HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB130044 IC����ii�ir� Il���i�� ������ ��'1�'��'��M�1 �'�1�1�1 � ��� �, � IC����u=t��r�it ��� ��m�mr�u�irriit�.� IC����Ic��mm�ir��� � �� � ��� �� ,�� � 75 '��c��u�h Fu��n�t��a�� �c���i, �'�iil� ��Il��rr����l� '�1�6����7' t�ll: '�7'�.47�.21�� ���: '��'!�.4�'!�.��452 ,,.,.,�:;cM�����u���ir�r�����'����o��.... ���r�;�� '�rsr^���.�r'�iil��c��r',����r�� Project Name: TOBIAS DECK REPLACEMENT DRB Number: DRB130044 Project Description: This approval is for the deck expansion to the west. The hot tub will be removed from the upper floor to be placed upon the expnaded deck. The windows and trim removed to relocate the hot tub will be replaced to match existing conditions. Participants: OWNER TOBIAS, SCOTT A. &JANE S. 02/27/2013 740 KRAMERIA ST DENVER CO 80220 CONTRACTOR J.H. CONSTRUCTION 02/27/2013 Phone: 970-390-7379 JEFFREY HEERMANS PO BOX 3485 EAGLE CO 81637 License: C000003749 APPLICANT TOBIAS, SCOTT A. &JANE S. 02/27/2013 740 KRAMERIA ST DENVER CO 80220 Project Address: 1826 ALTA CR VAIL Location: UNIT B Legal Description: Lot: 41 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST FIL 2 Parcel Number: 2103-123-1000-2 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 03/14/2013 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0013096 The applicant shall expand the deck to the west only. The southern 3 foot expansion is not approved in conjunction with this application. Cond: CON0013097 The applicant can set and install the hot tub on grade prior to the construction of the westerly deck expansion. Cond: CON0013098 The applicant shall paint the electrical junction box for the heat tape to match the exsiting siding color prior to requesting a final planning inspection. Cond: CON0013099 The applicant shall reinstall the upper level windows and trim to be removed to relocate the hot tub to match the exisitng conditions prior to requesting a final planning inspection. Cond: CON0013100 The applicant shall paint the electrical connection and conduit for the hot tub to match the facade material color upon which it is mounted prior to requesting a final planning inspection. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 � CC� I� � M � Q p ment of Community Devetapment FEB 2 7�South Frontage Raad T�WN 0� VAIt# , 6 2��3 vai3,�o$�ss� `TOV1/fV ��3U� re�: s7a-a�s-��2s � �uv,rw.vaitgov_com s �F VAIL Developrnent Review Coocdinat�r Ap�Eicativn for Design Review Minar Exterior Atteration i General lnfar matior: This applicati�n is required far a11 praposals invclving minor changes ta buifdings and si�e improve- ments, such as rcofing, pairting, windo•�nr adciitions, lands�ping, fences, retaining walis, eic. Rpplicabie Vai!Town Ccde sectic�ns can tae fcund aP vvwtiv.vailaov.com under Vaii In€ormation—Town Cade Or�line. Al( projects requiring de- sign revie��r must receive approvai priar to submitting a bu7ding permit applicatian. An applicati�n for Design Revie�v cannot be accepted u��ii a11 required inferma#ior is received by the Community beve2a�ra�ent Department, as outiined in the submiitai