HomeMy WebLinkAboutWest Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis 1996West Vail Interchan�e Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and ExistinQ Conditions Table of Contents Description Introduction .................................................... Existing Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congestionlssues .............................................. Vehicular Circulation and Intersection Sinage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Access....................................................... Safetylssues .................................................. Accidents ................................................ Astetics....................................................... PavementSurFaces ............................................. Level of Service Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Process ................................................. West Vail Interchange Exchange - Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ProjectGround Rules ....................................... Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goals and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of Focus Group Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of Public Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criteria.................................................. Solutions................................................ Origin and Destination Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turning Movement Counts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix A Focus Group Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix B Origin and Destination Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix C Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Table 1 List of Figures & Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Existing Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outline of Public Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Process Ground Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Process Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Process Goals and Objectives ............................................ Accident Data Paae 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 West Vail Interchange Ahernatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions lntroduction In March of 1996 the Town of Vail conducted a town survey asking citizens to identify and rank existing problems within the Vail Valley. The survey returns indicated that poor traffic conditions at the West Vail Interchange as the number one perceived problem in the Vail Vailey. MK Centennial was hired to work with Town of Vail staff to perform a technical analysis of the alternative interchange solutions and to conduct a public involvement process to achieve informed public consent for proceeding forward with the selected alternative. Existing Conditions The West Vail interchange provides access to I-70 from both the north and south frontage roads as well as Chamonix Lane in West Vail, see figure 1. Both the north and south intersections at the interchange are stop sign controlled with single lane entrances from all directions. Fiaure 1 WEST VAI L g�EXIT I 73) x . NoRTH I�70 ' ��AD a�AGE ��O �� OJ 5 MAI N VAI L �EXIT I %6) � The interchange experiences significant congestion and delays throughout the entire day particularly during the height of the winter/summer tourist seasons. The north side of the interchange experiences total entering volumes for both the frontage road and the ramps in excess of 1400 vehicles during the winter AM peak hour and 2300 vehicles during the winter PM peak hour. The south side of the interchange experiences total entering Page 1 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions volumes for both the frontage road and the ramps in excess of 1550 vehicles during the winter AM peak hour and 1950 vehicles during the winter PM peak hour. Detailed turning movement counts of the West Vail interchange for summer and winter peaks can be found in the Appendix A of this report. Congestion Issues Generally the four intersections operate with severe delays and congestion during the peak hours. The heaviest vehicle movements are those exiting from the I-70 eastbound off ramp and those heading I-70 westbound and southbound from the North Frontage Road. These heavy vehicle movements not only cause congestion throughout the entire interchange, they often indirectly cause back-ups along eastbound I-70, as existing vehicles are blocked from departing the off ramp by queues on Chamonix Lane, and quickly build into ramp queues of sufficient length to spill back onto the interstate itself. The back-ups along the North Frontage Road limit access to the stores and businesses along it. The large number of closely spaced access drives on the North Frontage Road creates side friction which adds to the congestion and delays along the North Frontage Road and increases the potential for rear-end and right angle accidents. The spacing between the four intersections of the interchange is quite close, leaving very little room for queuing vehicles. Therefore when vehicles do begin to queue and stack up, the entire interchange can quickly become gridlocked. Lengthy queues build very quickly on all approaches, and traffic slowly grinds through the interchange. When the interchange becomes this congested the drivers tend to lose patience, ignore the posted stop signs and accept unsafe cross street gaps in trafFic, which compounds the accident potential of the interchange. A large portion of the traffic utilizing the West Vail interchange is commuter traffic from the west. This pattern of greater levels of traffic coming from the west is indicative of the growth further down the Eagle River Valley along the western slope. As growth throughout the valley continues, commuter traffic from the west will continue to grow and the congestion problems at the West Vail interchange can be expected to worsen. According to Vail Associates, nearly 40°/o of the skiers arrive at the Eagle Airport, most of which would use the West Vail Interchange to get to the slopes. Vehicular Circulation and lntersection Signage The location and placement of the stop signs is another problem. Due to space limitations the signs are not installed at standard location and/or height. Vehicles at all approaches are required to stop except for those vehicles driving under th� I-70 �nderp�ss. Tourists Page 2 West Vail Interchange Altematives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions and other drivers unfamiliar to the area are often confused and believe all directions are stopping and proceed at unsafe gaps in front of vehicles that are not stopping. A number of the stop signs are also posted at a low height which makes them difficult to see due to the presence of other vehicles blocking the driver's line of sight. This confusion often results in drivers inadvertently or intentionally ignoring the stop signs. Access The West Vail interchange not only provides access to I-70 and West Vail homes and businesses it also provides a north/south access across the I-70 barrier connecting the north and south sides of Vail. As there are only three north/south connections along I-70 throughout Vail the majority of the north south traffic on the west side of town must use Chamonix Lane to cross I-70. A similar condition holds true for both pedestrian and bicycle traffic. When one of the primary north/south connections in Vail is unusable by both vehicies and pedestrians because of congestion and delays, it limits the access and, therefore, the economic vitality of the entire community. Safety lssues There are actually three separate safety issues affecting in the West Vail interchange; safety at the intersections, safety on the I-70 corridor and ramps, and safety of pedestrians and bicyclists. Traffic moving through the intersections is traveling at slow speeds and alI traffic is required to stop, therefore the accidents at the intersections are generally fairly minor and involve limited property damage, only minor injury and no fatalities. The interchange complex maintains inadequate sight distances for several lanes of turning traffic. For example it is difficult for drivers to see past the I-70 bridge structure when making turns off of the I-70 ramps. The safety of the interchange is indeed compromised by these factors. Higher speed accidents caused by back-ups onto the interstate due to excess congestion on the ramps can have more serious effects in terms of both property damage and injury. Recent accident data for I-70 is recorded in table 1. Page 3 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Table 1. West Vail / I-70 Accidents AccidentType 1993 1992 PDO (Property Damage Only) 40 Injury Fatal 12 � 31 7 0 Data is for both directions on I-70 at the West Vail Interchange. 