HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB03055412/14/2663 23:48 976-92~76 DEC.8.2003 10:01~M m!!fa.OPI"E:NT BRAUN ASSOCIA1t 1'10.983 PAGE 132 , P.V1 Application for Design Review Department of COmmunity DGYlIlClpmJ 75 SaiJltl Frontage Road,Vall,Colorado 81m tel:970.479.2.139 fax1 970.4'19.2452 i web~WWW.d.\'8i1.C%LUll i «ilene I XnfDnnatianl : All prajects requlJ1ng d~ICm Il!view must receive approvaillflor to submitting a building permit appllClllt\Ori.P1eilSl! re1'eI'to the submitl:lll requirements for the partlcurllr ~pprcva/thilt Is requested.An 6pplgrtjon for Desilln Review cannot be ac:ceptl!d untl1 1II1 reqLlired Information rli received by the C:Ommunltv OevGlClptnent Pepartment.The project miSY also need m be reviewed bv the Town CrlUndI and/or Ule Plann::i~~J:ronmental Commission. DMfQn review apFDvallapses unl_a building permit Is I8lved andan commences wltllin anI!year of the IIpproval.I DescrIpti~J)at the Request:ContePtua!Reylew of prpposed Ski,r Brfdge I~LJonsbead i LocatIon afthe Proposal:Lot:Tme:t P,TtactX 111 and Fgrest Court Bloclc __SL!~MsiOm Van LlonShead I Physical Addrtss:675 Ucnshel!ld Pip i Parcel NO.:210107207009 (Eagle Co.~r at 970-328-8640 for pared no.), zoning;LMU·l &OR 1 _ 926-7576 926-7575 Fu; Name(s)of Owner(I!l)1 _~yailll!lI.,l;RlIii!sprtsiiloW-'-:-_ MaRing Addressl po Box ,.yell.CO 81658 #b~h~ e-mail Address:domlnfc@braunasspcjates,ccm PO Box ,658.Edwards.CO 91632 _______________Phone:_~r.:£ii!~~~------ owner(s)Signatur'Q(s):~~f:::i4.;"':::;-+--:::==-:::::::;;-----f------, Name of ApPlicant:Represented By Braun As!Qc:i;tali.Inc. .M.II1"f:!Address:_~~~~_liWlllll-1!!:~l!!>!A,,-~_ Type of R.eVilnV andFe: ~ns fSO ,Conceptual RevIew No Fee r:I New ConstrUCtIon $550 [J Addition $300 CI Miner Allmltlon $250 (multi-famlly/comrnarciaO Cl Mlnor Alteratfon $20 (single-familV/duplex) CJ Changes to Apj)roved Plans $20 Cl Separation Requl1St NcFee .iflIIi$1.00 per Jquare f'ool:of tetal sign rea, i Fer OOl'\S!l'IJd;ian ofa new bufldlng or demJrebulld. Fer an additJon where square foc1:age Is l(dded to any rsIdentlal or ~mmerdal buJllling Ondudes ~50 additionS.irmtor l,'OlM!I'SIons). For minor Changes 1l:l buildings and site ImProvements,such lIS, reraofing,paInting,Windaw additions,lanCiscaplng,fenals lind retainIng Willis,etl:.I For miner chllnges to Ilulldlngs and site Imp,ravements.SUch as, rerCOfing,painting,WinCloW addll:lons,landslap n rences and retaining walls,ett.:VEO For r1!\IislDI\S to plans alr'eGclV eppTCvad tr;Plan 109 DesIgn Revrew Beard.I j)QCi)8 .osstH DEC 15 2003 I I----.-_By:!L TOV-C M.DEV. -....U:.~~~_~OfUlNo.~.o.•~'-i~~~-........f":l!:7'lo...,J~~---Plll.1ect/ic,:ll»2::'I ~~_ • • • Site Plan SCJlc 1/1 G"="-0" EAGLE BAHN GONDOLA I SKI YAR D ! I I I ------------ Vail Resorts Developmen t Company Vail,Co lorado S I(IER BRIDGE /--'r 1 1 ~: ';,-.•.' I .', APPROXIlVIA TE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN LIONS SQUARE CONDO.MINIUMS ~.---- November 24,2003