HomeMy WebLinkAboutTOV MOB Redevelopment Memo and Attachments 091012 TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: September 10, 2012 SUBJECT: A request for the review of conditional use permits, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, for a healthcare facility and a public building and grounds, to allow for the redevelopment of the Town of Vail municipal site with a medical research, rehabilitation, and office building and a municipal office building located at 75 and 111 South Frontage Road West/unplatted, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC120012) Applicant: Vail MOB, LLC, represented by Triumph Development and Town of Vail, represented by Consilium Partners, Vail Planner: Warren Campbell I. SUMMARY The purpose of this work session is to provide greater detail of the plans being developed for the medical office and municipal buildings located at 75 and 111 South Frontage Road West. The goal of this work session is to discuss several topics regarding the proposed buildings in order to gain feedback for the development team prior to the submittal of a complete development review application to be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission in October. The specific topics to be covered at this hearing are as follows: • Loading and delivery • Parking • Setbacks • Building Height • Site Coverage • Employee Housing The Community Development Department requests that the Planning and Environmental Commission provide feedback on these topics and table the application to the September 24, 2012 hearing. Town of Vail Page 2 II. DISCUSSION TOPICS The municipal site redevelopment project is a partnership between the Town of Vail (ToV), the Vail Valley Medical Center (VVMC), the Steadman Clinic (SC), the Steadman-Philippon Research Institute (SPRI) and Howard Head Sports Medicine (HH) to construct a new municipal office building and a new medical office building on the Town’s municipal office site. To date, the applicant has held several work sessions with the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss concept level plan drawings to receive feedback prior to submittal of a complete application for review and action. The proposed medical office and municipal buildings redevelopment site is located within the General Use (GU) district. Within the GU district: “Development standards shall be proposed by the applicant as a part of a conditional use permit application. Site specific development standards shall then be determined by the planning and environmental commission during the review of the conditional use request in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title.” The Planning and Environmental Commission determines if the proposed development standards address the criteria for review of a conditional use permit found in Section IV of this memorandum. The Planning and Environmental Commission should request the information it deems necessary from the applicant in order to make a determination on the proposed development standards. At this hearing the applicant is asking to discuss six topics with regard to the current proposal. A letter from the applicant detailing the topics to be discussed dated September 5, 2012 is attached for reference (Attachment A). Those topics are as follows: Loading and Delivery: The applicants are proposing to incorporate three (3) loading and delivery bays on the development site. Two (2) of the bays are proposed to be enclosed, 14 feet in height, and constructed within the western end of the medical office building (MOB) with access off of the frontage road. The third bay is the existing bay located in the parking lot to the east of the police department wing of the municipal building. The proposed bays in the MOB can accommodate: • two 30’x8’ straight-body vehicles, with limited exiting ability from the southern bay; Town of Vail Page 3 • one standard 30x8’ straight-body vehicle and one 21’x8’ vehicle (UPS, FedEx, trash truck), without limited exiting ability; • one 35’x8’ semi-truck with trailer (smaller freight truck that UPS,FedEx, others utilize); • six (6) four cubic yard dumpsters, two (2) for recycling; and • a trash compactor. Exhibits depicting the turning movements and function are attached for review (Attachment B). The existing bay located to the east of the police wing of the municipal building in the parking lot occurs in the drive aisle for the double loaded parking and impacts the entry and exit ability of vehicles utilizing the parking area. The loading, delivery, and trash provisions for the municipal building will be occurring within the enclosed area of the MOB. The transport of loading and delivery items and trash removal for the municipal building will occur through the use of elevators in each building and the first floor of the parking structure to move between the buildings. Staff has reviewed the proposed loading and delivery plan to be incorporated into the redevelopment of the site. Section 12-10-13, Loading and Delivery Requirements Schedule, requires the following: “Loading facilities requirement to be determined by the planning and environmental commission as a condition of the conditional use permit, but not less than the comparable requirement prescribed above.” The Code identifies a requirement on one (1) loading berth for professional and business offices, banks, and financial institutions with over 10,000 square feet total floor area. The applicant is proposing three (3) loading and delivery bays as identified above. The Code identifies the minimum dimensions of a loading bay as 35 feet long and 12 feet wide and if enclosed, a 14 foot height. At the discretion of the Commission variations to these standards can be granted if a finding is made that it is necessary to prevent negative impacts on the public right-of-way. The proposed MOB is approximately 79,000 gross square feet (not including the enclosed loading and delivery and ground level parking area) and the municipal building is approximately 19,000 gross square feet. After review Staff has the following questions and comments regarding the proposed loading and delivery plan. Town of Vail Page 4 Staff requests that the applicant submit: • a written document detailing the loading and delivery needs of the land uses to be contained within the MOB and the municipal site; • a plan depicting the function of the enclosed loading and delivery facility with the dumpster and compactors identified and located; and • a plan showing the location of the existing loading and delivery bay east of the police wing including turning movements. These documents will be used to evaluate the appropriateness of the proposed number and sizes of the bays. The written document needs to include detail on the number and frequency of loading and delivery for the land uses as well as the typical size of delivery vehicles. The plan should highlight any special needs which may happen infrequently for the delivery of items outside of the standard items. For example if certain medical equipment of furniture deliveries would not fit within the anticipated delivery model. Does the Planning and Environmental Commission have any additional comments or informational needs on the proposed provision of loading and delivery in order to make a determination on its adequacy? Parking: The applicant is proposing to construct a subterranean parking structure beneath the two buildings with a minimal number of parking spaces located at grade. The applicant has submitted several documents prepared by Carl Walker, a consultant specializing in parking, to address the provision and operation of parking on the site. Carl Walker provided a parking demand study to address the parking need for the site. This study was commissioned to provide reason and legitimacy to the applicant’s request for a determination by the Commission on the parking requirement as detailed in the GU district. The parking demand study dated September 4, 2012 (Attachment C) includes an analysis of the Town’s parking generation rates based on the areas designated for various land uses, Urban Land Institute (ULI) parking demand models, employee counts for the project, and anticipated patient and visitor visits. The results of the study determined that 298 parking spaces will address the parking demand of the development. The applicant has proposed 305 parking spaces to meet the parking requirement for the development through the review of the conditional use permit as stated in the GU district. The applicant believes that 305 parking spaces with the support of the demand study will be adequate to address parking demand. Town of Vail Page 5 In addition to the applicant’s proposal to establish 305 parking spaces as the requirement for the development the proposal includes the construction of an additional 40 parking spaces on the site for a total of 345 parking spaces. The Commission previously identified a concern that in the future the facility may exceed current expectations of success and result in additional staff on-site and increased patient counts. The 40 parking spaces would be used to capture these possibilities and any reconfigurations of spaces within the building resulting in increased parking demand. The applicant has submitted an additional study by Carl Walker entitled Preliminary Operating Methodology Outline dated August 27, 2012 (Attachment D). This study highlights the possible operational flexibility that could be incorporated into the proposed parking structure. It discusses the inclusion of gates, employee vehicular passes, pros and cons with regarding to skier parking use, and other aspects. At this point there has been no final determination on the joint operation of the parking structure and the potential for skier parking. It is anticipated that there will be some number of parking spaces made available for skier parking on the weekends similar to the existing lots. The details and agreements regarding the operation will not be finalized until later in the development review process. In evaluating and determining the appropriateness of the 305 parking spaces proposed Staff believes it is beneficial to have an understanding of the parking requirement generated by the land uses outside of the GU district review process. The GU district establishes a process by which the Planning and Environmental Commission determines the appropriate parking requirement. Parking generation for the municipal property utilizes the generation counts for areas located outside of the commercial cores. As a point of reference the parking count generated by the proposed land uses on site would be 391 parking spaces. Pursuant to Section 12-10-12, Credit For Multiple Use Parking Facilities, Vail Town Code, the parking requirement drops by 7.5% due to the mixed use nature of the development resulting a parking requirement of 362 parking spaces. Properties neighboring the municipal site such as the Four Seasons, US Bank Building, and the Evergreen are all included within the areas designated as being within the commercial core which results in decrease parking generation rates for the same land uses. Were the municipal site located within the commercial core the parking generation for the proposed land uses would be 234 parking spaces with a mixed use reduction of 5% resulting in a required parking count of 223 parking spaces. The applicant has stated that the nature of the service to be provided will result in decreased vehicular parking needs as patients and their families will be staying in lodging within Vail and/or arriving by shuttles. Additionally, the pedestrian Town of Vail Page 6 bridge connecting the Vail Valley Medical Center (VVMC) to the new M.O.B. allows for patients to traverse from either building without the increased need for parking should the patients all be arriving via personal vehicle. Staff believes the parking demand study has incorporated elements raised by the Commission at the previous hearing regarding the incorporation of actual employee counts in each building, anticipated patient counts and turn-around times, and potential increase in parking demand as result of future success. Staff believes the applicant’s proposed parking requirement of 305 parking spaces will adequately meet demand. The applicant is currently working with the Town Council to remove the surface parking located adjacent to and beneath the municipal building. This plan has not been included in the packet as the Town Council had not reviewed or approved the new direction prior to this hearing with the Planning and Environmental Commission. The revised plan would eliminate the congestion concerns of the Commission identified in previous hearings and result in an increase in landscape area between the buildings. Regardless of any change to the location of the parking spaces and vehicular circulation on site the applicant’s proposal for the provision of parking will not change. Staff has the following questions and comments regarding the proposed parking plan. Does the Planning and Environmental Commission have any questions or comments regarding the submitted parking studies? Does the Planning and Environmental Commission need any additional information in order to make a determination on the parking requirement for the healthcare facility and public building and grounds? Should the land uses being proposed remain as presented in the parking demand study does the Planning and Environmental Commission believe that 305 parking spaces is appropriate to meet the demand of the development? Setbacks: The Vail Town Code defines a setback as: “The distance from a lot or site line, creek or stream measured horizontally to a line or location within the lot or site which establishes the permitted location of uses, structures, or buildings on the site.” Setbacks in general are established to provide a buffer between developments on adjacent properties. The required setback established within a zone district Town of Vail Page 7 generally increases to provide a greater buffer for uses which may have objectionable aspects or be less compatible with adjacent properties. Typically, landscaping, berms, and other methods of screening or softening a developed property occur within the buffer established by a setback. The municipal site is currently comprised of two parcels. The redevelopment of the municipal site is proposed to maintain two parcels which will comprise the overall development site. The establishment of a development site comprised of two parcels results in the calculation of development standards based upon the larger development site verse the individual smaller parcels. This results in no setback requirement from the shared property line. Setback Existing Proposed Change North (rear) 0.8 feet 0.8 feet No change South (front) 8.0 feet 1.0 feet 7 foot reduction East (side) 183.2 feet 183.2 feet No change West (side) 125.7 feet 3.5 feet 121.2 foot reduction A copy of the ALTA Survey is attached for reference regarding the existing setbacks (Attachment E). A site plan showing the proposed setbacks is included in the plan set (Attachment F). The proposed development plan impacts the western existing setback to the greatest extent. The area on the western end of the property is largely a surface parking lot and a recycling center. The applicant has stated that the location of the development site between CDOT right-of-ways results in reduced impact to neighboring properties allowing for reduced setbacks. After review Staff has