HomeMy WebLinkAboutB95-0203 P97-0011 E97-0023 M97-0018I REPTlST TOt'lN UF VRIL' C0LORADO FA6E i AREA: CFA3/0.6/98 ET8:O1 REOUEBTS FBR INStrECTION I.'ORK SHEETS FOR: 3/ E/94 ================ =======================E=================== ====================:Activity: M97-O018 3/ 6/9A Type: B-MECH Status: ISSUED tronstr': NSFR Address: 1179 SPRADDT-E CREEK DR Location: 1179 SFRADDLE CREEK DR Farce I : ElOl-O53-Al-OOz'Description: MECHANICAL FOR NEW SFR Applicant : $TONE SHEETT'|ENTAL MECHANICAL 0wner: REUNION UNITS 55O/55e INC Contractor': STONE 6HEETMENTAL MECHRNICAL Occ: Use: Fhone: 887-37?4 Fhone: Phone z 8E7-37?-4 Inspect i on Request Information..... Requestorr TIM BOILER SYSTEM ONLY Req Timer OB:OO Conments: CONCEFT Itens requested to be Inspeeted.. . OO39E! trlEcH-Final trhone: 949-OEtlO MECHANICAL Act ion Connent s * ,Vn ,p 64 ..i: Tiae Exl & Item l Item rItenl Itemr Inspection History..... Itenc 0OEOO MECH-Rough e4/Ae/57 Inspector: DSg$/el/97 Inspectorr ART Action: AFtrR HEAT GARAGE AND IYIEDIA Action: AtrtrR ExcePt as noted: ACt i ON : AF.F.R UNDERBROUND DUtrTS Act i on: DN no alr pressure Notesr Mechanicel duct s in neehanical room and in underfloor spa at HVAC units have noot been eompleted brrt will be visibl at tine of ftnal inspection and should be verified then. Lower eombnst ion air vent is restricted and should terrin within 1, foot of floor. Reinspect at final. Oge4O PLMB-Eae triping 6A/et/97 Inspectonr ART AO3 lO I4EtrH-Heat ing OOS€O MECH-Exhaust HoodE 0Ct33O MECH-Supply Air Vt3/17/57 In*pector: CF 00340 I4ECH-Mi Ec. 03/19/97 Inspector: EF ACr39O ltlECH-Final Aetionr AF'trR Approved air test AA/EO Iten: Iteml rft t r(lrtr He#0 faa 7 a_r'fl$$ N fi7,6:*rsr"/ {?{t*'gr }n d !' €altFenvft^re- ?. t., {ftra oN trsa ? -oK Atriao 6Y. n64 -uL tut6 - tan{ Jtrrer.ctr Bax ole o/rt/u. (dntt 6os tirsae) REF.T 131 TOt^tN 0F VAIL, COLCIRADO PAGE ( AREA: CFA3/LE/98 OBrOS REQUESTS FOR INSFECTItrN I^IORK SHEETS FORz 3/lP./98 Activityl M97-rDrllS 3/LE/9A Typel E-tylECH Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Acjdr'ess: 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DRLocation: 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DR F,aree I : 81 0t 1 -853-01 *tZtStT Descr.iption: I4ECHANItrAL FOR NEl., SFR Applieant : STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL Owner: REUNION UNITS 558/55e INC Eontraeton: STONE SHEETIYIENTAL MECHANICAL Occ: trhone: BE7*37?4 Phone: Fhone z 8?7-'37?4 Use: Information. . . , . I{CDAN I EL Conments: MARK / be Inspected.., F,hone: 8ig7-37?4 Inspect i on Reque st Reqr-restor.: MARK Req Time: OBrEO Items requested to oetf,gfi tvlECH-.Final InEpection History., . .. ltem: 40e00 MECH-Rouqh A4/A?/97 Inspect or.: DS lAg/et /97 InEpector.: ART Action: AFitrF HEAT GARAGH AND MEDIA Aetion: flFFR Except as nofed: Tine Exl It em: It em:Iten: Item: Item: Item: Notes: Mechan ical ducts in mechanical room and in undet'f lool' 5pa at HVAC lrnitE have noot been completed but will be visibl at tinre of final inspection and Ehould be verified then. Lower conbustion air vent is nestricted and shot-t1d termin within I foot of floot'. Reinspect at final' OrAe4A F,LMB-Gas triping lz'8lel /97 Inspeet or': ART ra0s10 MECH-Heat ing AlaJgO MECH-Exhar-rst Hoods 00330 MECH-S'-Ipp1y Air Q3/17/97 Inspector.r CF rZrES4lZl MEtrH-M i sc. A3/19/97 lnspector: DF rAO39rA MECH-Final Action; AtrtrR Appnoved air test EO/EO Action: AFFR Aetionr DN UNDERGROUND DUCTS no ail' pr'es sr-tFe frl./A6/9A Ingpectort ART Aetion Notes: -KITCHEN HBtlD FOR THE "AGA" REINSPECTION REBUIRED. -LISTING FOR THE "A64" RANGE -IN THE MECHRNICAL RT]OM $OME ARE OPENED NND CLOSING WILL :. AFFR $ee conrlr*einspectionl ENGLISH RANGE NOT COMF'LETED CONFIRITIED-UL&AEA ELECTRItrAL JUNCTION BOXES NEED TO BE CONFIRMED. \{ tsEST COPY AVA!tABtE I 8e7-37?.4 Aet i on Co mm ent REFT 131 o3/t3/9A O8:tZtft REGUESTS FoR Activity: E97-OtlP3 3/13./9S Type: B-ELEC Address: 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DR Location: 1179 SPRRDDLE CREEK RD Far.ce I : El01-O53-01-EO7 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW SFR Appl icant: TJHITE RMR ELECTRIC Ownerr REUNION UNITS 55D/559 INC Contractor': I^IHITE RMR ELECTRIC F,AGE E{ AREA: EG Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Tot^,N 0F vArL, COLORADO INSF.ECTIT]N i,.JORK SHEETS FOR: 3/13/98 Oee: Fhone: 3O394914O3 Phone: .p" F,hone: 30394*t'403 Use:c Inspeet i on Reque st Reor-rest or r RICK Req Time: Etg:€tO Items nequeste{ to ocr190 ELEC-Findr Information.... Conmentsr be Inspected... Fhone: 949-1403 omment 5 Ti me Exl "/t' 'I \Inspection Histrory...., ,..-1 | .' /) i,a \-//2 4-', Iter: ero110 Elfc-Tenp, Fower '/-/'\ I -l "/ A -ff-. JIten: @Qlea ELEC-Rough -) I -"/ r J aa.4? . VE/e?/97 Tnspeetor': LPV Action: APtrR AFCRUUED zt"' NotqS_i -FIRIN LEVEL O. R. ..,1^t:t /. . ..'