1991 1990 39 14 13 6 0 0 A third critical safety issue relates to pedestrians and bicyclists. Pedestrians and bicyclists have no clear pathway to traverse the West Vail interchange and often cross I-70 at-grade just east of the existing West Vail interchange. There are a number of worn paths where pedestrians continuously cross the interstate at-grade. There have been 2 pedestrian/vehicle fatalities at these locations. Aesthetics The aesthetics of the interchange are an important issue due to the resort nature of the Vail community. Unfortunately the West Vail interchange does not aesthetically reflect a worid class entry or gateway into the Town of Vail. Pavement Surface The mountainous nature of the local climate (i.e. frequent and plentiful snowfall) have made the interchange di�cult to maintain, as evidenced by the abundance of potholes, pavement cracks, sand and cinders - particularly in winter months. Level of Serviee Analysis The need for improvements on roadways and at intersections is estimated by determining how traffic operates under capacity restraints. Unsignalized intersections can be analyzed using procedures outlined in the 1985 and 1994 Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board Speciai Report 209). A level of service "grade" is assigned based on the traffic versus capacity of the intersection. The minimum acceptable Level of Service for an intersection is assumed to be Level of Service D for most urban conditions. Level of Service D indicates tolerable driving conditions with minor delays. Level of Service A, B, anc� G�II represent accepfabie traffic conditions. Level of Ssrvice E represents a condition Page 4 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions approaching the capacity of an intersection or roadway and is the common peak hour condition in most urban areas. At Level of Service F an intersection is operating with excessive delay and congestion, and improvements to the intersection or roadway are required. Based on the peak hour counts and under current conditions (stop sign control) the interchange functions at a Level of Service F for all intersections, frontage roads and ramps. Intersection counts and detailed Level of Service analysis can be found in the Appendix A of this report. Public Process A public process was used to verify the existing problem, establish a set of criteria by which aiternative solutions could be measured, and help determine the best solution to the West Vail interchange problem. Page 5 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Figure 2. Outline of Public Process ( all dates refer to 1996� WEST VAIL INTERCHANGE EXCHANGE STEP 1 JUNE ►r:,:►� ORGANIZE INiERCHANGE PROBLEMS I � ����r�� �� +�s.�� d��u� e E��.��.� Vi?rP�°° >.f;�§�� B€ii`°tm.-i�a-;k^.ffe�' �F��e,i=y - ;;�;�: FOCUS GROUPS - JUNE 3,4,5 IDENTIFIED THE PROBLEM AN� GENERATED POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS PUBLIC WORKSHOPS - JUNE 6, I O VERIFIED PROBLEM, GENERATED CRI7ERIA AND MORE POTENTIAL SOLIJTIONS A�'t+a.�u.�1 r30�'Ci� .yE`".'��`17IKb.?:�'�'�'n^ �`!°��1° ` �.`ar.�:�l-��. ��� � n' OPEN HOUSE ° JUNE 27, 28 DESCRIBED PROBLEM, CRITERIA, AND SOLIJTIONS GENER4TED. RECEIVED ADDITIONAL SOLUTIONS AND COMMENTS. TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION -..JULY S DISClJS510N OF EXISTING PROBLEM, POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS AND ORIGIN AND DESTINATION STUDY. OPEN HOUSE - JULY I 7, I 8 ALL SOLLJTIONS TESTED FOR FATAL FLAWS. SELECTED TOP REMAINING ALTERNATIVES FOR FIJRTHER ANALY515. � � � PUBLIC MEETING - AUGUST 2 I, 22 � REDUCEO NUMBER OP ALTERNATIVES TO THREE '� ANp GATHERED PUBLIC INPUT TO SELEGT � REFINE ALTERNATIVES FINAL ALTERNATIVE L i � TOWN COIJNCIL WORK SESSION - SEPTEMBER 3 � SELECT FINAL ALTERNATIVE I PRESENT FINAL ALTERNATIVE BY TOWN COUNCIL � PRELIMINARY DESIGN- OCTOBER I Page 6 West Vail Interchange Altematives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Prior to initiating the public process the Town of Vail staff drafted a set of project ground rules. These rules were not only intended to set goals but also to establish cohesiveness between the project itself and the community. The project ground rules were presented to the public for information and approval. Fiaure 3. Public Process Ground Rules � �•v� . � So �� — . WEST VAII INTERCHANGE 1 2 All ideas for solutions will be considered. PROJECT GROUND RULES Design solutions will not compromise SAFETY and must accommodate long-term TRAFFIC VOLUMES. 3. The TOWN OF VAIL (TOV) will be the lead agency in projecY initiation; in accordance with the Town Charter, the Town Council will make the finai decision on the project and budget. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The TOV wiil seek the maximum contributions from all funding sources. Depending on the amount of funding received for this project, other capital projects may be delayed. The project will be designed to professional design standards and regulatory requirements. Access in West Vail. to and from. the interstate will be maintained. The Town Council and staff will strongly consider recurring preferences expressed by all people involved. The first set of ineetings held were limited focus groups only, consisting of informal group discussions. The citizens invited to attend the meetings were area residents and business owners who used the West Vail interchange daily. The project ground rules, problem statement, and goals and objectives were presented to the focus group Page 7 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions attendees for their input and approval (focus group meeting minutes are found in Appendix B of this report). After taking input at the focus group meetings the project ground rules, problem statement, and goais and objectives were refined to reflect the input received. This information was then taken to public workshop sessions where the documents were further refined, (public workshop meeting minutes are found in the appendix of this report). The focus group meetings and the input received at the public workshops yielded the official problem statement, defining the existing problem at the West Vail interchange and the goals and objectives of the project. Figure 4. Public Process Problem Statement dyo � • ..-: �\ .� s o �..,_ WESi VAII INTERCHANGE PROBLEM STATEMENT At the West Vail interchange, users feel unsafe, and experience significant congestion and delays. • On the eastbound off-ramp, there are large backups of cars onto the interstate which creates a high speed safety problem. s There are poor lines of sight, causing driver� to take unn�cessary risks when making routine turns. • The congestion at the intersections with ramps and frontage roads has a negative impact. • Neighborhoods and businesses are affected by congestion. • There are no safe walkways or pathways to accommodate the pedestrian and bicycle traffic along either the roadways or underneath the overpass. • Aesthetically, the intersection does not reflect a world class entry into the community. Vail would be irresponsible if we did not take the lead in correcting these problems, using both short and long term solutions. Page 8 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Figure 5. Public Process Goais and Objectives c� ��.-1� �T��w.