the following questions regarding the proposed setbacks: Does the Planning and Environmental Commission believe that the proposed setbacks provide an appropriate buffer between land uses? Do the proposed setbacks establish an adequate area to implement screening and softening elements? Does the Planning and Environmental Commission believe the placement of landscaping within the CDOT right-of-ways for Interstate 70 and the Frontage Road will adequately buffer the proposed buildings? Building Height: The Vail Town Code defines height as: “HEIGHT: The distance measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roof or eaves to the existing or finished grade (whichever is more Town of Vail Page 8 restrictive) located directly below said point of the roof or eaves. Within any building footprint, height shall be measured vertically from any point on a proposed or existing roof to the existing grade directly below said point on a proposed or existing roof.” Within the GU district the Planning and Environmental Commission will determine the allowable height on the development site. The existing buildings on site are a maximum of two stories above grade with an approximate maximum height of 30 feet. The proposed height of the Municipal Building is approximately 62 feet above finished grade for the tower element. The MOB building has a proposed height of approximately 87.5 to the ridge of the architectural glass feature on the west end on the building. The applicant is proposing that the appropriate allowable height on the development site is as described in the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 (LMU1) district. It is stated by the applicant that this height will fit the character of the neighborhood as established in one of the review criterion for the conditional use. The LMU1 district allows for a maximum height of 82.5 feet and an average height of 72 feet. The applicant states that the allowable height in the LMU1 district is appropriate, as the adjacent Evergreen Lodge property is zoned LMU1 which is in close relationship to the western end of the development site with the eastern end of the property stepping down towards the roundabout. The applicant will be providing a 3D digital model to aid in the evaluation of the criterion addressing compatibility of the proposed development wit the neighborhood. The height regulations established in the LMU1 district were the result of a extensive study and the adoption of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. It was found through the study of Lionshead and the adoption of an 82.5 foot maximum height and a 72 foot average height was appropriate in concert with multiple adopted design standards. Several of the design standards are: • establishment of a maximum initial eave height; • requirements for vertical and horizontal articulation; • establishment of a base, middle, and top on the façade; • establishment of a hierarchy of materials, colors, and textures; • establishment of maximum vertical wall faces of 35 feet; • establishment of appropriate roof forms and flat roof maximums; • etc. Other properties in the neighborhood are the: • The VVMC zoned GU district which has a maximum allowable height determined by the PEC in the approved development plan. Town of Vail Page 9 • The U.S. Bank Building zoned a Special Development District (SDD) with an approved height of approximately 47 feet and an underlying maximum allowable height of 38 feet in the Commercial Service Center district. • The Scorpio Condominiums zoned High Density Multiple-Family with a maximum allowable height of 48 feet currently approximately 65 feet in height. • The Four Seasons zoned a SDD with an approved height of approximately 104 feet (located on the south side of the building above the pool deck) and an underlying maximum allowable height of 48 feet in the Public Accommodation district. After review staff has the following questions and comments regarding the proposed building height. Staff requests that the applicant submit: • a plan depicting the proposed roof form including ridge and eave elevations over the historical and proposed finished grades so that height calculations can be made; • an analysis of the roof height on the development site calculating the average roof height; and • an analysis of the ability of the M.O.B. to function as a location for the hospital helipad. Does the Planning and Environmental Commission need any additional information to evaluate the proposed heights of the development site? Does the Planning and Environmental Commission believe that the implementation of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 district height regulations is appropriate? If yes, does the Planning and Environmental Commission believe that the architectural design guidelines found in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan should be implemented as well? If the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 district height regulations are not appropriate what would the Planning and Environmental Commission believe is an appropriate height for the development site? Site Coverage: The Vail Town Code defines site coverage as: “The ratio of the total building area of a site to the total area of a site, expressed as a percentage. For the purposes of calculating site coverage, "building area of a site" shall mean that portion of a site occupied by any building, carport, porte- Town of Vail Page 10 cochere, arcade, and covered or roofed walkway constructed at, below, or above grade as measured from the exterior face of the sheathing of the perimeter walls or supporting columns. For the purposes of this definition, a balcony or deck projecting from a higher elevation may extend over a lower balcony, deck or walkway, and in such case the higher balcony or deck shall not be deemed a roof or covering for the lower balcony, deck or walkway. In addition to the above, building area shall also include any portion of a roof overhang, eaves, or covered stair, covered deck, covered porch, covered terrace or covered patio that extends more than four feet (4') from the exterior face of the perimeter building walls or supporting columns.” The proposal will redevelop approximately 1.33 acres of the 2.05 acre municipal site. Site coverage has been calculated based upon the whole of the development site as follows: Existing: Proposed: Change: Above grade: 33.6% 51.5% 17.9% increase Below grade 0.0 % 70.9% 70.9% increase The plan as proposed includes a subterranean parking structure beneath both building and in the area between the buildings. The increase in site coverage largely includes those asphalt parking areas existing on the site currently. The site coverage of other properties in the neighborhood is as follows: • The Evergreen Lodge is permitted 70% in the LMU1 district. • The VVMC is as determined by the PEC pursuant to the GU district. • The U.S. Bank Building is permitted 75% in the CSC district. • The Scorpio is permitted 55% in the HDMF district. • The Four Seasons is permitted 65% or greater if determined by the PEC in the PA district. Does the Planning and Environmental Commission need any additional information to evaluate the proposed site coverage of the development site? Does the Planning and Environmental Commission believe that the proposed site coverage is appropriate for the development site? Employee Housing: The municipal site is located within the GU district which is required to mitigate employee housing needs pursuant to Chapter 12-23, Commercial Linkage, Vail Town Code. Chapter 12-23 identifies the generation rate of employees for various land uses. Additionally, the regulations provide for the mitigation of the net increase in floor area for sites that are being redeveloped pursuant to Town of Vail Page 11 Chapter 12-23-4, Redevelopment, Vail Town Code. The proposed redevelopment employee mitigation requirement is calculated as follows: • The redevelopment includes the removal of 16,336 square feet of office. • The new development is 81,640 (MOB & TOV) square feet of office space. • There is a net increase of 65,304 square feet of office space on the site. • The mitigation rate for business and professional offices is 3.2 employees/1,000 square feet. • The required employee mitigation for the development is 41.79 employees to be mitigated with 20.90 to be on-site as currently proposed. The applicants have included a memorandum dated September 5, 2012 detailing the process to arrive at the mitigation rate of 41.79 employees (Attachment G). In the memorandum, the applicant responds to the criteria found within Section 12-23-6, Methods of Mitigation, Vail Town Code, and requests an exception to the one-half on site requirement. At the sole discretion of the applicable governing body, in this case the Planning and Environmental Commission, an exception may be granted based upon one (1) of the following findings: “a. Implementation of the on site unit mitigation method would be contrary to the intent and purpose of the applicable zone district. b. Implementation of the on site unit mitigation method would be contrary to the goals of the applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan and the town's development objectives. c. Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions apply to the site that prevents the implementation of the on site unit mitigation method. d. The method of mitigation proposed better achieves the intent and purpose of this chapter and general and specific purposes of this title than the on site mitigation unit method.” The applicant has addressed each of these findings in their memorandum (Attachment G). The applicant has submitted reasons for providing mitigation for 41.79 employees off site. Several of the reasons stated are: • That the inclusion of employee housing on site in not in keeping with the purpose statement of the GU district. • That market rate housing is neither a permitted or conditional use in the GU district. Town of Vail Page 12 • That the addition of employee housing on site would result in a need to increase the height of the MOB by a floor further highlighting the difference between the MOB and the municipal building. • The Vail Land Use Plan does not identify the municipal site as a potential site for market rate nor employee housing. • A need to have an architecturally significant building at Vail’s front door off of I-70. • The inability of the 1.2 acre redevelopment site to accommodate more program. • The Vail 20/20 Plan provides significant guidance with regard to the promotion of a year-round economy and this proposal is significant in achieving economic development. At the time of providing this memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission the discussion of the Housing Authority had not been completed. Staff intends to provide the Commission with the highlights and recommendation of the Housing Authority should the reach one at their pubic hearing. The outcome of the Housing Authority meeting does not have any binding effect. Their thoughts were sought on this issue as they focus on this particular element for the Town. After review staff has the following questions regarding the proposed method of mitigating the employee generation for the site. Does the Planning and Environmental Commission need additional information in order to make a finding pursuant to Section 12-23-6, Methods of Mitigation, Vail Town Code? If so, what information is needed? Does the Planning and Environmental Commission believe that a finding can be made to locate all of the required employee mitigation off site pursuant to Section 12-23-6, Methods of Mitigation, Vail Town Code? If not, does the Planning and Environmental Commission believe that some percentage less than one-half should be provided on site? If yes, what percentage of the required employee housing should be provided on the development site? III. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS SECTION 12-2-2, DEFINITIONS FACILITIES, HEALTHCARE: A facility principally engaged in providing services for health maintenance, diagnosis or treatment of human diseases, pain, injury, deformity, or physical condition. Town of Vail Page 13 ARTICLE 12-9C. GENERAL USE (GU) DISTRICT 12-9C-1: PURPOSE: The general use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in section 12-1-2 of this title and to provide for the public welfare. The general use district is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the district are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses. 12-9C-2: PERMITTED USES (in part): The following uses shall be permitted in the GU district: Communications antennas and appurtenant equipment. 12-9C-3: CONDITIONAL USES: A. Generally: The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the GU district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Healthcare facilities. Helipad for emergency and/or community use. Public buildings and grounds. Public parking structure. Public theaters, meeting rooms and convention facilities. Public tourist/guest service related facilities. Public unstructured parking. 12-9C-5: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A. Prescribed By Planning And Environmental Commission: In the general use district, development standards in each of the following categories shall be as prescribed by the planning and environmental commission: 1. Lot area and site dimensions. 2. Setbacks. Town of Vail Page 14 3. Building height. 4. Density control. 5. Site coverage. 6. Landscaping and site development. 7. Parking and loading. B. Reviewed By Planning And Environmental Commission: Development standards shall be proposed by the applicant as a part of a conditional use permit application. Site specific development standards shall then be determined by the planning and environmental commission during the review of the conditional use request in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title. 12-9C-6: ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Additional regulations pertaining to site development standards and the development of land in the general use district are found in chapter 14 of this title. IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria and factors for consideration for a request of a conditional use permit are established in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-16, Conditional Use Permits, Vail Town Code. A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed use. Town of Vail Page 15 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by chapter 12 of this title. B. Necessary Findings: The planning and environmental commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this title and the purposes of the zone district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this title. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department requests the Planning and Environmental Commission tables this application to the September 24, 2012 public hearing. VI. ATTACHMENTS A. Letter from the applicant dated September 5, 2012 B. Loading and delivery turning movement exhibits C. Carl Walker Parking Demand Study dated September 4, 2012 D. Carl Walker Preliminary Operating Methodology dated August 27, 2012 E. ALTA survey dated December 27, 2011 F. M.O.B and Municipal Building plans dated September 10, 2012 G. Employee housing requirement memorandum dated September 5, 2012 Page 1 of 4 September 5, 2012 Warren Campbell, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: VVMC/Steadman Medical Office Building Town of Vail Municipal Redevelopment September 10, 2012 PEC Update Dear Warren: On behalf of Triumph Development, The Steadman Clinic, The Steadman Philippon Research Institute, The Vail Valley Medical Center and The Town of Vail, thank you for the opportunity to update the Planning and Environmental Commission on September 10, 2012. In anticipation of a complete submittal for the project, we would like to address the items listed below based upon our last meeting with the commission. Enclosed is information in support of the anticipated discussions. 