\ , LOttER LEVEL NEEDS A K' O. SEAL 3 6ANG BOX ' ' ./ 4'BOND JACUZZI TUB; coMtrLETE l{AKE-Utr > -.\ troMPLET REcESs cRNs ..'fi' NoT.; DID Nor rNstrEcr FuR THE METHANIcRL RooM oR sERvICE.. ,."- a9/25/97 Inspector-: LFV Aetion: AtrPR ITIECHANICAL R00M UNLY.'-' I,tem: O013O ELEC-trondr-rit '- 1 r fr4/Ae/97 Inspector: EG Action: APFR AFFROUEDt 'Z'g/6P/97 Inspector: LtrV Aetionr AFtrR USE GOOD BACK FILL MAT. Item: ACr140 ELEtr-Misc. A9/?3/97 Inspectonl LFV Actionr APtrR AFFROUED IB/fr7/97 Inspector: EG Action: AtrtrR FINISH BONDING Item: CICI190 ELEC-FinalItemr A0ee4 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH Itemr CrrZrS3B FIRE-FINAL C/u BEST coPv AVAILABTE **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0250 Amount:288.00 02/27 /97 11:3eInit: DSPayment Method: CK Notation: #12401 **************************************************************** Pernit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 897-0023 Type: B-ELEC 2101-053-01-00 7 11?9 SPRADDLE CREEK DR 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK RD ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Feea:288.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Descript,ion ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES VIIIJL CALL INSPECTION FEE 288.00 288.00 .00 Amount 28s.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOTE: Description: MECHANICAL F'OR NEW SFR F i reotace Information: Restricted: Y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAT PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0018 JOb AddrESS...: 1179 SPRADDLE CREEKLocaLion z LT79 SPRADDLE CREEK Parcel No..... : 210L-053-01-007Proiect Number: PRJ95-0126 APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 11, 11 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION OWNER REUNION UNrTS 550/5s2 rNC PO BOX 122 HELVETIA COURT S, ST. DR DR Status...: ISSUED Applied . .: 02/20/L997 Issued. ..: 02/2I/t997 Expires. . : 08/20/1997 81s 01 815 01 PETERS Phone:. 827-5724 Phone z 827-5724 PORT, GUERNSEY GY Valuation: fof Gas Logs: 57, 896.00 #0f lfood/Pattet: 1 ***ff**********t***************1****fi*************t****** FEE SUllllARy ****************ff****i***********t**i*********ff********* fof Gas Apptiances: 2 1,160.0O RestuarantPtanRevierr-->290.m DRB Fee-------- .OO Total catcutated Fees---> 1,453.00 .00 Addi t ionat Fces---------> .001,453.00 Total Permit Fec--------> 1,453.OO Payments------- llechan i ca [---) Ptan check---> Invest i gat ion>tlitt cal,t----> .OO TOTAL 3.00 *********ffi******i*rif*t******i********r***r**************************r*****************lllllli-lli;;;;;;;iiiiii************i**** IIe.m: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:02/2L/1997 CHARLIE AcLion: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTAI-,I,,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORD]NG TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPTY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICALROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI.,,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 rJMC.9. PELLET STOVE MUST BE EPA AND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIV.OFCOLORADO DEPT. OF HEALTH10. ANY UNDER STArR gpACE BErNc USED FOR MECHANTCAL EQUTPMENTMUST HAVE A 1 HOUR RATING11. ALI! MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SPECS MUST BE ON SITE DURING ALLINSPECTIONS i TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI/OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT PeTmit Job Address: 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DRLocation...: 1179 SPRADDI-.,E CREEK RDParceI No.. : 2101-053-01-007Project No. : PRJ95-0126 AT 4.1f. ALL TIMES P97-0011 Status. . . epplied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED 02/20/res't 02/20/rss7 08/Le /tse7 APPLICANT CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC 4L348 u.S. HWY 6 &. 24 WEST, BLDG E, CoNTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC OWNER Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR *ff***ff********tr*ff**********ff ***********tr***rrl****t** FEE Phone; 9'l 09490200 uNrT 4, AVON, CO 81620 Phonez 970949020O uNrT 4, AVON, CO 81620 VaLuation:34,L76.00 suil ARy **********ff *i******fi*ff*tt****#*****************i**** .00 659 .25 41348 U.S. HWY 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG E, REUNTON UNrTS s50/552 rNC PO BOX I22 HELVETIA COURT S, ST. PETERS PORT, GUERNSEY GY Pl,unbing-----> 525.00 Restuarant Pl.an RevieH--> TOTAL FEES----- TotaI Catcutated Fecs---> Additional, Fees---------> TotaI Pefm'i t Fee--------> 659 .25 .00 659 .?5 Paymcnts------- Ptan check---> Invest i gation> tli L l. Cal. t----> 't3't .25 .00 3.00 ******n*****************r*******************rr*****************************************ll!ilii-lli;;;;;;**iiiii************;ll*** Item: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDT: BUILDING Division:02/20/L997 