� WEST VAIL INTERCHANGE GOAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - Develop the best solution to existing safety and congestion problems. OBJECTI VES -SAFETY Vehicles Pedestrians Bicycles - DELAYS/CONGESTION � ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS � INFORMATION/SIGNAGE - BUSINESS ACCESS - AESTHETICS Page 9 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Summary of Focus group Meetings (June 3,4,5, 9996) Groups of approximately ten peopie met the Town of Vail staff and MK Centennial representatives. They were given a description of the project and presented with a public involvement approach and schedule for the project. The groups agreed with the public involvement approach and schedule that the Town of Vail was taking with this project. The rest of the meeting focused on defining the problem, setting some criteria, and generating alternative solutions. Problem Problems at the interchange were discussed agreed with the problem statement as it read to the sentence structure. Criteria and members of the each group generally . There were some minor changes made The group engaged in a discussion of how the alternatives should be judged or ranked and tried to determine the most important set of criteria by which to accomplish this ranking. The following list of criteria is in no particular ranking. The group had difficulty in determining which criteria should be the most important. After some discussion it was decided that the criteria were all so interrelated that they cannot be accurately ranked. For instance if the congestion is relieved then safety will be improved as a result. Solutions There was general discussion about possible solutions. A list generated by each group can be found in the meeting minutes in of the more predominant solutions involved the foilowing: • Moving the I-70 ramps • Signals • Roundabouts • Pedestrian and bicycle facilities Summary ofPublic Workshops (June 6,10, ?996) of all the solutions Appendix B. Some The public workshops served mainly to "kick off' the public process. Most people who attended the workshop did so primarily to attain information about the project and the public process. There were some solutions genera4ed whieh are listed in Appendix B. Page 10 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Questions asked at the workshop were primarily concerning the projects scope. 5ome of the questions raised follow: Is there enough room at the interchange for a roundabout? Will the improvements from this project be short or long term? What will happen to the traffic during the construction phase of the project? Criteria Through this process of ineetings a draft list of criteria by which to rank the alternative solutions was created. Transportation Ca�acitv Reduces delay by providing increases in capacity for: Ramps Intersections Frontage Roads Provides capacity for future demand Safe Reduces intersection conflicts Reduces accident rate Provides for adequate sight distances Reduces ramp/freeway flow conflicts Meets engineering standards Improves bicycle/pedestrian safety Pedestrian/Bicycle Provides adequate areas to walk and bicycle along both frontage roads Provides adequate areas to allow pedestrians and bicycles to cross I-70 Reduces conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians and bicycles Access Improves access to commercial and residential areas Reduces conflicting movements to commercial and residential area Maintains interstate access at West Vail site Environmental Considerations Requires little or no environmental mitigation with respect to: Visual Noise Flora and Fauna Airquality GoreCr�€k Wildlife Page 11 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Usabili Is easy to maneuver and makes efficient use of informational signing and other means for providing clear direction of use. Aesthetic Solution allows for aesthetic improvements and additions as secondary element Financial considerations Requires short- or long-term funding capability and ability to carry out construction during a short- or long-term period Solutions A list of all of the solutions generated by the public process was also established for further analysis. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Traffic signals or ramp metering Relocation of on and off ramps to I-70 New interchange between Main and West Vail New ramps to South Frontage Rd. at Sandstone One large roundabout under I-70 Two double lane roundabouts Two single lane roundabouts New ramps and underpass between Main and West Vail New underpass one way loop to West Vail Additional overlunderpass connection (ie. Simba Run) Intersection improvements (free flow right turns) Widen ramps to two lanes Widen frontage roads Pedestrian/bicycle over/underpass east of West Vail interchange Variable message signs to redirect traffic Extend North Frontage Rd. to Dowd Junction Bury the interstate and build roundabout on top Gondola across the interstate for pedestrian traffic New interchange/alternative access for Vail day skiers Encourage alternative modes by providing improved facilities Additional off ramps for car pools and buses Interconnect the parking lots of North Frontage Rd businesses Direct connection from North Frontage Rd. to westbound I-70 ramp One way frontage roads to restrict access Page 12 West Vail Interchange Altematives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Origin and Destination Study (June26,27, 1997J One other need that was uncovered at the focus group and public workshop meetings was the need for more north-south access across the interstate. There was a school of thought that emerged from these initial meetings suggesting that an additional north-south access would alleviate the congestion at the West Vail interchange. The belief was that by taking a significant portion of traffic that was traveling north-south only and not utilizing the interstate away from the interchange the congestion at the interchange would be relieved. An origin and destination study was completed to determine if in fact there was a significant number of north-south trips utilizing the west Vail interchange but not the interstate ramps. The specific resuits from the study can be found in Appendix C of this report. Information Learned from the Traffic Counts and Origin/Destination Studies The Winter counts are from 1994, the summer counts are from 1996 � The breakout of rush hour trip types at the West Vail interchange are as follows: About 60% are work oriented trips 10% are shopping 10% are recreation 20°/a are personal, service, and other • The winter rush hour trafFic is 25°/a-30% higher than summer traffic. � There appears to have been a shift of local traffic away from the West Vail interchange since the opening of the Main Vail roundabouts. • Although some local traffic has shifted away from West Vail, some traffic has replaced it, using the West Vail interchange to get to and from I-70. • About 15% of the traffic from the North Frontage Road is detouring behind the shopping area and approaching the interchange from Chamonix. • The predominant traffic movement at the West Vail interchange is going between West I-70 (Avon, etc.) and the North and South �rontage Roads • Even with the opening of the Main Vail roundabouts, there is still about 15% of traffic using the West Vail interchange to reach Vail Village and Lionshead. • 75% of traffic at West Vail are Single Occupant Vehicles. 2 �c�mp�red te the large reundabout at Main Vail, both of the inters�ctions at West Vail carry about 70% of the Main Vail traffic volume. The volumes are reversed from Main Vail, with more traffic on the north side than south. Page f3 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Appendix A Appendix A Peak Hour of Morning Traffic, Existing Winter (Prior to opening of Main Vail Roundabouts, includes Vail Commons) Width of arrows indicates relative traffic volume making that movement Black num6ers Indicales to�al voWme on in�ersecllon approach Whl�e numbers wllhln arrows are volumes Por �ha� spedfic Wrning movemenl WENDYS Nohh Frontage Roatl � � A NORTH �-�o Wesfbound� ♦AVON 1-10 Easlbountl Soulh fmntage Road a 110 0 TEXACO ■ � � �/ 120 � iFb'1 Marrlot PHILLIPS 66 t[�� 360 TotalEn�ering 1415 North Sitle ■ TofalEnlering 485 �575 South Side I 350 L�� \\� 40 Road �-�o Wes[bound MAIN VAIL � Souih F�oniage Road A•I Peak Hour of Morning Traffic, Existing Summer Width of arrows Indicates relative traffic volume making that movement 31ack numbers intlicates lolal volume on Iniersection approach Nhile numbers wilhin arrows are volumes for thal specific Nrning movement WENDYS TEXAGO Norlh Fronlage Road � NORTH I-]0 Weslbountl� �AVON 1-]0 Easlbound Soulh Fmnlage Road 665 145 a m 0 rc E U 15 �--� y Marrlot 550 ns \\ T/ % I 20 PHILLIPS 66 � 25� Tofal Enlenng 9090 Nor�h Side Tofal En�ering 9965 SoNh Side 1]5 I-]0 MAIN VAIL � 1-]0 Easlbound Sou�h Fron[age Roatl � A - 1! Peak Hour of