1. Loading and Delivery: a. Generally, the applicant is seeking staff and PEC comment on the proposed loading and delivery facilities prior to a final, (technical), submittal to town staff. i. Development Standards for the General Use District, including the appropriate number of size of loading bays are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. b. Three, (3), 12’x 35’x 14’ loading bays are being proposed for the site, which is triple the amount required under the town’s current zoning. 1. The proposed turning movements would be limited to right turn in and right turn out only minimizing the impacts to frontage road traffic patterns. 2. One loading area will continue to be maintained at the eastern, (police), end of the site, for a total of three loading bays or areas on the property. 3. Two 12’x35’ enclosed loading bays are proposed at the western end of the site. a. Two standard SU (30’x8’) straight-body vehicles can be accommodated at the same time although the northern truck can not exit independently of the southern truck. b. One standard SU (30’x8’) straight-body vehicle and one standard step van (UPS/FedEx/trash Truck 21’x8’) can be accommodated with independent maneuvering (entering and exiting). c. One (35’x8’) semi-truck/trailer similar to a Federal Express/UPS type freight vehicle can be accommodated within the loading dock. Please reference the attached exhibit. ii. Municipal deliveries and refuse are anticipated to be transported from the service dock, down the westernmost, common use, service elevator, (4000 lb. Page 2 of 4 capacity), across the first level of below grade parking, to the easternmost, municipal elevator. 1. Certain specialized, (police), deliveries will continue to occur in the eastern parking area. iii. An anticipated interior overhead clearance of 20’-0” is currently planned for the loading dock interior to accommodate possible overhead dumping of trash and recycling containers. All dumpsters will be wheeled to accommodate a (potential) compactor and be stored out of vehicular turning clearances. a. Four, four cubic yard dumpers, (one recycling), to be emptied 3-4 days each week are anticipated for the Medical Office Building. b. Two, four cubic yard dumpers, (one recycling), to be emptied one day each week is currently anticipated for the Municipal Building. c. A compactor is currently being considered for use within the dock. d. A scissor lift is currently being considered for use within the dock. 2. Parking a. Generally, the applicant is seeking staff and PEC comment on the proposed parking facilities prior to a final, (technical), submittal to town staff. i. Development Standards for the General Use District, including the appropriate number of size of parking spaces are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. b. Appropriate number of spaces i. General Zoning (non commercial core) Requirements are currently anticipated to be 391 total spaces – (362 with 7.5% mixed use reduction); ii. Commercial Core Requirements are anticipated to be 234 total spaces– (223 with 5.0% mixed use reduction); 1. Commercial Core designation surrounds the project; 2. A larger percentage of The Steadman Clinic patients and SPRI visitors are from out of town and stay for multiple nights utilizing other parking facilities and transportation methods. iii. Carl Walker Parking Study – Anticipated Maximum Demand of 298 parking spaces. c. The Project is currently anticipating providing 345 total parking spaces. d. Parking Management i. Town of Vail Requirements ii. Medical Facility Requirements iii. Anticipated Weekend Use of Structure 3. Setbacks a. Generally, the applicant is seeking staff and PEC comment on the proposed setbacks prior to a final, (technical), submittal to town staff. i. Development Standards for the General Use District, including the appropriate setbacks are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. ii. In consideration of granting a Conditional Use Permit the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the “Effect upon the character of the Page 3 of 4 area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. b. The existing setbacks are as follows: i. North (Back)– 0.8 feet ii. South (Front) – 6.9 feet iii. East (Side) –183.2 feet iv. West (Side) –125.7 feet c. The proposed setbacks are as follows: i. North (Back) - 0.8 feet (unchanged) ii. South (Front)– 1.0 feet (reduced 5.9 feet) iii. East (Side) –183.2 feet (unchanged) iv. West (Side) – 3.5 feet (reduced 121.2 feet) d. Please reference the submitted site plan generally indicating the setbacks on neighboring properties. 4. Building Height a. Generally, the applicant is seeking staff and PEC comment on the proposed building height prior to a final, (technical), submittal to town staff calculating the actual average and maximum building heights. i. Development Standards for the General Use District, including the appropriate building height are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. ii. In consideration of granting a Conditional Use Permit the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the “Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. b. The existing (maximum) building height is two stories and approximately 30 feet. c. The proposed building height will be an average of less than 72 feet and a maximum of 82.5 feet consistent with the neighboring Lionshead Mixed Use 1 (LMU-1) Zoning. i. The maximum height is limited to western end of the site as it relates to the existing LMU-1 zoning on the Evergreen Property. ii. The building will step down in height as it approaches the roundabout on the east end of the site. d. Please reference the submitted site plan listing the surrounding zoning districts, allowable building heights and existing, constructed building heights. e. Please reference the submitted street sections indicating the relationship of the proposed building to buildings across the South Frontage Road. 5. Site Coverage a. Generally, the applicant is seeking staff and PEC comment on the proposed site coverage prior to a final, (technical), submittal to town staff calculating the actual coverage on an exhibit. i. Development Standards for the General Use District, including the appropriate setbacks are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. ii. In consideration of granting a Conditional Use Permit the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the “Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 1. The existing, (above grade), site coverage is approximately 29,979 square feet or 33.6% of the total site area. Page 4 of 4 2. The proposed above grade site coverage is approximately 45,926 square feet or 51.5% of the total site area. 3. The proposed below grade site coverage is approximately 63,250 square feet or 70.9% of the total site area. b. The site of the proposed development is bordered on all side by Federal Highway and CDOT Right of Way mitigating the impacts of reduced setbacks on neighboring properties. c. Please reference the submitted site plan listing the site coverage of neighboring properties. 6. Employee Housing: a. Generally, the applicant is seeking staff and PEC comment on mitigation of employee housing prior to a final submittal to town staff. b. Please reference the submitted correspondence for the calculation of the proposed number of employee housing units. c. Please reference the submitted correspondence for rationale related to off-site mitigation of required housing. Respectfully yours, Timothy Losa, AIA Principal Zehren and Associates Enclosures 22 5 M a i n S t r e e t , U n i t C 1 0 1 97 0 . 9 2 6 . 6 0 0 7 Fa x : 9 7 0 . 9 2 6 . 6 0 0 9 Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 MA R T I N / M A R T I N 2600 S. Lewis Way, Suite 219 Lakewood, CO 80227 P. 303.894.8800 F. 303.894.8033 carlwalker.com September 4, 2012 Mr. Mike Foster, AIA Triumph, LLC 292 East Meadow Drive, Suite 101 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Medical-Research-Municipal Development Parking Demand Study Dear Mr. Foster, In November 2011, Carl Walker, Inc. was commissioned by Triumph, LLC to provide a parking demand analysis for the proposed Vail Medical-Research-Municipal (VMRM) development project located between Interstate 70 and the I-70 Frontage Road in Vail, Colorado. The proposed development is currently anticipated to include several different land uses including medical office, medical research, city office spaces, and up to 305 parking spaces. The scope of services for this project is summarized below:  Review the proposed land uses for the development using parking requirements from the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance and standards from the Urban Land Institute (ULI).  As appropriate, review potential parking demand reductions.  Develop a shared parking model projecting anticipated parking occupancies.  Determine the number of parking spaces required to support the development.  Review the parking supply for the development and compare it to estimated demands.  Provide a brief letter report that summarizes the results of the shared parking analysis. Summary of Development Information and Town of Vail Parking Requirements The proposed development is currently anticipated to include the following land uses and Net Square Footage (NSF) per the August 8, 2012 design program provided by Triumph, LLC:  Steadman Clinic: 36,003 NSF, plus 4,004 NSF of lecture hall space  Steadman Philippon Research Institute (SPRI): 14,491 NSF  Howard Head: 8,642 NSF  Town of Vail Office: 18,450 NSF  Parking: Up to 305 spaces (combination of surface and underground parking) Current standard zoning requirements for the proposed development are based on the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 10 (Schedule B). It is assumed that the Steadman Clinic Triumph, LLC VMRM Development – Vail, CO Parking Demand Study September 4, 2012 Page 2 of 8 and Howard Head components are classified as standard medical office and the Town of Vail component is classified as professional/business office. Based on the space uses included in the latest concept design, it is assumed that the parking demands for the SPRI component will more closely match professional/business office. The standard requirements for the proposed development are as follows:  Medical Office Building (MOB) Requirement: o Code requires 1 parking space per 200 NSF for medical office:  Steadman Clinic: 215 spaces1  Howard Head: 44 spaces  Total MOB Parking: 259 spaces  Professional/Business Office Requirement: o Code requires 1 parking space per 250 NSF for professional/business office:  SPRI: 58 spaces  Town of Vail: 74 spaces  Total MOB Parking: 132 spaces The base parking requirement for the development is 391 spaces. However, Town of Vail parking requirements also provide a small reduction of 7.5% for parking facilities that provide between 301 and 400 spaces and serve more than one land use. Therefore, the proposed VMRM development has a total estimated code parking requirement of 361 spaces based on the latest design program (391 spaces minus a 30 space reduction). This estimate is based on code only and does not include additional adjustments for vehicle ownership, captive market, or anticipated drive ratios. Estimated Parking Demand for the Proposed Development A shared parking model is typically used to more accurately estimate parking demands for a mixed-use development. Shared parking is defined as parking that can serve more than one single land use, without conflict. Shared parking is generally applied to mixed-use developments composed of several different land uses (e.g., retail, residential, restaurant, office, and/or hotels) that are significantly integrated. Using the shared parking model reduces the amount of parking needed for a mixed-use development as the effect of sharing parking requires fewer spaces than the sum of the parking needed for the individual land uses. This analysis calculates the parking needed based on the projected land uses in the development and estimates a hypothetical parking accumulation throughout a typical weekday and weekend day (6:00 a.m. through 12:00 a.m.). 1 Includes anticipated 4,004 square foot lecture hall space at 1 space per 120 square feet. Triumph, LLC VMRM Development – Vail, CO Parking Demand Study September 4, 2012 Page 3 of 8 Other factors can also impact parking needs. Captive markets can significantly reduce parking demand for a mixed-use development. Captive market refers to a reduction in parking due to the proximity of land uses that allow individuals to walk between destinations in a single trip. The use of alternative modes of transportation such as carpooling, public transportation, walking, bicycling, etc. should also be considered in a shared parking analysis. In order to determine the estimated percentage of employees and visitors that will drive to the site and park, Carl Walker reviewed available census data, information provided by Triumph, LLC and OZ Architecture, and available ULI information. Based on our review of available information, the following assumptions are used to determine shared parking demands:  Drive ratio (modal split) and vehicle ownership assumptions: o According to US Census data for Vail, 70.3% of workers drive to work (either alone or in carpools). Therefore, it could be assumed that only 70.3% of development employees will drive to the development and park. However, a more conservative drive ratio of 75% is recommended. It is anticipated that the development will include amenities designed to encourage the use of alternatives forms of transportation. In addition, the proposed development is located on an existing Vail Transit route. o According to US Census data for Vail, 2.9% of households do not own a vehicle. Therefore, it is assumed that 97.1% of patients and visitors will drive to the development and park. o According to information provided by Triumph, LLC (based on information provided by the Steadman Clinic), 35% of Steadman Clinic patients will be from out of town. These patients will likely use other forms of transportation to travel to/from the clinic (e.g., hotel shuttles). However, as previously stated, a more conservative drive ratio of 75% is recommended.  