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: **************************i****i****t*i**t**it*****************t********t************t*******fft******ft*******ff*ff*****i****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PLUMBING WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1994 UPC ******************i***********ff***ff************t***ff**********tt*****ff***************t*********tt*******************ff****** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknov ledge that I have read.this apptication, titted out in futl, the infoftDat ion required, compteted an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that att the information providcd as requi red is correct. I agree to compl,y riith the iniormation and pl.ot !tan,to compty rrith atL Town ordinances,and state [avs, and to buitd this structure-according io- the Town,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review aPProved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REQuEsrs FoR rNsPEcrIONs SHALL BE I'IADE TT,IENTY-FOUR HOuRs It{ ADVANCE By TELEPHONE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR ************ff****************tr*************ff ************ FEE PLUMBING PERMIT 1].79 SPRADDLE CREEK DR 11?9 SPRADDLE CREEK RD 2 101-05 3 -01-0 07 PRJg 5-012 6 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P97-0011 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . I S SUED 02 /20 / LeeT 02/20 /Lee708/7s /Lee7 APPLICANT CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC Phone: 97A949020O 41348 U.S. HWy 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG E, UNIT 4, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC Phone: 970949O200 41348 U.S. HWy 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG E, UNrT 4, AVON, CO 81620owNER REUNTON UNrTS 550/ss2 rNC PO BOX 122 HELVETIA COURT S, ST. PETERS PORT, GUERNSEY GY 525.00 131.25 Valuation:34,r76.00 sulll'lARy **t*****ff ****t******ff *************H*********ff *****r*** .00 659.?5 P Lumbing-----> Ptan check---> Restuarant Ptan Review--> ToTAL tEES----- Totat calculated Fees---> Addi t ional, f ees---------> TotaI Permit tee--------> Pay ents------- 659.25 .00 659.25 659.25 Investigation> .00[i l.L cal.t----> 3.00 ITen: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT02/20/L997 CHARLIE Action3 APPRItbm;' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division:CHARLIE DAVISDEpt: FIRE Division: ********************************t*t*************i***************ft***********f***t*******************t**********ff*trt************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.2. ALL PLUMBING WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1994 UPC *************t************l**ff**t*******i*t******l****t:hi************ff***t*******ff****************t******ff*ff**tr.**ffi****** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read this spptication, fitLed out in ful,l, the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that at[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riith tire in?ormation and ptot irl.an,to compty vith alt Town ordinances and state taws, and to bui(d this stnucture according to'the Town,s zoning and subdivisjbn codes, design revieu approved, uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 ********************************************:t******************* TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0250 Amount; 659.25 02/27/97 11:40 Payment Method: cK Notation: *12401 rnit: DS Permit No: Parcel No:site Address: Location: Thie Paynent Account code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:659.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Deecription PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PL,AN CHECK FEES VIITL CALL INSPECTION FEE P9?-0011 TyPe: B-PLI,IB PLUMBING PERMIT 2101-053-01-007 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DR 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK RD **************************************************************** 6s9.25 659.25 .00 Amount 525 .00 131.2s 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 oRB Fee Invest i gation> Ui l,L Catt----> TOTAL fEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address I-.,ocation. . . Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC OWNER 11.79 SPRADDLE CREEK DR SIATUS...: ISSUED l-l-79 SPRADDLE CREEK RD Applied..: o2/2o/I997 2l0l-053-01-007 Is6ued...: 02/20/L997 PRJ95-0126 Expires..: 08/19/L997 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0023 Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 47 t45l .OO P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 REUNTON UNrTS 550/s52 rNC PO BOX 122 HELVETIA COURT S, ST. PETERS PORT, GUERNSEY GY Descriptionr ELECTRICAL FOR NEW SFR Valuation: FEE SUllllARY ***t*******#*****************)hft*rr****ff**********t****** E lectfi ca t---> 285.0O Totat catcutated Fees---) 288.00 .00 .00 3 .00 288.00 Additionat tees---------> TotaI Permit fee--------> Payments------- .00 288.00 288.00 BALANCE DUE---- ************r*****************f,t**************************************i*t******r*******************************t*******t********** ITem: O6OOO ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:02/20/L997 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR FOR ERNSTrtbm:'05600 Frne DnpARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division: ********ff**************ff********ff*****H***ffff**********H**********************-****************lriff*ff*********ff**t****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MSUT COMPLY WITH 1996 NEC ********************************************i**t**i*t*t*H*ff*i*******************fi********************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in tutl, the intormation fequired, cornpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as requi red is conrect. I agree to compty vith the information and p|ot pl,an, to compty vith al,l Toun ordinances and state lavs, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI,I 8:OO AI.I 5:OO PI{ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-47 9-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit #: 897-0023 APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC OWNER Etectricat---> 2E5.O0 DRB Fee lnvest i gation> Ui tt catt----> Phone: 3039491403 P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 REUNTON UNrTS 550/s52 rNC PO BOX 122 HELVETIA COURT S, ST. PETERS PORT, GUERNSEY GY Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. .Project No. 1179 SPRADDTE CREEK 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK 210 L -05 3-01-0 0 7 PRJ9 s -0 12 6 DR Status. . .RD Applied.. fssued... Expires. . Phone: 30394 2EE.00 .00 288.00 ISSUED 02 /20 / reeT o2 /20 /tee708/te /ree7 91403 DescriPtioN: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW SFR Valuation:47,45r.OO ***t******************rrt**t*****tt***rrtt*t*****t******t*** FEE SUI'll,lARY *******fft**fitrrt**********i************i******************* Totat Catculated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> TOTAL FEES---> 288.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- *t***t**********t*****t*******t*********ff*****lr*******t*********t******i*********i****t***t****tr******t*t****************i****** DeDI: BUILDING DiV1SJ-ON: .00 3 .00 Iten: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 9? 1 2 o / 12 97^CHARL Ip-^$e!.i.es; aeen02/20/t997 cHARLiE Acrion:ITbm:. 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT : APPR FOR ERNST Dept: FIRE Division: **********fi***ff*********ff***************H*****************rr**t*****Jrt*t*t*******|Hr***ff******|tt|H***************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MSUT COMPLY WITH 1996 NEC *******rr*iJr***t*****ff*************ff***rr******Jr*****************t******************tff**t*********t****t************|Hr*fft***** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful,t the information nequired, comp[eted an accurate pLot p[an, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty ]rith the infofmation and ptot ptan, to compty uith al,t ToHn ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHnrs zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Torn app(icabte thereto. REoUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE }IADE &ENTY-FoUR HoURS tN ADVAIICE BY TELEPHONE A'l 179-2138 OR AT OUR oFFICE FRoll 8:00 Al,l 5:00 Pl1 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 9't 0-47 9 -2L38 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No.....Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE I THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBS]TE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0018 ].].79 SPRADDLE CREEK 11?9 SPRADDLE CREEK 2101-0s 3-01-0 0 7 PRJ9 5-012 6 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Valuation: fof Gas Logs: ISSUED 02/20 /7ee7 02 /21, /tee7 oB /20 /1,se't DR DR APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81501 CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH gTH, GRAND JUNCTTON CO REUNION UNrTS 550/552 rNC PO BOX 122 HELVETIA COURT S, ST. Phone. 827-5724 Phone t 827-5724 81s 01 PETERS PORT, GUERNSEY GY OWNER Description: MECHANICAL FOR NEW SFR Fi reptace Information: Restricted: Y lnvest igat i on> tli L L cal.l,----> 57 t896.OO #0f tlood/PaL tet: 1 ****************************lri*t*******t****************** FEE SU!,lllARY *************ff***ff************************************* l,lechan i ca t---) 1,160.0O Restuarant Ptan Review--) Ptan check---> 290.00 DRB Fee-------- .00 Total calcu[ated tees---> 1,455.00.00 Additional, Fces---------> do{ Gas Apptiances: ? .OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 .oo1,453.00 Total Pcrmit fee--------> 1,453.