thisconditional usepermit a pproval shall be contingentuponthe applicant receiving Townof Vall approval ofthe related design review application. 2)Prior to finaldesignreview approval.theapplicantshall revisethe plans to illustratea minimum of 75 s q.tt.ofadditional storage. 3)Priortothe issuanceofa buildingpermit,thea pplicant shall execute aType II EHU deedrestriction withthe Town of VailDepartmen t ofCommunity Developm ent to permanently restrictt he use oftheEHUfor employeehousing. Bill Gibsonpresen tedanovervi ewof the propo saland thestaff memorandum . larry Benway,applicant's represen tative,presented therevised floor plans showin g the required additional stor age fort he propos ed Type IIEHU. There was nopublic comment. The Commiss io n emphasi zed the Town's need to ad dress the curr ent EHU enfo rce ment issu es and allow Type II EHUsas pe rm itted uses,ratherthan conditi onal uses. Areq uest fora final review of avaria nce,from Sect ion 12-60 -9,Site Coverage,Vail Tow n Cod e, pursu ant to Chapter 12-7,Vari ances,Vail Town Code ,to all ow for a resi dential addi tion located at 2339 Chamonix LanelLot 11,Block A.Va il DasSchone Filing1,andsetting forth d etailsin regard thereto. Ap plicant:Robe rtSt ephanoff,represented by J ack Snow,RKD Ar chitects Planner:Bill Gibson A CTION:Approve wit h c on diti ons MOTION :Kjesbo SECOND:Lamb VOTE :7-0-0 COND ITIONS: 1)Thisvariancerequest approva l shall be contingent upon the applicant receivingTown of Vail a pprovalofthe relateddesignreview a pplicatio n, Bill Gibson presentedan overvie w ot theprop osal an d thestaft mem orandum . Jack Snow ,a rchitect,and Bo bSteph anoff ,app licant,presented an ove rvie w al the exis ting co nditionsofproperty andthe detai ls of theproposa l. Th erewasno p ubliccom ment. Co mmissioner Kjes bo disclosed h is former bus iness r elationshipwiththeappl icant,butnoted tha t hehad noconflictofinteres t in reviewing thisapp lication. The Commission was co mplimentary of the design andarchitectu re ofthepro posal.The Com m issionrecognizedt hatth is proposalis anadd ition to anexisting non-conformingho use andwasnotn ewco nstructionora demo-rebuild.Th eComm ission notedthe existing c onditions and c ircumstances assoc iatedwith thispro posal wh ichj ustify avariance anddo n otcreatea grantofspecia l pr ivilege . T heCommiss ion qu estioned the applic antabo utth e deg reeof thevariance req uested andany alt ernatives whic h wer e explored .T heapp licant explai nedt hedesig n o p tionsth ey had co nsideredand theoptio n ofmax imizingtheallowab le s ite coveragewit h GRFAand t hen requesting a large r sitecove rag e var ianceforaf uture garag e addi tion. T he Commissi on notedthat th is request wasc omparableto oth er site co verage variances pr eviously appro ved by theTown.TheC ommission d idnotbelieveapproval o f th is request wou ldcreateaprecedent.TheC ommission commented tha t the approval o fvari ances similar to this request pro vide flexibilityand incentivesforredevelopment of existingprop ertiesthat are d ifficultto ren ovate .T heCom missionnoted t hatapprovingthisrequestas proposed created a moreanractived esign th anco uldbeachieved bymaking minor reductions to the a mount ofs ite covera gebeingreque sted.T he C ommiss ion co mmented that the s itecoverageva riancebe ing requested wa s foraga rage andsmallcantil evered e lements.TheComm issionbe lievedthat whilethisrequest allo ws for a d eviation fromtheallow ab le site cove ragenum bers,itdoes meet the intentof the s itecove rageregulations. 5 .A req uest for revisionto th e final plat ,purs uanttoCh apter 13-4,MinorSu bdiv ision,Vail T own Code,to allowfo r additionalgrossresident ial floor area,located at 1094 RivaG len/Lot4 , Spraddle CreekEstates,ands etting forthd etails inregard thereto. Applicant:W&B Development,LLC ,represe ntedby T imLosa,Ze hrenan dAssociates ,Inc . Planner :MattGennett ACTION :Tabl ed toDecember 13,2004 MOTION;Bernhardt SECOND ;Kjesbo VOTE;7-0-0 6 .Arequest forare commenda tion tothe Vail Town Counci l onapropos al to esta blishSpecia l Development D istrict No .39 ,p ursuant toArtic le 12-9(A),Special Development Distr ict ,Vail TownCode ,toallow fortheredevelopmentof C rossroads,am ixed use d evelopment;a request fora text am endment toSection12-2-2,Definitions,Vail TownCod e,p ursuant to Section 12-3- 7,Amendment ,to addadefinitionfor b owlingalley;a requestfo r a te xtamendmenttoSe ction 12-7E-4,Co nditionalUses,Vail To wn Cod e,p ursuantto Section 12-3-7,A mendment ,toadd b owlinga lleys asaco nditional use ;and requestsfo r con d itionaluse permit s toallowfor 1he co nstruction of an ou tdo or operation ofthe accessory usesasset forth inSectio n 12-7 E-5 (ice skatingri nk);amajor arcadetoinclude indoor ent ertainment;a theater,meeting rooms,and conve ntion facilities;mu ltiple-fam ilyd wellings and lod ges;andap rivateclub toa llow fo rt he establishmentofatorsa le parking cl ub,pur suant toSectio n 12-7E-4,V ail Town Code,located at 141 and143 Meadow Drive /Lo t P,Block 50,Vail V illage Filing 1,and sett ing torthdeta ils i n regardthereto . Applicant:Crossroads East One.LLC ,r epres entedby Mauriello Planning Group Planner :W arren C ampbell ACTION ;Tabl ed toDec ember 13 ,2004 MOTION :Bernhardt SECOND ;Kjesbo VOTE:7-0-0 7.A requ est fo r a fi nal reviewof avariance,fro m Section 12-6G-8,DensityContro l,Vail Town Code,pursuant toChapter12-7,Variances,VailT ownCode ,toallow l oradditiona l gross residentialI loorarea anddwelling unit,locatedat4690Vail RacquetClub DriveiVa ii Racquet ClubCondos,and setting forthdetail inregard th ereto, Applicant:RacquetClub Owners Association,representedby T RDArchitects Planne r:MattGennett ACTION :Tabled10 December 13,2 004 MOTION :Bernhardt SECOND :Kjesbo VOTE :7-0-0 8 .Approval 01November8,2004 minutes MOTION :Bernhardt SECOND: 9.Information Update Kje sbo VOTE :7-0-0 10.Adjou rnment MOTION:Lamb SECOND:VieleVOTE :7-0-0 The app lications andinform ation abo ut the pro posa ls areavailablefor public inspectionduri ng regular office hoursattheTownof Vail Commun ity Development Departm ent,75 South Frontage Road.The publicis invited to attend projec t orientation andthesite visits that precede the public heari ng in the Tow n ofVailCommunity DevelopmentDepartment.Pleasecall(970)479-2138 l oradditional information. Sig n lang uage interpretation is availableupon reques t wit h 24-hou r notificatio n.Pl ease call (970) 4 79-2356,Telephon e for the Hearing Impaired,for information. Published,November19,2004,in theVailDaily.