Non-captive market assumptions: o Based on development land uses, there does not appear to be any significant captive market impacts for most land uses. However, it is anticipated that a significant amount of weekday demand for the Steadman Lecture Hall will actually come from Steadman clinic staff already on site. Therefore, non- captive market assumptions are as follows (percentage of people that are not already counted in the demands for another land use, by user group):  MOB Patients: 100%  MOB Employees: 100%  Lecture Hall: 50%  Office Visitors: 100%  Office Employees: 100% Base Parking Estimate per ULI The following table (Table 1) illustrates the base parking demand per Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance requirement ratios. The estimated base parking demand for the proposed Triumph, LLC VMRM Development – Vail, CO Parking Demand Study September 4, 2012 Page 4 of 8 development is 391 parking spaces (not including the 7.5% reduction provided in the zoning code). Adjustments for captive market effects, drive ratios, and shared parking will need to be included to better reflect market conditions. Table 1. Base Parking Requirements per Vail Zoning Code Required Land Use Quantity 1 Parking Demand Ratios 2 Parking Steadman Clinic36,003sq.ft.5.00 spaces/1,000 sq. ft.181 Steadman Lecture4,004sq.ft.8.33spaces/1,000 sq. ft.34 SPRI14,491sq.ft.4.00spaces/1,000 sq. ft.58 Howard Head8,642sq.ft.5.00spaces/1,000 sq. ft.44 Town of Vail18,450sq.ft.4.00spaces/1,000 sq. ft.74 391 (1) Square footages shown in table are net square footages shown in the Aug. 8, 2012 design program provided by Triumph, LLC. (2) Demand ratios are based on Schedule B ratios in Chapter 10 of the Town of Vail zoning code. Total: Captive Market and Modal Split Adjustments Table 2 separates the base parking estimate for the individual land uses into patient/visitor and employee components based on user group breakdowns presented in ULI’s Shared Parking – 2nd Edition. The table also includes the estimated captive market and drive ratio (modal split) adjustments previously noted that reduce overall parking needs. Table 2. Revised Parking Demand Estimate with Captive Market and Drive Ratio Adjustments Revised Patient/DriveNon-CaptivePatient/DriveRevisedTotal Visitor RatioMarketVisitor EmployeeRatioEmployeeRevised Land Use 1 ParkingFactorFactorParkingParkingFactorParkingParking Steadman Clinic121 0.751.0091 60 0.7545 136 Steadman Lecture28 0.970.5014 6 0.755 19 SPRI 5 0.971.005 53 0.7540 45 Howard Head29 0.971.0029 15 0.7512 41 Town of Vail6 0.971.006 68 0.7551 57 Total:189 145 202 153 298 (1) Estimate of Patient/Visitor versus Employee parking demand for the Steadman Clinic and Howard Head based on approximate ULI user group breakdown for medical office (67% Patient/Visitor and 33% Employee). Estimate of Visitor versus Employee demand for SPRI and the Town of Vail based on approximate ULI user group breakdown for office (8% Visitor and 92% Employee). Estimate of Visitor versus Employee demand for Steadman Lecture based on approximately ULI use group breakdown for Performing Arts Theater (81% Visitor and 19% Employee. Triumph, LLC VMRM Development – Vail, CO Parking Demand Study September 4, 2012 Page 5 of 8 There is an estimated adjusted parking demand for 145 patient/visitor parking spaces and 153 employee parking spaces. As previously described, it is estimated that between 3% and 25% of patients/visitors and 25% of employees will use an alternative mode of transportation such as bicycling, walking, mass transit, shuttle, or carpool (drive ratio factors of .97 and .75). The total revised parking demand estimate is 298 parking spaces, not including any additional adjustments for shared parking (time of day and seasonal parking demand adjustments). Hourly and Monthly Variations in Parking Demand – Shared Parking Estimate Table 3 illustrates hourly variations in parking accumulation as a percent of the peak accumulation (100%) for the land uses included in the development during weekdays. All of the percentages are taken from Shared Parking – 2nd Edition and based on data collected from hundreds of mixed-use development projects throughout the country. The hourly variations for Steadman Lecture Hall parking are based on ULI estimates for convention centers (estimates for lecture halls are not included in the ULI model). Table 3. Hourly Variations in Parking Demand - Weekdays (From Shared Parking , 2nd Edition) SPRIHoward HeadTown of Vail HourPatientEmployeeVisitor EmployeeVisitorEmployeePatientEmployeeVisitor Employee 6:00 AM0% 0% 0% 5% 0% 3% 0% 0% 0% 3% 7:00 AM0% 0% 0% 30% 1% 30% 0% 0% 1% 30% 8:00 AM90% 60% 50% 33% 20% 75% 90% 60% 20% 75% 9:00 AM90% 100% 100% 33% 60% 95% 90% 100% 60% 95% 10:00 AM100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 11:00 AM100% 100% 100% 100% 45% 100% 100% 100% 45% 100% 12:00 PM30% 100% 100% 100% 15% 90% 30% 100% 15% 90% 1:00 PM90% 100% 100% 100% 45% 90% 90% 100% 45% 90% 2:00 PM100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 3:00 PM100% 100% 100% 100% 45% 100% 100% 100% 45% 100% 4:00 PM90% 100% 100% 90% 15% 90% 90% 100% 15% 90% 5:00 PM80% 100% 100% 70% 10% 50% 80% 100% 10% 50% 6:00 PM67% 67% 50% 40% 5% 25% 67% 67% 5% 25% 7:00 PM30% 30% 30% 25% 2% 10% 30% 30% 2% 10% 8:00 PM15% 15% 30% 20% 1% 7% 15% 15% 1% 7% 9:00 PM0% 0% 10% 20% 0% 3% 0% 0% 0% 3% 10:00 PM0% 0% 0% 5% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 1% 11:00 PM0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 12:00 AM0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Steadman ClinicSteadman Lecture Table 4 (next page) applies the hourly accumulation adjustments shown in Table 3 to the revised parking demands calculated in Table 2. The peak parking demand is projected to occur during weekdays at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Triumph, LLC VMRM Development – Vail, CO Parking Demand Study September 4, 2012 Page 6 of 8 Table 4. Parking Demand by User Group and Hour - Weekdays SPRIHoward HeadTown of Vail HourPatientEmployeeVisitor EmployeeVisitorEmployeePatientEmployeeVisitorEmployeeTotal 6:00 AM0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 7:00 AM0 0 0 2 1 12 0 0 1 16 32 8:00 AM82 27 7 2 1 30 27 8 2 39 225 9:00 AM82 45 14 2 3 38 27 12 4 49 276 10:00 AM91 45 14 5 5 40 29 12 6 51 298 11:00 AM91 45 14 5 3 40 29 12 3 51 293 12:00 PM28 45 14 5 1 36 9 12 1 46 197 1:00 PM82 45 14 5 3 36 27 12 3 46 273 2:00 PM91 45 14 5 5 40 29 12 6 51 298 3:00 PM91 45 14 5 3 40 29 12 3 51 293 4:00 PM82 45 14 5 1 36 27 12 1 46 269 5:00 PM73 45 14 4 1 20 24 12 1 26 220 6:00 PM61 31 7 2 1 10 20 9 1 13 155 7:00 PM28 14 5 2 1 4 9 4 1 6 74 8:00 PM14 7 5 1 1 3 5 2 1 4 43 9:00 PM0 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 7 10:00 PM0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 11:00 PM0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12:00 AM0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak Hour Steadman ClinicSteadman Lecture The final adjustment is for monthly variations in parking demand. Table 5 illustrates monthly variations in parking accumulation as a percent of the peak accumulation for the land uses included in the development (per ULI). Table 5. Monthly Variations in Parking Demand - Weekdays (From Shared Parking , 2nd Edition) SPRIHoward HeadTown of Vail MonthPatientEmployeeVisitorEmployeeVisitorEmployeePatientEmployeeVisitorEmployee January100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% February100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% March100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% April100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% May100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% June100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% July95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% August95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% September100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% October100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% November100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% December 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Steadman ClinicSteadman Clinic Triumph, LLC VMRM Development – Vail, CO Parking Demand Study September 4, 2012 Page 7 of 8 Using the hourly peak accumulation of vehicles per land use as highlighted in Table 4 (10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.), Table 6 applies the monthly variation percentages shown in Table 5. Table 6. Parking Demand by User Group and Month - Weekdays at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM SPRIHoward HeadTown of Vail MonthPatientEmployeeVisitor EmployeeVisitor EmployeePatientEmployeeVisitor EmployeeTotal January91451455402912651298 February91451455402912651298 March91451455402912651298 April91451455402912651298 May91451455402912651298 June91451455402912651298 July87431455382812649287 August87431455382812649287 September 91451455402912651298 October 91451455402912651298 November 91451455402912651298 December 91451455402912651298 Steadman ClinicSteadman Clinic Based on the ULI shared parking methodology (using Town of Vail parking requirements), the proposed development has an estimated peak parking demand of 298 parking spaces at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on weekdays. This peak demand is composed of 145 patient/visitor parking spaces and 153 employee parking spaces. The final estimated shared parking demand represents a reduction of approximately 24% from the base Town of Vail parking requirement estimate of 391 parking spaces (sum of the land uses before any reduction for shared use). As the peak parking demands for the land uses occur at the same time, there are no shared parking reductions estimated - only reductions due to estimated drive ratios and weekday captive market for the lecture hall. The estimated peak parking demand includes the full NSF for the development. The development includes town council chamber space that may be used primarily during evening hours. Therefore, the potential peak parking demand for this portion of the development may occur outside of the peak periods of parking demand for the development as a whole (weekdays at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.). The size and use of the chamber space will need to be verified prior to any additional reductions of estimated peak daytime parking demands. As the development is immediately surrounded by areas designated as “Commercial Core,” it is likely that the parking demands for the development could be similar to adjacent properties. If this is the case, the parking requirements shown in Schedule A of Chapter 10 could be used to estimate development parking requirements. The estimated parking requirement for the development using Schedule A ratios would be 226 spaces (237 space base parking requirement with a 5% reduction for shared use). No additional reductions for alternative Triumph, LLC VMRM Development – Vail, CO Parking Demand Study September 4, 2012 Page 8 of 8 modes of transportation or captive market would be recommended as it is assumed that the reduced Schedule A ratios already account for these items. The possibility of using the Schedule A ratios will need to be verified with the Town of Vail prior to applying them to the development. Summary of Findings Based on our review of the proposed development, existing Town of Vail zoning requirements, and available parking demand related information, Carl Walker recommends that a minimum of 298 parking spaces be provided to support the project. As the development is currently anticipated to provide up to 305 parking spaces, the projected parking supply should be sufficient to support anticipated demands. In addition, it is anticipated that the parking for the development will include strategies for controlling access and limiting potential parking spillover from other adjacent properties. Any future changes in the land uses associated with the proposed development, or changes in prevailing market conditions, could positively or negatively impact the parking demand estimates contained in this report. Thank you very much for providing Carl Walker with this opportunity to be of service. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Matthew Q. Inman Vice President, Studies and Operations Consulting 2600 S. Lewis Way, Suite 219 Lakewood, CO 80227 P. 303.894.8800 F. 303.894.8033 carlwalker.com Preliminary Operating Methodology Outline for VMRM Parking Structure DRAFT (August 27, 2012) Potential Parking Allocations per Latest Concept (Estimated Demand per Shared Parking Study shown in parentheses): MOB Employee: 145 (86) parking spaces MOB Patient/Visitor: 84 (123) parking spaces Town of Vail (TOV): 72 (57) parking spaces VVMC: 44 parking spaces TOTAL: 345 parking spaces Potential parking allocations on weekends and holidays will vary from those shown above. During weekends and holidays, a significant portion of the parking spaces will be made available for public parking (all non-reserved spaces). General Assumptions: 1. The total on-site parking supply will be 345 spaces. 2. The parking facility will be operated in a fashion that maximizes the sharing of available parking. While some users and/or user groups may have reserved spaces, most of the parking in the facility will be available for shared use. Anticipated parking user allocations will be managed and controlled using signage, parking management strategies, and appropriate technologies. 3. The parking facility will be controlled using a facility-wide parking access and revenue control system. This approach is typical for parking facilities where control is important due to the user groups served, concerns about spillover parking from adjacent land uses, and/or safety and security issues. The anticipated access and revenue control system will include: a. Access control gates in each entry/exit lane to restrict access to authorized parkers (e.g., employees, patients, and visitors) and ensure proper validation usage and/or fee payment. b. Ticket dispensers in each entry lane for transient parker entry. Transient parking will be limited to development patients and visitors during weekdays. Public parking will be available on weekends and holidays for TOV spaces. c. Credential readers in each entry/exit lane for employee entry and exit. Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) tag readers in each entry/exit lane. This approach is described further in the Preliminary Operating Methodologies by User Group section. VMRM Development – Vail, CO Preliminary Operating Methodologies - DRAFT August 27, 2012 Page 2 of 9 d. Transient parking revenue control equipment to process transient validations and payments for exit. Pay-on-Foot machines (automatic pay stations) will be located near pedestrian entry points and exit verifiers will be installed in each exit lane. This approach is described further in the Preliminary Operating Methodologies by User Group section. e. Pay-on-Foot machines will be located so as to be reasonably protected from the weather and accessible during evenings, weekends, and holidays. f. Intercoms mounted to ticket dispensers (entry lanes), exit verifiers (exit lanes), and Pay-on-Foot machines for parkers to summon assistance when needed. g. External lot full or variable message signage (VMS). h. Central control computer to control and monitor all parking access and revenue control equipment. This will include software to provide the following services: i. Access Control (to program, track, and reconcile employee parkers and related activities). ii. Revenue Control (for transient parker access and revenue control). iii. Count Control (to monitor facility utilization, control lot full or VMS signs, and limit access to specific users as needed). iv. System Activity Monitoring (to monitor lane equipment for access and revenue control, as well as system maintenance). v. System Reporting (to provide necessary utilization, revenue control, access control, and activity reports). i. The control/monitoring of the facility may be integrated with existing Town of Vail parking access and revenue control systems. 