@ Payments------- *****************************i*********************************************************llitllli-1ff;;;;;;;i***i*i************ill*** Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division:02/21/1997 CHARLIE Action! APPR CHARLIE DAVISII.em:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ]-991 UMC.3. INSTALI-,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPL]ANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQU]PMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1"991 UMC;6. BOILERS SIIALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICALROOM pRrOR TO 4N TNSPECTTON neOUESr.B. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT_WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEE.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC.9. PELLET STOVE MUST BE EPA AND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIV.OFCOLORADO DEPT. OF HEALTH10. ANY UNDER STIIR SPACE BEING USED FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENTMUST HAVE A 1 HOUR RATING11. AL! MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SPECS MUST BE ON SITE DURING ALLINSPECTIONS **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0250 Amount: Payment Method: VK Notation z *12401 1,453 .OO 02/27 / 97 11 : 38IniT: DS This Payment **************************************************************** Permit No ParceL NoSite Address Location Account Code 01 0000 47312 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 M97-0018 Type: B-MECH 2101-0s3-01-007 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DR 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DR MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:1,453.00 TotaL ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1, 453 .00 1,453.00 .00 Amount 1, 160.00 290.00 3.00 NonFrsO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 74-) -17 C,OTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address...:Location......:Parcel No.....:Project Number: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BE POSTED ON PERMIT AT Phone z 827-5724 Phone:827-5724 PORT, GUERNSEY GY ALL TIMES M9 7 -00l- 8 57,896.00 flof tlood/Pa l, Let: 1 .00 1 .453.00 .001.$3.n JOBS]TE Permit ll. 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DR 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DR 2101-053-01-007 PRJg 5-012 6 Status...: APPROVEDApp1ied..: 02/20/1997 rssued... : 02/21,/]-997 Expires . .. 08/20/1997 APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CO CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL 1111, souTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION CO OWNER REUNTON UNITS 550/552 rNC PO BOX 122 HELVETTA COURT S, ST. 815 01 815 01 PETERS Description: MECHANICAL FOR NEW SFR Fi reptace Information: Restricted: Y fof Gas Apptiances: ? DRB Fee------ TOTAL Valuation: fof Gas Logs: tffirtt*'rff*ffi*|tt****ffi****tttt*ti******i*ffit*** FEE SUllllARY rtrffitrffiffirilHrffi***r*rHrffi***ffi**ffi**ffi**** ltechani cat---) Ptan check---> Invest igation> tli l.l. cal.l.----> 1,160,00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ert-->.00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 1,453.00 290. @ .@ 3.00 .00 Additionat Fees--------->1,453.@ Total Permit Fee--------> EALANCE DUE----453.00********t***ff*ffir******ffi**ffi*ffi***t*****ffi***ffi*ffi*t***ff**ffiffiffiffi***tt*ffir***tnt***********iiiiiiii*** 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. '7 8. 9. 10. 11 Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:02/2L/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.COMBUSTTON AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ]-991 UMC.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I]MC.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UME. AqqEgE TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991. tMC;EOI EBS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING, PEBI4IT,B-LAN$ AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICALROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST: DBAINAGE-QE' MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT_WATERqg9Pl-,y BOTLERS SHALL BE EQUTPPED WrtH A FLOoR- Dnerr{ pen SEe-.-2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. PEI_,I,ET STOVE MUST BE EpA AND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DTV.OFCOLORADO DEPT. OF HEALTH 4lqI_UltDEB STIIR SpAqE BEING USED FOR MECHANTCAL EQUTPMENTMUST HAVE A 1 HOUR RATING4I]! UEqHANICAL EQUIPMENT SPECS MUST BE ON SITE DURING ALLINSPECTIONS ******************************************************************************** DECIJARATIONS I hcrcby acknoutcdgc that I hevc n.!d this lppticeti , fittcd out in fuLl, tha infonratian rcqui rcd, co?Lctcd er ecdrrrt. ptot Ptrr, atd strte th.t.l,t the infonntion pro\rid.d.! rcqti rGd i! corrcct. I rgrlc to coety yith th. inforFtion and ptot ptfi,to co?ty vith !l,t Toun ordinanc.3 lnd ltate [ars, end to buitd this ctnuctunc according to the Toun's loning lnd subdivision codc3, d6ign raricr. approvcd, thiforr Bui Lding Codc and othGr ordinlncls of thc Twn appticabte th.rcto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTI0I{S sH LL BE IIADE TUENTY-FOUR }OURS It{ ADV NCE BY TELEPH0NE AT 47tr-213E 0R AT 0ljR 0FFICE tROtl E:00 Ail 5:m Pil sl6il TUnE 0F otftER 0R 0 rR cToi toR HttsELf |l{D 0u1{ER TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T]MES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #, 897-0023 Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. 