HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB040310•• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.cLvail.co.us Project Name:LionsheadSkierBridge Temp Sign Project Description: DRB Number:DRB040310 TEMPORARY CONSTRUcrrON SIGNFORTHEUONSHEADSKIERBRIDGE Participants: OWNERVAIL CORP 07/08/2004 Phone : POBOX7 VAILCO 81658 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GRUP,LLC07/08/2004 Phone: POBOX1127 AVON CO81620 License: Project Address:675UONSHEADPLVAIL Location:675LionsheadPlace LegalDescription:Lot:D,B Block:Subdivision:VAILUONSHEADFIL1 Parcel Number:210107207009 Comments:see conditions BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:07/21/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:201 DRBapprovalshall not becomevalid for 20days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval ofthis project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year following the date of final approval,unlessa building permit isissuedand construction is commenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0006546 No lighting was approved asa part of this application . Planner:Warren campbell DRBFeePaid:$62.00 ".•• RECEIVED a 1 Application for Design Review Departmentof Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax;970.479 .2452 web:www.ci.vail.co .us General Information: All projects requir ing designreviewmustreceiveapprovalpriorto submitt ing a buildingpermitapplication.Piease refertothe submittal requirementsforthe particular approval thatIsrequested.An application forDesign Review cannot be accepteduntilall required informationisreceived bytheCommunity Development Department.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCouncil and/or thePlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Design review approvill lapsesunlessabUilding permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request; Bridge. Approval of t emporary construction signat Uonshead S!<ier Location of the Proposal:Lot:Tract 0 and B 810ck:_Subdivision :Vall Uonshead 1st Physical Address:_ Parcel No.:210107207009 (Contact Eagle Co,Assessor at 970-328·8640 for parcel no.) uonshead Mixed Use 1 DistrictZoning:_...:-:.:.~.!SE~.l!L>SilU~...A..!~"-""'-_ 845-2369 970-748-0920 910-748-0377 vau CoroName(s)of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s)Signature(s) Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:PO Box 1127,Ayon,CO 81620 ___________________Phone:_"-'-''-'-''-''-'''-'''"'''--_ E-mail Address:mauriello@comcast.net Fax:_......."""''-'-'''''-''''":.:.._ Type of Review and Fee: rp..Signs $50 0 ConceptualReview NoFee 0 NewConstruction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration ~250 (multi -famiIY/commercial) 0 Mmor Alteration $20 (single-fam ily/duplex) 0 Changesto Approved Plans $20 0 SeparationRequest NoFee ~$1.00 persquarefootof total signarea./24I , Forconstructionof a newbui lding or demo/rebuild. Foranaddition 'where square footageIsadded to any residentialor commercialbuilding(includes 250 additions &.interior conversions). Forminorchangestobuildingsandsireimprovements,such as, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc. Forminor changes tobuildingsand site Improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additIOns,landscaping,fences and retainingwalls,etc. ForrevisionstoplansalreadyapprovedbyPlanning Staff orthe Design Review Board. ForOffice Us_Only:......>.. Fee Paid:L,-Che k o.:+-I ""u:...c'>=--.u __AtJ ~ppllcation -Bate:_-"p.:.-..,·-1y'-=-'-_ Planner:•f t c '/1 30 Sl~OS 3 ~'VA ~W 9l:8 POO l 'L '1M •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method : R040006176 Amount:$62.00 Check 07/08/200410 :53 AM Init :JS Notation: #1050/MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP Permit No : Parcel No : Site Address : Location : DRB040310 Type :.DRB -Sign Application 210107207009 675 LIONSHEAD PLVAIL 675 Lionshead Place This Payment:$62 .00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $62 .00 $62.00 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Accoun t Cod e DR 0010000 311 2200 SP 0010000312 4000 De scription DES IGN REVIEW FEES SIGN FEES CurrentPmts 50.00 12.00 ·..Metal wn -Exterior Vinyl Graphic Wra_ 36 " 48" 24 "-36" FOUND 11 . No .5 WITH ALUMINl L.S.No . --------~ TRACT8 '- FOUND PIN ANDCAP i.s No.16827 1.2'FROM LOT CORNER SET No.5 REBAR VrlTH ALUMINUM CAP LS.No.27598 VAll/UONSHEAD SECOND FlUNG)-------r N82-55'01 "E - FOUND No.5REBAR VrlTH ALUMINUM CAP LS,No.27958 \ i I D FOUND No.5 REBAR WITH AlUMINUM CAP LS.No.27958 I\ I\ I,-----...