4. The parking facility may be operated and managed by the Vail Valley Medical Center / TOV JV operating group or by the existing Town of Vail parking management program. Preliminary Operating Methodologies by User Groups: Steadman Clinic Steadman Clinic parking will include patients, visitors, and employees. The following outlines the operating methodology for each Steadman Clinic user subgroup. 1. Patients and Visitors VMRM Development – Vail, CO Preliminary Operating Methodologies - DRAFT August 27, 2012 Page 3 of 9 a. Patient and visitor parking will be primarily located in shared portions of the facility. Approximately 19 patient/visitor parking spaces will be provided at grade. The at-grade spaces will not be access controlled. Instead, signage will be used to reserve the area. b. A Pay-on-Foot methodology will be used to control patient and visitor access: i. Parker pulls a ticket from a ticket dispenser to enter the parking garage. The control gate will open once the ticket is pulled from the dispenser. The parker will then park his/her vehicle. After parking, the parker must take their ticket with them for processing prior to returning to their vehicle. ii. Either before or after their visit, patients and visitors will be provided with a parking validation by the clinic. This validation will provide free parking for guests and patients. iii. At the conclusion of the stay, a parker with a validated ticket can go directly to the exit lane. Parkers without a validation must visit a Pay-on- Foot machine to pay the parking charge. If visiting a Pay-on-Foot machine, the parker will insert their parking ticket into the machine and the machine will automatically calculate the fee (if any) based on a preset fee table and the duration of the stay (e.g., hourly rate, special event rate, evening rate, or flat daily rate). iv. The machine will collect the fee and provide change if necessary. The fee could be paid using coins, cash, or a credit/debit card (or some combination thereof). At the conclusion of the transaction, the machine will return the ticket to the parker and he/she will return to their vehicle. The parker will then have a preset amount of time to leave the parking facility (e.g., five to ten minutes). v. When the parker pulls into an exit lane, he/she will insert their paid or validated ticket into an exit verifier. The exit verifier will determine if the ticket has been properly paid or validated. If the ticket has been paid or validated, the gate will open and the parker will be permitted to leave. If the ticket has not been paid or validated, they will be instructed to either pay in the lane using a credit/debit card (at the exit verifier) or instructed to repark and pay at a Pay-on-Foot machine. The exit verifier will process the payment (or verify payment was made) and then open the gate. vi. The Pay-on-Foot machine (and associated central control software) will provide a full accounting of daily activities. c. The amount of patient/visitor parking provided will be controlled using the VMRM Development – Vail, CO Preliminary Operating Methodologies - DRAFT August 27, 2012 Page 4 of 9 central control computer. The amount of parking provided will be programmed into the control computer, and the system will disable the ticket dispensers and illuminate full signs once the preset limit is reached. Parkers with access cards (e.g., employees) will still be able to enter the parking facility. Once patient/visitor occupancies fall below the preset threshold, the system will reactivate the ticket dispensers and turn off lot full signs. d. The revenue control equipment and control software will be capable of providing a full accounting of all patient/visitor parking activities, parking counts, validation usage, and revenues. e. Intercoms mounted to ticket dispensers (entry lanes), exit verifiers (exit lanes), and Pay-on-Foot machines for parkers to summon assistance when needed. Parking attendants will be able to assist customers with the use of the equipment, and can also vend parking gates when necessary. 2. Employees a. Parking for key staff will be individually reserved. Reserved parking spaces will be reserved for designated users 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The remaining employee allocation of parking spaces will not be individually reserved and will be located in shared areas of the facility. b. An AVI control methodology will be used for employee parking as follows: i. Each employee with parking privileges will be issued an AVI tag. The tag would be placed inside the vehicle, typically on either the lower driver’s side of the windshield or on the rearview mirror. ii. At entry, the employee will simply enter the lane. There is no need to present the tag to a reader – the reader will automatically detect the tag. The reader (and the associated control software) will determine if the tag is valid. If the tag is valid, the entry gate will open. If the tag is invalid, the gate will remain closed. iii. If the tag is valid, the employee will then pull into the parking facility. If the tag is invalid, the employee will need to use the intercom to summon assistance, leave the entry lane, or pull a ticket from the ticket dispenser and pay the appropriate transient rate (or have their parking validated). iv. At exit, the employee will enter the lane. The AVI reader will automatically detect the tag. The reader (and the associated control software) will determine if the tag is valid for exit. If the tag is valid, the exit gate will open. If the tag is invalid, the gate will remain closed. VMRM Development – Vail, CO Preliminary Operating Methodologies - DRAFT August 27, 2012 Page 5 of 9 v. If the tag is valid, the employee will then exit the parking facility. If the tag is invalid, the employee will need to use the intercom to summon assistance or repark and seek assistance. c. The central control software will be able to fully control and reconcile employee activities and accounts. d. The central control software will be able to program different levels of access for specific tags or groups of tags (e.g., some tags may only be valid from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday). e. If an employee uses a valid tag to enter the parking facility, they will not be able to pull a ticket from a ticket dispenser. f. While the amount of valid AVI tags will be controlled by the parking operator to ensure appropriate allocations are maintained, the amount of employee parking provided can also be controlled using the central control computer. Steadman Philippon Research Institute (SPRI) Steadman Philippon Research Institute parking will include both visitors and employees. The following outlines the operating methodology for each SPRI user subgroup. 1. Visitors a. Visitor parking will be primarily located in shared portions of the parking facility. Approximately 19 patient/visitor parking spaces will be provided at grade. The at-grade spaces will not be access controlled. Instead, signage will be used to reserve the area. b. Parking for SPRI visitors will be operated similarly to Steadman Clinic patients and visitors (please see section on operating methodology for Steadman Clinic Patients and Visitors starting on page 3). c. Intercoms mounted to ticket dispensers (entry lanes), exit verifiers (exit lanes), and Pay-on-Foot machines for parkers to summon assistance when needed. Parking attendants will be able to assist customers with the use of the equipment, and can also vend parking gates when necessary. 2. Employees a. Parking for key staff will be individually reserved. Reserved parking spaces will be reserved for designated users 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The remaining employee allocation of parking spaces will not be individually reserved and will be located in shared areas of the facility. VMRM Development – Vail, CO Preliminary Operating Methodologies - DRAFT August 27, 2012 Page 6 of 9 b. Parking for SPRI employees will be operated similarly to Steadman Clinic employees (please see section on operating methodology for Steadman Clinic Employees starting on page 4). Howard Head Sports Medicine Howard Head Sports Medicine (HHSM) parking will include patients, visitors, and employees. The following outlines the operating methodology for each HHSM user subgroup. 1. Patients and Visitors a. Patient and visitor parking will be primarily located in shared portions of the parking facility. Approximately 19 patient/visitor parking spaces will be provided at grade. The at-grade spaces will not be access controlled. Instead, signage will be used to reserve the area. b. Parking for HHSM patients and visitors will be operated similarly to Steadman Clinic patients and visitors (please see section on operating methodology for Steadman Clinic Patients and Visitors starting on page 3). c. Intercoms mounted to ticket dispensers (entry lanes), exit verifiers (exit lanes), and Pay-on-Foot machines for parkers to summon assistance when needed. Parking attendants will be able to assist customers with the use of the equipment, and can also vend parking gates when necessary. 2. Employees a. Parking for key staff will be individually reserved. Reserved parking spaces will be reserved for designated users 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The remaining employee allocation of parking spaces will not be individually reserved and will be located in shared areas of the facility. b. Parking for HHSM employees will be operated similarly to Steadman Clinic employees (please see section on operating methodology for Steadman Clinic Employees starting on page 4). Town of Vail (TOV) Town of Vail parking will include visitors, employees, and town vehicles. The following outlines the operating methodology for each TOV user subgroup. 1. Visitors a. Most of the visitor parking will be located in shared portions of the parking facility. Approximately 13 spaces will be provided at grade level. VMRM Development – Vail, CO Preliminary Operating Methodologies - DRAFT August 27, 2012 Page 7 of 9 b. Some of the grade-level parking spaces will be reserved for contractor parking. These spaces will be provided in surface and podium locations. c. Parking for TOV visitors will be operated similarly to Steadman Clinic patients and visitors (please see section on operating methodology for Steadman Clinic Patients and Visitors starting on page 3). d. Intercoms mounted to ticket dispensers (entry lanes), exit verifiers (exit lanes), and Pay-on-Foot machines for parkers to summon assistance when needed. Parking attendants will be able to assist customers with the use of the equipment, and can also vend parking gates when necessary. 2. Employees a. Parking for key staff will be individually reserved. Reserved parking spaces will be reserved for designated users 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The remaining employee allocation of parking spaces will not be individually reserved and will be located in shared areas of the facility. b. Parking for TOV employees will be operated similarly to Steadman Clinic employees (please see section on operating methodology for Steadman Clinic Employees starting on page 4). 3. Town Vehicles a. Parking spaces for TOV vehicles may or may not be reserved. b. Parking for TOV vehicles will be operated similarly to Steadman Clinic employees (please see section on operating methodology for Steadman Clinic Employees starting on page 4). Each vehicle will be issued an AVI for facility access. Public Parking (During Weekends and Holidays) It is anticipated that public parking will be limited to weekends and holidays. It is assumed that public parking will be limited to short-term (transient) parkers paying an hourly or flat fee. Public parking will only be permitted in TOV areas, not reserved or MOB parking spaces. The following outlines the operating methodology for public parking. a. Pay-on-Foot Methodology: i. Parker pulls a ticket from a ticket dispenser to enter the parking garage. The control gate will open once the ticket is pulled from the dispenser. The parker will then park his/her vehicle. After parking, the parker must take their ticket with them for processing prior to returning to their vehicle. VMRM Development – Vail, CO Preliminary Operating Methodologies - DRAFT August 27, 2012 Page 8 of 9 ii. At the conclusion of the stay, the parker must visit a Pay-on-Foot machine to pay the parking charge. The parker will insert their parking ticket into the machine and the machine will automatically calculate the fee based on a preset fee table and the duration of the stay (e.g., hourly rate, special event rate, evening rate, or flat daily rate). iii. The machine will collect the fee and provide change if necessary. The fee could be paid using cash or a credit/debit card. At the conclusion of the transaction, the machine will return the ticket to the parker and he/she will return to their vehicle. The parker will then have a preset amount of time to leave the parking facility (e.g., five to ten minutes). iv. When the parker pulls into an exit lane, he/she will insert their paid ticket into an exit verifier. The exit verifier will determine if the ticket has been properly paid. If the ticket has been paid, the control gate will open and the parker will be permitted to leave. If the ticket has not been paid, they will be instructed to either pay in the lane using a credit/debit card (at the exit verifier) or instructed to repark and pay at a Pay-on-Foot machine. The exit verifier will process the payment (or verify that the payment was made) and then open the control gate. v. The Pay-on-Foot machine (and associated central control software) will provide a full accounting of daily activities. b. The amount of public parking provided will be controlled using the central control computer. The amount of parking provided will be programmed into the control computer, and the system will disable the ticket dispensers and illuminate full signs once the preset limit is reached. Other authorized parkers (e.g., Steadman Clinic, SPRI, HH, and TOV employees with reserved spaces) will still be able to enter the parking facility. Once public parking occupancies fall below the preset threshold, the system will reactivate the ticket dispensers and turn off lot full signs. c. The revenue control equipment and control software will be capable of providing a full accounting of all activities, parking counts, and revenues. d. Intercoms mounted to ticket dispensers (entry lanes), exit verifiers (exit lanes), and Pay-on-Foot machines for parkers to summon assistance when needed. Parking attendants will be able to assist customers with the use of the equipment, and can also vend parking gates when necessary. e. On occasion, or possibly as an on-going policy during ski season, there could be free parking in the garage. If this occurs, there are two primary strategies that could be employed (in order of typical preference by parking operators): VMRM Development – Vail, CO Preliminary Operating Methodologies - DRAFT August 27, 2012 Page 9 of 9 a. The parking control gates could be placed in the open position and other control equipment (e.g., ticket dispensers, exit verifiers, and Pay-on-Foot machines) would be disabled or turned off as appropriate. Vehicles would be able to freely enter and exit the parking facility. The central control computer could still monitor facility occupancy and activate/deactivate lot full signs if desired. b. The control gates and other equipment could remain active. The system could be programmed to provide weekend parking at no charge. Public parking patrons could simply insert their parking tickets into the exit verifiers for a free exit. Providing public parking can create a number of benefits, as well as result in a number of challenges. The potential pros and cons of providing public parking are as follows: Pros:  Generate revenue to help fund operations, maintenance, and debt service.  