2101-0 5 3-01-0 07 PRJ9 5-012 6 APPROVED 02/20/ree7 02 /20 /ree7o8/re /7ee7 Issued... Expires. . Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DR SIatus... 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK RD Applied.. APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620owNER REUNTON UNITS 550/552 rNC PO BOX 122 HELVETIA COURT S, ST. PETERS PORT, GUERNSEY GY Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW SFR Valuati-onz 47,451.00 **ffi***ffi*ffi*ffi*d**tffi**t**** FEE SUlt[ARy t*t**i***t*ffiH**ffiiti*ffiffi***ffi*#* E lectni ca [---> 2E5.00 Total catcutated Fees---> 2EE.00 Additionat Fees---------> .00 Total Permit tee--------> 288.00 Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- DRB Fee .00Investigatjon> .00 l i L l. Ca l,l.----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 2E8.OO **t*ffi*ff*ffi**ffi**ti*t***ffi**i*l*ffi**tr**ffi**ffi***ffi*#r*tr***ft*r*/r**********ffff**ffi***t*ft***ff** Ileqri,gqQ90 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:02/2O/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNSTIt'en:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: **ffi****ffi ffirr*ffiHrtt*t*******ffi ff *tffi *ffi t*ffi *trRt*tt*ffi rffi *fl.ffi ffi ffi ***rffi ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MSUT COMPLY WITfi 1996 NEC ******ffi ffi***ffi ****ffi **Fi*fffi ffi *f,ffi **ffi **ffi *ffi *ffi *ffi ff ffiffi ********t*tffi ffi ****** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read.thjs application, fil,Led out in ful.t the information required, comp[eted an accurate p[ot Ptan, and state that atl the inform6tion provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compl,y with the information and ptot itan,to.compty tith atl' Torrn ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHn's zon'ing and subdivisibn codes, design reviev approved, Uniforr BuiLding Code and other ordinances ot the Tom appl,icabl,e thereto. REqUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 179-21'E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI.I 8:OO AN 5:OO PI,I SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OI.INER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: P tunbi ng-----> Ptan check---> Invest i gat ion> lli l. L Ca l,l.----> 525.00 't31.25 .00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLIJMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES #: P97-0011 .Tob Address Location... Parcel No..Proiect No. CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC 41348 U.S. HWY 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC 41348 u.S. HWY 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG REUNTON UNrTS 550/552 rNC PO BOX 122 HELVETIA COURT S, ST. PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK DR SLAIUS... 1179 SPRADDLE CREEK RD Applied.. 2101-053-01-007 Issued, . . PRJ95-0126 Expires.. APPROVED 02/20 /Lee7 02 /20 /tse708/\e /7es7 Phone t 97094902QQ E, UNrT 4, AVON, CO 81620 Phonez 970949O2AOE, UNrT 4, AVON, CO 81620 PETERS PORT, GUERNSEY GY Val-uation:34tt76.00 )t**r*rt*trlffirtftffiffiff**ffi***f*ffi*t*ffi FEE SUllllARy Restuarant Ptan Revi err--> TOTAL TEES----- .00 659 .25 Tota I catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Tota I Pernit Fee--------> Payment BALANCE DUE---- 659.?5 .00 659.25 .00 659.?5 Item: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT02/20/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppRIt.em:' 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:CHARLIE DAVISDeDt: FIRE Division: ffi t***ffi *|t*ffi ffi ***f****ffi**ffi ****ffi***ffit**ffit**rrtlt***ffi *ffi***lrffi**ffi t*ffiffi * CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PLUMBING WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1994 UPC ffi **ffi ffi **ffi ffi ff **ffi *ff tft ffiffi ff *t****t***ffi **rt*rt**ffiffirr****Rffi ****ffi *ffi ***ffi ff **** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in ful,l. the information required, compLeted an accurata ptotptan/ and state that att the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y Hith the infonmat,ion and pl,ot pl.an,to compty with al.l. Torrn ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Toun appl,icabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE IIADE TI.,ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFFTcE FROII 8:OO A}I 5:OO PII *ff***#**********ffi*********tr****i**************ffi*********S*****f******t***t****#************ff*ff***************** SIGNATURE OF OTINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII{SELF AND OIINER g*q,onv.