Evening Traffic, Existing Winter (Prior to opening of Main Vail Roundabouts, includes Vail Commons) Width of arrows indicates relative traffic volume making that movement Black numbers Intlicates total volume on inlerseclion appmach While numbers wilhin arrows are volumes for that speci(ic luming movemenl WENDVS Norih Fronlage Roatl � � � NORTH �AVON I-]0 Easlbountl Soulh Fmntage Road TEXACO 0 0 K E � U PHILLIPS 66 i �,5 160 � 1030 sso 115 � \�\ �< �,� 50 To�al Entering 2330 North Sltle TotalEnlering 1985 Soulh Sitle Bt0 �-�o Weslbound MAIN VAIL � I-�� Easibound SoNh Fmnlage Roatl n A - lfl Appendix A Peak Hour of Evening Traffic, Existing Summer Width of arrows indicates relative traffic volume making that movement Black numbers Indicales �olal volume on intersec�ion approach Whlle numbers wilhin arrows are volumes for that specllk Wming movement WENDYS TEXACO Nohh F�on�age Road � NORTH iao Wes�b�ou,ntl �AVON 1-�0 Easlbountl Soulh Fmn�age Road rc E U 95 � aso , �zo PHILLIPS 66 i <40 115 � \ � '� � \�\ 30 Marrlot 640 Tolal Enfedng 9835 North Side Total Entering 1655 Soulh Side i-vo Weslbound MAIN VAIL � I-10 Eastbound So��h Fron�age Road A - ! V West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Appendix B Appendix B Focus Group Meeting Minutes Subject: West Vail lnterchange Date Held: June 3, 1996 The Meeting was opened by the Town of Vail. The focus group was welcomed and given a brief description of the process. The public involvement process and the meeting schedule for the summer was detailed to the focus group. June: Establish Criteria - through public process July: Develop Alternatives July-Sept: Analyze and Evaluate Criteria Sept-Oct.: Determine Preferred Alternative The group agreed with the schedule and public involvement approach. The group read over the problem statement prepared by the Town of Vail (TOV) and all members of the focus group agreed with the problem statement as it read (enclosed). There was some discussion of possible solutions to the West Vail Interchange problem. There was a question about when the improvements could be implemented. Therefore, some of the solutions recommended were for the short-term (1-2 years). The suggestions for west Vail interchange alternatives follow: • Ramp metering - A signal to control flow of vehicles onto the Interstate, as a short- term solution. • Pedestrian/Bicycle Overpass - This was recommended as a way to provide alternatives to automobile driving through the interchange by area residents and guests. • Relocation of the on and off ramps to the interstate - The close proximity of the ramps adds to the congestion probiem. • Roundabout - There was agreement that the roundabout at the main Vail entrance was a success and if a roundabout could fit it should be con§idered. Th@r@ was a.� 0 a great deal of concern over whether or not a roundabout would fit. • Restricted access via one way frontage roads in combination with a simba run connection. After these alternatives were discussed Larry brought the discussion back to the problem. By better understanding the probiem TOV wiil be best able to solve the problem. The discussion of the problem follows: • Site problems • Closeness of ramps • Too many traffic conflicts exist • Confusing signage - not always clear who has the right-of-way • Traffic congestion • Safety of pedestrian and bicycle traffic • Lack of enforcement for traffic violations • Stop signs are misplaced - too high Because of the close proximity of possible turns, a turn signal does not accurately indicate where someone is going to turn. • Interchange stripping is unclear and fades too quickly • The placement of the stop signs is not conventional and confuses people • There are no turn lanes under I-70 • Too many people use the West Vail Interchange to access Vail proper Criteria The group engaged in a discussion of how the alternatives should be judged or ranked and tried to determine the most important set of criteria by which to accomplish this ranking. The following list of criteria is in no particular ranking. The group had difficulty in determining which criteria should be the most important. After some discussion it was decided that the criteria were all so interrelated that they cannot be accurately ranked. For instance if the congestion is relieved then safety will be improved as a result. � Saf@ty e-n : • Congestion/Delay • Aesthetics • Neighborhood characteristics • Traffic Speeds • Cost • Ability to accommodate build out traffic Additional Discussion The group would like TOV to Iook at a short term solution (1-2 years) and a 10 year solution and a 20 year solution. There were also a number of questions that the group would like to have answered concerning the availability of right-of-way and the amount needed for a roundabout. The next step in the public process will be a series of public meetings. These meetings will be the vehicle used to solicit the alternatives to be critically analyzed by the TOV and MK Centennial. Meeting Schedule Date: Thursday June 6th Location: Dancing Bear Time: 7:45 a.m. - 9 a.m. Date: Location Time: Monday June 10th 5tephens Park 5:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. e-m Appendix B Focus Group Meeting Minutes Subject: West Vail lnterchange Date Held: June 4, 1996 The Meeting was opened by the Town of Vail. The focus group was welcomed and given a brief description of the process. The public involvement process and the meeting schedule for the summer was detailed to the focus group. June: Establish Criteria - through public process of listening, tracking and organizing the interchange problems July: Develop Alternatives July-Sept: Analyze and Evaluate Criteria Sept-Oct.: Determine Preferred Alternative The group agreed with the schedule and public involvement approach. The group read over the problem statement prepared by the Town of Vail (TOV) and the focus group attendees made comments about the west Vail interchange problem. The focus group generally agreed with the TOV problem statement as it read (enclosed). COMMENTS: • The Left turn onto EB ramps is a problem, the left turn movement needs a separate left turn lane. • There is currently no separate access for bicycle and pedestrian traffic. This is a problem. • Visibility is a problem when vehicles are trying to turn. • The lack of crosswalks is part of the pedestrian problem. • The entire interchange area is dangerous and unsafe. • The congestion and delays make the intersection unsafe, because they lead to the frustration that makes people impatient and causes accidents. • There are currently too many individual accesses to the businesses along the north frontage road. The parking lots need to be interconnected so that people do not need to get back out on the frontage road to get to shops which are next to each other. • Aesthetics need to be improved. s-ro r:3 • There are additional safety concerns about people trying to avoid the intersections most challenging movements and changing lanes. Larry brought the discussion back to the problem. By better understanding the problem TOV will be best able to solve the problem. The focus groups discussion of what makes this intersection a probiem follows: • At the WB S. Frontage Road people don't stop at the stop sign and jam up the intersection • Ramps are too tight and close • Turning into the businesses along the Frontage Road is difficult • Confusing signage - not always clear who has the right-of-way • Lack of Visibility • Unfriendly from a tourisYs perspective • Lack of enforcement for traffic violations • Stop signs are misplaced and hard to see Criteria The group engaged in a discussion of how the alternatives should be judged or ranked and tried to determine the most important set of criteria by which to accomplish this ranking. The following list of criteria is in no particular ranking. The group had difficulty in determining which criteria should be the most important. After some discussion it was decided that the criteria were all so interrelated that they cannot be accurately ranked. For instance if the congestion is relieved then safety will be improved as a result. • Safety • Congestion/Delay • Information and signage • Access to businesses • Aesthetics • Environmental concerns - creek • Ability to accommodate long term growth e-v Appendix B Solutions There was some discussion of possible solutions to the West