Maximizing use of the facility and the parking investment.  Addressing current and future public parking demands in the area.  May provide additional convenience to area parkers.  Could help support adjacent businesses.  Reduce demand for more parking in area. Cons:  Potential liability concerns.  Potential security concerns.  Additional wear and tear on parking surfaces and equipment.  Additional maintenance requirements (e.g., sweeping and trash pick-up).  Increased equipment costs.  Emergency facility egress difficult when clinics/offices are closed.  Additional management and revenue control needs (e.g., staffing). I 1 a INTERSTATE 70 ° 1"r i SOLIM FRONTAGE ROAD N FRfltnq R SET NAIL & 1/2" BRASS WASHER EDGE OF LS #265x8 SUBJECT ._ ASPHALT` i SITE S N24 I DATE 70 sown e 7 gROAD BEAVER DAM GIR. SET #4 REBAR & j ! ` I W ca I 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP ! r! STORM CONCRETE jQ I I LS #26598 ! / INLET `. ^ d I BRIDGE 1 ST. j l ! CONCRETE PAD !! ` EDGE OF i VICINITY MAP ASPHALT t T5S R80WI ~`'`• Ir BUILDING . SET #4 REBAR & `' OUTLINE ` ., 4 1 1j2" ALUMINUM CAP % `° • `" % NOT TO SCALE LS #26598 IN / PARCEL 1 (CALC) 0.566 ACRES (CALC) 1 STORY STUCCO BUILDING I , 6• ` th POSTED ADDRESS' 111 S FRONTAGE RD. I I I I i I I I I i 1 I I I I t t i I I i I I 1 I ` I / 1 i I i i \ I \ I i I -- i LOT 2,BLK 1 \ VAIL/LIONSHEAD, SECOND FILING I I 1 I I i i I PARKING'' i STRUTURE i i b r.--" ...• -' .,` i S$ >> 164,38, -, ' -h., ° s0- I I EDGE OF Cq PROPERTY LINE ASPHALT SET #4 REBAR & I I 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP I r LS #26598 CONCRETE a I ! r , WALK 0,848, Q ' CONCRETE WALK BUILDING SET #4 REBAR & A- 20.45'47" (CALC) L= 71.54' (CALC) ! OUTLINE \® ` PROPE BK221/P6) R PEED C 30' 60' g0' i r11/2" ALUMINUM GAP LS #26598 j 1.aQ> ` • '` SCALE: 1"=30' EDGE OF DISCREPANCY FOUND r A =10'01'57" (CALC) IN LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS L- 34.56' (CALC) 1 / ! f ' 4, ASPHALT r (HATCHED AREA, SEE NOTE #8) 1 / J SET #4 REBAR & I 4 I J 1 1 /2" ALUMINUM CAP I I ! i `` ```• SET NAIL & 1/2- LS #26598 1 r BRASS WASHER LS #26598 1 /__ OLD/NEW DIVISION LINE BLDG PERIMETER OF UNDERGROUND ' PARKING 4'4' 4 CONCRETE A( A=30-47'44* "`. \ \ 4. PARCEL 2 I .:? a,'o2b ` a R =197.40 , \ \ I -. ,! ° \ 1.483 ACRES (CALC) I W 2 ° X76. a , STORML= 106.10 `'. _ \ i' , 2 STORY STUCCO BUILDING I ` „, • 7 (}' .. INLET T =54.36' . - \ \` _ - I S72- J POSTED ADDRESS: 75 S FRONTAGE RD. I ``` 70, CLEN= 104.83' 1'2'37'" J ' °` i BRG =N 564845" W \~`` i ° — • 1$JSO' 1 1 /2TA# REBA CAP STORM l`Y' `°- . _,•,. .... LS #26598 {`•- .....•J ``! s «. 1 INLET t''``- -. _ ® BUILDING I EDGE LT_ OUTLINE C ASPHALT PAVER i i- PROPERTY LINE PER DEEP "- - ' _ WALK BK221 /P6) I L I LOT E VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND FILING -- i PAGE 2 L--- - - - - -- ---------------------- -- ------------ - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------ VNB BUILDING Legal Descriptions: PARCEL 1: PARCEL 2: A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, A PART OF THE SOUTHEST ONE – QUARTER OF SECTION TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH 6, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF P.M., COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE S.E. CORNER OF SAID SECTION COMMENCING AT THE SE CORNER OF SAID SECTION 6, THENCE NOO- 2816'W AND ALONG THE E. LINE 6; THENCE N00'2816"W AND ALONG THE EAST OF SAID S.E. 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6 72.75 FEET TO A LINE OF SAID SE QUARTER 72.75 FEET TO A POINT, POINT, SAID POINT BEING 110.00 FEET SAID POINT BEING 110.00 FEET NORTHEASTERLY NORTHEASTERLY FROM THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 6 AS MEASURED AT U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 6 AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES RIGHT ANGLES THERETO; THENCE N79'4611'W THERETO; THENCE N 79'4611"W AND ALONG A AND ALONG A LINE PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTHERLY LINE PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF RIGHT OF WAY LINE 145.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT WAY LINE 145.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF OF BEGINNING; THENCE N160847'E 78.00 FEET; BEGINNING; THENCE N16'08'47E, 63.50 FEET; THENCE N68'0835"W 428.70 FEET; THENCE THENCE N72`031}2'W, 226.70 FEET; THENCE N66'0129'W 152.57 FEET, THENCE N68'08 34'W, 201.00 FEET; THENCE S27'42'40'W 192.66 FEET, THENCE N66'43'48"W, 164.39 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING S52'4850'E 36.32 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT ALONG THE AFORESAID COURSE 238.00 FEET; BEING 110.00 FEET N.E. FROM SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF THENCE S25'53"i 47.79 FEET; THENCE WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 6 AS MEASURED AT S41'2453'E, 183.50 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; RIGHT ANGLES THERETO; THENCE S79'4611'E THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A AND ALONG A LINE PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTH RIGHT RADIUS OF 197.40 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF OF WAY LINE 585.56 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF 30'47'040, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 106.10 FEET; BEGINNING, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF THENCE S 72`12 *37"E, 183.50 FEET TO A POINT COLORADO, OF INTERSECTION WITH THE N RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 6, SAID LINE BEING 110.00 EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS TAKEN BY FEET NORTHEASTERLY FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF EAGLE RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 6 AS COUNTY, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES THERETO; THENCE STATE OF COLORADO IN RULE AND ORDER RECORDED S79'46114E AND ALONG SAID N RIGHT OF WAY JANUARY 5, 1971 IN BOOK 219 AT PAGE 441. LINE 397.56 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF SAID PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED JULY 14, 1971 IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 6. PARCEL 2: 41199 HIGHWAY 6 & 24, EAGLE –VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, CO. 81632 970)949 -1406 1 _ i " `" - ``' --•.., STORM INLET `J`` 1 ! I f I( 11 CONCRETE CURB111qtyvl ' ` "" - - _ ".,."" `' - - . 1 (TYPICAL) 3 CONCRETE SET #4 REBAR &'' 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP LS #26598 N/ lire PAN `" `" -- _ I 85, S WITNESS CORNER YY +. I SET #4 REBAR dt 3 I I 1 1/2- ALUMINUM CAP eVO. &O ```` #26596 00 EDGE OF ~--- " "--- 1 ` ` ' t -- - cp Q ASPHALT, co I CONCRETE CURB TYPICAL) I pLtILUiN i OUTLINE I I I i 1 i i• RASIED CONCRETE & PAVER ISLANDS SOUTH 1/16 CORNER SECTIONS 516 FOUND 3 1/4" BRASS CAP ON 2 1/2" ALUMN. PIPE IN . _ 79'46'19 " W CURB EDGE OF INLET ASPHALT NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: 12/27/11 2) LAND TITLE GUARANTEE CO. POLICY NO. VC50032295 DATED 12/5/11 WAS RELIED UPON FOR ALL TITLE AND EASEMENT INFORMATION. 3) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4) BASIS OF BEARINGS: A LINE BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS AT THE CORNER OF SECTIONS 7 PAGE 3 AND THE SOUTH 1/16 CORNER OF SECTIONS 5 &6 HAVING A BEARING OF NOO-28'16 "W 5) BUILDING SETBACK INFORMATION IS NOT PLATTED. SETBACKS TO BE PRESCRIBED BY TOWN OF VAIL PLANNING AND ENVIROMENTAL COMMISSION AS SET FORTH IN ARTICLE C -5, CHAPTER 9 OF TOWN OF VAIL ZONING REGULATIONS. 6) THESE PARCELS MAY BE AFFECTED BY A RIGHT –OF –WAY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 127, PAGE 466, DATED JUNE, 1941 TO THE STATE OF COLORADO AS A PUBLIC HIGHWAY. THE DESCRIPTION CONTAINS TOO MANY ERRORS TO ACCURATELY PLOT. 7) THIS SURVEY AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON IS THE PROPERTY OF EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING, INC. AND IS INTENDED FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE ORIGINAL CLIENT ONLY. ANY USE OF OR TRANSFER TO OTHERS IS PROHIBITED. 8) DISCEPANCIES EXSiST BETWEEN VESTING DEEDS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT 1 70 -2(7) 183, FOUND AT BOOK 219, PAGE 441. WHERE SUCH DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND, ACCEPTED PROPERTY LINE REFLECTS THE DEEDED LEGAL DESCRITTONS. 9) ALL BURIED UTILITIES SHOWN HEREON WERE LOCATED BY OTHERS. EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILTY FOR THE ACCURACY AND /OR THE COMPLETENESS OF THE LOCATES SHOWN. JCRETE CURB TYPICAL) o, SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE To Triumph Development Co. & Land Title Guarantee Company This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2011 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA /ACSM Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 7a, 8, and 11b of Table A thereof, The field work was completed on 12/29/11. ------------------------------ Stan Hogfeldt Colorado P.L.S. 26598 Date: —___ J.S. D. S1 /16 • S51S6 1978. L. 3 n N 0a z z 0 n n 3 fV 40 z SECTION CORNER FOUND 3 1/4' ALUMN CAP SET IN VALVE BOX q\ i 0.8' BELOW ASPHALT I t I I t I t t t i i N\ EDGE OF 0 ASPHALT ouvu 41 LIGHT / LIGHTPOLE ` SIGN FLAGPOLE SEWER MANHOLE VK SEWER CLEAN0DT SEWER LINE CONCRETE WEATHER PQ ELECTRIC OUTLET ELECTRIC METER K 0 ELECTRIC MANHOLE/VAULT ASPHALT PROPERTY LINE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER WALL \ | u| LANDING PAD E --- E --- E --- BURIED ELECTRIC LINE ASPHALT WATER CURB3T0PRAMR E RUNS IN WATER GATE VALVE CONDUIT A NG WALL EDGEOF FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER VAULT WATER VALVE U --- W---N --' BURIED WATER LINE a PHONE MANHOLE/VAULTFENCE .4 Dpl PHONE PEDESTAL T---T---T BURIED PHONE LINE 0---FD---F8--- BURIED FIBER OP11C LINECONCRtTE - 0.4! DIA STEEL PROPERTY LINE PER DEED UTIL|TYHANDHOLE GUYVNRE GUY POLE ASPHALT LK 44' PARKING GAS LINE MARKER GAS METER G--- G C--- BURIED GAS LINE CABLE TV PEDESTAL CABLE TV PEDESTAL lY ---Tv ---TY --- BURIED CABLE TV LINE 110. Iq OUTLINE cv ELECTRIC TRANSFORME%/ EDGE OF o EDGE OF ASPHALT 0.566 ACRES (CALC) SWITCHBOX Ar SPLIT RAILPARKINGISTORYSTUCCOBUILDINGA' 10 ASPHALT CONCRETE FENCE WALK POSTED ADDRESS: 111 S FRONTAGE RD. Iry EDGE OF . ' SPLIT RAIL ASPHALT PARKING FENCE SAIRGE CONCRETE \ a \ CONCRETE WALK EDGE OF A pnopoRrr uws ' \ 7 iNE ROCK DITC ASPHALT 0.9' DIA ppnox uun rP.^ PARKING o 0 NTER4V (UNDER ROCK) DGE OF0Ic COVERED ENTRY 4" PARKI RAMP 47, 1 Vv WAU,,, EDGE OF CONCRETE DIVISION LINE ASPHALT 4v PROPERTYLINE PER DEED WALK OLD/NEW BLDG RIME R UNDERGROUND PARKING PE EDGE OF PARKING PARCEL 2 WALK 2 STORY STUCCO BUILDING 12, 1 ' __1 . ll . .q _X/ NIT ;P"91 POSTED ADDRESS: 75 S FRONTAGE RD. DETAIL- EDGE OF 4, ASPHALT PICAL WALL UTILITY XTENSION ENCLOSURE BLDG 4v O/H CONCRETE 0AbA if A/C UNITSWALKAllc' ONCRETE CONCRETEEDGEOFII 4v ASPHALT I WALL WALK/STEPS PROPERTY LINEZ` _-::K —4, T INLET PARKING PROPERTY LINE PER DEED STRUCTURE ER WALLEDGEOF BLDG. LOT 2,BLK 1 (TYPICAL) OUTLINEASPHALIc, LAIONSHEAD, SECOND FILING 4 FA 163' 0.4t CONCRETE La. AIRJ/ ,—PAD DECK o__"___- INLET^ "--«--^ BUILDING / -_-~_.* BELOW GRADE) CONCRETE CON RETEWALKPAN CONCRETE TOP BACK WALL CURB CURB w~— y ELECTRONIC SIGN 4 1 uu| It m V;\8- VILLAGE, SECOND FILING - —" , FO re TOP ACK E FO CURB Fe FoVNBBUILDINGv/_ re re 41190 HIGHWAY 6 &: 24` EAGLE—VAIL ro 970)949-1406 _—Z e__ FO DRN. BY dje LDATE: 12/2, E EDGE OF ASPHALTPPERTYLINE LIGHT / LIGHTPOLE SIGNSPLITRAIL FLAGPOLE Ar FENCE SEWER MANHOLE16&.43, x SEWER CLEANOUT SPLIT RAIL SEWER LINE FENCE _ _ G ELECTRIC OUTLET SAIRGE FENI ELECTRIC METERN 1 -1 __, -1 @ ELECTRIC MANHOLE/VAULT CONCRETE e ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER EDGE OF WALK c E — E E BURIED ELECTRIC LINE ASPHALT WATER CURBSTOPPARKING WATER GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT GUY WIRES ` e r E `' ' ° ` WATER METER VAULT WATER VALVE CONIC. PAD W/ ANTENNA INLET IAI W W W BURIED WATER LINEBUILDING OUTLINE 1.0' DIA PVC 0) PHONE MANHOLE/VAULTFA 'r 1 1 1- -1. 0-- c -_ tiROCKDITC0.8' z 20' 40' 60' PHONE PEDESTAL 4k 4 TE E T — T — T — BURIED PHONE LINE0.9' DIA ASPHALT EL PIP PARKING 4E' APPROX OUTLET FO — FO — FO — BURIED FIBER OPTIC LINE1.0' DIA PVC LATER (UNDER ROCK) UTILITY HANDHOLEopk1. 44f /o GUY WIRE EDGE OF ASPHALT _>0 GUY POLE A GAS LINE MARKER 6a- 0 GAS METER COVERED ENTRY G G G BURIED GAS LINEiiiAW/ STAIRS & RAMP N 41 X01 O t PROPERTY LINE CABLE TV PEDESTAL CABLE TV PEDESTAL BLDG GE TV TV TV BURIED CABLE TV LINEOUTLINELA A ELECTRONIC rte` CONCRETE DIVISION LINE SIGN WALK OLD/NEW BLDG PERIMETER J; >91 v UNDERGROUND PARKING EDGE OF ASPHALT PARKING PARCEL 2 1.483 ACRES (CALC) 0.3' BOULDER WALLS 2 STORY STUCCO BUILDING 0 3' POSTED ADDRESS: 75 S FRONTAGE RD. N STORM EDGE OFAUNIT '.9, INLET ASPHALTA; 0.3 1.0' ANTENNADETAIL. TYPICAL WALL U11LITY CONCRETE PAD cu EXTENSION ENCLOSURE BLDG W/ MECHANICAL ZtI O/H 0/14 gBLDG. N, w .3, 0.70, 9.0' A UNITS TOP BACK CONCRETE 4*4 PROPERTY LINE ASPHALT 4v CURB WALK/STEPS PARKING 10. T— T 0. ti T T— T—T—T—T—T- I "I, C'Moll w __ . — . \ j 237" )8( 181.4' 4 w __ i? t 0 ELEC. INLET - w A- PROPERTY LINE PER DEED METERS BK221/P6) .0, 2.5' 9. BOULDER PROPERTY LINE PER DEED WALL BLDG. 44 tu m (SK221 /P6) TYPICAL) 16.3, 0.4' F)L 'K DECK CONCRETE ISLANDYbP;BAC4CRE7ECURB STAIR1,17-iPANtc°' 0.5' DIA STEEL W/ KEYPAD & GUARDPOSTS PAN 9 40 7v 14' 5R CONCRSTOR CONCRETE IV STORM TSNLETGUARDPOS 0.4, INLET -PA15* 0.7' DIA STEEL 2.2' PROPERTY LINE GUARDPOST 4t m 8.c' TOP BACK CHAINLINK 4v/ ov CURB DOG KENNEL m Q EDGE OF ASPHALT S 7 ASPHALT PARKING E_E—E/ CON ETE PAN STORM '397-56 INVERT ININLETTOPCURBdy dy CURB 1.5' DIA CMPrq CONCRETE PAN "`"- -' G e ."""'.,. 245.8' l m GIf41 1015 00h Iv / TOP BACKflyIURBPBACK ',TA7E7 F),OIVT EDGE OF CURB NIGFIW AGE 4v e E — i EDGE OF ASPHALTA'y No. R.0AQ ASPHALT F76PAN CONCR z:z_ — 0 PROPERTYT LINE 7' I ••-„•_ -^-- ry. ) PAN — — T% re rd r M_ TOP BACK TyCURB TV Tr_ E E 0, V— ly—rr Fe re to 00 F, C_ — rr ro Gv_ e Fe m I "!II / m TV f m m I m I m I In I I m in 71 471,94 a _A-f 1-11 w a 11 11 ! 11k, 7 MR : AwAJA 111 1,4 re 41199 HIGHWAY 6 & 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, CO. 81632 970)949-1406 7y— STORM INLET I . . J'wmw.m m. STORM INLET P.O.B. TOP BACK CURB A BACK N 79-46,11. 