HomeMy WebLinkAboutM05-0047TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: MO5-M47 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: SHANNON, VML-UMT M ParcelNo...: 210108255001 Stahrs...: ISSUED Applied. . : 03lUl2N5 Issued. . : M/1212@5 Expires. .: l0l09?n05Project No : ,1 . owlrER ,rr* ,""'' J ol -6ot1<'l 285 BRIDGE ST VATIJ CO 8t6s7 Iricense: CONIRACTOR CONCEPT MECIIAIIICAIJ, INC 03/24/2005 Phone: 97O-949-o2oO P.O. BOX 1155 AVON, CO 8152 0 Licenae: 189-P APPIJICAIiIT CONCEPT MECIIANICAIT, INC 03/24/2OOS Phonez 97O-949-O2OO P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 81620 License: 189-P Desciption: DEMO, REMOVBE DUCT WORK. INSTALL TWO FANCOIL UMTS WITH DUCTING. RUN BOTH DRYER AND RANGE EXHAUST DUCTING. SNOWMELT ONE DECK. Valuation: $28.000.00 Fireplac€ Infornation: Restricted:# of Gas Appliamas: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 #of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Mecharical-- > S55O.O0 Resnrarant Plan Rcview- > $0.00 Toral Calculated Fees--> 5703.00 Plan Check--> 9140.00 DRB Fee----------- > So.o0 Additional Fees------> $0.00 Investigation- > $O.OO TOTAL FEES - $?03.00 Total Permit Fee------> $703.00 $3.oo Item: 05L00 BUIIJDING DEPARTIIEIiIT O4/O8/2OOS cgunion Action: COIID contractor to bring in (2) setss of plans prior to issuance of permit . ItEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARB REQUIR$ TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJTANCE. Cond:. 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 tMC' OR SECTION 701 0F TI{E 1997 rMC. Condr 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAIILATION MUST CONFORM TO DIAI{IIFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A}ID To CHAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 I,MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 03/24/2oos Phoner wil cdl---- >Payments-------- > BALANCE DI,JE-------- > s703 .00 90. 00 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIA}ICES SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 A}ID SHAI,I, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1.997 T'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF IITE 1997 IME. Cond: 29 (BL,,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPL,Y WITH CI{APTER 3 AI{D S8C.1017 OF TIIE 1.997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (Br.,Dc.): Borr.rERS sIaIrL BE MoUNTED oN Fr,ooRs oF llollcoMBusrrBr.E coNsr. ItNrJEss I,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN II{BCHAIiIICAJ.I ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DR,,AII{AGE OF MECIIINICAI ROOMS COI{TAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOIITERS SHAIL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 It!4!C, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F TrrE L997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of tbe Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPEC'TION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FIOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT 4792149 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 PM. OFOWNER CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF f***+'i*f*tl*l*l'*{'*l+++++*'t****++t+l|{r*****+**tattf***********++ttt+tia+**********++++*++*a*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLoRADO Stat€ment *l'**'t'***+f f ttt'l*** * * * * * +t t * * * * * * * * * *+*++f {'ir*'t't{'{"t'}**rt**{'{'{'{'*t't******+'t** +* * +* + * + * + ++ * + * ***** Statement, Number: R0500003?3 Pa)'ment. Method: Check Mechanical / ck 9LL4 Anount : $?03. 00 o4/L2/2O0soL :22 Pt[Init: LTNotation: Concept Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: L,ocatiOn: Thia Payment: M05-0047 TlT)e: MECHAIIICA! PBRMIT 2101082550 01 352 E MIADOW DR VAIL SIIANNON, VII{L-I'NIT M Total Fees: $703 .00 Total AIrIJ Pmts : Balance: UECITANICAI, PERMIT FEES PI,AI{ CHECK FEES WILL eellr INSPECIION FEE s703.00 $703.00 $0.00*+**+++***l'******l+++++++++lr*t****++*****++tflllf+l'**+**'i*'t't*++++t+**++tf++++ff+{'f++ltl+ta*** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript,ion Orrrent Pmts MP PF Ifc 00100003111100 00100003112300 00100003r.12800 560. O0 140. OO 3.OO ,*sl-*Hb 9* IPPUGANTX WILL T{OT BE AGCEPTED IF INCOiIPLETE OR Building Project #:6f - ooV( Mechanical Permit#: 971)479-21 19 (llEpections) Permit wflnot,iblcilpt{ II me following: to scale to include: ,Z H#3ffiffi,Bffi ,X!#",y/,+ . -( ery, n "q4 h,y' : Hne, vent and Gas Lile gize and l-ocation p/ fr a /4e aad'-t'44-e 4+< 2 e-.t/" Heatlo$carcs- /v/n ) p.'rttr e-.1.J6(./.. Equiprent GutJspec Sheeb - CONTRACTOR INFORMATION and Phme #s:1r,^ _ pc)s{n 5..r- COiIPLETE YALUATION FOR TECHANICAL PERU]T MECI-ANICAL: S R9.O@? Contact Assessorc Office at 970-3284U0 or visit Parcel# 2Zal o f2_Sfoo/ Job Name: ffia.zt.tn.t,t /autn hort< (-z',t octat / Jor,.l JobAddres: 3t2 € zflAr+do,-: \e-. Legal llescription I Lot: ll Block ll Filing:SubdMsion: tu* Mr"ir.*, f-r_c_ ll aootess: ZBr /4zlJot Sr , /anvP\Et&agrz Ergineen ka,q/ i,t -Q a n3 e. ll ArHress:Phone: c/W-o/ Oy o7$. Fmelzt Ll 'ft o^a .fu n€ot,/ vtt t'B fut-lh /,uchn1. /lun bDn4,r{r7erd "ouce exhazsf lttchig. Shoutnz/f ue' VlloftClass: Nen,( ) naAm*t ) AlerarionM Repair( ) Oher( I Rcwde/clea<. Boilerlocation: Interbr( ) Exterirr( ) Offr€r( ) 11fl..-_,OwanEHUexistathblocation: Y€6( ) *oX rypeof Bfdg: sinsre.farnily( I u.pr"'t ) r*.tti.myJx ffiaQ1 R€stauranl( ) otr|er( | ryESfry. t No. of Existing Drelling Units in this buldirB:l,lo. of Acommodalbn Unils in this hrildirp: NdTvo€ of Fireotaces existino: Gas loofi"nd d(t ca I-oos ( ) Wood/Pelet ( ) wood Buming ( No/Typeof FirephcesProposed:GasAppfiano6(14 @sLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) W@dBumirg(NOTALLOWED) ls this a onnersion fiom a rvmd buming firephce to an EPA Phase ll devics? Yes ( ) No ( ) for Parcel # \WoiMatak&v\FORMS\Pf, RMITS\IT,IECIIPERM.DOC fficD llAR z'z'wg6 Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forr.est, Director, (s7o) 47s-2139 Check all that apply Date: 'l . Which Department(s) did you contact? Building_ Environmental_Housing_Admin Planninq NDA Dtrl- staff immediate slow or no one available ?2. Was your initial contact with our 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? of the staff person who assisted you: 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes/No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_PEC app_ Bldg Permit N/A 6. Please rate the oerformance 5 4 3 21 (5 is high) Name:(knowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 21 (5 is high) 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 8. What comments do you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our service. F:\Users\JSuther\newBLDGPERM. DOC 07 t28t2004