Vail Interchange problem. Focus group members had some questions about the time frame for solutions and the abiliry to phase the solutions. Some of the solutions recommended were for the short-term (1-2 years). The suggestions for west Vail interchange alternatives foliow: • Ramp metering - A signal to control flow of vehicles onto the Interstate, as a short- term solution. • Provide an alternative access for Vail day skiers. • Pedestrian/Bicycle Overpass - This was recommended as a way to provide alternatives to automobile driving through the interchange by area residents and guests. • Additional connections without ramps under I-70 to help connect north and south Vail. • Extension of the north Frontage Road to Dowd Junction - This was recommended as a way to provide an alternative to driving the interstate from the west. • Relocation of the on and off ramps to the interstate - The close proximity of the ramps adds to the congestion problem. • Roundabout - There was agreement that the roundabout at the main Vail entrance was a success and if a roundabout could fit it should be considered. There was a great deal of concern over whether or not a roundabout would fit. • Elevated roundabout. • Widen area under the interstate and have one big roundabout. Additional Discussion The group would like TOV to look at a short term solution (1-2 years) and a final solution. The solution should be phased to help alleviate the problem while keeping adequate access. s-v� Public transit should be promoted. Meeting Schedule Date: Thursday June 6th Location: Dancing Bear Time: 7:45 a.m. - 9 a.m. i:� Date: Monday June 10th Location: Stephens Park Time: 5:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. s - v�r Focus Group Meeting Minutes Subject: West Vail Interchange Date Held: June 5, 1996 Appendix B The Meeting was opened by the Town of Vail. The focus group was welcomed and given a brief description of the process. The public involvement process and the meeting schedule for the summer was detailed to the focus group. June: Establish Criteria - through public process by listening, tracking, and organizing interchange problems July: Develop Alternatives July-Sept: Analyze and Evaluate Criteria Sept-Oct.: Determine Preferred Alternative The group agreed with the schedule and public involvement approach. The group read over the problem statement prepared by the Town of Vail (TOV) and the attendees of the focus group made comments on how the problem statement could be altered to more accurately represent the problem. initial TOV problem statement enclosed. COfV1MENTS: • Elaborate the safety concerns in the initial statement then separate out the other points. • General comments about the sentence structure of the problem Larry brought the discussion back to the problem. By better understanding the problem TOV will be best able to solve the problem. The focus groups discussion of what makes this intersection a problem follows: • Congestion, getting off of the EB ramps is hell • People do not alternate at stop signs • Traffic flow is non-existent • Confusing signage - not always clear who has the right-of-way • Lack of Visibility e-wu �� • Pot holes • Lack of enforcement for traffic violations • Pedestrians and bicyclists need separate access Criteria The group engaged in a discussion of how the alternatives should be judged or ranked and tried to determine the most important set of criteria by which to accomplish this ranking. The following list of criteria is in no particular ranking. The group had difficulty in determining which criteria should be the most important. After some discussion it was decided that the criteria were all so interrelated that they cannot be accurately ranked. For instance if the congestion is relieved then safety will be improved as a result. • Safety • Congestion/Delay • Information and signage • Access to businesses • Aesthetics • Environmental concerns - creek • Ability to accommodate long term growth • Budget • Time frame Solutions There was some discussion of possible solutions to the West Vail Interchange problem. The solutions recommended were both short and long term solutions. The general consensus of the foc�s group was that something needed to be done in the near future and a final solution needed to be pursued for the future, 10-20 year time frame. The suggestions for west Vail interchange alternatives follow: • Ramp metering - A signal to control flow of vehicles onto the Interstate, as a short- term solution. • Widen under I-70. B-IX Appendix B • Pedestrian/Bicycle Overpass over I-70 - This was recommended as a way to provide alternatives to automobile driving through the interchange by area residents and guests. • Additional merge and turn lanes every direction - to make it clear where people intend to go.. • Make the interstate ramps access prior to the intersection for right turns. • Relocation of the on and off ramps to the interstate - The close proximity of the ramps adds to the congestion problem. • Roundabout -There was agreement that the roundabout at the main Vail entrance was a success and if a roundabout could fit it should be considered. There was a great deal of concern over whether or not a roundabout would fit. • Simba run underpass to accommodate the Vail north-south traffic not using the interstate. • Widen the Frontage Roads. • Use variable message signs to inform driving public which interchange to use, west of central. Additional Discussion The group would like TOV to conduct an origin and destination study to determine the major traffic movements at the intersection. Meeting Schedule Date; Thursday June 6th Location: Dancing Bear Time: 7:45 a.m. - 9 a.m. Date: Monday June 10th Location: Stephens Park Time: 5:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. e-x i3 �ublic Workshop Minutes Subject: West Vail Interchange Date Held: June 6&10, 1996 The Public Workshops were given by the Town of Vail to assess the citizens perception of the west Vaii interchange problem and to take comments to help develop the criteria and alternatives that the TOV should consider. The concerns and ideas expressed at the public workshop: The existing interchange configuration is confusing and not properly signed. TOV should consider a large oval shaped roundabout for the entire interchange - perhaps elevated. Extend the Frontage Road connection to Dowd Junction Construct and over or underpass at Cascade In conjunction with the improvement to the West Vail Interchange - also construct the Simba Run underpass. Roundabouts similar to main Vail entrance Traffic signals are a simple solution and have no more negative aesthetic impact than all the signs necessary for a roundabout. Consider a right turn yield rather than a full stop Pedestrian and bicycle overpass Bury the Interstate at the West Interchange location. Place a"Please Alternate" sign at the stop signs. Add another interchange between West Vail and Main Vail Construct smaller roundabouts than the ones at main Vail a-w � u Construct a half diamond interchange between West and Main Vail interchanges Connect the parking lots of the businesses along the North Frontage Road Change the speed limits on the frontage roads to discourage use of west Vail interchange and encourage use of main Vail roundabouts Add left turn lanes to the existing configuration Questions raised at the public workshop Is there enough room for a roundabout? Will the improvements be phased, short term and long range? What will happen to the traffic during the construction of the preferred solution? Meeting Schedule Date: Thursday June 27th Location: West Vail Lodge Time: 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Date: Location Time: Friday June 28th West Vail Lodge 7:30a.m. -10:30 a.m. s-x,� West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Problem Definition and Existing Conditions Appendix C Appendix C South Frontage Road C - I Destinations of Morning Traffic, Existing Summer Movemenls below 10% of ihe total traffic are not labeled, so percentages may not add to 100% WENDVS TEXACO xI� ������ Notlh Frontage Roatl � n n NORTH �_�o Weslhound � AVON I-]0 Easibound Destinalions of E T2ffc Imm 14D OB-Ramp Soulh Fronlage Road eslina�ions of W Traffc on Norlh Fmntage Road �.