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B03-0349 inspection
R3PT131 lnrpccdon Historv Iiom: 226 FIRE DEPT. NOT1FICATION Rrm Id: 1,623 O2J12-2O04. Inspectl6n Requsst Reportlng 7:03am __ ___ ' v4t|..,co_ilownbE.__-___ Requested lnspect Oate; Thursday, February 12,2oa4 lnspecijon Area: G0 Slte Address: 250 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAlt- 250 S FRONTAGE RD #50,f ArPrD Infonn.fon AcrifiV: E()$0349 TvD€ A.lrFConsl'fvr6: occuociicv: .1t' Orrnier: SCHICKLI, J€ANNE HLAVkA ' ^ ttt ' 'ApHlcant: HYAMSCONS-rRUCT|CINII,|C. c' Codlractor: HYAMS CONSTRuCTkf,l.l iNC. Page 10 ReouertedJ'rspecdon(s I Itemi g0 BLDG+lnol Requslot: HYAltiS eONSTRtrcT|Otl lf'lc Co.nrnenE: unlt 504 .€qussted a CO Asslgned To: GD€h|CKLA SubTy?q AMF UEe: ll FTl Ptron€: t97O)376-5442 rp Requested Time: 06:00 Alu- Phon€: r970)3ls5rl42 Efttired By: DGOLDEN K + Status: lnsp Ar6a: ISSUED GD Doscl|guon: I.IEW KITCI-€N CABINETS.FLOOR COVERINGS.PAINT INT DOORS, IIEW VA,{ITIES Cominent: ROUTED TOGREG - DFLORES Tlm. Erp: a -2 "{ [i, .^f,nt' M', '\n Ln ooly'1 )V\,/ fuv ,'pf;,$ -lv /-1^td' cV hcm: 90 nom: 21 ltsm: 2? BLDC-Shsltock Nail " lpprc'ved "12/16/03 lnspoctof: Art Actlon: COMMENTS: APPROVED SHEETRCJCK FASTENING BLDCrFtnal Pl-Al+lLC Fourdallon Pk$l PLAI+ILC Sllo Plan nem: so *Ti['i,tl",n**.ro,' " Apptovcd " Itam: 50 BlDG-lnsulauonllmr: 6o