-J I I_--L-_-, i I r I \\ ll..j I 10 i 0 0 - I :0 LEASE PARCEl :C.No .744471) HA TOiED AREA) I .5 REBAR VrlTH 'JW PLASnc CAPi.s No .27958 Department of CommunityDev elopm ent 75SouthF rontage R oad Vail,Colorado 81657 970 -479 -2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailg ov.com BraunAssociates,Inc. c/oTomBraun 225Main Street,Su ite G-002 Edwards ,CO81632 November 23,2004 Re:LionsheadSkierBridgelTracts Band C ,VailLionsheadFiling 1,TractBVa il LionsheadFiling 3 ,a nd TractX ,ForestPlaceSubdivision Mr.Braun , Th is letteristoinformyouthatLeonard Sandovaland IvisitedtheLionshead Skier Bridgesitethis morningtoreviewthecondit ion ofthesitewiththeimpendingwinter conditionsandspr ing run-offin 2005 .Therewereseveralitems identifiedonthesite asneedingtobeaddressed immediatelypr ior to w inter s nows arriving .Thoseitemsareasfollows : •Thereisgrave l fromtheconstructionofthebridgestilllocatedw ithin thestreambedunderneath theb ridge.ThisneedstobecleanedupandremovedbyDecember3 ,2004 . •Thereareportions oftherun-offfenceinstalledtocatchsoilfrom reaching itswaytothecreek wh ich havefalldownandneedtoberepa ired sothat thespr ing run-offof water doesnot carry soilintothestream .ThefenceneedstoberepairedbyDecembe r 3 ,2004. Severa l otheritemswhich needtobeadd ressed atalaterdateare : •Ther e areseveralmetalpanelsontheunde rside ofthebridgewhichwe re painted adifferent shadeofbrownfromtherestofthebridge structure .Ibelievethesepanelshideholes inwhich futureconduitcouldbelocated formoreuti lities torunontheundersideofthestructure.These panelsneedto bepa inted tomatchtherestofthestructure . •Asurveyneedstobesubmittedwhichverifiesthatthegradeconditionsafte r theconstructionof thebr idge matchthosepriortoconstruct ion the reby notaffectingthefloodplain . •ADesignReviewapplicationforachangetoapprovedplans forthestoneworkundert he bridge wh ich we d iscussed previousl y. Please reviewthesecommentsandifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingth is letterple ase contactmeat 970-479-214 8 orLeonardSandova l at970-479-2198 . ~'t h rega rds, Wi1UnarrenCampb Senior Planner Cc:F ile LeonardSandova l BillKennedy ,~.RECYC I .IW H tPf;n.fi' " ". D epartment of Community D evelopment 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 8 1657 9 70-4 79-2138 FAX970-479-2452 IVIVIV.vailgo v.com BraunAssociates,Inc. c/oTomBraun EdwardsVil lage Center ,SuiteC-209 0105Edwards V illage Boulevard Edwards ,CO81632 November17,2004 Re:LionsheadSkier BridgelTracts Band CVail LionsheadFiling 1,TractBVail Lionshead Filing 3 ,and Tract X ,ForestPlaceSubdivision Mr.Braun , This letteristofollowupyourletterdatedNovember 5,2004,regarding theplacement ofstone underneaththenewLionsheadSkier Bridge inareas wherevegetation willnotsurvive.Staff believes yourproposa l isaforwardlooking attempttoaddressapotentiallyunsightlysituation inthefutu re. Pleasesubm it acompletedDesignReviewapplicationforChangestoApprovedplansproposing the stoneasyo u havedescr ibedinyourletter. Pleasereviewthesecomments and ifyou haveanyquestions regardingt his letterprior to myabsence pleasecontact meat970-479 -2148. With regards,(\.0.M~=be~ Senior Planner Cc:File t,.....R F.C"Cl~n P-4PER.... ... II BA ~/B RA U N ASSOC IIA l i lES.IIN C. Mr.Warr enC ampbell To wn Plann er Town o f Vail 75SouthFront age Road Vail ,CO 8 1657 RE:Ski er Brid ge Dear Warren : The following isaforma l amendment request tothe landscape planforVailResort 's new skier bridge.Aswehave discussed,the bridge is nearing completion.T helandscape p lan forthebrid ge ca lls fortheinsta llation of sodinandaroundth e skiyardandinother areasthe restoration of di sturbed groundwillbe accomplished by re-vegetating with native grasses . Inthecourse of installing the landscap e planit became evidentthatitwouldbevery difficult ,if notimpo ssible,toget anytype of vegetation directly beneaththe skier bridg e to grow .Thisisduetothelack of sunthatthisareawillr eceive.Inlieu of grasses,itis proposed thatthe se a reas willbe co vered withamossrockinstalledwiththemossside down .Thisstonewas selected because its color willblendnicel y with the underside of the bridge andwiththe stoneonth e bridge.Thestonewillbeinstalledas "one la yer" andthe s tonewillbe "set"inthegroundwithpiecesselected andplacedtocreatea uniform installation.Contrary to a typ ical rip -rap applica tion wher e stone israndoml y piled intoan area,this installation w illhavethe appearance of a stoneveneer onthe ground. Aphoto depicting thestone andtheareato .be coveredinstoneisfoundonthefollowing pa ge .Both sides of the bridgewillbetreatedinth e samemanner.Duetotheground nowbeing "nearfro zen",installation of thestoneissched uled forspring of 'as. Letmeknow if you h aveany questions onthism inor amendmen t request. Thomas A.Braun CC:B ill Kenn edy EdwardsVillage Ce nter;Su iteC -209 0105Edwards Village Bou levard Post O ffic e Box2 658 Edwards,C olorado 81 632 Ph.-970 .926.757 5 Fax -97 0 .926.7576 wwwbraonassociate s.com Areato becove redby "blanke t"o fs tone. Stonesa mple -Moss Rock#34with "mosss ide"to beturnedd own. VailResorts S kier Bridg e Prop osed ame ndment to ti na Iland scape plan