�o Was�baund MAIN VAIL � �� I-]0 Easlbound Road SoWh Franlage Roatl C C - I! Destinations of Evening Traffic, Existing Winter Movements below 10°/ of the total traKc are not labeled, so percentages may not add to 100 % WENDVS TEXACO NoNh Frontage Road � n n NORTH ,_,o Weslbound �AVON _,..� 1-10 Easlbo�nd Oesfinalbns of E TraHlc fmm I-70 Ofl-Ramp Soulh Fmnlage Road Matrlot estinatlons of W TraHic on Notlh Fmntage Road Road �.,o Westbound MAIN VAIL � I-]0 Easlbound on South oe Road Sou�h Pmnlage Roatl C C - l/1 Appendix C Destinations of Evening Traffic, Existing Summer Movements balow 10 % of the total traffic are not labeled, so percentages may not add to 100% Nohh Fronlage Roatl WENDVS TEXP.CO � � n NORTH 64% �AVON I-]0 :stlnalions ot TreHic Irom I-]0 OH-Ram Soulh Fmnfage Road =stinailons ofW TraXic on Norfh Frontage Roatl i-�o Westbountl MAIN VAIL � TraHic on Fmntage Souih Fmntage Roatl C -IV West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis Table of Contents Description Alternatives Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alternative Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Process....................................................... Fatal Flaw Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refining of alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three Categories of Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Existing Layout with Laneage Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moving Interstate Ramps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roundabouts ............................................. Analysis of Three Top Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recommendations .............................................. Analysis of Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 2A List of Figures Figure 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Go/No-Go Analysis Figure 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refined "Go" Alternatives Figure 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of Three Best Alternative Solutions Figure 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Comments on Three Top Alternatives Figure 5 . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roundabout Solution Paae 1 1 2 2 7 9 9 9 9 9 13 West Vail Interchange Altematives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis Alternatives Analysis The West Vail interchange project began with a series of public meetings. Through these meetings existing problems were defined and validated, a set of criteria by which to rank alternative solutions was created, and a list of possible alternative solutions was developed. The list of alternative solutions, the process by which the alternative solutions were analyzed, and the final recommended solution are described within this report. Alternative Solutions The following list of alternative solutions was developed through a combination of public input and analysis by the project team. Each alternative is illustrated and described in the figures following this section. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 74. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Traffic signals andlor ramp metering Relocation of on and off ramps to I-70 New interchange between Main Vail interchange and West Vail New ramps to South Frontage Rd. at Sandstone One large roundabout under I-70 intersecting all four crossing streets Two double lane roundabouts Two single lane roundabouts New ramps and underpass between Main Vail interchange and West Vail New underpass and one way loop to West Vail Additional over/underpass connection (ie. Simba Run) Intersection improvements (free flow right turns) Widen ramps to two lanes Widen frontage roads P�ci��4riar�ldicyEl� av�r/ur�d�rp�ss ���4 0# 1ii/��fi� V�il i�i�ePeHai�g�� Variable message signs to redirect traffic Extend North Frontage Rd. to Dowd Junction the interstate and build roundabout on top Gondola across the interstate for pedestrian traffic New interchange/alternative access for Vail day skiers Encourage alternative modes by providing improved facilities Additional off ramps for car pools and buses Interconnect the parking lots of North Frontage Rd businesses Direct connection from North Frontage Rd. to westbound I-70 ramp One way frontage roads to restrict access Page 1 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis Process After collecting the list of possible alternatives from the public, each alternative was run through a fatal flaw analysis. The results from that analysis were brought back to the public for further discussion and input. More in-depth cost and engineering analysis were conducted on the remaining alternatives, and brought to the public for their final input which resulted in the final recommendation. Fatal Flaw Analysis As part of the public invoivement process the project team agreed to consider all of the aiternatives recommended. A list of all alternative solutions was compiled and each alternative solution was analyzed to determine if it met with the project givens, goals and objectives; namely: • Improves safety of the intersection by reducing intersection conflicts or improving sight distances; • Reduces delays and congestion at the interchange by meeting, at a minimum, the existing traffic capacity requirements; and • Economically feasible and constructable alternative. Each of the 24 alternatives, shown in Figure 1, was tested against the project givens, goals and objectives. Those alternatives that did not meet these criteria were identified as fatally flawed and were eliminated from further consideration as a stand alone alternative. A number of the eliminated (fatally flawed) alternatives were suggested for solving other problems, mostly dealing with the north-south access issue for pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles. Most of these alternatives can also be considered as an addition to one of the alternatives that did meet project givens. For example, the Simba Run connection (alternative 10) did not pass the fatal flaw test, because it did not address the interchange issues. However Simba Run could still be combined with one of the alternative solutions that did pass the fatal flaw test such as roundabouts. The charts (Figure 1) on the following three pages detail the fatal flaw analysis, noting the reasoning behind each decision. The "Go" alternatives will be carried forward for further analysis, the "No-Go" alternatives will be dropped from the study at this time, although elements of the "�No-Go"" alternatives may be considered as possible additions to the "Go" alternative�. Page 2 West Vaii Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis PA6E I OF 41 ALTERNATIVES: One large roundabout under I-70 Double lane roundabouts Single lane roundabouts Go1No-Go Analysis 'GO ! NO-G0 "N6G0' COMMENTS: - ----- —_—.- �--- ' - M d, -------- ' � ' ! Re�ative Cost,p�,p�`� � I ; j Large roundabout altemative provides adequate capacity : Xi j � for fulure gmwth. This allernalive would require ihe building of additional I-70 hridges. _... - - -----' - ��' . I �Re�ative Clost �� j This allemative would provide excess capacity for lhe i.� �,� � mterchange. The engineering of a Iwo lane roundabout on ihe south side of I-70 would require a larger bridge ; over Gore Creek. 1' . „ .. j/ 1 I^ j i ' � ---.._ — __ -- — --� —� -- T � i � I ^ New Ramps and undercrossing behveen Main and West Vail ; �'. �; - - — _—� __-� -_ ..i__ New underpass one way loop � �i ./4 ---- _ i —` ---'' Re�ative Cost �� � Single lane rounda6outwould not pmvide adequaie capacity for fulure gmwth unless combined with an additional under/ overpass. Single lanes roundabout on south side would operate under capacity during heavy peaks, 6ut would not ---°=g_.—_—, - ]Zelative Cost ��.p Variations possible, this opfion provides ramps for the heavy trafiic movement lo and from wesf I-70 (Avon, etc.). An under- crossing would be necessary for �he reverse peak movemenis. Engineering issues with adding a ramp on Ihe Nodh Side. ]Ze�ative Cost,p��� This altemative provides adequate tra8ic capacity. il requires significant oul-of-direciion travel for many low volume local movemenis. Diffcult interseclion geomelry is required which may confuse drivers. fNOGO` = THE5E ALTERNAlIVES 5TILL REQUIftE AN IMPR04EMENf TO THE WfST VNL INfERCHANGE, BUT ARE NO LONGER IN�FPENDANiLY UNDER CONSIDERATIOH Page 3 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis FIGURE I PAGE 2 OF 4 GolNo-Go Analysis ALTERNATIVES: -------- — -- i � io il i ; Traffic Signals or Ramp metering � � i i�' I Relocation of on and off ramps to I-70 I i � � � I New Inierchange beiween Main and West Vail ; _ _ _ --- _ — — ---• — I �<<_ _9 � � v� .