requirements. The praject may also need to be reviewed �y the Town Counci!an�/ar fhe Planning and E*�vironmental Commission. C3esign review approval expires one year�rom the date of approvai, unless a buiiding per- mit is issued and canstructian commences. �ee: $2fif3 t'or Muiti-FamilylCammercial $20 fiar Sirtgte Farnilyl�uplex �_Single Fasnily I ! Dupiex l Y I Mt�lti-Famil�r (� Commerc�al Description of ti�e Request: Renlace ciamaqed deck . Rhysical Address: 1826 A(te C�rcie � Parcel Numbef: 21{�3123'f Of�02 {Contac+_Eagie Co.Assessor at 970-328-864a for parcel no.} Property Owcter: Scott&Jane Tobias Mailing Addcess: � i�l�{,. ` °,��'��- � P�one: � t7 ° ,� �°' �'�¢ {}wner's Signature: �, r Primary Co�tacU Clwner Representative: Jeifre H r s DBA,t.H.Canstructian Mailing Address: P�box 3485 Eaqfe. Colorado 81031 Phone: 970-390'�379 �-II�a31: jkaoivaif a��aE�aa.com Fax: Fr�r Off�ce Lfse Only: �Cash_ CC: Visa 1 MC j t 4 CC# Ex�. Date: �uth# Check#��L_ i Fee Pa:d: __ � ✓ Received Fr�m: '� �7 �y ���� � i nn ;Meeting L�ate: � �71'��l� .3 � DR8 Na: � g�.� �(,��� P(annar: Project No:�K,S�3--����`f Zonirg: Lard Use: �t�catic�n of the Proposal: Lot:�!_81ack: S�bdivision: ,All.�1 L(, E �,(��j F c.���r� � � J TOWN OF VAlt' ' JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRlTTEN APPROVAL LETTER The applicant must submit written joint prope►ty owner approval for applications affecUng shared owr�rship properties such as duplex, condominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form, or similar written corre�pandence, must be com- pteted by the adjoining dupfex unit owner or the authorized agent of fhe home owners associa6on in the case of a con- dominium or multi-tenant building. All complsted fom�s must be submitted with the applicants completed app[ication. p6 C(R,,}'d0Y1 C4ft�0�11(✓i�1.lfY1�0�61� I, (print name) �� �'� ��5 , a�alnt owner, or authariry of the assaciation, of property located at ($2�IJ �-� �ISt7l � l , provlde this letter as wntten approval of the plans dated which have been submitfed to the Town of Vail Community Development Department f�r the proposed improvements to be completed at the address not- ed above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Tet�u'� n c o�,i.� O�.n.d_ �e1�� Id,�.nS a n�c� der.� ty��-G� �. L��- �b. �� 2 2(� 13- ,�►�•-�-�-- (Signature) (Date) Additianally, ptease check the statement below which is most app{icable to you: I unde�stand thaf minor modifications may be made to fhe plans over the course�(the review process to ensure compli- an�e with ti►e Town's applicab/e codes and regulations. (lnitial here) !understand that a!!modifrcatrons, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the review pro- cess, be brought to my attenGon by the applicant/or additional apprava!before undergoing further review by the Town. (lnitia!herej PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildins� Materials Tvae of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting ��2 i't��l�fi:;�:> �R C�i f��'.�J �X �L`,a��,f�-�,:�+�Y�.� --��., ��� :�"'^ �v�'•-,�i � Other � C.C � 1 X L, T[�� D c.G���t G � i'�,�r�l G���R�-�o w r� �.