145.50 T'_ ) Y_ ry — 9 SOUTH 1/16 CORNER SECTIONS 51 6,--_ FOUND 3 1/4- BRASS CAP ON 2 1/2" ALUMN. PIPE SECTION CORNER FOUND 3 1/4- ALUMN CAP SEI IN VALVE BOX 0.8* BELOW ASPHALT U) n 00 0 ko 2 0004 n dZ O Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 •Design a new office building for the Vail Community that is indicative of Vail’s brand, spirit & heritage •Design a new office building for the Town of Vail municipal corporation which is highly functional, user-friendly, flexible & adaptable •Design an energy efficient, cost effective, building that is representative of the premier international mountain resort community •Design a new building that integrates with the neighboring mob facility and is coordi- nated with the existing police department addition and all that carries with it •Design a building that ensures ease of access to local government through improved customer service capabilities and more efficient consolidated operations •Design a building which optimizes workflow, improves the delivery of municipal gov- ernment services and includes an increased presence and use of technology •Deliver a new home for the Town’s Administration, community development, economic development, finance human resources, informational technology, municipal court and police departments PAGE1 PROJECT GOALS Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 •Civic Use •Community’s heritage •Customer focus •Accessible •Permanence/Strength •Transparent •Vail’s Brand •Vail’s Spirit •Inviting/Welcoming •Flexible/Adaptable •Worldly/International •Sophisticated •Technologically advanced •Efficient/Productive •Sustainable •Active/Energetic •Excellence ToWn oF VAIl MUnICIPAl oFFICES Design ConCepts PAGE2 DESIGN CONCEPTS Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE3 MuNICIPAL DEvELOPMENT - ARChITECTuRAL ChARACTER vAIL ARChITECTuRAL PRECEDENT DETAIL / vOCABuLARY PRECEDENT Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE4 MuNICIPAL DEvELOPMENT - ARChITECTuRAL CONCEPTS Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE5 MuNICPAL BuILDING TOwER AESThETIC Iconic Element for the Vail Town Hall Focal point from I-70 Identification of a Safe Zone Element for light and Effects ADJACENCY Provide a height relationship to the Medical Office Building Visual separation between MOB & the Municpal Building Provides means of Identification FuNCTIONAL Provides a means of vertical circulation Promote an exciting view and stair experience to encourage use of the stair and less elevator traffic Will Co-locate cellular towers for the town Home for 60’ transmitting tower View Platform Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE6 2 A4.01 1 A4.01 1 A4.02 2 A4.02 1712.5 14.1 D.4 C.5 D.8 15.2 B.5 A.1 E.9 43' - 0"30' - 0"30' - 0" 30' - 0" 27' - 0" 30' - 0" 30' - 0" 13 E.4 ADAADA 16.4 CONNECTION - --- 2 A4.11 1 A4.11 - --- ENTRY FINANCE - --- - --- 209 SF STAIR 1802 SF AMENITIES STORAGE 4431 SF PARKING 1243 SF COMMON 152 SF RR 151 SF RR 162 SF EGRESS 167 SF CONF. 90 SF PARKING 75 SF VAULT 111 SF OFFICE44 SF IT 109 SF OFFICE 63 SF MAIL STOR. 112 SF OFFICE 72 SF ELEV. 79 SF PRINT 1076 SF OPEN OFFICE 545 SF POLICE 105 SF VESTIBULE 464 SF MUNICIPALCOURT STAFF 163 SF STORAGE 61 SF ELEV 108 SF OFFICE 139 SF RECEPTION 38 SF JANITOR 108 SF ELEC 90 SF WAITING 75 SF INTERVIEW 69 SF TOILET 55 SF STOR 93 SF OFFICE 253 SF COMMON 71 SF INTERVIEW 55 SF PROPERTY 123 SF VESTIBULE 43 SF SECURE 24' - 0" B LEVEL 1LIMITS OFWORK 1 A5.10 2 A5.10 1 A5.11 2 A5.11 3 A5.11 PROJ. NO. DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: REVISIONS © OZ ARCHITECTURE SCALE: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE: ISSUED FOR: APPROVED: 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 VAIL, CO 8/10/2012 2:07:29 PM C:\Revit Local Files\112014.00 TOVMB_A12\112014.00 TOVMB_A12_aIrfano.rvt 1/8" = 1'-0" TO W N O F V A I L M U N I C I P A L 112014.00 dd wrh 08-09-2012 SCHEMATIC DESIGN LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN A2.01 TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL 1/8" = 1'-0"1 LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN 0'4'8'16'32' NOTE : FOR WINDOW LOCATIONSREFER TO BUILDING ELEVATIONS T R U E N O R T H FIRST FLOOR PLAN Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE7 UP 2 A4.01 1 A4.01 1 A4.02 2 A4.02 - --- 1712.5 14.1 D.4 C.5 D.8 15.2 B.5 A.1 E.9 20' - 0" 10' - 0" 27' - 0" 30' - 0" 30' - 0" 13 E.4 16.4 DISCHARGE TOGRADE HERE HUMAN RESOURCES OPEN TOBELOW TE R R A C E - --- - --- 2 A4.11 1 A4.11 - --- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOW HEIGHT PANELSFOR LINE OF SITE TO LOBBY STAND UP TEMP.WORK SPACE - --- - --- - --- 205 SF STAIR 1400 SF COMMON 152 SF RR 153 SF RR 120 SF OFFICE 1948 SF OPEN OFFICE 120 SF OFFICE 110 SF OFFICE 248 SF SHARED WORK 67 SF JANITOR 39 SF ELEC. 41 SF IT 289 SF MAIN STAIR 72 SF ELEV 103 SF OFFICE 90 SF WAITING 317 SF COMPUTER LAB 454 SF IT SERVER 261 SF IT OFFICE 422 SF SEATING AREA 104 SF RR 85 SF RR 61 SF ELEV 120 SF OFFICE ECON. DEV. 412 SF POLICE DEPT +15' - 0" +10' - 0" 55 SF OFFICE 56 SF OFFICE 60 SF OFFICE 236 SF OFFICE 759 SF OPEN OFFICE 197 SF WAITING/RECP. 279 SF OPEN OFFICE B LEVEL 2LIMITS OFWORK 1 A5.10 2 A5.10 1 A5.11 2 A5.11 3 A5.11 PROJ. NO. DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: REVISIONS © OZ ARCHITECTURE SCALE: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE: ISSUED FOR: APPROVED: 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 VAIL, CO 8/10/2012 2:07:32 PM C:\Revit Local Files\112014.00 TOVMB_A12\112014.00 TOVMB_A12_aIrfano.rvt 1/8" = 1'-0" TO W N O F V A I L M U N I C I P A L 112014.00 dd wrh 08-09-2012 SCHEMATIC DESIGN LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN A2.02 TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL 1/8" = 1'-0"1 LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN 0'4'8'16'32' NOTE : FOR WINDOW LOCATIONSREFER TO BUILDING ELEVATIONS T R U E N O R T H SECOND FLOOR PLAN Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE8 2 A4.01 1 A4.01 1 A4.02 2 A4.02 17 17 12.5 12.5 14.1 14.1 D.4 C.5 D.8 15.2 15.2 B.5 A.1 2099 SF TOWN COUNCIL 209 SF STAIR E.9 13 13 E.4 16.4 16.4 TOWN COUNCIL TE R R A C E 152 SF RR 153 SF RR TERRACE TOWN COUNCIL ADMIN 232 SF OFFICE 119 SF OFFICE - --- - --- 2 A4.11 1 A4.11 - --- - --- - --- - --- 13' - 0"30' - 0"30' - 0"30' - 0" 30' - 0" 27' - 0" 30' - 0" 30' - 0" CONF SAFE ROOM TOWN MGRTOWN ATTORNEY PRESENTER DEPUTY TOWN MGRTOWN STAFFTOWN STAFF 7 COUNCIL MEMBERS 2077 SF PREFUNCTION 53 SF JANITOR 50 SF ELEC 44 SF IT 464 SF BREAK ROOM 195 SF OFFICE 136 SF BREAKOUT 127 SF CATERING COFFEE 185 SF CONF 90 SF STOR 72 SF ELEV. KITCHENETTE 95 SF CONF 41 SF STOR 121 SF OFFICE 173 SF RECEPTION 295 SF MAIN STAIR COUNCILCONTROLDESK 104 SF PRINT 602 SF OPEN OFFICE 31 SF STOR TERRACE 58 SF CONTROL 61 SF STORAGE 658 SF MULTIPURPOSE B 1 A5.10 2 A5.10 1 A5.11 2 A5.11 3 A5.11 PROJ. NO. DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: REVISIONS © OZ ARCHITECTURE SCALE: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE: ISSUED FOR: APPROVED: 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 VAIL, CO 8/10/2012 2:07:38 PM C:\Revit Local Files\112014.00 TOVMB_A12\112014.00 TOVMB_A12_aIrfano.rvt 1/8" = 1'-0" TO W N O F V A I L M U N I C I P A L 112014.00 dd wrh 08-09-2012 SCHEMATIC DESIGN LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN A2.03 TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL 1/8" = 1'-0"1 LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN 0'4'8'16'32' NOTE : FOR WINDOW LOCATIONSREFER TO BUILDING ELEVATIONS T R U E N O R T H ThIRD FLOOR PLAN Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE9 2 A4.01 1 A4.01 1 A4.02 2 A4.02 1712.5 14.1 D.4 C.5 D.8 15.2 B.5 A.1 E.9 13 E.4 16.4 B 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 5:12 2:12 2:12 STANDINGSEAM METAL ROOF ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF ASPHALT SHINGLEROOF ASPHALT SHINGLEROOF ASPHALT SHINGLEROOF STANDINGSEAM METAL ROOF PROJ. NO. DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: REVISIONS © OZ ARCHITECTURE SCALE: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE: ISSUED FOR: APPROVED: 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 VAIL, CO 8/10/2012 2:07:39 PM C:\Revit Local Files\112014.00 TOVMB_A12\112014.00 TOVMB_A12_aIrfano.rvt 1/8" = 1'-0" TO W N O F V A I L M U N I C I P A L 112014.00 Author Checker 08-09-2012 SCHEMATIC DESIGN ROOF PLAN A2.04 TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL Approver 0'4'8'16'32' T R U E N O R T H 1/8" = 1'-0"1 ROOF PLAN ROOF PLAN Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE10 METAL PANEL SIDINGM-1 EXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGEND ROOFASPHALT ORCOMPOSITESHINGLE WOODHEAVY TIMBER, TRIM STUCCOBEIGE 1 R-1 WD-1 S-1 STONECOURSED, ASHLARST-1 WOOD SIDINGHORIZONTALWD-2 STUCCOBEIGE 2S-2 LEVEL 1101' - 0" LEVEL 2115' - 0" ROOF143' - 0" LEVEL 3129' - 0" PARKING 191' - 0" 1712.5 14.1 15.213 16.4 LEVEL 1101' - 0" LEVEL 2115' - 0" ROOF143' - 0" LEVEL 3129' - 0" GRADE100' - 0" POLICE110' - 0" D.4 C.5D.8 B.5 A.1E.9 E.4 B PROJ. NO. DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: REVISIONS © OZ ARCHITECTURE SCALE: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE: ISSUED FOR: APPROVED: 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 VAIL, CO 8/10/2012 2:07:56 PM C:\Revit Local Files\112014.00 TOVMB_A12\112014.00 TOVMB_A12_aIrfano.rvt 1/8" = 1'-0" TO W N O F V A I L M U N I C I P A L 112014.00 DD WRH 08-09-2012 SCHEMATIC DESIGN BUILDING ELEVATIONS A4.01 TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL EI 0'4'8'16'32' 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"2 EAST ELEVATION 8218’-0” 8204’-0” 8190’-0” 8176’-0” 8218’-0” 8204’-0” 8190’-0” 8185’-0” 8176’-0” 8226’-0” 8238-0” 14’-0” 14’-0” 14’-0” 8’-0” 20’-0” 14’-0” 14’-0” 14’-0” 8’-0” 20’-0” 8226’-0” 8238-0” ELEvATIONS Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE11 METAL PANEL SIDINGM-1 EXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGEND ROOFASPHALT ORCOMPOSITESHINGLE WOODHEAVY TIMBER, TRIM STUCCOBEIGE 1 R-1 WD-1 S-1 STONECOURSED, ASHLARST-1 WOOD SIDINGHORIZONTALWD-2 STUCCOBEIGE 2S-2 LEVEL 1101' - 0" LEVEL 2115' - 0" ROOF143' - 0" LEVEL 3129' - 0" GRADE100' - 0" POLICE110' - 0" D.4C.5 D.8B.5A.1 E.9E.4B LEVEL 1101' - 0" LEVEL 2115' - 0" ROOF143' - 0" LEVEL 3129' - 0" GRADE100' - 0" POLICE110' - 0" 17 12.514.115.2 1316.4 PROJ. NO. DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: REVISIONS © OZ ARCHITECTURE SCALE: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE: ISSUED FOR: APPROVED: 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 VAIL, CO 8/10/2012 2:07:58 PM C:\Revit Local Files\112014.00 TOVMB_A12\112014.00 TOVMB_A12_aIrfano.rvt 1/8" = 1'-0" TO W N O F V A I L M U N I C I P A L 112014.00 DD WRH 08-09-2012 SCHEMATIC DESIGN BUILDING ELEVATIONS A4.02 TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL EI 0'4'8'16'32' 1/8" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"2 NORTH ELEVATION 8218’-0” 8204’-0” 8190’-0” 8185’-0” 8176’-0” 8218’-0” 8204’-0” 8190’-0” 8176’-0” 14’-0” 14’-0” 8’-0” 20’-0” 8218’-0” 8204’-0” 8190’-0” 8176’-0” 8226’-0” 8238-0” ELEvATIONS Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE12 LEVEL 1101' - 0" LEVEL 2115' - 0" ROOF143' - 0" LEVEL 3129' - 0" POLICE110' - 0" D.4 C.5D.8 B.5 A.1E.9 E.4 PARKING PARKING GARAGE +8174.5 B TOWN COUNCILPREFUNCTIONOFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE COMMONCONFERENCEWELLNESS AMENITIESSTORAGECONF.OFFICEOFFICEOFFICE CORRIDOR OPEN OFFICE OPEN OFFICE 14' - 0" 14' - 0" 5' - 0" 9' - 0" LEVEL 1101' - 0" LEVEL 2115' - 0" ROOF143' - 0" LEVEL 3129' - 0" GRADE100' - 0" POLICE110' - 0" - --- D.4 C.5D.8 B.5 A.1E.9 E.4 - --- - --- B MULTIPURPOSECATERINGPREFUNCTION COMMON WAITINGRECEPTION OPEN OFFICE AMENITIESSTORAGEPARKINGCOMMON 14' - 0" 14' - 0" 14' - 0" 1' - 0" TOWN COUNCIL PARKING GARAGE A5.11 1 2 A5.11 3 A5.11 PROJ. NO. DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: REVISIONS © OZ ARCHITECTURE SCALE: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE: ISSUED FOR: APPROVED: 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 VAIL, CO 8/10/2012 2:07:59 PM C:\Revit Local Files\112014.00 TOVMB_A12\112014.00 TOVMB_A12_aIrfano.rvt 1/8" = 1'-0" TO W N O F V A I L M U N I C I P A L 112014.00 Author Checker 08-09-2012 SCHEMATIC DESIGN BUILDING SECTIONS A4.11 TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL Approver 0'4'8'16'32' 1/8" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING SECTION 1 1/8" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING SECTION 2 SECTIONS Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE13 PROJ. NO. DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: REVISIONS © OZ ARCHITECTURE SCALE: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE: ISSUED FOR: APPROVED: 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 VAIL, CO 8/10/2012 2:08:00 PM C:\Revit Local Files\112014.00 TOVMB_A12\112014.00 TOVMB_A12_aIrfano.rvt TO W N O F V A I L M U N I C I P A L 112014.00 Author Checker 08-09-2012 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 3D VIEW A4.21 TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL Approver PERSPECTIVE VIEW FROM SOUTHEAST PERSPECTIVE VIEW FROM NORTHWEST PERSPECTIvES Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE14 PROJ. NO. DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: REVISIONS © OZ ARCHITECTURE SCALE: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE: ISSUED FOR: APPROVED: 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 VAIL, CO 8/10/2012 2:08:01 PM C:\Revit Local Files\112014.00 TOVMB_A12\112014.00 TOVMB_A12_aIrfano.rvt TO W N O F V A I L M U N I C I P A L 112014.00 Author Checker 08-09-2012 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 3D VIEW A4.22 TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL Approver PERSPECTIVE VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST PERSPECTIvE Vail medical municipal deVelopment Vail, co toWn oF Vail | pec Worksession • 10 september 2012 PAGE15 MuNICIPAL DEvELOPMENT / MEDICAL OFFICE BuILDING ELEvATIONS SOuTh ELEvATION - ACCROSS SITE 1/2 OF ThE MEDICAL OFFICE BuILDING MuNCIPAL BuILDING POLICE BuILDING VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUTH ELEVATION VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 PERSPECTIVE VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 PERSPECTIVE VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 PERSPECTIVE VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 SITE PLAN VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 GARAGE B1 GARAGE B2 GARAGE B3 PARKING GARAGE VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 PARKING EGRESSSTAIR1 PASS.ELEV.1 PASS.ELEV.2 LOBBY/ COMMON AREAS MUSEUM/ EDUCATION SPACE WORK WAITING RECEPTION OFFICE TOILET DRESS CLEAN READING ROOM MRISUITE MRI EQUIPMENT FUTUREMRI MRICONTROL MRI SOILEDMEPPLANT EGRESSSTAIR2 SERV.ELEV. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D H E.3 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' G STORAGE MRI EQUIPMENT MEN WOMEN E F FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE : 1/16” = 1’ VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 LECTUREHALL (80SEATS) OPTIONALAV ROOM EGRESSSTAIR1 MD/STAFF LOUNGE/IDEAS CAFE LOBBY PASSELEV.2 PASS.ELEV.1 MENWOMEN ADMIN STORAGE STEADMAN CLINICSHELL SPACE (POTENTIAL INTERIM CAFETERIA) FUTUREOFFICEOFFICE(MED RECMGR.) SHAREDOFFICE (CAROLYN/ LORI) OFFICE(LAURA) CEOOFFICE WORKROOMFUTUREOFFICE OREMRPROC. GENERAL STORAGE ITͲSERVERS AND(3)STAFF MEDICAL RECORDS/ FUTURESTAFF AREAS PARTNER LOCKERS SERV.ELEV. EGRESSSTAIR2 OPENTO LOADING BELOW INSURANCE STAFF PBX OPERATOR/ APPT. SCHEDULER/ FUTURE STEADMAN CLINIC ADMINSTRATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D H E.3 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' G DN DN DN CATERING KITCHEN E F SKYFOLD STEPPED ANDSLOPED POWERLIFT WALL LIFT SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE : 1/16” = 1’ VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 UP DN UP DN SPRIͲ BIOMOTION LAB MACHINESHOP TOILET STOR. BIOMECHANICAL TESTING EGRESSSTAIR1 PUBLICTOILETPUBLICTOILET BOARDROOM LOBBY PASS.ELEV.1 PASS.ELEV.2 CEOOFFICE CFOOFFICE HROFFICE SKILLSOFFICE BIOOFFICE HIPPRES. OFFICE BASICSCIENCE OFFICE INJURY PREVENTION OFFICE MRIOFFICE STEADMAN PHILIPPON RESEARCH INSTITUTE ADMIN. EGRESSSTAIR2 SERV.ELEV.FELLOWSͲ12 STATIONS MDLOCKERS MDLOCKERS ELECT.JAN. STORAGE SURGICAL SKILLSLAB VENDOR STORAGE INVITROPREP 14Ͳ16STATIONS INSTRUCTOR STATION VIEWSTO ROBOT/PRIVACY SCREEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D H E.3 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' G DEVELOPMENT OFFICE EDUOFFICE CLIN.RESEARCH DIR. STOR. 8INTERNS INTERNS BASICSCIENCE LAB FELLOWS/ INTERNS:MRI/ HIPPRES, INJURYPRES. IP IP HIP HIP HIP MRI MRI MRI BIOMECHANICAL STAFF BIOMECH. INTERNS AVOFFICE WORK/STOR/ PLOTROOM RECEPTION OFFICE WAITINGAREA RAMPUP PI T PI T FP FP FP FP FPFP E F RUBBER OVERCONCRETEFLOORINGSURFACE SYNTHETIC ICEPANELS OVERCONCRETEFLOORINGSURFACE RAISED ACCESSFLOORING DUALBLACKOUT/ROLLERSHADES ROLLͲDOWN PRIVACYSCREEN PROVIDEFULL HEIGHTFRAMED PLEXIGLASS PANELS MILL LATHE ASSEMBLY WORKBENCH DRILL PRESS SANDER/ GRINDER BANDSAW ELECTRONICS WORKBENCH STORAGE CABINET FREEZER REF FREEZER FREEZER PREPTABLES PREPTABLES SOUNDBOOTH PLOTTER THIRD FLOOR PLAN SCALE : 1/16” = 1’ VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 27'-2" 15 ' - 1 0 " 3' - 0 " 8" 8" UP DN UP DN PHYSICAL THERAPY PLINTHS PLINTHS THERAPIST WORKSTATION THERAPIST WORKSTATION PRIVATE THERAPY PRIVATE THERAPY PRIVATE THERAPY PRIVATE THERAPY UTILITY OFFICE PUBLICTOILET EGRESSSTAIR1 BACKDOORMD ACCESSTO THERAPY LOBBY PUBLICTOILET PASS.ELEV1 PASSELEV.2 THERAPY WAITING STEADMAN CLINIC WAITING STEADMAN CLINIC STEADMAN CLINIC WAITING RECEPTION SUPPORT CHECKOUT XRAY DURABLE MEDICAL GOODSEXAM/CASTͲ4EXAM/CASTͲ3EXAMͲ2EGRESSSTAIR2 SERV.ELEV. PODCͲPOSSIBLEPHYSICIANS: DR.CORENMAN FUTUREPMRMD PODC PODB PODA SCHEDULER EXAMͲ1 MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS INͲCLINIC WORKAREA VIEW FELLOWS/ATC MDOFFICE MDOFFICE MEDS EXAMͲ5 EXAMͲ6 EXAMͲ9 EXAMͲ8 EXAMͲ7 MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS FELLOW/ATC VIEW INͲCLINIC WORKAREA MEDS EXAM/CASTͲ 10 MDOFFICE MDOFFICE MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDOFFICE MDOFFICE MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDOFFICE MDSTAFF WORK STATIONSPRPLAB MEDS EXAMͲ18 EXAMͲ21 EXAMͲ17 EXAMͲ16 XRAY INͲCLINIC WORKAREA VIEW EXAMͲ20 EXAMͲ15 EXAMͲ14 TOILET EXAM/CͲARM Ͳ13 EXAMͲ12 EXAM/CASTͲ 11 FELLOWS/ATC XRAYSUBͲ WAIT PODBͲPOSSIBLEPHYSICIANS: DR.HACKETT FUTUREM.D. PODAͲPOSSIBLEPHYSICIANS: DR.MILLET FUTUREMD ADDITIONALFLEXEXAMS LOCKERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D H E.3 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' G COFFEE RECEPTION PHONEALCOVE E F THERAPY RECEPTION/ WORK MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS EXAMͲ19 STAFFTOILET HOOD TOILET BLACKOUTSHADES ART NICHE JAN. TOILET POSSIBLE2HR OCCUPANCYSEPARATION WONDOOR LOCKERS THERAPIST OFFICE THERAPIST OFFICE THERAPIST OFFICE FOURTH FLOOR PLAN SCALE : 1/16” = 1’ VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 UP DN UP DN UP PLINTHS PLINTHS THERAPIST WORKSTATION THERAPIST WORKSTATION PRIVATE THERAPY PRIVATE THERAPY PRIVATE THERAPY PRIVATE THERAPY UTILITY OFFICE PUBLICTOILET EGRESSSTAIR1 BACKDOORMD ACCESSTO THERAPY LOBBY PUBLICTOILET PASS.ELEV1 PASSELEV.2 LOCKERSLOCKERS THERAPY WAITING THERAPY RECEPTION/ WORK STEADMAN CLINIC WAITING STEADMAN CLINIC STEADMAN CLINIC WAITING RECEPTION SUPPORT CHECKOUT XRAY DURABLE MEDICAL GOODS EXAM/CASTͲ4EXAM/CASTͲ3EXAMͲ2 EGRESSSTAIR2 SERV.ELEV. PODCͲPOSSIBLEPHYSICIANS: DR.CLANTON DR.HACKETT PODC PODB PODA SCHEDULER EXAMͲ1 MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS INͲCLINIC WORKAREA VIEW FELLOWS/ATC MDOFFICE MDOFFICE MEDS EXAMͲ5 EXAMͲ6 EXAMͲ9 EXAMͲ8 EXAMͲ7 MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS FELLOW/ATC VIEW INͲCLINIC WORKAREA MEDS EXAM/CASTͲ 10 MDOFFICE MDOFFICE MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDOFFICE MDOFFICE MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS MDOFFICE MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS PRPLAB EXAMͲ19 MEDS EXAMͲ18 EXAMͲ1 EXAMͲ17 EXAMͲ16 XRAY INͲCLINIC WORKAREA VIEW EXAMͲ20 EXAMͲ15 EXAMͲ14 TOILET EXAM/CͲARM Ͳ13 EXAMͲ12 EXAM/CASTͲ 11 FELLOWS/ATC XRAYSUBͲ WAIT PODBͲPOSSIBLEPHYSICIANS: DR.VIOLA FUTUREM.D. PODAͲPOSSIBLEPHYSICIANS: DR.STEADMAN DR.PHILIPPON DR.KARLI FD FD FD FD PHONE ACCESS HATCH MECH SHAFT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D H E.3 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' G RECEPTION TOILET PHONEALCOVE E F JAN. LIFT MDSTAFF WORK STATIONS STAFFTOILET HOOD TOILET BLACKOUTSHADES ART NICHE TOILET COFFEE WONDOOR FIFTH FLOOR PLAN SCALE : 1/16” = 1’ VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 ELEVATIONS 20’0’ 20’0’ 0’20’ VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 ELEVATIONS 20 FT 20 FT20 FT 0’ 0’0’ VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 BUILDING SECTION VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 BUILDING SECTION VAIL MEDICAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT VAIL, CO TOWN OF VAIL | PEC WORK SESSION | 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 BUILDING SECTION To: TOV Planning From: Triumph Development Date: September 5, 2012 Re: Vail Municipal & Medical Office Redevelopment Employee Housing Requirement Outline of the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements: The employee housing requirements outlined in the Town of Vail Code; Title 12 - Chapter 23 
- Commercial Linkage are designed “to ensure that new commercial development and redevelopment in the Town provide for a reasonable amount of employee housing to mitigate the impact on employee housing caused by such commercial development and redevelopment.” Our understanding of the application of these requirements to our project are outlined below: • Title 12, Chapter 23 applies to the General Use zone. • According to the requirements of this chapter, in instances of redevelopment, employee housing impacts need only be mitigated for a redevelopment that results in a greater number of employees generated from an increase in net floor area. For this project, this means we will need to provide Employee Housing for the net increase in floor greater than the size of the buildings being replaced. • The employee generation rates for business and professional offices (excluding real estate offices) is 3.2 employees per 1000 feet of new net floor area. • The detailed EHU calculations for our project are outlined below. o 261.3 total employees generated by the project (81,640 usable square feet * 3.2 / 1000) of new buildings built between the TOV municipal building and the new MOB. o Less a credit for existing buildings to be demolished of 52.3 employees (16,300sf * 3.2 /1000) o Total of 209 net new employees generated by the project. • Town Code requires that “each commercial development or redevelopment shall Page 2 of 5 Page Page 2 Page 2 of 5 mitigate its impact on employee housing by providing EHUs for twenty percent (20%) of the employees generated.” Application to MOB/TOV Design Program – 209 net employees x 20% = 41.8 employees to be housed. • PEC is the TOV entity that will consider the EHU requirements for this project. Before granting approval of an employee housing plan, PEC shall make findings that the employee housing plan conforms to the general and specific purposes of this title, and that the plan is compatible with the applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan and the development objectives of the town. • Methods of Mitigation - o Onsite Requirement - “For all new construction…and demo/rebuild projects that result in a mitigation requirement of 1.25 employees or greater, no less than one-half (1/2) the mitigation of employee housing required by this chapter shall be accomplished with on site units.” o Exceptions to Onsite Requirement – “At the sole discretion of the applicable governing body, an exception may be granted from this subsection…” We are asking that staff and PEC grant us this exception. [See detailed analysis below.] o Offsite EHUs – “Any remaining portion of the mitigation requirement not provided with on-site units may be provided in accordance with (the following).”  On Site Units  Off Site Units  Payment Of Fees In Lieu - Currently $84,298 per employee  Conveyance Of Property Off Site  “Unless otherwise regulated by this title, the choice of method(s) used to mitigate the employee housing requirements of this chapter shall be at the sole discretion of the applicant.” o Timing - All EHUs required by this chapter shall be ready for occupancy prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the affected commercial development or redevelopment. Request for Exception to the On-Site Requirement: “At the sole discretion of the applicable governing body, an exception may be granted from this subsection based upon one of the following findings: a. “Implementation of the on site unit mitigation method would be contrary to the intent and purpose of the applicable zone district.” Page 3 of 5 Page Page 3 Page 3 of 5 • Stated Purpose of the Zone District – “The general use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in section 12-1-2 of this title and to provide for the public welfare. The general use district is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the district are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses. (Ord. 29(2005) § 28: Ord. 21(1994) § 10) o Observation 1 – GU Zone has a stated goal of providing for the public welfare. Town Council has unanimously backed the proposed public- private-partnership to build (1) a new Municipal Building, (2) the economic development project that the new MOB and Research Facility represents, and (3) the economic importance of this project to the long- term strategic health of VVMC and to keeping VVMC in the TOV. o Observation 2 – GU Zone has a stated goal to “harmonize with the surrounding uses.”  Unlike most of the Town’s commercial zones, market rate housing and/or lodging is not a permitted or conditional use in GU.  The entirety of this project is medical, research and municipal offices all on one relatively small site. Adding residential to this already crowded plan introduces significant dissonance.  The logistics of adding essential residential project components – residential lobbies, residential trash and loading, additional residential parking and parking controls, alignment of commercial core/egress vs. residential core/egress – do not meld with the current MOB floor plans nor the TOV schematic plan.  The current 5-story MOB program is just large enough to fit all SC and VVMC’s required medical elements. Another residential floor would further highlight the difference between the MOB and 3- story TOV building.  Given the proposed commercial uses, and the location of project Page 4 of 5 Page Page 4 Page 4 of 5 next to I-70, the quality and marketability of residential construction on this site is questionable. o Observation 3 – GU Zone has a state goal “to ensure adequate light, air and open spaces and amenities.” Adding an additional story would unnecessarily impact the neighborhoods light and air. b. “Implementation of the on site unit mitigation method would be contrary to the goals of the applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan and the town's development objectives.” • Elements of the Vail Land Use Plan o The Land Use Plan outlines that commercial uses should be concentrated primarily in existing commercial areas to accommodate both local and visitor needs.  Observation 4 – Our plan puts medical office density in the immediate vicinity of VVMC and connects the medical uses with pedestrian access. o The Land Use Plan outlines several options for redevelopment of the municipal site including encouraging the private sector to participate in redevelopment of the site OR redeveloping the site to reconfigure the municipal offices.  Observation 5 - Our plan is the best of both alternatives - i.e. keeping municipal offices centralized within the Town, AND partnering with the private sector to partially accomplish this goal. The off-shoot of this concept is that we are already putting two separate but complimentary uses on one common site.  Observation 6 – The Land Use Plan does not identify the municipal site as a potential for housing – neither for market-rate nor employee housing. It does discuss numerous options – municipal offices, a visitor center, an office building for Vail Resort Associates, community gathering spaces, or partnering to redevelop the site with the private sector. But unlike other municipally owned sites, the Land Use Plan does not call out the site for residential development. • Vail 20/20 Plan – Provides significant guidance about promoting economic development and a year-round economy. Page 5 of 5 Page Page 5 Page 5 of 5 o Observation 7 – This project is arguably the most significant economic development project undertaken by the Town Council to promote this objective. c. “Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions apply to the site that prevents the implementation of the on site unit mitigation method.” • Developable portion of the site is only 1.2 acres. Need to fit 63,140 usable square MOB feet plus a 18,500 sf municipal building, plus underground parking. • The site is just big enough to fit our proposed program within the confines of the neighboring zoning restrictions. • The project’s users – MOB and TOV - are already sharing many common elements – loading, vehicular access, parking, customer drop-off and circulation, trash, and elevators. Adding the residential demands for each of these overtaxes these shared elements in a way that does not practically work. (Echo “Observation 2” above) • Observation 8 - This site and the new project are at Vail’s front door off from I-70. The site demands a prominent, architecturally significant project. Adding residential uses to either building introduces residential elements like disparate architectural elements (e.g. balconies) that can compromise the project’s design, and even disparate decorations (e.g. window treatments, planting, outdoor furniture). • Observation 9 – The MOB’s goal is to be THE premier destination orthopedic facility in the world. The entire building is designed around a cohesive plan that allows the different components – doctor’s office, therapy, research and education – to operate in a seamless environment. Residential housing does not support this vision in the MOB. Proposed Employee Housing Mitigation Options for the Project: Given the above points, we plan to ask PEC to grant an exception for the on-site employee housing requirements and allow the project to satisfy the employee housing requirements with off-site EHUs as outlined in this Title. Vail  Medical-­‐Research-­‐Municipal  Development 9/5/12 Project  Design  -­‐  8/17/2012  Design  Program 12-­‐23:    Commercial  Linkage,  Vail  Town  Code Current  Design Program Steadman  Clinic 36,003                                           Steadman  Phillipon  Research  Institute 14,491                                           Howard  Head 8,642                                               Class  Room  and  Employee  Gathering 4,004                                               Town  of  Vail 18,500                                           TOTAL  Muni  Development 81,640                                           Onsite  Requirement 20.90 MOB  Requirement 36.38 20%  to  be  Housed Existing  Square  Feet New  Net Occupant  Muni  Complex  Square  Feet Generation  Rate Employees  Generated 2,166                                            12,325 3.2  /  1,000 39.44 7.89 3,279                                            32,724 3.2  /  1,000 104.72 20.94 -­‐                                                    4,004 3.2  /  1,000 12.81 2.56 855                                                  7,787 3.2  /  1,000 24.92 4.98 16,336 65,304 208.97 41.79 10,036                                      8,464 3.2  /  1,000 27.08 5.42