�� � New ramps on south side at Red Sandstone I ! j i � X COMMENTS: Re�ative Cost .}� Traffc signals allow the intersections' major movemenis lo flow, while reslricting 1he flow of minor movemeNs. This would generafe ihe capacity necessary tor current inferchange iunctions. Inlersection delay may improve slighily. Relative Cost �`�� Relocating ihe ramps would reduce conflicts and thus increase capacity, to meel current iraffc demands. FuWre demand may be mei by inlersec�ion improvments such as roundabou�s ar signals. 2e�ative Cust ��'��� Variafions possible, this option would reduce traffic al West Vail and provide a new crossing of I-70. There slill need l0 6e infersection safety improvements at West Vail, and there are engineering issues in fitting a new inlerchange in ihe narrow corridor. Relative Cost �`� This option would help �o lower tra�c levels at the soufh side of lhe W. Vail interchange in fhe AM peak. This option does not help PM Iraffic since ihere is no connection to weslbound I-70. This alternative may combined with additional West Vail interchange improvements. tNO�GD� = THESE ALi�RNATIVES STILL REQUTAE AN IMPROVEMENT TO THE WEST VAIL IN7ERCHANGE, BUT ARE NO LONGEA IN�EPENDANTLY UNUFA CONSI�EAATION Page 4 West Vaii Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis FicuRe I PAGE30F4 GolNo-Go Analysis ALTERNATIVES: r---- .�- ------- � —+ � ' Additional over/underpass connections (ie. Simba � i ! INersection Improvments (ie. free flow ng rm � .ti i i ; Wideo ramps to hvo lanes � --- . . --- -- Widen frontage roads PedestrianlBicyde ovedunderpass W. VAIL E1(IT AT - CAPACI7Y �. USE:MAIN UAII EXIT Variable message signs to redirect traffic VaGO" COh1MENTS: � Alone lhis allernative will not provide ihe needed XI capacity. Thls alternative may be combined with ; additional interchange improvements. ! These improvemenfs help capacity and storage for mostly Xminor traflic movemenis and alone will not have adequate Iraffc capacity. This alternative may be cambined with additional interchange improvemenh. i d of lhe ramps has little to do wi[h ihe capacity ' of the interseclions, therefore this solufion alone does X not increase capacity. This alternative may 6e combine with additional inlerchange improvements. —�- ----- — -- --- X� The capacity constrainl is the inlerchange iiself, ; not the frontage roads. This alternative must be Alone this alternalive will nof provide the needed X capacity. This alternative may be combined with additional interchange improvements. �Alone this altemative will not pmvide the needed capacity, or Xi reduce conflicts or improve lraKc control. This altemative may � be combined with additional interchange improvements. tN6GOf = THESE ALTEANAIIVES AL50 AEQUIRE AH IMPROVEMEM T01HE WEST VAIL IHfEACHANGE, TNEY pAE NO LONGER INDEPENDAMLY UNDER CONSIUEAAlION, Page 5 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis FIGURE I PqGE 4 OF 4 ALTERNATIVES: Go1No-Go Analysis GO' NO�GO!'NO�GO" COMMENTS: Extend Norih Frontage Road io Dowd Junction , Bury ihe interstate and build roundabout on �' Gondola across the interstate New InterchangelAlternative access for Vail day skiers ; Encourage aliernative modes 6y providing better facilities � --� ----_._.-----� -------!--- Additional ot( ramp for car pools and buses j -- _- P--9 ---- - — --;_ Interconnect arkin lots ofVail Commons businesses i — _----- --------J— Previously Recommended Alternaiive Direct Frontage-Ramp conneclion, '. relocate pad of Nodh Frontage Road roads to X X: Alone this altemative will nof provide ihe needed capacity, X� Dowd Jct, has capacity consirainfs, and fraRic is still forced � ihrough the WestVail Inlerchange. This alternative may be i combined with addilional interchange imorovements. ; This altemalive provides the needed capacity for long- X i ierm growth. There are engineering and financial constrainis lhat do noi make this a reasonable . short-term solufion for the interchange. -�: Alone ihis alternative will noi provide the needed X: capacity. This alternative may be combined with �, additlonal interchange improvements. '� Adding an interchange is a possible long-termsolulion. ' Alone, most o( lhese aitematives will not provide the needed I capacity increase or improve safety at ihe WestVail � interchange. These alternatives may be com6ined with i additlonal interchange Improvements to enhance ; all aspects of transpadation in Vail. I This altemative does not solve the sight distance '�� constrainfs, and many of the coMicting movmenis � still exist, and is therefore not a safety improvement. � There is also limited capacity for existing or fuWre growlF ' Alone ihis alternafive wiil not provide the needed : capacity. This alternative would lead to a signiFlcant ��: increase in ou[-of-0irection iravel. RNo-GO� = THESE ALTERNATIVES AL50 AEpUIRE AN IMPAOVEMENf TO iHE WE5f VAIL INfERCH4NGE. THEY AftE NO LONGEA INDFPENDAN1lY I1N�EIt CONSI�ERATION Page 6 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis At least six of the 24 alternatives had no fatal flaw and were carried forward to undergo more detailed analysis including the "project criteria" established by public input for the project. These six alternatives were shown and described in detail to the public in an open house format on July 17th and 18th. Public input given at this open house was considered in the continuing analysis. Refining of Alternatives The six remaining alternatives were further refined for analysis by the project team. The original alternative solutions generated by the public and project team were very general and not specific in terms of geometry or design and location. For example an alternative solution that needed to be refined was relocating the interstate ramps. There are four ramps at the current interchange and a number of possibte ways to relocate these existing ramps. The project team conducted traffic circulation and capacity analysis to determine the affect of moving each ramp and the best location for the ramps, east or west of the interchange. A detailed analysis of possible locations for each ramp was then conducted, see Appendix 2A, taking into account the minimum turn radius necessary for the ramps and the topography nf the area. The project team then analyzed only the best of all possible ramp relocating alternatives. The same process was used to determine the best design and locations for the other alternatives as well. Each of the refined aiternatives was then analyzed in terms of capacity and cost. Capacity was measured utilizing the Highway Capacity Manual and Rodel (for roundabouts). Cost estimates at this stage were based on a conceptual design and were used primarily to give a picture of the relative cost differences between alternatives (Appendix 2A) In order to compare the alternatives in a comprehensive manner the capacity numbers on the following chart (Figure 2) represent the ability of the alternative to handle current ( winter 1994) traffic volumes. The number 1 represents the capacity necessary to handle current traffic volumes, any number less than 1 indicates that the alternative does not have the capacity to accommodate existing traffic. A number greater than one indicates that the alternative has excess capacity to the magnitude of the difference between the number and 1. For example an alternative with a capacity level of 1.5 would allow for an increase in traffic of fifty percent over existing volumes. The alternatives are presented here in three categories: • Existing Layout with Laneage Improvements • Moving the Interstate Ramps • Roundabouts Page 7 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis For both the existing layout with laneage improvements and moving the interstate ramps capacity analysis were conducted for both stop sign and signal traffic control. Both the north and south intersections at the interchange were analyzed for all of the alternatives. The results of this analysis was than brought to the public for review and comment on August 21st and 22nd. Three Categories of improvements Existing Layout with Laneage Improvements - These alternatives under stop sign control