��T" �..� ���:,�� .. _ �F; a�n, Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Properiy Information Property Address i.-,}.; r'� � _ r �� �-��,,��� � z � �. � � � � c Parcel# a � -� � Z�^ ,Z Le al Descri tion �'� g p i r��b,'�; :. t� �=.� N � N� y^,� :�f,, y,,, =r Development Site Area sq ft acres �• � t � buildable sq I C> {t Zone District/SDD# ��I Hazard Zones SnowAvalanche j High Severity �Moderate Severity r N/A Sections 12-21&14-7 Debris F/ow � High Flow (—Moderate Flow �High Avalanche ;— N/A Rock fall r High Severity (lMedium Severity (—N/A Excessive S/opes (— >_30% N/A Floodplain (-100 year floodplain I Floodway ! Wetlands � N/A Creeks,Streams Gore Creek �on site !� adjacent to site i N/A Section 12-14-17 Other tributary: (—on site j adjacent to site j N/A Pro'ect Information Project Description Development Standards Allowed Existing Proposed Gross Residential Floor Area Primary sq ft (maximum) Secondary sq ft Chapter 12-15 EHU sq ft TOTAL sq ft ,-250 Addition r Interior Conversion Credits: Setbacks(minimum) Front ft Section 14-10-4 Side ft Side ft Rearft Watercourse ft Site Coverage(maximum) see definition Section 12-2-2 Building Height(maximum) Sloping ft see definition Section 12-2-2 Flat ft Landscaping Softscape sq ft See definition Section 14-2-1 Section 14-10-8 Hardscape sq ft TOTAL sq ft Driveway Max Curb-cuts Sections 14-3-1&14-3-2 Max Grade @ cen- terline Min Width Heated drive? �Yes �No 1 Yes �No Snow Storage% Parking #Enclosed Spaces Sections 12-10&14-5 #Unenclosed TOTAL Outdoor Lighting(maximum) #fixtures Section 14-10-7 _ _.. � - r �' ! 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Cpn ��. �� _`e� `� �,�,A� �pV`^'' a P �S �Q � � ��� �` MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN \ � A /A l l _ A 1 A l l OFFICE 13 10'-2 1/2" -0" 5'-0 3/4"R.O. �EXISTING"� WINDOW WELL 0 .� HALLWA' 14 � EXT 1 � � � � � i � EXISTING WINDOW WELL UNDER BAY WINDOW NEW WINDOW SILL HEIGHT�3'-0"— 36"HIGH WOOD GUARD RAIL TO PROVIDE GUARD RAIL UNDER MATCH HANDRAIL�UNIT C WOOD __BAY WINDOW @ WINDOW DECK. WELLTO MATCH WOOD ----- ----HANDRAIL 2X2 PICKETS LINE OF DEC � ON SONOTUBE PIER . . FOUNDATION RE:ST v � � N 34'-0" � A4.1 �������� t�SIGN RIE�1� �ai������ . \. ���; 3 i�. 13 �..�, t',' .-_ W(� _1 23'-0" 6"STONE SLAB STEP - � P.O.Boz 1097 Physical/FeOez'. 172 Longview (870)306-2175 keegan.wi nk@g mai I.com � UNIT A 7 w z � � w V c� � Q 00 � QU V% � J GARDENING m � � CLOSET �� O 18 . �� � a�5�� �O"�� o,� "t � � � ���,U�� e�� �� � '�� d ;S � ,��� . �-�� n �s sow . � c� �- G �" ` ��� GENERAL NOTES 1. SUB-GRADE WINDOWS�EXISTING WINDOW WELL DO NOT NEED TO MEET EGRESS REQUIREMENTS — , 2. ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE FIELD VERIFIED 0' 2' 4' 8' �� ' •. 