-'6c Eagle Councy Assessors Offlce lq- lgaolnrct S OF VAIL CONSTRUCrION PERI"IIT # 695-op: pp596- O tLte Job Nane: Rnurb lnr General Description: l{ork Class: l{J-New I Number of Dnelllng Un [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Accomnodation UnLts: -7- Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. No. /g?-P Phone Nunber: %a oe--76- Address: . Plunbing Pq1- @Lt FOR OFFTCE USE BUILDING ** * ************ * *************** PI.,AN CHECK FEE: iL {fia/SfJrob Address: Legal Description: r,ot-fu aLocklU4 l.iting ,/) /, 1 'J/oerners Nane: ( 'a//4 Jrvl| /r1 Address: Architect , Har/.n Address: /# E k/ril;0, /"':'FK.Lr^,rr#' l-Alteration [ ]-Additional its: / l{umber . ryFmber and Tlpe of FJ.rep1aces: Gas Applianc'es4{ cas Logs_ Woodr/pellet_/v ___4.e ___ __f__ , ioao)* ,f********************************* UO"UteElnZF-******************************* BUTLDING: T EI,EC[nrcAL: $ q7.Y5/... oTHER: $pLWBrNc: T3@ MEcEANrcALrl@" rortia - 11==/lt*************************,** CTNIRACTOR INFORTIATION **************************tt Y:l:::l cont;1g!o1z^ !9wn of vail Res. No. //74Address: /LO t tta,< phone Nurnber: drq' /;# t/t Town of Vail Reg. NO.E Co BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERITIT FEE: UECHANICAL PERI'IIT FEE: EI.,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: X33i2!!i'Ji:EltZZ 'uI;:;"'$ ,;i:I:"H'# * ** ******** ** **** * *** ****** **** * PLWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE3 MECITANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERIIIIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: CLEAT| ITP DEPOSIT REFT'IfD 75 roulh ,rontega rosd real, colorrdo 81657 (303t 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ottlco of communlly deyclopmcnt ALL CONTRAqTORS CURREMILYL REGISTERED WITII THETOI{N OF VArL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT litARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & !{ATERTAt STORAGE rn suumar'y, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ani-soir,-ri"i, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding tras6 i"nFsters, portable toirets andworkmen vehicres. upon any streetl =ia"iair,;ii;y or publicplace or anv norri-on trreieoi. --rit. ;i;h;:;i-rii-;" arr rown ofVail streetS ina.Igag= i=-ipp""iirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be s*i;lit--enforced by the Town of vairPubric ttorks De'artDent. -i"i=6ns found vi6ratin! this ordinanceyill. be siven a 24 hour rriat;;-;"ai;1;-;;;;=said nareriar.rn the event the person so notified does-";;-;;;ply with thenotice within the 24 hour.riil-=;;;i;I;,'il"-iiliric worksDepartment wiu remove said nattii"i-ii-irr" -"*i"i=e of personnotiried- rhe provi=i"n"-or-trril-"iaiiJ; :fi5ii not beapplicable to cinstruction, ".irri"rr"rrce or repair projects ofanv street or artev or any utiriiies--i; il"-;iiii-"-*.v. To.review Ordinance.No..6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVair BuiLding Depattnent to outiin a copy. rlani you for yourcooperation on this natter. \ (i.e. contractor, owner) f*E?^ T -q? httn 75 .outh Irontlg. rold u!ll, colo''do 81657 l3o3) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 olllcc of comnunlty dcvalopmtttt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TII.IE FMI.IE If this permi.t requires 1 Towl of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineerrs. (ruuric lgtfrt review anJ ipp"orai,' i iiiiiiini'bepartnentreview'or Health Departmint-ieview, anl a_review by the nuifiinf"-"-Department' the estimated tine tor'a-totat ;ti;";,ai"Li!'as tongas three weel(s:. All corrnerc-fal frarge or smail) and ail murti-famiry permits wi'[have to follow the ibove menti6ned maximum requi"eminli.""desidentialand.sma'll projects shou'rd take a teiier amound of time. However, ifresidential or sma'[er.projects impaii tne-virious iiiJi. mlntioneddepartments with regard to-necessai.y-review, these projects mayalso take the three-weet peiioa. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi.'t as soon as possibl e. - rv I'rrbY ' !s w' l: the uhdersigned, understand the p'ran check procedure and timeframe. euA to ProjeEt-Xanre Communi ty Develooment Oepartnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WTIEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Date: .-c-ao^?7 - --\ Please answerthe following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit': 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public properfy? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) fs the driveway being repaved? 5) ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right ol way, easernents, or public propety? 7) ls a'Flevocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Gommunity Development? YES NO !f-V9u- algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Pubtic Work's office or at C9-rymu1ity Development. lf you have any questions please callGharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construstion Inspec'tor, at 479-21*. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name ;l //)./ -- . FEB-18-199? 15:83 CSICEPT l.lECHnNICfl-' INC. CONCEPT MECTIANICAL, INC. PLUMBING. HEAilNG . SYSTEM DEStcN na *$ a3aa P.aL P.O. BOX 1163 AVON, COLORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 February 18, 1997 TO: Mikc Stefunle; Bcck urd Associate+ Inc. FROIvt TimRosenRE: SmithResidence;I-at?,SpraddleCreekEsates Vail, Colorado Following this cover sheet is our rcviscd boiler room equiprnent schematic and a letter ftom tbe-gurnhasr faotory regarding their stltcd clcannces on the 800 e€ries boilers' Please cdl ifyou harrc aoy questions or conments. Thrnk you. . FEB-18-199? 14:55 CONCEPT MECHRNICRL, INC. GONCEPT MECXIAMCAL, INC. PLUMEING . HEA]ING. SYSTEM DESIGN 9?A 949 A3W P.gL P.O. BOX 1165 AVON. COLORAoo81620 PHoNE: (970) 949-0200 FAx: (970) 949.0300 February 18, 1997 TO: Mike Steimlg Beck urd Associates,Inc.FROM: TimRoscnRE: Smith Residcnce;,Lat7, Spraddle Creek Estates Vait Colorado Folowing this co'v€r shca is our gat piping sctrcrnatic sized pcr L994 I.JPC. This is based on current ir&rmaion and data zupplied to us by Beck and Associates, Ins. regarding appliance loads. Plcase callifyou barre my questions or commcnts. Thanlcyou. SUBJECI: PROJECT NUMBER: MESSAGE: FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL lr*n 2l l.?l?? tflirc-€-?*a,dA=*.COMPANY FAX NUMBER:rnou'pA{lD L{LILSrtrl+ 2t > - ln-q39€ 'v -+ frU*f ttt# Q4p3. PLASE VERIFY RECEIPT OF ALL PACES. lF ANY ARE MlsslNG' PLEASE cer,r--(sor-) 949-61 oE FoR REtRANSMlssloN- CCr ta'd 6S19 6V6 AL6 '3N3 'SNO3 SZNUC NIONU3S iFiLH, # PAGES: r) OF L BsruttR-Grrzr csulrlreElSrtEEr|,lre . tdff.! P.0. br gu4c0llB(tolg|l.alc FrfitoD{l-613E{ii* bgorod.rl FEB-18-1997 Lste'4 f, s*r-fu-twz 16:14 CO{CEPT NECHANICAL, INC.9?A 949 A3AB P.e3 }tR. BARRY-EIIGLbNNG.T. SAIIDERS CO, 3?luHFfilofltrt * so'eg (7Ersc7470l . P,.o,iox eQte Lthotillr, PA ITCCH tbEt?foR8,r{0T HESITATE T0 CoNTACT rls IF You HAVE Ar{Y ADDITIoTIAL' suBJECTT CLEARAifCES To CbllBUSilsl-ES pbR runHttAl'l K-810-st{, lEh$fifnfl'iE Ff;iltF$if1+t[JgH:H:Huh+tl$;i'Flil:!ilEiii-fr$fl:l 6,1 ; :: '' BE*T -';;r;rJ COPY nVAILABLE , ".u,.{ TOTRL P.O3 3A3 26'2 18€5 BEST COPY hrt+q. rn.rL-rEtl crnora lrrlql ttlE itltlt. cltllr. ourl|rs r nnU?Z/gU//// n/e I l.l zdlfr-uh,,- I tt o{d 'rEQ'ttttrqze! -\iw't4'P__-_'A'o 'J.,3'7'u U *-,n:^4 tFteUfi)"t 1f < .*td to t 1/9Z oir.ror! lelllLljsueJl xel puEJq .,ll'lsod ra'd oan 6ft 6tE 'f,NI . -lutr I NJHJ3I^I .l-d:tf,l.Of, Zl !91 L6r-gz-aa1 d --J ii\ i-. s \n ; iC{ ^' r.rt{-rr r-rE-t! F{- rt-"t_.r.jr. | 1-l -;-..j.--.1 : i\ i =*l-+_"i , F-Iaqcrtirrl "-X-S--:-.-i:ri Ui irti,i r- i irir--_.;rr.-.1' - 1.ll r|OO}D '^l cJrtlnro Erlr4gtq -11{tfaHII'i lnIf.&1.E!,ItD.!|qFt r ?UEa/9)//l// ///( za'd zara 6v6 aL6 'fNt .-tu3tNUH33h rd3fN0f,fBrStr 466I-81-A3i za'd turor .r, BEg? zTw*refT---_--;--/o- zz'd aaua 6v6 aL6 ,{AXII€c!,rrbtrlila@aatrailryEtg0FlGtlld r|']EtIrd;-ot lta rDrGn lE .l.Ilt*. !f,Iltt - ra Grrvlttt: SS:PT a66I-8T-S3l'f,NI'tuf INUHf3r,.l ldfSNoS "3.--BEruo r N fffl{m,,GANZE !.!€q-.uF-r. .,h:gsli:.. HFgF.€EIN$ tlZl:'7 I Ct- n, g/o.fg,<-Bnluo rn-Qrxzn COIIULT ITE' lrcttEEtt. rrc. Pr!.&$Yd.OltEtrr0F{e-a!cta(!?!Ff.6 l l{1,12 kLa Pbr.* trse.br. CO e{Ol(3I!ETD=OfG<S)2r-.J!al -Dtffi*: ffi" *n 44lqr za'd 6St9 6V6 6L6 'S.13 'SNO3 fZNU9 NIqnU:H LVz68 L€6l-Ae-A3l P!.hs SuluuIN mffi*(;ANZE Hr&hrdtrr.$lciCilsulrlrc &roo0Ol Ete lffElt. rrc. (rtE?r{koFrfIlE !-l!$ PA'd 6919 6V6 @L6 'ghErsMlf, lzNug NIqnUSS 6vt6a L66T-W-giJ .---. +==rt-r VZZZIIZ7)IA7t- Ruuu I H-[,lnzn colsul-r I 16 Erc 1IIER5. I lc. P.0. br tl Yol dt lllll(rt0prHl08 F!.O?0)9.Hl5e lll{Z D|ri. Ud tl|'.9bt6 Gob\ C0 A101 tso5)2ltr{rzDlc0otE t-$$ tr so'd 6S19 6V6 '9N3 '5N03 3Zr.U5 NIqnU3S 6v,64 L66l-6,e-fI=J P.OE!9 ' Ydl co lltll BEAUD I N [*s*hiJ5r$ GANZE S1E'rr-'kt Col3utl 1116 cdL\ o D{lll EllCllEEtS. lrc. lrotl2'l-tuo fqd$D2tE-!6alt tl DNE '4f77fl< 65T9w)'d 'oN:l 'sNof 3zNU5 Nlqru3g ASi6A L66T-Ae-A3J Bnluo tu-Glnzn OOISULTIIO Et0t lEEls. ltc. P-0. 8q $lt{c0cr6i lgro)ll{Hlclcbto)e€{ls l{ll2 lhtr ld Filt' $lb lglt Od&r.@&1Ol E05l27E-e0 fq:(lc1l2?l-!Pcl lfi'd 6sT9 'cN3 '5N03 3ZNU9 NI0nU38 trSf6A L66l-AZ-A3,t TIlRn.ruulrt UDjZl-qlrxzn Ztt4.',Sillhl:ii..7'l- PlL Aot J0 Yd. @ llrst (97019{{-fl{l acEOtl,F{HrS l{llZ D.rrr lql PhtSt lS 3ZNU9 Nt0nU3S IS:6@ LffiI-W-S3t Rnluo t l-(rxzn gollsulT lre Ellc I lElr!. I rG. 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