would not provide enough capacity to the interchange to accommodate existing traffic. Under signal controi the interchange could accommodate existing traffic, but would not be able to accommodate an increase in traffic volume. These alternatives do however represent the least costly short-term approach to improving the interchange. Signal control with the construction of additional lanes for turns represents the best alternative for this category of improvements. This option would provide some increase in capacity at limited expense. Moving the Interstate Ramps - Moving the interstate ramps did not provide the excess capacity that was predicted. Because the West Vail interchange is a north-south connector and the majority of the traffic using the interchange is utilizing the interstate ramps, most of the traffic would still have to travel through the interchange and signals would be necessary to create any excess capacity. Moving the interstate ramps aiso represents the most costly option. Moving the off ramps only represents the best alternative for this category of improvements (assumes signalization). This option would provide the most increased capacity for the least expense in this category. Roundabouts - Roundabouts in all forms considered would provide the greatest increase in capacity for the interchange. The cost for roundabout options is moderate, in between the cost of signals and moving interstate ramps. Two lane roundabouts on the north and south side of the interchange represents the best alternative for this category, providing the highest increase in capacity. Analysis of Three Top Alternatives The one best alternative from each category was chosen to be analyzed using the criteria generated through the public process (Figure 3). The best alternative from each category Page 8 West Vai] Interchange Altematives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis � ReCined "Go" Alternative�vs Based on July 17th & 18th Open House Roundabou�s i i-m ; i.io �.i.ro I i i i ., ILancSomWENoph OneLageROUndabom � Speedoay �' � � NonA 196 � Zq6 L12 i••m.u,,.n.. x�n.e « 'o� ' : .y ' � i � �� kk��rm A' q v :_ v:__.__ .______.. _._. . oa. � � � � v a �� SaulA I.0 L56 i 1 i a0°'""""°°"° U �°� i Conslrutlion Cos� S1.0 Si4 I 5��7 NIIIIIIIYR i numbers indicate capacity: 1=a1 capacity (operates +vith congeslion and delays) less than 1= Ihe intersection is beyond its capacity (failing) greater than I= excess capacity (minimal to no delays) * Note: Ramp combinations shown here are the best of a11 tUe possible ramp relocating altematives Page 9 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis FIGURE 3 A Comparison ofThe Three Best Alternative Solutions Esisfing Layaut rvi[h Mave Freex'ay Ramps Rounda6auh Lanea�e Im rovments ��° i iao �a��� � Si6'���Conrcol Mu�eOfl'AampsOnly ±���sSoulh&Totlh NoM � o tioulh e � � � Nonh U - iv � So���h �A 1�0 Sz.n l.i 1.25 Sl.t i ?.�fi I.ifi Si.J _"_ - __ '_ __' - _.__ ' , e�.,,..�m��n.n.�. _ "_ _ _ _ _ O -_ I -_-- + _ _ _ __. ____'- - - ._ _. _" '—� .^'w � � � + n.:w - -'.__--_ -. -_' -'__ _� nu.a••.s��mume... ; - + 1 � '_'_ -_---'. _ _ " _ ' "'__ � + wowr,...., u.on�:e + _ -__.-. .-__ -_'___• . _'- . _ _ .�.,....,,...,a,.,N�.,� es -- n�,�� __— � _ �5--- � -- ps --II --- -- —� _ _ _— PeJ/Bike Trealments I � I _ _-'____'-.____._ _ 1 Fln��.e.w,e� + . ___-_ __--� ___'___ . '_"-_ - - _'"__ ?_ . _ _ _.___'__ . � _ -' cw.,�..�.�o � O _. _.._ _ . 6-____'_,. _'_'-- __..__. _ _ _ ___ � .xexo-r..n�n�een.R + . .__ � � + ' __ --- _____ __ �. ��e.tneenew�umun O O .. . � + _. ___. . Access - � . ...� ---"-' ,.. _"_'_'_ ' . _"_ __ _ _. � .�mm.�.m�n.,u.�x 0 . .. __""__ _ _ ,. _ �—_ .. ___._.._ '_-__ . _.- __�____- , ----- >�....�.�,�....,, - es --- . y .. _. _._ yes - yes ._ — � -- ' --- — � Environmentol ��. i ._ -- ... -- .- I � _ _ = . . _'-_ " ...� '_ _ 0 - � � -___ ._' - .__ . _� _' ' — -__ _ .__ � 0 � --"_._ __ __."" x�n.,e.am _ - --�0-. __.. - __ . _ _ _ ._- _'_� -� � � . . �s e _'__ _ _. _.. _-_. _._- -._ . _._ .__. . -..."__._- __.. _�__ . -.--. _ . —_'_ . Aesihetics _ , .' _ _ ' + -._ _. .__. _.._._._. .___ _.�. ' ..... __-- ._...-. _ _-- __-____. - - . Cnnstruc�aM1iliti�/Timing } - O - - _.___--..._. _.._' ____._.._.:...- - -_'____ �-_ -_--'-- Consfruction Impacts � _ i - _ . - _-- _ . � -_' _. __ -' __- O _-._"_____.__---_.._ r.,.�... _ -._-_' _ , ___' O ___.._ - ._- _'__ ,__-__.._ n. w.,r-i p --- _ i ___- . O. __ -__ �.. ._. _ -'__'__�___ - __— c.mm.��,i _ _ '_-.__- '____-._'_._. __'_ �___ -_-___J__- - _".' Appro��zls I, i - ____'__.__ '-_-_- __.. __.. � + ,-_- _'___'__'_—_ --. ___-_-. vour __ —' _ ._. ___. _. ___.. __ _—. __—__ � -F --_.-°---- --- vmee } . _ - �. -- _' _-_'____ -__'__.�_ i mn.onrnm�r.,:i�.on. _.-'__-_O '� D i' + .�.,,.��.�.,��<��k.�.�..�oo,,,�� p�.,�,�...�..,,�.��...,�., ����.,.,.�..h _ �..�,�..,�v.�.,�.,..,R..,, �.�,�.�. =,.°,,,tw°C",�P...",:,�1": ;',:"�;F:���.�., N,.,,.., '.� � �-.,s....�.,��m,,;.,� �� w..�„� ��Ww.. .,.�.�.,,,mn�.u.�n,sum.mr,o�,.ana.u„�s���m.n�,„.,,,u��:..,e..,r,.�r+nn.ic.,�vnnm�ma�n,r.ww.�m.+n;.sxra..,ma.,..�.ro�"m�..n�so�nm.. Page 10 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis was chosen based on capacity and cost. The criteria issues were addressed by deciding whether the affect of the proposed alternative would be positive (+), negative (-), or neutral (o). Because some of the criteria issues cannot be quantified, and are subject to individual interpretation, the decisions as to wether the effect would be positive, negative, or neutral was decided upon by the entire project team and reflects no one individual bias. The results of this analysis were presented to the public at the August 21st and 22nd public meeting. Comments and questions by the public were incorporated into the final decision. Comments from the public at this meeting were strongly in favor of two lane roundabouts (Figure 4). Page 11 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis Figure 4. Public Comments on Top Three Alternatives Intersection Improvements and Signals `1O ��NOT ENOUOM INCREASE IN CAPACRY TO PL4N FOR THE FUTURE� . REQUIREMENTS . I � LANE IMPROVEMENTS '� � � � FRONTAGE ROqD IMPROVEMENTS • SIGNALS AT FOUR ANTERSECTIONS CAPACITY : N INTERSECTION = I �� PEDESTRIAN IMPqOVEMENTS S INTERSEGTION = I IMEETS EXISTING CAPACT' �EMANOE� DURING WINTER PE4K) GOST : �Z.O MILLION ��NOT COST EFFICIENT. Moving OfS-Ramps Only EgpEC1AlLY D19APOINTNO THAT fT WOULD AL40 REOUIRE �/ SIONALIZATON TO OAIN THE ""'I ,`•O NEEDED CAPAGIIY� ` � REOtIIREMENTS' �. ; ` i'� LqNEIMPROVEMENTS .1 FRONTAGE ROAO �MPROVEMENTS� � � SIGNALS AT TWO INTERSEGTIONS � � EJRENSIVE fiRADING ` I � � RETAINING WALLS � i �� PEDESTRIANIMPROVEN�ENTS GAPACITY : N INTERSECTION = I .SO _,__,_ S INTERSECTION = I .2S (PROVIOES EXCESS CqPACII"Y: SO°o AT N. 2S% AT S) COST : �7. I MILLION Roundabouts - TWo Lane Design �YHIS SOLUTON 19 THE MOST EFFICIENT MEAN3 TO 90LVE THE MOST PROBLEMS FOR 60TH NOW AND IHTO THE FUTURE� �-%0 ���`i REOUIREMENTS: � ^ I � BRIDGE . . . � � ' i� FRONTAGE ROAO� IMPROVEMENTS I � � RETAINING WALLS � � �. . I '� PEDESTRIqNIMPROVEMENTS CAPACITY : N INTERSECT�ON = 2.46 -----.--.- — 5 INTERSECTION = I .56 IPROVIOES p(CE55 CAPACITY: I46�%a AT N. S6% AT S) COST : $5.4 MILLION _—__..___________..—. --_._._"___-"__.___._-- num6ers indicate capacity: 1= at capacity (operates with congestion and delays) less than 1= the intecsec[ion is beyond i[s capacity (failing) greater than ]= excess capacity (minimal to no delays) Page 12 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis Recommendations The final recommendation for the West Vail interchange is two lane roundabouts on the north and south side of the interchange. Two lane roundabouts were determined to provide the greatest increase in capacity for the lowest relative cost as well as increasing safety, access, and aesthetics. The roundabout solution wiil also accommodate growth in and environmentally friendly manner. Fiaure 5. Preliminary design of Two Lane Roundabout Page 13 West Vail Interchange Alternatives Analysis Alternative Solutions Analysis Appendix 2�4 a gaanmm�3o _=�a � a m o 'O� ° _ _ ' � " c & � "�^ ,� c e x� ' n F E y 4Q y F o>� a n Z y� m O u O��n i 2� y y�(1 N O$ 9 _r _T, (1 �! ll s � .. ' m_- '�o,=2vm P¢ n3�n � " � O N C y m 3� d�° a 'i 'a � ^ N Q n A w P+ �� 2 e C m- 8 o n m.� b2 _ y .. .� n n c F F. 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