16' � � f:i --•. oate 2-24-13� o�awn ny gKyy Checked by B�l/ Scale 1/4"=1'-0"` MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN ` A3.1 c s :OVIDE HEAT TAPE @ FIRST 3'OF ROOF EAVE OVER NEW GUTTER DR NEW GUTfER TO MATCH EXISTING GUTTERS PROVIDE POWER FOR HEAT TAPE @ FIRST 3'OF � ROOF EAVE OVER NvE���� �`( GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT d' � 5�� NEW DOWNSPOUTTO BE AINED AWAY FROM BUILDING_ � UNIT C � � ' � � �u ����� � . � II��I� " ' . � �I I _J � � _J .. I�III�IIIIII'lll„ �, .. % � 1 % � % � / % � / ��. P.O.eox 1091 �� Physical/Fedex: 172 Longview b � � ,9�o�a�z,�5 kee9an.wink@gmail.com � � � �� ,�,�, ^��s. � �1' i _. � UNIT A � ' � / \I I I � \ `, \t"'� p �✓i �V u�� . ��1' �� �� 5 �� b x�� ;� � �Q �- 4 � � — GLASS WALL TO BE DISASSEMBLED TO REMOVE EXISTING HOT TUB SPA. GLASS w WALL WILL BE REASSEMBLED TO V MATCH EXISTING ONCE HOT TUB IS Z � � REMOVED Q (� Cp � Q OO FLOOR PLAN � Q V _ PLYWOO� m � Q 8' - 10" 0 > — EXISTING BAY WINDOW �- � � �—� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 11'-0'� � � � � � � � � � �—� � �— ���� � � � � � -� � � �_� � � � � � �—� � � � � � ( � � � � � � � � � � — -PROVIDE POWER OUTLET RE:_ ��C.SLAB STEP— — — HOT TUB SPEC BY OWNER �� � — — (—� � � � � � � — — — —I I I I I I _ _ _ _ �— — — — -- -- — — — — � � � � � � � _LINE OF EXISTING DECK — — — — — — — II II ) III III — —_ _ — — —___— -36"HIGH WOOD GUARD RAIL TO_i � — — — — — — — — — -MATCH HANDRAIL @ UNIT C WOOD — DECK.� � i i i i i I I I - �lT �f l�T — �T�T �� T � � l�T = �T�T�f �T� �?" �T�T=f I�T = TT�f �Tf� T �T� l�T = T� — — — — — — — - _i i i i i i—i i i i i i i i i i i i—i i i i i i i i i hi'_.- _i °�°_t� . _ i i i—i i i i i i i i i_i i i—i � i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i_ SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" c h e .'-Cb . �-�� WG C� 0' 2' 4' 8' GARDENING CLOSET NEW DRIP TtiRU DECK CONSIST OF TREX DECKING TO MATCH EXISTING OVER PT 2X FRAMING RE STRUCT. MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN PLYWOOD 0' - 0" PROVIDE 2X2 PICKET GUARD RAIL UNDER BAY WINDOW @ WINDOW WELLTO MATCH WOOD HANDRAIL @ ADJACENT UNITS.EXISTING WINDOW @ LOWER LEVEL DOES NOT MEET EGRESS REQUIREMENTS SONOTUBE PIER FOUNDATION RE:STRUCT. LOWER LEVEL PLAN -8' - 10" 16' Date 2-24 DraNn q� BI Checked Dy B� Sca�e 1/4"=1 ELEVATIONS a � A4.1 � : I r�lv!�li'N'i��\'�T��\: �����GN R �!'� %p' �1'AF�� _ ��, �s���-� ,.. ,. �� • .--��..} �:� C�G _ __� �.' GLASS WALL TO BE DISASSEMBLED TO REMOVE EXISTING HOT TUB SPA. GLASS WALL WILL BE REASSEMBLED TO MATCH EXISTING ONCE HOT TUB IS REMOVED EXISTING BAY WINDOW PROVIDE 2X2 PICKET GUARD RAIL UNDER BAY WINDOW @ WINDOW WELLTO MATCH WOOD HANDRAIL� ADJACENT UNITS LINE OF EXISTING DECK NEW DRIP THRU DECK CONSIST OF TREX DECKING TO MATCH EXISTING OVER PT 2X FRAMING RE STRUCT. �.SLAB STEP SONOTUBE PIER FOUNDATION RE:STRUCT. EXISTING 6X6 PT RETAINING WALL EXISTING WINDOW WELL EXISTING WINDOW�LOWER LEVEL DOES NOT MEET EGRESS REQUIREMENTS Section 1 1/4" = 1'-0" FLOOR PLAN PLYWOOD 8' - 10" \ - .� �I I i iJ � � � ��:���� � � � � � ��: ` • • � , �I � � � � I,I � � — — — — � — — — a — — — LOWER LEVEL _— +=1± � 1� �� _$P�� _=� �_� _=1 -__ � �-� -� � �-� � �-� � �-� � �-� � � � � � P.O.Box 7091 Physical/Fedex:172 Longview (9701306-2175 keegan.wink@g mail.com W Z � �j wV � �� Q a�o � JU � � J O � � F�— Date 2-2¢� Dravm by g� Checked by BKV s��e „a°_,�-c BUILDING SECTIONS A5.1 � � € � �